Garrigus Couple Celebrates 62nd Wedding Anniversary (1921)

Mr & Mrs Stephen B Garrigus Celebrate 62nd Anniversary

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Garrigus, 1020 Lathrop Avenue, Forest Park, Chicago, celebrated their sixty-second wedding anniversary, May 5, Mr. Garrigus is 87 years old and his wife 81. They were married in Lacon, Illinois, and came to Chicago forty-four years ago. The couple belong to two of the oldest families in Illinois.

The Garrigus family in the days preceding the Civil War, had the only hotel in Lacon and among their guests was Abraham Lincoln. Mr. Garrigus served with the Union troops throughout the Civil War. There are two grandchildren, Helen and Edna Davies, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Davies. The aged couple have also a son, Percy and another daughter Nettie C. Carrigan.

Contributed 25 Jan 2013 by Deb Haines
Source: Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, Published Quarterly by the Illinois State Historical Society, Springfield, Illinois. Vol. 14 April-July, 1921 No. 1-2.

Carried Message Through Confederate Lines (1921)

Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Doyle celebrated her ninetieth birthday, May 21, 1921 in Chicago, Illinois. Mrs. Doyle, the wife of a Civil War Captain and the mother of Hon. C. J. Doyle, former Secretary of State, is one of the few women who carried messages through the confederate lines during the Civil War.

Contributed 25 Jan 2013 by Deb Haines

Source: Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, Published Quarterly by the Illinois State Historical Society, Springfield, Illinois. Vol. 14 April-July, 1921 No. 1-2.

Harriet L. Mitchell 96 Years Old (1921)

Mrs. Harriet L. Mitchell, 96 years old, lays claim to being the oldest voter and Chicago Tribune reader in Oak Park. Mrs. Mitchell lives at 515 North Cuyler Avenue, with her daughter, Mrs. W. T. Robinson. She was born in Canada and has been a resident of Illinois since the Civil War. She has two daughters, nine grandchildren and twelve great-grandchildren living. Mrs. Mitchell voted at the last two presidential elections, and keeps well informed on all current events.

 Contributed 25 Jan 2013 by Deb Haines

Source: Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, Published Quarterly by the Illinois State Historical Society, Springfield, Illinois. Vol. 14 April-July, 1921 No. 1-2.

Argument Leads to Stabbing (1906)

As the result of a dispute growing out of an argument as to the proper way of sharpening a knife, Frank Hall, colored, fatally stabbed James Williams, also colored, with the knife at Matteson. Williams was arrested in the Kankakee railroad yards. He confessed the crime.

Contributed 25 Jan 2013 by Deb Haines
Source: Cook County Herald [Arlington Heights IL] September 21, 1906

Aged Couple Badly Burned (1906)

Lamp Explodes in Home and Blazing Oil Ignites Clothing

Patrick Canary, 60 years old, and his wife, about the same age, were severely burned by the explosion of a lamp in their home in Chicago Lawn. Both are now at the Englewood Union hospital and physicians say Mrs. Canary probably will die. Canary is employed as a flagman and with his wife has for many years lived on the second floor of a frame dwelling at Sixty-third and Leavitt
streets. Mrs. Canary had retired shortly before 10 o’clock and Canary was on his way to the bedroom carrying a lighted lamp, when it exploded, throwing the blazing oil on the bed clothing. Before Mrs. Canary was able to reach a place of safety her nightrobe caught fire. Canary attempted to rescue his wife and his clothing caught fire. Both were unconscious when members of engine company No. 64 arrived.

Contributed 25 Jan 2013 by Deb Haines
Source: Cook County Herald [Arlington Heights IL] May 18, 1906

Horse-whipped by a Woman (1900)

Chicago, May 19.–Walter E. Harris, a loan agent, was horsewhipped at Clark and Adams streets by Mrs. Frank Cameron, who claims he was responsible for an insult offered her. Mrs. Cameron had a heavy horsewhip, which she laid on with such force that Harris sought safety in flight, leaving his hat. He went to his room at the Saratoga hotel.

Contributed 25 Jan 2013 by Deb Haines
Source: The Humeston [IA] New Era May 23, 1900

Little Boy’s Long Journey (1893)

New York, March 21.-A 10-year-old Russian immigrant, Antoin Kudenzski, arrived
here on Monday on the steamship Rhaetia. He was all alone and started for
Chicago with a ticket pinned to his coat. The little fellow left his home with
his father seven months ago. They reached Hamburg, where his father died of
cholera. The boy remained there until friends started him on his long journey
to America. He has a brother at Chicago who has promised to take care of him.

Contributed 25 Jan 2013 by Deb Haines
Source: Decatur [IL] Daily Review March 22, 1893

City Brevities (September 16, 1879)

1879 Sep 16 – City Brevities

During the past week the Recorder has received on the average 200 deeds a day.

The hotels were crowded to their utmost yesterday, and cots were at a premium.

The Executive Committee of the First Ward Republican Club met in private session at the Grand Pacific Hotel last evening, and disposed of some routine business.

The Underwriters’ Association of the Northwest will give a banquet at the Grand Pacific Thursday evening at 7 o’clock. It being the decennial anniversary of the association.

Louisa Wright, of 108 Pacific avenue, informs the police that she would like to recover her pocket-book, containg $55, which she thinks she dropped in Fritz’s saloon, on Clark street.

The temperature yesterday as reported by Ed Maucher, optician; 7 a. m., 56; 9 a. m., 60; 12 m. 67; 3 p. m., 72; 5 p. m., 70; 7 p. m., 67. The weather cloudy, wind southwest, barometer failing.

A laboring man, drunk and unknown, walked off the dock into the river at the foot of Laflin street at 11 o’clock Sunday night, but his cries brought night watchman J. Whalen to his assistance, who rescued him and sent him home.

Isaac Teterdean, 40 years old, French, of 70 Foster street, had his right leg broken at 11 o’clock yesterday morning by falling through a broken sidewalk in front of the vacant lot, being No. 92 West Harrison street. Not dangerous.

Justice Prindiville has met with a sad affliction in the death of his mother. He was absent from his office yesterday afternoon attending the funeral of this aged lady, which took place at the Cathedral of the Holy Name at 2 o’clock.

A horse belonging to Michael Burke, of Franklin street, ran away at noon yesterday, colliding on Madison street with William Schinek’ furniture wagon, smashing a wheel. The runaway was stopped at the bridge, with a bad cut on the right shoulder.

The Joseph H. Brown Rolling Mill Company will erect a number of large blast- furnaces at South Chicago this fall. The works are to be completed before cold weather begins, and will employ a large number of men when completed and in running order.

At 2 o’clock yesterday afternoon Geo. Brown, 41 years old, engineer at the North Side Water Works, left his home, 235 Goethe street, to proceed to his work, and when about 150 feet from his door he suddenly dropped dead. Deceased leaves a wife and seven children. Coroner notified.

The sale of fine paintings at Hazeltine’s, corner of Wabash avenue and Adams street, will continue every night this week. The collection includes some very fine pictures, which are on free exhibition, and must command ready prices from the patrons of the fine arts. Sales begin at 8:30 each evening.

A workman met with an accident by falling through the skylight over Chapin & Gore’s bar on Monroe street at 3:30 o’clock yesterday afternoon. Catching the sash above he broke his fall somewhat, and, a waiter procuring a step-ladder, he was rescued. The heavy glass came near striking the bar-tenders upon their heads.

They all do it. A colored man named Charles Brown shot and killed an alleged mad dog on the corner of Thirty-first street and South Park avenue yesterday afternoon. Policemen and the ordinary citizens of the county have figured largely in slaughtering “old dog Tray” of late. Now if a half-breed Indian and a Chinese assassinate a pub? apiece the thing will be complete.

Michael Davie, a switchman employed at the North Chicago Rolling Mill Company, was severely hurt about the shoulders by being struck with a bar of iron while coupling ears in the company’s yard at 10 o’clock yesterday morning. He was removed to his home, corner of Wood street and Waubansia avenue, and attended by Dr. Cox, who pronounces his injuries not dangerous.

The Coroner’s work: William McCarthy, 16 years old, of 73 Finnell street, accidentally killed by being struck by the elevator at the Anglo-American Packing Co.’s place at the stock yards; Clara Castro, aged 3 years, of 712 West Lake street, death by falling from an unguarded window; George Brown, aged 41 years, of 235 Goethe street, death from heart disease.

Jaues Henry, 15 years old, 57 North Market street, slipped while trying to board a freight train on the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad near the Wells street viaduct at 4:30 o’clock yesterday afternoon, and falling beneath the wheels, his left leg was cut off close to the hip, and his left arm broken in several places. The unfortunate young fellow never lost consciousness, but dragged his maimed form from off the track. He was removed home and attended, but died soon after reaching the house. Coroner notified.

Mrs. Catherine Prindiville, an early settler of Chicago, died at her residence, 351 Chestnut street, Sunday morning, at 6 o’clock. Mrs. Prindiville was 83 years old at the time of her death. She leaves two sons, ex- Commissioner Redmond Prindiville and Captain John Prindiville, four daughters, and a host of friends to mourn her loss. She was a member of the Catholic Church, and the funeral ceremonies were conducted at the Cathedral of the Holy Name yesterday afternoon. The remains were taken to Calvary Cemetery for interment.

A horse attached to one of Fleishmann & Co.’s wagons, ran away from the corner of Church place and the C. A. and St. L. Railroad, taking fright at a passing locomotive. At Archer avenue the wagon upset, and was badly smashed. John Meyers, the driver, was thrown out, striking on his head on the edge of the sidewalk, causing a fracture of the skull. The unfortunate man, who is 20 years old, single, was taken to the boarding-house on Thirtieth street, near Butterfield, and attended by Dr. G. M. Cooper, who considers his injuries dangerous.

Goods received at the Custom House Sept. 15: Mandel Bros., l case dry goods; Rand, McNally & Co., 1 cask paints; C. McKord, 2 cases dry goods; C. W. Webster, 5 octaves brandy; Robert Walsh, 1 case dry goods; Lyon & Healey, 8 cases musical instruments; Carson, Pirie, Scott & Co., 3 cases gloves; Wilson Bros., 3 cases dry goods; Hanscom & Co., l case machinery; Carson, Pirie, Scott & Co., 3 cases hosiery; Beach & Austin, 3 cases plate; Fowler Bros., 118 sacks salt; Burley & Tyrrell, 15 crates earthenware; Turner Casing Co., 1 cask sheep casing; W. E. Burlock & Co., 1 case cotton hosiery. Collections, $8,823.11.

In answer to a call signed by Mr. P. D. Doyle, a large meeting of workingmen of the Eighth Ward was held in the saloon of James Nolan, No. 72 Blue Island avenue, last evening. It was voted to form a political club, and one, to be known as the Workingmen’s Club of the Eighth Ward, was organized by the choice of Dennis Doyle as Chairman; Michael O’Grady Financial Secretary; Lewis Laflamme, Corresponding Secretary, and Fred Mallette, Treasurer. A membership list was started, and was signed by forty-six persons. The club after organization adjourned to meet at the same place on Monday evening, Sept. 22.


Ninety-eight prisoners on the Armory docket yesterday, forty-one of whom took changes of venue.

George Young, of 172 Carroll avenue, wants the police to find his ex-roommate, Charles P. Shaw, who has decamped with all his clothing.

William O’Leary, who shot Henry Vogt in Bridgeport a month ago, was yesterday remanded in $3,000 to the 25th by Justice Wallace.

Arlington Ray Carpenter, clerk at Lichtenstein’s boot and shoe store, 81 Clark street, is a North Side prisoner, charged with robbing his employer.

Before Justice Hudson: The case of the young woman against her grandparent for alleged incest was yesterday continued, by agreement, to the 18th.

Owner wanted at Lake Street Station for a valuable cloak, found at 3 o’clock yesterday morning by Watchman J. D. Andrews, in an alley near Hoyne street.

S. M. Johnston, the newly married man who about a month ago nearly caused the death of his wife by dancing on her, was yesterday discharged by Justice Walsh for want of prosecution.

Some West Side prisoners: Robert Rist, Thomas Doyle, and William Heisch, disorderly; saloon row. Mary McGee, aged 8 years, destitute of parental care. Lot of very ordinary drunks.

John Butler, alias “Bouquet Johnny,” a despicable character, was fined $50 at the Armory. There are plenty of these well dressed vagrants around the streets. Why are not more arrested?

Those Sunday assaults: Martin Statman, shooting his tormentor: Alexander McCabe, $l,000 to the 25th, Ed Parton, colored, stabbing George Carroll, colored, $500 to the 18th. Both held from the Armory. Samuel Malcom was up yesterday, before Justice Hudson, on the charge of feloniously making away with a horse and buggy. It wasn’t his. He had venued over from Kaufmann. He was held in $500 to the Criminal Court.

W. G. Conkright, a junk dealer, was held in $500 for appearance at the Criminal Court by Justice Summerfield, yesterday, on a charge of receiving pieces of brass metal, knowing them to be stolen from the Illinois Railroad Company’s premises. i

The case of John T. Cowles, the heating apparatus manufacturer, who was arrested for perjury on a warrant sworn out by Mr. John A. Hamlin, proprietor of Hamlin’s Theater, was dismissed in Justice Summerfield’s Court. Mr. Hamlin declined to prosecute defendant. Some thirty inmates of dens of infamy on Pacific avenue were before Justice Prindiville yesterday, and fined $2 and costs each. The keepers of the same, Rubey Bell, Katie Pollock, Emma Bond, Hattie Brooks, Mary Hamilton, and Lizzie Wright, were held for trial on Saturday.

Stephen McGarry and another thug went into Henry Porges’ saloon, 747 South Halsted street, last night, and after drinking considerable whisky settled the score by banging the landlord over the nose with a beer glass. Both broke—the nose and the glass. McGarry is arrested.

Eugene Pratt, the crippled tramp who alleges brutal treatment at the hands of the police, is a fraud. So far from having ever been ill treated, he has been accorded exceptionally kind attention, owing to his condition. Yesterday the fellow was removed from the Sherman for disgusting conduct. He had better be sent to the Bridewell.

Mary Touse, of 149 West Jackson street, who has already served a term for abusing her children, was yesterday fined $20 for a simlar offense. It seems Mary had a party at home, and in a dispute with a guest, flung a beer glass, which descended on her daughter’s head, inflicting a nasty wound.

Cearles Miller, alias “The Double-headed Negro,” is a West side prisoner, charged with burglarizing L. D. Carcioth’s barber-shop, 83 Madison street, and also breaking into the LaPierre House, corner of Halsted and Washington streets, and stealing $25 worth of property. Prisoner admits doing both jobs.

Some South Side prisoners: John McNamara said to be wanted at some place called Winstone, and marked “not to be let out without orders from headquarters.” Charles Vail, riotous conduct in Morris Finkelstein’s saloon. Amanda Hamilton, larceny of two cheap rings from a man she was hack-riding with.

Some North Side prisoners: Nicholas Glasket, assault and battery, on complaint of John Mitchell. Henry Hottinger, assaulting F. Walter, of 159 Clybourne avenue; two charges against prisoner. Fritz Walter, on two charges for assaulting Annie Shaffer and Mary Hottinger. William and Charles Otto, disorderly.

From the North Side Police Court: James Pluuket, larceny from Peter McNarriman, to the 16th. Joseph Felton and John J. Kelly, disorderly, $15 each.

Pat Sweeney, a troublesome dock laborer, disorderly, $25. Carl A. Scherer, assaulting Wm. Fisching, $10. Everybody else fined $5 and the fine suspended.

Detective Morgan is still following up the horse thieves. Yesterday morning he arrested, on the corner of Lake and Clark streets. Louis Cook, a notorious freebooter, who is said to have sold about a dozen horses in this neighborhood within a few days, the proceeds of raids into Michigan City, Berrien Springs, and Big Rapids, Mich. His confederate, J. Evans, is in custody in Michigan.

Charles Kurtz, 53 years old, laborer, of 4 Shaughnessy place, has just returned home after spending 200 days in the Bridewell for maltreating and neglecting to support his wife. Last night he got drunk, and commenced quarreling as usual. The abused woman remonstrated, when the vagabond drew a knife and plunged it into the woman’s left arm, inflictiog a wound to the bone, and two inches long; not dangerous. Kurtz was arrested.

“This,” said Justice Kaufmann, as he leant on the Station Keeper’s desk at Chicago Avenue station last night, “is the quietest spot in the city; we don’t allow any criminals here; everything is lovely, everybody is peaceable, and nothing occurs—.” Just here the door opened and an officer threw in a ruffian named William Kurtz, who had just been chasing his wife around at the end of a big knife. The Judge hid himself behind the coal-box, and the prisoner was booked for assault with a deadly weapon.

Kate Higgins is at the Armory, charged with being drunk. Kate is a practical drunkard. Last night she stretched herself out on the corner of State street and Harmon court, and pretended to be dead. A policeman came by, lifted up her limp hand, shed a tear, called a hack, lifted the body in, told the driver to drive slow, and departed for the Armory, followed by a big crowd of mourners. At the station Kate raised up and laughed at the fun she had had, till she was transplanted to a cell.

The eighteen milk venders whose article of merchandise Dr. Sawyer has found creamless and adulterated, and who are under arrest at the instigation of Health Commissioner De Wolf, were before Justice Prindiville yesterday, having taken a change of venue from the South Side Police Court. The milkmen were represented by Messrs. Trude and Krause as counsel. They claimed not to be ready for trial, and received a continuance of their several cases until Friday. Each furnished bail in the sum of $200 for his further appearance at court.

Police Officer Leuders, it appears by his own statement, was badly beaten a few nights ago by three men named Thomas Curley, Emil Bensinger, and Edward Morrill. He was knocked down, badly injured about the face, and both his pistol and club taken away from him. Morrill was yesterday before Justice Summerfield, charged with an assault on the officer with a deadly weapon, but the charge was not sustained, and he was discharged. Curley and Bensinger are to be tried before Justice Summerfield on Wednesday.

The village of Hyde Park was well represented in Justice Brown’s court yesterday. The attractive feature of the day was the trial of Fred Busse, who with Hanley Lynch, Thomas McDermott, and Pat Ryan, had been arretted at the instigation of Hyde Park temperance people for keeping open tippling houses on Sunday. The offense is that of violating section 239 of chapter 38 of the statutes. The case was tried before a jury of twelve men, and much evidence was put in, but the counsel for the prosecution failed to sustain their charge. The verdict was “not guilty.” The cases of Lynch, McDermott, and Ryan, have been continued to Sept. 22.

Louis Zimmerman, the young man that pounded Henry Larson for writing an insulting note to his sister, was discharged by Justice Kaufmaun yesterday, but Larson was fined $5. It came out in evidence that the latter had escorted Miss Zimmerman to the Exposition and taken special pains to point her out certain works of art of a character not to be dwelt upon by the youth of the land. The young lady, in her guilelessness, descanted upon these pictures at meal table, whereupon her father grumbled, and her brother very properly swung Indian clubs for twenty minutes, and then went out hunting for tbe other fellow.

From the West Side Police Court: Charles Rinkleman, aged 12, stealing grain from the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad, $200 to the Criminal Court, and in $200 more for stealing coal from the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad. Charles Smith stole a watch; $300 to the Criminal Court. Annie Costello, larceny of a ring from Mrs. Quinn, 32 Ogden avenue, $200 to the 20th. Thomas Connell, one of a thieving family, stole $24 from a Randolph street boarding-house, and assaulting Julia O’Donnell, $30. Caroline Weiss, tbe barn-stormer, $50; the Noble street coal merchant was not arrested.

Michael Breen, vagrant, $75. Henry Theis, another, $25.

From the South Side Police Court: John A. Duffy, pugilistic milk dealer, resisting an officer, $200 to the Criminal Court. T. Mahoney, larceny from G. Hoffmann, corner of Eighteentg and Canal streets, $200 to the Criminal Court. James Murphy, carrying burglar’s tools, and vagrancy, $1,000 to the 16th. Ed Fenley, burglary of W. A. Jones’ place, 107 Harrison street, to the 17th. Ann Kennedy, the drunk and disorderly would-be suicide, discharged. Fred Groskurst, disorderly, $50. Edmund Franches, disgusting behavior, $35. James, alias “Nipper” Murphy, bad man, carrying concealed weapons, $100 to the 16th. Cornelius Cronin, a brutal wife-beater, living at Hamburg, in the stock yards district, $25. Hattie Fitzsimmons, disorderly, $25. Nearly all the denizens of Pacific avenue took changes of venue; the few that remained were assessed from $5 to $50 each.


The alarm from box 386 at 2:30 o’clock yesterday afternoon was caused by fire at 23 Hunt street; corn husks ignited; no damage.

Barn-burning appears to be an actual profession, but it is to be regretted that not one of the villains engaged in the dastardly practice has as yet been captured. Between 1 and 2 o’clock yesterday morning Mrs. Patton, of 85 Wesson street, observed a light burning in the barn in rear of the house, and sent her son, Thomas Patton, to investigate. The young man found that some person or persons had been in the premises and kindled a fire, but whether for the purpose of lodging there or destroying the place he could not tell, though he inclines to the latter idea. Mr. Patton extinguished the fire hurriedly and then ran into the alley, where he noticed two fellows running away. They appeared to be young men, one wearing a dark coat and hat and the other a light coat and white straw hat.


Budd Doble returned to the Palmer House yesterday.

The Hon. T. W. Ferry, of Michigan, is at the Palmer House.

Judge Peter P. Bailey, of Jackson, Miss., is at the Sherman House.

The Hon. A. L. Conger, of Akron, Ohio, is staying at the Sherman House.

Professor Theodore W. Dwight, of Columbia College Law School, is a guest at the Palmer House.

William R. Garrison, President of the New York Elevated Railroad Company, is at the Grand Pacific Hotel.

A. R. Winfield, Superintendent of the Wagner Sleeping Car Company, Detroit, is registered at the Palmer House.

Fred Wild, General Freight Agent of the Western Union Railroad, Racine, Wis., is registered at the Sherman House.

George W. Hays, Secretary of the Fire Underwriters’ Association of the Northwest, Milwaukee, is registered at the Grand Pacific Hotel.

Charles Webber, Chief of Police at St. Paul, Minn., is in town, on a combination business and pleasure trip, and will remain a few days.

Frank E. Fowler, General Passenger Agent of the Missouri Pacific Railroad, St. Louis, is staying at the Grand Pacific Hotel for a few days.

M. R. McKeen, President of the Terre Haute and Indianapolis Road, Terre Haute, and Oliver Garrison, Vice President of the Missouri Pacific Road, are domiciled at the Grand Pacific Hotel.

Captain A. M. Loomis, of Wyoming, Iowa, a brother of Judge Loomis, of the County Court, is in the city purchasing goods for the fall and winter trade.

He is said to be an excellent buyer, and will return to Wyoming with a large list of Chicago’s best.

R. R. Cable, Assistant President of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Road, Rock Island; C. E. Perkins, Vice President of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Road, and John B. Carson, General Manager of the Hannibal and St. Joseph Road, Hannibal, Mo., are guests at the Grand Pacific Hotel.

Sherman House.—John Davies, Leadville; Charles A. Eldridge, Fond du Lac; W. A. Gibbs, Negaunee; C. E. Sheldon, Akron; G. W. Fry, Pittsburg; J. L. Sterling, Cleveland; Charles X. Cordier, New York; J. C. Huston, Elmira; William F. Perry, New York.

Palmer House.—D. H. Merritt, Marquette; W. J. Harper, Toronto; J. D. Lehman, Cincinnati; J. S. Carleton, Toronto; C. H. Nettleton, Kansas City; F. C. Niergan, Omaha; Thomas D. Sanford, Edinburgh, Scotland; W. P. Perkins, Boston; R. S. Flower, New Orleans.

Tremont House.—W. J. Hopkins, San Francisco; James G. Daniels and O. B. Taylor, Leavenworth; W. M. Child, Boston: Geo. E. Grant, Oakland; Max Meyer, New York; Henry Worms, Muskegon; John Snyder, St. Louis; John Sullivan, Cincinnati; John M. Reynolds, Philadelphia; Charles E. Turner, Detroit.

Grand Pacific Hotel.—The Hon. W. C. Plunkett aud G. V__hers, Briscoe, Ireland; Dr. A. W. de Rouldes, New Orleans; James Coleman, Wisconsin; T. H. B. Davis, New York; J. H. Ewing, Eldorado, Kan.; D. C. Adams, Omaha: A. V. Lorimer, W. T.; E. M. Hill, Nashville; E. S. Carroll, Baltimore; C. W. Phillips, Pittsburg; Harry Harden, Hartford; N. B. Hinckley, Boston; J. M. Osborn, Toledo; T. Penfield, Hannibal; S. B. Reed, Joliet; Walter Scott, Philadelphia.

Contributed 25 Jan 2013 by Deb Haines
Source: The Inter Ocean [Chicago IL] September 16, 1879

City Brevities (November 4, 1875)

1875 Nov 4 – City Brevities

Sheriff Agnew starts for Joliet to-morrow with twenty-three convicts.

Billy Manning will go on the “bone end” with the California Minstrels next week.

Ellsha Marks is a prisoner at the Union Street Station, charged with tapping the till of William Vender, at No. 60 South Sangamon street, yesterday afternoon.

The Rev. A. E. Kittredge is preparing a sermon to preach especially to young men next Sunday evening in Farwell Hall at the request of the Young Men’s Christian Association.

The Free Employment Bureau, 145 Fifth avenue, can furnish employers with good, experienced business young men, laborers, mechanics, and errand boys. Call and see the help.

The Coroner yesterday afternoon held an inquest on the body of a newly-born female infant, found under the sidewalk in front of No. 12 Green street. A verdict of “found dead” was returned.

A hard and well-known character named Andrew Hickey was arrested yesterday and confined in the Armory on suspicion of being one of the trio who robbed General Anson Stager’s house some time ago. He will have a hearing on the 10th inst.

For stealing an overcoat from a West Madison street store while the owner was at the polls defending the ballot-box on Tuesday afternoon, a woman named Mary Kearney was sent before the Criminal Court under bonds of $300 by Justice Scully yesterday.

A sneak named Richard F. Green was collared by an officer and yesterday held to the Criminal Court to answer to the charge of stealing property from the Rock Island Depot. His bail was fixed at $500, in default of which he was committed to the County Jail.

Yesterday afternoon about 1:30 o’clock, while some boys were playing on Halsted street between Erie and Fourth, Michael Mahoid accidentally stabbed Peter Malloy in the right eye with a knife he had in his hand. Malloy will in all probability lose the use of the optic.

On last Monday afternoon Mr. George Hercher, a farmer residing near Washington Heights, while climbing a fence, accidentally discharged a gun which he was carrying. The load entered his body in the region of the heart, and caused almost instant death. The deceased was 26 years of age and unmarried.

A gentleman named Rudolph Ruch, residing at 201 West Twelfth street, died yesterday afternoon from injuries received by being kicked by a horse last Monday. The deceased’s face and breast was lacerated and bruised in a frightful manner, and the wonder is that death did not immediately ensue. The Coroner has been notified.

Contributed 25 Jan 2013 by Deb Haines
Source: The Inter Ocean [Chicago IL] November 4, 1875