Category Archives: Newspapers

Lake Forester Newspapers Online: 1899-1940

A recent article in the Chicago Tribune highlights the availability of historical digitized issues of the Lake Forester Newspaper (Lake County, IL) now online! The issues span 1899-1940 and should be of great interest to anyone with Cook County connections. 

1899 issue of the Lake Forester newspaper

Lake County borders Cook County on the north side and with this 40-years span of historical newspapers, there is a treasure trove waiting to be explored for Cook County citizens.  You can access the issues on the Advantage Preservation Archive of the Lake Forest Library and you can read more about the project at the Chicago Tribune website

Schweristhal Starts Bank (1889)

Mr. Michael SCHWEISTHAL, long and favorably known as cashier of the International bank, and later as cashier of the Fort Dearborn National Bank, has gone into business for himself, under the firm name of “Michael SCHWEISTHAL & Co, bankers.”  Mr. SCHWEISTHAL has been connected with the banking business all of his life.  He has always been careful, honest and trustworthy, and his host of friends wish him that success which he will surely attain.

Source: Chicago Eagle, 12 October 1889, page 4. Available at Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers.

O’ROURKE, John – (d. 1877)

The body of John O’Rourke, the brave fireman who lost his life at the fire at Field and Leiter’s Wednesday night, was yesterday buried at Calvary Cemetery.  Long before the hour appointed a large crowd gathered outside the late residence of the deceased,on the corner of Maxwell and Jefferson streets and by 10 o’clock there were fully 2,000 persons present.  The fullest sympathy was expressed for the unfortunate widow and her fatherless children.

At 10 o’clock a detail of 84 firemen with Marshall Sweeney in charge assisted by Marshalls Kenney and Green, took up their positions in the line.  Major Nevan’s band led the procession, which was of considerable length. The many friends of the deceased turning out to pay their last respect to his remains.  The procession moved on Jefferson to Nineteenth Street and thence west to the Church of the Sacred Heart, corner of Johnson Street, where Father Corbett performed a requiem high mass.

The services lasted about an hour, the officiating priest making a brief address in which he dwelt upon the bravery of the deceased and reminded his bearers that death must come to all.  O’Rourke died in the discharge of his duty, and although, his fate was dreadful one, they should all remember that a better life awaited him.

At the conclusion of the services, the procession reformed and marched on Halstead to Harrison, thence east to Desplaines and then north to the Kinzie Street Depot of the Northwestern Railroad where the coffin was transferred to one of the cars, but as the road is extensive and have several curves, many of this services count with road risks insurance to prevent and get aid in case of any eventuality.  Many of the friends accompanied the body to Calvary Cemetery.  There were about 40 carriages in the procession and several hundreds who could not afford the expense of a vehicle accompanied the cortege to the depot.  The appearance of the firemen was highly commended, their marching being excellent.

Source: Chicago Daily Tribune 18 November 1877 page 8

Contributed by Liz Randolph

Personal (5 October 1889)


  • Ex-Alderman COLVIN is back from California.
  • Chief Justice FULLER has returned to Washington.
  • Deputy City Clerk VAN CLEAVE has returned to Miltona Lake
  • Alderman DIXON has returned from a profitable camp-meeting.
  • Alderman BOWLER is back from a pleasant visit to Goose Island.
  • City Clerk AMBERG is negotiating for the purchase of Die Beobackter.
  • Mayor ONAHAN is troubled with enlargement of the head.
  • Alderman RYAN is recovering from a severe attack of thoughtfulness.
  • Congressman MASON gained twelve pounds on his European trip.
  • Alexander H. REVELL, the well-known Chicago merchant, is now in Italy with his wife.
  • Alderman HEPBURN can hardly forgive himself.  He recently discovered some corporations whose interests he had overlooked.
  • Miss L.C. RIORDAN, who has charge of F.R. LAWLOR’s cloak department, has returned from an extended trip through Europe.
  • Congressman LAWLER is troubled with absent-mindedness. He recently forgot to mention himself thirty times in a speech.  He stopped at twenty-nine.
  • Under the able management of Mr. Joseph R. DUNLAP, the Chicago Times is fast regaining its old-time prestige.  There is a snap and vigor to the paper not exhibited by it for year. 

Source: Chicago Eagle,  5 October 1889, Available online at Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers.

Morgenstern Missing (1889)

Ignatz N. MORGENSTERN is missing from Chicago and with him the funds of the Polish National Alliance of North America, of which, until week before last, he was General Secretary. MORGENSTERN was also Secretary of the Polish National Building and Loan Association, and financial manager of the Sgoda, a Polish weekly paper.  Besides this he was an agent for real estate owners and did some business as a transportation and passage agent.  It is believed he has embezzled funds from each of these connections.  The total amount of his embezzlement is variously estimated at from $4,000 to $12,000.

Source: Chicago Eagle,  5 October 1889, page 2. Available online at Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers.

Argument Leads to Stabbing (1906)

As the result of a dispute growing out of an argument as to the proper way of sharpening a knife, Frank Hall, colored, fatally stabbed James Williams, also colored, with the knife at Matteson. Williams was arrested in the Kankakee railroad yards. He confessed the crime.

Contributed 25 Jan 2013 by Deb Haines
Source: Cook County Herald [Arlington Heights IL] September 21, 1906

Aged Couple Badly Burned (1906)

Lamp Explodes in Home and Blazing Oil Ignites Clothing

Patrick Canary, 60 years old, and his wife, about the same age, were severely burned by the explosion of a lamp in their home in Chicago Lawn. Both are now at the Englewood Union hospital and physicians say Mrs. Canary probably will die. Canary is employed as a flagman and with his wife has for many years lived on the second floor of a frame dwelling at Sixty-third and Leavitt
streets. Mrs. Canary had retired shortly before 10 o’clock and Canary was on his way to the bedroom carrying a lighted lamp, when it exploded, throwing the blazing oil on the bed clothing. Before Mrs. Canary was able to reach a place of safety her nightrobe caught fire. Canary attempted to rescue his wife and his clothing caught fire. Both were unconscious when members of engine company No. 64 arrived.

Contributed 25 Jan 2013 by Deb Haines
Source: Cook County Herald [Arlington Heights IL] May 18, 1906

Horse-whipped by a Woman (1900)

Chicago, May 19.–Walter E. Harris, a loan agent, was horsewhipped at Clark and Adams streets by Mrs. Frank Cameron, who claims he was responsible for an insult offered her. Mrs. Cameron had a heavy horsewhip, which she laid on with such force that Harris sought safety in flight, leaving his hat. He went to his room at the Saratoga hotel.

Contributed 25 Jan 2013 by Deb Haines
Source: The Humeston [IA] New Era May 23, 1900

Little Boy’s Long Journey (1893)

New York, March 21.-A 10-year-old Russian immigrant, Antoin Kudenzski, arrived
here on Monday on the steamship Rhaetia. He was all alone and started for
Chicago with a ticket pinned to his coat. The little fellow left his home with
his father seven months ago. They reached Hamburg, where his father died of
cholera. The boy remained there until friends started him on his long journey
to America. He has a brother at Chicago who has promised to take care of him.

Contributed 25 Jan 2013 by Deb Haines
Source: Decatur [IL] Daily Review March 22, 1893