- Ex-Alderman COLVIN is back from California.
- Chief Justice FULLER has returned to Washington.
- Deputy City Clerk VAN CLEAVE has returned to Miltona Lake
- Alderman DIXON has returned from a profitable camp-meeting.
- Alderman BOWLER is back from a pleasant visit to Goose Island.
- City Clerk AMBERG is negotiating for the purchase of Die Beobackter.
- Mayor ONAHAN is troubled with enlargement of the head.
- Alderman RYAN is recovering from a severe attack of thoughtfulness.
- Congressman MASON gained twelve pounds on his European trip.
- Alexander H. REVELL, the well-known Chicago merchant, is now in Italy with his wife.
- Alderman HEPBURN can hardly forgive himself. He recently discovered some corporations whose interests he had overlooked.
- Miss L.C. RIORDAN, who has charge of F.R. LAWLOR’s cloak department, has returned from an extended trip through Europe.
- Congressman LAWLER is troubled with absent-mindedness. He recently forgot to mention himself thirty times in a speech. He stopped at twenty-nine.
- Under the able management of Mr. Joseph R. DUNLAP, the Chicago Times is fast regaining its old-time prestige. There is a snap and vigor to the paper not exhibited by it for year.
Source: Chicago Eagle, 5 October 1889, Available online at Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers.