Kershaw School

Kershaw School

1920 Jan 30 Mid-Year Graduating Class

ALBERT, Frank J.
BAIRD, Grace M
BLOOM, William W.
BROWN, Willard J.
BARTLE, Charles L. Jr.
COHN, Edith
CROSS, Bernard C.
DAVID, Alvin M. (delivered “Greetings”)
DRANE, Robert
GANZER, Geroge F.
HEFFERNAN, Josephine A.
HELMICH, Bernard E.
JOHNSON, Parker K.
KLETT, Rose B.
KISTLER, William W.
LAUER, Albert P.
MEHL, Alma
MORITZ, Edward J.
REPPETTO, Victoria
READ, Dorothea B.
REED, George E.
REESE, Kenneth A.
SIMS, Willard E.
SCANLAN, Frank T. [brother of Mary L. Scanlan Callanan]
SMYTH, James P.
WHITE, Marguerite G. (Piano Solo, “Irene Waltz”)
WEAVER, Nellie B.
WARD, Thomas J.
WHITE, Francis M.
YUILL, Charles R. Jr.

LONG, John A. – District Superintendent of Schools
RADEBAUGH, Willam – Principal

Contributed Aug 2000 by E. H. Callanan
Source: Graduation Program

John B. Murphy Grammar School

Chicago, Illinois

1947 Jan Graduating Class

Barrett, Roland
Buthman, Rosemary
Crofoot, DeWitt
Ekstrom, Betty
Forck, Kay
Groll, Ronald
Havlick, Wayne
Hjelmgren, Ivar
Johnson, Clyde
Kruger, Dale
Laadt, Charlotte
Limbrunner, Ruth
Lutz, Mary
Martins, Marilyn
Pfannkuche, Ethel
Pritikin, Burton
Seiling, Ronald
Stratton, George
Stukenberg, Marilyn
Swanson, James
Swanson, Kenneth
Waltmire, Yvonne

Contributed Jan 1999 by Ron & Kathie Groll

1949 Jun 22 Graduationg Class

Kathleen Ann Berner
Betty Briesenick
Isabel Burns
Alice Marie Carlson
Beverly Carlson
Patricia Carter
Janice Clauser
Diane Dahlberg
Sonia Eckhardt
Joan Fishleigh
Shirley Gustafson
Mary Ellen Hackney
Michael Haddon
Elmer Helfert
Richard Hunt
Marion Jung
Joyce Krause
Ronald Lewitz
Robert Mack
Zelmira Nosko
Radoslov Papenek
Ahna Marie Paulsrud
June Adrienne Rasmussen
William Rustemeyer
Clarence Seipp
Gail Stahl
Thomas Sullivan
Darlyn Troy
Donald Zodrow
Frederick Zolper

Contributed Jan 1999 by Ron & Kathie Groll

Henry R Clissold School – 1956 Graduation Program

Chicago, Illinois

1956 Graduation Program

Wednesday, June Twentieth
Nineteen-Hundred Fifty-Six
1:15 P.M.



Presentation of Colors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Patrol Boys

Flag Salute

National Anthem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assembly

Presentation of American Legion Awards

“Our Graduation”
Original Poem by. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sue Rodie and Zoe Gibson
Interpreted by. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Linda Adamson and Judy Odell

Song – It’s a Most Unusual Day
Accompanist, Sharon O’Brien

Song – My Friend
Phyllis Edfeldt

Our Director March. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accordian Solo
Allan Hartmann

Song. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Moonlight in Vermont
Pamela Stapleton, Janiece Larson, Sue Turner

Piano Solo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Moonlight Sonata
Judy Odell

Recitation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A Midnight Fantasy
Sue Rodie, Zoe Gibson
Accompanist, Nancy Eitel

Piano Solo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . La Cavalier Fantastique
Maeva Spencer

Song – Graduation Day

Presentation of Class Gift. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ronald Matray

Presentation of Diplomas and Awards
Laurence G. Collins, Principal

Song – Abide With Me


[back of program]

of the June Class of 1956

Linda AdamsonGeorge HinesBonnie Perkins
Thomas BeckDavid HillPhyllis Phipps
Judith BeckerRobert HolmesLynn Potter
Paula BoehnkeBert JacobsCarolyn Presto
Douglas BondeSteven Johansson      Victor Reinel
Robert CarlbergCurtis JohnsonSusan Rodie
Patricia CaveyJill JohnsonAlan Scheiderer
Carol ChristensenArthur La ForceValerie Seavoy
Kathleen CollinsJaniece LarsonSusan Speiser
Carole CoxRobert LawsonMaeva Spencer
Loraine CrookBonnie LeatzowRonald Stahl
Sharon DrinkwaardRonald MatrayPamela Stapleton
Phyllis EdfeldtRobert MaxsonLarry Sunke
Nancy EitelPatricia McCombBonnie Taylor
James EvansJohn McGuirkLynn Travis
Benton GallupJohn MulherinSue Ellen Turner
Zoe GibsonPatricia MurphyJames Voorhees
Paul GilbertRichard MurphyDennis Weissenstein
Robert HammondKen NesteMarie Williams
William HartleyVernon NiemiecSandra Williams
Allan HartmannSharon O’BrienRobert Winkler
Thomas Haverstock      Judith OdellJames Woodsworth

Class Officers

Lynn Potter – President
Ronald Matray – Vice President
Zoe Gibson – Secretary
Robert Hammond – Treasurer

Contributed Feb 1999 by Linda Lang

Headley School – 1943 Graduates

Chicago, Illinois

1943 Jun 24 Graduating Class

Antionete AFFRUNTI
Fred ALONGI – Class president
Lucille CALI
Josephine CARLINO
Josephine CASSARA
Irene Dolores CICHY
Nancy ELIA
Margaret HAHN
Frank J. HESS
Marjorie May JOHNSTON
Diane Marie SACCO
Dolores Marie TARLACH

Gertrude C. SHEA – Principal

Dr. William M. JOHNSON – Superintendent of Schools

Contributed May 2000 by Sue Anger
Source: Graduation Program

Goethe Grammar School

Chicago, Illinois

1932 Jan 29 Graduating Class
Harry C. AugensenStanley B. KawcznskiEdmund F. Rogacki
Marian F. BarzanGertrude S. KlabonHarriet A. Rohr
Ellen E. BerquistIsadore Klass – June 1931Walter A. Sadlowski
Donald L. BilgerJoseph A. KoopHenry G. Schwocher
Thomas A. BromundLeonard La SalaKathleen L. Sherman
Lillian M. ChomukNancy La SalaGeorge Shimchuk
Elizabeth B. Christiansen  Earl H. LassenCasimir W. Szymaniak
George CurrieIrene Machnowski – June 1931  Delores E. Tabel
Harry DejaCharles C. MadsenStella Tallick
Helen D. FisherHarry C. MaleckeCecilia T. Tamlo
William FriedlanderElizabeth A. MastalerskiDorothy A. Taraba
Elizabeth GanzerGrace MiskieRaymond Targo
Joe GordonGena J. NachayWinifred M. Todd
Annabelle HahnLloyd G. NortonDolores E. Tryanske
Marion E. HazenDorothy P. PalaceMatthew C. Wajton
Edwin A. HessLa Verne R. PeshekChester Zake
De Vere HesterVernette N. PinzkeEleanor G. Zanda
Mary H. HudakIrene H. PisankoLouise Zallers
Steven J. HudakHerbert E. PowellLucille E. Zimmer
(page torn, could be more letters)
Susan HlobikJulius E. RasmussenStephen Ziolkowski
Anna JarczewskiAlice S. Reder 
Emily A. JaskeRussel W. Rietesel 

Contributed Sep 1998 by Sue Anger
Source: Graduation Program

Gertrude Hale School of Beauty Culture

6121 S Hermitage
Chicago, Illinois

1937 Apr

Graduating Class

Beamer, Agnes
Broker, Marjorie
Brown, Evelyn
Burnham, Vera
Davis, C.A.
Fraser, Helen
Kasch, Alice
Kassel, Mary
Kravinsky, Eleanor
Kregas, Toby
Krupa, Emilie
Liebig, Edna
Machala, Bessie
Malina, Virginia
Pedersen, LaVerne
Petrik, Elsie
Popkin, Doris
Shilling, Marjorie
Steininger, Bernice
Strisko, Valeria
Valck, Margaret
Varak, Evelyn
Weber, Leona
Ziebarth, Evelyn


Hilbrich, Marie
Johnson, Jeanne E.
Michalik, E.
Vac Hout, J.
Vac Hout, M.R.

Contributed Jan 2001 by Judy Nelson

Earl Elementary School – 1911 Graduating Class

6121 S Hermitage
Chicago, Illinois

1911 Jun 22 Graduating Class

Mamie Myra Alton
Anna Marie Armanda
Harold R. Campbell
Blanche G. Cooney
William B. Grogan
Alice Edna Hamill
William Andrew Joseph Kromer
Emma Katsche
Harry Arnold Rasmussen
Emma Sima
Agnes B. Smith
Marian Edna Stark
Anna D. VonDohlen
Edward John W. Warburton
James L. F. Woulfe
Gertrude Wook
Otto Autenrieth
Margaret A. Bracken
Mabel C. Clauter
Isabel Connell
Francis J. Grant
Emily M. Hullinger
Wilbur Richard Kelso
Mildred M. Robert
Genevieve Mildred Reichard
Sam John Smith
Margaret S. Smith
Martin E. Shanahan
Fred Joseph Lorenz Wagner
Henry F. Woulfe
Ellsworth Ward
Walter R. Wolf

Contributed Apr 2002 by Frank Connell

Clarke School – 1914 Graduation Program

1914 Graduation Program

rcdsch1914clarke1 rcdsch1914clarke2

Bertha Antonow
Sophie Antonow
Rudolph W. Bardeleben
Philip Bell
Celia S. Brown
Bella Berman
Elizabeth O. Drost
Gladys R. Dyer
Lillian Epstein
Louis Foeman
Erma T. Freckman
Zena I. Friedman
Lillian P. Friedman
Benjamin Friedman
Ester P. Galestky
Sadie R. Ginsberg
Leo Goldberg
Joseph Goldstein
David Goodman
Louis L. Goodman
Sara Grinker
Dorothy Henikof
Rose E. Holman
Herman L. Kaplan
Louis J. Klingman
Isadore Kurzin
Meyer Lazarus
Edna A. Lenou
Anna Lerner
Lena L. Levy
Louis Levy
Benjamin Lewis
Emma M. Mortier
Bernard R. Mortimer
Kate G. Moss
William Pliester
Minnie Polensky
Bessie M. Rafowitz
Morris L. Rivkin
Isadore I. Rocklin
Louis Ruttenberg
Morris Rosenstein
Dorothy Savodkin
Lena Seidenberg
Sara Sharfman
Max Shifrin
Sarah T. Silverman
Abe R. Smolinsky
Mollie Snitowsky
Henry E. Staffel
Gertrude E. B. Steiner
John Steenhueizen
Joseph Sternshein
Alfred A. Stolzenfeldt
Henry Swishlowsky
Joseph F. Wanat


Entrance March: Miss E. G. Bradshaw, Word of Welcome: Dorothy Henikof, Recitations by: William Pliester, Rose Holman, Abe Smolinsky, Celia Brown, Bernard Mortimer, and Sophie Antonow, Principal: H. G. Clark.


Submitted 18 Jan 2013 by Marie Beernink


Chicago Normal College – 1927 Yearbook

1927 Yearbook

“The Emblem”
A Year Book Published by the Students of the Chicago Normal College 1927

Dedication: To Dr. William B. Owen

Yearbook Staff:
Kreuser, Helen Marie (Yearbook Editor)
Butler, Marjorie (Yearbook Business Manager)
Callahan, Dorothea (Yearbook Art Editor)
Elmer A. Morrow (Yearbook Faculty Advisor)
Helbing, William O. (Yearbook Faculty Advisor)
French, Robert (Yearbook Faculty Advisor)

The Faculty: (Head photos of most and blurb re their educational history)

Ashley, Myron L. (Head of Psychology Dept.)
Baker, Verna (Physical Ed)
Bates, Flora (Chief Librarian)
Blount, Mary Putnam (Science)
Branon, Fred K. (Head of Dept of Geography)
Bresnahan, Dorothy (Physical Ed)
Brown, Lillian (Science)
Bussell, Nellie (Head of Dept of Physical Education)
Byrne, Gertrude (Physical Ed)
Cabell, Elvira Daniel (English)
Camenisch, Sophia (English)
Crum, Hazel A. (Ass’t Librarian)
Deo, Zoe (Kindergarten Department)
Doyle, Agnes, E. (Graphic Arts)
Dupree, Louise (English )
Eckhoff, Clara (Graphic Arts)
Eilert, Solomon R. (Psychology)
Fleer, Emma A. (Science)
Frake, Emily Allen (Household Arts)
Freeman, Mary E. (Household Arts)
Freeman, Virginia W. (Head of Dept. of Oral Expression)
French, Beals E. L. (Science)
French, Robert (Graphic Arts and Yearbook Faculty Advisor)
Garthe, Alice L. (Head of Music Dept.)
Gaston, George H. (Civics and History)
Gavin, Helena (English)
Geilan, Henry G. (Head of Graphic Art Dept)
Geyer, Denton (Head of Dept. of Education)
Gildemeister, Louise M. (Music)
Gjesdahl, Frederick L. (Education)
Gouget, Charles W. (Science)
Hallinan, Marie A. (Psychology)
Hannon, Daniel (Education)
Hansen, Hazel (Penmanship)
Hanson, Alyda C. (Geography)
Hatfield, W. Wilbur (Head of Dept of English)
Hawthorne, Gertrude (Stenographer and Clerk)
Helbing, William O. (Industrial Arts and Yearbook Faculty Advisor)
Henke, Frank X. (Graphic Art)
Herr, Ross (History and Economics)
Hill, Edward (Head of Dept of History and Civics)
Howe, Helen (Music)
Hultgren, Claes L. (Psychology)
Hunter, Dorothy (Clerk)
Hutchison, Jean, (Graphic Arts)
Jabrosky, Emil (Industrial Arts)
Johnson, John Theodore (Mathematics)
Johnstone, Lorene (Ass’t Librarian)
Kripner, Joseph (Gymnastics and Men’s Athletics)
Larson, Ruth (Secy, Chicago Schools Journal)
Lentz, Clarence A. (Mathematics)
McMurry, Oscar (Head of Dept of Industrial Arts)
Milner, S. Fay (Household Arts)
Morrow, Elmer A. (Graphic Arts and Yearbook Faculty Advisor)
Olson, Mildred I. (Clerk)
O’Sullivan, Teresa (Household Arts)
Page, Helen M. (Manager of Lunchroom)
Peikert, Francis (Music)
Pierson, Paul I. (Science)
Roberts, H. D. (English)
Robinson, Louise C. (Physical Education)
Ross, Albert C. (History)
Russell, Olive (Kindergarten Dept)
Schacht, Lucie H. (History and Social Science)
Shepherd, John W. (Acting President)
Sherff, Earl E. (Science)
Shideler, Claude P. (Science)
Simmons, Edna W. (Oral Expression)
Smith, Grant (Science)
Smith, R. Ross (English)
Stillman, Hazel L. (Dean)
Swain, Francis Lucy (Head of Dept. of Household Arts)
Swawite, Augusta A. (Physical Education)
Thoren, Fred J. (Printing)
Townsend, Andrew (History)
Van Hise, Ira N. (Instructor in Geography)
Van Pelt, Dorothy (Science)
Van Toll, Josephine (Music)
Vincent, Stella Burnham (Psychology)
Weck, Frederick W. (Education)
Wetherbee, Ralph H. (Education)
Whitmer, Neva R. (Ass’t Librarian)
Whitten, John Hamilton (Science)
Wilson, William G. (Industrial Arts)

Class of 1927:
(includes head photo and blurb, with address (copied here), high school and activities)

Adlerblum, Sadie
6434 S. Morgan Street

Alcock, Ruth
3460 W. Adams St.

Allman, Clare Cilinia (page 73)
4043 Harrison Street

Allman, Myrtle E.
1411 S. 15th Avenue, Maywood

Ambrose, Olive F.
5443 Kenmore

Ames, Mary
5726 Magnolia

Anderson, Florence
5825 West Erie Street

Anderson, Mary M.
6116 Evans Ave.

Anderson, Sarah
437 Roscoe St.

Archibold, Helen
6953 S. Parnell Ave.

Arndt, Katherine
5423 Race Avenue

Baker, Mary
5509 Winthrop

Banville, Anne (page 73)
7835 Rhodes Avenue

Barrett, Corneal (page 79)
700 Clarence Avenue

Balhouse, Elizabeth
South Holland, Illinois

Barnes, Dorothy
5303 Maryland Avenue

Barrett, Eleanor Margaret
6515 Greenwood Avenue

Bartels, Iola E. (page 73)
35 North Mayfield Avenue

Base, Charlotte B.
316 N. Menard Avenue

Bauman, Milton (page 73)
2537 North Spaulding Avenue

Beam, Agnes (page 73)
3347 South Western Boulevard

Bechmann, Lucille
715 Vine Ave., Park Ridge, Illinois

Becvar, Anne
6819 Harper Avenue

Beilke, Mildred L.
5310 Waveland Avenue

Bellinger, Ruth
2237 W. Adams Street

Bellini, Margaret Mary
4922 N. Francisco Avenue

Below, Bertha
3697 Fullerton Avenue

Benson, Helen V.
4833 Washington Blvd.

Birmingham, Mabel Marie
2125 W. Erie Street

Bermingham, Mae
4724 N. St. Louis Avenue

Bevan, Irene
7310 Luella Avenue

Blackstone, Evelyn M
311 N. Lockwood Ave.

Blattner, Margretta
4623 Champlain Ave.

Bohus, Emily
3028 W. 54th Street

Bradley, Genevieve
5318 Monroe Street

Bradley, Julia M.
5300 Sheridan Road

Bradley, Marie
3833 Washington Blvd.

Brennan, Eileen
1125 N. Central Ave.

Breyfogle, Martha S.
Blue Island, Illinois, R.F.D. No. 2, Box 96

Brice, Mary G.
7644 Peoria St.

Britton, Irene
4227 St. Lawrence Ave.

Buckley, Margaret
1314 W. 71st Street

Buchling, Margaret
4822 N. Hamlin Ave.

Buckley, Rose (page 74)
5524 Crystal Street

Budinger, Marion Agnes
5929 So. LaSalle St.

Bunegar, Virginia (page 74)
1034 West 67th Street

Burch, Theodora (page 74)
3146 Walnut Street

Burke, Bernice
7925 Indiana Ave.

Burke, Mary Agnes
8306 Elizabeth Street

Butler, Marjorie
3517 S. Washtenaw Ave.

Byrne, Amy F.
6362 Ellis Avenue

Byrne, Mary R.
4455 Monroe Street

Cade, Ethel
6458 Eberhart Ave.

Callaghan, Margaret
7722 Sangamon St.

Callahan, Dorothea
7802 Carpenter St.

Callahan, Lenore A.
7802 Carpenter St.

Callanan, Catherine
2763 Archer Ave.

Campbell, Edith Patricia
2705 New England Ave.

Campbell, Katheryn
12001 Harvard Ave.

Carlson, Lillian E.
4750 Armitage Ave.

Carroll, Aileen
821 Washington Blvd.

Carroll, Lauretta M.
523 W. 70th Street

Carter, Louise (page 74)
216 North Kilbourn Avenue

Casey, Helen
7018 Parnell Ave.

Casey, Margaret
6226 Evans Ave.

Chitham, Dorothy
6728 Clyde Ave.

Christie, Eleanor
11021 Church Street

Clark, Anna
1907 W. North Ave.

Clifford, Marilyn (page 79)
4818 Monroe Street

Cobden, Marion
315 South 6th Ave., Maywood, Illinois

Cody, Jean Marie
3942 South Rockwell St.

Cody, Maureen (page 38)
7024 Kimbark Avenue

Coffee, Lydia
5019 Champlain Ave.

Colin, Alma
7646 West 66th Street, Argo, Illinois

Commins, Aileen M.
2528 North Talman Ave.

Comsky, Idelle
1227 South Karlov Avenue

Condon, Ruth
8017 Peoria Street

Connolly, Lucille
6057 Ellis Avenue

Connors, Genevieve (page 74)
5700 Aberdeen Avenue

Conroy, Anna
7046 Yale Avenue

Conroy, Margaret
6710 North Artesian

Corbett, Marie
5512 Fiournoy Street

Corboy, Ethel
1128 North Leamington Ave.

Coughlin, Frances
6131 Evans Ave.

Courtney, Eleanor
2126 South Central Park Ave.

Creagh, Kathleen
4526 North Whipple Street

Cronin, Noreen
4951 Washington Blvd

Crotty, Geraldine
7001 Wabash Ave.

Crowley, Mary
405 West Garfield Blvd.

Cullerton, Mary
1405 West Marquette Road

Curran, Marion (page 74)
3140 Fulton Street
Curtis, Katherine
4715 Ellis Avenue

Dailey, Alice M.
4431 North Paulina Street

Daly, Edmund
7717 South Aberdeen Street

Davies, Rose (page 74)
1523 Irving Park Boulevard

Day, Dorothy Margaret
7325 Yates Ave.

Deans, Hazel
1624 North Moody Ave.

DeLaunty, Olive
7649 Oglesby Ave.

DeMakes, Eleanor
1609 South Loomis Street

Detrana, M. Albertina
637 North Ashland Ave.

Devine, Constance
1108 South Mansfield Ave.

DeVine, Lillian
2351 Geneva Terrace

Dlouhy, Alice Margaret
1701 West 19th Street

Dolan, Catherine
6947 Vernon Avenue

Dolan, Genevieve
6646 Evans Ave.

Donlea, Robert (page 79)
Barrington, Illinois

Dooley, Anna May (page 74)
6946 South Lafflin Street

Dore, Esther (page 74)
208 North Latrobe

Dougherty, Helen A.
6145 St. Lawrence Ave.

Draine, Florence
9401 St. Lawrence Avenue

Duffie, Burton
7046 Princeton Ave.

Dunn, Eileen (page 75)
2133 South Clifton Park Avenue

Dunne, Elizabeth
4059 Jackson Blvd.

Durkin, Genevieve (page 74)
1443 Rascher Avenue

Dwyer, Frances A.
1750 Birchwood Ave.

Earl, Lillian
1307 West Garfield Blvd.

Egan, Marian J.
1449 North Laramie Ave.

Egan, Marian Loretta (page 75)
1447 Laramie Avenue

Ehrenwerth, Birdie
2818 West 40th Place

Eilert, Dorothy Mary
3503 West 59th Place

Engle, Louise
257 North Kostner Ave.

Enrietto, Lucille (page 75)
7815 Marquette Avenue

Esterman, Minnie M.
5525 South Ashland Avenue

Falls, Venetia (page 75)
1311 West 61st Street

Fanning, Margaret,
7740 Lowe Ave.

Felt, Agnes E.
1340 Schilling Ave., Chicago Heights

Fetchark, Mildred L.
2915 Diversey Avenue

Fink, Harriet E.
1511 Granville Avenue

Finnegan, Alice Winifred
5543 Kenwood Avenue

FitzGerald, Helena R.
3823 Gladys Avenue

FitzGerald, Virginia
5234 Congress Street

Flaherty, Dolores
5527 South Laflin Street

Flanagan, Kathleen Bertina
2622 East 74th Street

Fletcher, Lillian
7135 Champlain Avenue

Flood, Mary
4643 North Hermitage Avenue

Flynn, M. Colette
7653 Union Avenue

Flynn, Mary
4525 North Artesian Avenue

Foley, Catherine
6204 South Mozart

French, Irene
847 Wilson Avenue

Gale, Lauretta
630 North Kensington Ave., La Grange, Illinois

Garrabrant, Charlotte
1331 West 77th Street

Gaul, Angela Marie
7657 Union Ave.

Gibbons, Marcella
5237 Ingleside Ave.

Gillespie, Lillian W.
11314 Forest Ave.

Gilloaley, Ruth (page 75)
6916 Wabash Avenue

Glancey, Dorothy E.
1407 Arthur Avenue

Gleason, John
7946 South Green Street

Goldstein, Abe
1843 South Clifton Park Ave.

Goodman, Sarah
1342 Eddy Street

Gornstein, Lillian
221 West 16th Place, Chicago Heights, Illinois

Gouwens, Marie
South Holland, Illinois

Grace, Mary Elizabeth
1849 North California Ave.

Graham, Margaret Rose
16 South Cicero Avenue

Grajewski, Regina Anzia
3908 Wellington Avenue

Grant, Elizabeth (page 75)
3139 North Sawyer Avenue

Grealis, Barbara
2328 Osgood Street

Green, Frances S.
1135 North Sacramento Ave.

Greene, Evelyn F.
2201 West Iowa Street

Grisham, Bertha
2055 Warren Avenue

Groskopf, Margaret
309 Walnut St., Blue Island, Illinois

Grundin, Florence
1056 Massasoit Avenue

Gunn, Anna Liddell
6448 Woodlawn Avenue

Gurman, Leah E.
4414 North Carolina Avenue

Hackett, Angela M.
6729 North Artesian Avenue

Hagstrom, Carin E.
1747 Monticello Avenue

Haley, Margaret A.
1726 West 100th Street

Hall, Mildred Elizabeth
1419 Hollywood Avenue

Hampton, Marie
5310 Michigan Avenue

Hanley, Helen I.
6710 North Maplewood Avenue

Hanschman, Elsie
13905 Atlantic Avenue

Hardaway, Elizabeth C. (page 75)
1225 East 52nd Street

Harrington, Catherine
7558 Constance Avenue

Hawkins, Mary Catherine
1349 Rosemont Avenue

Healey, Delphine A.
7334 Kenwood Avenue

Heldmann, Agnes
2352 South Ridgeway Avenue

Helgeson, Beatrice S.
7738 West 65th Place, Argo, Illinois

Heneghan, Ruth E.
1953 Humboldt Blvd.

Hennix, Julia S.
4416 North Cicero Ave.

Higgins, Pearl
5434 Jackson Blvd.

Hilands, Jeanne
572 North Long Avenue

Hilgerink, Marie
1045 Scoville Ave., Oak Park

Hintz, Estelle E.
6717 Lafayette Ave.

Hoffman, Dolores
732 East 89th Street

Hogan, Mildred Marie
1523 Granville Avenue

Hollander, Hilda Helen
6519 North Ashland Ave.

Homeier, Selma
225 Oak Street, Blue Island, Illinois

Horwitz, Beatrice
3457 West Monroe Street

Hottinger, Jane Marie (page 75)
1620 Berwyn Avenue

Hoyne, Rita
629 Clinton Avenue, Oak Park

Hubbell, Virginia
9836 Seeley Avenue

Hungeling, Mary
7803 Evans Avenue

Hyland, Agatha
7305 Yale Avenue

Hyland, Ann
8130 Michigan Avenue

Hynes, Betty
6000 South Michigan Avenue

Hynes, Margaret Mary
7942 South Loomis Street

Jacobs, Lillian B.
1529 East 76th Place

James, Dorothy L.
1134 South Elmwood Ave., Oak Park

Jankoski, Frances
1832 South Springfield

Johnson, Mildred (page 75)
2108 North Sawyer Avenue

Johnston, Dorothy
7646 South Marshfield Avenue

Johnston, Jesse D.
2343 West Adams Street

Joseph, Sylvia
3102 Grace Street

Jurgensen, Wilma L.
Glenwood, Illinois

Karel, Angela M.
4334 West Cullerton Street

Kavanagh, Margaret
1637 North Avers Avenue

Kazmierczak, Constance
8440 Buffalo Avenue

Keeler, Jane
8348 May Street

Kelly, Lillian Ellen
1412 North Linder Avenue

Kelly Mae J. (page 75)
4822 Lexington Street

Kelly, Marie
7301 South Union Ave.

Kennedy, Margaret
8052 South Sangamon St.

Kenny, Anne
126 Bertling Lane, Winnetka

Kent, Mary Frances
1237 Columbia Avenue

Kernan, Dorothy
3842 Wilcox Street

Kerr, Margaret Elizabeth
57 West 111th Place

Kerwick, Catherine
8027 South Throop Street

Kiest, Thelma
305 North Stone Avenue

Kiley, Anna
3153 South Winchester Avenue

King, Lenor
1438 Edgewater Avenue

Kinney, Doris
10855 Prospect Avenue

Kinsella, Mona Dorothy
61 Chicago Avenue, Oak Park

Kirby, Margaret (page 79)
5314 Maryland Avenue

Kirley, Frances
832 Limon Avenue, Oak Park

Klebe, Mildred L.
1134 South Euclid Avenue, Oak Park, Illinois

Klinkhammer, Ruth
116 Park Avenue, Dolton, Illinois

Knarr, Claire Norene (page 76)
Maine Township HighSchool DesPlaines, Illinois (no house address)

Knauerhaze, Martha E.
7342 Perry Avenue

Kovitz, Fannie
853 North Western Ave.

Kreuser, Helen Marie
2152 Montrose Avenue

Krivanek, Rosemary
3137 Home Avenue

Lamb, Marie
2725 Crowell Street

Lane, Evelyn J. (page 76)
4336 Congress Street

Lang, Dorothea
2350 Cottage Grove Ave.

Lannon, Mary
6534 Greenwood Ave.

La Pierre, Dorothy
3048 Sheffield Avenue

Larsen, Esther
4542 Schubert Avenue

Lawson, Evelyn (page 64)
948 North Keeler Avenue

Lestina, Mildred L.
4054 West 21st Place

Lawson, Lilas
516 North Hamlin Ave.

Leitenstorfer, Helen
208 North Waller Avenue

Levitt, Mary
4836 Drake Avenue

Levy, Selma
4546 Woodlawn Avenue

Lewis, Caroline
716 West 87th Street

Lewis, Robert e.
435 East 45th Place

Lichenstein, Selma (page 79 — see also Lichtenstein page 53 (different spelling/pictures, same text?))
2427 North Albany Avenue

Lichtenstein, Selma
2427 North Albany Ave.

Lilly, Virginia
9541 South Robey Street

Loftus, Eleanor Z. (page 76 and 79)
6840 Wentworth Avenue

Long, Gertrude
941 West 53rd Street

Longstreet, M. Eunice
4719 Kewanee Avenue

Lovelock, Martha
6913 Stewart Ave.

Lukens, Elizabeth
9601 Genoa Avenue

Madden, Marie
4311 Marmora Avenue

Maher, Jack
2031 Aubert Avenue

Maher, Marie Kathryn
3923 West Polk Street

Mahoney, Mary A.
1523 Granville Avenue

Mahoney, Celestine (page 56) – see also page 79, next, identical text/different picture?)
1715 Wallen Avenue

Mahoney, Celestine (page 79)– see also page 59, above, identical text/different picture?)
1715 Wallen Avenue

Malone, James J.
6811 Wayne Avenue

Mangan, Marie (page 76)
4409 Adams Street

Mark, Mary Elizabeth
6141 University Ave.

Marohn, Meta D.

Marquardt, Hattie A.
3616 North Claremont Avenue

Martin, Adelaide (page 76)
4909 Washington Boulevard

Martin, Eleanor
6518 Harvard Avenue

Matecki, S. Jeanne
5610 South Bishop Street

Mathison, Annie
34 West 108th Place

Matter, Clara b.
7846 White Avenue, Lyons, Illinois

McCarville, Alice
27 North Lorel Avenue

McCauley, Mary Rose
3831 Lexington Street

McCloud, Edna Wilma
7627 Clyde Avenue

McConnell, Grace
6837 South Michigan Ave.

McCooey, Lorraine Kathryn
538 South Cuyler Avenue, Oak Park

McCooey, Mary
538 South Cuyler Avenue, Oak Park

McGann, Margaret Colette
4339 Jackson Blvd.

McGee, Eleanor (page 79)
7147 Vernon Avenue

McGinnis, Dorothy
5086 Monroe Street

McGovern, Margaret
1420 Hollywood Avenue

McGowan, Helen
412 Winneconna Parkway

McGuire, Lucille
1331 North Austin Blvd.

McGuire, Mary Catherine
6339 Bishop Street

McInerney, Ruth
8810 South Michigan Avenue

McKenna, Marybelle (page 76)
6952 Chappel Avenue

McNally, Ruth M.
7955 Sangamon Street

McNally, Vivian
6112 South Campbell Avenue

McNamara, Ethel
9236 Throop Street

McNeal, Anita
6605 Marquette Road

McNicholas, Veronica F.
6731 Chappel Avenue

Mekota, Blanche A.
3010 South Central Park Avenue

Metevier, Genevieve
6958 Woodlawn Avenue

Metz, Bernadine R.
6326 Peoria Street

Metzger, Charlotte
9136 Paulina Street

Milos, Berthe G.
5923 South Marshfield Avenue

Minster, Virginia P.
3325 North Kedzie Avenue

Mitchell, Alice
143 Seventh Ave., La Grange, Illinois

Mollan, Florence M. (page 76)
4838 Kenmore Avenue

Monahan, Ruth (page 76)
5747 West Erie Street

Monsson, Lillie C.
817 West 54th Street

Moran, Catherine
6782 South Franciso Ave.

Moran, Lauretta Mae
4836 Monroe Street

Moroney, Ellen Rita (page 76)
6244 South Marshfield Avenue

Motto, Mary
1131 North Mason Avenue

Mueller, Mary Lillian
815 South Scoville Avenue

Mueller, Tessie
1545 North Irving Avenue

Mulroy, Christine F.
6741 Constance Avenue

Mumford, Bertha
4006 West Jackson Boulevard

Murphy, Catherine Agnes
6323 Wayne Avenue

Murphy, Vivian
7958 Chappel Avenue

Murray, Alice K.
1839 Warner Avenue

Murray, Marion C.
5633 Sangamon Street

Nathan, Golda A.
1636 South Springfield Avenue

Neirinck, Louise
2441 Ainslie Street

Nichols, Mary
326 North Mason Avenue

Nolan, Dorothy
126 North Stone Avenue, La Grange

Novak, Dorothy Marie
3846 Adams Street

O’Brien Mary Virginia (page 76)
1755 East 72nd Street

O’Brien, Miriam L.
5574 Van Buren Street

O’Brien, Virginia H.
6607 Greenwood Avenue

O’Connell, Winifred V.
3359 West 63red Street

O’Connor, Kathleen
4256 Wilcox Street

O’Donnell, Dorothy
3849 North Harding

O’Dowd, Eleanor
3357 South Paulina Street

Oehler, Louisa M. (page 77)
820 South Lincoln Street

O’Farrell, Margaret Rosemary (page 76)
4745 Princeton Avenue

O’Heron, Marie
4348 Jackson Boulevard

O’Leary, Cecilia (page 77)
5532 Loomis Boulevard

Oleson, Fayette
2133 North Leamington Avenue

O’Malley, Mary
4126 Wilcox Avenue

O’Meara, Catherine M.
7215 Emerald Avenue

O’Rourke, Cecelia
7432 Euclid Avenue

Osgood, Mary
139 Congress Park, Congress Park, Illinois

O’Shaughnessy, Margaret
4443 North Ashland Avenue

O’Toole, Mary C.
321 West Huron Street

Owens, Maude
1753 Congress Street

Parks, Bernice G.
537 East 33rd Street

Parks, Irene (page 77)
102 Clinton Street, Oak Park

Paro, Frances E.
3743 Rokeby Street

Patterson, Loretta A.
5616 South Campbell Avenue

Pavese, Anna G.
1407 North Lotus Avenue

Pecival, Eunice R.
106 Lawton Road, Riverside, Illinois

Penning, Ruth G.
3744 Sunnyside Avenue

Perry, Frances
717 South Kenneth Avenue

Peterson, Edith L.
3745 Sunnyside Avenue

Pettigrew, Anne Margaret
3303 Osgood Street

Pfefer, Anna
2733 Hirsch Street

Phee, Veronica
2847 Grady Court

Phillips, Frances
1128 South Cuyler Avenue

Picchiotti, Natalie
742 North Springfield Avenue

Polanek, Alice Rose
732 South Maple Avenue

Ponow, Dorothy H.
11817 Emerald Avenue

Poore, Shirley Corrine
1424 East 68th Street

Popp, Dorothy B.
5015 Nevada Street

Powney, Bessie E.
7524 Dorchester Avenue

Pritchard, Iona M.
316 North Menard Avenue

Pruch, Blanche (page 77)
4259 West 21st Street

Rapp, Helen Marie
521 Thomas Street, Forest Park

Rapoport, Estelle A.
4815 North Avers Avenue

Rascher, Rose M.
8220 Loomis Boulevard

Rau, Evelyn H.
630 North Dunton Place, Arlington Heights

Reader, Lillian D.
6049 South St. Lawrence Avenue

Reichel, Dorothy
1415 West 72nd Street

Reidy, Irene
Lemont, Illinois

Reilly, Helen Elizabeth
1510 North Long Avenue

Reineking, Evelyn
3725 West Flournoy Street

Ressler, Helen
847 North Central Avenue

Richter, Katherine
2020 Cullom Avenue

Ring, Olivia S.
8949 Exchange Avenue

Riordan, Mary Clare
43 North Waller Avenue

Roberts, Alice Mae
4040 North Paulina Street

Roberts, Marian F.
6136 Dorchster Avenue

Rockey, Ruth A.
1909 South Hamlin Avenue

Rogers, Betty K.
7216 Vernon Avenue

Rohan, Alice Helen
3342 Eastwood Avenue

Rohm, Corma (page 77)
1045 North Austin Boulevard

Rosenbaum, Sylvia
3648 Flournoy Avenue

Rosenberg, Pearl
6126 South Kimbark Avenue

Russell, Josephine
5643 Rockwell Street

Ryan, Evelyn
Lake View

Ryan, Evelyn Marie
711 South Tripp Avenue

Ryan, Frances Alice
4747 Van Buren Street

Ryan, Margaret Jane (page 78)
4747 Van Buren Street

Ryan, Mary
1508 East 55th Street

Rynning, Signa
2720 West North Avenue

Saeger, Lucille
151 North LaPorte Avenue

Saemann, Helen C.
819 North Forest Avenue

Salk, Ethel S.
1424 South Turner Avenue

Samorowich, Bertha
3301 Potomac Avenue

Savitsky, Mary
3409 Douglas Boulevard

Scanlon, Marian
800 Summit Avenue

Scanlan, Mary Loretto (my mother-in-law, misspelled in yearbook as “Scanlon”
8119 Green Street

Sceleth, Bernadette
40 North Kensington Avenue, La Grange, Illionois

Schafer, Florence
2156 Irving Park Boulevard

Schlunz, Myrtle
1819 North Washtenaw Avenue

Schmidt, Helen Estelle
7234 Prairie Avenue

Schmitz, Catherine J.
2534 Fluorney (should be “Flourney?”) Street

Schneider, Mary
963 Edgecomb Place

Schulte, Julia (page 78)
2044 North Keystone Avenue

Schultz, Doris
911 West 69th Street

Schwartz, Evelyn
6740 Clyde Avenue

Scott, Dorothy M.
6928 Paxton Avenue

Sewards, Marie J.
Willow Springs

Shannon, Mary
8027 South May Street

Sheehan, John. M.

Sheridan, Lorraine
1310 East 72nd Place

Short, Marion L.
12 South Waller Avenue

Sider, Charlotte
5527 Hyde Park Boulevard

Slavetsky, Frieda
508 South Cicero Avenue

Slibek, Marilouise (page 78)
3649 North Springfield Avenue

Slorle, Mary Catherine (page 78)
4803 South Carpenter Street

Smith, Elzina A.
4841 North Kimball Avenue

Smith, Esther Barbee
5440 Prairie Avenue

Smith, Helen P.
305 West 72nd Street

Smith, Roxie
1945 East 72nd Street

Smry, Libby
1901 South Racine Avenue

Soneral, Helen
147 Carl Street

Sorby, Victoria
1336 Hyde Park Boulevard

Specht, Bessie A. (page 77)
4009 Sheridan Road

Spellman, Mary A.
1941 South Homan Avenue

Srill, Irene (page 78)
5532 Monroe Street

Stack, Anna M.
3734 South Union Avenue

Stagg, Rosa C.
2908 Wilcox Street

Stanek, Edward
5331 Kenwood Avenue

Stauch, Roma C.
2016 Giddings Street

St. Denis, Claire
607 West 72nd Street

Stefan, Bertha
260 West 15th Place, Chicago Heights, Illinois

Steuben, Gertrude
819, North Leamington Avenue

Styles, Kathryn
7130 East End Avenue

Sullivan, Daniel
6610 Maryland Avenue

Sutherland, Betty
7728 Eggleston Avenue

Tasker, Barbara (page 78)
3938 North Keeler Avenue

Threadgold, Frances
4246 Potomac Avenue

Tomei, Margaret
108 South Hamlin Avenue

Tortorelli, James (page 78)
839 North California Avenue

Toynton, Dorothy
Palatine, Illinois

Traeger, Dorothy
417 Maple Avenue, Oak Park, Illinois

Transier, Laureice A.
7738 South Green Street

Treadwell, Lois J.
3922 North Kostner Avenue

Trumbell, Elizabeth
5223 Gladys Avenue

Tully, Margaret C.
8533 Ada Street

Turnham, Lennie
9349 Burnside Avenue

Uhlig, Cecelia
7249 Carpenter Street

Urland, Marian P. (page 78)
7121 Wabash Avenue

Valenta, Eileen
7701 Emerald Avenue

Van Weelden, Ruth
Oak Glen, Illinois

Vicars, Mary
16 South LaVergne Avenue

Vogenthaler, Elizabeth
15715 Turlington Avenue

Waldbotto, Janet
753 Brompton Avenue

Wagner, La Verne (page 78)
934 West 53rd Street

Walker, Lucille
3910 Byron Street

Wall, Mary K. (page 77)
2955 Congress Street

Ward, Loretta (page 78)
7424 Evans Avenue

Wallace, Dorothy
950 North Kedvale Avenue

Walsh, Anna
8248 Ingleside Avenue

Waslh, Bernice E.
1248 Winnamac Avenue

Walsh, Florence R.
906 Lawler Avenue

Walsh, Margaret Mary
6620 Normal Avenue

Waters, Mattie Ethlyn
5205 Wabash Avenue

Webster, Eloise
6025 West Circle Avenue

Weinberg, Constance
1526 Thorne Avenue

Wenegar, Marybelle
Palatine, Illinois

Wetzel, Winifred M.
131 South Austin Boulevard

Whelihan, Margaret
4520 Drexel Boulevard

White, Ralph W. (page 71)
3267 Vernon Avenue

Williams, Alice
643 East 88th Street

Wilson, Esther
207 Cochran Street

Wixted, Cecelia
7925 Elizabeth Street

Wohl, Augusta
1014 South Cypress Street

Wollweber, Valerie
5441 Aberdeen Street

Wylie, Kathleen
5855 Magnolia Avenue

Yastrow, Helen R.
4061 Ellis Avenue

Yore, Mary
251 North Western Avenue

Zagorsky, Esther
4855 North St. Louis Avenue

Zuckerman, H. Nettie
2246 Augusta Street

Contributed Aug 2000 by E. H. Callanan

Bethany Bible School

Chicago, Illinois

1921 Student Enrollment
Home State
ALBRECHT, Louis M.NebraskaFreshman
ALBRECHT, Minnie C.NebraskaFreshman
BEAHM, WilliamVirginiaJunior
BECK, OliveOhioFreshman
BIXLER, Mary E.MarylandSophomore
BOWMAN, EdithIndianaSophomore
BOWMAN, Mrs. CurtisKansasFreshman
BRANDT, Paul K.KansasJunior
BRANDT, Pearl D.KansasFreshman
BREON, JessieKansasFreshman
BRUBAKER, LilaIllinoisSenior
BUCHER, FannieIllinoisSophomore
BUCKINGHAM, MinnieIllinoisFreshman
DAVIS, Orley G.IllinoisFreshman
DOTTERER, Edna A.MarylandSophomore
DOUTY, AdaPennsylvaniaFreshman
EBBERT, NoraKansasJunior
EBBERT, SamuelKansasJunior
EISENBISE, EstherKansasJunior
EISENBISE, Viola D.KansasSenior
ERBAUGH, IvanOhioFreshman
FISHER, CoraIndianaJunior
FISHER, EverettIndianaJunior
FRANTZ, BerthaNebraskaFreshman
FUNDERBURG, Drue D.OhioSenior
FUNDERBURG, EthelOhioFreshman
GRAHAM, JohnPennsylvaniaJunior
HARLEY, MabelVirginiaFreshman
HERSHEY, JohnPennsylvaniaJunior
HOFF, Mrs. E. B.IllinoisJunior
HUFFMAN, EmmaVirginiaFreshman
KESSLER, Agnes C.IndianaJunior
KINTNER, OwenWashingtonFreshman
KINZIE, KennethVirginiaFreshman
LEAR, John W.IllinoisSenior
LEAR, Mrs.Martha E.IllinoisFreshman
LEHMAN, GalenIllinoisFreshman
MALLOTT, FloydOhioSenior
METZLER, BurtonIndianaSenior
MILLER, WilliamOhioFreshman
MOHLER, ElizabethMissouriFreshman
MOW, Anna BeahmVirginiaSenior
MOW, Baxter M.IndianaSenior
MOYER, GlenOhioJunior
MOYER, Lela A.OhioFreshman
MYERS, Earl R.KansasFreshman
NEHER, Ada ShankIowaSophomore
NEHER, MinnevaCaliforniaJunior
NOLT, EnosOhioFreshman
PHILLIPS, GeorgeIndianaJunior
POSTMA, ElizabethunknownSenior
REBER, EdnaPennsylvaniaJunior
REPLOGLE, WalterAlabamaFreshman
ROOP, EthelMarylandJunior
ROYER, CatherineOhioJunior
ROYER, Milton D.MarylandFreshman
SARGENT, LutieIllinoisSophomore
SCHWENK, L. AnnaPennsylvaniaFreshman
SHAMBERGER, JaneIdahoFreshman
SHULL, Clara MColoradoJunior
SHULL, JesseIllinoisSenior
STINEBAUGH, WalterIndianaJunior
SWADLEY, William H.TennesseeSophomore
THOMAS, J. WalterMarylandFreshman
WEYBRIGHT, EdithIndianaJunior
WHITE, RalphAlabamaJunior
WILLOUGHBY, LillianIllinoisFreshman
WINGER, Inez ByersPennsylvania  Sophomore
WIRT, FlorenceMinnesotaSophomore
WOLFE, Marshall R.MarylandSophomore
WOLGEMUTH, AnnaPennsylvaniaSophomore
YODER, GertrudeCaliforniaJunior
ZOOK, Mildred Bowman  IndianaSophomore

Contributed Jun 2002 by T.G.