Bennett Medical College – 1895 Graduation Program

1895 Graduation Program

27th Annual Commencement Exercises
Tuesday afternoon, March 26th, at 2 o’clock
Hooley’s Theatre, Chicago

Program: Overture Mignon, Ambrose Tomas, Hooley’s Theatre Orchestra
Invocation: Rt. Rev. Samuel Fallows
Vocal: “Jewel Song,” Faust,- – -Gound Mrs. Genevra Johnstone Bishop
Report of Secretary, – – – O. O. Baines, M.D.
Conferring of Degrees, – – – H. K. Whitford, M.D. 1st vice President
Dances of Henry VIII
[a] “Moordish Dances,
[b] “Sheperd’s Dance – – – by German.
[c] “Torch Dance,”
Valedictory Address – – – A. J. Weaver
[a] Sieveking – – – Wooing
[b] Donizetti – – – La Zingara
Mrs. Genevra Johnstone Bishop.
Address – – – Rev Carlos Martyn
Two Step March – – – Lozani


Oscar O. Barnes, M. D.
E. F. Beucking, M. D.
O. M. Blood, M. D.
Anson L. Clark, A. M., M. D. Dean 
Finley Ellingwood, M. D.
Samuel Fallows, A. M., M. D.
E. J. Farnum, M. D.
Jessie G. Forrester, M. D.
A. L. Freund, M. D.
N. A. Graves, M. D.
W. H. Hipp, M. D.
J. Frank Hubert, M. D.
H. H. Latimer, M. D.
Howard N. Lyons, M. D.
George W. McFatrich, M. D.
J. B. McFatrich, M. D.
Arthur H. Reading, M. D.
E. M. Reading, A. M., M. D. 
J. V. Stevens, M. D.
A. W. Strong
John Tascher, M. D..
Julius H. Tascher, M. D.
F. E. Thornton, M. D.
H. S. Tucker, A. M., M. D.
L. L. B. Arthur Weir Smith, M. D.
H. E. Whitford, M. D.
H. K. Whitford, M. D.
A. L. Willard, M. D.

Class of “95”

John Aberly
L. H. Baldwin
Alice C. Bellows
Harry F. Bennett  
C. H. Blair
Wm. Blauw
Chas. Boehm   
R. S. Brown
R. C. Brophy
A. Caird
A. A. Duclos
Eli Eastman
S. P. Falconer
S. S. Felker
J. Friedman
R. Hutter
B. B. Masten
Emma J. Meyers  
F. A. Winslow Merton   
A. Novak
A. N. Perlman
W. A. Pratt
Frank J. Quirk
J. B. Roe
R. M Tafel
A. J. Weaver
M. Wilkenlow
J. A. Williams   

Class Officers:

President     Secretary     Vice-President     Treasurer     Valedictorian
J. B. Roe     L. H. Baldwin     H. F. Bennett     S. S. Felker     A. J. Weaver

Executive Committee:

Merton Eli Eastman   A. N. Perlman   W. A. Pratt

Contributed Jun 1999 by Eugene A. Eastman

Aquinas High School

East 72nd Street, Chicago, IL

1935 Yearbook
Albano, ViolaDalloz, MurielMiner, MaryScully, Louise
Ardon, MargaretDarcy, AliceMurney, LillianShaffer, Dorothy
Bales, ElaineDoyle, FrancesMulcahy, Genevieve   Steffan, Mary
Barclay, MurielGunning, MaryNelson, BernitaSullivan, Loretta
Barry, MargaretHall, MaryNeuwirth, EleanoreSummer, Mary
Bartley, MaryKordick, RitaO’Connell, HelenSurges, Rosalie
Brennan, MaryLarson, MargaretO’Connor, EileenTappendorf, Mary
Bruene, ElizabethLaughlin, VictoriaO’Dea, MaryThulis, Mary
Burke, VeronicaListon, MaryOehmen, RitaTietz, Mercedes
Callopy, CarolMcCarthy, EvelynPark, RosemaryToolan, Eleanor
Cavanaugh, LaVergne   McCarty, ElizabethPrather, MaryVanArkel, Dorothy
Charles, AliceMcDearmon. RuthReger, BernadineVaughan, Mary
Cherne, AliceMcDonough, KathrynRiley, MaryWalsh, Elizabeth
Clark,. GeraldineMcKay, CelineRowbotham, MaryWood, Bettina
Clifford, KathrynMailey, RuthRyan, HelenWotell, Jeanne
Clifford, MaryMarcinkevich, Frances   Sammons, RitaYoung, Rita
Cosgrove, MargaretMauss, CatherineSayre, Mary 
Crandall, MaryMaxwell, ElsieSchavone, Charlotte 
Cronin, DorothyMelchior, GertrudeSchevers, Mary 
1936 Yearbook
Armstrong, Florence   Hannon, CatherineMcCaughey, BetteRichter, Betty
Berk, AnnamarieHelme, MarqueriteMcGuire, MargaretRodenkirch, Adelaide
Brankin, LucilleHogan, GloriaMcGowan, Georgene   Rosse, Betty
Cahill, BetteJackson, BettyMcInerney, RitaRyan, Catherine
Collins, MargaretJohnson, VirginiaMcNerney, EileenSayre, Frances
Cowan, EthelKappelman, VirginaMagee, ZonaSchubert, Catherine
Cassidy, LaVergneKennedy, Rosemary   Metevier, RitaSlattery, Lenore
Devine, VirginiaKelley, HelenMiller, MaryStrauch, Anita
Dilger, BettyKill, MaryMitchell, AliceSullivan, Rita
Donahue, MaryKoestner, FrancesMorgan, EileenThulis, Gertrude
Dragel, AdelineKinnucan, BarbaraMorley, JeanTupy, Dorothy
Dunleavy, BerniceKinsella, MaryMulcahy, JoanTattersfield, Charlotte
Feeney, MaryKlim, EstherO’Brien, PatriciaWatson, Margaret
Foody, KathleenKonen, EileenO’Halloran, HelenWilschke, Maxine
Freedman, EvelynLaVigne, YvonneO’Malley, MaryWeil, Louise
Griffin, ReginaLynch, MargueritePink, Helen 
Hafner, IthaLynch, BernadettePorter, Genevieve 
1937 Yearbook
Beck, MildredGunning, KathrynLeck, MargaretQuinn, Kathryn
Bloom, HelenHaase, BettyLong, PatriciaRausch, Lauretta
Brink, EthelynHannon, JaneLynch, MercedesRies, Helen
Brown, RitaHanney, EileenMaher, MaryRowbotham, Jeanne
Brown, DorothyHarshman, NancyMayer, BettieSamas, Frances
Cahill, MaryHartnett, HelenMcCall, LucilleSazma, Virginia
Carlson, DorothyHeffernan, Marjorie   McDonald, SuzanneSchaeflein, Ann
Carney, RuthHempel, JeanneMcDonald, MarilynSchenker, Maxine
Carroll, MarqueriteHodges, RitaMcGreal, BerniceSheeren, Betty
Carter, MaryHughes, BettyMcInerney, MarySnyder, Geraldine
Cheatham, Virginia   Hussey, MaryMcMahon, JoanSobocinski, Helen
Coakley, EileenJordan, MaryMitchel, MarjorieStand, Evelyn
Coakley, NoreenKaplan, BettyMurray, NoreenStanton, Anne
Cusack, LavergneKay, BettyNewhafer, CarolSullivan, Laurine
Daly, MaryKelly, MarqueriteO’Brien, LorraineSwitzer, Catherine
Danko, BerniceKleifges, MaryO’Brien, EleanorTaylot, Evelyn
Flanigan, CeciliaKordick, CatherineO’Flaherty, MaryTyrrell, Jayne
Fuelner, MargaretLally, EleanorO’Reilly, LorettaWhite, Betty
Gilham, VirginiaLaughlin, MargeryPennington, Celeste   Williams, Jane
Gillogly, BettyLaVigne, MargaretPetersen, Virginia 
Greene, RosemaryLawlor, MaryPiskozub, Frances 
1938 Yearbook
Begg, RamonaEllison, CatherineLiddy, MaryRothermel, Marion
Bohac, LydiaFelthouse, MarcellaLuken, MaryRutae, Marion
Brennan, AliceFink, EileenMack, JeanneRyan, Margaret
Burke, ElizabethFunsten, HelenMarvis, RitaSamas, Sophia
Callopy, MarcellaGordon, MaryMatlack, MarySchindler, Betty
Cannon, MaryGreening, MaryMeans, MarcellaSchrack, Anita
Carrere, RosemaryGross, Helen,Meehan, MaryShurpit, Lorraine
Chittenden, Kathryn   Hafner, JuneMcCarthy, MonicaStatesly, Lillian
Connell, AnnHafner, JuneMcClain, PatriciaSt. John, Patricia
Connolly, EileenHannapel, JeanneMcGarrity, KathrynStocks, Helen
Cooney, EllenHoessler, BerniceMcDonough, ElenoreStrauch, Doris
Corboy, JeanneHoover, MaryMcNally, MaryToole, Gertrude
Cronin, KathleenJay, PatriciaMoran, MargaretTrock, Dorothy
Cyckowski, SylviaKalata, AnnaMurray, LucilleVerhoven, Jayne
Delaney, HelenKarolczak, ElaineMusic, RamonaWaffle, Patricia
Dillon, MargaretKelly, FrancesNardi, RosemaryWalsh, Catherine
Donnellan, MurielKennedy, EileenNeuwirth, LillianWalsh, Shirley
Dougan, GraceKennedy, Genevieve   O’Connor, Genevieve   White, Rosemary
Duffy, KathleenKercher, HelenOliver, MitziWirtz, Patricia
Dunne, OttilieKlim, GracePavlak, MarcellaWolf, Myrtle
Dunn, KathrynLally, MargaretProsapio, MaryYoung, Edna
Ellis, MaryLawler, JuliaRobinson, Mary 
1939 Yearbook
Andres, MarionEngler, MarjorieKoranda, AnnaOlis, Jeanne
Arneson, BettyFigel, MaryLaBarbara, JeanO’Rourke, Harriett
Athern, RitaFoley, RitaLee, RosePrendergast, Marcella
Bachli, MurielGallaher, GailLenegan, PatriciaQuigley, Rose
Baur, MaryGau, LoisLeonard, NancyRabbitt, Mary
Beggs, EdnaGay, VirginiaLinehan. CatherineRausch, Elaine
Bennett, ArdathGayer, AnnLucid, JosephineRyan, Mary
Boyce, EileenGerrietts, MaryMcAvey, PatriciaSantori, Florence
Bresnehan, MaryGilham, GloriaMcCarthy, EvelynSchaberg, Mary
Brice, KathleenGray, MaryMcClain, AileenSchoen, Marion
Brooks, MarieGrimm, BettyMcDonough, Josephine   Schaub, Dorothy
Burke, AliceHackel, DorisMcGreal, VirginiaSheehan, Ruth
Burlingame, EdnaHafner, CarolMcGuan, KathrynSimon, Marion
Burns, AnitaHakes, LorettaMack, GretchenSimons, Margie
Buttell, JaneHalloran, Frances    Marshall, MargieSmith, Mary
Byrnes, HazelHancock, JeanMessler, LoisStanton, Betty
Byron, Ellen,Hanlon, DeloresMicone, JohannaStech, Rosemary
Callahan, LorettaHastings, BettyMiller, MaryStocks, Louise
Capouche, Genevieve    Hladilek, BlancheMitchell, PatriciaSweeney, Lorraine
Carpenter, PatriciaHoral, JacquelineMoran, AnnaThorpe, Eleanor
Clegg, KathrynHorton, MaryMoriarty, EleanorTyson, Martha
Connor, MarianJamieson, MaryMueller, LorraineVaughn, Jane
Conroy, CatherineJann, LoisMuller, JacquelineVeeneman, Mary
Damrell, PatriciaJohns, HelenMurphy, LynnWaddick, Elaine
Danko, FrancesJoyce, AnneMurphy, MaryWalsh, Loretta
Dillon, GeraldineKaufmann, GraceNeagle, MaryWalsh, Mary
Dillon, Shirley,Kean, RitaNee, MarjorieWithers, Rosemary
Dillon, Honore,Kehoe, PatriciaNora, MarjorieWithers, Dolly
Dooley, AnnaKinsella, MargaretO’Brien, MarionWoolums, Dorothy
Dowdle, MaryKinnuean, MitziO’Connell, NellWrightsman, Ruth
Duff, MaryKlug, HelenO’Farrell, Miriam 
Embach, LorraineKoestner, MaryO’Hara, Helen 
1939 Yearbook – Juniors (expected graduating Class of 1940)
Anderson, RitaCrowe, PatriciaHurney, JuanitaNugent, Marie
Angsman, PatriciaCrowley, KathleenJann, EleanorO’Hara, Betty
Arzbecker, RuthCurley, MarieJones, AliceO’Hara, Margaret
Barrett, AnnaDawson, MaryKappelman, Dorothy   Olenick, Sylvia
Bergin, MaryDissette, JoanKehoe, DelphineOliver, Doris
Birge, LetitiaDonahue, MargaretKelly, DorothyO’Neil, Veronica
Blake, BettyDougherty. Gertrude   Kinney, MariePaulson, Dorothea
Bobber, LorraineDougherty, MaryKlein, PaulinePennington, Billy Ann
Bohlman, MarjorieErlach, MonicaLaFrancois, MaryPetersen, Rosemary
Book, HelenFlanagan. JeanneLee, HelenPhillipp, Anna
Boysen, DoloresFlanagan, LaVerneMahaffy, KathleenReidy, Mary
Brim, HillaryFleming, FlorenceMaloney, MaryRyan, Betty
Brouillette, Margaret   Folliard, MaryMarkey, VirginiaSauer, Margaret
Bryar, LorraineFunsten, GloriaMarvet, AnnaSayre, Jeanne
Buchanan, JeanFurlong, MarionMatusewicz, EvelynSlattery, Coletta
Burke, DoloresGaffney, YvonneMaxwell, LoisStiller, Pauline
Busch, JuneGallagher, KathleenMcCarthy, FrancesVan Emelon, Mae
Canavan, HelenGallaher, PeggyMcNally, AgnesVan Reeth, Shirley
Carney, BethGleason, ElaineMcNamee, DorothyWaddick, Kathleen
Carrigan, MaryGoddard, ShirleyMeyers, ElaineWalsh, Dorothy
Christy, RitaGunning, EileenMeyers, JuneWargos, Ethel
Clancy, FlorenceHanley, GertrudeMiller, CharlotteWatterson, Gertrude
Clark, MargaretHarrington, AliceMiller, LucilleWelch, Suzanne
Collins, MaryHay, KatherineMills, MaryWherity, Regina
Condon, MargaretHeflebower, HelenMoran, AnnaWilkinson, Dorothy
Connelly, CatherineHoessler, VirginiaMoriarty, JeanneWinblad, Mary
Cramer, ElsieHowe, KathleenMurphy, SuzanneWinterfield, Eileen
Cramer, MargueriteHowell, VirginiaNolan, BettyWittlieb, Betty
1939 Yearbook – Sophomores (expected graduating Class of 1941)
Albade, HelenCrowley, MaryHoward, JeanNelson, Florence
Anderson, RitaCunningham, LeeHuston, MaryNugent, Loretta
Baker, BettyDelaplane, MarjorieHusslein, GertrudeO’Connor, Delores
Baker, RuthDevitt, DorothyJansen, ShirleyQuant, Lorraine
Bantsolas, MaryDiNicola, EsterinaKelly, GraceReis, Delphine
Billings, HelenDilts, CleoKelley, MaryScheibel, June
Bonniwell, MaryDixon, EilishKendall, MarySchroeder, Jacqueline
Boyd, HenriettaDoran, MaryKing, MaryShaw, Betsy
Bowen, DeloresDougherty, JaneKinnally, MarieSimonsen, Virginia
Boyle, ElaineFeeney, MarjorieLally, NancySonin, Jean
Brookman, MaryFerraro, GeraldineLasky, JeanStefanski, Rosemary
Brown, BarbaraFerris, RosalieLavin, HelenStrubb, Carol
Brumleve, DoloresFigel, IreneLeber, DeloresSt. Clair, Joan
Buttell, RosemaryFitzpatrick, MaryLeitch, JeanSullivan, Mary
Byrnes, JeanneFlaherty, LucyLyk, EstherSweeney, Peggy
Caracciola, DoraFoley, MargaretMcCarthy, ColetteThomas, Rita
Clark, MarieFrick, BarbaraMcCarthy, Rosemary   Thompson, Patricia
Costello, LouiseGander, CharleneMcDermott, PatriciaTorpey, Margaret
Callaghan, MaryGau, AnritaMcDonnell, MaryTortello, Mary
Cavanaugh, CarylGarvin, RosemaryMcGeever, BettyTremmel, Dorothy
Cottrell, MaryGeisinger, RuthMcGrath, JaneTrude, Patricia
Carmody, PatriciaGradl, ElizabethMaloney, AnnaVan Lent, Dorothy
Conroy, LorraineGradl, EvelynMartin, WandaWeber, Virginia
Connelly, JuliaGrady, MaryMills, GeraldineWills, Alice
Cox, MarydithHartnett, Marianne   Moran, EleanorWilson, Lois
Cramsie, DorothyHirsh, MarilynMulcahy, MaryWithington, Jean
Croake, RitaHletko, MarthaNegri, LucilleWolfe, Mary
Crowley, Margaret   Hogan, PatriciaNeilson, Nellirose 

Contributed Nov 1998 by Bob Grimm.

Amundsen High School

1939 June Graduating Class
Abbott, June E.Florzak, LorraineKernan, WilliamPlomin, Joseph W
Acker, Madalyn L.*Foelsch, Norma BKettell, Lorraine LPolachek Carolyn M
Adams, FlorenceFoster, Bette L*Kiewitz, Annabelle G*Pollensky, Elinor L
Affolter, Lillian IFoster, Daniel HKilfoy, Edward JPotampa Shirley 1
Akerman, Richard BFrauen, AnitaKimball, Irene MPropst Ottilia S
Allan, Virginia MFreiwald, RuthKincanon, EdithRapport Hetbert
Aman, Richard C*Furer, Bernharda SKindlund, Lucille M*Rauschert, Lois C
Ammon, CarolineFustier, Nancy SKing, Jeanne FReich, Richard F
Anderson, Elizabeth KGaines, Daniel GKirchwehm, Mildred JReinhardt, William E
Anderson, EvelynGaLauner, Anne MKlein, Marvyn BReuter, Albert A
Anderson, William HGallivan, Marjorie JKIug, Louisa ARheingans Arthur W
Andrews, Jean EGarrity, Margaret M*Knaus, Lorraine ARickwardt, Lsther G
Andros, ClaraGates, Marion JuneKniel, Betty PlumRieck Evelyn M
Angelopoulos, LouisGerhardt, PhilipKoeller, James GRiley Dorothy P
Ansenberger, Helene M *Glenn, LeonaKohl, Arlyne DRobinson M Eileen
*Beery, Virginia PGlorck Grace L*Kraus, Edith F*Rodger, Maragret
Bellman, Irene F*Glowen Eileen GKreissl, Leonard J*Rood, Joseph L
Bergquist, RalphGoelz, Lillian MKreutzer, Robert G*Rosenberg, Amelia A
Bernard, Richard JGoertz, LaverneKronenburger, Dorothy Rosenthal, Elaine
Bernhard, DorothyGoldberg, EdytheKuhnen, Robert MRydstedt Eugene D
Biewald, Christine MGould, Richard AKunter, RuthSalmon Donald P
Blomquist, Doris LGranquist, Inger MayLamb, Jack JSamuel, Florence L
Blumel, Virginia BGrayson, Lotta Mae*Lambros, Evanthia BSchlaiss, Rita K
Bock Lillian*Greanias, ElaineLangony, Loretta RSchlumpf, Henry
Bolling, Henry WGregory, NickLarson, Elsie MSchmied, Clara D
Borchert, Robert LGregory, Rex WLeboer, Shirley RSchroeder, Ingeborg A
*Britt, William C*Griessmer, NormaLetto, Verle ASchulz, Lorraine M
Broxham, Walter AGriffith, RichardLevin, Irving HSchultz, June M
Bruce, Patricia A*Grirnes, Geraldine RLiden, MargaretSegerdahl, Carolynn E
Buckely, Fred JGrinde, Alice GLiebezeit, Gunther PSpikings, Betty Mae
Buckie, Ruth HGroble, Eileen GLiljenberg, Lorraine ESmenos, Marie
Burris, BeatriceHagner, Gustav ELundquist, P ElaineStafford, Warren
Buss, Blanche AHall Robert JLynch, Robert HStathopul, Katherine H
*Cacioppo, FrankHammer, BettyLyons, John JSteinboff, Margherita
Cain, Robert LHansen, Hilda MMacArthur, Jane TStephens, James
Caine, Julia PHartmann, Fred EMaddox, RussellStevens, Muriel
Cardwell, RosemaryHechrnann, Charlotte C Magidson, AnnabelStieren, Margaret J
*Carl, Goldie FHeed Florence MayMagnuson, David W*Strand, Philip R
Carlson Dorothy*Heffron, Gertrude RMahoney, FrancesStryker, Genevieve D
Carlson June LHengl, Betty CMariotti, JeanneStuke, Violet T
Catanzaro, Marie AHering, FlorenceMartin, Jeanne MSwanson, Clark
*Chakoian, Henry MHill, Edna RMatt, Charles W*Swanson, Verona R
Clark, ShirleyHinds, NormaleeMatzko, IreneSweeney, Loume M
Cohen, Philip H*Hirsch, Robert AMcKune, AlyceSymons Stanley E
Conway, Jean CHitchens, Lorraine MMeuser, AlfredTabor, Betty Jane
Copher, Robert L.*Hoelter, June PMeyer, Gilbert GTerry, Jeanne
Cordes, Jack G.Holleb David MMichael, Mary AThornton Mary H
*Correll, Evelyn C.Holz, Robert FMiller, PatriciaThuerk Delories 0
Cronin, Jrene MHopper, Gloria MMockler, John TTopping, Dorothy R
Dahlberg, Margaret R*Hunter, Helen Sue*Mueller, William JTrier, Mabel D
Dahlberg, Melba EHurtienne, HarriettMulhollem, Robert FVan Patten, Ruth P
Danielson, Eleanor VHussar, Eleanor JMurphy, Robert CVistain, James
Dare, GraceJacobs, DorothyNaegele, William*Vitogianes, Sophie
Delahanty, Mary EJacobs, Milton RNauschultz, LaVerne BViahandreas, Florence
Delles, Kathryn AJeannides, Marion ANess, Richard HVoss Dolores R
Donahue, John MJersey, ElaineNicholl, William JWade, Robert V
Donaldson, Priscilla AJohnson Charles RNiklasch, FrancesWalbert, Elsie P
Downs, BettyJohnson, EdwinNoble Marjorie LWard, John R H
Draths, John AJohnson Frank 0Noble, Mildred IWarne Shirlee
Draths, Richard MJohnson, Harry COdegaard, Clara GWeise, Arthur P
Dugo, MarieJohnson Junelaine*Olson, Lillian EWeise, Shirlee A
Duke JeanJohnson, Lawrence FOlson Marjorie JWeiss Harry
Dumke, Erich WJohnson, Mabel FOros, Margaret LWagner John A
Ecklund, DorothyJohnson, Margie R*Osgood, Nancy PWahigren Vincent P
Eldred, Betty PJohnston, Lester EOtt, Virginia FWaIver Douglas R
Engstrorn, Richard W*Jonesku, ElizabethPersehon, June BWidmer Robert A
*Erickson, Ethel IJergensen, Elaine EPeter, June MWilson, Miriam P
*Faellaci, Shirley W*Juluis, Audrey LPeterson, Betty AnnWittmeyer, William F
*Fagerstrom, June EKagen Irving NPeterson, DorisYoungrnan, Norma P
Feigenheimer, MarionKaveney, William FPfeifer, Mary M 
Flatt, Shirley LKearns, John BPfeiffer, Lorraine H 
Fleming, LorraineKelley, Joyce LPine Jeanette 

*Holders of Gold Honor Pin

Contributed Jul 1999 by Debbe A. Hagner

Organization Records

A.F. & A.M.
Cicero Lodge No. 955
Austin Blvd
Cicero, Illinois

The following Master Masons signed a petition requesting a new club be formed.
The peition was presented on Sept. 27, 1911.

Thomas E. WhitchurchBerwyn Lodge #839Berwyn, Ill
John T. PaulyBerwyn Lodge #839Berwyn, Ill
Thomas M. BargerMazon Lodge #826Mazon, Ill
William W. WatersOnalaska Lodge #214Onalaska, WI
William G. HoweColumbian Lodge #819Chicago, Ill
George PabstBerwyn Lodge #839Berwyn, Ill
Fred W . SmithGarden City Lodge #141Chicago, Ill
Charles F. RainsMetropolitan Lodge #860Chicago, Ill
Isaac N. PriceBerwyn Lodge #839Berwyn, Ill
William L. StevensBerwyn Lodge #839Berwyn, Ill
Frank H. FosterBerwyn Lodge #839Berwyn, Ill
Charles F. MarkleyBerwyn Lodge #839Berwyn, Ill
John W. WorksColumbian Lodge #36Brattleboro, VT
Samuel C. OlderOnalaska Lodge #214Onalaska, WI
Thomas W. LewisCleveland Lodge #211Chicago, Ill
Charles F. W. LangefeldArcana Lodge #717Chicago, Ill
Edmond BrooksBerwyn Lodge #839Berwyn, Ill
John F. SlapakBerwyn Lodge #839Berwyn, Ill
William HarrisBerwyn Lodge #839Berwyn, Ill
Elzy F. DowneyWestern Star Lodge #240Champaign, Ill
Richard K. FreemanMuncie Lodge #433Muncie, In
George H. MillerColumbian Lodge #819Chicago, Ill
Joseph PruegertVeritas Lodge #926Chicago, Ill
Oresta W. YoungeLincoln Park Lodge #611Chicago, Ill
Mineto F. MillsGrand Crossing Lodge #776Chicago, Ill
Charles HancockBerwyn Lodge #839Berwyn, Ill
Edwin E. LovejoyBerwyn Lodge #839Berwyn, Ill
Louis MongreigBerwyn Lodge #839Berwyn, Ill
James LeighBerwyn Lodge #839Berwyn, Ill
James S. RylandsBerwyn Lodge #839Berwyn, Ill


On March 20, 1912 Cicero Lodge U. D. (Under Dispensation) was institued with the following officers:

Louis MongreigWorshipful Master
Richard K. FreemanSenior Warden
James LeighJunior Warden
William W. WatersTreasurer
Edwin E. LovejoySecretary
Tomas W. BargerChaplain
Fred W. SmithSr. Deacon
Tomas W. LewisJunior Deacon
Thomas E. WhitchurchSenior Steward
William G. HoweJunior Steward
Elzy F. DowneyMarshall
Samuel C. OlderTyler


Cicero Lodge #955 A.F. & A.M. received its Charter on November 6, 1912 and the above officers remained in their respective chairs.

The constituting officers representing the Grand Lodge of Illinois were as follows:

Harry W. hrveyGrand Master
David D . KingDeputy Grand Master
Harry A. DeverSenior Grand Warden
William H. BiedJunior Grand Warden
William GallerGr and Treasurer
Roscoe C. ClarkGrand Secretary
Henry E. Van LoonGrand Chaplain
Hacen H. MeinerGrand Orator
Howard R. ApplegateGrand Pursivant
Andrew McNallyGrand Marshal
John T. GreenGrand Standard Bearer
Parlance A. MacFarlaneSenior Grand Deacon
Robert C. DyrenforthJunior Grand Deacon
George C. DiverSenior Grand Steward
Louis KrocJunior Grand Steward
Simeon C. BeebeGrand Tyler
Frank W. YoungMember of Oldest Lodge

Symbol Bearers:

William H. Chilvers, Jr.
Frederick B. Shafer
Charles F. Rains
Clifford Gould

Past Worshipful Masters of Cicero Lodge #955 A.F. & A.M.

1912-13Louis Mongreig
1914James Leigh
1915Fred W. Smith
1916Tomas W. Lewis
1917Charles F. Rains
1918William G. Howe
1919Clifford G ould
1920Richard D. Bonnamy
1921James O. Cervinka
1922Charles G. Youndt
1923Thomas M. Chisholm
1924James Cerny
1925Andrew G. Dovin
1926William F. Hall
1927Charles Hajek
1928William N. Johnston
1929John R. Kimmel
1930Emil C. Schwichtenberg
1931Earl Livingston
1932Harold E. Day
1933Edward Bubl
1934Joseph F. Benetka
1935Frank M. Ciboch
1936Edward G. Anderle
1937August J. Hrivnak
1938Joseph F. Houdek
1939Baldwin C. Eilers
1940Henry Krejci
1941William Kubik
1942Herbert H. Greenwald
1943Frank J. Valchar
1944Otto C. Spacek
1945Theodore D. Roman
1946Edward J. Novak
1947Elmer F. Kozak
1948Peter Brontsema
1949Arthur E. Keine
1950John M. Tuma
1951Henry M. Writer
1952Charles J. Tesar
1953Michael Shugar
1954Edwin B. Drs
1955Anton J. Kolsky
1956Edward M. Blazek
1957Erwin Kucera
1958John Pater
1959Robert J. Pa chman
1960Earl E. Baumruck
1961Miles W. Curda
1962Ted G. Adams


1912 Apr 30 Membership Roster

BARGER, Thomas M. *
BROOKS, Edmund+
BRUCE, William A.+
CAPPS, Richard A .
CHILVERS, William H., Jr.+
COLIGAN, Michael H.+
DOWNEY, Elzy F.*
FOSTER, Frank H.+
FREEMAN, Richard K.*
GOULD, Clifford+
HANCOCK, Charles+
HARRIS, William *
HOWE, William G.
HUGHES, George H.+
LANGEFELD, Charles F. W .*+
LEIGH, James +
LEWIS, Thomas W .+
LOVEJOY, Edwin E .*
LUCE, Frederick A.+
MARKLEY, Charles F.
MAXWELL, Raymond G.*
MILLER, George H.+
MOREY, Charles M.
OLDER, Samuel C.
PABST, George+
PAULY, John T .+
PRICE, Isaac N.+
PRUEGERT, Joseph *
RAINS, Charles F.
RAMSEY, George W., Jr.*
REHAK, James+
ROBERTS, Robert B.+
ROBINSON, Thomas W.+
ROSE, Albert F. *
ROSS, John
SCHAFER, Frederick B.*
SCHICK, John H.*
SLAPAK, John F.+
SMITH, Frederick W.
STEVENS, William L.+
WATERS, William W .+
WORKS, John W.+
YOUNG, Oresta W .+
* Demitted (member transfered from another lodge)
+ Deceased as of 50th. Anniversary in 1962


Rosters of New Members

BAYLES, Albert J.*
BENZ, John *
BERMAN, Jacob D.+
BONNAMY, Richard D.*
ERBECK, Albert F. *
GASPER, Theodore
HART, Erskine+
HOOD, Jacob J+
KLENK, Lorenz W.*
KOCH, Edward C. *
LAMPE, Ernest+
LANGOSCH, Albert A.+
MONGREIG, Nicholas+
VALECKA, Albert W.+
ANDERSON, Charles I.+
ANTOS, Joseph+
BERMAN, Benjamin A.+
BOVA, Samuel B. V.+
CMOLIK, Groge +
DAVIS, Fred C.+
FISCHER, Anton J.+
FLEMING, Ernest J.+
GEORGE, Karl H.+
GRANT, August+
JACOBSON, Andrew J.+
KUTTA, Albert+
MARIN, Fred L.+
PHILLIPS, Samuel,+
THOMPSON, Charles E.+
TOUCHA, Frank J.+
UTZ, Emil B .+
WECLEW, Mrion *
YUNDT, Charles G.+
ADAMSON, Thomas J.+
BORG, Andrew E.*
BUBBITZ, Charles A .*
CADA, Charles M.*
DEAN, Charles W.
DRENTH, Thomas+
FUCHS, William
HALBECK, Frank X.+
HARKINS, Emmett+
HLAVA, Emil*
HODOVAL, William.
KIRKWOOD, Robert C . *
KRAMER, Michael N.
LEWIS, Henry
McCOY, Robert H.*
MURRAY, Alexander W.+
NEAL, Thomas J.+
REESE, Thomas+
RIX, Oscar E.
SAMPLE, William E .+
SMITH, Clarence F.*
STACK, George Jr.
VACHTA, Anton*
WENZEL, Charles E. *
YIRAK, Julius F.+
BREBIS, Joseph
BROMM, William F .*
BURBANK, Frank H.+
EICHOLZ, William
FISCHER, Edward P.+
HADDEN, George E .+
HANUS, Frank
HESS, Charles
HULA, Robert
JOSEPH, George C .+
KRAJICEK, Daniel P.*
LANG, Frederick A .+
LEWIS, John H.
MEICKE, Frederick A .+
MERRIAM, Alfred C.*
OLSON, Adiel+
REED, James R.*
ROGERS, William G .+
SIMMONS, Byron F. *
STIBAL, James M.+
STROBEL, Edward J.+
THYFAULT, Arhtur J.+
TUREK, Edward J.+
WELLS, Oren H.+
DAVIS, Calvin F.+
CLARK, Arthur W .
DOVIN, Andrew G .
DYKAST, Joseph F.+
FRANZEN, Herbert W. *
GALLA, Jerry+
HAVELL, Thomas+
HERMANN, Alfred M.+
HOF FMAN, John A. *
HRUBES, Frank L.+
JILK, Fr ank J.+
KOLAR, John E .+
MILLER, William H.*
PACL, Robert A.
PANEK, James T.
PATTERSON, C harles P.*
PAVLICEK, Bohumil J.+
POOLE, John H.+
POSVIC, Clyde C. *
PR EPP, Edward G . +
PTACEK, Jerry J.+
RADOUS, Anthony +
RAYSPIS, William J.
RICHTER, Rudolph
SHULZE, George F .*
STRNAD, George +
TUHACEK, Joseph , Jr.
URBAN, Charles F .+
VAN, Bernard H.*
VILNA, Bret L.+
YUNDT, Adolph
ZEKL, Joseph A.
CHRISTEN, Herman A .+
DAHLEEN, Arthur F.
JANNENGA, William N.+
KIMBALL, William G .+
LANDESS, Robert J.*
LEGAT, John L. *
LUB Y, Thomas J. *
MAAS, Charles W . P.+
OTT, Henry+
PAGE, C lyd e W. *
RAUSCH, Frank C .
RAYSPIS, Joseph J.+
RICHTER, Stanley A .
STARY, Frank Jr.
TESAR, Frank J.+
TULACH, Washington H.
TURNER, James A .+
UR BANEK, Benjamin+
WEGNER, George C.
WINTER, Edwin P.+
WOLFF, Arthur G .*
ZANTESON, Arhtur E.+
ASIRE, Harry F.+
BELL, Emerson D .
BERBER, Fredrick+
BIERMA, John H.+
BOOS, John, Jr.
BRABEC, Frank Jr.*
CECH, Joseph R .*
CIBOCH, Frank A.
CIZEK, Edward+
DAWE, William J.*
FERRELL, Sidney G .+
FLASKA, Lawrence F .
FRANZ, Bernard J.*
GIRLING, William H.
HAJEK, Charles
HALL, William F.+
HARNER, George W .+
HATZ, Jermome J.
HATZ, Louis A .+
HAVEL, Julius+
HAY, Peter A .
HEROLD, Charles F .*
HINZ, Paul A .
HLAVIN, Joseph J.+
KABAT, Edward
KASPAR, Joseph+
KEARNS, Eugene J.+
KRAEBBER, Frederick+
KRUPAR, Charles, F .
LEVEY, John J.*
LIETZOW, Walter W .*
LINK, John+
LYONS, Ernest O.
MAAS, Harry R .*
MAREEN, Frank P.+
MILLER, John M.+
NEHER, Charles+
NERAD, Joseph+
NERAD, James G.*
NERAD, James J.*
NOVAK, Otto E.
PACL, Otto
PARKHURST, O rville J.
PAUSCH, Fredric
POLIVKA, Celestine J.+
RIPKEY, Lawrence E .*
RYDER, Harold W . *
SALAT, Joseph F . *
SAMUELSON, Lawrence J.
SCHEEL, Elmer F.*
SERP, Rudolph J.
SLAVIK, William
SMAUS, Adolph R .+
VITT, Thomas J.
VONDRAK, Edward+
ANDERSON, Ernest P.+
ANDERSON, Gustave P.
BRUEBACH, Herbert*
BAKER, William H.*
BARTIZAL, George F .
BAXTER, Aleck W .*
BELK, Edgar H.+
BEZIK, Joseph
BIERMA, Albert+
BLAHA, William J.+
BURES, John+
CADEK, Fr ank W.+
CARTER, James+
CHABOT, George F .
CHANA, William B.
CHANA, Frank J.*
CLAUSON, Frank L.*
CURETON, William L.
DVORAK, Frank C .*
FENDER, Robert *
FRANKS, Jerome S .
FRITZ, Charles P.
GRAY, Donald H.+
GRIMM, August F .+
GROSS, Henry F *.
HAAS, Frank+
HAGERTY, Walter L.*
HAJEK, John *
HART, Joseph+
HOPPE, Frank W .
HOUDEK, Joseph F .
HRIVNAK, August J.
HURT, Arthur E .*
INNIS, Charles E.*
JACOBSON, Jerald E .
JANDA, Joseph J.
JANECEK, Alexander M.
JILK, Edward+
JIROUT, Anton+
JONES, William Jr.+
JUNKINS, Roger W .+
KASPAR, George F.+
KERMES, Edward A.+
KLINER, John F.+
KNOUR EK, George W .*
KNOUREK, William+
KOZAK, George E.
KREMSKE, Harry A .*
KRISAN, Joseph +
KUCERA, Charles +
LHOTKA, Joseph F .
LINDEN, Chester F .*
LOGAN, Arthur L.+
LYMAN, Louis
MAJORS, Edward C.
MATEJKA, Gladstone+
MAYER, Anton *
MC COSH,, Robert W .+
MIORANA, Victor+
MIZAUR, Frank J.+
MOLKUP, Joseph F .
MOREY, George E .+
MRAZ, Thomas J.+
MURGAS, W illiam J.
NELSON, Oscar W .*
NELSON, Otto M.*
NEUMANN, Charles H.*
NORRIS, Moses L. *
NOVAK, Frank+
NOVY, Albert F .
OLSON, Ferdinand A .+
PACL, Jeromes, H.
PANEK, Otto E.
PETERSEN, Steven C.*
PETERSON, Philip R.+
PINKERT, Alfred*
POKORNY, Delamere R .
POLANEK, Andrew J.+
POPP, Albert L.
POPP, George L.
PROUTY, Earle L.*
RANKIN, John E .*
RAY, Alfred F .
RAYSPIS, James T .+
ROBISON, Daniel B .*
SASEK, Joseph E .
SCHULTZ, Herman E .
SCHULTZ, William M.
SHOWER, Albert E.+
SIMANDL, Joseph W .
SINKULE, Joseph R .+
SMITH, Albert A .+
STEPANEK, George S .
STERBA, Ludwick A .
STROBEL, Francis T .
SUNDBERG, George A +
TABORSKY, Rudolph *
TICHY, Arthur J.
TOERPE, William L.*
VACHTA, Ladislar+
VANA, Frank+
VANDAS, Miles J.
VINCENT, Harold H.*
VOGT, Henry A .+
VOYT, Rudolph J.
VYDUNA, Irwin J.
NOVY, James +
WATKIN W. Lewis +
ANDERLE, Fred B .+
APPL, John C.+
BAKA, John
BARKUS, Edward+
BEHNKE, Paul O.+
BERG, Ernest R .
BILEK, Charles+
BILY, Joseph
BOBYSUD , Edward
BRIEN, Danil O.*
BROCKMAN, Henry A . Jr.*
BROZ, Jerry F .
BUBL, Edward
BULL, John M.+
BURNM, Joseph F .+
BYTONSKI, Victor S .+
CADA, Joseph+
CASTLE, Douglas E .
CERMAK, Charles *
CERNEY, James C .
CERNY, George J.
COBELLI, Walter K.
DEDEK, Benjamin J.
DIKKE, Theodore J.*
DOLEZAL, Frank W .+
DOLEZAL, George J.+
FIALA , Joseph R .
GAST, Charles W .+
GRIMM, Frank E.+
GROH, Henry+
HEGNER, Richard J.+
HOLM, Hans A .*
HRBEK, George
HUBICK, Frank J.+
HUFFORD, Fred C .*
HUGHE S, Howard+
HUNTER, James+
JAKUBEK, George M.
JEFCIK, Anton F .+
JICHA, Edward J.
JILK, George J.+
JOHNSTON, William N.+
KAULA, Harry
KINNEY, Frank+
KOBLER, William E.
KOLAR, James J.+
KREML, Albert J.
KRIEL, August+
KROOK, Carl M. *
KULICEK, Vladimir V.
KUTTAN, John R.*
LAIBL, Joseph
LAMPE, Walter R .*
LARSON, Harry S .
LEBDUSKA, Charles M.
LINKE, Ernst
MICHAL, Joseph D .+
MICKELSON, Mitchell S .+
MIKUSKA, William+
MILLER, Murray J.*
MISICKA, James F .
MRAZEK, James J.+
NEJEDLY, Charles J.
NELSON, Hartley F .*
NELSON, Herman G.+
NEWMAN, Lester H.+
NOVAK, Henry
NOVOTNY, Richard R .+
OWEN, Gordon L.*
PEKAREK, Harry J.*
PENKERT, Bruno, Jr.
PERTLE, Joseph+
POSVIC, Frank J.+
POUZAR, Joseph+
RADA, Charles E .
RAYSPIS, Joseph, Sr.+
RAYSPIS, Jerry G .
REHACEK, Bohumil+
RUGGLES, Henry E .+
RUZEK, James
RYBAR, Albert+
RYS, Anton+
RYS, James
RYSKE, Walter*
SCHNEIDER, Vincent R . *
SCHUSTER, William L.+
SHULZ, Emil*
SIKORA, Charles E .*
SIMPSON, Robert E .+
SLATER, Frank J.
SMAUS, Joseph A .
SMITH, Benjamin J.
SPATH, Otto C .+
ST. JOHN, Clarence B .*
STEMM, Charles C.+
STRAKA, Frank+
SWANSON, Benjamin A .+
TEICH, Harry L. A .
TESKA, Thomas M.
THIEL, Herbert E .+
TIMMINS, Joseph M.
VALA, Frank+
VANOUREK, Anton A .*
VAZNY, Mathew+
VITT, Louis L.*
WEYNA, Edward T .+
WICHTNER, Joseph *
WILLIAMS, Harry E .*
ZALUD, Joseph
BLIZEK, Frank T .+
CADA, Joseph G .
CIZEK, Jerry H.
DONAT, Jerry+
DRABEK, Rudolph J.+
FENCEL, James E .
FIALA, Albert E.+
GRIESBAUM, William C .+
HAYDOCK, George L*
HREJSA, Edward M. J.+
HUBENY, William J.+
HURT, George F .+
JANSKE, Frank+
JEPSEN, France E .+
JOHNSON, Ernest O.+
JOHNSON, Harold G .
KABERNA, Harry A .+
KASPAR, Frank L.*
KEPPNER, Harry W .+
KIMMEL, John R .+
KLICKA, Joseph+
KLINE, Harry C .+
KOUKOL, Louis+
KUBEC, Anton F .*
LAKE, Frank J.
LAMPERT, Mathias H.+
LANGNER, Martin+
MAGNUSON, Charles M.*
MELDRUM, James T.+
MEYER, Edward
MEYER, Otto+
NOLLER, William *
NOVAK, Frank
ORE, Joseph B.
PESEK, Anton+
PHILLIP, Charles F .+
PITS, Louis C .
PLHAK, Charles F.*
PRASIL, Miles J.+
RAHN, Edward C .
REYNOLDS, Robert A .+
RIVARD, Howard A .*
SANDKOHL, Bernard C .+
SCHLAU, Harry W .
SCHNULLE, George A .+
SIDLO, Jerry M.
SIEVERS, August+
SMIDL, George C .+
TAUCHEN, Joseph T .
URBAN, Joseph O.+
VANIS, George F.*
WALTON, DeForest D.*
YUNDT, Andrew+
ZOUBEK, James A .+
ZUSKA, Frank+
ZUZANEK, Frank R.+
VOTAVA, James J.+
THUROW, William F.+
DRESSLER, Robert E .
MARSHALL, George A .+
ANDERSON, Oscar T .+
BEILFUSS, William F .
BOCK, Arthur R.
CACA, Eugene
CERNY, Stanley J.+
HANNEGAN, Richard H.*
HESS, Charles J.
HLAVIN, Edward
HRUDA, Edward L.
ISAAC, Benjamin, +
JANDECKA, Charles J.*
JUNGE, Paul C .
JUNGE, Emil C .
KESL, William+
KRAL, Frank I.
KUBIK, Erwin W .
LOKAY, Joseph
LUDVIK, William
MEIER, William C.+
MICHAELIS, William G . *
NIELSEN, Frank D .+
OSEN, William
OVERPECK, George G.*
PETERS, Henry E.+
PEDDIE, Charles M.+
PETER, Paul+
PERTL, Hugo M.+
POSSELT, Edward+
PYTLIK, Frank J.*
RADA, Otto R.
RAYSPIS, Irving M.+
RUZHA, Frank J.
SCHWAB, Robert H.+
SIDLO, James M.
SLAUF, Joseph F .*
SLAVIK, Orrin F .
SNYDER, Earl G.*
STEJSKAL, Jerome F .
STOCKES, George E .+
STOLFA, Ladislav
TESKA, Emil M.+
TUMA, James
VANA, George J.+
VLCEK, Frank A .+
WOLF, Joseph R.+
ZEMAN, Charles, Jr. *
ABRHAM, Anton A .
ALM, Frank W .+
BEHNKE, Albert H. Jr
BENES, Rudolph J.
BOOTH, Cecil M.+
BROZ, Frank J.
BURCL, Phillip
CALEK, Joseph
CIBULKA, Joseph A.+
FENCL, Charles J.
FRANCL, Frank J.
FRANKS, Edwin J.
HAMMOND, Raymond C.+
HANNAGEN, John A ..*
HOLECEK, Joseph T .
HORACEK, Frank J.+
JEDLICKA, Anton R ., Jr.
JOURDAN, John F .+
KADLEC, Edward E.
KASIK, Jerry P.
KLASEK, Jerry J.*
KLOECKNER, William A.+
KUROSKI, Alexander
KUZEL, Anton H.
LANGE, William B.+
LEINER, William J.
LOHR, Joseph
MALLY, Willam A .
MARSIK, Joseph
MATIAS, James F .
MELKA, John A .+
MILLER, Carl W.*
MISICKA, Joseph C.+
MOLDT, Ernest C.+
MOUDRY, Edward J.
MUDRA, William O.
NEWBURN, Johnston W ..*
OSH, Rae L.
PICK, Elmer J.*
RANDA, Charles J.
RANDA, Edward+
REESE, Robert S .
REZNY, Martin A .*
ROTH, Herbert C. *
RUSEK, John A.
RUSKE, Werner, F+
SEDLAR, Frank J.
SIMANER, Frank J.*
SLADEK, Robert B .
SMITH, Fred+
SOTOLA, Charles E .
SUTKA, Charles J.
TRINKO, Frank J.+
WOKAS, John Jr.
BENETKA, Joseph F .
BLAVKA, Frank+
BUSCH, Emil A .*
CHLEBOUN, Stanley L.
DAY, Harold E.
DUSEK, John+
FLETCHER, William T .+
FRANCIK, Charles A .+
HAISMAN, Harvey A.+
HOELZEL, Vincent M.+
HYNOUS, Frank R.
JANKE, Joseph M.+
KAZDA, Frank L.
KLASEK, Joseph Jr.+
KOBES, Rudolph R .+
KROC, Joseph M+
MARKWALDER, Richard E .*
MAZUR, Adam R .*
MORGENSTERN, Christopher P.+
NEAL, John A .+
PARAL, Charles
RAPATA, George
RIMSA, Jerry E.+
ROMMEL, William F.+
ROSOL, George F.
SMITH, August G . *
STAYER, George J.+
TOMAYER, Louis Jr.
URBAN, Charles T .
VESELY, James C .
WITT, Norman C .*
ZITNY, Stanley+
BOWDISH, George W .
BURCL, Edward J.+
FETTER, Milo R .*
FISHER, Charles J.
FRANK, William L.*
GRIMSTEAD, Leonard A.+
GRINNIN, Harold G.
HEINDL, Joseph F .+
HOMOLKA, Charles
HRDINA, Rudolph
JANDA, Otto J.+
KALAL, George+
KREJCI, Rudolph J.+
KROFTA, James F.+
KUBESH, Albert M.
MANGAM, Fenton M.+
McCLURE, John L.
MLADY, Henry G.
MOTTL, Jerome V.+
NOVAK, Frank+
OLSON, Chester A. H.
PAVELKA, Joseph F., Sr.+
PEARSON, Charles+
PESCHEK, Emanuel F.
RAK, John J.+
RESCHETZ, Ernest A.+
ROWE, Frank*
SCHABOW, George E.
SKODA, Walter E.
SOLAR, Michael+
SRACHTA, Joseph J.+
STYBR, Edward F.
VANETTA, Edward A .
VESELY, Joseph J.+
WILLER, Richard A.*
BLAKE, Edward A.+
BLAKE, George W.
BLANK, Arthur E.
BUIKEMA, Ralph, Sr.+
BUSCH, Clarence O.
COLLN, Edward J.
DVORAK, Bohumil J.+
FENCL, Richard G.
GRECO, Frank R., Sr.
HAGEMAN, George R.
KRAL, Ludwig R.+
KUCERA, James+
LESLEY, Frank J.*
McCLUR E, Arthur W.
MILLER, Emmet E.
MOSTIK, Joseph N.
NEMEC, Frank
PALACH, Joseph F.+
PATERA, Archie R.
PETERS, Fred C. J.+
POMAZAL, Edward J.+
QUICK, John F.*
RADA, Jerome L.
SEDIVY, Frank R.
SERP, Joseph F.
SERP, William A.
SILHANEK, James W., Jr.
SVEHLA, Thomas, Sr.+
SVOBODA, Frank A.+
THOMAS, Stanley,
VESELY, Charles F. *
VIETZEN, William
WILSON, George J.
ZENGER, Walter E.+
ZWERG, Harold R.
ADE, Phillip J.+
BARNES, Mitchell
BONGA, James M.
BRABEC, William A.
BROZEK, George L.
BRUZEK, Joseph E.
CZECH, Walter H.
DVORAK, Joseph R.
ELLIS, Charles W.
ESDERS, Ernest C.*
FLICEK, James J.
GARBE, Edward H.
GRAVES, Otto E.+
HALL, Richard E .
HOLL, Edward
JANSEN, Henry W.
KLAUS, Albert G.
KORINEK, Jerry +
KOSTKA, Anton J.
KOZIEK, Frank R.
LITTOW, Frank C. *
MASA, Frank+
MATCHA, John F.+
MILLER, Carl A.*
MILLER, Ralph G.+
MUIR, Joseph A.+
RUND, Edward J.
SCHEFFEL, Charles G., Jr.+
SEVCIK, Charles
SHERPAN, Louis, Jr.
SIDLO, Arhtur J.
SMITH, Sydney J.*
SUP, Charles J.+
SUVA, Anton A.
TETREV, Edward
TREML, John A., Jr.
ZENDER, Raymond G. *
ZUSKA, George
ANDERLE, Edward G.
ANTOS, Joseph E.
BELINA, Frank J.*
BOGDA, Henry C.+
CRUZAN, Burdett
EILERS, Baldwin C.
FARR, Edward
FULTON, Hugh *
GRAY, Harry I.*
HEINDL, Charles +
JANNENGA, Wilbert N.
JUSTIN, Jerry F.
KRAL, Joseph+
LANG, John W.
LANGNER, Joseph +
MACKETT, Frank J., Jr.*
MALAT, Joseph J.
McCALL, Jack, M.
MICHAELS, Charles W.
MILLER, George F. *
MOSETICK, Francis, E.
MURPHY, George M.+
NAUERT, Frederick C.*
NOVAK, Edward J.+
PIHA, George F. *
RUND, James , Sr.+
SATEK, James +
SVAB, Rudolph
TOERPE, Theodoree B. *
WALKER, Edward A.+
ANTOS, George
DANISHEK, Charles J.
DUBSKY, William
GAUGER, Harry C .*
GIERTZ, Richard O., Jr.+
HYND, William W. +
KIES, Daniel C.*
KOKES, Joseph J., Jr.
KRUECK, Henry L.+
KUBIK, William
KUTTA, Charles
MARTIN, Charles M.+
MARTIN, James K.
MILLER, Otto G. *
MOTTEL, John E. *
MOUREK, Anthony P. Jr.*
NOHAVA, Jerome J.
PAVELKA, Joseph, Jr.
PRICE, George S.
RANDA, Gustav O.
SAYLOR, Cecil P.
SEFCIK, Irvin F.
STEGMAN, William O.
SUCHARDA, Rudolph +
SVOBODA, Theodore A. +
TAUCHEN, Charles +
VICHA, James F. +
ZORNA, Joseph F., Jr. +
ARMI, Alfred Dell
BLAHA, Frank J.
BLAHA, Joseph F.
DANDA, Frank A.
HABENIC HT, Eugene V.*
JOHNS, John A., Jr.
KLICKA, Fred +
MIKULA, Bohumil
NEWTON, George R., Jr.
POCH, Otto A.
ROUDA, Joseph G.
RUND, James E., Jr.
SCHI MPF, Charles H.+
SOBOL, John F.
VALCHAR, George J.
VANCURA, Joseph Jr.
VITEK, Joseph
VLACH, George
WEBB, Clarence D.
CERNY, Joseph G.
ELSNER, Richrd A. *
HATFIELD, Rolland F., Sr.+
JAROS, John+
McBRIDE, Morris M.
POCH,Emil M.
POCH, Oldrich H
PETERSON, Richard A.*
PETRU, Frank L.*
WELLS, Edwin L.
ZAJIC, Charles J., Jr.
COOK, James +
HAJEK, Frank A .
KOSATKA, Thomas M. Jr. *
NEKOLA, Frank F.+
POLANSKY, William O.
PHILP, James R.
RUND, William E .
ZIEMANN, Edward W. A . +
CUBER, Thomas P.
FORCASH, Edward S.
FRLICKA, RudolphJ.
ROSICKY, Edward J.
SCHWAB, Edward A.
HREJSA, Edward O. H.
HRUBY, Edward A.+
SIANTA, George M., Jr.
FAY, Gerald J.+
HAJEK, Henry C .
HAVLIK, Anthony L.
KONCHAL, Edward C .
ROMAN, Theordore D.
TANCZYN, Stephen
GOODWIN, Sidney G .
LOHR, Joseph E .. *
LOHR, Raymond A .*
LUEGGE, George E.
MOTTYS, Joseph
SIMPACH, Frank L., Jr.
STEPKA, Edward +
STRAKA, Edward A .
BLACK, Thomas
BLAKE, Lawrence F .
CROWE, William A.
DRS, Edwin B.
KUHS, Henry C.
MANN, Edwin H.+
NOVOTNY, Edwin C .*
PFENNIG, Daniel J.
HRIVNAK, Michael W.
KABANA, Alfred F.*
KASE, Arthur J.+
KOBAL, Nick F.
MAZER, Russell C.
OECHSEL, Albert E.+
RADA, George W.
TAJBL, George
TAJBL, Anthony J.+
TANNER, Edward+
UHER, William
VINTERA, Rudolph M.
WHITE, Edward J.+
ANDERSON, Rudolph J.
GUTTILLA, Joseph A., Jr.
HAACK, Raymond O.+
JOHNSON, Ernest R.*
KOZAK, Elmer F.
VANCURA, Laddie C.
JINDRICH, Joseph A.+
KEINE, Arthur E.
KEPPNER, Edwin R.*
KOZAK, Albert+
PETRU, Frank J.+
POUHE, Joseph
SKALA, Edward J.+
BARNES, Ralph E.*
MANDL, Robert +
PECHEK, Charles F.
SCHARF, Adolph
STOCEK, Edward G.
WOLFE, Clarence E.
BRUCE, William J.*
CERNIK, Laddie J.
KEPP, Michael
KRAL, James J.+
MINARIK, Joseph F.
NEADER, Robert A.
NIEMAN, Thomas A.
PATTERSON, Charles M.*
SCHULTZ, Harold L.
SNYDER, Paul E .
SOKOL, Otto M.+
SPORKA, Arthur F.
STRAKA, Jerry *
TESAR, Charles J.
TUMA, John M.
BERKOS, Nicholas
BORVANSKY, Charles R.+
BOUSKA, Charles Jr.
CARTNER, John E .+
DAVIS, Howard R.
EARL, Alfred J.
KAAR, Sanuel R.+
KOCHKA, Norbert F., Jr.
KOLSKY, Anton J.
KOSKA, Edward T.
LACINA, Joseph J.
REED, William N.
REMPERT, Richard C.
RIHA, Charles J.
SHUGAR, Michael
SUMA, Raymond W.
VESELY, Edward J.
WRITER, Henry M.
ALBERT, Archie A .
BERGER, Walter +
BOKER, Frank J.
DUSEK, Douglas W .
FINK, George W.+
HAACK, Otto H.
KAYSER, Robert B .*
KRAL, James A . , Jr.
McCANDLESS, William J.
MUNGAI, Danti T.
ROBERTSON, Alexander S.
SALBERT, Herbert L.
SLABY, Irwin C.
SVEC, Adolph E.
TAROLLA, Frank, Sr.
ULRICH, Arthur J.
VANERKA, Stephen
YESIA, Frank C .+
ZAHORKA, Joseph F.
BINA, Clarence C.
BLOCK, Emil A.
BURROWES, Edward J.+
CIMMER, Edward J.
FREEMAN, Eugene J.*
HABOECK, William R .+
JANECEK, Albert J.*
JOHNSON, Joseph M.
JOHNSTON, Stanley J.
KOKASKA, Edward J.
KRUZIC, Joseph E .
LANGE, Arthur G.
LUSK, Herron E .
MANLEY, Robert C.+
MARIK, Joseph , Jr.
McKINNEY, Elvin M.
MELLER, Adam J.*
MILLER, Charles Conrad
MILLER, Robert J.*
SAYLOR, Claude S.
SCHMIDT, Herbert A.
TAJBL, Richard A .*
VACHOUT, Charles J.*
VODAK, Benjamin V.
ALTMAN, Ernest M.*
BELSKY, James *
CIZEK, John J.
FRANTA, Edward J.
GESS, George C.
HOLMES, Lester A .
HOWE, Westley W., Jr. *
HRDINA, Joseph L.
JAJIC, Erwin G.
KELLY, Peter R.
LINDSEY, Harold C., Jr.
McEACHERN, Theron J.
NOVAK, Frank D.+
OCHSNER, George E.
PATTIN, Lewis M.
RANDA, Donald J.
RICHERT, Michael W., Jr.
ROHDE, Henry A .
SPINKA, William J.
STACH, Frank C.+
STEVENS, Arthur F.
STIVERS, Leslie +
BRUGGEN, Charles B.
CALVERT, Thomas W.
CIZEK, James J.
COOK, Edward F .
FILA, Jerry E .+
FRANK, Enie W.
MAHLKE, Elmer H.
NELSON, Ralph B.*
OW EN, Willard B.
PACHMAN, Robert J.
POPELKA, Martin , Jr.
SCHOBEL, Herbert
SCHULTZ, Melvin P.
SCOT T, John A .
STENGLE, Martin F.
STUART, Charles W .
VESSELY, Lawrence E.+
VOTAVA, James R.
ZIEMBA, Stanley S.
BLAZEK, Edward M.
BOHABOY, George A.
BURES, Jerome F.
CECCHI, Joseph J.
DULIK, Joseph L.
FUNK, Robet W.
GRECO, Frank R ., Jr.
HANSA, Orville E.
HANSA, Otto J.
HOFERT, Albert J.
HOR AK, Benjamin T .
KRAUS, Charles +
LALLA, George T.
MATEJA, Richard W .+
MICHAELS, Fredrick J.
MILLER, Charles Chauncey
NOVAK, Edwin R.
PISARIK, George F.
QUINLEY, Marvin H.
SEDLACEK, William J.
SHACK, Benjamin +
SNYDER, Robert W .
STROBEL, Edward J., Jrs.
STUPKA, Charles J.
ZEISS, Warren W ., Jr.
ANTOS, Frank E.
BEHEN, Clayton C .
BENDER, William E .*
CECCHI, Robert E .
GRIMM, Anthony J.
MacDONALD, Angus+
MANAK, John M., Jr.
NOVAK, Richard E.
PIERSON, Harold W.
SCHMIDT, Wallace B. +
SOUKUP, Vernon A .*
SUSTER, Joseph F .
SUVA, Walter, J., Jr.
VELKO, Edward J.
WEGNER, Leroy H.
BARCIK, Peter P.+
CURDA, Miles W .
DRAZNIK, George E.
DRISCOLL, Charles C .
HORN, Anton
KOLAR, Charles J.
LHOTKA, Frank A .
MEYDRECH, Ra ymond F.
OVRE, Grant H.
PERINA, Harold J.
PETERSON, Richard A .
ROSE, Roy L.
UHLIR, George C.
WILEY Orville J.
ZALKINS, Herbert S.
FOJTIK, Edwin O.
GELLATLY, Alexander
HARANT, Joseph F .
HARTWIG, Wallace R .
HORALEK, Clar ence J.
KAVINA, Edward F.
LEWALLEN, William J.
LOTH, Victor C.
McCAFFERY, Irving E.
NORTH, Walter D .
NOVAK, Louie J.
PECA, Joseph
PECHOUS, Edward J.
PIERCE, Kester M.
POPPER, Frank R.
SCHMIDT, George F.+
SKILLEN, Donald C.
SPIES, Edward J.
WERITZ, John G .
WILLIAMS, Hartford D.
BOND, Rex P.
EADIE, Fred S.
ERWIN, Wyatt M.
FIFLIS, Peter J.
JONES, Thomas S.
RICHAK,Harold J.
SMEKAL, Laddie J.
AUMANN, Bernard E.
CLEGHORN, Claude, E.
GENNETT, Gregory F.
HROCH, James C.
HRUBES, Anton A .
KIRALY, Oscar A.
MARES, William
MATLAS, Paul R .
QUICK, John F.*
SCHMIDT, Harry J.+
SUCHY, Glenn F.
ZARBOCK, Adolph C .
BUZ AN, Otto
CECCHI, Ronald L.
EMMONS, Edward J.
GRECO, Donald R.
HORN, Donald F.
KALUS, George W.
KOLAR, Frank W .
KOSNIK, Joseph J.
LOGEMAN, William H.
MASNY, Charles F.
NEIDL, John J.
PIPER, Alva L.
REHN, Robert E.
SMALLEY, Edward M.
SMID, Henry A.
TUCCI, John, Jr.
WALLACE, Phineas T.
WARD, George N.
WITT, Raymond W. L.
WITT, William R.
DREWITZ, Herman C.
EICHHOLZ, William , Jr.
EVANS, Leslie J.
FRANK, James L.
GRAFF, Robert L.*
HAJEK, Donald F.
HRDINA, William K.
JANS, George M.
KANAK, Norman J.
KANAK, Joseph G.+
KOLAR , Charles F .
MLADIC, William S.
OSEN, William P.
PETERSON, Ragnar F .
ROBERTS, Thurston
STOKES, Thomas D.
SUCHY, Joseph F .
VOYT A, Harry S.
YOUNG, Otto J.
COFFEY, James H.
DEDMAN, Charles R.
DOB RY, James R .
DOBRY, James J.
DREWITZ, Anthony A.
ENGSTROM, Herbert G.
FUNK, Richard H.
HOHN, Arthur W.
KUCERA, Robert J.
LUMP, Leo M.
MARKO, Steve
McCLUNG, Wallace E.
SHOUP, Maurice W.
SVOBODA, Albert J.
ALSUP, Hall W.
GEYER, Erwin G.
HALLA, Edward J.
HORAK, George
HRDINA, Kenneth J.
KARBENS, Michael
KELLEY, Normal E.
KOHOUT, Edward F.
MAREK, Donald M.
McVICAR, Archibald
MOORE, Harold E.
TURZA, R obert W .
ZENGER, John A .*
FONTANA, Anthony
MEYER, Ernest L.
OLSON, Donald D.
POPPER, Wayne R.
SCHADER, Edward J.
SILVA, Joseph
SVEHLA, Otto F .
THYGESEN, Julius, E.
VELAT, Frank L.
WALKER, Thomas J.*
WITT, Alwyn G .
WRIGHT, Charles E.
ZABEL, Earl M.
FISHER, Robert W.
GRIDLEY, Leslie H.
KLIMA, Charles L.
MATAZEL, Jerome M.
MORAVEC, Stanley, Jr.
PERINO, Joseph V.
SALINA, Vlademars
SCHULZ, Henry W.
STRUTZ, Walter C .
TALPA, Henry F .
TUMA, Joseph J.
VOSS, John P.
CANNON, George M.
JOHNSON, Sigurd M.
LEWIS, Marshburn
LOULA, Stanley D.


World War I Honor Roll of Cicero Lodge #955 A.F.& A.M. 1917/1918

BORG, Andrew E.
CHAPMAN, Arthur E.
DAHLEEN, Arthur F.
FISCHER, Edward P.
FRANZEN, Herbert W.
JILK, Frank J.
KESL, William
KOCH, Edward C.
LEPKOWSKI, Stanislau D.
LEWIS, Henry
MILLER, William H.
PANEK, James
RADOUS, Anthony
RAUSCH, Frank C .
RAYSPIS, Joseph J.
RAYSPIS, William J.
SCHAFER, Frederick B.
SIMON, Raphael B.
TULACH, Washington H.
TUREK, Edward J.
VILNA, Bret. L.
UTZ, Emil B.
YUNDT, Adolph E.
YUNDT, Charles G.*


World War II Honor Roll of Cicero Lodge #955 A.F.& A.M. 1941/1945

BLAKE, Edward A.
BURCAL, Edward J.
CECH, Arthur J.
DAVIS, Howard R.
EILERS, Baldwin C.
GAUGER, Harry C.
HAAS, Edward H.
HAJEK, Henry C.
MESTEK, Arthur A.
NULLEN, Miles E.
RUND, William E.
SALAT, Charles J.
SKODA, Walter E.
STOCKES, Edward E.
TANCZYN, Stephen
TEICH, Harry L. A .
VANCURA, Laddie C .
ZUSKA, George

Contributed Jan 1999 by Beverly S. Aylor

East Side Athletic Club

Organized 22 Mar 1896
Incorporated 05 Jan 1900


1900Jason A. Rogan
1901Fred Behn
1902William Geiger
1903William Geiger
1904Charles Peterson
1905Charles Peterson
1906William F. Rogan
1907F.H. Behn
1908F.H. Behn
1909F.H. Behn
1910Frank Peters
1911E.J. Goggin, Jr.
1912E.J. Goggin, Jr.
1913Herman Heuer
1914A.C. Koefke
1915A.C. Koefke
1916H. Heua
1917H.F. Behu
1918H.F. Behu
1919H.F. Behu
1920Herman Heuer

Contributed Sep 1999 by Laura H

Indian Fellowship League, USA

(Founded March 1920)
106 N. LaSalle Street
Chicago, IL
Capt. R. D. Parker, Sec._Treas.

The regular meeting of the League will be held Sunday Dec. 17, 1922 Room 611
Capital Building, State and Randolph
Sts., Chicago, IL at 2:30 P.M.

A Lecture by Dr. E. P. Wheeler on “The Farming of the Reservation Indians.”
The doctor is well known among several tribes of Indians and speaks to them in their own language.
Chief Golden Voice will entertain us with a selection of his own composition.
Bring your friends and become acquainted and help the good cause along.
This lecture is free to all who may desire to know more of the American Indian and his future.

Contributed 25 Jul 2003 by Frank Cayuo

Illinois Masonic Orphans Home

LaGrange, Illinois
1913 Membership

Kernahan, Wm. JNov.1, 1901315Chicago
Seabrook, Alice M.Sept. 3, 1903313Berwyn
Crapp, RobertMay 30, 1905513Chicago
Hoseney, BerniceAug 24, 1907410Diana
Van Asdlen, BessieJan. 31, 1908712Channahon
Van Asdlen, Wm. HJan. 31, 1907510Channahon
Messner, ChristianMay 7, 1908713Chicago
Messner, Joseph F.May 7, 1908511Accordia
Norris, EvelynMay 6, 1913611Chicago
Norris, WilliamMay 6, 190959Chicago
Gutcher, Wm. R.D.May 20, 1909711Chicago
Gutcher, Thomas A.May 20, 190959Chicago
Welborn, Richard J.Aug 31, 1909911New Haven
Ashley, Herbert R.Nov. 6, 19091013Steeleville
Ashley, Marie D.Nov. 6, 1909710Steeleville
Mellor, GertrudeNov. 12, 19091014Chicago
Mellor, Harold, J.Nov. 12, 1909610Chicago
Mellor, Edith M.Nov. 12, 190926Chicago
Shanks, George B.March 5, 19101013Chicago
Shanks, Harold E.March 5, 1910711Chicago
Rhule, William H.March 7, 1910812Chicago
Rhule, Albert G.March 7, 1910710Chicago
Rhydderch, DorothyJune 11, 1910811Chicago
Beenke, MartinJune 26, 1910710Chicago
Beenke, AlbertusJune 26, 191036Chicago
Beenke, JohanJuly 17, 191058Chicago
Rhule, PaulinaSept. 14, 1910UnknownUnknownNo Information Given
Giseke, John J.Sept. 15, 1910811Chicago
Giseke, August W.Sept. 15, 1910710Chicago
Giseke, Bernhard W.Sept. 15, 191036Chicago
Gandee, Satie H.Dec. 8, 191068Xenia
Gandee, Daisy T.Dec. 8, 191047Xenia
Jones, Arthur G.Jan. 29, 1911911Chicago
Rhydderch, WinnifredJan. 29, 19111114Chicago
Rhydderch, DavidJan. 29, 191169Chicago
Jones, Gladys H.Feb. 3, 191168Chicago
Jones, Gertrude M.Feb. 3, 191147Chicago
Gunn, Wallace A.Feb. 25, 191179N. Crystal Lake
Funk, Weir M.March 2, 1911710Exeter
Funk, Chester R.March 2, 191158Exeter
Funk, Keith K.March 2, 191136Exeter
Trauth, RaymondApril 23, 19111113Aurora
Trauth, Frederick E.April 23, 1911911Aurora
Martensen, ByronMay 1, 191157Chicago
Martensen, BenfordMay 1, 191136Chicago
Thygesen, Elsie P.Aug. 7, 19111013Chicago
Thygesen, Julius E.Aug. 7, 191135Chicago
Downes, ThelmaAug. 19, 191179Paris
Downes, Elizabeth I.Aug. 19, 19111012Paris
Downes, Charles F.Aug. 19, 191146Paris
Beaubien, Alice H.Nov. 8, 191179Chicago
Trauthe, Charles ANov. 11, 191146Aurora
Pieritz, Daniel H.Nov. 11, 19111012Chicago
Pieritz, William J.Nov. 11, 191157Chicago
Gibson, MyrtleDec. 1, 19111112Princeton
Freeman, JessseJan. 27, 191268Carbondale
Freeman, ArthurJan. 27, 191234Carbondale
Ashley, Sara F.Feb. 5, 191257Steeleville
Little, Effie M.March 22, 19121112Exeter
Beenke, TheodoreApril 14, 191234Chicago
Lachmich, FriedaApril 15, 19121213Chicago
Lachmich, WilliamApril 15, 1912810Chicago
MacNair, Ernest L.June 30, 191289Chicago
MacNair, SophieJune 30, 191278Chicagp
MacNair, Stewart L.June 30, 191246Chicago
Willard, Eugene B.Aug. 20, 19121213Roseville
Willard, Edward G.Aug. 20, 1912910Roseville
Nelson, Emily H.Sept. 11, 1912910Charleston
Nelson, Irma L.Sept. 11, 191278Charleston
Messner, KatherineSept. 15, 191278Chicago
Quirk, William F.Oct. 7, 191289Chicago
Quirk, Harold V.Oct. 7, 191256Chicago
Law, Ethel E.Oct. 25, 19121011Lewiston
Law, George N.Oct. 25, 191289Lewiston
Law, Alma L.Oct. 25, 191234Lewiston
Harris, Helen E.Jan. 2, 19131011Chicago
Harris, CarolynJan. 2, 191389Chicago
Fueterer. Walter G.May 28, 191366Chicago
Fueterer, William L.May 28, 191355Chicago
Bonn, Edward G.June 29, 19131011Chicago
Nitsche, EvelynJuly 11, 191388Chicago
Nitsche, ElsworthJuly 11, 191377Chicago
Douglas, Charles E.Aug. 25, 191399Hillsboro
Douglas, Nellie T.Aug. 25, 191366Hillsboro
Douglas, Stella D.Aug. 25, 191333Hillsboro

Discharged From The Home Since September 30th 1912

Jones, EarlOct. 6, 1912
Black, AgnesNov. 3, 1912
Pride, MaryNov. 16, 1912
Pride, RoyNov. 16, 1912
Pieritz, MaryMay 23, 1913
Swalley, CarterJune 11. 1913
Swalley, HelenJune 11, 1913
Gibson, HarveyJune 29, 1913
Beaubien, SidneyJune 29, 1913
Seabrook, HowardJune 30, 1913
Shaw, RobertJuly 4, 1913
Welborn, CharlesJuly 7, 1913
Shanks, WilliamJuly 13, 1913
Thygesen, JohannaSept. 3, 1913
Law, Francis F.Sept. 18, 1913
Law, Jesse C.Sept. 24, 1913

Cause Of Discharge

6 Expiration of time.
5 Parent married again.
5 Taken out by parent or guardian.

Contributed Jan 1999 by Laura Heidekrueger

Masonic Inscription Restoration

June 30, 1913

To – Mr. Delamr D. Darrah, M.W., Grand Master A.F. and A.M. of Illinois, Bloomington, Ill.:

Dear Sir and M.W. Bro.:

As chairman of the special committee appointed by you for the purpose of restoring the inscription on the corner-stone of the tower of the Chicago Ave. Pumping Station of this city, I desire to submit the following report:

A bronze tablet bearing the inscription, “Laid by the Masonic Fraternity March 25, 1867. Jerome R. Gorin, Most Worshipful Grand Master.” was prepared and placed in position on the stone today. Behind the tablet a parchment was placed on which was engrossed the following;

“To All Ancient Free and Accepted Masons Greeting:

“In the year A.D., 1912 the authorities of the city were seriously considering the question of destroying the water tower, a relic of early Chicago, because it had become useless in the system of waterworks and for the additional reason that the masonry was crumbling under, the influence of the elements, when on the earnest appeals of the Chicago Historical Society the sum of twenty five thousand dollars was voted by the City Council for the purpose of repairing and preserving it as one of the historical buildings of the city.

“Worshipful Bro. Martin G. Seifert, Past Master of Constantia Lodge #783, was assigned as architect for the city to superintend the work, and he discovered the faint outlines of an inscription upon this stone showing that it had been laid by the Masonic fraternity. This fact was brought to the attention of the Most Worshipful Grand Master, Bro. Delamr D. Darrah, by Right Worshipful Bro. William Arens, Past Master of Germania Lodge No. 181 and District Deputy Grand Master of the German speaking lodges, with a recommendation that in view of the fact that the inscription had become nearly obliterated by the elements, a bronze tablet be prepared and inserted in the stone.

The Grand Master referred this matter to Right Worshipful Bro. Ralph H. Wheeler, Senior Grand Warden, who upon investigation concurred in the above recommendation.

“The Grand Worshipful Master then appointed Bro. Ralph H. Wheeler and Bro. William Arens
a committee to co-operate with Bro. Martin G. Seifert and execute this work. A search of the Grand Lodge proceedings and other literature revealed the fact that this stone was laid on March 25, A.D. 1867, by Most Worshipful Grand Master Jerome R. Gorin.

This bronze tablet was prepared and set in place this 30th day of June A.D. 1913, in the presence of the following brethren;

Ralph H. Wheeler, America No. 889
William Arens, Germania No 182 The Committee
Maritn Seifert, Constantia No. 783
Charles H. Crowell, St. Cecilia No. 865
Albert Jamplois, Blaney No. 271
Robert J. Daley, Garden City No. 141
E. E. Mills, Kilwinning No. 311
Ed. H. Thomas, Kilwinning No. 311
Oscar A. Kropf, Lincoln Park No. 611
Ed. W. Peterson, Garfield No. 686
Arthur E. Behrendt, Ben Hur No. 818
Jason R. Lewis, Union Park No. 610
John F. Schott, Germania No. 182
John H. Kanitz, Edgewatrer No. 91
William J. Burns, Chief Operating Engineer of Chicago Avenue Pumping Station, and not a member of the fraternity.

I would have arranged for a more auspicious occasion, but at the request of the architect for the city, Bro. Martin G. Seifert, all display was omitted, and simply a few of the prominent members of the craft were asked to be present and witness the setting of the tablet.

Fraternally submitted,
Ralph H. Wheeler
William Arens

[The Seventy-Fourth Annual Meeting held at Chicago, October 14,15, 16, 1913 Pantagraph Printing and Stationary Co., Printers, Bloomington, Il. 1913]

Contributed Jan 1999 by Laura Heidekrueger

Independent Order of Odd Fellows

The following names came from a 1918-1936 composite photograph by Arbanas of the PLZEN Lodge No. 272 I.O.O.F.

Anton AdolfX 
Mat. Arbanas  
Wm. Arbanas  
Jos. P. Archie  
John BelohlavekV.G. 
Mathew Bilek  
Rud. Blaha  
John Blahous  
Nick Bolf  
Edw. O. BouseP.G. 
Emil BouseP.G.Rec. Sec’y
Jerry Brabec  
Jos. F. BultasP.G. 
Rob. F. CechP.G.Dep.
Jos. CervenyP.G.Tres.
John Cpr. Cjevich  
Edw. C. David  
Alb. DlohosP.G. 
Stanley Dudkovic  
Wm. DusekP.G. 
Mor. FantlP.G. 
Rud. FantlN.G. 
Jos. FortP.G. 
Stephan J. Gezich  
Frank HaramiaX 
Jos. HardlickaP.G. X 
Jos. A. HartzeP.G. 
Alois HeislerP.G. 
Boh. Hejduk  
Frank Hlubucek  
Fl: Hlubucek Jun.P.G. 
Frank HorkyX 
Jos. Janota  
Jos. Jilek  
John JurichP.G. 
Frank Kosa  
Jerry KrejciP.G. 
James KrestanP.G.Capt.
Jos. KuceraX 
Clarence Kula  
Emil LackovichX 
Jos. Lazansky  
Albert Lysak  
Rud. Malinovsky  
John Marovich  
Alois Mitas  
Gust. O. MolbeckP.G.Trustee
Bro. Odd Fellow  
Jos. F. Pik  
Louis PorubskyP.G.Tr.
Prokop Povolny  
Vinc. PozgayX 
Aug. RezakP.G. X 
Tom Rozeljvich  
Peter Savich  
Mart. SebakX 
Frank Sebesta  
James Smetana  
James Smetik  
Fr. SnobelP.G.Fin. Sec’y
Jos. StronerP.G. 
Vinco Suchec  
Lad. SutaP.G. X 
Joseph F. Tejcek  
Leo TunisP.G. 
Stephen A. Tuponich  
John Vanek  
Louis Vitous Tr.
Chas. Vondrak  
Emil C. Wolf  
Otto C. WolfP.G.Tr.
Mike Zebic  
Mike ZupanP.G. 

Contributed Aug 1999 by Joe Archie

Korean Honor Roll

List of the Dead & Missing

Extracted 15 Apr 2013 from AccessGenealogy – Korean War Casualties List, where more detailed information about each individual is available.

NameRankSer NoCity/StateDate of DeathCause of Death
Adam, Robert C.2LTO-1883602Elmhurst, IL26-Aug-53Non-hostile Death
Adams, Clarence L.CPL1230290Chicago, IL19-Apr-54Non-hostile Death
Adelman, Robert A.PVT16370434Cook County, IL13-Oct-51Killed in Action
Alilovich, Robert ThomasPFC1257141Chicago, IL16-Aug-52Died of Wounds
Allen, Eric G.PVT55043214Cook County, IL31-May-51Died of Wounds
Allen, James L.CPL36020304Cook County, IL1-Dec-50Killed in Action
Altosino, Robert EdwardPFC646861Oak Park, IL17-Dec-50Non-hostile Death
Ambriz, Humbert J.CPL16229181Blue Island, IL2-Oct-50Non-hostile Death
Anderle, James John Jr.1LTAO-830819North Riverside, IL2-Sep-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Anderson, Edward C.CPL1205154Chicago, IL25-Jul-53Killed in Action
Anderson, Ellsworth L.CPL16274582Cook, IL8-May-51Died while Prisoner of War
Anderson, James A.1LTO-2014573Cook, IL29-Nov-50Killed in Action
Angarano, TitoCPL15267157Cook, IL11-Apr-51Killed in Action
Arendt, Stanley PaulCPL55000578Palatine, IL6-Nov-50Killed in Action
Arioli, Peter Emilio Jr.LT117716Chicago, IL3-Dec-50Killed in Action
Ashe, AugustusPFC16277586Cook, IL8-Mar-51Killed in Action
Atkinson, George J.PVT16348445Chicago, IL23-Feb-53Non-hostile Death
Bailey, Arthur G.PFC55000452Cook, IL4-Apr-51Died of Wounds
Bailey, Lawrence AustinCPL1308664Chicago, IL27-Dec-52Killed in Action
Baker, George A.PFC55040948Cook, IL9-Oct-51Killed in Action
Baker, James AlstonCPL16302938Cook, IL1-Dec-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Baker, John Edward2LT49814Chicago, IL29-Nov-50Died of Wounds
Baker, William D.PFC16309910Cook, IL31-Aug-51Killed in Action
Bakker, Theodore W.PFC55042686Cook, IL18-Oct-51Killed in Action
Balasa, Stanley J.PFC36717694Cook, IL14-Jan-51Killed in Action
Baldwin, Thomas Abbott Jr.1LT48684Evanston, IL19-Jun-51Killed in Action
Bales, Donald JamesPFC16304073Elmhurst, IL1-Sep-50Killed in Action
Ballard, Joseph John Jr.PFC1167458Justice, IL25-Sep-51Died of Wounds
Bancroft, Wayne EugeneLTJG534091Chicago, IL26-Dec-52Killed in Action
Barr, Clifford J. Jr.CPL36647627Cook, IL5-Aug-50Died of Non-hostile Injuries
Barrett, David M.PFC16327790Cook, IL29-May-51Killed in Action
Barrett, James JosephA2AF16392678Morton Grove, IL3-May-53Non-hostile Death
Barrica, Eugene A.PFC19397121Cook, IL18-Nov-51Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Bartley, Raymond J.PFC16248661Cook, IL20-Jul-50Killed in Action
Bator, Stanley R.MSGT7032027Cook, IL25-Mar-53Killed in Action
Beard, Howard Jr.CPL55197372Cook, IL17-Jul-53Killed in Action
Beatty, Thomas WayneCPL55105787Chicago, IL18-Aug-51Killed in Action
Bedore, Charles J.CPL26348713Cook, IL25-Apr-51Killed in Action
Beechwood, CarlCPL46030446Cook, IL1-Sep-50Killed in Action
Beisswanger, CharlesCPL36336391Cook, IL28-Nov-50Killed in Action
Belkom, George P.SGT55000502Cook, IL4-Aug-51Killed in Action
Bell, Robert AlexanderLTCO-392802Cook, IL1-Dec-50Killed in Action
Bellon, Richard R. Jr.PFC55065922Cook, IL7-Oct-51Killed in Action
Benn, William M.PVT55041231Cook, IL18-May-51Killed in Action
Berg, Charles WilmerPFC55262467Cook, IL15-Apr-53Killed in Action
Berg, Walter E.PVT16334981Cook, IL31-Mar-51Died while Prisoner of War
Berman, Bernard1LTAO-970862Chicago, IL9-Dec-51Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Berry, LeonardPVT54048909Cook, IL15-Feb-52Killed in Action
Beskon, JohnPFC55042681Cook, IL26-May-51Died of Wounds
Beth, Robert CharlesCPL107141Chicago, IL2-Dec-50Killed in Action
Bey, Floyd TraylorSGT36794642Cook, IL25-Jun-51Died while Prisoner of War
Bienaszewski, ThomasPFC16303687Cook, IL31-Aug-50Killed in Action
Bies, Ronald S.CPL26339457Cook, IL28-Feb-51Died while Prisoner of War
Blair, Bobby R.PFC16297793Cook, IL1-Sep-50Killed in Action
Bland, Willie C.PVT55185318Chicago, IL21-May-52Non-hostile Death
Bloomenshine, Frank E.2LTO-58313Cook, IL25-Aug-50Killed in Action
Blosser, David FrankCPL46070858Cook, IL30-Jun-51Died while Prisoner of War
Bluit, LeePVT55040397Cook, IL22-Apr-51Died of Wounds
Bobowiec, Thadeus StanleyCPL55263322Cook, IL11-Jun-53Killed in Action
Boehnert, Vincent CarlTSGT331315Chicago, IL27-Oct-52Non-hostile Death
Boer, Richard William Jr.CPL16387106Cook, IL3-Jul-52Killed in Action
Bogard, Glen D.PVT36927860Cook, IL28-Apr-51Killed in Action
Bohl, Robert H.MSGT16005187Cook, IL30-Nov-50Killed in Action
Boll, John FrederickCPL16330118Cook, IL31-Mar-51Killed while a Prisoner of War
Bolsum, James T.CPL16216927Cook, IL23-May-51Killed in Action
Bonas, Herbert F.CPL16228161Cook, IL4-Apr-51Killed in Action
Bopp, Frank J.PVT55131619Cook, IL11-Oct-51Killed in Action
Boras, Robert S.CPL46049941Cook, IL24-Jul-50Killed in Action
Bortolotti, William J.CPL17228339Cook, IL12-Sep-50Killed in Action
Bowen, Ben RayCPL55249736Chicago, IL14-Jul-53Non-hostile Death
Bowers, Harry L. SrPFC16255593Cook, IL31-Jul-50Killed in Action
Braithwaite, Robert E.2LTO-1935212Cook, IL14-Jul-53Killed in Action
Branch, Nathan Leroy Jr.CPL36942134Chicago, IL2-Jul-52Non-hostile Death
Bransdor, Clifford W.1LTAO-717739Chicago, IL18-Mar-53Non-hostile Air Crash
Brauns, Robert F.PFC55065848Chicago, IL25-Sep-51Died of Wounds
Brennan, William RandolphPFC1175495Cicero, IL26-Feb-52Killed in Action
Brent, Roger E.PFC55065490Cook, IL27-Jul-51Killed in Action
Brisco, Henry Jr.PFC55131958Cook, IL26-Nov-51Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Brooks, RaymondSGT25342003Cook, IL28-Feb-52Killed in Action
Brower, Samuel E.PFC19383102Cook, IL18-May-51Killed in Action
Brown, Donald W.PFC55064305Cook, IL9-Sep-51Killed in Action
Brown, Frank MaherMAJO-370561Cook, IL1-Dec-50Killed in Action
Brown, Hugh M.PFC10602520Cook, IL18-May-51Killed in Action
Brown, Shelby B. Jr.PFC16309812Cook, IL28-Feb-51Died while Prisoner of War
Bruder, Henry LeePFC1138748Chicago, IL2-Jun-51Killed in Action
Bruette, Willard J.PVT55265241Cook, IL21-Mar-53Killed in Action
Bruno, Giovanni M.PFC16303643Cook, IL24-Sep-50Killed in Action
Brzycki, Norbert A.SFC16248762Cook, IL23-Apr-51Killed in Action
Buchl, Jack JosephPFC1109969Dolton, IL6-Jun-51Killed in Action
Budny, John ThomasPFC55023489Chicago, IL6-Jun-51Non-hostile Death
Bulman, Morgan Livingston1LTO-2006486Chicago, IL16-May-51Non-hostile Death
Bunch, ArthurPFC16246592Chicago, IL10-Apr-52Non-hostile Death
Burke, Francis WilliamCPL16334813Chicago, IL18-May-51Killed in Action
Burris, Earl FranklinCPL55294619Cook, IL17-Jul-53Killed in Action
Buss, Donald HenryA2AF16335228Chicago, IL30-Aug-52Killed in Action
Butts, William H.1LTO-1322974Cook, IL20-May-51Killed in Action
Bytnar, Edward L.PVT55000306Cook, IL12-Feb-51Killed in Action
Cameron, Donald J.CPLAF16303056Chicago, IL11-Jan-51Non-hostile Air Crash
Canales, Rudolph M.PFC16255836Cook, IL16-Jul-50Killed in Action
Canavan, John PatrickPFC55165355Lincolnwood, IL29-May-52Non-hostile Death
Cantrell, Howard W. Jr.1LTO-60699Cook, IL29-Jul-50Killed in Action
Cargola, Santo A.PVT7031511Cook, IL12-Feb-51Killed in Action
Carrillo, Leopold MemhacaSGT55064046Cook, IL12-Oct-51Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Carroll, GeorgePFC26352874Cook, IL14-Nov-51Killed in Action
Carroll, Peter J.PVT16309801Cook, IL14-Jan-51Killed in Action
Carroll, Roland S.PVT16334902Chicago, IL5-Feb-51Killed in Action
Carter, Thomas F.PVT55132522Cook, IL3-Sep-51Killed in Action
Castellano, Mark J.1LTAO-939598Chicago, IL10-Aug-51Non-hostile Air Crash
Castiglia, Anthony J.PFC16335104Cook, IL13-Feb-51Killed in Action
Cebula, Edward J.CPL55065047Cook, IL25-Sep-51Killed in Action
Chavis, Narcisco Jr.PVT16255924Cook, IL12-Jul-50Killed in Action
Cheers, James L.PVT16310129Cook, IL5-Nov-50Killed in Action
Cherskov, John SamPFC1114538Chicago, IL22-Sep-50Died of Wounds
Chocian, Stanley AnthonyPFC1119904Chicago, IL17-Sep-51Killed in Action
Chovanec, Martin Jr.PFC16316446Cook, IL9-Aug-50Died of Wounds
Chrissis, Pierre C.1LTO-1334100Cook, IL6-Feb-51Killed in Action
Chudo, JohnSGT36288526Cook, IL27-Aug-50Died of Wounds
Chute, Ralph EdwardPFC1160673Evanston, IL10-Dec-51Killed in Action
Ciesielski, Edwin W.PFC55065223Cook, IL13-Sep-51Killed in Action
Clark, Bartholomew N.PFC39143556Cook, IL21-Aug-50Killed in Action
Clark, Donald HollandCAPT35523Winnetka, IL5-Dec-52Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Clark, Thomas LeroyCPL1049440Chicago, IL6-Dec-50Killed in Action
Clay, Willie LeePFC16309789Cook, IL23-Aug-50Killed in Action
Cohan, FrankPFC16303244Cook, IL20-Jul-50Killed in Action
Conarro, Frank W.PFC26334968Cook, IL3-Sep-50Killed in Action
Connelly, Edward J.CPL16347258Cook, IL3-Sep-51Killed in Action
Connor, Andrew E. Jr.PVT16347750Cook, IL7-Jun-51Killed in Action
Conroy, Michael F.PFC55066308Cook, IL19-Sep-51Killed in Action
Cook, Carl W.CPL17228325Cook, IL12-Sep-50Killed in Action
Cook, Charles R.PVT16386966Cook, IL14-Jan-53Killed in Action
Cornelius, Patrick E.CPL57513620Cook, IL27-Nov-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Corrigan, FrankPFC16310072Cook, IL15-Feb-51Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Cortez, Rivera RufinoPFC1224815Chicago, IL25-Jun-52Killed in Action
Cotton, Melvin L.SFC34483228Cook, IL28-Nov-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Covington, EdwardCPL44153072Cook, IL8-Oct-51Killed in Action
Cowan, John E.PFC16277458Cook, IL20-Sep-50Killed in Action
Cozart, Albert Jr.SGT55180682Cook, IL13-Oct-52Died of Wounds
Craig, James SamuelCPL1091903Chicago, IL19-Jun-51Killed in Action
Creech, Dewey W. Jr.CPL16303667Cook, IL12-Feb-51Killed in Action
Cumbo, Lawrence CarlSGT55327094Chicago, IL20-May-53Non-hostile Death
Cunningham, Daniel E.PVT16297588Cook, IL1-Dec-50Killed in Action
Curry, Maurice L.PFC36152770Cook, IL29-May-51Died while Prisoner of War
Cyborski, Raymond Joseph1LTAO-2074016Chicago, IL28-Jun-50Killed in Action
Czyz, Edmund J.CAPTAO-2072656Chicago, IL29-Jul-53Killed in Action
Dale, OliverPFC16287507Cook, IL9-Mar-51Killed in Action
Daly, Gene D.PFC55180659Cook, IL31-May-52Died of Wounds
Danta, William E. Jr.CPL16255104Cook, IL2-Nov-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Darcy, Thomas P.PFC16393396Cook, IL18-Jul-53Killed in Action
Davenport, HenryPFC26354576Cook, IL31-Oct-51Died while Prisoner of War
Davis, Harry P. Jr.1LTO-60364Cook, IL24-May-51Killed in Action
Davis, LeroySFC37063863Cook, IL26-Nov-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Davis, William T. Jr.PVT16368289Cook, IL6-Nov-51Killed in Action
De Haan, Robert F.SGT36682463Cook, IL20-Jul-50Killed in Action
De Long, Zane EllisPVT1205151Chicago, IL30-Jul-52Non-hostile Death
Deacon, Rolland G.PFC55065835Cook, IL27-Oct-51Killed in Action
Decerno, JohnSFC37085715Cook, IL31-Jul-52Killed in Action
Delacy, Arthur Donald1LT51658Chicago, IL7-Oct-51Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Delohery, Thomas J.CPL46082934Cook, IL16-Sep-50Killed in Action
Dettling, Donald JamesPVT16369990Chicago, IL12-Dec-52Non-hostile Death
Dewey, Lee AndrewPFC16310000Cook, IL30-Jun-51Died while Prisoner of War
Dicrispino, Serafino S.PFC16255401Cook, IL12-Feb-51Killed in Action
Didier, Robert J.PVT26338000Cook, IL7-Sep-50Killed in Action
Dirks, Dale D.PFC55000450Cook, IL13-Feb-51Killed in Action
Divis, Frank J. Jr.PFC55000620Cook, IL28-May-51Killed in Action
Dodro, CarlSGT36914477Cook, IL6-Nov-51Killed in Action
Dodson, Kenneth LeroyCAPT35671Rivergrove, IL5-Mar-52Killed in Action
Doherty, John H.PFC16297674Chicago, IL18-May-51Killed in Action
Donkers, Harry WinfieldCPL1027020Chicago, IL3-Nov-50Killed in Action
Donoghue, Denis JosephPVT55199680Chicago, IL30-Nov-52Non-hostile Death
Doogan, Francis C.PFC55321205Cook, IL10-Jul-53Killed in Action
Dougherty, William JosephPFC660400Chicago, IL3-Dec-50Killed in Action
Doyle, Frank AdairCAPT17422AChicago, IL5-Nov-50Killed in Action
Doyle, James M.SGT16315937Cook, IL4-Sep-50Killed in Action
Drezen, Richard Stanley Jr.1LTAO-2222086Chicago, IL16-Jul-52Killed in Action
Drochowski, Stephen W. Jr.CPL16281382Cook, IL6-Apr-51Killed in Action
Drury, Raymond Cameron Jr.1LTO-57109Chicago, IL12-Apr-51Killed in Action
Duerr, William J.CPL16315919Cook, IL13-Oct-50Killed in Action
Duffey, Thomas A.CPL16217052Bensenville, IL3-Dec-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Dunbaugh, Franklin Perkins2LT54447Hubbard Woods, IL5-Dec-52Killed in Action
Duncan, Edward R.CAPTO-60196Chicago, IL3-Sep-50Killed in Action
Dunne, Robert Len2LTAO-2223130Oak Park, IL13-Sep-52Killed in Action
Durachta, Stanley G.PVT16279136Cook, IL11-Jul-50Killed in Action
Duschane, JohnPVT55133045Cook, IL14-Sep-51Killed in Action
Dusek, Ronald D.PFC16281678Cook, IL16-Jul-50Killed in Action
Dybol, Stanley T.CPL55181420Cook, IL22-Dec-52Killed in Action
Eckardt, Carl F.CPL36911046Cook, IL14-Jan-51Killed in Action
Edmonds, James Jr.CPL55168842Chicago, IL1-May-52Non-hostile Death
Edmonston, CliftonSGT30122850Cook, IL12-Feb-51Killed in Action
Egan, Raul GomezPVT55041623Cook, IL24-Jan-52Killed in Action
Egan, Thomas EarlPVT16356890Chicago, IL7-Sep-51Non-hostile Death
Ellis, Grant Ridgway1LT46107Kenilworth, IL30-Sep-50Killed in Action
Engh, Donald ErnestCPL1175637Des Plaines, IL27-Oct-52Killed in Action
Enlow, Dale ThomasCPL55000451Cook, IL10-Jun-51Died while Prisoner of War
Esposito, John A.PVT55323417Cook, IL18-Jul-53Killed in Action
Eustis, George E.PVT16298078Cook, IL16-Jul-50Killed in Action
Evans, Hosea L.MSGT34955247Cook, IL11-Dec-50Killed in Action
Everett, Harry Scheidy Jr.CAPTO-926409Chicago, IL18-Mar-51Killed in Action
Fagan, Frederick R.PFC16342229Cook, IL14-Feb-53Killed in Action
Farmer, Harvey L.PFC16332768Cook, IL14-Aug-52Killed in Action
Ferracane, August R.PFC55065821Cook, IL3-Oct-51Killed in Action
Fialkowski, Walter K.2LT56584Chicago, IL3-Nov-53Non-hostile Death
Filbin, Robert ThomasPFC55065820Chicago, IL1-Oct-51Non-hostile Death
Filkins, Walter F.PFC55168363Cook, IL4-Jun-52Died of Wounds
Finn, Paul E.PFC16325293Cook, IL15-Sep-50Killed in Action
Fischer, Edward Dennis1LT50220Chicago, IL16-Jun-51Killed in Action
Fitzgerald, Robert J.PFC1334558Chicago, IL25-Jul-53Died of Wounds
Fitzgerald, Robert J..MSGT36021791Cook, IL28-Nov-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Flaglore, Russel WilliamPFC1175652Chicago, IL28-Feb-52Died of Wounds
Flynn, John A.CPL16288243Cook, IL30-Nov-50Killed in Action
Flynn, William J.SFC16245891Cook, IL10-Apr-51Killed in Action
Foley, Arthur A. Jr.CPL552121Chicago, IL27-Nov-50Killed in Action
Fomond, James H.PFC55106672Cook, IL11-Feb-52Killed in Action
Ford, James E.2LTO-1931619Cook, IL13-Jun-53Killed in Action
Ford, LornelSGT14187496Cook, IL23-Aug-50Killed in Action
Fornica, Andrew H.2LTO-986355Cook, IL14-Nov-50Killed in Action
Forsythe, Robert W.PFC55061910Cook, IL5-Nov-51Killed in Action
Forte, JamesPFC628783Chicago, IL2-Oct-50Killed in Action
Foss, Eugene AlvinCPL55063206Cook, IL8-Aug-51Killed in Action
Fox, Jared W.PFC16409254Cook, IL16-Apr-53Killed in Action
Frangello, James C.CPL16303730Cook, IL1-Sep-50Killed in Action
Franke, Carl T. Jr.PFC55264640Cook, IL20-Apr-53Killed in Action
Frazure, Richard ParmanSGT1071737Park Ridge, IL11-Jan-51Died while Prisoner of War
Freeman, Charles F.PFC16255832Cook, IL11-Apr-51Killed in Action
Freer, Anton JosephPFC1050269Chicago, IL29-Nov-50Killed in Action
Friedman, Richard Melvin1LTAO-2221907Chicago, IL10-Jun-52Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Fugate, RichardPVT55263002Cook, IL22-Mar-53Killed in Action
Fuka, Richard OttoPFC637292Berwyn, IL27-Nov-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Gabos, William C.SGT55043914Cook, IL10-Nov-51Died of Wounds
Gabrish, Peter J.CPL55023829Cook, IL7-Oct-51Killed in Action
Galion, George A.1LTO-58903Cook, IL19-May-51Killed in Action
Gallagher, Patrick J.SGT16303796Cook, IL1-Jan-51Killed in Action
Gangl, CharlesPFC1219158Elmwood Park, IL23-Jul-52Killed in Action
Gapinski, Lawrence J.PFC46071390Cook, IL15-Feb-51Killed in Action
Gapinski, Robert CharlesCPL16297758Brookfield, IL1-Dec-51Non-hostile Death
Garcia, CarlosPFC18363875Cook, IL2-Dec-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Garcia, Frank DonaldSGT629133Chicago, IL7-Dec-50Died of Wounds
Garcia, OscarPFC1309122Chicago, IL28-Mar-53Killed in Action
Garvin, John H. Jr.CPL16304439Cook, IL31-Jul-50Killed in Action
Garvis, GeorgePFC36034960Cook, IL17-Sep-50Killed in Action
Gaul, William R.PFC55044455Cook, IL19-Oct-51Killed in Action
Geannopulos, Peter LouisSGT16282069Cook, IL28-Nov-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Geddes, Nelson RaymondPFC1137885Chicago, IL31-May-51Killed in Action
Geiger, Marvin C.PVT16324926Cook, IL19-Aug-50Killed in Action
Gherghescu, George Jr.PFC55180801Chicago, IL27-Apr-52Non-hostile Death
Giacopelli, JosephPVT55166873Chicago, IL14-Apr-52Non-hostile Death
Giangrande, FelixCPL1180091Chicago, IL29-Mar-53Killed in Action
Gibson, Clarence E. Jr.CPL16247976Cook, IL16-Oct-52Killed in Action
Gibson, William A.PFC16302865Cook, IL24-Apr-51Killed in Action
Giguere, Albert P.PVT16347231Cook, IL17-Jun-51Killed in Action
Gillespie, David Ray2LTO-2033886Cook, IL11-Dec-50Killed in Action
Glaser, Michael W.PVT16279870Cook, IL6-Aug-50Killed in Action
Glauder, Harold SylvesterWOW-2141447Chicago, IL15-Mar-52Non-hostile Death
Glazers, BrunoCPL53037781Cook, IL26-Feb-52Killed in Action
Goetz, William C.PVT55023518Cook, IL29-Apr-51Killed in Action
Golden, Peter Travis1LTO-2208514Cook, IL1-Dec-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Goldsmith, Leonard W.CPL26353078Cook, IL9-Feb-53Killed in Action
Goraj, Edwin StanleyPVT55064258Chicago, IL12-Oct-51Killed in Action
Gordon, William Clark1LTAO-2224559Park Ridge, IL19-Jul-53Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Grauman, William KarlCPL1049318Chicago, IL28-Nov-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Green, Robert G.PVT36781792Cook, IL20-Jul-50Killed in Action
Greene, John T.PVT55106997Cook, IL3-Sep-51Killed in Action
Greene, Richard DiabloPVT55168831Chicago, IL23-Apr-53Non-hostile Death
Gregory, Raymond LeonPFC16325292Cook, IL7-Sep-50Killed in Action
Griefenstine, Edward H.PVT16335053Cook, IL7-Mar-51Killed in Action
Griffin, Horace A.PVT16371820Cook, IL19-Oct-51Killed in Action
Grigal, Jerome H.2LTO-958798Cook, IL22-Sep-51Killed in Action
Grimsley, Everett VaresCPL34533826Chicago, IL23-Aug-50Non-hostile Death
Groeneveld, TheodorePFC16273629Cook, IL1-Sep-50Killed in Action
Groll, Charles J.CPL16207287Cook, IL3-Mar-51Killed in Action
Gross, Lawrence LeoSGT1049376Chicago, IL27-Nov-50Killed in Action
Grotkowski, BernardPFC16347507Cook, IL4-Dec-51Died of Wounds
Grunow, Alexander ThomasSFC15208862Cicero, IL29-Apr-52Non-hostile Death
Grzeca, Edwin C.CPL6803824Cook, IL27-Aug-50Killed in Action
Guerrero-Orona, JuanPFC55132859Cook, IL27-Aug-51Killed in Action
Guilfoyle, Cornelius PatrickCAPTAO-739549Chicago, IL7-Apr-52Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Gusek, Richard JosephPVT55356288Chicago, IL11-Nov-53Non-hostile Death
Gustafson, Henry LeoPFC16315373Cook County, IL31-Dec-51Died while Prisoner of War
Hagen, David R.PFC55322022Cook, IL24-Jun-53Killed in Action
Hallawell, Robert HughPFC1065525Chicago, IL30-Nov-50Killed in Action
Hamilton, Glenn E.PFC55252487Cook, IL22-Dec-52Killed in Action
Hamilton, Percy D.PFC36933970Cook, IL12-Feb-51Killed in Action
Hamilton, Thomas A.PVT56142849Cook, IL26-Sep-51Killed in Action
Harang, Richard CarolSGT600900Chicago, IL27-Dec-52Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Hardin, William GordonCPL1084495Chicago, IL2-Nov-50Killed in Action
Harges, Tommie Jr.PVT55264578Chicago, IL27-Jul-53Non-hostile Death
Hargrave, AlanPVT16306483Cook, IL28-Aug-50Killed in Action
Harmon, Roy B.PVT16370057Cook, IL5-Nov-51Killed in Action
Harris, ElijahPVT26355962Chicago, IL16-Dec-53Non-hostile Death
Harris, GeorgePFC16309829Cook, IL7-Mar-51Killed in Action
Hart, Michael John Jr.CPL16242698Cook, IL12-Sep-50Died while Prisoner of War
Hatcher, James E.CPL55062374Cook, IL7-Oct-51Killed in Action
Hatzold, Fred L.PFC55292859Cook, IL9-May-53Killed in Action
Hawkins, EdwardCPL16215585Cook, IL6-Sep-50Killed in Action
Haynes, Robert LeePVT55420420Chicago, IL12-Nov-53Non-hostile Death
Healy, Thomas J.PVT16281664Cook, IL16-Jul-50Killed in Action
Heck, Frederic RalphSGT16373884Cook, IL7-Sep-51Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Hecker, Lester A.PVT16370342Cook, IL15-Sep-51Killed in Action
Heffley, Edgar SamuelPFC16281465Chicago, IL14-Nov-50Died while Prisoner of War
Heider, Wilbert M.PFC55234886Cook, IL15-Oct-52Killed in Action
Heinz, Erwin Gustav Jr.CPL1048157Chicago, IL1-Mar-51Killed in Action
Hemskey, William JeromePFC16316002Chicago, IL15-Apr-51Non-hostile Death
Henry, Joseph PatrickCPL55109076Cook, IL26-Nov-51Killed in Action
Henry, Leo Jr.PFC16309841Cook, IL23-Jul-51Died while Prisoner of War
Henry, Richard ArdellCPL16368093Cook, IL27-Aug-51Killed in Action
Herbert, Valentine WilliamCPL55105872Chicago, IL23-Feb-52Non-hostile Death
Herbster, Harley K.PFC16254939Cook, IL18-Aug-50Killed in Action
Herman, Theodore J.PFC55041539Cook, IL25-Jun-51Killed in Action
Hernandez, GustavoPVT55063632Cook, IL17-Jun-51Killed in Action
Hess, Edward J.PFC16244045Cook, IL24-Mar-51Killed in Action
Highley, Joseph HenryCPL1205178Frankfort, IL29-Dec-52Killed in Action
Hilburger, Harry S.PVT16310183Cook, IL26-Nov-50Killed in Action
Hilgenberg, Robert HenryPFC1105469Maywood, IL23-Apr-51Killed in Action
Hill, Jesse EarlSFC36797828Cook, IL27-Nov-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Hill, Robert E.PVT16422345Cook, IL12-Jul-53Died of Wounds
Hill, Robert Jr.PVT55065382Chicago, IL3-Oct-52Non-hostile Death
Hillenbrand, HarrySFC55041138Cook, IL5-Feb-52Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Hintz, HaroldCAPT38772Elmwood Park, IL16-Nov-51Died while Prisoner of War
Hladik, Edward V. Jr.PFC55183521Cook, IL15-Oct-52Killed in Action
Hlavac, James F.CPL55062854Cook, IL1-Sep-51Killed in Action
Hlousek, Albert StevenSFC36621447Cook, IL28-Dec-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Hoff, Herbert W. Jr.SGT16297979Cook, IL30-Aug-51Killed in Action
Hoffenkamp, Donald L.PVT55132756Cook, IL24-Sep-51Killed in Action
Hoffman, Marvin R.PFC15276761Cook, IL30-Jul-50Killed in Action
Hoffman, William R.PVT16325342Cook, IL15-May-53Killed in Action
Hofius, James A.PVT55109185Cook, IL27-Aug-51Killed in Action
Holsinger, Norman ReoPFC55130190Cook, IL9-May-52Killed in Action
Holzman, Wilfred J.PFC16219969Cook, IL3-Jun-51Killed in Action
Horn, Willard Boyden2LT53645Evanston, IL11-Mar-52Killed in Action
Horton, Lovie L.PVT16371980Cook, IL7-Sep-51Killed in Action
Howell, Martin L.CPL16279468Cook, IL28-Jan-51Died while Prisoner of War
Hrnciar, MilanPFC55195637Cook, IL2-Sep-52Non-hostile Death
Hronek, John R.CPL36952150Cook, IL18-Jul-52Killed in Action
Hull, Richard BarnettLT137583Chicago, IL19-May-53Non-hostile Death
Hulska, William H.PFC55065327Cook, IL2-Sep-51Killed in Action
Hunt, Robert JosephPFC1119361Chicago, IL6-Jun-51Killed in Action
Huttner, Daniel Henry Jr.SGT16243367Chicago, IL5-Jan-52Non-hostile Death
Inokuchi, MarkPFC16302974Cook, IL30-Mar-51Killed in Action
Jack, DanielA1AF16197060Chicago, IL27-Dec-52Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Jack, James HamiltonCPL653864Chicago, IL1-Aug-52Killed in Action
Jackson, Carol J.PFC16310007Cook, IL29-Mar-51Killed in Action
Jackson, Donald RayPFC1218890Chicago, IL30-Sep-52Killed in Action
Jacobs, Michael LesterA2AF16335254Chicago, IL22-Jul-52Non-hostile Air Crash
Jagnow, Arthur C.SFC55041827Cook, IL11-Jan-52Killed in Action
Jakusz, Andrew RalphPFC108466160Chicago, IL22-Sep-50Killed in Action
Janczak, Joseph Anthony Jr.CPL1261459Chicago, IL26-Mar-53Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Janettas, Peter M.CPL16282394Cook, IL30-Jul-50Killed in Action
Janicki, Leonard D.MSGT36707909Cook, IL25-Aug-50Killed in Action
Jankowski, Richard T.PFC36915756Cook, IL23-Apr-51Killed in Action
Janowitz, Frank P.PFC16243421Cook, IL26-Jul-50Killed in Action
Jenkins, Carl AugustSSGTAF16348488Chicago, IL10-Jun-52Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Jensen, George R.PFC55133120Cook, IL19-Sep-51Killed in Action
Johnson, BenPVT55129309Chicago, IL15-Nov-51Non-hostile Death
Johnson, Eric Jr.PFC1071746Chicago, IL24-Sep-50Killed in Action
Johnson, George A.CPL36786885Cook, IL31-Jul-50Died of Wounds
Johnson, George B.SGT19188358Cook, IL29-Jul-51Killed in Action
Johnson, George WalterLT363352Chicago, IL2-Mar-52Killed in Action
Johnson, Ivan F.A2Chicago, IL23-Mar-54Non-hostile Death
Johnson, Major A.SGT14185741Cook, IL8-Jul-53Died of Wounds
Johnson, Norman RileySGT36791297Cook, IL30-Apr-51Died while Prisoner of War
Johnson, William HalePFC14329852Chicago, IL27-Sep-50Killed in Action
Johnston, Joseph E.PFC55062481Cook, IL10-Nov-51Killed in Action
Johnston, William R.PVT36778091Cook, IL4-Sep-50Killed in Action
Jones, James EmmettPFC1180053Chicago, IL26-Oct-52Killed in Action
Jones, John BenPVT55420510Chicago, IL15-Feb-54Non-hostile Death
Jones, Kenneth R.PFC16373958Matteson, IL24-Sep-51Killed in Action
Jones, WilliamCPL16071347Cook, IL25-Jul-50Killed in Action
Joseph, AdolphSGT16244375Cook, IL1-May-51Died while Prisoner of War
Judson, Bryant Escar Jr.SGT592477Chicago, IL17-Oct-52Killed in Action
Juhl, Robert ArthurPFC1160600Chicago, IL16-Nov-51Non-hostile Death
Jurasz, LeoSGT16288327Cook, IL2-Dec-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Kacheris, ByronCPL16287614Cook, IL26-Apr-51Killed in Action
Kadlec, Richard A.PFC16306246Cook, IL12-Jul-50Killed in Action
Kehr, Dean Deloss Jr.SSGTAF16316458Franklin Park, IL1-Jun-51Killed in Action
Kenney, William RichardPFC1150998Chicago, IL16-Sep-51Killed in Action
Kensel, Robert Kane1LTO-2103750Barrington, IL16-Aug-53Non-hostile Air Crash
Kerber, Charles F.PVT55132716Cook, IL17-Sep-51Killed in Action
Kiesling, Curtis JamesCPL1063170Elmhurst, IL28-Nov-50Killed in Action
Kilroy, Frank RaymondPVT55263999Stickney, IL15-May-53Non-hostile Death
Kirk, Albert Jr.PFC55321275Cook, IL8-Jul-53Killed in Action
Klebo, Harry A. Jr.1LTO-1176692Cook, IL27-Sep-50Killed in Action
Klein, John A.PVT55107047Cook, IL7-Dec-51Killed in Action
Kloeckner, Ronald J.PVT55235039Cook, IL28-Jul-52Killed in Action
Kluss, JoeSGT16001355Cook, IL3-Sep-50Killed in Action
Knight, John F.PFC55041736Cook, IL7-Jun-51Killed in Action
Knutson, Paul C.CPL16371724Cook, IL26-Jul-52Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Kobie, Arthur RichardPVT55132700Cook, IL30-Aug-51Killed in Action
Koch, ClarenceSGT15102034Cook, IL21-Feb-51Killed in Action
Koestler, George E.PFC55000211Cook, IL19-May-51Killed in Action
Kok, William JohnPVT57508010Cook, IL14-Jan-51Killed in Action
Kolasinski, Robert A.PFC16287628Cook, IL9-Apr-51Killed in Action
Koontz, Don WyandotteMSGT832130Chicago, IL2-Mar-51Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Kopczak, Joseph Anthony Jr.SGT1048077Chicago, IL15-Mar-51Killed in Action
Kotwasinski, WilliamPFC16306247Cook, IL28-May-51Died while Prisoner of War
Kotwica, Joseph JamesCPL1230196Chicago, IL27-Oct-52Killed in Action
Kozlowski, Aloysius W.PVT55000338Cook, IL13-Feb-51Died of Wounds
Kraft, Roger JohnCPL55065921Cook, IL10-Oct-51Died while Prisoner of War
Krainovich, MilanPVT1180976Chicago, IL22-Aug-52Killed in Action
Kramer, Ronald L.SGT55042111Cook, IL21-Jun-52Killed in Action
Krelowski, ZdzislawPVT55106720Chicago, IL28-Jul-51Non-hostile Death
Kreutz, Edward Oliver Jr.HM28527163Chicago, IL10-Apr-51Non-hostile Death
Kripoton, John A.PVT16373476Cook, IL12-Oct-52Killed in Action
Krucek, Edward A.PFC55105711Cook, IL8-Aug-51Killed in Action
Kruszewski, Mitchel2LTO-1686685Cook, IL11-Sep-50Died of Wounds
Krzyzowski, Edward C.CAPTO-1310728Chicago, IL3-Sep-51Killed in Action
Kucharczyk, Henry J.PFC55061759Cook, IL20-Jul-51Killed in Action
Kuhr, Raymond E.PFC16306276Cook, IL16-Sep-50Killed in Action
Kuizinas, Vito PaulPVT55166896Chicago, IL11-May-52Non-hostile Death
Kuldanek, Stephan F.PFC16254763Cook, IL20-Jan-51Killed in Action
Kunz, William F.PFC55107461Cook, IL22-Mar-52Killed in Action
Kurgan, BilliePVT16348111Cook, IL15-Oct-51Killed in Action
Kurzawski, Joseph FrankPFC1180129Chicago, IL23-Sep-51Died of Wounds
Kusiolek, Adrian J.PVT36748782Cook, IL16-Jul-50Killed in Action
Kuzniar, Richard T.PFC55197027Cook, IL27-Sep-52Died of Wounds
La Monica, Anthony DanielHM3029383Chicago, IL16-Sep-51Killed in Action
Lambert, Donald Francis2LT54701Summit, IL8-Jan-53Killed in Action
Lanau, Kas Edward J.PFC16297276Cook, IL16-Aug-50Died of Wounds
Lanfair, RooseveltPVT55185162Cook, IL11-May-52Killed in Action
Lang, John R.PFC1129402Chicago, IL25-Jul-53Killed in Action
Lannon, John J.PFC16245014Cook, IL21-Sep-50Killed in Action
Lardino, Frank F.PFC16280006Cook, IL4-Sep-50Died of Wounds
Larsen, Emil A. Jr.PFC16327657Cook, IL28-Feb-53Killed in Action
Laufer, RobertPFC16297560Cook, IL26-May-51Killed in Action
Lavelle, John ThomasCPL1117384La Grange, IL22-Oct-52Killed in Action
Leaf, Ralph E.PVT36840708Cook, IL4-Feb-51Died of Wounds
Lee, Jesse JamesSGT36793116Chicago, IL2-Aug-53Non-hostile Death
Leffler, Richard C.PFC55065909Cook, IL12-Sep-51Killed in Action
Leider, Eugene G.PFC55064597Cook, IL19-Nov-51Killed in Action
Lender, Charles W.2LTO-1881783Cook, IL24-May-53Killed in Action
Lenske, Leonard EdwinPVT16279686Chicago, IL12-Aug-51Non-hostile Death
Lewandowski, Edward J.PFC55065552Cook, IL3-Sep-51Killed in Action
Lewandowski, Ernest S.PFC16278916Cook, IL2-Aug-50Died of Wounds
Lewis, Edward W. Jr.MSGT36797353Cook, IL9-Dec-52Killed in Action
Lewis, James MarkPFC1309392Chicago, IL26-Mar-53Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Lilek, Donald J.PVT55043894Cook, IL28-May-51Killed in Action
Lindahl, RunePFC55195569Cook, IL29-Aug-52Killed in Action
Lindsay, R. L.PVT55238141Cook, IL15-Nov-52Killed in Action
Lindstrom, Carlo A.PFC55042209Cook, IL15-Jul-51Killed in Action
Liskowski, John P. Jr.PFC16340110Cook, IL18-Sep-51Died of Wounds
Lopez, Raul TregoPFC55264571Chicago, IL24-Jun-53Non-hostile Death
Lorenz, Robert EdwardPFC26790367Chicago, IL28-Oct-50Died while Prisoner of War
Lowe, PhilipPVT55238499Chicago, IL8-Feb-53Non-hostile Death
Lowe, ThomasPFC53139274Cook, IL18-Jul-53Killed in Action
Lucarz, Edward StanleyPFC1219124Chicago, IL1-Oct-52Killed in Action
Luckett, John B.CPL16348994Cook, IL3-Oct-51Killed in Action
Lundervold, Winston K.PFC17305267Cook, IL17-Jun-52Killed in Action
Lydolph, Robert M.PFC16281765Cook, IL18-May-51Died while Prisoner of War
Lynch, James JohnPVT55291261Chicago, IL19-May-53Non-hostile Death
Lynn, Frank WisnerLTCO-26448Chicago, IL3-Sep-54Killed in Action
Maas, Robert AugustMSGT36036445Cook, IL15-Dec-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Macino, Michelo A.PVT16303696Cook, IL7-Jul-50Killed in Action
Madison, ReginaldSGT1160726Chicago, IL2-Mar-53Killed in Action
Maly, James A.PVT16287721Cook, IL21-Sep-50Killed in Action
Mangrum, Selman D.PVT55134007Cook, IL10-Oct-51Killed in Action
Manitowabi, AlphonseSFC36493106Cook, IL20-May-53Killed in Action
Mann, Richard H.CPL26334978Cook, IL4-Feb-51Killed in Action
Marassa, Frank M.PVT55041987Cook, IL20-May-51Killed in Action
Marchert, Fred John Jr.CPL1048125Chicago, IL1-Aug-52Died of Wounds
Marchino, Anthony J.PFC16325330Cook, IL26-Sep-50Killed in Action
Marks, Eugene L.PFC16316118Cook, IL1-Dec-50Killed in Action
Marlowe, Fred EmanuelMAJO-346555Chicago, IL12-Jul-50Died of Wounds
Marquez, MartinPVT36927703Cook, IL2-Dec-50Killed in Action
Martin, John Paul Jr.CPL26368831Cook, IL28-Nov-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Marye, David FolsomPVT16218525Evanston, IL8-May-51Non-hostile Death
Mason, Charles2LTAO-2223874Lagrange Park, IL17-Jan-53Non-hostile Air Crash
Matchett, Edward W.SFC46019935Cook, IL16-Jul-50Killed in Action
Mathews, Charles Jr.PVT36796812Chicago, IL2-Feb-51Non-hostile Death
Maxwell, Roy LeePFC1308670Chicago, IL26-Feb-53Killed in Action
May, Donald A.PVT16280783Cook, IL16-Jul-50Killed in Action
Mayerhofer, DonaldCPL55291057Cook, IL11-Jul-53Killed in Action
Mayfield, Weldon E.PVT16347279Cook, IL21-May-51Died of Wounds
Maze, Paul W.PFC16297619Cook, IL28-Jan-51Killed in Action
McAllister, John F.SFC16303621Cook, IL28-Feb-51Died while Prisoner of War
McAndrews, Charles AshendenPFC1071991Chicago, IL7-Dec-50Killed in Action
McBride, James W.1LTO-1331644Cook, IL22-Mar-51Died of Wounds
McClennon, Horace I.PVT55041241Cook, IL2-Jun-51Killed in Action
McCullough, JohnSGT16303744Chicago, IL31-Jan-51Died while Prisoner of War
McGinnis, Leonard ShapoffPVT55168303Chicago, IL20-Aug-52Non-hostile Death
McGrath, Orville B.PFC16215396Cook, IL13-Sep-50Killed in Action
McIlquham, Alfred K.1LTO-1540949Cook, IL27-Jul-50Killed in Action
McIntosh, CurliePFC55322650Cook, IL27-Jun-53Died of Wounds
McLaughlin, Andrew R.PVT55062592Cook, IL5-Jun-51Killed in Action
McNulty, Terence JohnCPL1024355Blue Island, IL12-Sep-51Killed in Action
McReynolds, Cornelius Jr.SGT55181589Chicago, IL17-Feb-53Non-hostile Death
Mehler, Leo M.PFC46040239Cook, IL11-Aug-50Killed in Action
Meiners, John HenryPVT16357448Chicago, IL2-Oct-51Killed in Action
Menclewicz, Clarence R.PFC55234587Cook, IL7-Mar-53Killed in Action
Mendelsohn, David CharlesSGT592629Chicago, IL29-Sep-50Killed in Action
Mengler, Clarence StanleyCPL1180182Cicero, IL25-Jun-52Died of Wounds
Micele, Raymond A.PFC57500910Cook, IL7-Mar-51Killed in Action
Milano, David B.CPL16330168Chicago, IL2-Dec-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Miller, Eugene NicholasMSGT46056930Cook, IL5-Dec-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Misovic, Michael Jr.CPL1050229Chicago, IL23-Apr-51Killed in Action
Mistle, Conrad P.PVT56146769Cook, IL23-Nov-51Killed in Action
Mitchell, Frank RobertSGT17246455Chicago, IL28-Nov-50Killed in Action
Mitchell, Philip C. Jr.1LTO-927124Cook, IL21-Sep-51Killed in Action
Miyamoto, Robert K.PVT30126623Cook, IL24-Jun-51Died of Wounds
Mlaskac, Milton J.PVT16325297Cook, IL17-Aug-50Killed in Action
Moccio, Raymond D.PFC55199749Cook, IL16-Aug-52Died of Wounds
Montgomery, Percy L.PVT55130600Cook, IL4-Oct-51Killed in Action
Montoya, James AnthonyPFC1123986Chicago, IL10-Jun-51Killed in Action
Monzo, Henry A.CPL55167662Cook, IL24-Apr-52Killed in Action
Moore, Edward J. Jr.PVT16341764Cook, IL29-May-51Killed in Action
Morgan, AlbertSGT16288032Cook, IL8-Apr-51Died while Prisoner of War
Morgan, Arthur W.CPL16331823Cook, IL1-Sep-51Killed in Action
Morgan, Hillard GlennCPL55106663Chicago, IL6-Apr-52Non-hostile Death
Morris, Albert E.SGT6731649Cook, IL13-Oct-50Killed in Action
Morris, Rufus R.PFC55185279Cook, IL19-Oct-52Killed in Action
Morrison, James F.PFC1271113Homewood, IL12-Jul-53Killed in Action
Moulden, Collins Jr.PVT55198058Cook, IL16-Aug-52Died of Wounds
Mrazek, Leonard F.PFC55197679Cook, IL29-Jun-52Killed in Action
Mrotek, Lawrence MiltonCPL57500734Cook, IL1-May-51Died while Prisoner of War
Mullane, Donald B.PFC16341571Cook, IL12-Sep-51Killed in Action
Mullins, Charlie Jr.PFC1118931Chicago, IL11-Dec-50Died of Wounds
Munier, Joseph Francis Jr.M33030444Chicago, IL7-Oct-51Killed in Action
Munson, Arvid O.1LTO-2058357Cook, IL7-Jul-50Killed in Action
Murdock, LonniePVT55165406Cook, IL8-Nov-51Killed in Action
Murphy, James P.PVT16371743Cook, IL17-Oct-51Killed in Action
Murphy, John D.PVT36787080Cook, IL19-Dec-50Killed in Action
Murphy, Robert J. M.CPL16303071Cook, IL8-Apr-51Killed in Action
Myslinski, Edwin J.PFC36674479Cook, IL20-May-51Killed in Action
Nakamura, WataruPFC36467531Cook, IL18-May-51Killed in Action
Nakasato, YeichiPVT30109395Cook, IL11-Dec-50Killed in Action
Nalepka, Joseph J.PVT55023572Cook, IL18-May-51Killed in Action
Nearhood, John W.SGT16315922Cook, IL8-Aug-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Neil, William L.PVT55040475Cook, IL4-Jun-51Killed in Action
Nelsen, Charles W.SGT36301833Cook, IL31-Jul-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Nemeth, Ben S.CPL55064191Cook, IL19-Sep-51Killed in Action
Nesis, Thomas JosephPVT16303706Cook, IL12-Sep-50Killed in Action
Niwa, Daniel J.PFC55108554Cook, IL9-Oct-51Killed in Action
Norling, Vincent P.PFC16302910Cook, IL1-Sep-50Killed in Action
Norris, George D.PVT16215040Cook, IL12-Sep-51Killed in Action
Notbusch, Henry C.PFC36913386Cook, IL26-Jan-51Killed in Action
Notter, William J.PFC16399579Cook, IL7-Jul-53Killed in Action
Novak, Jerry O.PFC55293497Cook, IL13-Jul-53Killed in Action
Nowicki, Joseph M.CPL55107076Cook, IL5-Apr-52Killed in Action
Nowicki, Richard R.SGT16274016Cook, IL16-Sep-50Killed in Action
Nykvist, RobertCPL16330228Cook, IL3-Dec-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
O'Connell, Edmund D.PFC55000521Cook, IL7-Jan-51Killed in Action
O'Connell, James E.PFC16303568Cook, IL1-Sep-50Killed in Action
O'Connor, Patrick FrankSGT637228Chicago, IL10-Dec-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
O'Day, Walter GeorgeCPL627384River Forest, IL26-Nov-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
O'Donnell, Terrence WilliamHM3040513Chicago, IL24-Jun-52Killed in Action
O'Keefe, John F.PFC55000374Cook, IL7-Jan-51Killed in Action
O'Keefe, Richard C.CPL55291408Wilmette, IL23-Jul-53Killed in Action
O'Neil, Clayton LarryPFC16255823Cook, IL23-Aug-50Killed in Action
O'Toole, James WilliamPFC566207Chicago, IL24-Sep-50Killed in Action
Ogden, Frank SamuelPFC660466Chicago, IL5-Dec-50Died of Wounds
Oleshko, Michael F.SGT16245335Cook, IL24-Sep-51Killed in Action
Olinger, Elmer B. Jr.CPL16392567Cook, IL2-Jun-53Killed in Action
Oliver, Samuel Rolland Jr.PFC1244937Chicago, IL20-Nov-52Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Ore, Roger HullPFC1218749Berwyn, IL26-Aug-52Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Orr, Jack F.PVT55062919Cook, IL21-Aug-51Killed in Action
Orsetti, Raymond EugeneSGT16281944Evanston, IL22-Aug-50Non-hostile Death
Orzechowski, John G.SGT33466238Cook, IL14-Feb-51Died of Wounds
Owens, Edison F.PFC16330296Cook, IL31-Mar-51Died while Prisoner of War
Paladino, Bernard M.MSGT16303682Cook, IL2-Mar-51Killed in Action
Panacek, Louis JosephCPL55321174Cook, IL8-Jul-53Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Pappin, Richard C.1LTO-1882218Cook, IL24-Jul-53Killed in Action
Parrish, Raymond ShirleyQMC3684343Chicago, IL27-Aug-52Killed in Action
Patten, James Jr.PFC55237987Robbins, IL26-Feb-53Non-hostile Death
Pauloma, JesusPFC55105157Chicago, IL7-Sep-52Non-hostile Death
Pauly, Herman E.PVT16340179Cook, IL25-Feb-52Killed in Action
Pavlak, EdwardSFC55183704Cook, IL14-Oct-52Killed in Action
Pavlak, John C.PFC1180361Chicago, IL24-Jul-53Killed in Action
Payne, BaltimoreCPL36013131Cook, IL26-Nov-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Payne, William GeorgeHM13381287Chicago, IL1-Dec-50Killed in Action
Paynovich, Milo G.SGT16287871Cook, IL1-Dec-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Pearce, John DavidCPL55107257Elmhurst, IL28-Sep-51Killed in Action
Pearson, William Arnold Jr.CPL1065594Evanston, IL28-Nov-50Killed in Action
Petress, James E.CPL16303618Cook, IL11-Jun-51Killed in Action
Pieri, Paul MarioSGT26338163Cook, IL5-Dec-50Killed in Action
Pierre, Samuel Jr.PFC55165793Chicago, IL1-Jul-52Non-hostile Death
Piorunski, Leonard L. P.SGT36948842Cook, IL22-Feb-51Killed in Action
Plinske, Norman C.PVT55236903Cook, IL21-Nov-52Killed in Action
Pliska, Edward V.PVT55000034Cook, IL28-Nov-50Killed in Action
Poczekaj, Edward F. Jr.CPL1175726Chicago, IL28-Mar-53Killed in Action
Polcer, George J. Jr.PFC55263408Cook, IL11-Jun-53Killed in Action
Polotto, Anthony Jr.PFC16389417Chicago, IL5-Aug-52Killed in Action
Popp, John Frederick Jr.CPL1244895Barrington, IL16-Aug-52Killed in Action
Pospyhalla, Dale A.CPL16323243Cook, IL2-Nov-50Killed in Action
Potts, RichardSGT38449050Chicago, IL21-Mar-53Non-hostile Death
Powers, Bernard M.CPL26351528Cook, IL2-Mar-51Died of Wounds
Powers, James JosephCPL16249256Chicago, IL28-Feb-51Non-hostile Death
Prettner, Robert J.PFC16316707Cook, IL30-Jul-51Died while Prisoner of War
Prindle, Richard ThomasAME3B529576Morton Grove, IL15-Apr-69Killed in Action
Rader, Lester DoyleCPL552343Chicago, IL15-Sep-50Killed in Action
Radford, GeorgeCPL55107081Chicago, IL17-Apr-52Non-hostile Death
Ragland, John Jr.PVT16335026Cook, IL31-Mar-51Died of Wounds
Ramser, Howard W. Jr.PFC55195299Cook, IL18-Oct-52Killed in Action
Ratti, Joseph ClementCPL16208069Cook, IL30-Apr-51Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Ray, Roy Jr.PVT16386965Cook, IL27-Apr-53Killed in Action
Regan, Thomas J.PVT16373182Cook, IL27-Oct-51Killed in Action
Reidy, Quin P.PFC55104898Cook, IL13-Sep-51Killed in Action
Reilly, Thomas Francis Jr.SGT1171540Chicago, IL15-May-52Non-hostile Death
Reimer, Kenneth F.2LTO-1925669Cook, IL11-Jun-53Killed in Action
Reynolds, LindbergPVT16242335Cook, IL17-Mar-51Killed in Action
Riccardo, George S.PFC16303691Cook, IL11-Feb-51Killed in Action
Ricci, Sirio A.CPL1270525Chicago, IL29-Mar-53Killed in Action
Rice, Harold E.SGT1244718Chicago, IL10-Apr-53Killed in Action
Richard, Earl J.CPL36941810Cook, IL4-Feb-51Killed in Action
Richards, Joseph T.PVT55133438Cook, IL6-Oct-52Killed in Action
Richards, Lowell E.PVT55351538Cook, IL15-Jul-53Killed in Action
Riddle, Dock L.CPL6391881Cook, IL28-Jul-51Died while Prisoner of War
Ritter, John G.PFC55104897Cook, IL9-Sep-51Killed in Action
Rivera, Jorge LegarretaPFC55064391Cook, IL7-Sep-51Killed in Action
Rivera, Paul Jr.SGT16254741Chicago, IL29-May-51Killed in Action
Rizdy, MichaelPFC36003946Cook, IL27-Feb-53Killed in Action
Roberson, Teddy EdwardPVT16374105Cook, IL2-Dec-51Killed in Action
Robert PaulSGT55106475Chicago, IL12-Jul-52Non-hostile Death
Roberts, Henry D.PFC16242445Cook, IL31-Aug-50Killed in Action
Roberts, Samuel RomanesousSGT16310166Chicago Heights, IL19-Aug-51Non-hostile Death
Robinson, FrankPFC55042311Cook, IL7-Aug-51Killed in Action
Robling, Robert EarlPFC1050387Chicago, IL25-Sep-50Killed in Action
Roclawski, RichardPFC26339379Cook, IL17-Jun-52Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Rodriguez, Anthony NickSGT1048029Chicago, IL11-Sep-51Killed in Action
Rodriguez, Jose M.PVT16368031Cook, IL30-Oct-51Killed in Action
Rogers, Clinton R.PVT16347311Cook, IL24-May-51Killed in Action
Rolling, Henry L.PVT16309876Cook, IL11-Nov-50Killed in Action
Romero, HumbertoPVT55041974Cook, IL25-Apr-51Killed in Action
Ronczkowski, RichardHM27293793Chicago, IL7-Oct-52Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Rosecrants, George FrederickSFC16282641Cook, IL31-Mar-51Died while Prisoner of War
Rosen, MichaelCPL55042140Cook, IL21-Jun-52Killed in Action
Rosenthal, Alfred M.PFC55043590Cook, IL30-Aug-51Killed in Action
Rother, Charles R.PVT55165497Cook, IL8-Nov-51Killed in Action
Ruggero, Ciro JerryCPL16287848Cook, IL24-Aug-51Died while Prisoner of War
Ryan, Robert W.SGT20616966Cook, IL6-Nov-50Killed in Action
Rzepecki, Raymond A.1LTO-961049Cook, IL18-Jun-52Killed in Action
Sadek, Eugene J.PFC16317812Cook, IL11-Feb-51Killed in Action
Salcido, Armado LawrenceSGT16331924Chicago, IL27-Dec-52Non-hostile Death
Salecki, Chester J.CPL36991783Cook, IL4-Nov-50Killed in Action
Salerno, Joseph Jr.PFC16297330Cook, IL15-Aug-50Killed in Action
Samayoa, Joseph S.CPL39435122Cook, IL10-Sep-50Killed in Action
Samczyk, Stanley J.PFC16303702Cook, IL1-Sep-50Killed in Action
Savides, George NickPVT16400318Chicago, IL2-Aug-53Non-hostile Death
Sawyer, Levi L.PFC55043732Cook, IL21-Oct-51Died of Wounds
Scateni, Rudolph M.PVT57500832Cook, IL29-Jan-51Killed in Action
Scheltens, Frank J.PVT55064141Cook, IL29-Jul-51Killed in Action
Schick, Robert ArnoldPFC1180551Chicago, IL3-Dec-51Died of Wounds
Schillicutt, James H.CPL26353881Cook, IL9-Jul-53Killed in Action
Schine, John Jr.PFC16325313Cicero, IL16-Oct-51Killed in Action
Schlabach, Frank Lyman Jr.CPL55182342Evanston, IL30-Jun-52Non-hostile Death
Schlivko, LeoCPLChicago, IL23-Nov-52Non-hostile Death
Schmid, Walter D.CPL1175778Chicago, IL9-Apr-53Killed in Action
Schmiedl, Vernon E.PVT55063520Cook, IL3-Jun-51Killed in Action
Schmitt, John GilbertCPL16275894Cook, IL8-Aug-52Killed in Action
Schultz, Robert EdwinPFC1230426Chicago, IL26-Mar-53Killed in Action
Schumer, Raymond John MichaelPVT55324993Evanston, IL11-Feb-53Non-hostile Death
Schuring, Gerald GeneCPL17228038Cook, IL30-Nov-50Died while Prisoner of War
Schwartz, Harold A.CPL16209224Cook, IL15-Feb-51Killed in Action
Schweiger, William T.CPL46039632Cook, IL4-Oct-51Killed in Action
Scott, Edward H.PFC16306482Cook, IL18-Jul-51Non-hostile Death
Scowcroft, Arthur JamesSGT16339262Chicago Heights, IL14-Nov-52Non-hostile Air Crash
Sebastian, BrownCAPTO-2048476Cook, IL1-Dec-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Semetges, George JohnCPL55235050Cook, IL26-Oct-52Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Sereika, Donald S.CPL57500942Cook, IL7-Jun-51Killed in Action
Serpe, SamuelPFC16327645Cook, IL6-Sep-50Killed in Action
Serra, Eugene RalphPFC55195499Chicago, IL14-Nov-52Non-hostile Air Crash
Shaw, Eugene MarvinCPL642196Chicago, IL27-Sep-50Killed in Action
Shay, John B. S.CPL16297873Cook, IL19-May-51Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Shine, Edward A.PFC55185223Evanston, IL23-Sep-52Died of Wounds
Shy, Leslie A.PFC35816929Cook, IL14-Feb-51Killed in Action
Sicas, Edmundas G.PVT55131803Cook, IL16-Sep-51Killed in Action
Sieczka, Walter J.PVT55132894Cook, IL27-Aug-51Killed in Action
Simpson, Issac Jr.PFC1295876Chicago, IL27-Mar-53Killed in Action
Simpson, Orville L.PFC46082512Cook, IL5-Jun-51Died of Wounds
Siudzinski, ErnestSGT37772746Cook, IL20-Jul-50Killed in Action
Skibicki, Chester A.PVT55041608Chicago, IL27-Aug-51Killed in Action
Sleboda, Richard StanislawPFC657852Westchester, IL2-Dec-50Killed in Action
Sloan, Donald E.PVT16309776Cook, IL10-Sep-50Killed in Action
Sloan, Lawrence H.PFC57507666Cook, IL18-May-51Killed in Action
Slotabec, Robert BernardPFC1071979Chicago, IL7-Dec-50Died of Wounds
Small, MarvinCPL55165794Chicago, IL26-Nov-51Non-hostile Death
Smietana, Henry J.PVT55132332Chicago, IL20-Feb-52Non-hostile Death
Smith, AlbertPVT55165525Chicago, IL29-Nov-52Non-hostile Death
Smith, GeraldPFC16255580Cook, IL17-Jul-50Killed in Action
Smith, Gordon RonaldPVT16327708Cook, IL20-Sep-50Killed in Action
Smith, Leonard G.PVT16242513Cook, IL1-Sep-50Killed in Action
Smith, Robert K.SFC6584812Cook, IL12-Aug-50Killed in Action
Smith, Roger W.PFC16327606Cook, IL8-Apr-51Killed in Action
Smyros, James G.PFC16330105Cook, IL1-Sep-50Killed in Action
Sokol, John A.PFC16368889Cook, IL2-Sep-51Killed in Action
Sommerfield, Edward GustavSGT16244063Cook, IL6-Dec-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Sparks, HoracePFC55064411Cook, IL19-May-51Killed in Action
Spear, Spero G.PVT55063953Cook, IL26-Jul-51Killed in Action
Spencer, LloydCPL34346968Cook, IL27-Mar-51Died of Wounds
Stackig, Ralph S. Jr.PFC16308764Cook, IL22-Jun-51Died of Wounds
Stacy, Gene E.PVT16306547Cook, IL28-Feb-51Killed in Action
Stancel, Joseph E.SFC6731405Cook, IL26-Sep-50Died while Prisoner of War
Standaert, Richard L.PFC55107631Cook, IL3-Oct-51Died of Wounds
Stapleton, David FrancisPFC1175709Chicago, IL15-Sep-51Killed in Action
Stark, Louis K.PFC36793810Cook, IL11-Aug-50Killed in Action
Staskiewicz, Walter R.PFC36046209Cook, IL18-May-51Killed in Action
Statler, Lavern D.PFC16275554Cook, IL1-Sep-50Killed in Action
Stefaniak, Stanley JohnPFC1296347Chicago, IL27-Feb-53Killed in Action
Steger, William RaymondCPL16254756Cook, IL27-Jul-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Stepina, GeorgeMSGT36947644Cook, IL30-Jun-51Died while Prisoner of War
Sterczek, Frank S.PFC16239840Chicago, IL7-Feb-51Killed in Action
Stevens, Edward R.PVT16316065Cook, IL6-Aug-50Died of Wounds
Stewart, Wallace Delford2LTAO-2222660Chicago, IL19-Apr-52Non-hostile Air Crash
Stine, Percy E. Jr.CPL16394015Cook, IL12-Jun-53Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Stockwell, Jesse H.PVT55043772Cook, IL4-Oct-51Killed in Action
Stone, Lawrence M.PVT55106646Cook, IL1-Sep-51Killed in Action
Stone, William H.CPL16279771Cook, IL2-Sep-51Killed in Action
Stott, Beverly R.PFC16288369Cook, IL7-Mar-51Killed in Action
Streeter, Richard SherwinPFC1205567Evanston, IL21-Apr-52Killed in Action
Striegel, Joseph W.PFC26336691Cook, IL28-Nov-50Killed in Action
Stroemer, Charles O.PFC55234928Cook, IL30-Dec-52Killed in Action
Strogis, Ignatz James Jr.HM7269684Chicago, IL21-Jul-52Non-hostile Death
Strohmeyer, Paul DavidHM33041528Chicago, IL31-Aug-54Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Strozier, FrankPFC55323298Chicago, IL26-Jun-53Non-hostile Death
Strylowski, Edward C.MSGT20615835Markham, IL2-Nov-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Stumpf, John LouisMSGT46048774Cook, IL8-Jan-51Died while Prisoner of War
Sturm, WilliamPFC1110014Chicago, IL23-Mar-51Died of Wounds
Suhren, Edmund W.SGT16287889Cook, IL18-Apr-51Killed in Action
Sullivan, Robert AnthonyPFC16371788Chicago, IL16-Sep-51Killed in Action
Sulzer, Norbert C.PFC55195415Cook, IL29-Aug-52Killed in Action
Summeries, Robert PrestonPFC1270469Chicago, IL6-Oct-52Killed in Action
Sutherland, Kenneth W.PFC16255953Cook, IL16-Jul-50Killed in Action
Sutherland, RaymondPFC55196810Cook, IL20-Sep-52Killed in Action
Sutton, JohniePVT55042220Cook, IL25-May-51Killed in Action
Suvada, Robert M.CPL55041518Cook, IL6-Feb-52Killed in Action
Sweeney, Richard E.AT15267456Chicago, IL15-Apr-69Killed in Action
Swornog, AdamCPL55261688Cook, IL25-Mar-53Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Sykora, Thomas G.PFC55234602Cook, IL5-Jan-53Killed in Action
Symons, John O.SGT16229157Cook, IL16-Oct-51Died while Prisoner of War
Synski, EdmundPVT16324890Cook, IL27-Jul-50Killed in Action
Sypniewski, Stanley LeonardHM3034019Chicago, IL13-Aug-52Killed in Action
Taccio, Rocco Jr.PFC55041119Cook, IL18-Oct-51Killed in Action
Tadlock, Alvin JeroneCPL16247907Cook, IL31-May-51Died while Prisoner of War
Tallant, Kenneth Paul1LTAO-2224125Chicago, IL18-May-53Non-hostile Air Crash
Tarnas, AntoniPFC55131787Cook, IL20-Sep-51Killed in Action
Taylor, John A.SGT16335004Cook, IL21-Aug-51Killed in Action
Taylor, Robert FrankLT670724Chicago, IL15-Apr-69Killed in Action
Thees, John Francis1LTAO-2225641Berwyn, IL20-Jul-53Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Therkelsen, Donald ArthurCPL55238398Cook, IL17-Jul-53Killed in Action
Thinnes, Joel AloysissusPFC1050302Chicago, IL3-Dec-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Thomas, Alonzo T.PVT1295738Chicago, IL18-Feb-53Non-hostile Death
Thomas, Calvin LeonPFC55181848Chicago, IL26-Oct-52Non-hostile Death
Thomas, George HarryCPL277326Chicago, IL20-Apr-51Died while Prisoner of War
Thomas, Samuel Jr.PVT16281431Cook, IL18-Sep-50Killed in Action
Thome, William A.PVT55324196Cook, IL24-Jun-53Died of Wounds
Thommes, George FrankHM33022441Chicago, IL27-Sep-50Killed in Action
Thomsen, Allen E.PFC55165911Cook, IL12-Aug-52Killed in Action
Thorpe, Bill DanielCPL1180640Oak Lawn, IL6-Oct-52Killed in Action
Thorsen, George S.SGT16207044Cook, IL1-Dec-50Killed in Action
Throgmartin, HoustonPFC55131417Cook, IL18-Feb-52Killed in Action
Tibbs, Connie L.PVT16303674Cook, IL31-May-51Killed in Action
Tilden, Henry C.PFC16308811Cook, IL4-Apr-51Killed in Action
Tonander, Edward BurtonSGT16297940Cook, IL4-Nov-50Died of Wounds
Toole, Arnold EverettSGT16280472Chicago, IL11-Aug-50Died while Prisoner of War
Toribio, Louis C.PFC16303120Cook, IL29-Jul-50Killed in Action
Trannon, Elijah Jr.PFC16309795Cook, IL15-Sep-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Triplet, Howard M.ST2Chicago, IL26-May-54Non-hostile Death
Tucker, George E.CPL35040583Cook, IL24-Aug-50Killed in Action
Tugman, Richard J.PFC16287423Chicago, IL31-Dec-50Died while Prisoner of War
Tuzzolino, Vito CarlPVT55197368Cook, IL1-Sep-52Killed in Action
Ujek, Joseph W. Jr.PFC55198623Cook, IL14-Oct-52Killed in Action
Umlauf, John F.1LTO-970134Cook, IL6-Sep-52Killed in Action
Uurtamo, Stephen T.MAJO-1285146Cook, IL21-Jan-51Died while Prisoner of War
Van Dusen, Edward LeRoyCPL16325333Chicago, IL2-Nov-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Van Veen, James Arthur1LTAO-2217126Chicago, IL27-May-53Killed in Action
Vanderlaan, JacobCPL36612221Cook, IL20-Jul-50Killed in Action
Vandermyde, Douglas GeraldPFC1224888Chicago, IL7-Oct-52Killed in Action
Vazquez, Hilario C.PVT55064528Cook, IL28-Oct-51Killed in Action
Vega, Vincent AngeloPFC16324985Cook, IL5-Jul-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Veld, RichardPFC55236104South Holland, IL13-Jun-53Killed in Action
Venezia, VincentPFC16334945Cook, IL12-Sep-51Killed in Action
Vera, Marcial T.PFC55261202Cook, IL7-Jan-53Killed in Action
Vick, Donald G.PVT55164196Cook, IL19-Oct-51Killed in Action
Villareal, Raul S.PFC16275064Cook, IL6-Sep-50Killed in Action
Vogel, Arthur J.PVT16332689Chicago, IL30-Apr-51Non-hostile Death
Volpe, Joseph C.PFC16337602Oak Park, IL24-Sep-51Non-hostile Death
Vydra, Edward R.SGT55062739Cook, IL10-Nov-51Killed in Action
Wagner, Nicholas J.PFC55129117Cook, IL16-Oct-51Killed in Action
Walczak, Casimir FelixPFC16316451Cook, IL17-Aug-50Died while Prisoner of War
Waldon, Wilbur E.PFC16334915Cook, IL22-Apr-51Killed in Action
Walker, Frank McNally1LTO-551522Cook, ILApril 22,1951Killed while a Prisoner of War
Walker, Walter AllenCPL16324928Chicago, IL28-Feb-51Died while Prisoner of War
Walls, Robert W.CPL34320647Cook, IL14-Feb-51Killed in Action
Walsh, John P.PVT55264478Cook, IL4-Mar-53Killed in Action
Wankowski, Eugene JosephCPL36665477Chicago, IL1-Feb-53Non-hostile Death
Warlick, Jessie P.PVT55044600Cook, IL8-Aug-51Killed in Action
Warner, Dewayne H.PFC55063102Cook, IL4-Oct-51Killed in Action
Warner, James KendisCAPTO-1284246Cook, IL30-Nov-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Watson, Walter JohnSGT36799189Cook, IL8-Mar-51Died while Prisoner of War
Watt, Spencer R.PVT16287490Cook, IL10-Jul-50Killed in Action
Weiss, Carl P.PVT16373235Cook, IL3-Apr-52Killed in Action
Weiss, Sherwin B.PVT55023774Cook, IL5-Oct-51Killed in Action
Wells, Raymond GilbertSFC16276570Oak Park, IL10-Feb-53Non-hostile Death
Wendling, Ernest ArthurPFC26338853Chicago, IL4-Nov-50Killed while a Prisoner of War
Westel, Jack RobertPFC55063820Cicero, IL8-Aug-51Killed in Action
Westphal, Phillip B.CPL55064878Cook, IL26-Sep-51Killed in Action
Wetzig, JosephCPL16370657Cook, IL24-Jan-52Killed in Action
Whisler, William LeonPFC16207595Cook, IL31-Jul-51Died while Prisoner of War
White, Edward FrancisCPL16288079Cook, IL29-Nov-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
White, John G. Jr.1LTO-516681Cook, IL5-Jul-50Killed in Action
Whitemore, William FrancisSGT36943427Cook, IL30-Nov-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Whitlow, LeeroyPFC44154837Cook, IL12-Aug-50Died of Wounds
Wilkosz, Edward E.PFC55105391Cook, IL5-Oct-51Killed in Action
Willecke, Harold E.CAPTO-478960Cook, IL7-Jun-51Killed in Action
Williams, Lawrence J.PVT16274862Cook, IL14-Jan-51Killed in Action
Wilson, Charles Jr.PFC16368623Cook, IL9-Oct-51Killed in Action
Wirt, Frederick B.CAPTO-1104016Cook, IL20-Jul-50Killed in Action
Wise, James DonaldCPL36646454Cook County, IL4-Nov-50Killed in Action
Wolf, Kenneth FrederickPFC1219184Chicago, IL13-Aug-52Killed in Action
Woodruff, Robert Seymour2LTAO-2217529Northbrook, IL6-Jan-53Non-hostile Air Crash
Workman, John CharlesLT433757Evanston, IL20-Apr-52Killed in Action
Wright, Mack IIIPVT55040804Chicago, IL13-Jun-51Non-hostile Death
Wynn, Robert DayPFC1224728Chicago, IL30-May-52Non-hostile Death
Wysocki, Frederick E.1LTAO-1903280Chicago, IL6-Nov-50Died of Wounds
Yercich, Michael Jr.PFC1050254Chicago, IL7-Aug-50Killed in Action
York, Richard WilliamCPL1019608Chicago, IL27-Nov-50Killed in Action
Ziarko, Casemir JosephPFC1224908Chicago, IL7-Jul-52Killed in Action

WWI Draft Lottery

Lists of men first drawn in Chicago and Cook County for examination for the first national army were published in the pages of the Chicago Tribune. There were 95 districts in Chicago and Cook County. 10,500 serial numbers were drawn. The order of grouping shows the order in which the numbers came out in the lottery, thus showing the order of men’s liability to be drafted into the New National Army. Order of Drawing Number Drawn: #1 Group 256; #2 Group 2522; #3 Group 9613; #4 Group 4532. The Chicago Tribune did not alphabetize the names; they were grouped under each number. The number of men actually to be taken from a district for the first examination was twice the number that ultimately served in the army.

The men whose serial numbers were drawn in the great lottery on July 20, 1917, are listed below. The names have alphabetized below for easier searching of surnames. As an example, the first number drawn was group number 256. If the man belonged to this group his name followed.


NameRankSer NoCity/StateDate of DeathCause of Death
Adam, Robert C.2LTO-1883602Elmhurst, IL26-Aug-53Non-hostile Death
Adams, Clarence L.CPL1230290Chicago, IL19-Apr-54Non-hostile Death
Adelman, Robert A.PVT16370434Cook County, IL13-Oct-51Killed in Action
Alilovich, Robert ThomasPFC1257141Chicago, IL16-Aug-52Died of Wounds
Allen, Eric G.PVT55043214Cook County, IL31-May-51Died of Wounds
Allen, James L.CPL36020304Cook County, IL1-Dec-50Killed in Action
Altosino, Robert EdwardPFC646861Oak Park, IL17-Dec-50Non-hostile Death
Ambriz, Humbert J.CPL16229181Blue Island, IL2-Oct-50Non-hostile Death
Anderle, James John Jr.1LTAO-830819North Riverside, IL2-Sep-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Anderson, Edward C.CPL1205154Chicago, IL25-Jul-53Killed in Action
Anderson, Ellsworth L.CPL16274582Cook, IL8-May-51Died while Prisoner of War
Anderson, James A.1LTO-2014573Cook, IL29-Nov-50Killed in Action
Angarano, TitoCPL15267157Cook, IL11-Apr-51Killed in Action
Arendt, Stanley PaulCPL55000578Palatine, IL6-Nov-50Killed in Action
Arioli, Peter Emilio Jr.LT117716Chicago, IL3-Dec-50Killed in Action
Ashe, AugustusPFC16277586Cook, IL8-Mar-51Killed in Action
Atkinson, George J.PVT16348445Chicago, IL23-Feb-53Non-hostile Death
Bailey, Arthur G.PFC55000452Cook, IL4-Apr-51Died of Wounds
Bailey, Lawrence AustinCPL1308664Chicago, IL27-Dec-52Killed in Action
Baker, George A.PFC55040948Cook, IL9-Oct-51Killed in Action
Baker, James AlstonCPL16302938Cook, IL1-Dec-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Baker, John Edward2LT49814Chicago, IL29-Nov-50Died of Wounds
Baker, William D.PFC16309910Cook, IL31-Aug-51Killed in Action
Bakker, Theodore W.PFC55042686Cook, IL18-Oct-51Killed in Action
Balasa, Stanley J.PFC36717694Cook, IL14-Jan-51Killed in Action
Baldwin, Thomas Abbott Jr.1LT48684Evanston, IL19-Jun-51Killed in Action
Bales, Donald JamesPFC16304073Elmhurst, IL1-Sep-50Killed in Action
Ballard, Joseph John Jr.PFC1167458Justice, IL25-Sep-51Died of Wounds
Bancroft, Wayne EugeneLTJG534091Chicago, IL26-Dec-52Killed in Action
Barr, Clifford J. Jr.CPL36647627Cook, IL5-Aug-50Died of Non-hostile Injuries
Barrett, David M.PFC16327790Cook, IL29-May-51Killed in Action
Barrett, James JosephA2AF16392678Morton Grove, IL3-May-53Non-hostile Death
Barrica, Eugene A.PFC19397121Cook, IL18-Nov-51Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Bartley, Raymond J.PFC16248661Cook, IL20-Jul-50Killed in Action
Bator, Stanley R.MSGT7032027Cook, IL25-Mar-53Killed in Action
Beard, Howard Jr.CPL55197372Cook, IL17-Jul-53Killed in Action
Beatty, Thomas WayneCPL55105787Chicago, IL18-Aug-51Killed in Action
Bedore, Charles J.CPL26348713Cook, IL25-Apr-51Killed in Action
Beechwood, CarlCPL46030446Cook, IL1-Sep-50Killed in Action
Beisswanger, CharlesCPL36336391Cook, IL28-Nov-50Killed in Action
Belkom, George P.SGT55000502Cook, IL4-Aug-51Killed in Action
Bell, Robert AlexanderLTCO-392802Cook, IL1-Dec-50Killed in Action
Bellon, Richard R. Jr.PFC55065922Cook, IL7-Oct-51Killed in Action
Benn, William M.PVT55041231Cook, IL18-May-51Killed in Action
Berg, Charles WilmerPFC55262467Cook, IL15-Apr-53Killed in Action
Berg, Walter E.PVT16334981Cook, IL31-Mar-51Died while Prisoner of War
Berman, Bernard1LTAO-970862Chicago, IL9-Dec-51Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Berry, LeonardPVT54048909Cook, IL15-Feb-52Killed in Action
Beskon, JohnPFC55042681Cook, IL26-May-51Died of Wounds
Beth, Robert CharlesCPL107141Chicago, IL2-Dec-50Killed in Action
Bey, Floyd TraylorSGT36794642Cook, IL25-Jun-51Died while Prisoner of War
Bienaszewski, ThomasPFC16303687Cook, IL31-Aug-50Killed in Action
Bies, Ronald S.CPL26339457Cook, IL28-Feb-51Died while Prisoner of War
Blair, Bobby R.PFC16297793Cook, IL1-Sep-50Killed in Action
Bland, Willie C.PVT55185318Chicago, IL21-May-52Non-hostile Death
Bloomenshine, Frank E.2LTO-58313Cook, IL25-Aug-50Killed in Action
Blosser, David FrankCPL46070858Cook, IL30-Jun-51Died while Prisoner of War
Bluit, LeePVT55040397Cook, IL22-Apr-51Died of Wounds
Bobowiec, Thadeus StanleyCPL55263322Cook, IL11-Jun-53Killed in Action
Boehnert, Vincent CarlTSGT331315Chicago, IL27-Oct-52Non-hostile Death
Boer, Richard William Jr.CPL16387106Cook, IL3-Jul-52Killed in Action
Bogard, Glen D.PVT36927860Cook, IL28-Apr-51Killed in Action
Bohl, Robert H.MSGT16005187Cook, IL30-Nov-50Killed in Action
Boll, John FrederickCPL16330118Cook, IL31-Mar-51Killed while a Prisoner of War
Bolsum, James T.CPL16216927Cook, IL23-May-51Killed in Action
Bonas, Herbert F.CPL16228161Cook, IL4-Apr-51Killed in Action
Bopp, Frank J.PVT55131619Cook, IL11-Oct-51Killed in Action
Boras, Robert S.CPL46049941Cook, IL24-Jul-50Killed in Action
Bortolotti, William J.CPL17228339Cook, IL12-Sep-50Killed in Action
Bowen, Ben RayCPL55249736Chicago, IL14-Jul-53Non-hostile Death
Bowers, Harry L. SrPFC16255593Cook, IL31-Jul-50Killed in Action
Braithwaite, Robert E.2LTO-1935212Cook, IL14-Jul-53Killed in Action
Branch, Nathan Leroy Jr.CPL36942134Chicago, IL2-Jul-52Non-hostile Death
Bransdor, Clifford W.1LTAO-717739Chicago, IL18-Mar-53Non-hostile Air Crash
Brauns, Robert F.PFC55065848Chicago, IL25-Sep-51Died of Wounds
Brennan, William RandolphPFC1175495Cicero, IL26-Feb-52Killed in Action
Brent, Roger E.PFC55065490Cook, IL27-Jul-51Killed in Action
Brisco, Henry Jr.PFC55131958Cook, IL26-Nov-51Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Brooks, RaymondSGT25342003Cook, IL28-Feb-52Killed in Action
Brower, Samuel E.PFC19383102Cook, IL18-May-51Killed in Action
Brown, Donald W.PFC55064305Cook, IL9-Sep-51Killed in Action
Brown, Frank MaherMAJO-370561Cook, IL1-Dec-50Killed in Action
Brown, Hugh M.PFC10602520Cook, IL18-May-51Killed in Action
Brown, Shelby B. Jr.PFC16309812Cook, IL28-Feb-51Died while Prisoner of War
Bruder, Henry LeePFC1138748Chicago, IL2-Jun-51Killed in Action
Bruette, Willard J.PVT55265241Cook, IL21-Mar-53Killed in Action
Bruno, Giovanni M.PFC16303643Cook, IL24-Sep-50Killed in Action
Brzycki, Norbert A.SFC16248762Cook, IL23-Apr-51Killed in Action
Buchl, Jack JosephPFC1109969Dolton, IL6-Jun-51Killed in Action
Budny, John ThomasPFC55023489Chicago, IL6-Jun-51Non-hostile Death
Bulman, Morgan Livingston1LTO-2006486Chicago, IL16-May-51Non-hostile Death
Bunch, ArthurPFC16246592Chicago, IL10-Apr-52Non-hostile Death
Burke, Francis WilliamCPL16334813Chicago, IL18-May-51Killed in Action
Burris, Earl FranklinCPL55294619Cook, IL17-Jul-53Killed in Action
Buss, Donald HenryA2AF16335228Chicago, IL30-Aug-52Killed in Action
Butts, William H.1LTO-1322974Cook, IL20-May-51Killed in Action
Bytnar, Edward L.PVT55000306Cook, IL12-Feb-51Killed in Action
Cameron, Donald J.CPLAF16303056Chicago, IL11-Jan-51Non-hostile Air Crash
Canales, Rudolph M.PFC16255836Cook, IL16-Jul-50Killed in Action
Canavan, John PatrickPFC55165355Lincolnwood, IL29-May-52Non-hostile Death
Cantrell, Howard W. Jr.1LTO-60699Cook, IL29-Jul-50Killed in Action
Cargola, Santo A.PVT7031511Cook, IL12-Feb-51Killed in Action
Carrillo, Leopold MemhacaSGT55064046Cook, IL12-Oct-51Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Carroll, GeorgePFC26352874Cook, IL14-Nov-51Killed in Action
Carroll, Peter J.PVT16309801Cook, IL14-Jan-51Killed in Action
Carroll, Roland S.PVT16334902Chicago, IL5-Feb-51Killed in Action
Carter, Thomas F.PVT55132522Cook, IL3-Sep-51Killed in Action
Castellano, Mark J.1LTAO-939598Chicago, IL10-Aug-51Non-hostile Air Crash
Castiglia, Anthony J.PFC16335104Cook, IL13-Feb-51Killed in Action
Cebula, Edward J.CPL55065047Cook, IL25-Sep-51Killed in Action
Chavis, Narcisco Jr.PVT16255924Cook, IL12-Jul-50Killed in Action
Cheers, James L.PVT16310129Cook, IL5-Nov-50Killed in Action
Cherskov, John SamPFC1114538Chicago, IL22-Sep-50Died of Wounds
Chocian, Stanley AnthonyPFC1119904Chicago, IL17-Sep-51Killed in Action
Chovanec, Martin Jr.PFC16316446Cook, IL9-Aug-50Died of Wounds
Chrissis, Pierre C.1LTO-1334100Cook, IL6-Feb-51Killed in Action
Chudo, JohnSGT36288526Cook, IL27-Aug-50Died of Wounds
Chute, Ralph EdwardPFC1160673Evanston, IL10-Dec-51Killed in Action
Ciesielski, Edwin W.PFC55065223Cook, IL13-Sep-51Killed in Action
Clark, Bartholomew N.PFC39143556Cook, IL21-Aug-50Killed in Action
Clark, Donald HollandCAPT35523Winnetka, IL5-Dec-52Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Clark, Thomas LeroyCPL1049440Chicago, IL6-Dec-50Killed in Action
Clay, Willie LeePFC16309789Cook, IL23-Aug-50Killed in Action
Cohan, FrankPFC16303244Cook, IL20-Jul-50Killed in Action
Conarro, Frank W.PFC26334968Cook, IL3-Sep-50Killed in Action
Connelly, Edward J.CPL16347258Cook, IL3-Sep-51Killed in Action
Connor, Andrew E. Jr.PVT16347750Cook, IL7-Jun-51Killed in Action
Conroy, Michael F.PFC55066308Cook, IL19-Sep-51Killed in Action
Cook, Carl W.CPL17228325Cook, IL12-Sep-50Killed in Action
Cook, Charles R.PVT16386966Cook, IL14-Jan-53Killed in Action
Cornelius, Patrick E.CPL57513620Cook, IL27-Nov-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Corrigan, FrankPFC16310072Cook, IL15-Feb-51Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Cortez, Rivera RufinoPFC1224815Chicago, IL25-Jun-52Killed in Action
Cotton, Melvin L.SFC34483228Cook, IL28-Nov-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Covington, EdwardCPL44153072Cook, IL8-Oct-51Killed in Action
Cowan, John E.PFC16277458Cook, IL20-Sep-50Killed in Action
Cozart, Albert Jr.SGT55180682Cook, IL13-Oct-52Died of Wounds
Craig, James SamuelCPL1091903Chicago, IL19-Jun-51Killed in Action
Creech, Dewey W. Jr.CPL16303667Cook, IL12-Feb-51Killed in Action
Cumbo, Lawrence CarlSGT55327094Chicago, IL20-May-53Non-hostile Death
Cunningham, Daniel E.PVT16297588Cook, IL1-Dec-50Killed in Action
Curry, Maurice L.PFC36152770Cook, IL29-May-51Died while Prisoner of War
Cyborski, Raymond Joseph1LTAO-2074016Chicago, IL28-Jun-50Killed in Action
Czyz, Edmund J.CAPTAO-2072656Chicago, IL29-Jul-53Killed in Action
Dale, OliverPFC16287507Cook, IL9-Mar-51Killed in Action
Daly, Gene D.PFC55180659Cook, IL31-May-52Died of Wounds
Danta, William E. Jr.CPL16255104Cook, IL2-Nov-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Darcy, Thomas P.PFC16393396Cook, IL18-Jul-53Killed in Action
Davenport, HenryPFC26354576Cook, IL31-Oct-51Died while Prisoner of War
Davis, Harry P. Jr.1LTO-60364Cook, IL24-May-51Killed in Action
Davis, LeroySFC37063863Cook, IL26-Nov-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Davis, William T. Jr.PVT16368289Cook, IL6-Nov-51Killed in Action
De Haan, Robert F.SGT36682463Cook, IL20-Jul-50Killed in Action
De Long, Zane EllisPVT1205151Chicago, IL30-Jul-52Non-hostile Death
Deacon, Rolland G.PFC55065835Cook, IL27-Oct-51Killed in Action
Decerno, JohnSFC37085715Cook, IL31-Jul-52Killed in Action
Delacy, Arthur Donald1LT51658Chicago, IL7-Oct-51Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Delohery, Thomas J.CPL46082934Cook, IL16-Sep-50Killed in Action
Dettling, Donald JamesPVT16369990Chicago, IL12-Dec-52Non-hostile Death
Dewey, Lee AndrewPFC16310000Cook, IL30-Jun-51Died while Prisoner of War
Dicrispino, Serafino S.PFC16255401Cook, IL12-Feb-51Killed in Action
Didier, Robert J.PVT26338000Cook, IL7-Sep-50Killed in Action
Dirks, Dale D.PFC55000450Cook, IL13-Feb-51Killed in Action
Divis, Frank J. Jr.PFC55000620Cook, IL28-May-51Killed in Action
Dodro, CarlSGT36914477Cook, IL6-Nov-51Killed in Action
Dodson, Kenneth LeroyCAPT35671Rivergrove, IL5-Mar-52Killed in Action
Doherty, John H.PFC16297674Chicago, IL18-May-51Killed in Action
Donkers, Harry WinfieldCPL1027020Chicago, IL3-Nov-50Killed in Action
Donoghue, Denis JosephPVT55199680Chicago, IL30-Nov-52Non-hostile Death
Doogan, Francis C.PFC55321205Cook, IL10-Jul-53Killed in Action
Dougherty, William JosephPFC660400Chicago, IL3-Dec-50Killed in Action
Doyle, Frank AdairCAPT17422AChicago, IL5-Nov-50Killed in Action
Doyle, James M.SGT16315937Cook, IL4-Sep-50Killed in Action
Drezen, Richard Stanley Jr.1LTAO-2222086Chicago, IL16-Jul-52Killed in Action
Drochowski, Stephen W. Jr.CPL16281382Cook, IL6-Apr-51Killed in Action
Drury, Raymond Cameron Jr.1LTO-57109Chicago, IL12-Apr-51Killed in Action
Duerr, William J.CPL16315919Cook, IL13-Oct-50Killed in Action
Duffey, Thomas A.CPL16217052Bensenville, IL3-Dec-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Dunbaugh, Franklin Perkins2LT54447Hubbard Woods, IL5-Dec-52Killed in Action
Duncan, Edward R.CAPTO-60196Chicago, IL3-Sep-50Killed in Action
Dunne, Robert Len2LTAO-2223130Oak Park, IL13-Sep-52Killed in Action
Durachta, Stanley G.PVT16279136Cook, IL11-Jul-50Killed in Action
Duschane, JohnPVT55133045Cook, IL14-Sep-51Killed in Action
Dusek, Ronald D.PFC16281678Cook, IL16-Jul-50Killed in Action
Dybol, Stanley T.CPL55181420Cook, IL22-Dec-52Killed in Action
Eckardt, Carl F.CPL36911046Cook, IL14-Jan-51Killed in Action
Edmonds, James Jr.CPL55168842Chicago, IL1-May-52Non-hostile Death
Edmonston, CliftonSGT30122850Cook, IL12-Feb-51Killed in Action
Egan, Raul GomezPVT55041623Cook, IL24-Jan-52Killed in Action
Egan, Thomas EarlPVT16356890Chicago, IL7-Sep-51Non-hostile Death
Ellis, Grant Ridgway1LT46107Kenilworth, IL30-Sep-50Killed in Action
Engh, Donald ErnestCPL1175637Des Plaines, IL27-Oct-52Killed in Action
Enlow, Dale ThomasCPL55000451Cook, IL10-Jun-51Died while Prisoner of War
Esposito, John A.PVT55323417Cook, IL18-Jul-53Killed in Action
Eustis, George E.PVT16298078Cook, IL16-Jul-50Killed in Action
Evans, Hosea L.MSGT34955247Cook, IL11-Dec-50Killed in Action
Everett, Harry Scheidy Jr.CAPTO-926409Chicago, IL18-Mar-51Killed in Action
Fagan, Frederick R.PFC16342229Cook, IL14-Feb-53Killed in Action
Farmer, Harvey L.PFC16332768Cook, IL14-Aug-52Killed in Action
Ferracane, August R.PFC55065821Cook, IL3-Oct-51Killed in Action
Fialkowski, Walter K.2LT56584Chicago, IL3-Nov-53Non-hostile Death
Filbin, Robert ThomasPFC55065820Chicago, IL1-Oct-51Non-hostile Death
Filkins, Walter F.PFC55168363Cook, IL4-Jun-52Died of Wounds
Finn, Paul E.PFC16325293Cook, IL15-Sep-50Killed in Action
Fischer, Edward Dennis1LT50220Chicago, IL16-Jun-51Killed in Action
Fitzgerald, Robert J.PFC1334558Chicago, IL25-Jul-53Died of Wounds
Fitzgerald, Robert J..MSGT36021791Cook, IL28-Nov-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Flaglore, Russel WilliamPFC1175652Chicago, IL28-Feb-52Died of Wounds
Flynn, John A.CPL16288243Cook, IL30-Nov-50Killed in Action
Flynn, William J.SFC16245891Cook, IL10-Apr-51Killed in Action
Foley, Arthur A. Jr.CPL552121Chicago, IL27-Nov-50Killed in Action
Fomond, James H.PFC55106672Cook, IL11-Feb-52Killed in Action
Ford, James E.2LTO-1931619Cook, IL13-Jun-53Killed in Action
Ford, LornelSGT14187496Cook, IL23-Aug-50Killed in Action
Fornica, Andrew H.2LTO-986355Cook, IL14-Nov-50Killed in Action
Forsythe, Robert W.PFC55061910Cook, IL5-Nov-51Killed in Action
Forte, JamesPFC628783Chicago, IL2-Oct-50Killed in Action
Foss, Eugene AlvinCPL55063206Cook, IL8-Aug-51Killed in Action
Fox, Jared W.PFC16409254Cook, IL16-Apr-53Killed in Action
Frangello, James C.CPL16303730Cook, IL1-Sep-50Killed in Action
Franke, Carl T. Jr.PFC55264640Cook, IL20-Apr-53Killed in Action
Frazure, Richard ParmanSGT1071737Park Ridge, IL11-Jan-51Died while Prisoner of War
Freeman, Charles F.PFC16255832Cook, IL11-Apr-51Killed in Action
Freer, Anton JosephPFC1050269Chicago, IL29-Nov-50Killed in Action
Friedman, Richard Melvin1LTAO-2221907Chicago, IL10-Jun-52Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Fugate, RichardPVT55263002Cook, IL22-Mar-53Killed in Action
Fuka, Richard OttoPFC637292Berwyn, IL27-Nov-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Gabos, William C.SGT55043914Cook, IL10-Nov-51Died of Wounds
Gabrish, Peter J.CPL55023829Cook, IL7-Oct-51Killed in Action
Galion, George A.1LTO-58903Cook, IL19-May-51Killed in Action
Gallagher, Patrick J.SGT16303796Cook, IL1-Jan-51Killed in Action
Gangl, CharlesPFC1219158Elmwood Park, IL23-Jul-52Killed in Action
Gapinski, Lawrence J.PFC46071390Cook, IL15-Feb-51Killed in Action
Gapinski, Robert CharlesCPL16297758Brookfield, IL1-Dec-51Non-hostile Death
Garcia, CarlosPFC18363875Cook, IL2-Dec-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Garcia, Frank DonaldSGT629133Chicago, IL7-Dec-50Died of Wounds
Garcia, OscarPFC1309122Chicago, IL28-Mar-53Killed in Action
Garvin, John H. Jr.CPL16304439Cook, IL31-Jul-50Killed in Action
Garvis, GeorgePFC36034960Cook, IL17-Sep-50Killed in Action
Gaul, William R.PFC55044455Cook, IL19-Oct-51Killed in Action
Geannopulos, Peter LouisSGT16282069Cook, IL28-Nov-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Geddes, Nelson RaymondPFC1137885Chicago, IL31-May-51Killed in Action
Geiger, Marvin C.PVT16324926Cook, IL19-Aug-50Killed in Action
Gherghescu, George Jr.PFC55180801Chicago, IL27-Apr-52Non-hostile Death
Giacopelli, JosephPVT55166873Chicago, IL14-Apr-52Non-hostile Death
Giangrande, FelixCPL1180091Chicago, IL29-Mar-53Killed in Action
Gibson, Clarence E. Jr.CPL16247976Cook, IL16-Oct-52Killed in Action
Gibson, William A.PFC16302865Cook, IL24-Apr-51Killed in Action
Giguere, Albert P.PVT16347231Cook, IL17-Jun-51Killed in Action
Gillespie, David Ray2LTO-2033886Cook, IL11-Dec-50Killed in Action
Glaser, Michael W.PVT16279870Cook, IL6-Aug-50Killed in Action
Glauder, Harold SylvesterWOW-2141447Chicago, IL15-Mar-52Non-hostile Death
Glazers, BrunoCPL53037781Cook, IL26-Feb-52Killed in Action
Goetz, William C.PVT55023518Cook, IL29-Apr-51Killed in Action
Golden, Peter Travis1LTO-2208514Cook, IL1-Dec-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Goldsmith, Leonard W.CPL26353078Cook, IL9-Feb-53Killed in Action
Goraj, Edwin StanleyPVT55064258Chicago, IL12-Oct-51Killed in Action
Gordon, William Clark1LTAO-2224559Park Ridge, IL19-Jul-53Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Grauman, William KarlCPL1049318Chicago, IL28-Nov-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Green, Robert G.PVT36781792Cook, IL20-Jul-50Killed in Action
Greene, John T.PVT55106997Cook, IL3-Sep-51Killed in Action
Greene, Richard DiabloPVT55168831Chicago, IL23-Apr-53Non-hostile Death
Gregory, Raymond LeonPFC16325292Cook, IL7-Sep-50Killed in Action
Griefenstine, Edward H.PVT16335053Cook, IL7-Mar-51Killed in Action
Griffin, Horace A.PVT16371820Cook, IL19-Oct-51Killed in Action
Grigal, Jerome H.2LTO-958798Cook, IL22-Sep-51Killed in Action
Grimsley, Everett VaresCPL34533826Chicago, IL23-Aug-50Non-hostile Death
Groeneveld, TheodorePFC16273629Cook, IL1-Sep-50Killed in Action
Groll, Charles J.CPL16207287Cook, IL3-Mar-51Killed in Action
Gross, Lawrence LeoSGT1049376Chicago, IL27-Nov-50Killed in Action
Grotkowski, BernardPFC16347507Cook, IL4-Dec-51Died of Wounds
Grunow, Alexander ThomasSFC15208862Cicero, IL29-Apr-52Non-hostile Death
Grzeca, Edwin C.CPL6803824Cook, IL27-Aug-50Killed in Action
Guerrero-Orona, JuanPFC55132859Cook, IL27-Aug-51Killed in Action
Guilfoyle, Cornelius PatrickCAPTAO-739549Chicago, IL7-Apr-52Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Gusek, Richard JosephPVT55356288Chicago, IL11-Nov-53Non-hostile Death
Gustafson, Henry LeoPFC16315373Cook County, IL31-Dec-51Died while Prisoner of War
Hagen, David R.PFC55322022Cook, IL24-Jun-53Killed in Action
Hallawell, Robert HughPFC1065525Chicago, IL30-Nov-50Killed in Action
Hamilton, Glenn E.PFC55252487Cook, IL22-Dec-52Killed in Action
Hamilton, Percy D.PFC36933970Cook, IL12-Feb-51Killed in Action
Hamilton, Thomas A.PVT56142849Cook, IL26-Sep-51Killed in Action
Harang, Richard CarolSGT600900Chicago, IL27-Dec-52Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Hardin, William GordonCPL1084495Chicago, IL2-Nov-50Killed in Action
Harges, Tommie Jr.PVT55264578Chicago, IL27-Jul-53Non-hostile Death
Hargrave, AlanPVT16306483Cook, IL28-Aug-50Killed in Action
Harmon, Roy B.PVT16370057Cook, IL5-Nov-51Killed in Action
Harris, ElijahPVT26355962Chicago, IL16-Dec-53Non-hostile Death
Harris, GeorgePFC16309829Cook, IL7-Mar-51Killed in Action
Hart, Michael John Jr.CPL16242698Cook, IL12-Sep-50Died while Prisoner of War
Hatcher, James E.CPL55062374Cook, IL7-Oct-51Killed in Action
Hatzold, Fred L.PFC55292859Cook, IL9-May-53Killed in Action
Hawkins, EdwardCPL16215585Cook, IL6-Sep-50Killed in Action
Haynes, Robert LeePVT55420420Chicago, IL12-Nov-53Non-hostile Death
Healy, Thomas J.PVT16281664Cook, IL16-Jul-50Killed in Action
Heck, Frederic RalphSGT16373884Cook, IL7-Sep-51Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Hecker, Lester A.PVT16370342Cook, IL15-Sep-51Killed in Action
Heffley, Edgar SamuelPFC16281465Chicago, IL14-Nov-50Died while Prisoner of War
Heider, Wilbert M.PFC55234886Cook, IL15-Oct-52Killed in Action
Heinz, Erwin Gustav Jr.CPL1048157Chicago, IL1-Mar-51Killed in Action
Hemskey, William JeromePFC16316002Chicago, IL15-Apr-51Non-hostile Death
Henry, Joseph PatrickCPL55109076Cook, IL26-Nov-51Killed in Action
Henry, Leo Jr.PFC16309841Cook, IL23-Jul-51Died while Prisoner of War
Henry, Richard ArdellCPL16368093Cook, IL27-Aug-51Killed in Action
Herbert, Valentine WilliamCPL55105872Chicago, IL23-Feb-52Non-hostile Death
Herbster, Harley K.PFC16254939Cook, IL18-Aug-50Killed in Action
Herman, Theodore J.PFC55041539Cook, IL25-Jun-51Killed in Action
Hernandez, GustavoPVT55063632Cook, IL17-Jun-51Killed in Action
Hess, Edward J.PFC16244045Cook, IL24-Mar-51Killed in Action
Highley, Joseph HenryCPL1205178Frankfort, IL29-Dec-52Killed in Action
Hilburger, Harry S.PVT16310183Cook, IL26-Nov-50Killed in Action
Hilgenberg, Robert HenryPFC1105469Maywood, IL23-Apr-51Killed in Action
Hill, Jesse EarlSFC36797828Cook, IL27-Nov-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Hill, Robert E.PVT16422345Cook, IL12-Jul-53Died of Wounds
Hill, Robert Jr.PVT55065382Chicago, IL3-Oct-52Non-hostile Death
Hillenbrand, HarrySFC55041138Cook, IL5-Feb-52Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Hintz, HaroldCAPT38772Elmwood Park, IL16-Nov-51Died while Prisoner of War
Hladik, Edward V. Jr.PFC55183521Cook, IL15-Oct-52Killed in Action
Hlavac, James F.CPL55062854Cook, IL1-Sep-51Killed in Action
Hlousek, Albert StevenSFC36621447Cook, IL28-Dec-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Hoff, Herbert W. Jr.SGT16297979Cook, IL30-Aug-51Killed in Action
Hoffenkamp, Donald L.PVT55132756Cook, IL24-Sep-51Killed in Action
Hoffman, Marvin R.PFC15276761Cook, IL30-Jul-50Killed in Action
Hoffman, William R.PVT16325342Cook, IL15-May-53Killed in Action
Hofius, James A.PVT55109185Cook, IL27-Aug-51Killed in Action
Holsinger, Norman ReoPFC55130190Cook, IL9-May-52Killed in Action
Holzman, Wilfred J.PFC16219969Cook, IL3-Jun-51Killed in Action
Horn, Willard Boyden2LT53645Evanston, IL11-Mar-52Killed in Action
Horton, Lovie L.PVT16371980Cook, IL7-Sep-51Killed in Action
Howell, Martin L.CPL16279468Cook, IL28-Jan-51Died while Prisoner of War
Hrnciar, MilanPFC55195637Cook, IL2-Sep-52Non-hostile Death
Hronek, John R.CPL36952150Cook, IL18-Jul-52Killed in Action
Hull, Richard BarnettLT137583Chicago, IL19-May-53Non-hostile Death
Hulska, William H.PFC55065327Cook, IL2-Sep-51Killed in Action
Hunt, Robert JosephPFC1119361Chicago, IL6-Jun-51Killed in Action
Huttner, Daniel Henry Jr.SGT16243367Chicago, IL5-Jan-52Non-hostile Death
Inokuchi, MarkPFC16302974Cook, IL30-Mar-51Killed in Action
Jack, DanielA1AF16197060Chicago, IL27-Dec-52Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Jack, James HamiltonCPL653864Chicago, IL1-Aug-52Killed in Action
Jackson, Carol J.PFC16310007Cook, IL29-Mar-51Killed in Action
Jackson, Donald RayPFC1218890Chicago, IL30-Sep-52Killed in Action
Jacobs, Michael LesterA2AF16335254Chicago, IL22-Jul-52Non-hostile Air Crash
Jagnow, Arthur C.SFC55041827Cook, IL11-Jan-52Killed in Action
Jakusz, Andrew RalphPFC108466160Chicago, IL22-Sep-50Killed in Action
Janczak, Joseph Anthony Jr.CPL1261459Chicago, IL26-Mar-53Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Janettas, Peter M.CPL16282394Cook, IL30-Jul-50Killed in Action
Janicki, Leonard D.MSGT36707909Cook, IL25-Aug-50Killed in Action
Jankowski, Richard T.PFC36915756Cook, IL23-Apr-51Killed in Action
Janowitz, Frank P.PFC16243421Cook, IL26-Jul-50Killed in Action
Jenkins, Carl AugustSSGTAF16348488Chicago, IL10-Jun-52Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Jensen, George R.PFC55133120Cook, IL19-Sep-51Killed in Action
Johnson, BenPVT55129309Chicago, IL15-Nov-51Non-hostile Death
Johnson, Eric Jr.PFC1071746Chicago, IL24-Sep-50Killed in Action
Johnson, George A.CPL36786885Cook, IL31-Jul-50Died of Wounds
Johnson, George B.SGT19188358Cook, IL29-Jul-51Killed in Action
Johnson, George WalterLT363352Chicago, IL2-Mar-52Killed in Action
Johnson, Ivan F.A2Chicago, IL23-Mar-54Non-hostile Death
Johnson, Major A.SGT14185741Cook, IL8-Jul-53Died of Wounds
Johnson, Norman RileySGT36791297Cook, IL30-Apr-51Died while Prisoner of War
Johnson, William HalePFC14329852Chicago, IL27-Sep-50Killed in Action
Johnston, Joseph E.PFC55062481Cook, IL10-Nov-51Killed in Action
Johnston, William R.PVT36778091Cook, IL4-Sep-50Killed in Action
Jones, James EmmettPFC1180053Chicago, IL26-Oct-52Killed in Action
Jones, John BenPVT55420510Chicago, IL15-Feb-54Non-hostile Death
Jones, Kenneth R.PFC16373958Matteson, IL24-Sep-51Killed in Action
Jones, WilliamCPL16071347Cook, IL25-Jul-50Killed in Action
Joseph, AdolphSGT16244375Cook, IL1-May-51Died while Prisoner of War
Judson, Bryant Escar Jr.SGT592477Chicago, IL17-Oct-52Killed in Action
Juhl, Robert ArthurPFC1160600Chicago, IL16-Nov-51Non-hostile Death
Jurasz, LeoSGT16288327Cook, IL2-Dec-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Kacheris, ByronCPL16287614Cook, IL26-Apr-51Killed in Action
Kadlec, Richard A.PFC16306246Cook, IL12-Jul-50Killed in Action
Kehr, Dean Deloss Jr.SSGTAF16316458Franklin Park, IL1-Jun-51Killed in Action
Kenney, William RichardPFC1150998Chicago, IL16-Sep-51Killed in Action
Kensel, Robert Kane1LTO-2103750Barrington, IL16-Aug-53Non-hostile Air Crash
Kerber, Charles F.PVT55132716Cook, IL17-Sep-51Killed in Action
Kiesling, Curtis JamesCPL1063170Elmhurst, IL28-Nov-50Killed in Action
Kilroy, Frank RaymondPVT55263999Stickney, IL15-May-53Non-hostile Death
Kirk, Albert Jr.PFC55321275Cook, IL8-Jul-53Killed in Action
Klebo, Harry A. Jr.1LTO-1176692Cook, IL27-Sep-50Killed in Action
Klein, John A.PVT55107047Cook, IL7-Dec-51Killed in Action
Kloeckner, Ronald J.PVT55235039Cook, IL28-Jul-52Killed in Action
Kluss, JoeSGT16001355Cook, IL3-Sep-50Killed in Action
Knight, John F.PFC55041736Cook, IL7-Jun-51Killed in Action
Knutson, Paul C.CPL16371724Cook, IL26-Jul-52Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Kobie, Arthur RichardPVT55132700Cook, IL30-Aug-51Killed in Action
Koch, ClarenceSGT15102034Cook, IL21-Feb-51Killed in Action
Koestler, George E.PFC55000211Cook, IL19-May-51Killed in Action
Kok, William JohnPVT57508010Cook, IL14-Jan-51Killed in Action
Kolasinski, Robert A.PFC16287628Cook, IL9-Apr-51Killed in Action
Koontz, Don WyandotteMSGT832130Chicago, IL2-Mar-51Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Kopczak, Joseph Anthony Jr.SGT1048077Chicago, IL15-Mar-51Killed in Action
Kotwasinski, WilliamPFC16306247Cook, IL28-May-51Died while Prisoner of War
Kotwica, Joseph JamesCPL1230196Chicago, IL27-Oct-52Killed in Action
Kozlowski, Aloysius W.PVT55000338Cook, IL13-Feb-51Died of Wounds
Kraft, Roger JohnCPL55065921Cook, IL10-Oct-51Died while Prisoner of War
Krainovich, MilanPVT1180976Chicago, IL22-Aug-52Killed in Action
Kramer, Ronald L.SGT55042111Cook, IL21-Jun-52Killed in Action
Krelowski, ZdzislawPVT55106720Chicago, IL28-Jul-51Non-hostile Death
Kreutz, Edward Oliver Jr.HM28527163Chicago, IL10-Apr-51Non-hostile Death
Kripoton, John A.PVT16373476Cook, IL12-Oct-52Killed in Action
Krucek, Edward A.PFC55105711Cook, IL8-Aug-51Killed in Action
Kruszewski, Mitchel2LTO-1686685Cook, IL11-Sep-50Died of Wounds
Krzyzowski, Edward C.CAPTO-1310728Chicago, IL3-Sep-51Killed in Action
Kucharczyk, Henry J.PFC55061759Cook, IL20-Jul-51Killed in Action
Kuhr, Raymond E.PFC16306276Cook, IL16-Sep-50Killed in Action
Kuizinas, Vito PaulPVT55166896Chicago, IL11-May-52Non-hostile Death
Kuldanek, Stephan F.PFC16254763Cook, IL20-Jan-51Killed in Action
Kunz, William F.PFC55107461Cook, IL22-Mar-52Killed in Action
Kurgan, BilliePVT16348111Cook, IL15-Oct-51Killed in Action
Kurzawski, Joseph FrankPFC1180129Chicago, IL23-Sep-51Died of Wounds
Kusiolek, Adrian J.PVT36748782Cook, IL16-Jul-50Killed in Action
Kuzniar, Richard T.PFC55197027Cook, IL27-Sep-52Died of Wounds
La Monica, Anthony DanielHM3029383Chicago, IL16-Sep-51Killed in Action
Lambert, Donald Francis2LT54701Summit, IL8-Jan-53Killed in Action
Lanau, Kas Edward J.PFC16297276Cook, IL16-Aug-50Died of Wounds
Lanfair, RooseveltPVT55185162Cook, IL11-May-52Killed in Action
Lang, John R.PFC1129402Chicago, IL25-Jul-53Killed in Action
Lannon, John J.PFC16245014Cook, IL21-Sep-50Killed in Action
Lardino, Frank F.PFC16280006Cook, IL4-Sep-50Died of Wounds
Larsen, Emil A. Jr.PFC16327657Cook, IL28-Feb-53Killed in Action
Laufer, RobertPFC16297560Cook, IL26-May-51Killed in Action
Lavelle, John ThomasCPL1117384La Grange, IL22-Oct-52Killed in Action
Leaf, Ralph E.PVT36840708Cook, IL4-Feb-51Died of Wounds
Lee, Jesse JamesSGT36793116Chicago, IL2-Aug-53Non-hostile Death
Leffler, Richard C.PFC55065909Cook, IL12-Sep-51Killed in Action
Leider, Eugene G.PFC55064597Cook, IL19-Nov-51Killed in Action
Lender, Charles W.2LTO-1881783Cook, IL24-May-53Killed in Action
Lenske, Leonard EdwinPVT16279686Chicago, IL12-Aug-51Non-hostile Death
Lewandowski, Edward J.PFC55065552Cook, IL3-Sep-51Killed in Action
Lewandowski, Ernest S.PFC16278916Cook, IL2-Aug-50Died of Wounds
Lewis, Edward W. Jr.MSGT36797353Cook, IL9-Dec-52Killed in Action
Lewis, James MarkPFC1309392Chicago, IL26-Mar-53Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Lilek, Donald J.PVT55043894Cook, IL28-May-51Killed in Action
Lindahl, RunePFC55195569Cook, IL29-Aug-52Killed in Action
Lindsay, R. L.PVT55238141Cook, IL15-Nov-52Killed in Action
Lindstrom, Carlo A.PFC55042209Cook, IL15-Jul-51Killed in Action
Liskowski, John P. Jr.PFC16340110Cook, IL18-Sep-51Died of Wounds
Lopez, Raul TregoPFC55264571Chicago, IL24-Jun-53Non-hostile Death
Lorenz, Robert EdwardPFC26790367Chicago, IL28-Oct-50Died while Prisoner of War
Lowe, PhilipPVT55238499Chicago, IL8-Feb-53Non-hostile Death
Lowe, ThomasPFC53139274Cook, IL18-Jul-53Killed in Action
Lucarz, Edward StanleyPFC1219124Chicago, IL1-Oct-52Killed in Action
Luckett, John B.CPL16348994Cook, IL3-Oct-51Killed in Action
Lundervold, Winston K.PFC17305267Cook, IL17-Jun-52Killed in Action
Lydolph, Robert M.PFC16281765Cook, IL18-May-51Died while Prisoner of War
Lynch, James JohnPVT55291261Chicago, IL19-May-53Non-hostile Death
Lynn, Frank WisnerLTCO-26448Chicago, IL3-Sep-54Killed in Action
Maas, Robert AugustMSGT36036445Cook, IL15-Dec-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Macino, Michelo A.PVT16303696Cook, IL7-Jul-50Killed in Action
Madison, ReginaldSGT1160726Chicago, IL2-Mar-53Killed in Action
Maly, James A.PVT16287721Cook, IL21-Sep-50Killed in Action
Mangrum, Selman D.PVT55134007Cook, IL10-Oct-51Killed in Action
Manitowabi, AlphonseSFC36493106Cook, IL20-May-53Killed in Action
Mann, Richard H.CPL26334978Cook, IL4-Feb-51Killed in Action
Marassa, Frank M.PVT55041987Cook, IL20-May-51Killed in Action
Marchert, Fred John Jr.CPL1048125Chicago, IL1-Aug-52Died of Wounds
Marchino, Anthony J.PFC16325330Cook, IL26-Sep-50Killed in Action
Marks, Eugene L.PFC16316118Cook, IL1-Dec-50Killed in Action
Marlowe, Fred EmanuelMAJO-346555Chicago, IL12-Jul-50Died of Wounds
Marquez, MartinPVT36927703Cook, IL2-Dec-50Killed in Action
Martin, John Paul Jr.CPL26368831Cook, IL28-Nov-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Marye, David FolsomPVT16218525Evanston, IL8-May-51Non-hostile Death
Mason, Charles2LTAO-2223874Lagrange Park, IL17-Jan-53Non-hostile Air Crash
Matchett, Edward W.SFC46019935Cook, IL16-Jul-50Killed in Action
Mathews, Charles Jr.PVT36796812Chicago, IL2-Feb-51Non-hostile Death
Maxwell, Roy LeePFC1308670Chicago, IL26-Feb-53Killed in Action
May, Donald A.PVT16280783Cook, IL16-Jul-50Killed in Action
Mayerhofer, DonaldCPL55291057Cook, IL11-Jul-53Killed in Action
Mayfield, Weldon E.PVT16347279Cook, IL21-May-51Died of Wounds
Maze, Paul W.PFC16297619Cook, IL28-Jan-51Killed in Action
McAllister, John F.SFC16303621Cook, IL28-Feb-51Died while Prisoner of War
McAndrews, Charles AshendenPFC1071991Chicago, IL7-Dec-50Killed in Action
McBride, James W.1LTO-1331644Cook, IL22-Mar-51Died of Wounds
McClennon, Horace I.PVT55041241Cook, IL2-Jun-51Killed in Action
McCullough, JohnSGT16303744Chicago, IL31-Jan-51Died while Prisoner of War
McGinnis, Leonard ShapoffPVT55168303Chicago, IL20-Aug-52Non-hostile Death
McGrath, Orville B.PFC16215396Cook, IL13-Sep-50Killed in Action
McIlquham, Alfred K.1LTO-1540949Cook, IL27-Jul-50Killed in Action
McIntosh, CurliePFC55322650Cook, IL27-Jun-53Died of Wounds
McLaughlin, Andrew R.PVT55062592Cook, IL5-Jun-51Killed in Action
McNulty, Terence JohnCPL1024355Blue Island, IL12-Sep-51Killed in Action
McReynolds, Cornelius Jr.SGT55181589Chicago, IL17-Feb-53Non-hostile Death
Mehler, Leo M.PFC46040239Cook, IL11-Aug-50Killed in Action
Meiners, John HenryPVT16357448Chicago, IL2-Oct-51Killed in Action
Menclewicz, Clarence R.PFC55234587Cook, IL7-Mar-53Killed in Action
Mendelsohn, David CharlesSGT592629Chicago, IL29-Sep-50Killed in Action
Mengler, Clarence StanleyCPL1180182Cicero, IL25-Jun-52Died of Wounds
Micele, Raymond A.PFC57500910Cook, IL7-Mar-51Killed in Action
Milano, David B.CPL16330168Chicago, IL2-Dec-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Miller, Eugene NicholasMSGT46056930Cook, IL5-Dec-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Misovic, Michael Jr.CPL1050229Chicago, IL23-Apr-51Killed in Action
Mistle, Conrad P.PVT56146769Cook, IL23-Nov-51Killed in Action
Mitchell, Frank RobertSGT17246455Chicago, IL28-Nov-50Killed in Action
Mitchell, Philip C. Jr.1LTO-927124Cook, IL21-Sep-51Killed in Action
Miyamoto, Robert K.PVT30126623Cook, IL24-Jun-51Died of Wounds
Mlaskac, Milton J.PVT16325297Cook, IL17-Aug-50Killed in Action
Moccio, Raymond D.PFC55199749Cook, IL16-Aug-52Died of Wounds
Montgomery, Percy L.PVT55130600Cook, IL4-Oct-51Killed in Action
Montoya, James AnthonyPFC1123986Chicago, IL10-Jun-51Killed in Action
Monzo, Henry A.CPL55167662Cook, IL24-Apr-52Killed in Action
Moore, Edward J. Jr.PVT16341764Cook, IL29-May-51Killed in Action
Morgan, AlbertSGT16288032Cook, IL8-Apr-51Died while Prisoner of War
Morgan, Arthur W.CPL16331823Cook, IL1-Sep-51Killed in Action
Morgan, Hillard GlennCPL55106663Chicago, IL6-Apr-52Non-hostile Death
Morris, Albert E.SGT6731649Cook, IL13-Oct-50Killed in Action
Morris, Rufus R.PFC55185279Cook, IL19-Oct-52Killed in Action
Morrison, James F.PFC1271113Homewood, IL12-Jul-53Killed in Action
Moulden, Collins Jr.PVT55198058Cook, IL16-Aug-52Died of Wounds
Mrazek, Leonard F.PFC55197679Cook, IL29-Jun-52Killed in Action
Mrotek, Lawrence MiltonCPL57500734Cook, IL1-May-51Died while Prisoner of War
Mullane, Donald B.PFC16341571Cook, IL12-Sep-51Killed in Action
Mullins, Charlie Jr.PFC1118931Chicago, IL11-Dec-50Died of Wounds
Munier, Joseph Francis Jr.M33030444Chicago, IL7-Oct-51Killed in Action
Munson, Arvid O.1LTO-2058357Cook, IL7-Jul-50Killed in Action
Murdock, LonniePVT55165406Cook, IL8-Nov-51Killed in Action
Murphy, James P.PVT16371743Cook, IL17-Oct-51Killed in Action
Murphy, John D.PVT36787080Cook, IL19-Dec-50Killed in Action
Murphy, Robert J. M.CPL16303071Cook, IL8-Apr-51Killed in Action
Myslinski, Edwin J.PFC36674479Cook, IL20-May-51Killed in Action
Nakamura, WataruPFC36467531Cook, IL18-May-51Killed in Action
Nakasato, YeichiPVT30109395Cook, IL11-Dec-50Killed in Action
Nalepka, Joseph J.PVT55023572Cook, IL18-May-51Killed in Action
Nearhood, John W.SGT16315922Cook, IL8-Aug-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Neil, William L.PVT55040475Cook, IL4-Jun-51Killed in Action
Nelsen, Charles W.SGT36301833Cook, IL31-Jul-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Nemeth, Ben S.CPL55064191Cook, IL19-Sep-51Killed in Action
Nesis, Thomas JosephPVT16303706Cook, IL12-Sep-50Killed in Action
Niwa, Daniel J.PFC55108554Cook, IL9-Oct-51Killed in Action
Norling, Vincent P.PFC16302910Cook, IL1-Sep-50Killed in Action
Norris, George D.PVT16215040Cook, IL12-Sep-51Killed in Action
Notbusch, Henry C.PFC36913386Cook, IL26-Jan-51Killed in Action
Notter, William J.PFC16399579Cook, IL7-Jul-53Killed in Action
Novak, Jerry O.PFC55293497Cook, IL13-Jul-53Killed in Action
Nowicki, Joseph M.CPL55107076Cook, IL5-Apr-52Killed in Action
Nowicki, Richard R.SGT16274016Cook, IL16-Sep-50Killed in Action
Nykvist, RobertCPL16330228Cook, IL3-Dec-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
O'Connell, Edmund D.PFC55000521Cook, IL7-Jan-51Killed in Action
O'Connell, James E.PFC16303568Cook, IL1-Sep-50Killed in Action
O'Connor, Patrick FrankSGT637228Chicago, IL10-Dec-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
O'Day, Walter GeorgeCPL627384River Forest, IL26-Nov-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
O'Donnell, Terrence WilliamHM3040513Chicago, IL24-Jun-52Killed in Action
O'Keefe, John F.PFC55000374Cook, IL7-Jan-51Killed in Action
O'Keefe, Richard C.CPL55291408Wilmette, IL23-Jul-53Killed in Action
O'Neil, Clayton LarryPFC16255823Cook, IL23-Aug-50Killed in Action
O'Toole, James WilliamPFC566207Chicago, IL24-Sep-50Killed in Action
Ogden, Frank SamuelPFC660466Chicago, IL5-Dec-50Died of Wounds
Oleshko, Michael F.SGT16245335Cook, IL24-Sep-51Killed in Action
Olinger, Elmer B. Jr.CPL16392567Cook, IL2-Jun-53Killed in Action
Oliver, Samuel Rolland Jr.PFC1244937Chicago, IL20-Nov-52Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Ore, Roger HullPFC1218749Berwyn, IL26-Aug-52Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Orr, Jack F.PVT55062919Cook, IL21-Aug-51Killed in Action
Orsetti, Raymond EugeneSGT16281944Evanston, IL22-Aug-50Non-hostile Death
Orzechowski, John G.SGT33466238Cook, IL14-Feb-51Died of Wounds
Owens, Edison F.PFC16330296Cook, IL31-Mar-51Died while Prisoner of War
Paladino, Bernard M.MSGT16303682Cook, IL2-Mar-51Killed in Action
Panacek, Louis JosephCPL55321174Cook, IL8-Jul-53Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Pappin, Richard C.1LTO-1882218Cook, IL24-Jul-53Killed in Action
Parrish, Raymond ShirleyQMC3684343Chicago, IL27-Aug-52Killed in Action
Patten, James Jr.PFC55237987Robbins, IL26-Feb-53Non-hostile Death
Pauloma, JesusPFC55105157Chicago, IL7-Sep-52Non-hostile Death
Pauly, Herman E.PVT16340179Cook, IL25-Feb-52Killed in Action
Pavlak, EdwardSFC55183704Cook, IL14-Oct-52Killed in Action
Pavlak, John C.PFC1180361Chicago, IL24-Jul-53Killed in Action
Payne, BaltimoreCPL36013131Cook, IL26-Nov-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Payne, William GeorgeHM13381287Chicago, IL1-Dec-50Killed in Action
Paynovich, Milo G.SGT16287871Cook, IL1-Dec-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Pearce, John DavidCPL55107257Elmhurst, IL28-Sep-51Killed in Action
Pearson, William Arnold Jr.CPL1065594Evanston, IL28-Nov-50Killed in Action
Petress, James E.CPL16303618Cook, IL11-Jun-51Killed in Action
Pieri, Paul MarioSGT26338163Cook, IL5-Dec-50Killed in Action
Pierre, Samuel Jr.PFC55165793Chicago, IL1-Jul-52Non-hostile Death
Piorunski, Leonard L. P.SGT36948842Cook, IL22-Feb-51Killed in Action
Plinske, Norman C.PVT55236903Cook, IL21-Nov-52Killed in Action
Pliska, Edward V.PVT55000034Cook, IL28-Nov-50Killed in Action
Poczekaj, Edward F. Jr.CPL1175726Chicago, IL28-Mar-53Killed in Action
Polcer, George J. Jr.PFC55263408Cook, IL11-Jun-53Killed in Action
Polotto, Anthony Jr.PFC16389417Chicago, IL5-Aug-52Killed in Action
Popp, John Frederick Jr.CPL1244895Barrington, IL16-Aug-52Killed in Action
Pospyhalla, Dale A.CPL16323243Cook, IL2-Nov-50Killed in Action
Potts, RichardSGT38449050Chicago, IL21-Mar-53Non-hostile Death
Powers, Bernard M.CPL26351528Cook, IL2-Mar-51Died of Wounds
Powers, James JosephCPL16249256Chicago, IL28-Feb-51Non-hostile Death
Prettner, Robert J.PFC16316707Cook, IL30-Jul-51Died while Prisoner of War
Prindle, Richard ThomasAME3B529576Morton Grove, IL15-Apr-69Killed in Action
Rader, Lester DoyleCPL552343Chicago, IL15-Sep-50Killed in Action
Radford, GeorgeCPL55107081Chicago, IL17-Apr-52Non-hostile Death
Ragland, John Jr.PVT16335026Cook, IL31-Mar-51Died of Wounds
Ramser, Howard W. Jr.PFC55195299Cook, IL18-Oct-52Killed in Action
Ratti, Joseph ClementCPL16208069Cook, IL30-Apr-51Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Ray, Roy Jr.PVT16386965Cook, IL27-Apr-53Killed in Action
Regan, Thomas J.PVT16373182Cook, IL27-Oct-51Killed in Action
Reidy, Quin P.PFC55104898Cook, IL13-Sep-51Killed in Action
Reilly, Thomas Francis Jr.SGT1171540Chicago, IL15-May-52Non-hostile Death
Reimer, Kenneth F.2LTO-1925669Cook, IL11-Jun-53Killed in Action
Reynolds, LindbergPVT16242335Cook, IL17-Mar-51Killed in Action
Riccardo, George S.PFC16303691Cook, IL11-Feb-51Killed in Action
Ricci, Sirio A.CPL1270525Chicago, IL29-Mar-53Killed in Action
Rice, Harold E.SGT1244718Chicago, IL10-Apr-53Killed in Action
Richard, Earl J.CPL36941810Cook, IL4-Feb-51Killed in Action
Richards, Joseph T.PVT55133438Cook, IL6-Oct-52Killed in Action
Richards, Lowell E.PVT55351538Cook, IL15-Jul-53Killed in Action
Riddle, Dock L.CPL6391881Cook, IL28-Jul-51Died while Prisoner of War
Ritter, John G.PFC55104897Cook, IL9-Sep-51Killed in Action
Rivera, Jorge LegarretaPFC55064391Cook, IL7-Sep-51Killed in Action
Rivera, Paul Jr.SGT16254741Chicago, IL29-May-51Killed in Action
Rizdy, MichaelPFC36003946Cook, IL27-Feb-53Killed in Action
Roberson, Teddy EdwardPVT16374105Cook, IL2-Dec-51Killed in Action
Robert PaulSGT55106475Chicago, IL12-Jul-52Non-hostile Death
Roberts, Henry D.PFC16242445Cook, IL31-Aug-50Killed in Action
Roberts, Samuel RomanesousSGT16310166Chicago Heights, IL19-Aug-51Non-hostile Death
Robinson, FrankPFC55042311Cook, IL7-Aug-51Killed in Action
Robling, Robert EarlPFC1050387Chicago, IL25-Sep-50Killed in Action
Roclawski, RichardPFC26339379Cook, IL17-Jun-52Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Rodriguez, Anthony NickSGT1048029Chicago, IL11-Sep-51Killed in Action
Rodriguez, Jose M.PVT16368031Cook, IL30-Oct-51Killed in Action
Rogers, Clinton R.PVT16347311Cook, IL24-May-51Killed in Action
Rolling, Henry L.PVT16309876Cook, IL11-Nov-50Killed in Action
Romero, HumbertoPVT55041974Cook, IL25-Apr-51Killed in Action
Ronczkowski, RichardHM27293793Chicago, IL7-Oct-52Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Rosecrants, George FrederickSFC16282641Cook, IL31-Mar-51Died while Prisoner of War
Rosen, MichaelCPL55042140Cook, IL21-Jun-52Killed in Action
Rosenthal, Alfred M.PFC55043590Cook, IL30-Aug-51Killed in Action
Rother, Charles R.PVT55165497Cook, IL8-Nov-51Killed in Action
Ruggero, Ciro JerryCPL16287848Cook, IL24-Aug-51Died while Prisoner of War
Ryan, Robert W.SGT20616966Cook, IL6-Nov-50Killed in Action
Rzepecki, Raymond A.1LTO-961049Cook, IL18-Jun-52Killed in Action
Sadek, Eugene J.PFC16317812Cook, IL11-Feb-51Killed in Action
Salcido, Armado LawrenceSGT16331924Chicago, IL27-Dec-52Non-hostile Death
Salecki, Chester J.CPL36991783Cook, IL4-Nov-50Killed in Action
Salerno, Joseph Jr.PFC16297330Cook, IL15-Aug-50Killed in Action
Samayoa, Joseph S.CPL39435122Cook, IL10-Sep-50Killed in Action
Samczyk, Stanley J.PFC16303702Cook, IL1-Sep-50Killed in Action
Savides, George NickPVT16400318Chicago, IL2-Aug-53Non-hostile Death
Sawyer, Levi L.PFC55043732Cook, IL21-Oct-51Died of Wounds
Scateni, Rudolph M.PVT57500832Cook, IL29-Jan-51Killed in Action
Scheltens, Frank J.PVT55064141Cook, IL29-Jul-51Killed in Action
Schick, Robert ArnoldPFC1180551Chicago, IL3-Dec-51Died of Wounds
Schillicutt, James H.CPL26353881Cook, IL9-Jul-53Killed in Action
Schine, John Jr.PFC16325313Cicero, IL16-Oct-51Killed in Action
Schlabach, Frank Lyman Jr.CPL55182342Evanston, IL30-Jun-52Non-hostile Death
Schlivko, LeoCPLChicago, IL23-Nov-52Non-hostile Death
Schmid, Walter D.CPL1175778Chicago, IL9-Apr-53Killed in Action
Schmiedl, Vernon E.PVT55063520Cook, IL3-Jun-51Killed in Action
Schmitt, John GilbertCPL16275894Cook, IL8-Aug-52Killed in Action
Schultz, Robert EdwinPFC1230426Chicago, IL26-Mar-53Killed in Action
Schumer, Raymond John MichaelPVT55324993Evanston, IL11-Feb-53Non-hostile Death
Schuring, Gerald GeneCPL17228038Cook, IL30-Nov-50Died while Prisoner of War
Schwartz, Harold A.CPL16209224Cook, IL15-Feb-51Killed in Action
Schweiger, William T.CPL46039632Cook, IL4-Oct-51Killed in Action
Scott, Edward H.PFC16306482Cook, IL18-Jul-51Non-hostile Death
Scowcroft, Arthur JamesSGT16339262Chicago Heights, IL14-Nov-52Non-hostile Air Crash
Sebastian, BrownCAPTO-2048476Cook, IL1-Dec-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Semetges, George JohnCPL55235050Cook, IL26-Oct-52Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Sereika, Donald S.CPL57500942Cook, IL7-Jun-51Killed in Action
Serpe, SamuelPFC16327645Cook, IL6-Sep-50Killed in Action
Serra, Eugene RalphPFC55195499Chicago, IL14-Nov-52Non-hostile Air Crash
Shaw, Eugene MarvinCPL642196Chicago, IL27-Sep-50Killed in Action
Shay, John B. S.CPL16297873Cook, IL19-May-51Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Shine, Edward A.PFC55185223Evanston, IL23-Sep-52Died of Wounds
Shy, Leslie A.PFC35816929Cook, IL14-Feb-51Killed in Action
Sicas, Edmundas G.PVT55131803Cook, IL16-Sep-51Killed in Action
Sieczka, Walter J.PVT55132894Cook, IL27-Aug-51Killed in Action
Simpson, Issac Jr.PFC1295876Chicago, IL27-Mar-53Killed in Action
Simpson, Orville L.PFC46082512Cook, IL5-Jun-51Died of Wounds
Siudzinski, ErnestSGT37772746Cook, IL20-Jul-50Killed in Action
Skibicki, Chester A.PVT55041608Chicago, IL27-Aug-51Killed in Action
Sleboda, Richard StanislawPFC657852Westchester, IL2-Dec-50Killed in Action
Sloan, Donald E.PVT16309776Cook, IL10-Sep-50Killed in Action
Sloan, Lawrence H.PFC57507666Cook, IL18-May-51Killed in Action
Slotabec, Robert BernardPFC1071979Chicago, IL7-Dec-50Died of Wounds
Small, MarvinCPL55165794Chicago, IL26-Nov-51Non-hostile Death
Smietana, Henry J.PVT55132332Chicago, IL20-Feb-52Non-hostile Death
Smith, AlbertPVT55165525Chicago, IL29-Nov-52Non-hostile Death
Smith, GeraldPFC16255580Cook, IL17-Jul-50Killed in Action
Smith, Gordon RonaldPVT16327708Cook, IL20-Sep-50Killed in Action
Smith, Leonard G.PVT16242513Cook, IL1-Sep-50Killed in Action
Smith, Robert K.SFC6584812Cook, IL12-Aug-50Killed in Action
Smith, Roger W.PFC16327606Cook, IL8-Apr-51Killed in Action
Smyros, James G.PFC16330105Cook, IL1-Sep-50Killed in Action
Sokol, John A.PFC16368889Cook, IL2-Sep-51Killed in Action
Sommerfield, Edward GustavSGT16244063Cook, IL6-Dec-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Sparks, HoracePFC55064411Cook, IL19-May-51Killed in Action
Spear, Spero G.PVT55063953Cook, IL26-Jul-51Killed in Action
Spencer, LloydCPL34346968Cook, IL27-Mar-51Died of Wounds
Stackig, Ralph S. Jr.PFC16308764Cook, IL22-Jun-51Died of Wounds
Stacy, Gene E.PVT16306547Cook, IL28-Feb-51Killed in Action
Stancel, Joseph E.SFC6731405Cook, IL26-Sep-50Died while Prisoner of War
Standaert, Richard L.PFC55107631Cook, IL3-Oct-51Died of Wounds
Stapleton, David FrancisPFC1175709Chicago, IL15-Sep-51Killed in Action
Stark, Louis K.PFC36793810Cook, IL11-Aug-50Killed in Action
Staskiewicz, Walter R.PFC36046209Cook, IL18-May-51Killed in Action
Statler, Lavern D.PFC16275554Cook, IL1-Sep-50Killed in Action
Stefaniak, Stanley JohnPFC1296347Chicago, IL27-Feb-53Killed in Action
Steger, William RaymondCPL16254756Cook, IL27-Jul-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Stepina, GeorgeMSGT36947644Cook, IL30-Jun-51Died while Prisoner of War
Sterczek, Frank S.PFC16239840Chicago, IL7-Feb-51Killed in Action
Stevens, Edward R.PVT16316065Cook, IL6-Aug-50Died of Wounds
Stewart, Wallace Delford2LTAO-2222660Chicago, IL19-Apr-52Non-hostile Air Crash
Stine, Percy E. Jr.CPL16394015Cook, IL12-Jun-53Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Stockwell, Jesse H.PVT55043772Cook, IL4-Oct-51Killed in Action
Stone, Lawrence M.PVT55106646Cook, IL1-Sep-51Killed in Action
Stone, William H.CPL16279771Cook, IL2-Sep-51Killed in Action
Stott, Beverly R.PFC16288369Cook, IL7-Mar-51Killed in Action
Streeter, Richard SherwinPFC1205567Evanston, IL21-Apr-52Killed in Action
Striegel, Joseph W.PFC26336691Cook, IL28-Nov-50Killed in Action
Stroemer, Charles O.PFC55234928Cook, IL30-Dec-52Killed in Action
Strogis, Ignatz James Jr.HM7269684Chicago, IL21-Jul-52Non-hostile Death
Strohmeyer, Paul DavidHM33041528Chicago, IL31-Aug-54Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Strozier, FrankPFC55323298Chicago, IL26-Jun-53Non-hostile Death
Strylowski, Edward C.MSGT20615835Markham, IL2-Nov-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Stumpf, John LouisMSGT46048774Cook, IL8-Jan-51Died while Prisoner of War
Sturm, WilliamPFC1110014Chicago, IL23-Mar-51Died of Wounds
Suhren, Edmund W.SGT16287889Cook, IL18-Apr-51Killed in Action
Sullivan, Robert AnthonyPFC16371788Chicago, IL16-Sep-51Killed in Action
Sulzer, Norbert C.PFC55195415Cook, IL29-Aug-52Killed in Action
Summeries, Robert PrestonPFC1270469Chicago, IL6-Oct-52Killed in Action
Sutherland, Kenneth W.PFC16255953Cook, IL16-Jul-50Killed in Action
Sutherland, RaymondPFC55196810Cook, IL20-Sep-52Killed in Action
Sutton, JohniePVT55042220Cook, IL25-May-51Killed in Action
Suvada, Robert M.CPL55041518Cook, IL6-Feb-52Killed in Action
Sweeney, Richard E.AT15267456Chicago, IL15-Apr-69Killed in Action
Swornog, AdamCPL55261688Cook, IL25-Mar-53Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Sykora, Thomas G.PFC55234602Cook, IL5-Jan-53Killed in Action
Symons, John O.SGT16229157Cook, IL16-Oct-51Died while Prisoner of War
Synski, EdmundPVT16324890Cook, IL27-Jul-50Killed in Action
Sypniewski, Stanley LeonardHM3034019Chicago, IL13-Aug-52Killed in Action
Taccio, Rocco Jr.PFC55041119Cook, IL18-Oct-51Killed in Action
Tadlock, Alvin JeroneCPL16247907Cook, IL31-May-51Died while Prisoner of War
Tallant, Kenneth Paul1LTAO-2224125Chicago, IL18-May-53Non-hostile Air Crash
Tarnas, AntoniPFC55131787Cook, IL20-Sep-51Killed in Action
Taylor, John A.SGT16335004Cook, IL21-Aug-51Killed in Action
Taylor, Robert FrankLT670724Chicago, IL15-Apr-69Killed in Action
Thees, John Francis1LTAO-2225641Berwyn, IL20-Jul-53Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Therkelsen, Donald ArthurCPL55238398Cook, IL17-Jul-53Killed in Action
Thinnes, Joel AloysissusPFC1050302Chicago, IL3-Dec-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Thomas, Alonzo T.PVT1295738Chicago, IL18-Feb-53Non-hostile Death
Thomas, Calvin LeonPFC55181848Chicago, IL26-Oct-52Non-hostile Death
Thomas, George HarryCPL277326Chicago, IL20-Apr-51Died while Prisoner of War
Thomas, Samuel Jr.PVT16281431Cook, IL18-Sep-50Killed in Action
Thome, William A.PVT55324196Cook, IL24-Jun-53Died of Wounds
Thommes, George FrankHM33022441Chicago, IL27-Sep-50Killed in Action
Thomsen, Allen E.PFC55165911Cook, IL12-Aug-52Killed in Action
Thorpe, Bill DanielCPL1180640Oak Lawn, IL6-Oct-52Killed in Action
Thorsen, George S.SGT16207044Cook, IL1-Dec-50Killed in Action
Throgmartin, HoustonPFC55131417Cook, IL18-Feb-52Killed in Action
Tibbs, Connie L.PVT16303674Cook, IL31-May-51Killed in Action
Tilden, Henry C.PFC16308811Cook, IL4-Apr-51Killed in Action
Tonander, Edward BurtonSGT16297940Cook, IL4-Nov-50Died of Wounds
Toole, Arnold EverettSGT16280472Chicago, IL11-Aug-50Died while Prisoner of War
Toribio, Louis C.PFC16303120Cook, IL29-Jul-50Killed in Action
Trannon, Elijah Jr.PFC16309795Cook, IL15-Sep-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Triplet, Howard M.ST2Chicago, IL26-May-54Non-hostile Death
Tucker, George E.CPL35040583Cook, IL24-Aug-50Killed in Action
Tugman, Richard J.PFC16287423Chicago, IL31-Dec-50Died while Prisoner of War
Tuzzolino, Vito CarlPVT55197368Cook, IL1-Sep-52Killed in Action
Ujek, Joseph W. Jr.PFC55198623Cook, IL14-Oct-52Killed in Action
Umlauf, John F.1LTO-970134Cook, IL6-Sep-52Killed in Action
Uurtamo, Stephen T.MAJO-1285146Cook, IL21-Jan-51Died while Prisoner of War
Van Dusen, Edward LeRoyCPL16325333Chicago, IL2-Nov-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Van Veen, James Arthur1LTAO-2217126Chicago, IL27-May-53Killed in Action
Vanderlaan, JacobCPL36612221Cook, IL20-Jul-50Killed in Action
Vandermyde, Douglas GeraldPFC1224888Chicago, IL7-Oct-52Killed in Action
Vazquez, Hilario C.PVT55064528Cook, IL28-Oct-51Killed in Action
Vega, Vincent AngeloPFC16324985Cook, IL5-Jul-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Veld, RichardPFC55236104South Holland, IL13-Jun-53Killed in Action
Venezia, VincentPFC16334945Cook, IL12-Sep-51Killed in Action
Vera, Marcial T.PFC55261202Cook, IL7-Jan-53Killed in Action
Vick, Donald G.PVT55164196Cook, IL19-Oct-51Killed in Action
Villareal, Raul S.PFC16275064Cook, IL6-Sep-50Killed in Action
Vogel, Arthur J.PVT16332689Chicago, IL30-Apr-51Non-hostile Death
Volpe, Joseph C.PFC16337602Oak Park, IL24-Sep-51Non-hostile Death
Vydra, Edward R.SGT55062739Cook, IL10-Nov-51Killed in Action
Wagner, Nicholas J.PFC55129117Cook, IL16-Oct-51Killed in Action
Walczak, Casimir FelixPFC16316451Cook, IL17-Aug-50Died while Prisoner of War
Waldon, Wilbur E.PFC16334915Cook, IL22-Apr-51Killed in Action
Walker, Frank McNally1LTO-551522Cook, ILApril 22,1951Killed while a Prisoner of War
Walker, Walter AllenCPL16324928Chicago, IL28-Feb-51Died while Prisoner of War
Walls, Robert W.CPL34320647Cook, IL14-Feb-51Killed in Action
Walsh, John P.PVT55264478Cook, IL4-Mar-53Killed in Action
Wankowski, Eugene JosephCPL36665477Chicago, IL1-Feb-53Non-hostile Death
Warlick, Jessie P.PVT55044600Cook, IL8-Aug-51Killed in Action
Warner, Dewayne H.PFC55063102Cook, IL4-Oct-51Killed in Action
Warner, James KendisCAPTO-1284246Cook, IL30-Nov-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Watson, Walter JohnSGT36799189Cook, IL8-Mar-51Died while Prisoner of War
Watt, Spencer R.PVT16287490Cook, IL10-Jul-50Killed in Action
Weiss, Carl P.PVT16373235Cook, IL3-Apr-52Killed in Action
Weiss, Sherwin B.PVT55023774Cook, IL5-Oct-51Killed in Action
Wells, Raymond GilbertSFC16276570Oak Park, IL10-Feb-53Non-hostile Death
Wendling, Ernest ArthurPFC26338853Chicago, IL4-Nov-50Killed while a Prisoner of War
Westel, Jack RobertPFC55063820Cicero, IL8-Aug-51Killed in Action
Westphal, Phillip B.CPL55064878Cook, IL26-Sep-51Killed in Action
Wetzig, JosephCPL16370657Cook, IL24-Jan-52Killed in Action
Whisler, William LeonPFC16207595Cook, IL31-Jul-51Died while Prisoner of War
White, Edward FrancisCPL16288079Cook, IL29-Nov-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
White, John G. Jr.1LTO-516681Cook, IL5-Jul-50Killed in Action
Whitemore, William FrancisSGT36943427Cook, IL30-Nov-50Missing in Action - Presumed Dead
Whitlow, LeeroyPFC44154837Cook, IL12-Aug-50Died of Wounds
Wilkosz, Edward E.PFC55105391Cook, IL5-Oct-51Killed in Action
Willecke, Harold E.CAPTO-478960Cook, IL7-Jun-51Killed in Action
Williams, Lawrence J.PVT16274862Cook, IL14-Jan-51Killed in Action
Wilson, Charles Jr.PFC16368623Cook, IL9-Oct-51Killed in Action
Wirt, Frederick B.CAPTO-1104016Cook, IL20-Jul-50Killed in Action
Wise, James DonaldCPL36646454Cook County, IL4-Nov-50Killed in Action
Wolf, Kenneth FrederickPFC1219184Chicago, IL13-Aug-52Killed in Action
Woodruff, Robert Seymour2LTAO-2217529Northbrook, IL6-Jan-53Non-hostile Air Crash
Workman, John CharlesLT433757Evanston, IL20-Apr-52Killed in Action
Wright, Mack IIIPVT55040804Chicago, IL13-Jun-51Non-hostile Death
Wynn, Robert DayPFC1224728Chicago, IL30-May-52Non-hostile Death
Wysocki, Frederick E.1LTAO-1903280Chicago, IL6-Nov-50Died of Wounds
Yercich, Michael Jr.PFC1050254Chicago, IL7-Aug-50Killed in Action
York, Richard WilliamCPL1019608Chicago, IL27-Nov-50Killed in Action
Ziarko, Casemir JosephPFC1224908Chicago, IL7-Jul-52Killed in Action

Transcribed and contributed Sep 1999 by Laura H

Misc. Marriage Records

Below are misc. marriage records submitted to this site. If you have contributions, please let us know. 

 22 Feb 1848, William S. Andrews and Sarah A. Cook were united in marriage by J Wilcox, Chaplain of the Bethel Church in Chicago on February 22, 1848.

Contributed Jun 2001 by JoAn Hoffman


01 Sep 1859, Thursday, pg 1 of Chicago Tribune: “MARRIED In this city August 30th, by Rev. A. L. Brooks, Mr. HENRY M. [Martyn] HOOKER and Miss ELIZA J. [Jane] BAILEY, daughter of R. Bailey, Esq., all of Chicago.”

Contributed 01 Jun 2003 by Dick Couch
Note: The brides above are sisters and the daughters of Van Rensselaer BAILEY and Jane Ann DURAND, of Chicago. Rensselaer and Jane are direct ancestors of the late Elizabeth Florence CHENEY of Chicago. Rensselear, who supposedly made money in the CA Gold Rush, allegedly d. 06 Aug 1862, thus second m. at home of “bride’s mother.” Do not know where Ren. d. The Gold Rush line except, the information in this note comes from an


19 Feb 1860, Michael O’Neill m. Bridget Fitzgerald, Witnesses: Thomas Fitzgerald & Catharine, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL.*

31 Mar 1861, John Healy m. Annie Madden, Witnesses: John O’Neill & Catharine McConkey, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL.*

19 May 1862, David Fessler from the Grandduchy of Baden, to Miss Elise Kolb from the Kingdom of Bavaria. Signed by Pastor Joseph Hartman, United Evangelical German Lutheran Church of St. Paul, Chicago, Illinois.

Contributed Aug 2006 by Donald Sullivan


04 Jan 1864, Chicago Daily Tribune, Married:

In this city, on the 31st (Dec 1863) ult., at St. Patrick’s Church, by the Very Rev. Dr. Dunn, V. G., Mr. KYRAN McDONALD, of this city, and Miss LIZZIE M., eldest daughter of E. C. Bailey, Esq., of Grand DeTour, Ogle County, Illinois. No cards issued.

In this city, on the 29th (Dec 1863) ult., by W. W. Everts, Mr. CHARLES A. DUPEE and Miss JENNIE WELLS.

On the 20th (Dec 1863) ult., by the same, Rev. G. WREN and Miss E.F. EVERTS.

On the 31st (Dec 1863) ult., by the same, Mr FRANCIS T. PIERCE and Miss CATHARINE C. MACK.

On the same date, by the same, Mr. GEO. E. FIELDING and Miss MARY C. LEDWARD.

In this city, Dec. 27th, 1863, by Rev. J. H. Tuttle, Mr. BENJAMIN F. EASTMAN and Miss ABBIE A. QUINBY.

At the Button House, on the morning of Dec. 29th, 1863, by the same, Mr. ROBERT E. EVEREST and Mrs. EMILINE K. SAXK, both of Milwaukee.

Dec. 30th, 1863, by the same, Mr. ROBERT CRACKEL and Miss HARRIET PATCHIET.

At the Church of the Redeemer, Dec. 31st, 1863, by the same, Mr. JOHN T. LESTER, of the firm of Lester & Co., and Miss MARY E. SHEFGOLD, only daughter of Thomas Shergold (sic), Esq., all of Chicago.

In West Chicago, on the 1st (Jan 1864) inst., by Rev. Arsa Brown, Mr. WILLIAM DOCXRELL and Miss MARTHA DELANO.*

05 Jan 1864, Chicago Daily Tribune, Married:

On Christmas eve (1863), at the residence of E. Adcock, the bride’s father-in-law,
by the Rev. A. L. Brooks, MARY LOUISA BERRY to WM. P. HENNESSY, of the brave 89th Illinois volunteers.

At Clinton, Wis., July 28th (1863), by the Rev. W. Carver, Mr. P. F. DANIELS, of Belvidere, Ill. and Miss CLARA C. STEARNS, of Chicago, Ill. No cards.

In Marengo, Dec. 31st (1863), at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. David Teed, Mr. THOMAS H. BRIGHT and Miss MYRENE HANCE, all of Marengo, Ill.

At Trinity Church, on the 4th (Jan 1864) inst., by Rev. H. N. Bishop, D. D, JAMES W. JONES, Esq. to Miss MARIA S. MACARTHNEY, all of this city.*

08 Feb 1864, Chicago Daily Tribune, Married:

In this city, Feb. 4th, by Rev. H. Whipple, FRED FRITZ and ALICE M. PERRY, all of this city.

In this city, on the 2nd inst. (Feb 1864), by the Rev. J. B. Foote, Pastor of the M.E. Church, JACOB HARRIS, of Chicago, Ill., and Miss R. ANNA HAIGHT, of Oswego, New York.

In this city, Jan. 31st 1864, by the Rev. Clinton Lock, Mr. JOHN DAWSON and Miss JENNIE BUSBY, all of this city.*

22 Feb 1864, Chicago Daily Tribune, Married:

In this city, the 20th inst. (Feb 1864), by the Rev. W.W. Farshe, Mr. GEORGE F. DUNNIVANT and Miss ISABELLA PEATTIE.

In this city, on the evening of the 17th inst. (Feb 1864), by Rev. T. M. Eddy,
at the same time and by the same ceremony, Mr. URI GILLETT and Miss MARY PATCHEN and Mr. W. J. BLILER and Miss CATHARINE M. PATCHEN. The brides were sisters.*

05 Nov 1865, Michael O’Neill m. Bridget Keating, Witnesses: John Fitgerald & B. O’Conner, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

13 Sep 1866, Denis O’Connell m. Catherine McDermott, Witnesses: John O’Mally & Nellie Ines, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

17 Nov 1867, John Foley m. Catharine O’Brien, Witnesses: Thomas Sullivan & Annie O’Brien, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

17 Mar 1868, William Pease m. Catharine Dougherty, Witnesses: John Pease & Joanna O’Neill, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

28 May 1868, William Donehey m. Marie Gleeson, Witnesses: John O’Brien & Margaret Tracy, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

15 May 1869, John Downey m. Ellen Lundergan, Witnesses: James Burns & Mary O’Neill, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

27 Jun 1869, Patrick Donahue m. Mary, Witnesses: Paatrick O’Neill & Margaret Quinn, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

02 Sep 1869, Thomas O’Neill m. Bridget Moran, Witnesses: W. C. McCulla & Ellen McCulla, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

28 Sep 1869, William Murphy m. Catharine Murphy, Witnesses: David Murry & Mary Anne Murry, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

14 Oct 1869, Thursday, pg 4 of Chicago Tribune: Alfred Button HEWITT to Frances Harriet BAILEY married at the residence of the bride’s mother, October 12, by Rev. O. D. Helmer, Mr. Alfred B. Hewitt, of Milwaukee, and Miss Frances H. Bailey, of Chicago.

Contributed 03 Jun 2003 by Dick Couch
Note: The brides above are sisters and the daughters of Van Rensselaer BAILEY and Jane Ann DURAND, of Chicago. Rensselaer and Jane are direct ancestors of the late Elizabeth Florence CHENEY of Chicago. Rensselear, who supposedly made money in the CA Gold Rush, allegedly d. 06 Aug 1862, thus second m. at home of “bride’s mother.” Do not know where Ren. d. The Gold Rush line excepted,the information in this note comes from an


01 Mar 1870, Patrick O’Neil m. Anne Bumberry, witnesses: Eugene Handreham & Mary Anne Hardrehan, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

14 Apr 1872, George _______ m. Annie O’Neill, Witnesses: John O’Neill & Catherine _______, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

05 May 1872, John Sullivan m. Ann Rafferty, Witnesses: John Duffy & Mary Riordan, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

02 Jun 1872, James Quinn m. Annie McDermott, Witnesses: Patrick Lynch & Mary McDermott, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

09 Jul 1872, John Jordan m. Maria McDermott, Witnesses: Mr. & Mrs. McDermott, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

29 Aug 1872, John B. Sullivan m. Ida Judson, Witnesses: Daniel Sullivan & Maggie Sullivan, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

26 Sep 1872, Clark-Douglass married, on Thursday, at the Church of the Epinhany, by the Rev. C.P. Dorset, Mr. Howard Clark and Eliz C., second daughter of Thomas Whitehead Douglas, Esq., all of this city.**

28 Sep 1872, Curtin-McClellan married, in Evanston, by the Rev. Dr. Chapel, Mr. T. M. Curtin and Miss O. G. McClellan, both of Chicago.**

10 Sep 1872, Stevenson-Dill married, in Dromare Presbyterian Church, County Tyrone, Ireland, by the Rev. Dr. Dill, assisted by Rev. P. Hay, Mr. Robert Stevenson of Chicago and Miss Minnie Dill, daughter of the officiating clergyman.**

01 Oct 1872, Johnston-Robinson married, at the residence of O. J. Manra_ Esq., by the Rev. Charles Peckins, Mr. J. H. Johnston to Mrs. G. H. Robinson, both of Chicago.**

01 Oct 1872, married in this city, at the residence of L. M. Sherwood, By the Rev. Daniel Lord, Mr. Charles F. Whitney of Des Moines, Iowa, to Miss Sharah Curtis of Bridgeport, Conn.**

01 Oct 1872, Dougall-Walker married, at the M.E. Church, of Lemont, by the Rev. Samuel Paise, Dr. Wm.. Dougall and Cassie Walker, daughter of Edwin Walker, all of this place.**

02 Oct 1872, Harrington-Durant married, at the residence of the bride’s father, by the Rev. Wm. Harrington, of Sycamore, Ill., J. Frank Harrington, of Aurora, Kan., and Rita Durant, of St. Charles.

02 Oct 1872, Hennberry-Young married, at St. Patrick’s Church, on last evening, by the Rev. Dr. McMullen, Mr. James Hennberry and Miss Rose A. Young, all of Chicago.**

03 Oct 1872, Burt-Fitzgerell married, at St. Patrick’s Church, by the Rev. P. J. Conway, Mr. Martin C. Burt of New York and Miss Nellie A. Fitzgerell of Milwaukee.**

05 Oct 1872, Smith-Fitch married, in this city, 2nd inst, at Plymouth Congregational Church, by the Rev. Wm. Alvin Bartlett, Mr. Charles M. Smith of Providence, R.I., to Miss Mary C. Fitch of Chicago.**

30 Oct 1872, Francis _____ m. Ellen Sullivan, Witnesses: James McGrath & Kate McGrath, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

02 Nov 1872, Michael O’Sullivan m. Jane Cosgrove, Witnesses: Michael Dillon & Anne _____, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

14 Nov 1872, Thomas Nagle m. Bridget O’Neil, Witnesses: John Walsh & Mary Moore, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

18 Nov 1872, Christopher O’Brien m. Anna McClair, Witnesses: James O’Neil & Sarah McCabe, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

19 Nov 1872, Patrick Kellegher m. Mary McCafferty, Witnesses: James Gillooley & Mary McCafferty, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

22 Nov 1872, Patrick Murry m. Delia Tracy, Witnesses: Patrick Lyons & Margaret Shay, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

25 Jan 1873, John Brennan m. Catherine Foughner, Witnesses: Thomas Sullivan & Julia Chapman, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

18 Aug 1873, Jeremiah O’Sullivan m. Annie Duffy, Witnesses: W. H. _____ & Mrs. N. _____., St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

04 Oct 1873, Joseph Drappel (?) m. Miss Catharine Tracy, Witnesses: John McGinnis & Caroline McGinnis, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

01 Jan 1874, Thomas Patrick O’Mally m. Lizzie A. Sullivan, Witnesses: Michael O’Mally & Bridget Sullivan, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

14 Feb 1874, Thomas English married Ellen Connors in Cook County, IL, Vol 086, license #00114972

Contributed 28 Feb 2001 by Kathleen Garness

19 Apr 1874, Andrew Bowen m. Elizabeth Sullivan, Witnesses: John Cullen & Bridget Sullivan, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

04 Jun 1874, John Healy m. Dohanna Fox, Witnesses: E.A. Seger & Margaret O’Neil, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

06 Sep 1874, John O’Neil m. Mary McQuaid, Witnesses: Martin & Hanna McQuaid, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

14 Sep 1874, Alexander White m. Catharine McNeil, Witnesses: Richard Fleming & Margaret Maher, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

17 Sep 1874, John _ McGeary m. Margaret O’Neil, Witnesses: Rich & _____ Reidy, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

21 May 1876, Dennis O’Brien m. Maggie Lyons, Witnesses: Daniel Sullivan & Annie Egan, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

16 Jul 1876, Patrick O’Neil m. Bridget Birmingham, Witnesses: James Murphy & Mary Madden, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

03 Jul 1877, William Mackie m. Rose A. McDermott, Witnesses: James Howe & Maria Jordan, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

15 Jun 1878, Dennis Sullivan m. Mary Monahan, Witnesses: Daniel Sullivan & Eleanor Creeden, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

17 Nov 1878, Daniel Curtin m. Mary Green, Witnesses: James Sullivan & Bridget Green, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

05 Dec 1878, John Connelly m. Ellen McDermott, Witnesses: John McDermott & Mary Bradley, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

12 Apr 1879, Wedding LicenseIssued, Married April 14, 1879, Chicago Illinois Cook County, Catholic Church of St James, Chicago, Joseph Ross, 24 yrs, Mary J. Clegg, 19 yrs, by Rev. John Carroll

Contributed Feb 1998 by Joan M Ross


10 Feb 1880, Jeremiah H. Sullivan m. Anne Keating, Witnesses: William Sullivan & Eliza Murphy, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

26 May 1880, John K. Sullivan m. Mary L. Corbett, Witnesses: Thomas Carney & Catherine Joyce, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*
16 Aug 1880, John Kalka, age 25 years, and Mary Adams, age 19 years, married at St. Stanislaus’s Church, Chicago, Il, marriage license #47802.

Contributed May 2001 by Linda Atkinson


18 Aug 1880, marriage license issued, James F. Conway, age 32 years, and Anna Tynan, age 20 years, Father Ferrigan, Catholic parish, license #47921

Contributed May 2000 by T Dempsey

01 Oct 1880, William J. Walsh & Mary N. Tracey, Witnesses: John Hollen & Margaret Cahill, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

07 Oct 1880, James Cleary m. Ellen Mooney, Witnesses: Andrew Sullivan & Sarah Hickey, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

17 Nov 1880, William I. Murphy m. Agnes B. Hague, Witnesses: James P. O’Neil & Catharine Murphy, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

18 Nov 1880, James O’Neil m. Jennie Weller, Witnesses: James H. O’Neil & Emma White, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

16 Jan 1881, William Sullivan m. Elizabeth Conner, Witnesses: John Ryan & Ellen Feeny, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

19 Feb 1881, Owen O’Neil m. Margaret Cronin, Witnesses: William & Ellen Stack, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

26 Apr 1881, Charles Reimann and Mary Kelly married in Cook County, IL

Contributed Apr 2002 by Janice Koch

22 Jul 1881, Charles Peter Caldwell m. Elizabeth O’Neil, Witnesses: Walsh & Margaret O’Neil, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

04 Sep 1881, George J. Harris, age 22 , married Miss Mary Burns, age 21, at Holy Family Church, Chicago, Illinois, County of Cook, Witness: E.F. C. Klokke, Clerk of the County, Marriage License #55471

Contributed Jun 2001 by Walter Harris


01 May 1882, James H. Birmingham m. Mary C. Sullivan, Witnesses: John Sullivan & Mary Birmingham, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

09 Aug 1882, John Cudahy m. Margaret F. O’Neill, Witnesses: Michael Cudahy & __________, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

15 Aug 1882, Peter Fiereck, age 26 years, and Johannah Famula, age 21 years, married at St. Adalbert’s Church, Chicago, IL, marriage license #64079

Contributed May 2001 by Linda Atkinson


18 Sep 1882, John Martin, age 24, and Maggie Roweder, age 21, married at German Evangelical Lutheran Emanuel Church, Chicago

Contributed Feb 1999 by Kathie Groll


17 Oct 1882, Thomas E. Sullivan m. Annie Ellen Miller, Witnesses: John Sullivan & B. J. Jackson, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

28 Nov 1882, Ralph T. _____ m. Margaret Walsh, Witnesses: James O’Neil m. Margaret Shehan, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

10 Dec 1882, James Jordan m. Bridget Trainor, Witnesses: (Julius)? F. O’Neil & Margaret Jordan, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

17 Dec 1882, Manahan-Hallam marriage, at Valparasio, Ind., by the Rev. E. S. Riley, Frank T. Manahan of Chicago and Mabel E. Hallam of Hoopeston, Ill.

Contributed by S. Anger, source: Chicago Tribute, 31 Dec 1882

21 Dec 1882, Kneip-O’Connor married, on last Thursday afternoon at 4:30 o’clock, at St. Patrick’s Church, corner Adams and Desplaines sts, by the Rev. Dean Terry, Miss Mary O’Connor and Mr. John J. Kneip, both of Chicago.

Contributed by S. Anger, source: Chicago Tribute, 31 Dec 1882

25 Dec 1882, Ferris-Allen marriage, by the Rev. W. L. Ferris, at the residence of the bride’s parents, 126 Milwaukee av., Miss Jennie C. Allen and George W. Ferris of Chicago.

Contributed by S. Anger, source: Chicago Tribute, 31 Dec 1882

26 Dec 1882, Stone-Van Valkenburgh marriage, by the Rev. G. Lorimer, Ralph P. Stone and Victoria Annie Van Nalkenburgh, both of Chicago.

Contributed by S. Anger, Note: both spellings used in paper, Source: Chicago Daily News, 5 pm Edition, 30 Dec 1882

26 Dec 1882, Waterbury-MacBride marriage, by the Rev. A. E. Kittredge, William H. Waterbury and Ida M. MacBride, both of Brooklyn, N.Y.

Contributed by S. Anger, source: Chicago Tribute, 31 Dec 1882

26 Dec 1882, Boyd-Curtis marriage, Mr. H. C. Boyd, of the Mailinekrott Chemical Works, St. Louis, Mo., and Miss Susie Curtis, daughter of W. D. Curtis, of Chicago, were married Tuesday evening, Dec. 26, at Indianapolis, Ind.

Contributed by S. Anger, source: Chicago Tribute, 31 Dec 1882

28 Dec 1882, Hellman-Brainard marriage, at Milwaukee, Miss Eva M. Brainard and Mr. William F. Hellmann.

Contributed by S. Anger, source: Chicago Tribute, 31 Dec 1882

28 Dec 1882, Bordenj-Whiting marriage, on Thursday, at the Jefferson Avenue Presbyterian Church, Detroit, by the Rev. Mr. Kellogg, William Borden, of Chicago, and Mary DeGarmo Whiting, daughter of J. Talman Whiting of Detroit.

Contributed by S. Anger, source: Chicago Tribute, 31 Dec 1882


15 Jan 1883, Frank P. O’Neill m. Ellen M. Galligan, Witnesses: Richard Doyle & Anne Reilly, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

18 Jan 1883, Dennis Sullivan m. Kate O’Hara, Witnesses: Humphrey Sullivan & Bridget Stapleton, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

04 Feb 1883, Michael O’Neill m. Bridget Kennedy, Witnesses: Michael Dunnigan & Mary Ryan, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

29 Aug 1883, William _ Sullivan m. Catherine A. (Vidler)?, Witnesses: Francis Kelly & Mary Callanan, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

13 Sep 1883, John (Callus)? m. Agnes O’Neill, Witnesses: William & Johanna Kane, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

25 Oct 1883, Benjamin F Cool and Ann Elizabeth Lawrence Forrest, License 76292

Contributed by Joan Cool


17 Apr 1884, Jeremiah Sullivan m. Ellen Carrol(l), Witnesses: Edward & Lizzie Cudahy, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

18 Sep 1885, Hugh Tynan, age 22 years, and Annie Meehan, age 18 years, married at Nativity Church, Father Cartan

Contributed May 2000 by T. Dempsey


1887, Patrick Murphy & Nellie O’Donnell married by Fr. D. F. McGuire, Visitation Parish, Garfield Blvd. and Peoria St., Chicago, IL*

09 Jan 1887, Jeremiah Driscoll, age 24 years, and Margaret Tinen(sic) Tynan, age 21 years, married at Nativity Church, Father Cartan, Witnesses- John Driscoll and Anna Tynan

Contributed May 2000 by T. Dempsey

18 Aug 1887, Maurice J. O’Farrell & Annie Sullivan married by Fr. D. F. McGuire, Visitation Parish, Garfield Blvd. and Peoria St., Chicago, IL*

23 Nov 1887, Edward J Weber, age 29, and Annie O Roweder, age 28, married at Ev. Zions Church

Contributed Feb 1999 by Kathie Groll


18 Jun 1888, Charles G. Crooks, age 32, & Ida M. Near, age 26. GS film number 1030173, digital folder 4271098, image 1435.

Contributed 03 Mar 2014 by Judy Ison. “I found this marriage license hanging on a wall at an antique store here in Phoenix, AZ.”


02 Sep 1888, James Murphy & Esther McMahon, witnesses: Thomas Ryan & Dora Brary (?), by Fr. D. F. McGuire, Visitation Parish, Garfield Blvd. and Peoria St., Chicago, IL*


31 Jul 1889, Peter Fitzpatrick, age 23 years, and Elizabeth Tynan, age 19 years, married at St. James Church, Father McDonnell

Contributed May 2000 by T Dempsey


26 Jan 1890, Thomas Sullivan & Maggie Lynch married by Fr. D. F. McGuire at Visitation Parish, Garfield Blvd. and Peoria St., Chicago, IL, witnesses: William Murray & Mary Sullivan *

23 Apr 1890, James Tynan, age 35 years, and Minnie O’Connor, age 31 years, married by Father Riordan (no catholic parish listed).

Contributed May 2000 by T Dempsey

24 May 1890, Mr. Henry Badka of Chicago, age 27, and Miss Lizzie J. Williams of Chicago, age 22, witnessed May 21, 1890, by Henry Wulff. “I, John K. Prindiville, a Justice of the Peace, hereby certify that Mr. Henry J. BADKA and Miss Lizzie J. WILLIAMS were united in Marriage by me at South Chicago in the County of Cook and State of Illinois, on the 24th day of May, 1890.” marriage license #152908

Contributed 15 Jan 2001 by Jack


03 Feb 1891, George Clement & Katy McGuire, witnesses: John Clement & Katy Murphy, by Fr. D. F. McGuireat, at Visitation Parish, Garfield Blvd. and Peoria St., Chicago, IL *

10 Feb 1891, John Murphy & Elizabeth Ramsey, witnesses: Michael Elwood & Catherine Elwood, by Fr. D. F. McGuire, at Visitation Parish, Garfield Blvd. and Peoria St., Chicago, IL *

09 Apr 1891, Arthur Wellington Kelly, age 25 years, and Annie Tynan, age 22 years, married at Nativity Church, Father Cartan, Witnesses- James Tynan and Kate Tynan

Contributed May 2000 by T Dempsey

20 Jul 1891, John Murphy and Catherine Redmond, witnesses: Patrick Murphy & Katy Shea, by Fr. D. F. McGuire, at Visitation Parish, Garfield Blvd. and Peoria St., Chicago, IL *

08 Dec 1891, Ed C. Schaciter (?) & Mary Evers, witnesses: T. J. Sullivan & Katy Evers, at Visitation Parish, Garfield Blvd. and Peoria St., Chicago, IL *

17 Dec 1891, Joseph Shannehan & Annie Daley, witnesses: James Sullivan & Maggie Farnell, at Visitation Parish, Garfield Blvd. and Peoria St., Chicago, IL *

* Contributed by Sharon Dickson

** Contributed Mar 1999 by Patricia Attwood-Smith, from Chicago Tribune Oct 1872 1st year anniversary of the Fire. They ran follow ups and “what are they doing now” articles for most of the month.

Gruschow Immigrant Records

Gruschow Collection

GRUSCHOW, Christian born 26 Jun 1827, Moltzow (Rambow Parish), Mecklenburg-Schwerin (Germany)
Arrived New York City, NY in 1853 from Hamburg on the sailing ship “George Canning”.
Naturalized Chicago, Cook Co., IL prior to 1871.

ROSE, (m. GRUSCHOW, Christian) Louise born 1833, Mecklenburg-Schwerin (Germany)
Arrived New York City, NY in 1853 from Hamburg on the sailing ship “George Canning”.
Naturalized Chicago, Cook Co., IL prior to 1871.

GRUSCHOW, Friedrich born 01 Oct 1797, Moltzow (Rambow Parish), Mecklenburg-Schwerin (Germany)
Arrived New York City, NY on 28 Aug 1854 from Hamburg on the sailing ship “Humboldt”.
Naturalized Chicago, Cook Co., IL prior to 1871.

BUTTNER, (m. GRUSCHOW, Friedrich) Caroline born 10 Dec 1799, Vielist (Vielist Parish), Mecklenburg-Schwerin (Germany)
Arrived New York City, NY on 28 Aug 1854 from Hamburg on the sailing ship “Humboldt”.
Naturalized Chicago, Cook Co., IL prior to 1871.

GRUSCHOW, John born 29 Jan 1829, Moltzow (Rambow Parish), Mecklenburg-Schwerin (Germany)
Arrived New York City, NY on 28 Aug 1854 from Hamburg on the sailing ship “Humboldt”.
Naturalized Chicago, Cook Co., IL prior to 1871.

BURR, (m. GRUSCHOW, John) Bertha born 08 Nov 1832, Faulenrost (Rittermannshagen), Mecklenburg-Scherwin (Germany)
Arrived New York City, NY on 28 Aug 1854 from Hamburg on the sailing ship “Humboldt”.
Naturalized Chicago, Cook Co., IL prior to 1871.

SEYBERLICH, Ferdinand born 21 Jul 1823, Wittstock, Brandenburg, Prussia (Germany)
Arrived New York City, NY on 28 Aug 1854 from Hamburg on the sailing ship “Humboldt”.
Naturalized Chicago, Cook Co., IL prior to 1871.

GRUSCHOW, (m. SEYBERLICH, Ferdinand) Frida born 26 Jun 1827, Moltzow (Rambow Parish), Mecklenburg-Schwerin (Germany)
Arrived New York City, NY on 28 Aug 1854 from Hamburg on the sailing ship “Humboldt”.
Naturalized Chicago, Cook Co., IL prior to 1871.

Contributed May 2005 by Kenneth Gruschow

Misc. Directory Listings

Contributor: Diane G., added May 2001
1867 Chicago Directory

BAEHRINGER, Carl, blacksmith 484 Larrabee, h 20 Howe.
BAER, A. porter Taylor & Wright, h 595 N. Clark.
BAER, Adam, grocer, h 111 Chicago av.
BAER, Charles A., clk 104 Lake, h 237 N. Clark.
BAER, F., wks 391 State, h 221 Blue Island av.
BAER, Frederick, (E. Walther & Co.,) h Patterson N. J.
BAER, Frederick, asst foreman Gillett & King, h 17 Seward.
BAER, Frederick, lab C. & St. L. R. R. round house.
BAER, Herman F., importer of wine and liquors 233 Randolph, h same.
BAER, Jacob, silver plater Heul & Collins, h 237 N. Clark.
BAER, Joseph, tinner, h 314 N. State.
BAER, Julius, harnessmkr, bds 112 W. Lake.
BAER, Lorenz, h 237 N. Clark.
BAER, Philip, h 17 Desplaines.
BAER, Sampson painter, bds 436 W. Madison.
BAER, Samuel, wks Alexander Wemberg, bds 436 W. Madison.
BAER, William, boot and shoe maker 101 Wells, h 201 Wells.
BAERTSCHIE, Ulrich, harnessmkr, h Waukegan
BAESLAN, William F., clk, h 294 Chicago av.
BAETTGER, Adam, mason, h 466 Milwaukee av.
BAEUERLE & BIELENBERGH, woodturners 606 W. Indiana.
BAEUERLE, Leonard, (Baeuerle & Bielenbergh,) h 592 W. Indiana.
BAFFENBACH, William, housemover, h 864 Clark.
BAGART, Frederick, hostler Am. Ex., bds 215 State.
BAGET, Larry, lab, h 115 Market.
BAGG, Frank S., accountant Paymaster’s office M. C. Bldg.
BAGG, H. G. I., saloon 383 State, h same.
BAGGERLY, Charles, barkeeper Adams House, bds same.
BAGGERMAN, Henry, stonesawer, h 130 Barber.
BAGGESON, Abraham, shoemaker, h alley r 44 W. Indiana.
BAGGESON, Hans, carpenter, h 254 N. Sangamon.
BAGGESON, Hans, carpenter, h 4 44 W. Indiana.
BAGGETT, James, lab, h 92 Indiana.
BAGGOTT E & CO., (E. Baggott and Miles Almey,) gas fixtures and plumbers material 127 Clark.
BAGGOTT, Edward, (E. Baggott & Co.,) h cor Taylor and Center av.
BAGGOTT, Edward, gas fitter, h 390 Halsted.
BAGGOTT, J. E., propertyman McVicker’s Theatre, h 277 State.
BAGGS, C Tower, h 716 Wabash av.
BAGLAN, Mary, saloon 82 Kinzie, h same.
BAGLEY, C. H., bkpr Chicago Union Lime Works, bds 346 W. Monroe
BAGLEY, Thomas, boat builder 1 W Randolph.
BAGLEY, Thomas, sailer, bds 179 Market.
BAGNALL, George, paper hanger, bds 14 Third avenue.
BAGNELL, George M., printer Post, h 88 1-2 Van Buren.
BAGNELL, John, agent, bds 27 Michigan av.
BAGNELL, Thomas A., check clk A. E. Goodrich.
BAGNELL, William, lab, h 93 1-2 N. Market.
1867 Chicago Directory

Contributor: Diane G., added May 2001

BAEHRINGER, Carl, blacksmith 484 Larrabee, h 20 Howe.
BAER, A. porter Taylor & Wright, h 595 N. Clark.
BAER, Adam, grocer, h 111 Chicago av.
BAER, Charles A., clk 104 Lake, h 237 N. Clark.
BAER, F., wks 391 State, h 221 Blue Island av.
BAER, Frederick, (E. Walther & Co.,) h Patterson N. J.
BAER, Frederick, asst foreman Gillett & King, h 17 Seward.
BAER, Frederick, lab C. & St. L. R. R. round house.
BAER, Herman F., importer of wine and liquors 233 Randolph, h same.
BAER, Jacob, silver plater Heul & Collins, h 237 N. Clark.
BAER, Joseph, tinner, h 314 N. State.
BAER, Julius, harnessmkr, bds 112 W. Lake.
BAER, Lorenz, h 237 N. Clark.
BAER, Philip, h 17 Desplaines.
BAER, Sampson painter, bds 436 W. Madison.
BAER, Samuel, wks Alexander Wemberg, bds 436 W. Madison.
BAER, William, boot and shoe maker 101 Wells, h 201 Wells.
BAERTSCHIE, Ulrich, harnessmkr, h Waukegan
BAESLAN, William F., clk, h 294 Chicago av.
BAETTGER, Adam, mason, h 466 Milwaukee av.
BAEUERLE & BIELENBERGH, woodturners 606 W. Indiana.
BAEUERLE, Leonard, (Baeuerle & Bielenbergh,) h 592 W. Indiana.
BAFFENBACH, William, housemover, h 864 Clark.
BAGART, Frederick, hostler Am. Ex., bds 215 State.
BAGET, Larry, lab, h 115 Market.
BAGG, Frank S., accountant Paymaster’s office M. C. Bldg.
BAGG, H. G. I., saloon 383 State, h same.
BAGGERLY, Charles, barkeeper Adams House, bds same.
BAGGERMAN, Henry, stonesawer, h 130 Barber.
BAGGESON, Abraham, shoemaker, h alley r 44 W. Indiana.
BAGGESON, Hans, carpenter, h 254 N. Sangamon.
BAGGESON, Hans, carpenter, h 4 44 W. Indiana.
BAGGETT, James, lab, h 92 Indiana.
BAGGOTT E & CO., (E. Baggott and Miles Almey,) gas fixtures and plumbers material 127 Clark.
BAGGOTT, Edward, (E. Baggott & Co.,) h cor Taylor and Center av.
BAGGOTT, Edward, gas fitter, h 390 Halsted.
BAGGOTT, J. E., propertyman McVicker’s Theatre, h 277 State.
BAGGS, C Tower, h 716 Wabash av.
BAGLAN, Mary, saloon 82 Kinzie, h same.
BAGLEY, C. H., bkpr Chicago Union Lime Works, bds 346 W. Monroe
BAGLEY, Thomas, boat builder 1 W Randolph.
BAGLEY, Thomas, sailer, bds 179 Market.
BAGNALL, George, paper hanger, bds 14 Third avenue.
BAGNELL, George M., printer Post, h 88 1-2 Van Buren.
BAGNELL, John, agent, bds 27 Michigan av.
BAGNELL, Thomas A., check clk A. E. Goodrich.
BAGNELL, William, lab, h 93 1-2 N. Market.

1870 Chicago City Directory
Contributor: Brenda Gaetz and Erin Flannery, April 2000.
JOHNSON Listings – page 424

92 LaSalle Street
Liberal Interent
Allowed on Deposits

JOHNSON, E. P. wks. C.H. McCormick & Bro.
JOHNSON, Flemming A. (col’d), janitor, r. 159 4th av.
JOHNSON, Francis, C., painter, 145 N. clark, r. 697 Sedgwick
JOHNSON, Frank, carpenter, r. 192 Division
JOHNSON, Frank, clerk, r. 96 14th
JOHNSON, Frank, r. 181 Chicago av
JOHNSON, Frank, A., clerk, Nichols & Morrison, r. 114 Dearborn
JOHNSON, Frank, A., tailor, r. 858 Wentworth av
JOHNSON, Frank, J., carpenter, r. rear 302 21st
JOHNSON, Franz, O., wks. C.&N.W.R.W (Wis. Div)
JOHNSON, Fred, stockkeeper, Day, Tilden & Co.
JOHNSON, Frederic (Frederic JOHNSON & Co.), 128 2d
JOHNSON, Frederic & Co. (Frederic JOHNSON and George Olson), grocers, 949 Hubbard
JOHNSON, Frederick, carpenter, r. Dexter, bet. Kane and Mayflower
JOHNSON, Frederick, lab., r. 90 Fry
JOHNSON, Frederick, tobacconist, Murray & Mason
JOHNSON, Fry & Co. publishers, 128 clark
JOHNSON, F. M., clerk, L.S.&M.S.R.R.
JOHNSON, F. N., (JOHNSON & Lund), r. Philadelphia
JOHNSON, Gabriel, plasterer, r. 137 N. May
JOHNSON, George, bartender, r. 180 W. Madison
JOHNSON, George, carpenter, I.C. Car shops
JOHNSON, George, carpenter, r. 148 Townsend
JOHNSON, George, carpenter, r. 704 Indiana av
JOHNSON, George, clerk, Bellamy & Haskins
JOHNSON, George, lab., Eagle Works Mnfg. Co.
JOHNSON, George, lab., r. 77 W. Indiana
JOHNSON, George, lab., P.W. Gates & Co. r. 118 Coolidge
JOHNSON, George, painter, bds. 861 State
JOHNSON, George, sailor, bds. 179 Market
JOHNSON, George, ship carpenter, Miller Bros.
JOHNSON, George, student, Bryant & Stratton Business Institute
JOHNSON, George, waiter, bds. 80 Quincy
JOHNSON, George B., real estate agt. 150 washington, r. 401 Wabash av
JOHNSON, George H., (George H. and D.C. JOHNSON), r. 135 LaSalle
JOHNSON, George H. & D.C. (George H. and D.), gen. agts. John Hancock Mutual Life, for Michigan and Indiana, 135 LaSalle
JOHNSON, George W. carpenter, r. 255 W. Randolph
JOHNSON, George W. (col’d), janitor, r. 437 Clark
JOHNSON, Gus, carshop C. & N.W.R.W. (Wis. Div.)
JOHNSON, Gus, coachman, bds. 798 Michigan av
JOHNSON, Gustav, baker, r. 148 Townsend
JOHNSON, Gustav, clothing mnfr., 78 Bremer, r. same
JOHNSON, Gustav, lab., r. 15 Bremer
JOHNSON, Gustave, carpenter, bds. 143 W. Randolph
JOHNSON, Gustave, carpenter, r. 183 Larrabee
JOHNSON, Gustave, lab., r. 831 Arnold
JOHNSON, Gustave, painter, bds. 177 Monroe
JOHNSON, G., marble wkr., Chicago Marble & Granite Mnfg. Co.
JOHNSON, G., tailor, r. 17 Bremer
JOHNSON, G., tailor, r. 168 N. Green
JOHNSON, G. C., sailor, r. rear 216 N. May
JOHNSON, G. H., bookkeeper, Grey & Lobenstein, r. 364 Ohio
JOHNSON, Hans, carpenter, r. Noble, cor. sloan
JOHNSON, Hans, lab., r. 45 Hubbard
JOHNSON, Hans, r. 71 4th
JOHNSON, Hans, C., carpenter, r. 268 Hubert
JOHNSON, Hanson (col’d), sleeping car conductor, bds. 324 Clark
JOHNSON, Harmon, sailor, r. rear 56 W. Erie
JOHNSON, Harry, conductor, r. 120 Franklin
JOHNSON, Henry, bartender, r. 130 W. Madison
JOHNSON, Henry, burnisher, Illinois Mnfg. Co., r. 95 Van Buren
JOHNSON, Henry, carpenter, r. 298 4th av
JOHNSON, Henry, chairmkr., Herbald, JOHNSON & Co., r. 18 Cleaver
JOHNSON, Henry, grocer, 168 N. Green, r. 126 w. Indiana
JOHNSON, Henry, lab., r. 9 John
JOHNSON, Henry, mason, r 596 W. Taylor
JOHNSON, Henry, jr., mason, r. 596 W. Taylor
JOHNSON, Henry, painter, r. 186 JOHNSON
JOHNSON, Henry, painter, r. 236 N. Halsted
JOHNSON, Henry, painter, bds. 132 N. May
JOHNSON, Henry, painter, r. 204 Burnside
JOHNSON, Henry, printer, bds. 123 Ontario
JOHNSON, Henry, (col’d), porter, r. 189 4th av
JOHNSON, Henry, sailor, r. 36 Hastings
JOHNSON, Henry, sailor, r. 475 S. Canal
JOHNSON, Henry, stonecutter, L.H. Boldenweck, r. 303 Franklin
JOHNSON, Henry, (col’d), waiter, H. Buckminster, bds. 176 State
JOHNSON, Henry, (col’d), whitewasher, r. rear 171 4th av
JOHNSON, Henry, bds 180 N. Jefferson
JOHNSON, Henry C., clerk, bds 1180 Wabash av
JOHNSON, Herman, lab., r. 79 Carroll
JOHNSON, Herrick, porter, Allen House, 56 Sherman
JOHNSON, Hogan, tailor, r. rear 51 E. Chicago av
JOHNSON, Horace, messenger, H.W. Austin & Co., r. 152 N. May
JOHNSON, H., shoemaker, r. 178 Carroll
JOHNSON, H., tailor, 162 N. May
JOHNSON, H. A., physician, r. 6 16th
JOHNSON, H. C., cigar maker, Paul Mahn, r. 796 S. Halsted
JOHNSON, H. E., clerk, Am. M.U. Ex. Co. bds. 268 Wabash av
JOHNSON, H. F. Mrs., boarding house, 181 Chicago Av
JOHNSON, H. K., salesman, Field, Leiter & Co., r. 80 LaSalle
JOHNSON, Ingebar, wid. John, r. 37 N. Rucker
JOHNSON, Isaac, agt., Chicago Lightning Rod Co. r. 717 W. Lake
JOHNSON, Iver. cabinet maker, r. 161 N. Morgan
JOHNSON, I., blacksmith, Holmes, Pyott & Co. r. 26 5th
JOHNSON, I. D., foreman round house, C.A. & ST. L.R.R. r. 101 Judd
JOHNSON, I. M., carpenter, I.C. car works
JOHNSON, Jacob, carpenter, C. & N.W.R.W.
JOHNSON, Jacob, lab., r. 189 Division
JOHNSON, Jacob, machinist, r. 158 N. Green
JOHNSON, Jacob, sailor, r. 43 4th
JOHNSON, Jacob, wks. Phillips & Liebensteins, r. 16 W. Oak
JOHNSON, Jacob, wood and ties, 1 River, bds. Laclede Hotel
JOHNSON, Jacob B., jr. carpenter, r. 207 3d av
JOHNSON, James, bartender, Moulton House, bds. 176 Ohio
JOHNSON, James, carpenter, r. 29 Elston rd.
JOHNSON, James, lab., Chicago File Works
JOHNSON, James, lab., Hannah & Lyman, r. 14 Burlington
JOHNSON, James, lab., r. 590 Mitchell
JOHNSON, James, machinist, T.K. Holden, r. 204 N. Desplaines
JOHNSON, James, rotunda boy, Tremont House
JOHNSON, James, sailor, r. 31 Arthur
JOHNSON, James, sailor, r. 73 Brown
JOHNSON, James, salesman, J.W. Maxwell & Co., bds. 98 22nd
JOHNSON, James, wks. Heeney & Campbell
JOHNSON, James B., (Murphy, JOHNSON & Co.), bds. Adams House
JOHNSON, James F., carpenter, I.C. car works, r. Western av nr. Milwaukee av
JOHNSON, James G. lawyer, room 6 147 LaSalle, r. Jefferson, Illinois
JOHNSON, James L., (JOHNSON & Long), r. 1098 Wabash av
JOHNSON, Jasper, grocer, 266 W. Madison, r. 81 Aberdeen
JOHNSON, Jennie Miss, milliner, bds. 140 W. Washington
JOHNSON, John, (col’d), barber, 298 State, r. same
JOHNSON, John, blacksmith, C. & N.W.R.W. (Mil. Div.)
JOHNSON, John, blacksmith, r. 128 Taylor
JOHNSON, John, blacksmith, r. 184 2d
JOHNSON, John, cabinet maker, r. 50 Bremer
JOHNSON, John, carpenter, r. 21 Vine
JOHNSON, John, carpenter, C. & N.R.W.R. (Wis. Wis), r. 41 Cherry av
JOHNSON, John, carpenter, bds. 30 Larrabee
JOHNSON, John, carpenter, r. rear 162 N. Desplaines
JOHNSON, John, carpenter, r. 166 N. Green
JOHNSON, John, carpenter, r. 139 W. Erie
JOHNSON, John, carpenter, r. 183 Larrabee
JOHNSON, John, carpenter, r. 253 N. Green
JOHNSON, John, carpenter, r. 811 W. Kinzie
JOHNSON, John, carpenter, r. 458 S. Clinton
JOHNSON, John, carpenter, bds. 590 S. Canal
JOHNSON, John, clerk, W.W. Cornell, r. 22 S. Green
JOHNSON, John, cigar maker, Edward Bergman, r. 917 clark
JOHNSON, John, Fishmarket, 113 N. Clark, r. 115 N. Clark
JOHNSON, John, furniture dealer, Milwaukee av bet. Long John & Columbia
JOHNSON, John, lab., Great Eastern Roundhouse, r. 454 4th
JOHNSON, John, lab., r. 25 Bremer
JOHNSON, John, lab., r. 25 Cornella
JOHNSON, John, lab., r. 59 Myrick av
JOHNSON, John, lab., r. 83 George
JOHNSON, John, lab., r. 105 Bremer
JOHNSON, John, lab., r. 129 N. Wells
JOHNSON, John, lab., r. 146 W. Washington
JOHNSON, John, lab., r. 147 W. 22d
JOHNSON, John, lab., r. 168 Fry
JOHNSON, John, lab., r. 178 Sedgwick
JOHNSON, John, lab., r. 211 Division
JOHNSON, John, lab., r. Dexter bet. Rock and McLean
JOHNSON, John, lab., bds. Archer av. bet. Long John and Columbia
JOHNSON, John, machinist, Eagle Works Mnfg. Co.
JOHNSON, John, machinist, Thomas Raybould, bds. 152 Fulton
JOHNSON, John, mason, r. 600 Kinzie
JOHNSON, John, moulder, Clark, Raffen & Co., r. 11 Bremer
JOHNSON, John, painter, r. 124 Townsend
JOHNSON, John, pedler, r. 235 Church
JOHNSON, John, (col’d), porter, r. 130 Harrison
JOHNSON, John, (col’d), railroad porter, r. 386 State
JOHNSON, John, rigger, r. Forrest av. sw. cor. 36th
JOHNSON, John, sailor, bds. 17 Dunn
JOHNSON, John, sailor, bds. 248 Randolph
JOHNSON, John, sailor, bds. 590 S. Canal
JOHNSON, John, sailor, r. rear 40 N. Rucker
JOHNSON, John, sailor, r. rear 234 N. Halsted
JOHNSON, John, salesman, bds. 212 Illinois
JOHNSON, John, sea captain, r. 104 N. Wells
JOHNSON, John, stair builder, Tobin & Bardan, r. 453 S. Clinton
JOHNSON, John, student, Bryant & Stratton Business Institute
JOHNSON, John, tailor, r. 10 Bremer
JOHNSON, John, tailor, r. 22 Hunt
JOHNSON, John, tailor, 96 Chicago av., r. same
JOHNSON, John, tailor, 228 N. Division, r. same
JOHNSON, John, tailor, r. 353 Wentworth av
JOHNSON, John, tailor, r. ws. al. bet. Desplaines and Jefferson, Hubbard and Indiana
JOHNSON, John, teamster, Hayward, Swift & Co.,
JOHNSON, John, teamster, Hair & Odlorne
JOHNSON, John, turner, Herhard, JOHNSON & Co., r. 146 N. Union
JOHNSON, John, wagon maker, 24 Brown, r. same
JOHNSON, John, (col’d), waiter, Sherman House
JOHNSON, John, (col’d), white washer, r. 225 4th av
JOHNSON, John, r. 38 W. Erie
JOHNSON, John, r. 97 Blackhawk
JOHNSON, John, r. 180 W. Madison
JOHNSON, John, wks. Heeney & Campbell
JOHNSON, John A., carpenter, r. 213 S. Peoria
JOHNSON, John A., clerk, Purington & Scranton, 212 Illinois
JOHNSON, John A., salesman, r. 92 Bremer
JOHNSON, John A., upholsterer, McConough, Price & Co., r. 232 N. Green
JOHNSON, John B., with A.B. JOHNSON, r. 112 Hubbard
JOHNSON, John C., carpenter, C & N.W.R.W. (Mil. Div.)
JOHNSON, John G., clerk, Wilmans & Pasdeloup
JOHNSON, John G., lawyer, r. 121 S. Lincoln av
JOHNSON, John N., paper pedlar, r. Richburgs, al. bet. Kinzie & Hubbard
JOHNSON, John O., carpenter, r. 51 Bremer
JOHNSON, John W., bookkeeper, r. 331 W. Lake
JOHNSON, Jonas M., sergt. 2d/prec. station, bds. Laclede Hotel
JOHNSON, Jonas, livery stable, 255 W. Polk, r. 258 W. Polk
JOHNSON, Jonas, cooper, r. 81 Vine
JOHNSON, Jonas P., shoemaker, Phelps, Dodge & Palmer, bds. Canal near Madison
JOHNSON, Joseph, carpenter, r. 215 N. Carpenter
JOHNSON, Joseph, carpenter, Joseph Harris, r. 337 S. Clinton
JOHNSON, Joseph, lab., Ferry & Bros., bds. 40 Burlington
JOHNSON, Joseph, moulder, r. 594 Archer av
JOHNSON, Joseph, teamster, Col. Wright, bds. 45 N. State
JOHNSON, Joseph, r. 88 Ohio
JOHNSON, Julian F., carpenter, r. 159 JOHNSON
JOHNSON, Jurdon, (col’d), lab., r. 644 N. Wells
JOHNSON, J., bartender, J. Jenson, r. 78 Milwaukee av
JOHNSON, J., foreman, C & M.L.S.R.R., r. 141 Townsend
JOHNSON, J., (col’d), porter, Chicago Tribune
JOHNSON, J., teacher, St. John’s German Lutheran School, 160 1st, r. same
JOHNSON, J. A., bds. 96 Quincy
JOHNSON, J. Brooks, com mer. bds. Clarendon House
JOHNSON, J. B., lumber mer., r. 112 Hubbard
JOHNSON, J. B., tailor, John S. Mulliner
JOHNSON, J. Dwight (JOHNSON & Abley), r. 300 Ohio
JOHNSON, J. F., carbuilder, r. 508 S. Halsted
JOHNSON, J. Henry Rev, pastor, M.E. Church, r. 917 W. Erie
JOHNSON, J. M., entry clerk, Bowen, Hunt & Winslow, r. 128 N. State
JOHNSON, J. S., cooper, Peterson & Jansen, r. 15 W. Erie
JOHNSON, J. S., r. 1027 Prairie av
JOHNSON, J. W., mason, r. 698 W. Lake
JOHNSON, J. W., machinist, Northwestern Mnfg. Co., r. 41 Cherry av
JOHNSON, Kate Miss, teacher, bds. ws. Western av nr. Brighton Station
JOHNSON, Kate Mrs., boarding house, 64 W. Washington
JOHNSON, K., pressman, P.L. Hanscom & Co.
JOHNSON, Lars, carpenter, C & N.W.R.W. (Mil. Div.)
JOHNSON, Laura Mrs., boarding house, r. 2 Hubbard

Contributed by Brenda Gaetz [[email protected]], June 2000
Page 422
AT 145 to 152 North Water Street, Chicago, Illinois.

JOERGEENSEN, Sarah W. clairvoyant, rooms 13 and 14, Clark, r. same
JOERGENSON, N. H., copying, bds. 249 Clark
JOERGER, Joseph R. saloon, 711 Milwaukee av. r. same
JOERNDT, August, tailor, r. 407 W. Chicago av
JOERNDT, Charles, carpenter, r. 407 W. Chicago av
JOERNDT, George, watchmaker, 274 Milwaukee av. r. 157 W. Erie
JOERNDT, William, carpenter, r. ws. Miller, bet. Gurley and Polk
JOERNTT, Christian, tailor, r. 157 W. Erie
JOERS, August, wagonmaker, Ortmann & Schuster, r. 180 Fulton
JOERS, Frederick, lab. r. 88 Gardner
JOERSON, H., carpenter, I.C. car works
JOGINSON, Neil, carpenter, bds. 17 Hubbard
JOHAM, Peter, lab. r. 128 Johnson
JOHAME, D., Chicago Lead & Oil Works, r. 58 Fry
JOHAN, Peter Joseph, carpenter, r. 603 S. Union
JOHANESON, Lewis, lab. r. 36 Superior
JOHANN, Joseph, clerk, R.F. Christian, r. 419 Sedgwick
JOHANN, J. wks, Pitts Sons
JOHANNES, David, lab. r. 58 Fry
JOHANNESEN, Ole, carpenter, r. 213 W. Erie
JOHANNESSON, August, printer, Langland & Anderson, r. 251 N. Green
JOHANNSEN, Paul, carpenter, bds. 104 N. Desplaines
JOHANSEN, Berent (Johansen & Co.), r. 61 Phillips
JOHANSEN, Edward, tobacconist, 113 W. Washington, r. same
JOHANSEN, John, lab. bds. 54 Cherry
JOHANSEN, Louis, lab. r. 76 Bremer
JOHANSEN, O. carpenter, r. 42 4th
JOHANSEN, ?, carpenter, bds. 9 Burling
JOHANSEN & CO. (Berent, Johansen and Carl Duerkuren), goldsmiths, 61 Phillips
JOHANSON, Andrew, lab. r. 156 Wesson
JOHANSON, Charles, shoemaker, r. 36 Bremer
JOHANSON, I., r. 59 Milwaukee av
JOHANSON, Olof, carpenter, Bent & Goward, r. 141 Ontario
JOHANSON, S. ploughsmith, r. 46 Bremer
JOHANSSON, C.J. shoemaker, r. rear 175 Sedgwick
JOHLER, Traugrtt, bds. 152 W. Randolph
JOHLER, Herman, school furniture mkr. A.H. Andrews, r. 52 W. Randolph
JOHN, Claus, broommaker, John Friedmann, bds. 183 Larrabee
JOHN, Fanny L. teacher, Newberry School, bds. 155 Clybourn av
JOHN HANCOCK MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. of Boston, Nehemiah Hawkins, gen agt. 135 LaSalle
JOHN, Hermann, grocer, bds. 113 S. Jefferson
JOHN, James, ornamental plasterer, 64 Adams, r. 332 Wabash av
JOHN, John, lab. r. 121 Mohawk
JOHN, John, tailor, bds. 72 N. Union
JOHNES, Ervin A., lawyer, room 2, 157 Randolph, r. 310 Michigan av
JOHNS, A.R. wid. D.L., r. 155 Clybourn av
JOHNS, Catharine, wid. James, r. 51 Carroll
JOHNS, Daniel, coachman, bds. 1005 State
JOHNS, Frederick, fireman, Armour, dole & Co. elevator, bds. Blue Island av. sw. cor. Evans
JOHNSON, Albert, bds. 168 Union
JOHNSON, Albert C., clerk r. 206 W. Lake
JOHNSON, Alex, tailor, bds. 42 Selah
JOHNSON, Alexander, tel. operator, bds. 316 W. Harrison
JOHNSON, Alfred, bookkeeper, A.B. Johnson, bds. 93 Hubbard
JOHNSON, Alfred, lab. r. 249 Wentworth av
JOHNSON, Alfred, mason, r. 506 W. Taylor
JOHNSON, Alfred, mer, r. 62 Ellis av
JOHNSON, Alfred B., bookkeeper, A.B. Johnson, bds. 93 Hubbard
JOHNSON, Allen, shipcarpenter, r. Milwaukee av. nw. cor. Pratt
JOHNSON, Allic, sailor, bds. 48 Milwaukee av
JOHNSON, Amelia A., (Blinn & Johnson), r. 360 N. Clark
JOHNSON, Andreas, carpenter, r. 179 W. Erie
JOHNSON, Andres, tailor, r. 10 W. Pearson
JOHNSON, Andrew (Peterson & Johnson), r. 10 Huron
JOHNSON, Andrew, r. 94 Fry
JOHNSON, Andrew, carpenter, r. 150 Townsend
JOHNSON, Andrew, clerk, bds. 21 Cook
JOHNSON, Andrew, lab. r. rear 82 Superior
JOHNSON, Andrew, lab. bds. 3 W. Pearson
JOHNSON, Andrew, lab. r. 177 Bushnell
JOHNSON, Andrew, lab. bds. 17 Hubbard
JOHNSON, Andrew, lab. r. 268 Hubbard
JOHNSON, Andrew, lab. r. 342 South Park av
JOHNSON, Andrew, lab. r. 208 Townsend
JOHNSON, Andrew, machinist, Eagle Works Mnfg. Co. r. 11 N. Rucker
JOHNSON, Andrew, moulder, Collins & Burgie, r. 209 Michigan
JOHNSON, Andrew, painter, r. 30 Wesson
JOHNSON, Andrew, plasterer, r. 141 Townsend
JOHNSON, Andrew, plumber, James Paterson
JOHNSON, Andrew, sailmaker, r. 88 Wesson
JOHNSON, Andrew, r. 176 W. Indiana
JOHNSON, Andrew B., lumber dealer, 148 Kingsbury, r. 93 Hubbard
JOHNSON, Andrew L. police, r. 238 Mohawk
JOHNSON, Andrew M. car shop, C. & N.W.R.W. (Wis. Div.)
JOHNSON, Andrew M. guard, Joliet, r. 33 Vine
JOHNSON, Andrew M., r. 117 4th
JOHNSON, Andrew P., (Herhold, Johnson & Co.)
JOHNSON, Ann, wid. Hans, r. 22 Hunt
JOHNSON, Anna Miss, bds. Archer av. bet. Long John and Columbia
JOHNSON, Anne J. Mrs., ladies restaurant, 166 Wabash av. r. same
JOHNSON, Annie, wid. L., r. 196 N. Union
JOHNSON, Anthony (col’d), coachman, C.W. Kreigh, 304 W. Washington
JOHNSON, Anthony, cooper, John Braun, r. 396 W. Indiana
JOHNSON, Anton, cabinetmaker, H.S. Carter & Co., r. 231 W. Erie
JOHNSON, Arthur, clk. John L. Davies, r. 86 Archer av
JOHNSON, August, cabinetmakr. bds. 20 26th
JOHNSON, August, lab. r. 68 Bremer
JOHNSON, August, lumber inspector, P. Fish
JOHNSON, August, musician, r. 73 Mohawk
JOHNSON, August, printer, r. 251 N. Green
JOHNSON, August, saloon, 69 Chicago av. r. same
JOHNSON, August, upholsterer. r. 18 Hunt
JOHNSON, August, wks. C.H. McCormick & Bro.
JOHNSON, Augusta, r. 162 N. Desplaines
JOHNSON, Augustus, carpenter, I.C. car works
JOHNSON, Augustus, engineer, r. 147 W. Kinzie
JOHNSON, Augustus, lumberman, bds, 204 N. LaSalle
JOHNSON, Augustus, machinist, bds. Green Tree House, 3d av. se. cor. 12th
JOHNSON, Augustus, manager, Eclectic Mutual Life Ins. Co. 166 Washington, r. 119 N. LaSalle

1871 Chicago City Directory
Contributor: Brenda Gaetz, June 2000

Jex Alexander, jr. carpenter, r. 503 W. Madison
Jezbik Adalert, lab. r. 135 Luke
Jickling William F. carpenter, J. Clark & Bro. r. 355 Clark
Jiencke William, miller, r. Hawthorne av. nr. Eastman
Jilard John, clk. r. 28 Oak
Jillett Edwin L. (Jillett & King.) r. 306 Michigan av.
Jillett & King, lumber mers. 258 Sherman
Jillson James F. foreman, C. H. Jordan r. 166 clark
Jilson C. F. kpr. Simpson, Norwell & Co. r. 77 Van Buren
Jilson John J. clk. Thompson, Steele & Price, Mnfg Co. r. Barnes House
Jink John, butcher, Seraphim Kubel, r. 80 Archer av
Jinks Howard, r. 271 State
Jinks James, waiter, William Van Fleet, r. 14 Pacific av
Jinkens John B. plumber, r. 309 23d
Jinkens William, plasterer, r. 357 S. Mary
Jimison Robert, capt. r. 236 S. Sangamon
Jira John, tailor, Frank Cyhlar, r. 80 Bunker
Jirasek William, clk. F. & A. Willim, r. 82 DeKoven
Jirazek Joseph. lab, r. 85 Wade
Jiroux George W. salesman, Carhart, Lewis & Co. r. 342 N. State
Jistel Albert, porter, Hayden & Kay, r. 22 N. Green
Jistel August, machinist, r. 22 N. Green
Jloady John, carpenter, r. 538 N. Ashland av
Joliat Francis, importer wines, 112 N. Clark
Jonas John, painter, r. 26 Alaska
Joachim August, pedlar, r. 293 Sedgwick
Joachim Jacob, whitewasher, r. 680 S. Union
Job John, teamster, r. 178 N. Green
Jobiasen Nicolay, lab. r. rear 222 N. Halsted
Jobia Hipolite, tinsmith, r. 815 State
Jobs Henry, fgt. conductor, U.S. Ex. r. Brevoort House
Jobson Frank, salesman, S.S. Whitney & Son, r. 156 Kinzie
Jobson John, machinist, r. 297 State
Jobst Michael, teamster, r. 276 North av
Jocelyn Daniel C. clk. r. 392 S. Morgan
Jochem George, boardinghouse, 35 Cottage Grove av
Jochem John, saloon. 821 Clark
Jochem Peter, butcher, r. 1364 State
Jochim Henry, tailor, r. 34 Fremont
Jochum J. cutter, C.P. Kellogg & Co. r. 515 N. Division
Joek Mary Mrs. r. 137 Forquer
Joek Peter, lab. r. 137 Forquer
Joekler William, lab. r 67 Kramer
Joeknick F. E. cashier, Svenska Amerikanaren, r. 255 Church
Jodiggin Frank, lab. r. 211 DeKoven
Jodiggin Mathew, shoemkr. r. 211 DeKoven
Joeckisch Caroline, wid. Henry. r. 84 Gardner
Joehrs John, cigarmkr. Rubel Bros. r. 155 1st
Joel Elias, stencilcutter, r. 67 W. Jackson
Joerendt Charles (Union Lumber Co.) r. 407 W. Chicago av
Joergens Charles, foreman, A. Zeller, r. 434 Larrabee
Joergman Charles, mason, r. 313 Noble
Joerndt August, tailor, r. 333 Milwaukee av
Joerndt Charles, carpenter, r. 407 W. Chicago av
Joerndt Christian, tailor, r. 157 W. Erie
Joerndt George, watchmkr, r. 27 1/2 Milwaukee av
Joerndt William, carpenter, r. rear 329 W. Polk
Joers August, carriagemkr. r. 399 Division
Joers Fred, lab. r. 88 Gardner
Joerstad Ann Mrs. r. 78 W. Erie
Joerstad Berger, painter, r. 78 W. Erie
Joerstad Ole, painter, r. 78 W. Erie
Joeslen George, engineer, Kane, Westlake & Covert, r. 752 N. Halsted
Johan anders, tailor, r. 123 Bremer, r. 753 N. Halsted
Johan Joseph, bkpr. r. 280 Ramsey
Johann Anton, bartender, r. 396 Clark
Johann Carl, lab. r. 172 Wesson
Johann Peter, r. 128 Johnson
Johann Peter J. carpenter, r. 603 S. Union
Johannes Christian, baker, r. 91 Chicago av
Johannes Davis, lab. r. 58 Fry
Johannes Mathias, carpenter, r. 102 Linden
Johannes Phillip (Johannes & Retz) r. 39 Clybourn av
Johannes & Retz, bakers, 39 Clybourn av
Johannesen Lorentz, lab. r. 32 W. Erie
Johannsen Johann, tanner, r. 324 N. Carpenter
Johannsen Charles, cabinetmkr. r. 156 Sedgwick
Johannsen O. cabinetmkr. r. 191 N. Curtis
Johansen B. jeweler, O. Engebrigtson, r. 84 Erie
Johansen Carl, tailor, r. 26 W. Erie
Johansen Jens, cooper, Crosby & Forster, r. 10 Crosby
Johansen Peter, coppersmith, r. 200 Townsend
Johansen —-, printer, r. 156 W. Erie
Johanson Anders, lab. r. 79 Bremer
Johanson Carl, shoemkr. r. 36 Bremer
Johanson Carl, lab. r. 101 Bremer
Johanson Edward, tobacconist, 113 W. Washington
Johanson Frederick, clk. John York, r. 753 S. Halsted
Johanson Gustav, lab. r. rear 13 Bremer
Johanson Gustav, lab. rear 58 W Oak
Johanson Jacob, sailor, r. 136 1/2 N. Jefferson
Johanson Johannes, lab. r. 49 Bremer
Johanson John, tailor, r. 102 Bremer
Johanson Niels E. lab. r. rear 36 Bremer
Johanson Olaves J. expressman, r. 15 Hubbard
Johanson Paul, organmkr. r. 430 Chicago av
Johanson—-, blacksmith, r. 27 Bremer
Johanson—-, cabinetmkr, r. 136 1/2 N. Jefferson
Johanson—-, carpenter, r. 88 Bremer
Johler Hermann, machinist, r. 60 N. Halsted
John Carl, lab. r. 172 Wesson
John Christian, lab. r. 160 Orchard
John Christopher, lab. r. 196 Bushnell
John Ferdinand, carpenter, r. 111 14th
John Fritz, tailor, r. 357 3d av
John Henry, r. 271 North av
John James, lab. r. 44 Burlington
John James, ornamental plasterer, r. 333 Wabash av
John John, r. 259 Centre
John Mark, lab. r. 442 24th
John Theodore, salesman, Field, Leiter & Co. r. Nevada Hotel
Johnbrook Patrick, hardware, r. 82 Superior
Johnes Ervin A. (Johnes & Sutherland), r. 65 Randolph
Johnes William, clk. r. 282 5th av
Johnes & Sutherlin, lawyers, 65 Randolph
Johnhor Nicholas, lab. r. rear 103 N. May
Johnke Fredrick, saloon, 58 Archer av
Johnn John, peddler, r. 121 Mohawk
Johnney Albert, lab. r. 466 S. Union
Johns Aaron, lawyer, room 8, 184 Dearborn, r. 47 S. Lincoln
Johns A.R. wid. D.L. r. 966 N. Clark
Johns Daniel, driver, H.E. Philins, r. 1005 State

Advertisement at top of page:

Jacob R. Shipherd & Co.,
NEW YORK, 24 Pine Street
CHICAGO 155 & 157 LaSalle Street,
And Twenty-Second St. Bank
Do a regular Banking business, and make large investments of Eastern capital.
Contributor: Jeanne Arguelles [email protected] August 2003

1872 Chicago City Directory
Contributor: Brenda Gaetz, June 2000

Achter William, machinist, L.B. Walker & Co.
Ackalbin Fredrick, tobacconist, r. 144 Hurlbut
Ackelbein August, lab., r. rear 255 Larrabee
Acker E.P., trav. agt. Gillet, McCulloch & Co.
Acker George H., trav. agt. R.P. Ober & Co.
Acker John, barber, r. 533 S. Halsted
Acker _C., bkkpr, E.A. Hartwell, r. 17 S. Union
Acker J.W., teamster, r. 459 S. Union
Acker Phillip, carpenter, r. 313 Mohawk
Acker ___, mason, bds. 314 Walnut
Ackerholm I, wks., A Plamondon
Ackerman Charles V., meatmarket, 677 W. Lake
Ackerman Christopher, barber, Klenke & Donaire, r. 34 E___
Ackerman clemens, finisher, J. Monzel
Ackerman Edward, machinist, L.D. Pollard, r. 435 W. Kinzie
Ackerman Francis, teamster, Amberg & Hintz, r. 84 W. Randolph
Ackerman Frank, porter, r. 84 W. Randolph
Ackerman Frederick, butcher, r. rear 275 2d
Ackerman George H., clk. John L. Quirk, r. Archer av. ne. cor. Halsted
Ackerman Gramas, cabinetmaker, bds. 84 Dussold
Ackerman Jacob, painter, r. 62 Dickson
Ackerman J.C. (Swarthout, Ackerman & Co.), r. _ Syracuse, N.Y.
Ackerman Peter, machinist, Fox & Howard, r. 178 Bushnell
Ackerman Reynold H., engineer, L.C. Huck & Co. r. 111 Meagher
Ackerman robert, bootmkr. John B. Mackel, bds. 149 Indiana
Ackerman William K. treas. I.C.R.R. r. Lake av nr. 47th
Ackermann Christoph, blksmith, bds. 103 W. Erie
Ackermann Daniel, cigarmkr, r. 562 Wentworth av
Ackermann David, machinist, r. 349 W. Van Buren
Ackermann Elizabeth, wid. Joseph, r. 357 Larrabee
Ackermann Frank, clk. r. 84 W. Randolph
Ackermann Frederick, carpenter, bds. 725 S. Canal
Ackermann Jacob, lab., r. rear 225 Cottage Grove av
Ackermann J.W. architect, room 1, 468 Wabash av. r. 540 Wabash av
Ackermann Mary A., wid. Siegfried, r. rear 269 N. Sangamon
Ackermann Nicholas, carpenter, r. 560 S. Morgan
Ackers Thomas, bkkpr., Union Nat. Bank, r. 110 S. Green
Ackerstrom –, carpenter, I.C.R.R. shops
Ackert Emil, painter, W. Farber, r. 96 Newberry av.
Ackhoff Henry, saloon, Milwaukee av. ne. cor. Halsted, r. 210 Halsted
Ackhoff Henry W., bkkpr., bds. 210 N. Halsted
Ackland Edward, confectioner, 675 Hubbard
Ackland James, confectionery, 24 W. Randolph, r. 210 W. Randolph
Ackland John, blacksmith, Coan & Ten Broeke Mnfg. Co. r _48 W. Division
Ackley Helen Mrs., physician, 504 W. Washington
Ackley John, stonemason, r. 8 Seymour
Ackley J.B., ins. agt. 95 S. Clinton, r. 504 W. Washington
Ackley S._., shipping clk. W.B. clapp & Bro. r. 33 Bremer
Ackman Bertha, wid. Gustav, r. 40 Kansas
Acksel Charles, carpenter, r. 78 W. Division
Acor James, painter, Barry & Cushing
Acton George, bartender, George A. Acton, bds. 109 S. Desplaines
Acton George A., saloon, 109 S. Desplaines
Ada Stephen A., lab., L.H. Boldenwe_k, bds. 147 North av
Ada Street M.E. Church, ws. Ada bet. W. Lake and Fulton, Rev. T.R. Strobridge, pastor
Adair Albert J., machanic, r. 1315 State
Adair Ann, wid. Robert, r. 793 Hubbard
Adair David L., D.L. Adair & Co., r. 114 Lytle
Adair James H., messenger, National Bank of Commerce, r. 793 Hubbard
Adair John D. lawyer, 161 LaSalle, bds. Wood’s Hotel
Adair Loretta Miss, bds. 1228 Wabash av
Adair Robert, clk. Bliss, Tillotson & Co. r. 793 Hubbard
Adam Albert, ___, bds. ws. Ashland av. bet. 22d and the river
Adam Albert, papermkr. r. 68 Foster
Adam Albert, teamster, Jacob Felsenthal & Sons, bds. 4_ foster
Adam Alexander B., salesman, Keith Bros. r. 931 Indiana av
Adam Anna, midwife, r. 810 S. Halsted
Adam Charles, moulder, Chicago Stove Works, bds. 69 Archer av
Adam E.C., clk. bds. 278 W. Lake
Adam Gottfreid, cooper, r. 182 Indiana
Adam Henry, teamster, r. 248 Townsend
Adam john, boilermkr. r. 144 Front
Adam John, carpenter, r. 29 Starr
Adam John P., carpenter, r. rear 129 Hurlbut
Adam J. messenger, National Bank of Commerce
Adam Mary Elizabeth Mrs., boarding house, 29 Starr
Adam Nicholas, carpenter, George Simons, r. 249 Hurlbut
Adam Peter, barber, 57 N. clark, r. 413 N. Wells
Adam Robert, carpenter, bds. State, se. cor. Hubbard ct
Adam Wilhelm, packer, Jacob Felsenthal & Son, r. 48 Foster
Adam William, jr., bookbinder, bds. 363 N. Market
Adam William, carpenter, J.V. Farwell & Co. r. 141 W. Randolph
Adam William M., cabinetmakr. Novelty Mnfg. Co. bds. 137 Clybourn av
Adams Abbott L., (A.T. King & Co.), r. 266 Onrario
Adams Abraham, carpenter, bds. 618 Larrabee
Adams Alexander, molder, Holmes, Pyott & Co.
Adams Alfred, painter, bds. 237 W. Kinzie
Adams Alfred A, mason, bds. 330 W. Indiana
Adams Ann Mrs., r. Laflin, nw. cor. Harrison
Adams A., foreman, N.W. Mnfg. Co.
Adams A. jr., printer, Jameson & Morse, bds. 71 N. Sangamon
Adams A.B., r. Bunker, nw. cor. Clinton
Adams A.W., freight accountant, C. & A.R.R. Co. r. Geneva, Ill
Adams Benjamin (B. Adams & Co.), r. 963 Prairie av
ADAMS, BLACKMER & LYON PUBLISHING CO. G.G. Lyon, pres. O.C. Blackmer, sec. and treas. office, 179 W. Washington, bindery, 7 and 9 S. Jefferson
ADAMS B.F. real estate dealer, room 13, 161 LaSalle, r. 206 Colfax av
Adams B. & Co. (Benjamin and John Q. Adams), grain and produce, rm 5, Board of Trade bldg.
Adams Calvin, lab., bds. 909 State
Adams Carl, tailor, r. 42 Burling
Adams Carlos I., physician, 155 Aberdeen
Adams Caroline G., teacher, Dore(o?) School, r. 420 W. Taylor
Adams Charles, billmkr. J.V. Farwell & Co. r. 163 S. Robey
Adams Charles, engineer, I.C.R.R. r. 4 15th
Adams Charles, huse physician, Se(a?)mmon Hospital, r. 1000 Michigan av
Adams Charles, waiter, r. 816 clark
Adams Charles, bds. 169 Archer av
Adams Charles, bds. 171 W. Erie
Adams Charles E., clk. Cook & Churchill, r. 942 Cottage Grove av
Adams Charles F., entry clk. J.V. Farwell & Co. r. 12 S. Sangamon
Adams Charles F., student, Bryant & Stratton Business College
Adams Charles H. r. 25 Belden pl
Adams Charles H., broker, r. 95 S. Hoyne
Adams Charles R., Graham Bros. & Co., bds. 328 Park av
Adams Charles T., Jewett & Adams, r. Webster av bet. Dayton and Fremont
Adams Charles W., ticket agent, C.B & Q.R.R. Union Central depot, bds. 27 Cottage Grove av
Adams Cyrus H., bkkpr. Hugh Adams, r. 513 W. Adams
Adams C.C., student, University of Chicago
Adams C.J., capitalist, rom 12, Bne blk. r. 1153 Wabash av
Adams D., clothier, r. 136 N. Halsted
Adams Edward F., lawyer, room 1, 143 W. Madison, r. 328 W. Randolph
Adams Edward F., with A.E. Andrews & Co. r. Hyde Park

Contributor: Eileen Druzak May 9, 2003
1872 Chicago City Directory Page 632 (partial listing)

Marquett Jacob, mechanic, P.M. Livingston, r. 180 Taylor
Marquette J.A. salesman, Warner, marston & Felix, r. 285 Michigan av.
Marquis Charles, plasterer, r. 7 Emma
Marquis Lucy, tailoress, bds. 70 N. Green
Marr George H. (Lawton Bros & marr), r. 203 W. Washington
Marr John, bkkpr. r. 176 N. Curtis
Marr John, lab. bds. 72 W. 12th
Marr Maria, wid. Michael, r. 41 Archer av.
Marr Mary, wid. Thomas, boarding house, 21 Blue Island av.
Marr John, bkkpr. John Phillips
Marr William, printer, rEpublic Life Ins. Co.
Marres John, r. 260 Arnold
Marrett Louis, painter, Garden City Mnfg. & Supply Co. bds. 77 W. Madison
Marrick O.S. tobacco, bds. 201 25 h
Marrill Comford, teamster, bds. 342 Noble
Marrion Patrick, moulder, bds. es. Quinn, bet. Archer av. and Wrong
Marriott Henry, collarmkr. r. 6 Henry
Marriott Henry, shoemkr. French & Emery, r. 294 N. LaSalle
Marriott W. A. showcasemkr. Northwestern Show Case Mnfg. Co. r. 61 S. Canal
Marris, Daniel D. lab. bds. 266 S. Clinton
Marris Rowland D. carpenter, bds. 266 S. Clinton
Marrnky John, lab. r. 25th, nr. se. cor, Murray
Marronay Patrick, car repairer, r. 81 Stewart av.
Marrsam Peter, grocer, 786 Archer av.
Mars Andrew, teamster, r. 43 Fay
Mars Charles, lab. r. 148 Sedgwick
Mars Rudolph, carpenter, r. 13 Weed
Mars R.W. engineer, C. & N. W. Elevator, r. 174 N. May
Marsch D. S. salesman, T.B. Weber & Co. r. 52 24th
Marsch Peter, foreman, bds. Eagle House
Marschack Joseph, lab. r. ns. Walsh, bet. Brown and Morgan
Marschalick John, lumber measurer, r. 177 Brown
Marschaus, Christopher, carpenter, r. 37 Block
Marscheck James, lab. r. 217 Kossuth
Marse Henry, butcher, bds. 1347 Prairie av.
Marsen M. beltmkr. T. Munson & co. r. 184 N. Jefferson
Marsey David, lab. r. rear 404 Wentworth av.
Marsey W. lab. Kimball & Sheridan
Marsfelde A. druggist, 475 W. Chicago av. r. 133 Rumsey
Marsh Anna Miss, prin. Ellis Park School, r. 101 Wahpanseh av.
Marsh A r. 107 South Park av.
Marsh Bros. (James H. and Charles V.), merchandise brokers, 256 Michigan av.
Marsh Charles, machinist, Eagle Works Mnfg. Co.
Marsh Charles D. grocer, r. Indiana av. ne. cor. 29th
Marsh Charles F. clk. Baird & Bradley, bds. 148 4th av.
Marsh Charles H. clk. North Bennington Boot & Shoe Co. r. 127 Lake av.
Marsh Charles V. (Marsh Bros.), r. 1203 Indiana av.
Marsh c. student, Bryand & Stratton Business College
Marsh Daniel, clk. J. E. O’Sullivan & co. bds. 360 Centre av.
Marsh David H. painter, r. 100 S. Sangamon
Marsh D.S. boots and shoes, r. 52 24th
Marsh Emeline Miss. teacher, Kinzie School, bds. 18 Throop
Marsh Eugene T. harnessmkr. G. Loas, r. 720 W. Lake

1873 Chicago City Directory
Contributor: Brenda Gaetz, June 2000
Page 124-125 (These pages were VERY hard to read, but are as accurate as I could get them by scanning, enlarging, and darkening.)

Abrahams Jacob, glazier, r. 91 Canalport av
Abrahams Louis, furniture, r. 149 Maxwell
Abrahams Moses, __, r. rear 16 Evans st
Abrahamsen Adam, sailor, r. 196 Des Plaines
Abrahamsen Charles, painter, bds. 201 N. Desplaines
Abrahamsen Nils, lab., r. 378 W. Erie
Abrahamsen Ole, lab., bds. 21 Cook
Abrahamsen Solomon, carpenter, r. 270 West Ohio
Abrahamson Abraham, lab., r. 145 Wesson
Abrahamson Andrew, mason, bds. 252 W. Erie
Abrahamson Charles, plasterer, r. 163 Bremer
Abrahamson Charles, sailor, r. rear 162 N. Desplaines
Abrahamson Edward, mason, r. 252 W. Erie
Abrahamson Erland, lab., r. 154 Bremer
Abrahamson John, lab., r. 6 Oak
Abrahamson Joseph, lab., r. rear 155 Wesson
Abrahamson Joseph, tailor, r. 29 Elm
Abrahamson Louis, lab. r. 230 W. Erie
Abrahamson Peter, carpenter, r. 30 Bremer
Abrahamson Sven A., carpenter, r. 125 Bremer
Abrams D.O., student, bds. 183 18th
Abrams Gus, grainer, bds., 17 S. Curtis
Abrams Morris, tailor, 109 1/2 Clark
Abramson Isaac, agt., r. 136 3d av
Abridge Milo M., machinist, r. 330 Park av
Abs Ferdinand, saloon, 527 Clark
Abstein Charles, clk., r. 147 W. Ohio
Abts William, bartender, bds. 280 N. Halstead
Aburns Joseph, carpenter, r. 236 Maxwell
Aca___Favarger, Mme., ___Newell, 2_6 Michigan av
Academy European Hotel, C.G. Manzy, prop. 78 S. Halsted
Academy of Music, C.R. Ga_liner, manager, 81 to 85 S. Halsted
Academy of the Christian Brothers, Bro. Hilary, director, ws. Desplaines, bet. Adams and Monroe
Academy of the Sacred Heart, Mme Neiderkorne, superior, 183 W. Taylor
Ac__i Charles, lab., r. 85 Superior
Ace Elijah, driver, bds., 120 W. Adams
Ace Pierce, driver, bds., 120 W. Adams
Acers Standish, printer, r. 286 Napoleon pl.
Acers Mrs., milliner and dressmaker, 286 Napoleon pl.
Achen Robert, carpenter, r. 15 Erie
Achert Edward E., cigar mnfr., 132 N. Clark, r. 221 Chicago av
Achhammer Michael, gardener, r. 806 Larrabee
Achhammer Thomas, gardener, r. 806 Larrabee
Achlabig A., cabinetmkr., r. 16 Centre
Achtabusk Anton, shoemkr., r. 50 Ingraham
Achten Mathias, carpenter, r. 97 Archer av
Achten Peter, lab., r. 17 Sheridan pl.
Achter Henry B., clk., bds. 10 W. Randolph
Achter Julius, upholsterer, r. 86 Blue Island av
Achton Theodore, carpenter, r. 356 23d
Ackelbein Frederick, lab., r. 141 Hurlbut
Acken Edward, plumber, 548 Archer av., r. 143 W. Harrison
Acker Amelia, wid. Philip, r. rear 313 Mohawk
Acker A., fancy goods, 228 W. Madison, bds. Johnstone House
Acker Charles, lab., r. 1_1 Canalport av
Acker Edwin, com. mer. r. 521 S. Jefferson
Acker George H., lab., bds. 32_ W. Lake
Acker John, machinist, Goss & Phillips Mnfg. Co
Acker Michael, policeman, r. 40 Finnell
Acker Peter, carpenter, r. 222 28th
Ackerberg John, carpenter, r. 48 Clark
Ackerly Charles W., painter, bds. 661 State
Ackerly Louis R., clk. Bds. 661 State
Ackerly ___, r. 551 W. Madison
Ackerman Anne. Wid. Peter, r. 38 W. Erie
Ackerman Christian, bricklayer, bds. 363 Clark
Ackerman Daniel, cigarmkr., R. 562 Wentworth av
Ackerman David, butcher, r. 65 Purple
Ackerman Edward, machinist, bds. 117 Milwaukee av
Ackerman Emil, lab., r. rear 21 Penn
Ackerman George H., clk. Bds. 22 O’Brien
Ackerman Jacob, wagonmkr., r. 256 North av
Ackerman John, carpenter, r. 166 McGregor
Ackerman J.C., Swarth___, Ackerman & Co. r. New York
Ackerman Peter, driver, r. 32 Western av
Ackerman Reynolds, engineer, r. 111 Meagher
Ackerman Bolert, shoemkr, 325 W. Randolph
Ackerman William K., treas., I.C.R.R. r. Lake ave nr. 47th
Ackermann Charles V. meat market, 637 W. Lake
Ackermann Friederich W., carpenter, r. N. Wood nr. Julian
Ackermann George, cigarmkr. bds., 118 Kinzie
Ackermann John, lab. r. Western av. nw. cor. Congress
Ackermann John W., architect, 87 and 89 Clark, r. 571 Fulton
Ackermann Nicholas, carpenter, r. 560 S. Morgan
Ackermann William, shoemkr., Division sw. cor. Wells
Ackers Thomas, clk. r. 369 Fulton
Ackers Thomas, teamster, bds. 385 S. Canal
Ackerson Peter, stonecutter, bds. 350 Arnold
Ackerstrom C. carpenter, I.C. car shops
Ackerty Thomas, supt., r. 22 Quincy
Ackholl Henry, saloon, 21 Milwaukee av. r. 216 N. Halsted
Ackhorn J.F., lab., r. 31 Wesson
Acklan James, carpenter, bds., 182 Indiana
Ackland Edward, confectionery, 765 Hubbard
Ackland John, blksmith, r. 324 Chicago av
Ackleman Charles, bds. r. 227 W. 19th
Ackler Fritz, lab. r. Nut
Ackley John, mason. r. 6 Seymour
Ackman Lewis, tinner, bds. 271 W. Randolph
Acott William H., clk., r. 143 Superior
Acres Standish, printer, r. 28th bet. Garibaldi and Stewart avs
Ada James, slater, bds. 2_1 W. 12th
Ada Malens, lab., r. rear _1 Front
Ada Street M.E Church, Rev. T.R. Strobridge, pastor, Ada. bet. Lake and Fulton
Adair Alfred, bds. 18 S. Peoria
Adair Ann, wid. Robert, r. 708(?) Hubbard
Adair David, hops, r. 120 Lytle
Adair John D., lawyer, room 15, 161 LaSalle, r. 44 Wabash av
Adam Albert, lab., r. 98 Hastings
Adam Carl, lab., r. rear 381 Sedgwick
Adam Godfrey, boarding house, 182 Indiana
Adam Henry, lab., r. 293 Church
Adam Henry, teamster, r. 2__ Short
Adam Jacob, hatmkr. bds. 2_1 Clybourne
Adam James, clk., bds. St Dennis
Adam John, carpenter, r. 29 Star

Note: I was unable to read the rest of the page.

1877 Chicago City Directory
Contributor: Diane G, added May 2001
SURNAME/Business Name FirstName Occupation/Business Address Address
DUB Peter painter house 262 21st.
DUBACH Andrew carp. house 1395 Wentworth av.
DUBACH Andrew Jr. machinist boards 1395 Wentworth av.
DUBACH Frank machinist bds. 1395 Wentworth av.
DUBACH John machinist bds. 1395 Wentworth av.
DUBACH Nicolas capt. eng. co. 8: 16 Archer av. house 1411 Wentworth av.
DUBARRY Edmund L. supt. C.D.& V.R.R.: 97 Dearborn boards Grand Pacific hotel.
DUBBELT Charles tailor house 124 Cornelia
DUBBS Henry opr. house 6 N. Oakley av.
DUBE T.C. Mme. dressmkr. h. 1433 S. Dearborn
DUBESON George lab house 1534 S. Lasalle
DUBE Theopulius machinist h. rear 1433 S. Dearborn
DUBETZ Samuel house 571 State
DUBEY Henry painter house 175 W. Monroe
DUBIA Henry F. cash. 50 Randolph h. 345 S. Morgan
DUBIA Monroe porter boards Woodstock house
DUBITZ Henry peddler house 729 S. Morgan
DUBKEE August cabinetmkr house 205 13th pl.
DUBOIS Anson cooper house 61 N. Wells
DUBOIS Charles L. painter house 171 Randolph
DUBOIS Chretien tailor house 32 Dussold
DUBOIS Daniel bartndr. house 25 Bryant blk.
DUBOIS Erani painter house 342 S. Halsted
DUBOIS Gustave actor house 325 W. Polk
DUBOIS Justin H. student boards 88 Harrison
DUBOIS Irene painter house 342 S. Halsted
DUBOIS Helen M. widow of John dressmkr. 187 W. Vanburen
DUBOIS William cooper boards 74 N. Wells
DUBOIS William draughtsman bds. 20 N. Sangamon
DUBRIDGE George H. brakeman h. 733 W. Kinzie
DUBROCK August banker 398 Larrabee h. Lake View
DUBROD Frank saloon 119 S. Canal
DUBUIS Oscar F. architect house 93 N. Ada
DUBISSON Desire wiper house 1534 S. Lasalle
DUBUQUE Jules shoemkr. house 48 Johnson
DUBUQUE SHOT TOWER CO. C. H. Vehmeyer agt. 4 State
DUBY Michael lab. house 124 Hickory

DUPEE Charles A. (Hitchcock & Dupee) 44 Portland blk. house 584 Wabash av.
DUPEE Charles B. prov. Clark sw. cor. 16th house 46th nw. cor. Woodlawn av.
DUPEE C. Fred bkpr. Clark sw. cor. 16th h. 23 33d
DUPEE Horace M. (H.M. Dupee & Co.) 223 Kinzie house Kenwood
DUPEE H.M. & Co. (Horace M. Dupee and—) prov. 223 Kinzie
DUPEE John lumber 14: 165 Washington house 68 Oakwood boul.
DUPEE John Jr. com. mer. 165 Washington house 234 Park av.
DUPEE Peter lab. house 287 21st.
DUPERRY Louis A. paperhanger house 188 Larrabee
DUPERRY M.J. Mrs. dressmkr. 188 Larabee
DUPIL Frank painter house 198 N. Sangamon
DUPINGER James tailor house 133 Bunkr
DUPKE Henry tailor house 205 13th pl.
DUPKE William lab. house 205 13th pl.
DUPLAINS Francis P. machinist house 30 Cornell
DUPLESSIS Charles O. supt. 65 Washington
DUPONT-HANSEN & CO. hardware 309 W. Indiana
DUPONT-HANSEN Frederick (Dupont-Hansen & Co.) 309 W. Indiana
DUPONT’S GUNPOWDER J.J. Whitehouse agt. 7 State
DUPRE Catherine widow of Victor house 495 S. Union
DUPRE Charles C. clerk house 495 S. Union
DUPRE Louisa widow of Frederick h. rear 202 W. 14th
DUPRE Marcus W. clerk house 554 1/2 W. Indiana
DUPREY Paul painter house 364 3d av.
DUPUIS Achille cook house 34 Sigel
DUPUIS August goldbeater house 34 Sigel
DUPUIS Etlenne painter house 220 Centre av.
DUPUIS Frederick yardmaster P.C. & St.L.R.R. house 267 W. Indiana
DUPUIS Isaac switchman boards 16 Arbor pl.
DUPUIS Thomas tel. opr. house 22 Gold
DUPUY Henrietta teacher Newberry schl. Orchard cor. Willow house Lake View
DUPUY Henry clerk house w?. N. Halsted nr. Fullerton av.

EHRHORN Gustav music teacher h. 1390 S. Dearborn
EHRHORN Henry clerk house 1390 S. Dearborn
EICHHORN Killian lab house 36 Cornelia
EINHORN Barbara Miss j? boards 123 Front

EINHORN Joseph saloon 330 S. Canal

(NOTE: this is how address is printed, therefore I do not know if the address
is a business or a home, or possibly both.)

1880 Chicago City Directory
Submitter: Joan M Ross
(last, first) Business Residential
Name Occupation Address Address

CLEGG, Joseph J Clerk boards 108 W Quincy
CLEGG, Major Machinist house 82 W Lake
CLEGG, Mary Widow of Joseph house 108 W Quincy
CLEGG,William Blksmith house 106 W Quincy

1881 Chicago City Directory
Contributor: Alice Rosenberger [email protected] added May 2001

Emil Rosenberger, Harness Maker 15 W. Randolph St., House 25 W Randolph

1885 Chicago City Directory
Contributor: Joan M Ross

(last, first) Business Residential
Name Occupation Address Address

CLEGG, Frank salesman 127 S Water house 75 Elgin
CLEGG, Frederick Plumber boards:
190 Blue Island Ave
CLEGG, John F Clerk house 75 Elgin
CLEGG, Joseph Clerk 148 Wabash Ave house 75 Elgin
CLEGG, Joseph J Salesman 148 Wabash Ave house 75 Elgin
CLEGG, Willard T Polisher house 40 Rebecca
CLEGG, William Blksmith house 103 W Quincy

1885 Chicago City Directory
Contributor: Alice Rosenberger [[email protected]], added May 2001

Mrs. Ellen Rosenberger, Furnished Rooms, 12 W. Randolph St.
Emil & Ernest, Harness Makers
Ernst, Confectioner & Boards 246 N. Moy St.

1887 Chicago City Directory
Contributor: Alice Rosenberger [[email protected]], added May 2001

Emil Rosenberger, Harness Maker 15 W. Randolph St., House 25 W Randolph

1897 Chicago City Directory
Contributor: Diane, Jan 2001
page 795

GOETTLER, Joseph, h. 5752 Wabash av.

Charles, wagonmkr. h. ns. W. Addison 1st e. N. 45th ct.
Christian H. cigars 1123 Milwaukee av. h. 1076 Milwaukee av.
George, saloon 1108, 35th
Herman, mngr. h. 1955 Deming pl.

Charles, teamster, h. 593 N. Wood
Ehler, hardware 1049 Milwaukee av.
Gustav C. cigar mnfr. 771 Clifton av.
Hartwig, bkpr. 188 Randolph, h. 2194 W. Huron
Lena, clk. 691 Milwaukee av. h. 730 N. Lincoln
Rudolph C. dentist, h. 2194 W. Huron

Abraham, barber 1044 Milwaukee av.
Adam, meatmkt, 115, 29th
Albert, musician, h. 31 Cherry av.
Alexander H. restaurant 537 State
Andrew, lab. h. 295, 21st
Andrew, saloon 1317 W. 18th
Arthur H. com. trav. 131 Wabash av.
August, machinist, h, 357 W 48th pl.
August, teamster, h. 186 Mather
Barbara, wid. John, h. 1540 Dunning
Burkhard, confectr. 403 Blue Island av.
Catharine, wid. Jacob, h. rear 1421 Diversey
Catherine, wid. John, h. 9 Willow
Charles, cigarmkr. h. 559 Fulton
Charles, foreman, h. 44 Dickens av.
Charles, lab. h. 63 Florimond
Charles, spring mnfr. 1125 S. Kedzie av.
Charles, stone 41 Ruble
Charles, watchman, h. 936 N. 42d av.
Daniel (D. Guthman & Co.) 103 Exch. bldg. stk. yds. h. 4510 Prairie av.
Daniel L. insp. h. 485 Lasalle av.
David, constable, h. 730 Milwaukee av.
Elias J. foreman 303 Dearborn, h. 276 N. Wells
Emeline H. Miss, teacher, h. 844 W. Eddy
Emil, bkpr. 18 Michigan st. h. 1648 Aldine av.
Ernest, gardener, h. 320 Berteau av.
Ernest, machinist, h. 1969 N. Marshfield av.
Florence Miss, clk. bds. 416 Potomac av.
Frances Mrs. dressmkr. h. 358 Larrabee
Frank, barber 149 Clybourn av.
Frank, butcher, h. 533 Larrabee
Franz, editor Abendblatt, h. 1051 W Eddy
Fred jr. bkpr. 18 Michigan st. h. 29 Lane ct.
Fred, butcher, h. 533 Larrabee
Fred. capt. h. and l. co. 16, h. 6406 St. Lawrence av.
Fred A. sashmnfr. 1132 Lincoln av. h. 1951 N. Marshfield av.
Frederick, pres Goetz & Brada mnfg. co. 18 Michigan st. h. 29 Lane ct.
Frederick A. physician 471 N. Ashland av. and 1206 Milwaukee av.
George, clk, 122 Fullerton av.
George, painter, h. 757 Augusta
George, salesman, h. 177 Ohio
George J. foreman, h. 1219 Wrightwood av.
Gustav, confectr. 277 Ogden av.
Gustav J. painter, h. 6818 S. Morgan
Hartwig F. carrier PO. h. 5218 Emerald av.
Henry, druggist 157 Madison and 670 N. Clark, h. 456 Orchard
Henry, painter, h. 4720 Laflin
Henry, saloon 290 N. State, h. 288 N. State
Henry, tailor 1929 Wabash av.
Herman, clk 42, 2 Sherman
Herman, tilemkr. h. 1151 W. Polk
Hubert, locksmith, h. 726 W. 13th
Hugo N. bkpr. 309 W. 22d, bds. 503 W. 12th
H. h.125 N. Clark
Isaac, cigarmnfr. 416 Potomac av.
Jacob, boxmkr. bds. 584 Evergreen av.
Jacob F. clk. 91 State, h. 242 Irving Park bul.
John, artist, h. 1542 Dunning
John lab. h. 578 N Paulina
John, lab. h. ns. Clarendon av. nr. Galt av.
John, meatmkt. 1031 Ballou
John, milk. 474 N. Francisco av.
John, saloon 21 Michigan av.
John, porter, h. 358 Larrabee
John, teamster, h. al. rear 150 Canalport av.
John F. cabinetmkr. h. 2927 Shields av.
Joseph, grocer 1106 Wrightwood av.
Joseph, lab.h. 23, 21st pl.
Lee, clk. S. Lincoln s. Blue Island av. h. 790 W. 21st.
Louis, cutlery 1378 N. California av.
Louis J. shoectr. h. 245 Cleveland av.
Mathias, carrier PO. h. 5221 S. Halsted
Max W. lithog. h. 653 Roscoe
Meyer, com. mer. h. 3339 Calumet av.
Michael, lab. h. rear 99 Fry
Oscar, teamster, h. 165 W. 22d
Oswin, carp. h. 8949 Muskegan av.
Peter, lab. h. 260, 21st.
Philip, butcher, h. 111, 29th
Reinhold, livery, h. 165 W. 22d
Robert, cigarmkr. bds. 416 Potomac av.
William H. cigars 411, 30th
& Brada Mnfg. Co. Frederick Goetz, pres; Claes Flodin, sec; coppersmiths 18
Michigan st.

Alexander M. teamster, h. 144 W. Jackson boul.
August, meatmkt. 1366 W. 103d
Carl T. clk. h. 1042 N. Oakley av
Carl W. clothctr. h. 1065 Wabansia av.
Carrie Miss, clk. h. 1042 N. Oakley av.
Charles, clk. h. 144 W. Jackson boul.
Emil, baker, bds. 1124 Armitage av.
Frederick, clk. 1336 Wrightwood av. h. 83 Lewis
Frederick C. mngr 545 Lincoln av. h. 83 Lewis
Max, waiter, h. 1905 N. Albany av.
William F. h. 1042 N. Oakley av.

Jacob W. (Traeger & Goetzelman) 117 Clark, h. 5454 Princeton av.
Lorenz, h. 86 N. Wells
Louis P. printer, h. 86 N. Wells

Frederick, h. 572 Orleans
Henry, h. 504 Warren av.
William, clk. 86 N. Wells

Fred R. barber, h. 976 N. Albany av.
Richard J. clk. Austin av. cor. N. Campbell av. h. 932 N. 42d av.

GOETZENDORFF, Morris, notary 643 Milwaukee av.

Albert, coal 2236 Archer av. h. 2228 McGlashen
Anton, saloon 3970 N. Clark
John, lab. h. 845 Victoria
John, lab. h. 8540 Buffalo av.
Margaret Miss, nurse, h. 165 S. Francisco av.
William, mason contr. h. 3820 Lowe av.

Albert, lab. h. 4715 S. Wood
Herman, notions 6349 Aberdeen

GOETZLER, Rudolph, contr. 900 S. Lawndale av.

GOEULIOK, William, cornicemkr. h. 105 Coblentz

GOEWEY, Chauncey, candymkr. h. 3556 Lasalle

GOEZIN, John, lab. h. 638 S. Canal

Alice Miss, dressmkr. 219, 31st
Charles A. clk. 25 Randolph, h. 6839 union av.
Charles A. clk. h. 105 Dearborn av.
Claude D. lab. h. 999 W. 21st
David, photog. h. 410 S. Troy
Edward E. adv. agt 1627 Monadnock blk. h. 233 Ontario
Ellen Mrs. dressmkr. 3901 Prairie av.
Eva A. wid. Mahlon, h. 487, 62d
Fred L. lawyer 834, 112 Clark, h. 2714 N. Hermitage av.
George B. clk. h. 487, 62d
George E. hardware 4226 Cottage Grove av.
Henry A. dept. mngr. 179 Randolph, h. Berwyn
Henry C. carp. h. 6206 S. Marshfield av.
Henry N. bkpr. 100 Lake, h. 487, 62d
Howard, bkpr. 10 S. West Water, h. 19 Park av.
Hugh C. electrician, bds. 6319 Evans av.
Irene, wid. S. D. h. 236 S. Winchester av.
John, car repr. bds. 83 Huron
John W. carrier PO. h. 112 S. Winchester av.
Julia, wid Charles, h. 6319 Evans av.
Lee B. credits 99 Erie, h. 2397 Ashland av.
Lyman B. clk. 25 Randolph, h. 6839 Union av.
Margaret, wid. Patrick, h. 606 W. Ohio
Mary G. stenog. h. 112 Winchester av.
Mott P. clk. 396 W. Vanburen
Philip, h. 1430 Park av
Rose, wid. Peter, h. 1565 Park av.
Thomas, printer, h. 606 W. Ohio
Warren F. Rev. pastor Douglas Park Presb. ch. h. 641 S. Sawyer av.
Willard B. salesman 92 Exch. bldg. stk. yds. bds. Ross hotel
William E. salesman 117 South Water, h. 225 Ontario

GOFF-HALL, Florence, physician 6243 Monroe av.

GOFFAND, John, blksmith. h. 585 Throop

GOFFE, Louis K. salesman 200 Adams, h. Evanston

Anton T. lab. h. 10638 Avenue H
Charles, watchman, h. 8435 Green Bay av.
John, lab. h. 8435 Green Bay av.

GOFTER, Herman, lab. h. 5353 S. Campbell av

GOFUNETTE, James, condtr. bds. 2018 W. Madison

Christopher, engineer, h. 5210 Princeton av.
Daniel H. lab. h. 1555 W. 47th
Ellen, wid. Thomas, h. 1555 W. 47th
George, clk. h. 5210 Princeton av.
Katherine Miss, tel. opr. h. 292 Janssen av.
William H. engineer, h. 414 S. Claremont av.

GOGEGT, Albert, lab. h. 941, 33d

John L. (Gogerty & Dawson) 320 N. Kedzie av. h. 232 N. Artesian av.
Patrick J. clk. 59 South Water, h. 174 Walnut
& Dawson (John L. Gogerty and George Dawson) horseshoers 320 N. Kedzie av.

Annie C. Miss, prin. Pulaske schl. h. 348 Sheffield av.
Bourne, clk. h. 3246 Wabash av.
Bridget Mrs. nurse 4503 Dearborn
Catherine Miss, teacher Jones schl. h. Oak Park
Clarence R. elev. opr. h. 2440 Dearborn
Edward, foreman, h. Indianapolis av. ne. cor. 106th
Edward, lab, h. 2830 Dearborn
Edward, h. 951 W. 63d
Edward E. police. h. 951 W. 63d
Francis, plumber, h. 1256 Wolfram
Frederick J. teamster, h. 951 W. 63d
George P. clk. h. 951 W. 63d
James, judge superior ct. 306 county bldg. h. 408 Superior
James, lab. h. 54 Augusta
James, printer, h. 348 Sheffield av.
James E. clk. PO. h. 3117 Dearborn
John D. condtr. h. 951 W. 63d
John E. clk. h. 1307 Wolfram
John J. molder, h. 547 W. 44th pl.
Kate E. Mrs. h. 3246 Wabash av.
Lizzie M. Miss. asst. prin. Lincoln schl. h. 877 Racine av.
Mary, wid. John, h. rear 394 Austin av.
Michael, lab. h. 243 S. Desplaines
Michael, h. 348 Sheffield av.
Patrick, blksmith. bds. 8849 Buffalo av.
Richard, switchman, h. 19 McReynolds
Thomas, flagman, h. 727 W. 46th
Thomas, switchman, h. 263 Dayton
Thomas E. buyer, h. 4632 Praire av.
Timothy M. molder, h. 205 N. Carpenter
William H. h. 877 Racine av.
William J. teacher, h. 348 Sheffield av.
GOGGIN WILLIAM L. bottler 26 Custom House ct. tel. Main-1082, h. 475 Wabash
William M. clk. h. 825 W. 61st pl.
William M. mngr. W. 44th se. cor. S. Canal, h. 825 Sedgwick

GOGH, Otto Wichers von, writer, h. 112 Orchard

GOGOLA, Clement, lab. h. rear 4322 S. Ashland av.

Thomas, lab. h. 654 Noble
Wladyslaus, lab. h. 579 Dickson

GOGOLINSKI, John, tailor 757 Dickson

GOGRAPHOS, Leo, confectr. 3102 State

GOGULSKY, Joseph, barber 282 Hervey

GOHEEN, John, gilder, bds. 150 Lasalle av.

Adolph, bkbndr. h. 3811 Armour av.
Adolph, salesman, h. 1241 Wolfram
Albert, teamster. h. 29 Walnut
Charles, h. 783 Augusta
Charles F. fruit, h. 930 Osgood
Frank L. cloth sponger, h. 745 N. Halsted
Ida, wid. Charles F. h. 745 N. Halsted
John, carp. h. 365 W. Kinzie
Mary, wid. John J. h 29 Walnut
William, teamster, h. rear 866 N. Artesian av.

GOHLE, Ernest, clk. 4326 Wentworth av. h. 4327 Wentworth av.

Augusta, wid. Charles, h. 6332 St. Lawrtence av.
Mary Mrs. haridresser 4712 State
William F. machinist, h. 4712 State

GOHLKE, Herman, stove repr. h. 355 W. 48th pl.

August, lab. h. 1020 W. 20th
Emil, lab. h. rear 1024 W. 20th

Anthony M. carp. h. 8247 Escanaba av
Paul, carp h. 743 Irving Park boul.
Paulina, wid. Albert, h. 2832 S. Wood
Rosie, wid. Theodore. h. 916 W. 21st pl.
Theodore, insp. h. 218 N. Spaulding av.
William, lab. h. 3830 S. Wood

John H. h. 2410, 116th
John T. bicycles, bds. 2522, 115th

GOHUTH, Joseph, tailor 1501 Milwaukee av.

GOIKE, Ferdinand L. lab. h. 33 Keenon

GOILINKIN, Morris, steamftr. h. 2931 S. Canal

GOIN, Frank H. lawyer 18, 88 Lasalle

Annie E. wid. Harrie, h. 2727 State
Charles, screwmkr. h. 496, 30th

Charles A. clk. h. 7153 Emerald av.
Frank C. clk, 379 Grand av. h. 365 Grand av.

—(end of page)—

Chicago Directory, 1897
Contributor: Diane G., added May 2001

Ehrhorn, Anna, wid. Henry F., ,h. 3845 State
Ehrhorn, Edward H., clk., 101 city hall, h. 436, 37th pl
Ehrhorn, Gustave, music teacher, h. 3845 State
Eickhorn, Adolph, lab., h. 1118 Melrose
Eickhorn, Herman, bkbndr., h. 573 Elston av
Eickhorn, John, watchman, h. 573 Elston av
Einhorn, Frank, carp., h. 3600 Lasalle
Einhorn, Joseph, umbrellas 46 1/2 Blue Island av.
(not sure if home or business address)
Einhorn, Joseph, waiter, h. 3661 Wabash av
Einhorn, Joseph, ,h.172 S. Sangamon
Einhorn, Peter, clk. 200 Adams, h. 12 Macedonia

1900 Chicago City Directory
Contributor: Patty Carey [email protected] February 8, 2003

Robillard Anable h woodwkr h 751 Halsted
Robillard Louis M mngr 219, 52 Dearborn h 1522 Lill Av
Robin Albert A clk 200 Adams h 670, 32d
Robin Florin lab h 1516 N Hoyne Av
Robin Helen E Miss stenog h 327 Laflin
Robin Isaac J druggist 543 S Jefferson h 327 Laflin
Robin J T Co Philip Hirsch Mngr, adv novelties 9 171 Randolph
Robin Louis salesman 208 South Water h 292 Bush
Robin Luba J Miss clk 543 S Jefferson h 327 Laflin
Robin Michael riveter h 257 Armitae Ave
Robinawisky Fisher tailor h 108 Barber
Robine Leopold gardener h 1225 W. 47th pl
Robineau John S physician 5358 S Morgan
Robiner David h rear 325 W. 14th
Robinett Charles L janitor h 3747 Dearborn
Robinett Ora H barber 519 N Wells
Robinett Wiley G teamster h 237 Sheffield Av
Robinette James P investigator 510, 315 Dearborn
Robino Lorenz lab h 95 Forguer
Robinovich Nathan (Robinovich & Kreiger) 288 Forguer
& Kreiger (Nathan Robinovich & Moses Kreiger) carriage mnfrs 288 Forguer
Robinovish M lab 485 S Halsted
Robinovitz Bros(Harry & Max) saloon 503 State
Robinovitz Etta wid Isador 556 S Halsted
Robinovitz Harry (Robinovitz Bros) 503 State h 556 S Halsted
Robinovitz Max (Robinovitz Bros) 503 State h 556 S Halsted
Robinovitz Samuel capmkr h 556 S Halsted
Robins Agnes Miss h 5551 Monroe Av
Robins Bernard janitor h 1085 56th
Robins C E clk 91 State h 406 N 53d Av
Robins George 439 N 53d Av
Robins George H clk Union trust co h 315 Sunnyside Av
Robins George W B v pres Falker & Stern co 144 Lake h 439 N 53d Av
Robins Harry driver h 2911 South Park Av
Robins Henry K h 1093 W 12th
Robins Solamer express h 471 S Morgan
Robins Sylvester P h 461 Estes Av
Robins Sylvester P jr laundry 461 Estes Av
Robins William lab h 3611 Cottage Grove Av
Robins William salesman h rear 287 N Lincoln
Robins William B mngr 506, 169 Jackson boul h 20 Adams
Robins William E pressman h 1448 Montana
Robins William H h 1448 Montana
Robins William N crockery 1315 W Ravenswood Park h 2611 N Robey
Robinsky Daniel peddler h 49 Haddon Av
Robinsky Simon baker 522 S Morgan

1905 Chicago City Directory
Contributor: Patty Carey [email protected] February 24, 2003

Robesch, Rudolph machinist h 2248 W 51st Pl
Robeson, Edward condtr h 6347 Eggleston Av
Robeson, George W tel opr h 719 W. 60?th
Robeson, John R painter h 7345 Lexington Av
Robeson, Thomas J physician 202, 2601 Calumet Av, h 3807 Grand Boul
Robeson, William H adv agt 176, 23rd
Robest, Rudolph lab h 2248 W 51st pl
Robestson, Maud Mrs confectr 344 W North Av
Robey, Ada M clk 3d fl, 296 S Canal, h Hinsdale
Robey, Albert E clk 1148, 159 Lasalle, h 111 S Robey
Robey, Charles Robey & Graves 1426 Wabash Av
Robey, Florence Mrs h 2615 N 43d Av
Robey, George clk h 2973 Michigan Av
Robey Hotel, Mrs M Dyer prop 784 W Madison
Robey, Joseph lab h 9202 Greenwood Av
Robey, Mark G brklayr h 111 S Robey
Robey, William C printer h 80 S Sangamon
Robey & Graves saloon 1426 Wabash Av (Charles Robey & Mrs Del S Graves)
Robgher, Matthew restaurant 9259 Cottage Grove Av
Robicek, Julius butcher h 202 W 20th
Robichaud, Frank carp h 5137 S Halsted
Robichaud, William clk 1210, 144 Vanburen, h 5137 S Halsted
Robick, James lab h 1059 W 18th pl
Robidou, Frank steamftr h 2317 Dearborn
Robidoux, Georgie Miss stenog 86 Dearborn, h 1097 60th
Robie, Frank E salesman 208 Washington Boul, h 857 W Congress
Robie, Fred C asst mngr 233 Randolph, h 5310 Cornell Av
Robie, George T bicycles & sewing Mch supp 233-237 Randolph, h 7124 Yale tel Main-2082
Robie, Rodney physician h 2024 Washington Boul
Robie, Thomas S Rev h 1814 Michingan Av
Robie, T Sargent salesman 2d fl, 232 Randolph, h 675 W Monroe
Robie, Virginia Miss asst editor 1324, 209 State, h 1814 Michigan Av
Robillard, Ada Miss stenog 22, 84 Adams, h 214 Cass
Robillard, Amos H clk 1031, 108 Lasalle, h 6419 Champlain Av
Robillard, Harrison clk PO, h 1376 N Washtenaw Av
Robillard, L G bkpr 259 S Clinton, h 10 Plum
Robillard, Mary wid Wilford h 1376 N Washtenaw Av
Robillard, Thomas woodwkr h 7610 Jackson Av
Robillotto, Vincenzo lab h 1823 Clark
Robilotta, Fred salesman 84 Madison, h 2168 Archer Av
Robin, Anna Miss teacher h 447 S Marshfield Av
Robin, Florin lab h rear 1358 Clybourn Av
Robin, Harry clk 363 W 12th, h rear 467 S Union
Robin, Helen B Miss bkpr h 447 S Marshfield Av
Robin, Ida Wid Eli h rear 467 S Union
Robin, Isaac J druggist 465 S Paulina, h 447 S Marshfield Av
Robin, J T Co Philip Hirsch mngr; display cases 28, 173 Randolph
Robin, Maximilien lab h 435 Oakdale Av
Robin, Michael car repr h 1502, 93d
Robin, Michael lab h 1500, 93d
Robin, Minnie wid Louis h 2 Crilly Ct
Robin, Samuel clk 1249 W Madison
Robin, Samuel M student h 82 W 13th

1907 Chicago City Directory
Contributor: Diane G, added May 2001

Eichhorn, Adolph, lab, h 1474 N. Ashland av
Eichhorn, Charles, helper, h 5230 Justine
Eichhorn, Christian, car repr., h 7305 Jackson av
Eichhorn, Frank A., cigars 1588 N. Clark, h 1556 N. Halsted
Eichhorn, Henry, filer, h 1153 W. 12 th
Eichhorn, Henry, supervisor, h 7305 Jackson av
Eichhorn, Jacob, lab., h 2008, 88th
Eichhorn, Jennnie, wid. John B., h 4801 Union av
Eichhorn, John, lab, h 2530, 103d pl
Eichhorn, John G., cook, h 5924 Princeton av
Eichhorn, John G. Jr, condtr, h 5924 Princeton av
Eichhorn, Mabel, Miss, stenog Hammond co stk yd, h 4801 Union av
Eichhorn, Melcher J., draftsman, h 1029 W. 54th pl

1910 Chicago City Directory
Contributor: Diane G, added May 2001

Ehorn, John, driver h rear 2806 South Park av

1859 – 1930
Chicago City Directory for the Surnames
Hilgendorf, Huwald, Kramer, Kruse, Weber, and Zuttermeister

Submitted by: Cindy Kramer [email protected] 6 Jul 2003


Kruse, William. 16 W Randolph (Frick and Kruse)
Mahlmann, John. Cigarmaker, St. Charles Hotel, 27 W Randolph
Zuttermiester, Henry C. 248 S Clark


Kruse, Fredrick. Shoemaker, east side Halsted, between Maxwell and O’Brien.
Mahlmann, John. Cigarmaker
Zuttermiester, Fredrick. Stonecutter, So. Jefferson near Maxwell and Canalport.
“ “ Henry. Clerk, 42 W Randolph


Kruse, Fredrick. Bootmaker, Halsted and Maxwell, S.E. corner.
Zuttermiester, Ludwig. Tailor, DesPlaines near Canalport.
Weber, Catharina. Midwife, Jefferson and Maxwell.


Kruse, Fredrick. Bootmaker, 480 S Halsted (now 1235 S Halsted).
Zurmiester, Fredrick & Henry H: Jefferson near Canalport
Zuttermiester,Ludwig. Tailor, H: So. Desplaines near Canalport


Kramer, Carl. Salesman, J.M. Stine, Kramer & Co. bds. 1003 Indiana
“ Max. (J.M. Stine, Kramer & Co.) r. N.Y. city
Krause, Frederick. Engineer, r. 156 Chicago ave.
Kruse, August. clerk, r. 179 Ontario
“ “ steam dyeing, 140 N Clark, r. same
“ Augustus. clerk, H. Haarlbleicher, bds. Ontario nr. LaSalle
“ Christian H. Planer, James Soper & Co., r. 380 S. Clinton
“ Frederick. Lab., Calkins & Stone, r. North, cor. Trippin
“ Henry. Tailor, W. Knoke & Co., r. Division
“ Henry C. Lab. R. 380 S Clinton
Mahlmann, John. Cigar Maker, r. 568 Sedgwick
Stine, J.M., Kramer & Co. (Jacob Stine & Max Kramer) Fancy Dry Goods, whol. 28, 30, & 32 Randolph N.E. cor Wabash
Zuttermeister, Frederick W. (Zuttermeister & Bros.) r. 730 (1909) S Jefferson
“ Henry. (Zuttermeister & Bros.) r. 820 (2101) S Halsted
“ Ludwig. Tailor, r. 730 S Jefferson
Zuttermeister & Bros (Frederick W & Henry Zuttermeister) Grocers, 730 S Jefferson


Kruse, August. Dyehouse, 149 Clark, r. same
“ “ Bookeeper, S.H. McCrea, beds Schalls House, 207 & 209 Randolph
“ Frederick. Shoemaker, r. Halsted nr Maxwell
“ Henry. Prop. Bremen House, 137 Lake
“ “ Lab, r. 76 Mather
Maehlmann, Frederick. Teamster, Eagle Brewery, bds. 175 Wolcott
Zuttermeister, Henry C. Grocer, r. Canalport av, s.e. corner Jefferson
“ Ludwig. Tailor, r. Jefferson s.e. corner Canalport


Hilgendorf, Maria, widow of John. 13 Vedder ( now 738 S Vedder )


Kramer, Carl. Traveling Agent, 1003 Indiana
Kruse, ——. Dyer & Scourer, 106-108 N Clark
Kruse, William. Sailor, 46 Rees
“ “ Laborer, 106 N Clark
Mahlmann, —-. Salloon, 163 N Clark
Weber, Charles. Locksmith, 102 Willow
“ “ Porter, 12 Polk
“ “ Music Teacher, 85 W White
“ “ Clerk, 486 N State
Zuttermiester, Fred. 730 S Jefferson (now 1909 S Jefferson)


Hilgendorf, John. Turner, J Kraus, 25 Fisk (now 1626 Fisk)
Huwald, John E. Watchmaker, B.A.Baum. 147 Canalport (now 2015 Canalport)
Kramer, Charles. Salesman, J.M.Stein, Kramer & Co. H: 51 Pine
Kruse, Fredrick. Shoemaker, 526 Halsted
“ William. Sailor, Boards: 590 S Canal
Mahlman, John C. Salloon 163 N Clark
Zuttermeister, Fredrick W. Grocer, 730 S Jefferson (now 1909 S Jefferson)
“ Henry C. “ “ “


Kruse, Fredrick. Barber 729 W Madison
“ “ Clerk, R: 375 S Clinton, B:IL (w9)
“ “ Laborer, R: 19th, s.w. corner Paulina. B:Germ. 2males, 4 females (w7)
Kruse, Fredrick. Teamster, R: 25 (1626) Fisk 2 males, 1 female
Kramer, Charles. Carpenter, rear 188 W Randolph
“ “ Salesman, J.M.Stein, Kramer & Co. R: 53 W 20th St.
“ “ Clerk, C.Brenker R: 703 N Wells B: Germ.
Huwald, John. Watchmaker r: 147 (2015) Canalport b: Germ. 1 male, 1 female (w7)
“ George. Watchmaker, J.P.Kennedy, R:305 State
“ Henry. Miller R: 320 Sedgwick
Hilgendorf, Mary. Widow of John, R: 25 (1626) Fisk, B: Germ. 5 males, 5 females (w7)
“ Charles. Upholsterer, A.S.Esmay & Co. r: 25 (1626) Fisk B: Germ. “
Zuttermeister, —-. 730 (1909) S Jefferson (w7)
“ Henry C. 820 S Halsted


Hilgendorf, Charles. Upholsterer, A.S. Esmay, r. 25 (1626) Fisk
“ William. Upholsterer, A.S. Esmay, r. 25 (1626) Fisk
Huwald, George. Clerk, J.S. Hendrickson, r. 141 W Madison
“ Henry. Miller, T.W. Baxter & Co., r. 320 Sedgwick
“ John E. Watchmaker, B.A. Baum, r. 147 (2015) Canalport
Kramer Bros. (Max, Ferdinand, & Carl) Whol. Notions, Madison, s.w. corner Market
“ Carl. (Kramer & Bros) r. 53 20th
Kramer, Charles. Grocer
“ Ferdinand. (Kramer Bros.) r. 1312 Prairie ave.
“ Max. (Kramer Bros.) r. 22 20th
Krause, F (Frederick). Teamster r. 25 (1626) Fisk
Zuttermeister, Frederick W. Grocer 730 (1909) S Jefferson
“ Ludwig. Tailor 730 (1909) S Jefferson


Hilgendorf, John. Laborer r. 303 Clayton
“ Charles. Mattress Maker r. 25 (1909) Fisk
Huwald, George. Clk. bds. 144 Randolph
“ John E. Watchmaker 147 (2015) Canalport
Kramer, Carl. (Kramer & Bros.) r. 53 20th
“ Carl. Bkpr, Grusendorf & Mueller r. 30 Bremmer
Kraus, Frederick. Lab r. Wood s.e. corner w.18th
Krause, Frederick. Barber r. 731 W Madison
“ Frederick W. Cabinetmaker r. 149 E Erie
“ “ “ Hoisting Machines, 76 W Washington r. 360 W Congress
Kruse, Frederick. Laborer r. 25 (1626) Fisk
Mahlmann, Charles. Restaurant 47 Milwaukee
Zuttermeister, Frederick W. Grocer 730 (1909) S Jefferson
“ Henry C. Real Estate 820 (2101) S Halsted


Hilgendorf, Charles Upholsterer 25 (1909) Fisk
“ John jr. Cabinetmaker 25 (1909) Fisk
“ Mary, widow of John. 25 (1909) Fisk
Huwald, George. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, 59 W Madison r: 141 W Madison
“ John E. Jeweler 147 (2015) Canalport
Kramer, Carl. (Kramer & Bros) r: 213 N Wells
“ Charles. Bkpr Grusendorf & Mueller r: 79 Holt
Kruse, Frederick. Lab r: 193 N Halsted
“ “ Porter r: 430 S Union
Zuttermeister, Frederick W. Grocer 730 (1909) S Jefferson
“ Henry C. Real Estate 820 (2101) S Halsted


Hilgendorf, Charles. Upholsterer 25 (1909) Fisk
“ John jr. Turner 25 (1909) Fisk
Huwald, John E. Jeweler 147 (2015) Canalport
Kramer, Carl. (Kramer & Bros) bds: 213 N Wells
“ Charles. Bkpr 89 W Polk r: 401 Division
Kraus, Frederick. Lab r: s.s. 20th corner Paulina
Krause, “ Lab r: 117 Front
Krusa, “ Stock Keeper r: 430 S Union
Kruse, “ Carver r: 389 S Clinton
Weber, Catharine. Dressmaker r: 276 Sedgwick
“ Kate. Wid Charles r: 529 S Jefferson
Zuttermeister, Frederick W. Grocer 730 (1909) S Jefferson
“ Henry C. Real Estate 820 (2101) S Halsted


Hilgendorf, Mary. Wid John 683 Morgan
Huwald, John E. Jeweler 147 (2015) Canalport
Kramer, Carl. (Kramer & Bros) 192 Madison h: 84 Huron
“ Charles. Bkpr 89 W Polk h: 308 Sedgwick
Kruse, Frederick. Clerk h: 430 S Union
“ “ Lab h: 17 Hinsche?


Hilgendorf, Charles. Mattressmaker h: 668 S Union
“ John. Stationary 139 Canalport
“ William F. Mattressmaker bds: 638 Morgan
Huwald, George. Jeweler 59 W Madison
“ John E. Jeweler 799 (2010) S Halsted
Kramer, Carl. Salesman 204 Madison h: 184 Huron
“ “ Lab h: 728 Clybourn
“ Charles. Bkpr 89 W Polk h: 308 Sedgwick
Kruse, Frederick. Lab h: 170 Clybourn
“ “ Porter h: 430 S Union
Mahlman, John C. Saloon 14 Clark
“ Charles. Baker & Conf. h: 440 Webster
“ Frederick. 327 N May
Zuttermeister, F.W. Grocer 730 (1909) S Jefferson
“ Henry C. Real Estate Agent 818 S Halsted r: 820 (2101) S Halsted


Huwald, John E. Watchmaker 799 (2010) S Halsted (w7)
“ George. “ 59 W Madison
“ Henry. Miller 320 Sedgwick
Kruse, William. Laborer 37 (231) Menominee
“ “ Repairer, 37 (1230) Clybourn
Mahlman, August. Baker, 435 Park Av.
“ Charles. “ 440 Webster
“ Fredrick. Printer, 88 Mowhawk
Zuttermeister, Fredrick W. Grocer, 730 (1909) S Jefferson
“ Henry C. Real Estate, W: 818 (2101) S Halsted, R: 134 (731) W 21st


Huwald, John E. Jeweler, 799 (2010) S Halsted
Kramer, Charles. Bookkeeper, 89 W Polk, H: 323 Hurlbut (Wisconsin & Larabee)
Kruse, Fredrick. Bookkeeper, H: 172 N Franklin
“ “ Laborer, H: rear, 170 Clybourn
“ “ Porter, H: 434 S Union
“ William. H: 37 Clybourn
“ “ J. Clerk, 204 W Madison
Mahlmann, August. Baker, 823 Fulton
“ Charles. “ 440 Webster
“ Fredrick. Solicitor, 327 N May
“ George. Student “
“ Henry. Harnessmaker, “
“ John C. Salloon 7 Clark
Zuttermeister, Fredrick. 730 (1909) S Jefferson
“ Louis. “
“ Joshua ”
” Henry C 134 (731) W 21st


Huwald, George. Jeweler, 59 W Madison
“ John E. “ 799 (2010) S Halsted
“ Henry S. Coal_ , 298 Sedgwick, H: 320 Sedgwick
Kramer, C.A.L. Chicago Paperstock Co., 249 Randolph, H: 227 Randolph
Kruse, Fredrick. Laborer, H: 1259 N Ashland
“ “ Packer, H: 434 S Union


Hilgendorf, Charles L. Mattressmaker, 683 (1800) S Morgan
“ John. Woodturner, 16 W 19th
“ William Laborer, 54 W 19th
Huwald, John E. Jeweler, 799 (2010) S Halsted
Kramer, Charles. H: 1098 W Madison
“ “ A. 37 W Gross
Kruse, Fredrick Clerk, 434 S Union
“ “ Laborer 692 W 20th
“ “ Poolstick Maker 484 Clybourn


Kramer, —–. 699 N Wells


Huwald, John E. Jeweler, 799 (2010) S Halsted
“ Fred
“ George
“ Henry
Kramer, Charles A.L. Chicago Paperstock Co., W: 237 Randolph, H: 985 Warren
Kruse, Fredrick W. Clerk, 168 N Franklin
“ William. Baker, H: 129 Fullerton
“ “ Butcher, 3630 Emerald
Mahlmann, Rosa. Widow of John H: 598 N Clark
Zuttermeister, Henry & Fredrick. 730 (1909) S Jefferson
“ Henry C. 519 Marshfield


Huwald, Eliza. D. Widow of John. H: 5872 W Ontario
Kramer, Charles A.L. Pres. Chicago Paperstock Co. 248 Randolph
Kruse, Fredrick J. DryGoods 5733 W Chicago, H: 5917 W Cedar


Hilgendorf, John jr. 16 W 19th
Huwald, Eliza D. wid John L. r: 5816 W Ontario
Kramer, Elizabeth, wid Chas A.L. h: 987 Warren
Kruse, Anna E, wid Fred J. h: 5917 Cedar
Zuttermeister, Laura, wid Fred W. h: 5915 W Superior


Hilgendorf, John jr. Foreman 511 W 22nd h: 16 W 19th
“ Micheal J. Turner h: 16 W 19th
Huwald, Eliza D. wid John E. h: 5816 W Ontario


Hilgendorf, Edward J. Cashier 118 Harrison h: 998 S Western
“ Harry. Salesman 757 Monadnock Blk.
“ Henry. Contr. h: 58 Union Park ct.
“ “ Lab h: 14 Union Park ct.
“ Herman. Lab h: 212 Laflin
“ John Jr. Foreman 511 W 22nd h: 16 W 19th
“ Leopold C. Clerk 221 Adams h: 554 S Harding
“ Lillian. Clerk h: 998 S Western av.
“ Mary, wid Charles. H: 927 Berwyn av
“ Micheal J. Woodturner 511 W 22nd h: 16 W 19th
“ Otto F. Clerk 221 Adams h: 2208 Southport
“ William. Police h: 998 S Western av
Huwald, Elsie Mrs. H: 5816 W Ontario
“ Frederick. Watchmaker h: 3114 N Oakley
“ George. Jeweler 484 Lincoln av
“ “ F. Clerk bds: 484 Lincoln av
“ Harry C. Clerk 505 Pullman Bldg. h: 3114 N Oakley
Kramer, Elizabeth, wid Charles A.L. h: 987 Warren
Kruse, Anna, wid Fred J. h: 5917 Cedar
Zuttermeister, Fred J. Pres. Waldheim Cemetery Co. 670 W Chicago h: 5915 W Ohio
“ Laura, wid Frederick W. h: 5915 W Superior
“ Martin C. Gardener 5915 W Superior
“ Paul C. Bkpr 5915 W Superior
“ Walter C. Bkpr 221 Adams h: 5816 W Superior


Kramer, Charles. Student 987 Warren
“ Elizabeth, wid Charles A.L. h: 987 Warren
Kruse, Anna E. wid Fred J. h: 5924 Cedar(Superior) cor. Mayfield
Zuttermeister, Laura, wid Frederick W. h: 5913 W Superior
“ Fred J. 5915 W Ohio
“ Edward C. 5808 Cedar(Superior)
“ Carl. 5819 W Ontario
“ Arthur C. Bkpr 5910 Superior
“ Martin. 5918 W Superior
“ P. “ “
“ Walter. “ “


Hilgendorf, —–. 1905 S Halsted
Huwald, Mrs. Elsie 5815 W Ontario
Kramer, Elizabeth, wid Chas. A.L. h: 3156 Warren av
Kruse, Anna E. wid Fred J. h: 5924 Cedar
Zuttermeister, Laura, wid Fred W. h: 5918 W Superior


Hilgendorf, —-. 1909 S Halsted
Huwald, Eliza, wid John h: 5815 W Ohio
Kramer, Elizabeth, wid Chas A.L. h: 3148 Warren av
Kruse, Anna E. wid Frederick. 5924 W Superior


Kramer, Mrs. Chas A.L. r: 3910 Wilcox KEDzie-8062
“ Erwin G. r: 3640 N Oak Park av AVE-5256

1898 – 1911
Chicago City Directories
for the surnames
Mohrman(n), Morman(n)

Submitted by: John G. Fish May 21, 2003

Directory year Page Surname Given name Occupation Street Address work address
Mohrman[n], Morman[n] in Chicago City Directories, 1898-11

Directory year Page Surname Given name Occupation Street Address work address
1898 1278 Morman Clemens h 5332 Laflin
1898 1278 Morman Clemens J carp h 5332 Laflin
1898 1278 Morman Frederick W. engineer h 649 S. Oakley
1898 1278 Morman George teamster bds 893 W Taylor
1898 1278 Morman James H clk bds 347 Elm
1898 1278 Morman John lab h 595 N Wood
1898 1278 Morman Joseph P carp h 5332 Laflin
1898 1278 Morman Paulina wid Joseph h 893 W Taylor
1898 1277 Morhmann Henry lab h 2707 Union av
1898 1277 Morhmann John express h 2707 Union av

1899 1289 Mohrman Arthur towerman h 683 S Sangamon
1899 1289 Mohrman Charles flagman h 683 S Sangamon
1899 1289 Mohrman George lab h 3152 Fox
1899 1289 Mohrman John teamster h 683 S Sangamon
1899 1289 Mohrman Joseph carp h 5024 Laflin
1899 1289 Mohrman Marie wid William h 186 N Humboldt
1899 1289 Mohrmann Adolph draftsman h 753 W Diversey
1899 1289 Mohrmann Albert F machinist h 313 Mohawk
1899 1289 Mohrmann August watchman h 210 Racine av
1899 1289 Mohrmann Charles lab h 801 Monticello
1899 1289 Mohrmann Frederick marblecutter h 107 Fremont
1899 1289 Mohrmann Johanna wid Charles h 8411 Escanaba av
1899 1289 Mohrmann Katherine E, Miss teacher h 98 Hill
1899 1289 Mohrmann Lorenzo clk h 210 Racine av 167 5th av
1899 1289 Mohrmann Paul sculptor h 1342 George
1899 1289 Mohrmann Rudolph marblecutter bds 107 Fremont
1899 1289 Mohrmann William carp h 3241 S Leavitt
1899 1303 Morman Clemens h 5332 Laflin
1899 1303 Morman Clemens J carp h 5332 Laflin
1899 1303 Morman Frederick W. engineer h 649 S. Oakley
1899 1303 Morman George teamster bds 893 W Taylor
1899 1303 Morman Harry photog h 1558 N Maplewood
1899 1303 Morman John lab h 595 N Wood
1899 1303 Morman Joseph P carp h 5332 Laflin
1899 1303 Morman Paulina wid Joseph h 893 W Taylor
1899 1303 Morman William lab h 380 North av rear
1899 1303 Morman William photog h 1558 N Maplewood
1899 1303 Mormann Henry engineer h 996 31st pl

1900 1333 Mohrman Arthur O lab h 149 Hastings
1900 1333 Mohrman Charles flagman h 683 S Sangamon
1900 1333 Mohrman George lab h 3152 Fox
1900 1333 Mohrman John teamster h 683 S Sangamon
1900 1333 Mohrman Marie wid William h 186 N Humboldt
1900 1333 Mohrman William lab h 1008 N Wood
1900 1333 Mohrman William machinist h 35 North Grove pl
1900 1333 Mohrmann Albert F collr h 313 Mohawk rear
1900 1333 Mohrmann August h 646 Belmont av
1900 1333 Mohrmann Charles lab h 801 Monticello av
1900 1333 Mohrmann Emma S wid Adolph h 753 W Diversey rear
1900 1333 Mohrmann Frederick marblecutter h 1629 N Spaulding
1900 1333 Mohrmann Johanna wid Charles h 8411 Escanaba av
1900 1333 Mohrmann Katherine E Miss teacher h 98 Hill
1900 1333 Mohrmann Lorenzo clk h 646 Belmont av 167 5th av
1900 1333 Mohrmann Paul sculptor h 1342 George
1900 1333 Mohrmann William carp h 3241 S Leavitt
1900 1333 Mohrmann William steamfttr h 646 Belmont av
1900 1347 Morman Catherine J wid Frederick h 649 S Oakley
1900 1347 Morman Clemens h 5332 Laflin
1900 1347 Morman Clemens J carp h 5332 Laflin
1900 1347 Morman Frederick driver h 439 25th
1900 1347 Morman George teamster bds 803 W Taylor
1900 1347 Morman Henry lab h 989 31st pl
1900 1347 Morman John lab h 595 N Wood
1900 1347 Morman Joseph brushmaker h 32 Evergreen av
1900 1347 Morman Joseph carp h 5024 Laflin rear
1900 1347 Morman Joseph P carp h 5332 Laflin
1900 1347 Morman Paulina wid Joseph h 893 W Taylor
1900 1347 Morman Peter brushmaker h 32 Evergreen av
1900 1347 Morman William steamfttr bds 234 Watt av (P)
1900 1347 Mormann Henry cigarmaker bds 154 Milwaukee av
1902 1425 Mohrman Charles flagman h 683 S Sangamon
1902 1425 Mohrman Eleanor A., Miss clk h 1247 George 32 Lake
1902 1425 Mohrman Frederick carver h 1728 N Spaulding
1902 1425 Mohrman George forman h 3152 Fox Swift Stock yd
1902 1425 Mohrman Katherine C., Mrs mngr h 531 W Adams
1902 1425 Mohrman Marie wid of William h 186 N Humboldt
1902 1425 Mohrman William lab h 1008 N Wood
1902 1425 Mohrman William machinist h 35 N Grove pl
1902 1425 Mohrmann Albert F collr h 322 Orchard
1902 1425 Mohrmann Charles lab h 801 Monticello av
1902 1425 Mohrmann Emma wid Adolph h 807 Emmett
1902 1425 Mohrmann Fredereick W. bkpr h 10 Carl
1902 1425 Mohrmann John F lab h 384 N Robey
1902 1425 Mohrmann Katherine E, Miss teacher h 98 Hill
1902 1425 Mohrmann Lorenzo E musician h 1247 George
1902 1425 Mohrmann Paul sculptor h 1342 George
1902 1425 Mohrmann William carp h 3241 S Leavitt
1902 1425 Mohrmann William steamftr h 1247 George
1902 1441 Morman Allen J clk h 1519 Lill av
1902 1441 Morman Catherine J wid Frederick W h 649 S Oakley av
1902 1441 Morman Clemens h 5332 Laflin
1902 1441 Morman Clemens J carp h 5332 Laflin
1902 1441 Morman F George clk h 649 Oakley av 86 Dearborn
1902 1441 Morman Frederick driver h 572 Orleans
1902 1441 Morman George teamster bds 893 W Taylor
1902 1441 Morman Henry engineer h 989 31st pl
1902 1441 Morman Henry J millwright h 4741 Loomis
1902 1441 Morman John clk h 893 W Taylor
1902 1441 Morman Joseph carp h 5028 Laflin
1902 1441 Morman Joseph P carp h 5332 Laflin
1902 1441 Morman Paulina wid Joseph h 893 W Taylor
1902 1441 Morman Peter brushmaker h 514 N Marshfield av
1902 1441 Mormon William artist h 1360 N Campbell av
1902 1441 Mormon William W motorman h 139 78th pl

1903 1495 Mohrman Arthur O lab h 511 Hastings
1903 1495 Mohrman Charles flagman h 683 S Sangamon
1903 1495 Mohrman George forman h 3152 Fox
1903 1495 Mohrman K C, Mrs. massage h 485 Washington blvd
1903 1495 Mohrman Lorenzo musician h 7244 Lexington av
1903 1495 Mohrman Marie wid William h 186 N Richmond
1903 1495 Mohrman William lab h 1008 N Wood
1903 1495 Mohrman William machinist h 35 N Grove pl
1903 1495 Mohrman William steamfitter h 7244 Lexington av
1903 1495 Mohrmann Albert lab h 174 Mohawk rear
1903 1495 Mohrmann Charles car repr h 801 Monticelll av
1903 1495 Mohrmann Emma wid Adolph h 807 Emmett
1903 1495 Mohrmann Frieda clk h 4317 Shields av 4611 Wentworth
1903 1495 Mohrmann John lab h 384 N Robey
1903 1495 Mohrmann Katherine, Miss teacher bds 2405 Wayne av
1903 1495 Mohrmann Paul sculptor h 1342 George
1903 1495 Mohrmann William carp h 3241 S Leavitt
1903 1512 Morman Catherine J wid Frederick W h 2057 Filmore
1903 1512 Morman Charles G lab h 6637 S Morgan
1903 1512 Morman Clemens lab h 5332 Laflin
1903 1512 Morman Clemens J carp h 5332 Laflin
1903 1512 Morman E F polisher h 171 W Adams
1903 1512 Morman F George clk h 2057 Fillmore
1903 1512 Morman George teamster bds 893 W Taylor
1903 1512 Morman Henry engineer h 989 31st pl
1903 1512 Morman Henry J millwright h 5050 Laflin
1903 1512 Morman John clk h 893 W Taylor
1903 1512 Morman John H porter h 78 N Curtis
1903 1512 Morman Joseph carp h 5028 Laflin
1903 1512 Morman Joseph J brushmaker h 376 N Robey
1903 1512 Morman Paulina wid Joseph h 893 W Taylor
1903 1512 Morman Peter J brushmaker h 376 N Robey
1903 1512 Mormon Ernest ironworker h 334 Milwaukee av
1903 1512 Mormon Henry cigarmaker h 177 W Randolph
1903 1512 Mormon William conductor h 185 79th

1904 1501 Mohrman Arthur O lab h 511 Hastings
1904 1501 Mohrman Charles flagman h 683 S Sangamon
1904 1501 Mohrman Lorenzo E Musician h 7244 Lexington av
1904 1501 Mohrman Marie wid William h 186 N Richmond
1904 1501 Mohrman William lab h 1008 N Wood
1904 1501 Mohrman William machinist h 35 N Grove pl
1904 1501 Mohrman William steamfitter h 7244 Lexington av
1904 1501 Mohrmann Albert lab h 174 Mohawk rear
1904 1501 Mohrmann Charles car repr h 801 Monticello
1904 1501 Mohrmann Charles teamster h 4317 Shields av
1904 1501 Mohrmann Eleanor clk h 7244 Lexington av 238 Adams
1904 1501 Mohrmann Emma wid Adolph h 807 Emmett
1904 1501 Mohrmann Frederick marblecutter h 1752 N Spaulding av
1904 1501 Mohrmann Frieda clk h 4317 Shields av
1904 1501 Mohrmann John F lab h 384 N Robey
1904 1501 Mohrmann Katherine, Miss teacher h 2405 Wayne av
1904 1501 Mohrmann Paul sculptor h 1342 George
1904 1501 Mohrmann Rudolph marblecutter h 1752 N Spaulding av
1904 1501 Mohrmann William carp h 3241 S Leavitt
1904 1517 Morman Catherine J wid Frederick W h 2057 Fillmore
1904 1517 Morman Charles G lab h 6637 S Morgan
1904 1517 Morman Clemens h 5332 Laflin
1904 1517 Morman Clemens J carp h 5332 Laflin
1904 1517 Morman F George clk h 2057 Fillmore
1904 1517 Morman George teamster bds 893 W Taylor
1904 1517 Morman Henry engineer h 989 31st pl
1904 1517 Morman Henry J millwright h 5050 Laflin
1904 1517 Morman Isaac porter h 2803 Armour av
1904 1517 Morman John clk h 893 W Taylor
1904 1517 Morman Joseph brushmaker h 517 N Marshfield av
1904 1517 Morman Joseph carp h 5028 Laflin
1904 1517 Morman Paulina wid Joseph h 893 W Taylor
1904 1517 Morman Peter brushmaker h 517 N Marshfield av
1904 1517 Mormon Henry cigarmaker h 177 W Randolph

1905 1563 Mohrman Arthur lab h 682 S Leavitt
1905 1563 Mohrman August h 7244 Lexington av
1905 1563 Mohrman Charles flagman h 683 S Sangamon
1905 1563 Mohrman Lorenzo E musician h 7244 Lexington av
1905 1563 Mohrman Marie wid William h 186 N Humboldt
1905 1563 Mohrman William lab h 1008 N Wood
1905 1563 Mohrman William steamfitter h 7244 Lexington av
1905 1563 Mohrmann Albert F collr h 214 Mohawk
1905 1563 Mohrmann Charles car repr h 807 Monticello
1905 1563 Mohrmann Charles teamster h 4317 Shields av
1905 1563 Mohrmann Emma wid Adolph h 807 Emmett
1905 1563 Mohrmann Frederick marblecutter h 1752 N Spaulding av
1905 1563 Mohrmann Frieda clk h 4317 Shields av
1905 1563 Mohrmann Henry lab h 2711 Union av
1905 1563 Mohrmann John lab h 2711 Union av
1905 1563 Mohrmann John F lab h 384 N Robey
1905 1563 Mohrmann Katherine E, Miss teacher h 2405 Wayne av
1905 1563 Mohrmann Paul sculptor h 1342 George
1905 1563 Mohrmann Rudolph marblecutter h 1753 N Spaulding av
1905 1563 Mohrmann William carp h 3241 S Leavitt
1905 1563 Mohrmen Ahna, Mrs h 1708 Oakdale av
1905 1580 Morman Catherine J wid Frederick W h 2057 Fillmore
1905 1580 Morman Clemens h 5332 Laflin
1905 1580 Morman Clemens J carp h 5332 Laflin
1905 1580 Morman Ernest teamster h 178 N Marshfield av
1905 1580 Morman Frederick George clk h 2057 Fillmore
1905 1580 Morman George lab h 3152 Fox
1905 1580 Morman George teamster bds 893 W Taylor
1905 1580 Morman Henry engineer h 989 31st pl
1905 1580 Morman Henry J millwright h 5050 Laflin
1905 1580 Morman Isaac porter h 2803 Armour av
1905 1580 Morman John clk h 893 W Taylor
1905 1580 Morman Joseph P carp h 5022 Laflin
1905 1580 Morman Paulina wid Joseph h 893 W Taylor
1905 1580 Mormann William lab h 1013 N Wood
1905 1580 Mormon Henry cigarmaker h 177 W Randolph
1905 1580 Mormon Isaac waiter h 112 52nd

1907 1658 Mohrman August h 7152 Greenwood av
1907 1658 Mohrman Charles flagman h 683 S Sangamon
1907 1658 Mohrman Emma wid Adolph h 1628 N Kedzie av
1907 1658 Mohrman John car repr h 517 N Hamlin av
1907 1658 Mohrman Lorenzo carp h 919 73rd
1907 1658 Mohrman Marie wid William h 186 N Humboldt
1907 1658 Mohrman Minnie wid Arthur h 548 Hastings
1907 1658 Mohrman Walter h 517 N Hamlin av
1907 1658 Mohrman William polisher h 1008 N Wood
1907 1658 Mohrman William D carp h 683 S Sangamon
1907 1658 Mohrman William F steamfitter h 7152 Greenwood av
1907 1658 Mohrmann Albert collr h 40 Clifton av
1907 1658 Mohrmann Alex teamster h 4317 Shields av
1907 1658 Mohrmann Charles car repr h 801 Monticello
1907 1658 Mohrmann Charles teamster h 4317 Shields av
1907 1658 Mohrmann Henry lab h 2711 Union av
1907 1658 Mohrmann Katherine E, Miss teacher h 2405 Wayne av
1907 1658 Mohrmann Paul sculptor h 2166 Kenmore av
1907 1676 Morman Catherine J wid Frederick W h 2057 Fillmore
1907 1676 Morman Clemens J carp h 5332 Laflin
1907 1676 Morman Edward F polisher h 963 Seminary av
1907 1676 Morman F George clk 220, h 138 Jackson boul
1907 1676 Morman Frederick lab h 1667 N Fairfield av
1907 1676 Morman George B forman h 3152 Fox Swift @ stock yards
1907 1676 Morman George C carp h 893 W Taylor
1907 1676 Morman Harry horseshoer h 1562 N Clark
1907 1676 Morman Henry cigarmaker bds 177 W Randolph
1907 1676 Morman Henry engineer h 989 31st pl
1907 1676 Morman Henry millwright h 5640 S Marshfield
1907 1676 Morman Joseph brushmaker h 537 Evergreen av
1907 1676 Morman Joseph P carp h 5022 Laflin
1907 1676 Morman Peter brushmaker h 537 Evergreen av
1907 1676 Morman Walter clk 220, h 517 Franklin av Continental Nat Bank
1907 1676 Morman William cigarmaker h 1578 N California
1907 1676 Mormon nil

1908 1705 Mohrmann Albert collr h 40 Clifton av 268 North av
1908 1705 Mohrmann Charles car repr h 801 Monticello
1908 1705 Mohrmann Charles teamster h 5350 Aberdeen
1908 1705 Mohrmann Frederick stonecarver h 452 Racine av
1908 1705 Mohrmann Henry lab h 2711 Union av
1908 1705 Mohrmann Joachim lab h 2711 Union av
1908 1705 Mohrmann Katherine E, Miss teacher h 2405 Wayne av
1908 1705 Mohrmann Paul sculptor h 2166 Kenmore av
1908 1705 Mohrmann Rudolph marbletracer h 452 Racine av
1908 1705 Morhman August h 7152 Greenwood av
1908 1705 Morhman Charles flagman h 683 S Sangamon
1908 1705 Morhman Emma wid Adolph h 1628 N Kedzie av
1908 1705 Morhman John insp h 469N Lincoln av
1908 1705 Morhman Lorenzo carp h 919 73rd
1908 1705 Morhman Marie wid William h 186 N Humboldt
1908 1705 Morhman William carp h 2700 Union av
1908 1705 Morhman William finisher h 1008 N Wood 797 W North av
1908 1705 Morhman William F steamfitter h 7152 Greenwood av
1908 1723 Morman Clemens J carp h 5332 Laflin
1908 1723 Morman Edward F polisher h 963 Seminary av
1908 1723 Morman Frederick lab h 1667 N Fairfield av
1908 1723 Morman George C carp h 867 W Taylor
1908 1724 Morman Henry cigarmaker bds 177 W Randolph
1908 1724 Morman Henry engineer h 989 31st pl
1908 1724 Morman Henry millwright h 5640 S Marshfield
1908 1724 Morman Joseph brushmaker h 537 Evergreen av
1908 1724 Morman Joseph Morman & Carlson h 5015 Justine
1908 1724 Morman Mamie, Mrs wid Thomas h 3720 S State st
1908 1724 Morman Peter brushmaker h 537 Evergreen av
1908 1724 Morman Stephen carp h 413 W 52nd
1908 1724 Morman Walter bkbnder h 84 N Mozart
1908 1724 Morman William cigarmaker h 1578 N California
1908 1724 Mormann George lab h 2423 Charlton

1909 ? Mohrman August h 7243 Lexington av
1909 ? Mohrman Charles car insp h 801 Monticello av
1909 ? Mohrman Emma wid Adolph h 1628 N Kedzie av
1909 ? Mohrman Frederick car repr h 647 Osgood
1909 ? Mohrman Lillian clk h 810 Monticello av 1258 W. North av
1909 ? Mohrman Lorenzo carp h 919 73rd
1909 ? Mohrman Marie wid William h 186 N Humboldt
1909 ? Mohrman William finisher h 1008 N Wood
1909 ? Mohrman William F steamftr h 7243 Lexington av
1909 ? Mohrmann Albert collr h 40 Clifton av 268 North av
1909 ? Mohrmann Alex teamster h 6328 S. Winchester
1909 ? Mohrmann Annie Miss tel opr h 6328 S. Winchester
1909 ? Mohrmann Charles car repr h 801 Monticello av
1909 ? Mohrmann Charles teamster h 6328 S. Winchester
1909 ? Mohrmann Henry lab h 2711 Union av
1909 ? Mohrmann Joachim lab h 2711 Union av
1909 ? Mohrmann Katherine E, Miss teacher h 2405 Wayne av
1909 ? Mohrmann Paul Sculptor h 2166 Kenmore av
1909 ? Morman Anton motorman h 525 Oakdale av
1909 ? Morman Charles lab h 683 S Sangamon
1909 ? Morman Clemens J carp h 5332 Latlin
1909 ? Morman Edward F polisher h 963 Seminary av
1909 ? Morman Frederick lab h 1667 N Fairfield
1909 ? Morman George C. h 867 W Taylor
1909 ? Morman Henry engineer h 989 31st pl
1909 ? Morman Henry janitor h 323 Washburne av
1909 ? Morman Henry millwright h 5640 S Marshfield
1909 ? Morman John L lineman h 594 Racine av
1909 ? Morman Joseph brushmaker h 537 Evergreen av
1909 ? Morman Joseph (Morman & Carlson) 5015 Justine
1909 ? Morman Mamie Mrs. wid Thomas h 3720 S State st
1909 ? Morman Myron J. clk h 867 W Taylor av ?9 State
1909 ? Morman Peter brushmaker h 537 Evergreen av
1909 ? Morman Walter clk h 84 N Mozart 5015 Justine
1909 ? Mormann George lab h 3×23 Charlton

1910 Mohrman August h 7243 Lexington av
1910 Mohrman Frederick Car carver h 2730 Osgood
1910 Mohrman Henry cigar maker h 729 W. Lake
1910 Mohrman Lawrence E. carp h 7132 Greenwood av
1910 Mohrman Wm finisher h 1939 N. Wood
1910 Mohrman Wm. F. steamftr h 7243 Lexington av
1910 Mohrmann Albert collr h 2650 Mildred av 557 W. North av
1910 Mohrmann Alex teamster h 6328 S. Winchester
1910 Mohrmann Chas car insp h 1522 Monticello av
1910 Mohrmann Chas teamster h 6328 S. Winchester
1910 Mohrmann Emma wid Adolph h 4120 N.42nd ct
1910 Mohrmann Henry lab h 2711 Union av
1910 Mohrmann Joachim lab h 2711 Union av
1910 Mohrmann Katherine E, Miss teacher h 5316 Wayne av
1910 Mohrmann Lillian clk 1522 Monticello av
1910 Mohrmann Paul Sculptor h 4939 Kenmore av
1910 Mohrmann Wilhelm carp h 2569 Emerald av

1911 959 Mohrman Frederick car carver h 2730 Osgood
1911 959 Mohrman Henry cigar maker h 729 W. Lake
1911 959 Mohrman Lorenzo E carpenter h 7152 Greenwood av
1911 959 Mohrman Mary wid of Wm h 2425 Lime
1911 959 Mohrman Wm finisher h 1939 N. Wood
1911 959 Mohrman Wm. F. steamfitter h 1148 E. 73rd
1911 959 Mohrmann Albert F collr h 2650 Mildred av 557 W. north Av
1911 959 Mohrmann Alex teamster h 6328 S. Winchester
1911 959 Mohrmann Chas car insp h 1522 Monticello
1911 959 Mohrmann Chas teamster h 6328 S. Winchester
1911 959 Mohrmann Emma wid Adolph h 3444 N 43rd
1911 960 Mohrmann Henry lab h 2711 Union av
1911 960 Mohrmann Joachim lab h 2711 Union av
1911 960 Mohrmann Lillian clk h 1522 Monticello
1911 960 Mohrmann Paul sculptor h 4939 Kenmore av
1911 970 Morman Chas lab h 1422 S. Sangamon
1911 970 Morman Clemens J carp h 5332 Laflin
1911 970 Morman Edward F polisher h 1525 Melrose
1911 970 Morman Ernest E teamster h 1616 W Lake
1911 970 Morman Frederick lab h 2920 N Fairfield
1911 970 Morman Harry C yardman h 7550 Harvard av
1911 970 Morman Hattie stenog h 2920 N Fairfield
1911 970 Morman Henry engineer h 1217 W 31st pl
1911 970 Morman Henry millwright h 5329 Justine
1911 970 Morman John L lineman h 1354 Diversey pkwy
1911 970 Morman Joseph (Morman & Carlson) 5015 Justine
1911 970 Morman Mamie wid Thos h 3720 S State st
1911 970 Morman Rose milliner h 903 N Mozart
1911 970 Morman Walter clk h 903 N Mozart
1911 970 Mormann Geo lab h 3323 Charlton
1911 970 Mormann Geo C driver h 2740 N Fairfield
1911 970 Mormann Wm cigar maker h 1834 N Rockwell dummy end of file

Clara MORMAN’s Physician employers
Chicago City Directory summaries
Directory year Page Surname Given name Occupation Street Address work address
1903 345 Brenneman Joseph physician 6857 Wentworth av
1904 351 Brenneman Joseph physician 6857 Wentworth av
1905 356 Brenneman Joseph physician 6857 Wentworth av
1907 370 Brennemann Joseph physician _ _ 6857 Wentworth av
1908 382 Brennemann Joseph physician h 4549 Indiana av 6914 Wentworth av
1909 374 Brennemann Joseph physician h 4549 Indiana av 6944 Wentworth av
1910 ? Brennemann Joseph physician h 4549 Indiana av

1903 345 Brenneman William E physician 281 43rd and —-> 6103 Wentworth av
1904 351 Brenneman William E physician h 281 43rd 6103 Wentworth av
1905 356 Brenneman William E physician h 281 43rd 6103 Wentworth av
1907 370 Brenneman William E physician h 281 43rd 6103 Wentworth av
1908 382 Brenneman William E physician h 281 43rd 6103 Wentworth av
1910 ? Brenneman Wm. E. physician h 750 E. 43rd

1902 957 Holly Walty?, Mrs physician 412 W 59th Pl
1903 1003 Holly Waity physician 412 W 59th pl
1904 1006 Holly Waity, Mrs physician 412 W 59th pl
1905 1045 Holly Waity, Mrs physician 412 W 59th pl
1907 1099 Holly nil nil
1908 1136 Holly nil nil

1903 1916 Sears C E res physician Cook Co hosp
1904 1927 Sears Charles E physician h 134 Locust 230 W Chicago av
1911 1235 Sears Chas E physician h 1045 Wellington

1903 1916 Sears Edward C physician h 290 Lasalle av

1902 1832 Sears Harry E dentist h 734 W 43rd
1903 1916 Sears Harry E dentist h 734 W 43rd
1904 1927 Sears Harry E dentist 734 W 43rd
1905 2008 Sears Harry E dentist h 734 W 43rd 818 47th
1907 2135 Sears Harry E dentist 805 W. 120th
1908 2197 Sears Harry E dentist 805 W. 120th
1911 1235 Sears Harry E dentist h 705 W 120th

“H” Listings from the 1867 Chicago City Directory

1867 Chicago City Directory
Contributor: Michelle, June 1999
“H” Listings – page 408

Name, Occupation, Address (business or r.=residential)
HULL, Charles (Charles Hull & Bro.), r. 155 Archer av.
HULL, Charles J. real estate dealter, 162 Lake, r. 330 S.Halsted
HULL, Charles & Bro. (Charles and Samuel Hull), wagonmakers and blacksmiths, 250 and 252 Archer av.
HULL, C.J. r. Wabansia av. nr. McHenry
HULL, Delos, clerk, Am.Ex.Co.
HULL, Frank, receipt clerk, Am.Ex.Co. bds. 14 3d av.
HULL, George H. (Arthur & Hull), r. Babcock’s Grove, Illinois
HULL, Henry J. printer, Tribune Co. bds. 201 Michigan
HULL, John H. train despatcher, C.&.N.W.R.R. r. 522 Chicago av.
HULL, Joshua R. (Hull, Lidell & Co.)
HULL, J.E.A. wid. A.W., r. 42 and 44 Jackson
HULL, Lidell & Co. (Joshua R. Hull, William H. Lidell, and —–), hops and malt, 215 S.Water
HULL, Martin B. (Roberts, Calkins & Hull) r.800 Wabash av.
HULL, Nathan, lab. r. 255 Schiller
HULL, Robert, carpenter, r. 44 Hope
HULL, Samuel (Charles Hull and Bro.) r. 151 Archer av.
HULL, S.W. (Hull & Cloon) r.Geneva Ill.
HULL, Thomas, agent, car dept. C.&.N.W.R.R. Wis. and Mil.Divs. r. N.Green,sw. cor. W.Erie
HULL, Tracy D. r. 493 Elston road
HULL, V.T., printer, bds. 201 Michigan
HULL & Cloon (S.W. Hull and P.B. Cloon) bakers, 195,197and 199 Illinois, cor. Dearborn
HULL & Green, butchers, 279 Calumet av. r. same
HULLUM, Frederick, works Jesup, Kennedy & Co. 11 and 13 Wells
HULSE, Joshua L. Wyman & Law
HULSHOPPER, Charles, cooper, r. 19 Emma
HULSHOPPER, Ernst, lab. r. 19 Emma
HULSKER, James A., lab. r. 318 Sampson
HULST, Martin, packer, r. 48 Michigan
HULTBERG, Peter P., masson, r. 55 Bremer
HULTZ, Conrad, painter, C.A. Frear & Sons
HULTZ, William, lab. r. 233 Church
HULVENDER, John, lab. r. 292 W.Tyler
HUMAN, Magdalene, wid. Michael, r. 197 Holt
HUMANN, Henry, lab. C.B. & Q. R.R. storage
HUMBURG, Louis, harnessmaker, r. 190 Cornell
HUMBLE, William P. (Charles Beardslee, Bros & Co.) r. 711 W. Monroe
HUME, Wallace, stage carpenter, Crosby’s Opera House, r. 112 Dearborn
HUMEL, Frederick, tanner, bds. 208 Chicago av.
HUMER, Charles W. painter, r. 35 Bremer
HUMES, Thomas L. U.S. inspector of steamboats, Custom House bldg. r.715 Fulton
HUMMAN, Peter, stonecutter, r. 1281/2 12th
HUMMEL, Ernst (Allmendinger & Hummel) r.260 Rush
HUMMELL, Ernst, teamster, r.204 Blue Island av. upstairs
HUMMEL, G. boot and shoe mnfr. 237 N. Wells, r. same
HUMMEL, Jacob, butcher, r. Seymour. ar. Fulton
HUMMEL, William, brewer, F.Wacker, bds. 848 Franklin
HUMMER, Charles W., painter, J.B. Sullivan, r. 35 Bremer
HUMMERSTRIM, Peter, cabinetmaker, r. 83 Bremer
HUMPHREVILLE, T.L. (Humphreville & Dunne) r. 109 Whitney
HUMPHREVILLE & Dunne (T.L. Humphreville and M.J. Dunne), lawyers, rooms 14 and 15, 87 Washington
HUMPHREY, Charles C., cler, Richmond & Bond, r. 311 N. Clark
HUMPHREY, E.J., confectionery, 628 W. Lake, r. same
HUMPHREY, George E., salesman, Young Brothers & Co. bds. a49 Eldridge court
HUMPHREY, George H. bds. Revere Mouse
HUMPHREY, Henry M. (Moseback & Humphrey), bds. 615 Wabash av.
HUMPHREY, James, master transportation, P., Ft. W.&C.R.R.
HUMPHREY, James, lab. bds. 588 State
HUMPHREY, James E. (Day, Tilden & Co.) r. 49 Eldridge ct.
HUMPHREY, James O. r.146 W. Monroe
HUMPHREY, John, railroad master, r. 103 Clybourn av.
HUMPHREY, John E. (J.E. Humphrey & co.) r. 266 Erie
HUMPHREY, J.E.&Co. (John E. Humphrey and —-), produce com. merchants, room 13, 84 and 86 LaSalle
HUMPHREY L.A., freight agt. P., Ft. W.&C.R.W.Co. and U.S.Y.T. Co. r. 298 W. Washington
HUMPHREY, North S., machinist, r. 111 Wabansia av.
HUMPHREY, Rosa Mrs., dressmaker, r. 103 Clybourn av.
HUMPHREY, S.J. Rev. district secretary, American Board of Commissioners for foreign missions, 84 Washington, r. Harlem
HUMPHREY, Z.M. Rev. pastor, 1st Presbyterian church, r. 615 Wabash av.
HUMSEY, J.S. r. 313 Huron
HUNCAN, John, clerk, r. 144 Erie
HUND, Edward, hostler, American Express Co.
HUNDEBURTH, John, carpenter, r. 461 Milwaukee av.
HUNGATE, Andrew J. auctioneer, William Griffiths & Co. r. 157 4th av.
HUNGATE, George W. agt. r. 157 4th av.
HUNGERBUHLER, Andreas, locksmith, bds. Lafayette House
HUNGERFORD, Horace H., machinist, r.238 Centre av.
HUNGERFORD, Mary, wid. George, r.12 N.Elizabeth
HUNNEMANN, F., watchmaker and jeweler, 155 Milwaukee av. r. same
HUNNEMANN, Julius, r. 56 E. Hinsdale
HUNNEMANN, William, r. 56 E. Hinsdale
HUNNESHAGEN, George, painter, r. 24 Milwaukee av.
HUNNINGTON, Pope C., fruitdealer, bds. 60 Park av.
HUNT, Albert B., clerk, Fuller, Finch & Fuller
HUNT, Anna, wid, John, r. 350 S. Halsted
HUNT, August, lab. r. 47 English
HUNT, Barbour & Hale (James F. Hunt, Frederick A. Hunt, Edward Barbour and Robert W. Hale), dry goods importers and jobbers, 3,5, and 7 Lake
HUNT, A. Lucus ( Edwin Hunt & Sons), bds. 146 Michigan av.
HUNT, Carl, lab. r. 207 Adams
HUNT, Caroline M., wid. William J. r.637 W. Washington
HUNT, Charles G., clerk, r. 117 S. Halsted
HUNT, Charles H.(Hunt & Goodwin) r. 85 Rush
HUNT, Clement M., cashier, Edwin Hunt & Sons, bds. 146 Michigan av.
HUNT, C.E., student, Bryant & Stratton’s Business College
HUNT, C,F,, r. 460 W Jackson
HUNT, C.H., salesman, Wilson Bros., bds. 1043 Wabash av.
HUNT, Edward, lab. r. 107 Wentworth av.
HUNT, Edward L., clerk, H.P. Baker, bds. 993 Wabash av.