7750 W Cermak Road
Forest Park, Illinois
Waldheim Jewish Cemetery
1400 Des Plaines Avenue
Forest Park, 60130
DOMKA, Lottie, died 07 May 1891, 1y 14d
Residence: 95 Columbia Ave.
Int.No. 13615 -Lot 480-Block D
DOMKA, Clemmens, born 1865, died May 31, 1943, 78y 4m 24d
Residence: 4634 Barry Ave.
Int. No. 60927-Lot 480-Block D
DOMKA, George, born 1916, died Oct 17, 1916, 17d
Residence: 5808 Superior St.
Int. No.43897-Lot480-Block D
DOMKA, Infant, died Sep 30, 1926
Residence: St. Anns Hospital
Int. No. 51302-Lot 480-Block D
DOMKA, John, born 1838, died Jan 08, 1906, 68y
Residence: 87 N. Avers Ave.
Int. No.33371-Lot 910-Block D
DOMKA, Johanna (Mittelsteadt), born 1863, died Jun 26, 1947, 84y 3m
Residence: Oak Park
Int. No. 62979-Lot 480-Block D
DOMKA, Joseph, born 1853, died Jul 10, 1912, 53y 3m 29d
Residence: 344 N. Avers Ave.
Int. No.40100-Lot 469-Block E
DOMKA, Mary, born 1838, died Jan 12, 1934, 96y 1m 1d
Residence: 353 N. Avers Ave.
Int. No. 55715-Lot 910-Block D
DOMKA, Mithilda, born 1869, died Apr 03, 1948, 87y 2m 7d
Int. No. 63315-Lot 469 -Block E
DOMKA, Mary, born 1891, died Jun 17, 1906, 17y
Residence: 149 N. Lawndale Ave
Int. No. 33835-Lot 469-Block E
DOMKA, Martin M., born 1868, died May 09, 1950, 82y
Residence: Waukegan
Int. No.64197 Lot 910 Block D
DOMKA, Ada M (Goble), died May 1948, 58y
Residence: Oak Park
Lot 480 Block D
DOMKA, Martian J, died Sep 29, 1968
Residence: Elgin
Lot 480 Block D
St. Joseph Cemetery
Cumberland & Belmont Ave., River Grove, 60171
FRIEL, Cornelius Francis, born Oct 23, 1889, died Aug 17, 1961, 71 years, 9 months, 25 days, Born in Philadelphia, PA. Died in Chicago. He was a Plasterer. Cause of Death: Cerebral hemorrhage. Buried in Lot 325, Section AA, Block 1, Grave #5-1/2.
MORRIS, Margaret E. (GOFF), born Apr 06, 1917, died Jul 10, 1981, 64 years, 3 months, 4 days,Born in Michigan, died in Chicago. She was an office clerk. Cause of Death: Heart disease. Maiden name was Goff. Buried in Lot 30, Section K, Block 9.
MORRIS, William John, born May 14, 1915, died Nov 01, 1983, 68 years, 5 months, 18 days, Born and died in Chicago. He was an electronics repairman. Cause of Death: Heart disease. Buried in Lot 30, Section K, Block 9, Grave #3.
Contributed 1998 by Kelly
Sec. NN, Block 10, Lot 13, 1 & 2
Joseph Peter Dempsey
B 05-01-1895 Elk Rapids Michigan
D 04-03-1969
Cause: Myocardial Infarction
Occup: Tool and Die Maker
Resided: 7843 E. Prairie Road-Skokie, Illinos
Haben Funeral Home 8057 Niles Center Road-Skokie, Ill
Catherine Greig Dempsey
B 05-04-1901 Chicago, Ill
D 04-17-1991
Cause: Ileus undetermined
Occup: Retired Secretary
Resided: 7843 E. Prairie Road, Skokie, Ill
Haben Funeral Home 8057 Niles Center Road, Skokie, Ill
Contributed Sep 1999 by Jan Dempsey
Name: Edward J. Ford
Date of birth: 9/25/1891
Date of Death: 6/3/1945
Age: 53 years, 8 months, 8 days
Cause of Death: Coronary Insufficiency
Occupation: Truck Driver, Trucking Company
Buried at: St. Joseph Cemetery, 3100 Thatcher Ave. River Grove, IL.
North Half/Lot 441/Section DD
Contributed Mar 2004 by Cheryl (Ford) Davis
St. John’s Cemetery
Located on O’Hare Airport property.
There is a set of train tracks that separate the cemetery from the main road. It is hard to stay longer than an hour at a time because the train comes and parks on the track there across the road and we could be stuck back there all night. This is only a partial list. This list is purposely unsorted alphabetically. It is, however, sorted in the order as the stones were “read” by the submitter.
KNACK, ALbert 1876 – 1952
KNACK, Lizzie 1875 – 1948
KLAUS, Edwin H. 7.12.1921 – 8.8.1977 – US Army WWII
KLAUS, Mary 1880 – 1956
SCHROEDER, Wilhelm 12.13.1849 – 8.6.1910
HEIMSOTH, (nee Schroeder) Martha 9.28.1880 – 5.20.1910
BARUTH, William H. 1869 – 1928
BARUTH, Bertha AM 1873 – 1964
BARUTH, Oscar W 1900-1986
BAARUTH, Ada 7.13.1907 – 7.14.1908
WILKE (nee Schwarz), Emma 11.15.1871 – 8.15.1907
MARSCHALL, Bertha 1859 – 1934
MARSCHALL, Friederich 1858 – 1946
MARSCHALL, Otto 1898 – 1926
GODDEKE, Maria 1865 — 1946
GODDEKE, Bernhard 1867 – 1938
GODDEKE, Walter 4.26.1900 – 7.9.1913
GODDEKE, Rosa 2.3.1904 – 2.14.1911
MOLLENKAMP, William 1872 – 1953
MOLLENKAMP, Anna 1881 – 1961
MOLLENKAMP, Elise 11.30.1873 – 8.8.1905
TASCH (nee Kobberman), Maria 8.20.1839 – 4.23.1920
TASCH, Heinrich 1838 – 1903 OR 1908 ??
BLUME, Herman 12.18.1871 – 3.24.1913
BLUME (nee Tasch), Louise 9.8.1874 – 4.27.1930
(2 headstones that are unreadable)
STURM, Paul AC 1891 – 1960
STURM, Alma WA 1892 – 1934
KUHLMANN, Edward 1868 – 1945
KUHLMANN, Martha 1871 – 1957
(headstone too worn to read)
STEIN, Minnie 8.31.1898 12.29.1989
STEIN, William 12.28.1892 (ILL CPL 214 PW Escort CO Asc WWI) 1.4.1963
SCHNELL, Frank 1861 – 1926
SCHNELL, Catharina 1864 – 1929
(2 headstones that are unreadable)
DOHE, Lizette 1864 – 1936
DOHE, Henry 1861 – 1929
MESS, Herman 1821 – 1902
MESS, Lissette 1834 – 1920
MESS stone 1920 – ??
MESS, Wilhelm 1836 – 1920
MESS, Karoina 1844 – 1914
HASSELMANN, too hard to read
unreadable childs
WINKLEMANN, Hulda 10.1.1902 – 1.1.1906
WINKLEMANN, Louis 1860 – 1928
WINKLEMANN, Emma 1866 – 1922
WINKLEMANN, William 1856 – 1920
WINKLEMANN, Mary 1856 – 1921
WINKLEMANN, Otto 10.15.1898 – 9.2.1988
WINKLEMANN, Hulda 8.15.1884 – 5.9.1902
WINKELMANN, Rose 1883 – 1941
WINKLEMANN, Lena 1856 – 1933
WINKLEMANN, Henry G. 1852 – 1930
WINKLEMANN, Irene 1906 – 1922
WINKLEMANN, Emma 6.25.1895 – 2.18.1904
VOLBERDING, FH 12.29.1861 – no date
VOLBERDING, Rosa L. 11.13.1865 – 4.6.1905
GRONEMEIER, unreadable
GRONEMEIER, Auguste 1864 – 1919
GRONEMEIER (nee Oehreicher ?), Maria 7.31.1866 – 2.20.1911
GRONEMEIER, Simon 1.21.1861 – 9.15.1908
GRONEMEIER, Emma 1856 – 1901(?)
MESS, Carl 10.9.1853 – 9.28.1907
MESS, Laura (Laura Mess Pingel) 1888 – 1913 & Infant son Raymond
LANDWEHR, no name or date
STOCK, Heinrich 4.1876 – 1.1901
STOCK, Alvina 1871 – 1948
STOCK, Lena 1874 – 1929
STORK, Simon A 11.1837 – 11.1915
STORK (nee GRONEMEIER), 12.20.1845 – 10.26.1916
LANDMEIER, Henry J. 1865 – 1927
LANDMEIER, Dena 1869 – 1944
TASCHE, Henry 1866 – 1949
TASCHE, Dena 1880 – 1953
TASCHE, Melvin 1905 – 1939
TASCHE, Hulda 1910 – 1916
TASCHE, Raymond 1912 – 1915
SCHULZE, 1898 – 1964
SCHULZE, Alvina 1866 – 1932
SCHULZE, Henry F. Sr. 1861 – 1922
LANDMEIER, Fred W. 1860 – 1919
LANDMEIER (nee Franzen), 1863 – 1929
LANDMEIER, Louis 1861 – 1954
LANDMEIER, Minnie 1871 – 1933
5 unreadable stones
HELMOLD, Henry 1871 – 1928
HELMOLD, William 1878 – 1955
HELMOLD, Dietrich 1873 – 1956
WENDT – unreadable
WENDT, Herman 12.1852 – 8.1915
WENDT, Fridericka 10.1858 – 5.1938
WENDT, Amalia 1899 – 1900
WENDT, Wilhelm 1894 – 1896
WENDT, Georg 1892 – 1953
WENDT, Amanda 1880 – 1881
GODDEKE, John 6.14.1831 – 10.12.1915
GODDEKE, Katharina 8.24.1830 – 5.7.1914
GODDEKE, August C. 1864 – 1946 (RFDC 1904 – 1932)
GODDEKE, Alvina 1833 – 1937
KOLZE, Herman 1864 – 1932
KOLZE, Mathilda 1865 – 1945
KOLZE, Fritz 12.14.1889 – 2.12.1901
KOLZE (nee Stade), Caroline 3.13.1844 – 5.28.1921
KOLZE, Emil 1.27.1882 – 12.8.1922
KOLZE, Louise 12.26.1867 – not finished
KOLZE, SD Martha 3.12.1880 – 10.18.1895
unreadable dates are possibly 1895 – 1895
KOEBBERMAN, John 1844 – 1939
KOEBBERMAN (nee Kuking), Adelheid 1850 – 1929
STRUCKMANN, D. unreadable
DOHE, Herman 1884 – 1972
DOHE, Emma 1878 – 1967
HELMOLD, Friederich 1869 – 1932
HELMOLD(nee Hartke), Bertha 1879 – 1945
HELMOLD, Alfred D. 1907 – 1961
HELMOLD(nee Baumgartner), 1850 – 1953 (??)
DOHE, Henry A. 1870 – 1961
DOHE, Louise C. 1876 – 1967
HEMOLD, Kathy 8.15.1960 (daug. of Geo. and Joanne)
GEILS(nee Kathke(?)), Katharina 2.25.1835 – 8.6.1913
GEILS, Heinrich 2.26.1883 – ?.23.1901
FRANZEN, William G. 2.12.1847 – 5.24.1916
FRANZEN, Maria 2.26.1865 – not finished
3 unreadable stones
LANDWEHR, Herman H. 1849 – 1922
SCHWERDTFEGER, Charles H. 9.15.1895 – 3.10.1938
SCHWERDTFEGER, Katharina 8.2.1851 – 10.10.1937
SCHWERDTFEGER, ???? 1848 – 1903
DOHE, Henry 11.10.1908 – 1.25.1909
DOHE, Sophie 12.6.1864 – 4.15.1943
DOHE, Bernhardt 8.25.1855 – 1.23.1938
LANDMEIER, Edwin F. 1879 – 1951
LANDMEIER, Martha A 1883 – 1967
KRUEGER, Arlene May 5.1.1942
KRUGER, Carl 1861 – 1935
KRUEGER, Catharine 1859 – 1940
KRUEGER, Elsie 1900 – 1918
BLUME, Clara 1894 – 1948
BLUME, William 1891 – 1968
BLUME, Clarence 1919 – 1988
3 stones unreadable
STOEHLKE (nee Heine) cannot read first name 4.14.1833
STOEHLKE, Francis 3.22.1844 – 9.27.1906
STOEHLKE, Caroline 4.19.1833 – 9.4.1912
DIERKS, Louis Jr. 1.26.1861 – 5.5.1925
HEIMSOTH, William 1857 – 1937
HEIMSOTH, Louise 1860 – 1943
FENKE, George 1873 – 1940 broken
FINKE, unreadable
FINKE, Andrew 1882 – 1929
FINKE, Gerhard 1843 – 1949
FINKE, Caroline 1844 – 1924
FINKE, Hannah 1880 – 1925
SCHOPPE, Emil 4.24.1883 – 10.27.1962
SCHOPPE, Anna M. 6.19.1883 – 4.27.1978
SCHOPPE, Mary Ann 1861 – 1952
SCHOPPE, Barney 1853 – 1927
DIERKS, Ludwig 7.15.1835 – 5.26.1885
DIERKS, Margaretha 9.16.1833 – 8.10.1925
DIERKS, Wilhelm 10.10.1865 – 10.28.1903
DIERKS(nee Hordmeyer ?), Emma 2.10.1869 – 1.3.1909
DIERKS, Albert 7.26.1870 – 6.26.1922
STOCK, Amanda L. 1887 – 1948
STOCK, William 1881 – 1956
MAGERS, Heinrich 2.23.1877 – 2.22.1880 (?)
JARNECKE, Christian 1820 – 1913
JARNECKE, Maria 1832 – 1928
JARNECKE, George 1854 – 1856
JARNECKE, Heinrich 1856 – 1878
JARNECKE, Emil 1860 – 188(?)
LANDWEHR, Margurette 1851 – 1921
LANDWEHR, John 1817 – 1893
LANDMEIER, Albert 1880 – 1939
LANDMEIER, Amanda 1880 – 1950
LANDMEIER, Earl 5.7.1939
LANDMEIER, Luella 5..30.1909 – 9.24.1917
SCHARRINGHAUSEN, Henry 1831 – 1988
SCHARRINGHAUSEN, Adelheud 1836 – 1903
SCHARRINAUSEN, Maria Adelheid 12.20.1835 born in Schule, Lecklemburg, Kenig(?),Prussia
KRUSE, Albert H 1898 – 1945
KRUSE(nee LANDMEIER), Bertha 12.8.1870 – 1.22.1900
LANDMEIER, 2 stones unreadable
MAGERS, Maria 8.30.1870 – 4.4.1894
MAGERS, male 8.28.1807 – 5.29.1895
MAGERS, Heinrich V. 9.17.1847 – 7.22.1918
MAGERS (nee Marschall), Maria 6.9.1853 – 6.19.1935
STELLMAN, Rebecka ureadable
STELLMAN, Peter unreadable
MAHLMANN, Dorathe 1.29.1823 – 7.20.1905
MAHLMANN, Heinrich 10.30.1813 – 8.4.1895
HACHMEISTER, Heinrich 1803 – 1868
HACHMEISTER, Sophia 1820 – 1867
RUKING, Henry 2.16.1861 – 11.21.1904
RUKING, cannot read first name 1868 – 1897
MUNSTERMANN, George 1857 – 1858
MUNSTERMANN, Anna M 1812 – 1881
MUNSTERMANN, Herman H. 1806 – 1883
HARTMANN, Hattie C. 1858 – 1938
HINGST, Charlotte 1801 – 1894
HINGST, Friederich AD 1871
HARTMANN, Theobald 1827 – 1891
HARTMANN, Charlotte 1837 – 1904
HARTMANN, CLarence 1867 – 1868
SCHMIDT, Johann F. 1817 – 1907
SCHMIDT, Johanna E. 1814 – 1853
SIEGRIST, Edward 1895 – 1953
SIEGRIST, Ida 1889 – 1931
RUKING, Wilhelm 8.17.1893 – 7.12.1910
RUKING, Friederich 2.16.1861 – 11.21.1904
RUKING (nee Bolge), Ida 3.14.1868 – 4.6.1897
MUNSTERMANN, Dietrich 12.4.1841 – 1.17.1924
ROHDE, Fred 6.14.1828 – 10.27.1880
ROHDE, Anna 11.20.1835 – 4.9.1905
MIDDENDORF, Johann B. 12.5.1824 – 4.29.1910
LANDMEIER, John H 1854 – 1920
LANDMEIER, Henriette 1835 – 1915
LANDMEIER, John G. 1803 – 1898
LANDMEIER, Margaretha 1802 – 1871
LANDMEIER, Heinrich 1857 – 1869 (born Germany)
LANDMEIER, E. Karol. Maria 1865 – 1866
SCHWERDTFEGER, August 1845 – 1933
SCHWERDTFEGER, Alvina 1854 – 1939
KORTHAUER, Mary 10.10.1827 – 3.23.1910
KORTHAUER, unreadable
KORTHAUER, Herman H 1852 – 1939
KORTHAUER, Cecilia 1868 – 19 not finished
DUNTMAN, Christian 4.9.1809 – 6.19.1865
DUNTMAN (nee Grdmann), Melizna(?) 1.16.1814 – 12.30.1896
LANDMEIER (nee Schoppe), Adelheid 11.8.1844 – 10.23.1863
LANDMEIER, Amanda 1886 – unfinished
LANDMEIER, Anneme 1888 – 1888
LANDMEIER, 1875 – 1875
LANDMEIER, Mina 1875 – 1875
LANDMEIER, Auguste 1876 – 1877
LANDMEIER, Baby 1862 – 1862
LANDMEIER, Alwine 1863 – 1863
LANDMEIER, Bernhard H. 4.21.1838 – 7.6.1921
LANDMEIER(nee Schoppe), Maria 1.18.1849 – 6.17.1916
STUEVE, Johann Gerhardt 8.12.1793 – 2.3.1881
STUEVE, Johann Heinrich 11.5.1827 – 3.14.1875
STUEVE, Fenne Maria 1.29.1789 – 12.2.1864
STUEVE, Heinrich 3.31.1855 – 8.31.1856
LEMKE, William 1882 – 1964
LEMKE, Mary 1891 – 1947
unreadable name 1821 – 1872
WILKEN, Henrietta 6.1.1813 – 9.28.1878
WILKEN, Juergen 3.25.1804 – 1.16.1873
WILKEN, Wilhelmine 6.5.1844 – 10.25.1866
WILKEN, Adolph 10.17.1850 – 9.22.1858
MUNSTERMANN, Herman 1866 – 1943
MUNSTERMANN, Dorthea 1870 – 1959
ROHLFES, Adolph R. 1811 – 1882
ROHLFES, Maria 1828 – 1905
ROHLFES, Frederich 18864 – 1946
KOLZE, Clara M. 1865 – 1943
KOLZE, Albert L. 1863 – 1941
KOLZE, Heinrich 5.18.1833 – 1898
KOLZE, Marie 8.9.1885 – 10.11.1923
KOLZE, Malinda wife of Frank Bork, 8.2.1888 – 6.5.1916
SCHOPPE, Otto 1899 – 1916
SCHOPPE, Dini 1864 – 1957
SCHOPPE, John H 1850 – 1921
SCHOPPE, JH cannot read
BLEICH, Frederick H 12.3.1882 – 5.4.1852
BLEICH, Lena M 11.17.1884 – 6.20.1945
BLEICH, B. Bernard 6.6.1910 – 4.2.1941
BLEICH(nee Rohde) Louisa 2.6.1862 – 5.1.1952
BLEICH, Christ 8.2.1846 – 3.26.1930
BLEICH, Marth DA 1.28.1906 – 4.12.1917
KOLZE, Lizzette 6.2.1839 – 7.11.1895
KOLZE, William 10.9.1836 – 6.23.1896
KOLZE, George unreadable
Contributed by Cindy Johnson
St. Boniface Cemetery
Chicago, Illinois
Breajo, Fred | ??? | 8/30/1887 | |
Breatdhe, Julius | ??? | 7/9/1946 | |
Brechel, Francisca | ??? | 8/8/1884 | |
Brechel, George | ??? | 7/30/1900 | 13 years |
Brechel, Hedwig | ??? | 10/29/1913 | 19 years |
Brechel, John | ??? | 10/17/1902 | 41 years |
Brechel, Regina | ??? | 5/10/1902 | |
Brechenfeld, Jennie | ??? | 3/11/1943 | |
Brecher, Bertha | ??? | 7/16/1900 | |
Brecheren, Cath | ??? | 11/10/1893 | |
Brechle, Baby | ??? | 2/20/1887 | |
Breckel, Catharina | ??? | 12/31/1889 | 10 months |
Brede, Leonard | ??? | 5/21/1892 | |
Bredel, Anna | ??? | 2/10/1952 | |
Bredel, Clara | ??? | 12/4/1944 | |
Bredel, Frank | ??? | 4/3/1889 | |
Bredel, Herman A | ??? | 11/26/1951 | |
Bredel, Howard A | ??? | 10/29/1978 | 60 years |
Bredel, John | ??? | 3/19/1894 | 11 years |
Bredel, John | ??? | 9/5/1914 | 76 years |
Bredel, Mabel Paulina | ??? | 7/30/1897 | |
Bredel, Peter P | ??? | 6/20/1923 | |
Bredel, Rosa | ??? | 6/17/1887 | 4 months |
Bredel, Rose | ??? | 4/30/1972 | 86 years |
Bredel, Rosina | ??? | 8/1/1913 | 62 years |
Bredemann, Baby | ??? | 12/21/1941 | |
Bredemann, Frank | ??? | 11/14/1933 | |
Bredemann, Joseph | ??? | 1/19/1911 | 36 years |
Bredemann, Joseph | ??? | 7/27/1913 | 60 years |
Bredemann, Louis L | ??? | 11/24/1944 | |
Bredemann, Maria | ??? | 2/22/1918 | 67 years |
Bredemann, Mary | ??? | 2/21/1921 | |
Bredemann, Vincent | ??? | 4/16/1929 | |
Bredemann, William | ??? | 1/29/1922 | |
Bredtschneider, Catherine | ??? | 6/12/150 | |
Bredtschneider, Theodore | ??? | 1/22/1934 | |
Breen, Agnes | ??? | 11/1/1897 | |
Breen, Jos | ??? | 10/22/1902 | |
Breen, Marg. Magd. | ??? | 1/5/1895 | |
Breen, Margaret | ??? | 1/24/1978 | 54 years |
Breen, Mary | ??? | 7/1/1922 | |
Breen, Mary Anna | ??? | 9/23/1899 | 6 years |
Bregel, Xaver | ??? | 3/28/1891 | |
Bregenzer, Agnes | ??? | 10/17/1981 | 81 years |
Bregenzer, Alex A | ??? | 7/10/1947 | |
Bregenzer, Alexander | ??? | 3/24/1966 | |
Bregenzer, Anna | ??? | 2/6/1954 | |
Bregenzer, Anthony | ??? | 1/25/1925 | |
Bregenzer, Baby | ??? | 3/6/1929 | |
Bregenzer, John | ??? | 3/12/1950 | |
Bregenzer, Josephine Marg. | ??? | 10/6/1881 | |
Bregenzer, Jospehine M | ??? | 8/16/1971 | |
Bregenzer, Margaretha | ??? | 11/15/1908 | 51 years |
Bregenzer, Mary | ??? | 10/26/1961 | |
Bregenzer, Mary E. | ??? | 10/29/1983 | |
Bregenzer, Mary K | ??? | 11/22/1920 | |
Bregenzer, Math | ??? | 1/17/1896 | |
Bregenzer, Michael O. | ??? | 7/17/1948 | |
Bregenzer, Nicholas | ??? | 10/24/1922 | |
Bregenzer, Nicolaus | ??? | 3/28/1905 | |
Bregenzer, Peter M Rev. | ??? | 3/24/1923 | |
Bregenzer, Theresia | ??? | 7/19/1895 | |
Breght, Baby | No dates listed | ||
Conrad, Adam | ??? | 5/13/1879 | 76 years |
Conrad, Agnes M | ??? | 4/4/1936 | |
Conrad, Aloysuis | ??? | 9/4/1973 | 79 years |
Conrad, Andreas | ??? | 1/26/1869 | 43 years |
Conrad, Anna | ??? | 2/12/1863 | |
Conrad, Anna M | ??? | 6/5/1877 | 54 years |
Conrad, Anton | ??? | 12/19/1910 | 70 years |
Conrad, August | ??? | 1/13/1982 | |
Conrad, Baby | ??? | 9/23/1892 | |
Conrad, Edward | ??? | 7/19/1904 | |
Conrad, Frank | ??? | 12/4/1912 | 45 years |
Conrad, Friedrich | ??? | 5/8/1891 | 31 years |
Conrad, Henry | ??? | 7/9/1884 | |
Conrad, Jac | ??? | 11/14/1900 | 65 years |
Conrad, John | ??? | 2/10/1853 | |
Conrad, John | ??? | 2/5/1892 | |
Conrad, John | ??? | 5/20/1914 | 47 years |
Conrad, John | ??? | 9/8/1900 | 63 years |
Conrad, Jos B | ??? | 4/19/1902 | 36 years |
Conrad, Julianna | ??? | 11/14/1891 | 55 years |
Conrad, Louise | ??? | 4/26/1940 | |
Conrad, Margareth | ??? | 11/23/1906 | 72 years |
Conrad, Maria | ??? | 10/17/1870 | |
Conrad, Mary | ??? | 11/23/1915 | |
Conrad, Mina | ??? | 11/5/1891 | |
Conrad, Odelia | ??? | 3/5/1899 | |
Conrad, Peter | ??? | 1856 | 60 years |
Conrad, Peter | ??? | 2/28/1890 | 36 years |
Conrad, Peter Math | ??? | 6/18/1889 | |
Conrad, Theresa | ??? | 3/9/1911 | 61 years |
Conrad, Theresa | ??? | 7/28/1891 | |
Conrad, Theresa | ??? | 8/8/1878 | 34 years |
Conrad, Wilhelmina | ??? | 2/3/1955 | |
Conradi, Ann | ??? | 11/3/1980 | 91 years |
Conradi, Ernest Sr. | ??? | 1/10/1957 | |
Conradi, Theresa O | ??? | 12/4/1919 | |
Conrado, Andreas | ??? | 10/2/1898 | |
Conrado, Edmund | ??? | 2/13/1902 | |
Conrado, Jac | ??? | 6/29/1900 | |
Conrado, Margaretha | ??? | 12/26/1889 | |
Conrado, Peter | ??? | 7/17/1890 | 57 years |
Conrady, Elizabeth | ??? | 5/4/1936 | |
Conrady, John | ??? | 4/10/1929 | |
Conrady, Nic | ??? | 9/9/1887 | |
Conrardy, Elizabeth | ??? | 10/12/1952 | |
Conrath, Frank | ??? | 3/23/1893 | |
Conrath, Jacob | ??? | 7/17/1893 | |
Conrath, John | ??? | 6/27/1914 | 62 years |
Conrath, John N (Jack) | ??? | 6/29/1961 | |
Conrath, Jos | ??? | 10/31/1883 | |
Conrath, Mary | ??? | 11/27/1940 | |
Conrath, Peter | ??? | 9/5/1946 | |
Conraths, Adam | ??? | 10/3/1897 | 66 years |
Conraths, Mary | ??? | 12/1/1912 | 83 years |
Consbruck, Elis | ??? | 11/3/1876 | 6 years |
Consbruck, Hein | ??? | 9/23/1880 | |
Consbruck, Nic | ??? | 2/27/1885 | 60 years |
Crawford, Baby stillborn | ??? | 2/10/1970 | |
Crawford, Charles S. | ??? | 7/8/1951 | |
Crawford, Clarence F. | ??? | 7/4/1955 | |
Crawford, Katherine | ??? | 8/19/1950 | |
Crawford, Luverne | ??? | 10/18/1909 | |
Craymano, Mary | ??? | 12/8/1905 | |
Creevy, Goerge | ??? | 6/3/1913 | 25 years |
Creevy, John B | ??? | 2/3/1917 | 51 years |
Creighton, Child | ??? | 8/29/1947 | (John L & Alvina) |
Crell, John Arthur | ??? | 11/9/1891 | |
Cremer, Anthony | ??? | 1/20/1925 | |
Cremer, Anton | ??? | 8/12/1885 | 57 years |
Cremer, Catharina | ??? | 3/30/1889 | 60 years |
Cremer, Child of Mary & Frank | ??? | 5/18/1914 | |
Cremer, Dorthea | ??? | 1/31/1906 | 6 years 6 months |
Cremer, Edward J | ??? | 12/1/1969 | 63 years |
Cremer, Elizabeth | ??? | 1/4/1945 | |
Cremer, Henry J | ??? | 6/2/1898 | |
Cremer, Jacob | ??? | 1/29/1911 | |
Cremer, John | ??? | 6/22/1919 | |
Cremer, John C. | ??? | 12/20/1965 | |
Cremer, John C. | ??? | 4/29/1925 | |
Cremer, John Theo | ??? | 12/4/1899 | |
Cremer, Katherine | ??? | 8/1/1936 | |
Cremer, Lillian B | ??? | 6/11/1960 | |
Cremer, Mary | ??? | 8/2/1936 | |
Cremer, Mathias J | ??? | 3/12/1950 | |
Cremer, Nic | ??? | 6/3/1925 | |
Cremer, Philip | ??? | 6/1/1935 | |
Focke, Emilia John | ??? | 10/19/1882 | |
Focke, Mary E. | ??? | 10/30/1883 | 2 years 6 months |
Foedker, Henrietta | ??? | 3/15/1970 | 70 years |
Foege, Beatrice | ??? | 3/2/1916 | 18 years |
Foegen, Angela | ??? | 10/8/1917 | 76 years |
Foegen, Hubert | ??? | 4/1/1872 | 56 years |
Foegen, Mathias | ??? | 11/24/1922 | |
Foegen, Susanna | ??? | 10/27/1904 | 86 years |
Foeger, Paul | ??? | 10/6/1887 | |
Foels, Frank Jacob | ??? | 9/25/1891 | |
Foerg, Caspar | ??? | 5/31/1911 | 25 years |
Foerloch, Alia J F | ??? | 6/6/1901 | |
Foerloch, Anna | ??? | 11/30/1916 | 40 years |
Foerloch, August | ??? | 5/25/1894 | |
Foerloch, Barbara | ??? | 9/9/1922 | |
Foerloch, Carl | ??? | 8/22/1880 | |
Foerloch, Carolina | ??? | 4/30/1898 | |
Foerloch, Cath | ??? | 8/16/1881 | |
Foerloch, Frank | ??? | 10/10/1904 | |
Foerloch, Frank | ??? | 2/16/1930 | |
Foerloch, George Henry | ??? | 8/7/1905 | |
Foerloch, Geroge | ??? | 5/11/1919 | 41 years |
Foerloch, Geroge J | ??? | 2/20/1931 | |
Foerloch, Johann | ??? | 12/7/1902 | |
Foerloch, John | ??? | 4/1/1889 | |
Foerloch, John | ??? | 5/8/1880 | |
Foerloch, John | ??? | 8/4/1909 | |
Foerloch, John F | ??? | 12/23/1948 | |
Foerloch, Jos | ??? | 5/6/1891 | |
Foerlsch, Edwin | ??? | 6/11/1960 | |
Foerlsch, Jacob | ??? | 11/25/1882 | |
Foerlsch, Margaret M. | ??? | 8/11/1977 | 78 years |
Foerlsch, Maria | ??? | 8/16/1881 | |
Foerlsch, Maria Ottilia | ??? | 8/8/1892 | |
Foerst, Catherine | ??? | 7/14/1970 | 88 years |
Foerst, Eberhard | ??? | 10/5/1889 | 48 years |
Foerst, Edward | ??? | 12/14/1921 | |
Foerst, Eliz | ??? | 1/11/1926 | |
Foerst, Henry | ??? | 7/12/1974 | 88 years |
Foerst, Howard | ??? | 11/5/1920 | |
Foerst, Josephine | ??? | 10/19/1975 | 96 years |
Foerst, Lucy | ??? | 7/27/1940 | |
Foerst, Peter | ??? | 1/2/1910 | 61 years |
Foerst, Sophie | ??? | 9/15/1962 | |
Foerster, Anna | ??? | 1/28/1915 | 39 years |
Foerster, Anna Maria | ??? | 2/31/1919 | |
Foerster, Augusta | ??? | 5/5/1906 | |
Foerster, Edward E. | ??? | 12/16/1980 | 73 years |
Foerster, Elizabeth | ??? | 8/19/1944 | |
Foerster, Emil | ??? | 5/7/1926 | |
Foerster, Francis | ??? | 7/22/1940 | |
Foerster, Franz | ??? | 3/26/1874 | 57 years |
Foerster, Geroge | ??? | 11/15/1925 | |
Foerster, Gertrude | ??? | 7/9/1906 | |
Foerster, Henriette | ??? | 5/12/1896 | |
Foerster, John J | ??? | 1/1/1903 | 5 years |
Foerster, John P | ??? | 11/22/1915 | 49 years |
Foerster, Rosa Anna | ??? | 11/3/1899 | |
Foerster, Rose K | ??? | 1/6/1950 | |
Foerster, Wilhelmina | ??? | 7/19/1889 | |
Foerster, baby of Dora & John | ??? | 10/20/1906 | |
Foertsch, Anna | ??? | 2/2/1972 | 88 years |
Foertsch, Annie | ??? | 2/8/1941 | |
Foertsch, Joseh | ??? | 3/3/1933 | |
Foertsch, Katherine | ??? | 10/31/1961 | |
Foertsch, Magdalen | ??? | 10/26/1864 | 65 years |
Foertsch, Maria | ??? | 2/22/1881 | 25 years |
Foertsch, Marie | ??? | 3/27/1881 | 78 years |
Foertsch, Marilyn | ??? | 12/3/967 | 54 years |
Foertsch, Mary | ??? | 4/15/1914 | 69 years |
Foertsch, Mary | ??? | 8/13/1947 | |
Foertsch, Mathias | ??? | 11/3/1918 | |
Foertsch, Micahel | ??? | 2/21/1894 | 49 years |
Foertsch, Rich Mich | ??? | 4/22/1902 | |
Foertsch, Theresia | ??? | 9/28/1916 | |
Fogarty, Janet | ??? | 1/20/1920 | |
Fogarty, Jennie A. | ??? | 11/7/1939 | |
Fogarty, John | ??? | 8/6/1908 | 38 years |
Fogli, Amy | ??? | 11/23/1984 | 8 hours |
Fogli, Anna M | ??? | 8/31/1908 | |
Fogli, Benjamin | ??? | 8/11/1913 | |
Fogli, Cecelia | ??? | 5/5/1982 | |
Fogli, Elizabeth | ??? | 7/3/1911 | 28 years |
Forest, Arthur H. | ??? | 8/18/1904 | |
Grabinger, Dora | 4/26/1896 | 3/5/1980 | |
Grabinger, Elizabeth | 10/15/1884 | 7/29/1951 | |
Grabinger, John Louis Jr. | 3/9/1912 | 12/12/1969 | 57 years |
Grabinger, John Louis Sr. | 2/15/1886 | 2/13/1950 | |
Grabinger, Joseph | 10/16/1875 | 7/2/1957 | |
Grabinger, Winifred | 1914 | 8/26/1978 | 63 years |
Grablowski, Ferd | ??? | 9/24/1890 | |
Grabonski, Anna | ??? | 12/29/1896 | (moved to Polish Cemetery) |
Graboosky, August | ??? | 12/8/1889 | |
Grabovity, Joseysline | ??? | 1/8/1914 | |
Grabowicz, Valentine | ??? | 3/7/1891 | |
Grabowitz, Fred William | ??? | 6/18/1911 | |
Grabowski, Clemens | ??? | 3/4/1887 | |
Grabowski, Jac Leo | ??? | 2/11/1887 | |
Grabowski, Julino | ??? | 12/30/1908 | 52 years |
Grabowski, Agnes | ??? | 5/15/1906 | |
Grabowski, Alphonoe G | ??? | 5/25/1898 | |
Grabowski, Anna | ??? | 9/23/1918 | 22 years |
Grabowski, Baby Mary & Carl | ??? | 10/25/1916 | |
Grabowski, Bernhard | ??? | 3/18/1890 | (moved to polish cemetery) |
Grabowski, Carl | ??? | 10/2/1963 | |
Grabowski, Clementin | ??? | 4/16/1911 | |
Grabowski, J baby | ??? | 9/13/1888 | |
Grabowski, John | ??? | 6/30/1901 | |
Grabowski, Jos H. | ??? | 3/28/1891 | |
Grabowski, Julian | ??? | 3/1/1919 | 59 years |
Grabowski, Mary | ??? | 10/27/1916 | 28 years |
Grabowski, baby | ??? | 1/14/1893 | |
Razzaro, Rosa | ??? | 1/21/1906 | |
Thal, Catharina | ??? | 10/26/1895 | |
Thal, Wil | ??? | 4/6/1882 | 64 years |
Thalhammer, Theresia | ??? | 11/12/1892 | |
Thall, Anton | ??? | 4/24/1900 | |
Thamerus, Anton | ??? | 1/7/1943 | |
Thamerus, Elizabeth | ??? | 5/7/1942 | |
Thamerus, Elizabeth | ??? | 7/21/1930 | |
Thanm, N.D. | ??? | 7/26/1892 | 28 years |
Thanner, Frank H. | ??? | 1/6/1934 | |
Thanner, Marie | ??? | 1/27/1957 | |
Thannhausen, Charles | ??? | 1/15/1940 | |
Thart, William M | ??? | 9/22/1975 | 46 years |
Thau, Louise | ??? | 4/14/1981 | 77 years |
Thau, Raymond | ??? | 9/30/1959 | |
Thebes, John P | ??? | 11/7/1909 | |
Theide, Fransicsa | ??? | 11/19/1898 | 63 years |
Theide, Fred | ??? | 10/28/1919 | |
Theil, John | ??? | 4/15/1911 | |
Theil, Ralph R | ??? | 5/18/1927 | |
Theilen, Christ | ??? | 9/22/1909 | 57 years |
Theilen, Joseph | ??? | 4/29/1876 | 55 years |
Thein, Anna | ??? | 10/17/1870 | 45 years |
Thein, Elis | ??? | 2/9/1903 | 54 years |
Thein, John W | ??? | 12/10/1954 | |
Thein, Marguerite | ??? | 10/18/1955 | |
Thein, Math | ??? | 7/18/1887 | 25 years |
Thein, Mathias | ??? | 5/19/1922 | |
Thein, Michael | ??? | 9/24/1985 | |
Thein, Nic | ??? | 4/7/1883 | 63 years |
Thein, Peter | ??? | 11/2/1892 | |
Thein, Susanna | ??? | 1/15/1915 | 56 years |
Theiner, Baby | ??? | 9/12/1890 | |
Theiner, Sophia | ??? | 6/18/1895 | |
Theis, Agnes | ??? | 10/17/1911 | |
Theis, Albert | ??? | 10/30/1893 | |
Theis, Aloys | ??? | 5/4/1894 | |
Theis, Andrew | ??? | 11/3/1914 | |
Theis, Anna | ??? | 2/8/1962 | |
Theis, Anna Marie | ??? | 9/5/1872 | 33 years |
Theis, Anna Mary | ??? | 5/6/1932 | |
Theis, Anton | ??? | 9/14/1897 | |
Theis, Apolonia | ??? | 5/4/1902 | |
Theis, Baby | ??? | 9/28/1892 | |
Theis, Barbra | ??? | 10/23/1906 | |
Theis, Caspar | ??? | 2/11/1891 | 57 years |
Theis, Cath | ??? | 4/4/1902 | |
Theis, Catharina | ??? | 10/3/1898 | 88 years |
Theis, Catherine | ??? | 5/2/1913 | 75 years |
Theis, Christina | ??? | 7/24/1884 | 54 years |
Theis, Dorthy | ??? | 11/7/1897 | |
Theis, Elis | ??? | 11/10/1876 | 7 years |
Theis, Elis | ??? | 11/4/1897 | |
Theis, Elisabeth | ??? | 2/09/1903 | |
Theis, Elizabeth | ??? | 5/8/1969 | 78 years |
Theis, Elizabeth | ??? | 7/30/1892 | |
Theis, Ella Elis | ??? | 7/9/1902 | |
Theis, Esther | ??? | 10/28/1916 | |
Theis, Frank | ??? | 11/14/1916 | |
Theis, Fred | ??? | 7/20/1914 | |
Theis, George | ??? | 8/9/1915 | |
Theis, Helen | ??? | 4/7/1955 | |
Theis, Jacob | ??? | 1/8/1907 | |
Theis, Jacob | ??? | 11/23/1916 | |
Theis, Jacob F. | ??? | 2/7/1963 | |
Theis, Joan M. | ??? | 7/27/1966 | |
Theis, John | ??? | 12/29/1965 | |
Theis, John | ??? | 4/7/1896 | 56 years |
Theis, Joseph | ??? | 3/26/1894 | |
Theis, Joseph | ??? | 8/2/1903 | |
Theis, Jospeh | ??? | 5/8/1900 | |
Theis, Magdelena | ??? | 12/8/1890 | |
Theis, Marg. | ??? | 8/27/1883 | |
Theis, Margaret | ??? | 5/11/1972 | |
Theis, Maria | ??? | 10/1/1924 | |
Theis, Maria | ??? | 10/13/1894 | |
Theis, Maria | ??? | 10/8/1980 | 85 years |
Theis, Maria | ??? | 8/7/1899 | |
Theis, Martha | ??? | 1/8/1906 | |
Theis, Math | ??? | 10/1/1883 | 13 years |
Theis, Mathias | ??? | 1861 | 47 years |
Theis, Mathias | ??? | 3/21/1919 | 66 years |
Theis, Mathias | ??? | 7/28/1868 | 35 years |
Theis, Mathias | ??? | 8/4/1905 | 16 years |
Theis, Michael | ??? | 8/18/1884 | 30 years |
Theis, Nic | ??? | 3/23/1888 | 30 years |
Theis, Nicholaus | ??? | 12/1/1914 | 23 years |
Theis, Peter | ??? | 3/3/1879 | 42 years |
Theis, Peter | ??? | 4/2/1915 | 21 years |
Theis, Peter | ??? | 6/20/1892 | |
Theis, Peter | ??? | 6/22/1908 | 37 years |
Theis, Peter | ??? | 9/20/1864 | 66 years |
Theis, Robert S. | ??? | 11/30/1940 | |
Theis, Susanna | ??? | 11/4/1878 | 66 years |
Theis, Susanna | ??? | 2/8/1884 | 74 years |
Theis, Theodore | ??? | 10/22/1926 | |
Theisen, Agnes | ??? | 8/26/1885 | 20 years |
Theisen, Albertina | ??? | 1/3/1884 | 64 years |
Theisen, Anna | ??? | 11/17/1906 | 36 years |
Theisen, Baby | ??? | 10/31/1890 | |
Theisen, Barbara | ??? | ??? | |
Theisen, Elis | ??? | 12/13/1872 | 65 years |
Theisen, Frances | ??? | 10/13/1951 | |
Theisen, Henry | ??? | 7/29/1912 | 33 years |
Theisen, Hubert Jos | ??? | 5/20/1894 | 73 years |
Theisen, Ino | ??? | 7/4/1893 | |
Theisen, Jacob | ??? | 2/3/1868 | 45 years |
Theisen, Jacob | ??? | 5/9/1908 | 40 years |
Theisen, John | ??? | 1/18/1947 | |
Theisen, John | ??? | 11/17/1909 | 77 years |
Theisen, John | ??? | 5/20/1872 | 14 years |
Theisen, John Jos | ??? | 11/22/1897 | 65 years |
Theisen, Josepha | ??? | 9/5/1889 | 72 years |
Theisen, Jospeh | ??? | 12/14/1938 | |
Theisen, Katherine | ??? | 1/29/1913 | |
Theisen, Lambert | ??? | 6/14/1896 | 73 years |
Theisen, Marg | ??? | 11/29/1902 | 59 years |
Theisen, Mary | ??? | 2/23/1908 | 68 years |
Theisen, Mathias | ??? | 3/22/1974 | 69 years |
Theisen, Mich | ??? | 7/2/1882 | 10 years |
Theisen, Michel | ??? | 7/6/1868 | 78 years |
Theisen, Nic | ??? | 1/13/1881 | 25 years |
Theisen, Peter | ??? | 10/18/1898 | 52 years |
Theisen, Peter | ??? | 11/21/1886 | 89 years |
Theisen, Peter | ??? | 4/3/1897 | 72 years |
Theisen, Rose G. | ??? | 2/18/1910 | |
Theisen, Susanna | ??? | 11/10/1902 | 69 years |
Theisen, Ursula | ??? | 12/15/1909 | |
Theisen, William | ??? | 11/19/1890 | |
Theisenn, Barb | ??? | 7/14/1895 | |
Theisger, Peter | ??? | 6/6/1923 | |
Theisges, Elis | ??? | 10/23/1900 | 57 years |
Theiss, Peter | ??? | 3/4/1885 | 66 years |
Theiz, Anton | ??? | 6/11/1908 | 19 years |
Thelen, Anna | ??? | 1/30/1911 | 45 years |
Thelen, Anna | ??? | 10/10/1899 | 57 years |
Thelen, Anna M. | ??? | 5/28/1914 | 73 years |
Thelen, Anna Mary | ??? | 10/27/1886 | 65 years |
Thelen, Anton | ??? | 12/18/1909 | 61 years |
Thelen, Baby | ??? | 7/20/1894 | |
Thelen, Berndard | ??? | 12/16/1905 | |
Thelen, Bernhard | ??? | 3/5/1959 | |
Thelen, Cath | ??? | 8/25/1902 | |
Thelen, Eva M. | ??? | 2/20/1911 | 45 years |
Thelen, Evalyn | ??? | 7/22/1946 | |
Thelen, Johann | ??? | 10/9/1866 | 44 years |
Thelen, John | ??? | 5/3/1914 | 30 years |
Thelen, Leo | ??? | 3/27/1897 | 21 years |
Thelen, Louise | ??? | 9/10/1948 | |
Thelen, Maria H. | ??? | 1/4/1898 | |
Thelen, Mathias | ??? | 2/14/1895 | 67 years |
Thelen, Michael | ??? | 2/21/1930 | |
Thelen, Nicholas | ??? | 1/30/1925 | |
Thelen, Nicholas | ??? | 2/12/1936 | |
Thelen, Peter | ??? | 12/20/1892 | |
Thelen, Peter J | ??? | 1/31/1939 | |
Thelen, Stella | ??? | 10/11/1913 | |
Thelen, Susan | ??? | 2/14/1961 | |
Thelen, Susanna | ??? | 12/23/1875 | 5 years |
Thelen, Theresa | ??? | 1/24/1947 | |
Thelen, Theresa | ??? | 5/8/1910 | |
Themann, August | ??? | 3/27/1890 | 35 years |
Then, Anna M | ??? | 3/12/1917 | 86 years |
Then, Anton | ??? | 12/1/1910 | 82 years |
Then, Baby | ??? | 12/31/1893 | |
Theno, Augusta | ??? | 2/21/1891 | 49 years |
Theno, John | ??? | 2/16/1891 | 66 years |
Theno, John | ??? | 9/13/1884 | 10 years |
Theno, Susanna | ??? | 2/25/1874 | 9 years |
Theobald, Frank J Dr. | ??? | 7/28/1950 | Grave transferred to Fox River Grove 12/6/1966. |
Theodo, Simon | ??? | 10/26/1905 | |
Theodora, Sister M | ??? | 12/27/1977 | 33 years |
Theodora, Sister M.T. | ??? | 3/15/1894 | 32 years |
Therebrake, Gertrude | ??? | 11/19/1898 | |
Therens, John | ??? | 1/2/1936 | |
Therens, Joseph C | ??? | 7/5/1897 | |
Therens, Loretta | ??? | 5/30/1911 | 24 years |
Therens, Mamie | ??? | 2/24/1912 | 28 years |
Therens, Margaret | ??? | 10/10/1942 | |
Theress, Nicholas | ??? | 6/26/1910 | |
Theroux, Arthur T | ??? | 6/29/1945 | |
Theroux, Cecelia | ??? | 9/27/1972 | 80 years |
Thesen, Barbra | ??? | 9/5/1887 | |
Thesen, Crescentia | ??? | 4/2/1892 | 6 years |
Thesing, Henry | ??? | 9/13/1903 | |
Thesing, Susanna M | ??? | 8/11/1895 | |
Theske, Joseph | ??? | 11/23/1892 | |
Thexton, Barbara | ??? | 5/4/1931 | |
Thexton, Edward | ??? | 5/25/1918 | 59 years |
Theyson, Nic | ??? | 1/9/1874 | 24 years |
Thibon, Baby | ??? | 1/12/1893 | |
Thibusch, Elizabeth | ??? | 6/21/1896 | 67 years |
Thiede, Frederick | ??? | 7/6/1903 | 87 years |
Thiede, Mark | ??? | 1/9/1909 | 36 years |
Thiede, Paul | ??? | 12/27/1891 | |
Thiel, Anton | ??? | 3/7/1895 | 34 years |
Thiess, Barbar | ??? | 10/23/1906 | |
Trier, Jos | ??? | 2/24/1896 | |
Trier, Jos H | ??? | 12/12/1882 | 8 years |
Trier, Minnie | ??? | 12/25/1925 | |
Trier, Siclonia | ??? | 10/18/1942 | |
Trier, Wilhelmina S | ??? | 8/12/1893 | |
Trierweiler, Helma | ??? | 6/15/1913 | |
Uble (Uebele) Eliz | ??? | 12/4/1880 | 53 years |
Uchytel, Phyllis | ??? | 10/18/1945 | |
Ucker, Jacob | ??? | 3/22/1887 | 41 years |
Ucker, Maria | ??? | 8/11/1873 | 61 years |
Ucker, Mary | ??? | 5/29/1935 | |
Ucker, Rose | ??? | 10/26/1957 | |
Udell, Charles N | ??? | 9/27/1970 | |
Udell, Helen | ??? | 6/6/1981 | |
Udovitsch, Mathias | ??? | 7/31/1910 | |
Uebersax, Joseph C. | ??? | 8/13/1909 | |
Uebersax, Mary | ??? | 7/26/1931 | |
Uecher, Maria | ??? | 10/5/1895 | |
Uerbeltneig, Eliz | ??? | 2/6/1890 | |
Uff, Mary | ??? | 6/13/1912 | |
Uff, Otto | ??? | 12/4/1940 | |
Ugarte, Francisco F | ??? | 4/6/1983 | |
Uherm, Margareth | ??? | 12/18/1913 | |
Uhl, Carl A | ??? | 12/30/1893 | |
Uhl, Carolina | ??? | 1/5/1891 | |
Uhl, Carolina | ??? | 4/19/1891 | |
Uhl, George Jos | ??? | 3/29/1951 | |
Uhler, Flora | ??? | 2/21/1864 | 82 years |
Uhler, Gustave | ??? | 2/4/1896 | |
Uhlich, Elizabeth | ??? | 2/2/1903 | 80 years |
Uhlmann Louis | ??? | 5/6/1971 | 81 years |
Uhlmann, Albert D | ??? | 4/24/1894 | |
Uhlmann, B.E. | ??? | 5/7/1900 | |
Uhlmann, Berbetta | ??? | 2/24/1928 | |
Uhlmann, Cornelius | ??? | 8/6/1896 | |
Uhlmann, Frances | ??? | 3/30/1978 | 74 years |
Uhlmann, Michael | ??? | 5/22/1945 | |
Uhlmann, Michael Peter | ??? | 2/17/1969 | 77 years |
Uhlrich, Frank | ??? | 5/19/1907 | |
Uhlrich, William | ??? | 3/17/1921 | |
Uhren, Anna M | ??? | 1/1/1916 | 92 years |
Uhrig, Adam J | ??? | 8/31/1896 | 72 years |
Uhrig, Helena | ??? | 11/8/1903 | 71 years |
Uhrmann, Lucas | ??? | 8/25/1892 | |
Ulanda, Matae | ??? | 11/19/1983 | 88 years |
Ulber, John | ??? | 3/30/1912 | 71 years |
Ulber, Louise | ??? | 11/26/1914 | 76 years |
Ulberich, Aug F | ??? | 5/19/1924 | |
Ulberich, Frank | ??? | 1/2/1889 | |
Ulbrich, August F | ??? | 12/25/1879 | |
Ulbrich, Barb | ??? | 5/7/1891 | 6 years |
Ulbrich, Barbra | ??? | 2/9/1892 | 21 years |
Ulbrich, Barbra | ??? | 3/29/1889 | 45 years |
Ulbrich, Bennie F | ??? | 3/26/1908 | |
Ulbrich, Boniface | ??? | 8/2/1919 | |
Ulbrich, Cath | ??? | 6/1/1891 | 52 years |
Ulbrich, Catherine | ??? | 9/12/1936 | |
Ulbrich, Dorethea | ??? | 10/19/1870 | |
Ulbrich, Ed | ??? | 2/10/1886 | 5 years |
Ulbrich, Elizabeth | ??? | 6/4/1903 | 31 years |
Ulbrich, Frank | ??? | 4/28/1908 | 27 years |
Ulbrich, Frank Jos | ??? | 3/5/1871 | 36 years |
Ulbrich, Franz | ??? | 12/25/1879 | 38 years |
Ulbrich, John W | ??? | 6/3/1908 | 14 years |
Ulbrich, John W | ??? | 6/3/1910 | |
Ulbrich, Joseph | ??? | 6/2/1896 | 29 years |
Ulbrich, Katherina | ??? | 9/7/1907 | 61 years |
Ulbrich, Lepold | ??? | 2/15/1892 | |
Ulbrich, Maria | ??? | 8/24/1894 | 46 years |
Ulbrich, Marie | ??? | 11/25/1930 | |
Ulbrich, Theresa | ??? | 5/30/1878 | |
Ulewike, Rosemary | ??? | 10/31/1917 | |
Ullmann, Frank | ??? | 12/17/1906 | 74 years |
Ullmeyer, Frank H | ??? | 7/25/1912 | |
Ullmeyer, Stephan | ??? | 11/21/1914 | |
Ulman, Beatrice | ??? | 6/18/1914 | |
Ulmer, Agatha | ??? | 2/4/1930 | |
Ulmer, John | ??? | 2/19/1905 | 65 years |
Ulmer, Marg | ??? | 6/8/1901 | |
Ulrich, August | ??? | 1/8/1883 | 66 years |
Ulrich, Baby | ??? | 2/3/1898 | |
Ulrich, Carolina | ??? | 3/16/1905 | |
Ulrich, Catharina | ??? | 6/1/1891 | 52 years |
Ulrich, Elizabeth | ??? | 6/27/1907 | |
Ulrich, Gertrude | ??? | 5/26/1902 | |
Ulrich, Henry | ??? | 7/29/1897 | |
Ulrich, Margaret | ??? | 4/16/1903 | 55 years |
Ulrich, Mary | ??? | 6/13/1914 | 34 years |
Ulrich, Maximillian | ??? | 11/15/1901 | |
Ulsamer, Barbra | ??? | 3/20/1904 | 77 years |
Ulsamer, Gustav M | ??? | 3/17/1898 | |
Ulsamer, John V | ??? | 3/6/1897 | |
Ulsamer, Maria | ??? | 12/21/1897 | |
Ulsamer, Valentine | ??? | 1/9/1909 | 79 years |
Ulsamer, Valentine | ??? | 4/18/1899 | 41 years |
Ulsmen, Andrew | ??? | 9/28/1903 | |
Umbach, Anna M | ??? | 2/14/1887 | 38 years |
Umbach, Anna Maria | ??? | 1/13/1902 | 78 years |
Umbach, Charlotte | ??? | 4/22/1889 | 12 years |
Umbach, Frank | ??? | 10/20/1915 | |
Umbach, Hannah | ??? | 3/6/1957 | |
Umbach, Henrietta | ??? | 12/15/1939 | |
Umbach, John P | ??? | 3/14/1915 | 54 years |
Umbach, Jospeh | ??? | 5/16/1868 | 50 years |
Umbach, Maria | ??? | 4/7/1877 | 23 years |
Umbach, Maria | ??? | 8/26/1892 | 40 years |
Umbach, Martin | ??? | 5/11/188 | 6 years |
Umbach, Martin | ??? | 7/15/1924 | |
Umbach, William | ??? | 7/14/1939 | |
Umbright, Bernard J | ??? | 3/24/1949 | |
Umbright, Ida S | ??? | 6/28/1967 | 79 years |
Umenhofer, Mel | ??? | 12/4/1985 | |
Unbrick, Elizabeth | ??? | 8/27/1911 | |
Undi, Johanna | ??? | 2/5/1899 | |
Unger, George | ??? | 1/27/1908 | |
Unger, Herman | ??? | 11/22/1808 | 46 years |
Unger, Herman | ??? | 5/4/1913 | |
Unger, John | ??? | 8/26/1911 | |
Unger, M. Crecentia | ??? | 6/30/1877 | 53 years |
Unger, Marie | ??? | 11/13/1948 | |
Unhock, Felitas | ??? | 1/29/1899 | |
Unhock, John | ??? | 12/171949 | |
Unhock, Mary E | ??? | 8/2/1935 | |
Unhof, Magnus | ??? | 6/17/1890 | |
Unsen, Theresia | ??? | 2/3/1898 | |
Unsin, John | ??? | 6/17/1892 | |
Unterberger, Aloysius | ??? | 9/16/1917 | 62 years |
Untereiner, Crescentia | ??? | 11/9/1908 | 76 years |
Unterfenger, Frederick | ??? | 1/20/1932 | |
Unterfenger, Andreas | ??? | 4/18/1896 | 74 years |
Unterfenger, Carl Sabin | ??? | 6/26/1970 | 74 years |
Unterfenger, Charles | ??? | 2/7/1961 | |
Unterfenger, Daniel | ??? | 4/25/1960 | |
Unterfenger, Edward | ??? | 6/24/1968 | 39 years |
Unterfenger, Elis | ??? | 2/16/1899 | 70 years |
Unterfenger, Elizabeth | ??? | 2/10/1931 | |
Unterfenger, Francis M | ??? | 1/6/1976 | 86 years |
Unterfenger, Fred | ??? | 2/13/1905 | 15 years |
Unterfenger, Fred | ??? | 6/3/1929 | |
Unterfenger, Germaine | ??? | 8/14/1973 | 64 years |
Unterfenger, Louis | ??? | 5/2/1923 | |
Unterlander, Barbra | ??? | 2/6/1962 | |
Unterlander, George | ??? | 12/25/1976 | |
Unterlander, Rose | ??? | 2/25/1987 | |
Untermayer, Herta | ??? | 3/7/1986 | |
Untermayer, Julius | ??? | 12/19/1983 | |
Untreiner, Willaim | ??? | 9/21/1884 | 64 years |
Unverzagt, Fred William | ??? | 8/22/1899 | |
Unzueta, Boy | ??? | 9/5/1983 | |
Upton, Delia | ??? | 12/17/1967 | 76 years |
Upton, Robert J | ??? | 12/4/1961 | |
Uraba, Mathilda | ??? | 10/7/1908 | |
Uraney, Violet | ??? | 9/16/1917 | |
Urbain, Anna | ??? | 1/11/1941 | |
Urbain, Genevieve | ??? | 8/19/1979 | 80 years |
Urbain, Joseph J | ??? | 1/23/1972 | 75 years |
Urbain, Julius | ??? | 10/24/1944 | |
Urbain, Louis M. | ??? | 11/6/1945 | |
Urbain, Mary | ??? | 3/18/1939 | |
Urban, Anna | ??? | 12/27/1900 | 74 years |
Urban, Anna | ??? | 12/9/1915 | 31 years |
Urban, Anna | ??? | 8/2/1896 | |
Urban, Anna | ??? | 9/1/1949 | |
Urban, Antonia | ??? | 10/8/1935 | |
Urban, Baby | ??? | 6/14/1896 | |
Urban, Barbara | ??? | 1/14/1879 | 42 years |
Urban, Caspar | ??? | 1/9/1886 | 60 years |
Urban, Clarelaine | ??? | 5/25/1952 | |
Urban, Eliz | ??? | 2/11/1889 | 13 years |
Urban, Elizabeth | ??? | 6/11/1904 | 68 years |
Urban, Francesca | ??? | 6/16/1883 | 57 years |
Urban, Francis E | ??? | 12/4/1977 | 70 years |
Urban, Frank | ??? | 2/2/1888 | 2 months |
Urban, Frank | ??? | 2/8/1890 | 29 years |
Urban, Frank | ??? | 9/10/1895 | 5 years |
Urban, Frank | ??? | 9/2/1908 | 57 years |
Urban, Frank | ??? | 9/20/1897 | |
Urban, Gertrude | ??? | 9/18/1981 | |
Urban, Ignatz | ??? | 11/22/1905 | 87 years |
Urban, John | ??? | 12/2/1907 | 82 years |
Urban, Joseph F | ??? | 6/26/1951 | |
Urban, Josephine | ??? | 4/19/1877 | 21 years |
Urban, Josephine | ??? | 7/20/1913 | 85 years |
Urban, Leslie | ??? | 3/22/1911 | |
Urban, Loretta Ann | ??? | 7/29/1900 | |
Urban, Maria | ??? | 12/11/1876 | 54 years |
Urban, Mary | ??? | 10/30/1903 | 70 years |
Urban, Michael | ??? | 7/8/1887 | 60 years |
Urban, Paul | ??? | 5/16/1909 | 45 years |
Urban, William X | ??? | 6/10/1952 | |
Urbana, Wenzel | ??? | 4/19/1910 | |
Urbanc, Maria | ??? | 10/4/1910 | burial card 1 |
Urbanc, Maria | ??? | 10/4/1910 | burial card 2, duplicate |
Urbaniak, Bernadette | ??? | 5/4/1931 | |
Urbanic, Jamie | ??? | 1/25/1911 | |
Urbank, Martha | ??? | 5/30/1943 | |
Urbanno, John | ??? | 5/26/1928 | |
Urbanus, Anna | ??? | 11/1/1906 | |
Urbanus, Anna Maria | ??? | 12/8/1870 | 24 years |
Urbanus, Cath | ??? | 4/3/1901 | 68 years |
Urbanus, Catharine | ??? | 8/23/1892 | |
Urbanus, Eleanor M. | ??? | 12/5/1921 | |
Urbanus, Frances | ??? | 4/9/1927 | |
Urbanus, Geo | ??? | 12/13/1928 | |
Urbanus, George | ??? | 4/24/1917 | |
Urbanus, George | ??? | 5/30/1868 | 6 years |
Urbanus, Heinrick | ??? | 1/1/1884 | 26 years |
Urbanus, Leo | ??? | 10/27/1905 | 27 years |
Urbanus, Magd | ??? | 4/5/1889 | 50 years |
Urbanus, Margaret M. | ??? | 11/19/1909 | |
Urbanus, Marianna S. | ??? | 12/24/1934 | |
Urbanus, Marie T. | ??? | 1/1/1944 | |
Urbanus, Mary | ??? | 9/23/1906 | |
Urbanus, Math H | ??? | 4/16/1894 | |
Urbanus, Mathias | ??? | 3/20/1893 | 72 years |
Urbanus, Mathias S. | ??? | 11/8/1929 | |
Urbanus, Nicolaus | ??? | 7/4/1881 | 62 years |
Urbanus, Robert E | ??? | 1/4/1985 | |
Urbanus, Susanna | ??? | 12/1/1941 | |
Urbanus, Victor J | ??? | 11/6/1925 | |
Urbin, Anna Maria | ??? | 2/14/1880 | |
Urbin, Baby | ??? | 10/31/1901 | |
Urbin, Catherine | ??? | 1/16/1948 | |
Urbin, Charles Joseph | ??? | 12/31/1910 | 75 years |
Urbin, Jacob H. | ??? | 7/5/1922 | |
Urbin, Mary E | ??? | 7/19/1909 | 72 years |
Ure, Anton | ??? | 12/14/1918 | |
Urechia, Peter | ??? | 3/16/1912 | |
Uren, Jacob | ??? | 2/14/1891 | |
Urick, Theresia | ??? | 5/8/1914 | 71 years |
Urman, Edward A. | ??? | 3/15/1937 | |
Urman, Elizabeth | ??? | 4/22/1974 | 76 years |
Urman, Frank Jr | ??? | 12/24/1968 | 68 years |
Urman, Frank X Sr. | ??? | 11/30/1969 | 93 years |
Urman, Joseph | ??? | 11/20/1920 | |
Urman, Mary Anna | ??? | 12/27/1959 | |
Urschaler, Cora | ??? | 5/31/1892 | |
Urscheler, Joseph | ??? | 11/26/1894 | |
Urscheler, Josephine | ??? | 7/4/1892 | |
Urso, Elsie | ??? | 2/18/1912 | |
Uruba, Rudolph | ??? | 12/19/1906 | |
Urvari, Frank | ??? | 2/15/1903 | |
Urwanger, Agnes | ??? | 1/24/1936 | |
Urwanger, Agnes | ??? | 11/27/1964 | |
Urwanger, Anna | ??? | 4/29/1898 | 81 years |
Urwanger, Bernard | ??? | 12/6/1888 | 6 years |
Urwanger, Catherine | ??? | 8/8/1976 | 80 years |
Urwanger, Christopher | ??? | 2/9/1891 | 37 years |
Urwanger, Conrad | ??? | 9/20/1967 | 80 years |
Urwanger, Helen | ??? | 2/1/1970 | 85 years |
Urwanger, John | ??? | 1/23/1959 | |
Urwanger, John | ??? | 7/29/1947 | |
Urwanger, Mich | ??? | 2/15/1901 | 39 years |
Urwanger, Michael | ??? | 8/28/1871 | 66 years |
Urwanger, Sophie | ??? | 1/22/1884 | |
Urwanger, Sophie | ??? | 12/3/1901 | 42 years |
Usbersox, Joseph Gottleb | ??? | 8/13/1909 | 65 years |
Uselding, Agnes | ??? | 12/27/1958 | |
Uselding, Anna | ??? | 1/8/1896 | |
Uselding, Anna | ??? | 3/28/1926 | |
Uselding, Anna | ??? | 8/7/1905 | 46 years |
Uselding, Catherina | ??? | 1/29/1865 | 33 years |
Uselding, Elizabeth | ??? | 2/16/1953 | |
Uselding, George | ??? | 3/8/1892 | |
Uselding, George | ??? | 6/7/1985 | |
Uselding, Henry | ??? | 5/20/1912 | |
Uselding, John | ??? | 1/20/1893 | |
Uselding, John | ??? | 8/25/1888 | 21 years |
Uselding, John | ??? | 1/30/1893 | 70 years |
Uselding, Maria | ??? | 6/5/1888 | 66 years |
Uselding, Mary K. | ??? | 12/6/1951 | |
Uselding, Nicholas J. | ??? | 2/6/1948 | |
Uselding, Peter | ??? | 11/6/1898 | 82 years |
Uselding, Veronica | ??? | 8/23/1930 | |
Usled, Raymond | ??? | 9/2/1903 | |
Uthoff, May | ??? | 11/21/1912 | |
Uttenreitter, Maria Cath | ??? | 1/30/1898 | |
Utternveiler, Marie K | ??? | 5/14/1925 | |
Utternveiler, Rich | ??? | 5/17/1924 | |
Utters, Baby | ??? | 10/22/1918 | |
Utters, Barbara | ??? | 12/6/1933 | |
Utters, Gertrude | ??? | 9/4/1922 | |
Utters, Jacob | ??? | 9/30/1905 | |
Utters, Jacob B. | ??? | 2/10/1934 | |
Utters, John | ??? | 9/7/1964 | |
Utters, John P. | ??? | 12/6/1914 | 70 years |
Utters, Peter | ??? | 6/17/1921 | |
Utters, Robert | ??? | 5/22/1947 | |
Utters, Stella | ??? | 11/19/1969 | 53 years |
Uttich, August L. | ??? | 12/7/1930 | |
Uttich, Rosa | ??? | 12/28/1943 | |
Utz, Clara G | ??? | 8/23/1947 | |
Utz, Joseph | ??? | 2/14/1942 | |
Utz, Judith | ??? | 11/17/1946 | |
Uvary, George | ??? | 9/1/1907 | |
Vacher, Charlotte | ??? | 4/6/1913 | 6 years |
Vadboucker, Arthur | ??? | 12/12/1900 | |
Vade, Alice M | ??? | 5/7/1908 | 50 years |
Vaeremberg, Omer Van | ??? | 7/25/1909 | |
Vaesen, Jos | ??? | 4/6/1927 | |
Vaghan, Blanche Marie | ??? | 2/2/1962 | |
Vaida, Rudolph | ??? | 11/24/1906 | |
Valbarth, Edmond | ??? | 3/20/1910 | |
Valcke, George | ??? | 4/16/1956 | |
Valcke, Henry | ??? | 4/14/1904 | 63 years |
Valcke, Margaret | ??? | 12/27/1919 | |
Valcke, William | ??? | 4/3/1955 | |
Valcq, Joseph | ??? | 7/25/1975 | |
Valdenz, Francisca | ??? | 4/11/1910 | |
Valdez, Claudia | ??? | 5/11/1932 | |
Valdivia, Theresa M. | ??? | 8/19/1956 | |
Valenti, Baby | ??? | 8/20/1892 | |
Valenti, Joseph | ??? | 12/15/1958 | |
Valentic, Thomas | ??? | 2/23/1984 | |
Valentin, Eusebio | ??? | 3/25/1975 | 78 years |
Valentin, John | ??? | 5/19/1903 | |
Valentin, Magdalena | ??? | 10/19/1905 | |
Valentin, Paulina | ??? | 2/13/1897 | |
Valentin, Robert | ??? | 5/28/1974 | |
Valentine, Caroline | ??? | 2/14/1974 | 86 years |
Valentine, Emily | ??? | 6/9/1912 | 23 years |
Valentine, Frank | ??? | 8/15/1916 | 47 years |
Valentine, Franz | ??? | 6/17/1910 | |
Valentine, Fred | ??? | 1/10/1963 | |
Valentine, George | ??? | 12/28/1943 | |
Valentine, Lawrence | ??? | 10/29/1911 | |
Valentine, Maroline Ann | ??? | 2/9/1979 | 60 years |
Valentine, Peter | ??? | 11/17/1895 | |
Valentine, Rose Marie | ??? | 11/4/1918 | 23 years |
Valera, Ana Ciastina | ??? | 6/8/1970 | 15 years |
Valera, Demetrio B. | ??? | 6/7/1977 | 67 years |
Valger, Nicholas | ??? | 3/20/1909 | |
Valido, Ale Jandrina | ??? | 5/28/1980 | 69 years |
Valk, Baby | ??? | 12/29/1898 | |
Valk, Baby | ??? | 4/14/1898 | |
Valk, Barb | ??? | 1/10/1897 | |
Valk, John | ??? | 11/20/1926 | |
Valk, Margaretha | ??? | 2/1/1912 | 58 years |
Valk, Susanna | ??? | 11/24/1910 | |
Valle, Amando | ??? | 11/29/1982 | |
Vallean, Louise | ??? | 5/4/1938 | |
Vallender, Frank | ??? | 10/12/1894 | |
Vallweiss, John | ??? | 5/24/1905 | 71 years |
Van Acker, Cyriel | ??? | 3/24/1969 | 60 years |
Van Acker, Henriette C. | ??? | 11/21/1968 | |
Van Acker, Jennie Cath | ??? | 2/15/1882 | 69 years |
Van Acker, Joseph | ??? | 5/18/1904 | 73 years |
Van Acker, Sarfner | ??? | 7/17/1902 | 69 years |
Van Alken, Loouis A. | ??? | 4/8/1890 | |
Van Bedden, Cath | ??? | 4/1/1885 | 58 years |
Van Bedden, Cora | ??? | 3/4/1891 | |
Van Bedden, John W | ??? | 6/15/1890 | 35 years |
Van Belleghan, Maria | ??? | 3/14/1909 | |
Van Bladel, Edward .S | ??? | 6/28/1963 | |
Van Bladel, Marie | ??? | 2/7/1980 | |
Van Blair, Catherine | ??? | 7/7/1977 | 70 years |
Van Blair, Edgar | ??? | 8/26/1974 | 70 years |
Van Blocker, John | ??? | 2/24/1909 | |
Van Blocker, Katie | ??? | 1/17/1909 | |
Van Bogaert, Louise | ??? | 1/16/1918 | |
Van Boggat (No first Name) | ??? | 4/20/1900 | |
Van Bogge, tJoseph | ??? | 5/25/1947 | |
Van Bogget, Catherine | ??? | 6/12/1903 | |
Van Bogget, Henry | ??? | 4/20/1900 | 46 years |
Van Bogget,Anna | ??? | 12/14/1967 | 81 years |
Van Boggett, Isabel | ??? | 6/30/1950 | |
Van Bree, Emil | ??? | 10/13/1959 | |
Van Broeck, Emil | ??? | 7/31/1955 | |
Van Broeck, Mary | ??? | 10/13/1883 | |
Van Burkom, Violet | ??? | 6/24/1978 | 62 years |
Van Burkom, Willard | ??? | 2/21/1972 | 35 years |
Van De Bowsche, Rosalie | ??? | 2/22/1907 | |
Van Degen, May | ??? | 8/6/1902 | |
Van Deinse, William A. | ??? | 1/11/1925 | |
Van Derah, Cath | ??? | 6/10/1906 | |
Van Dewyer, Edward | ??? | 8/31/1896 | |
Van Duren, Johanna | ??? | 4/26/1892 | |
Van Duzen, Dina | ??? | 3/27/1900 | |
Van Dyke, Margaret | ??? | 8/8/1978 | 88 years |
Van Einaeme, Peter | ??? | 7/22/1925 | |
Van Emelen, Joseph | ??? | 10/28/1908 | |
Van Eyck, Leo | ??? | 1/14/1911 | 44 years |
Van Goodsmover, Frank | ??? | 11/20/1924 | |
Van Goodsnover, Theresia | ??? | 1/12/1924 | |
Van Green, Alfons | ??? | 9/1/1905 | |
Van Haeke, Theodore | ??? | 8/23/1905 | |
Van Hesse, Mary | ??? | 5/17/1933 | |
Van Horn, Elisabeth | ??? | 4/23/1910 | |
Van Hovens, John Franz | ??? | 11/2/1870 | 19 years |
Van Krieger, Frank | ??? | 2/20/1896 | |
Van Kruger, Marie E. | ??? | 11/11/1906 | 86 years |
Van Laken, Arthur | ??? | 9/16/1906 | |
Van Laute, Helena | ??? | 6/4/1890 | |
Van Lock, Lambert | ??? | 3/2/1891 | |
Van Lockensen, Bertha | ??? | 4/3/1911 | |
Van Lokeren, Carmell | ??? | 1910 | |
Van Meenen, Gilbert A. | ??? | 5/10/1984 | |
Van Meenen, Steven L. | ??? | 2/3/1956 | |
Van Meverden, Catherine | ??? | 11/23/1920 | |
Van Meverden, Helena | ??? | 8/6/1872 | 5 years |
Van Mevereden, John M | ??? | 8/3/1933 | |
Van Muhgen, Marg | ??? | 9/11/1900 | |
Van Nevel, Maria | ??? | 7/29/1910 | |
Van Oeyen, Anna | ??? | 8/8/1902 | 55 years |
Van Oppens, Joseph | ??? | 10/10/1944 | |
Van Oppens, Margaret | ??? | 10/10/1983 | |
Van Owski, Frank | ??? | 4/5/1894 | |
Van Sach, Michael | ??? | 8/20/1973 | 23 years |
Van Sack, Myra | ??? | 11/12/1904 | 3 years |
Van Scheven, Catherine | ??? | 11/25/1919 | 71 years |
Van Sluyters, Theresia | ??? | 3/9/1932 | |
Van Staveren, Lambertius F. | ??? | 9/13/1899 | |
Van Staverin, Antonius | ??? | 6/13/1896 | |
Van Stavern, Anthony | ??? | 5/8/1911 | |
Van Stavern, Arnold | ??? | 4/27/1913 | 72 years |
Van Stavern, Arnold P. | ??? | 3/15/1906 | |
Van Stavern, John | ??? | 8/28/1933 | |
Van Stavern, Lambertus | ??? | 9/13/1899 | 32 years |
Van Stavern, Theodore | ??? | 1/13/1922 | |
Van Uffland, Madeline | ??? | 12/29/1924 | |
Van Urthoven, Martin | ??? | 9/16/1960 | |
Van Vaerenberg, Prudent | ??? | 3/22/1909 | |
Van Vlierberghe, Roger J. | ??? | 11/12/1979 | 54 years |
Van Voeren, Gilbert J. | ??? | 4/1/1904 | |
Van Wager, Agnes C. | ??? | 2/12/1913 | 63 years |
Van Wallighem, No first name | ??? | 5/19/1898 | |
Van Wazer, Anna Marie | ??? | 1/6/1896 | 89 years |
Van Wazer, Florence | ??? | 11/10/1932 | |
Van Wazer, Frank | ??? | 11/14/1909 | 66 years |
Van Wazer, Henry | ??? | 12/15/1910 | 42 years |
Van Wazer, Mary A. | ??? | 9/23/1912 | 30 years |
Van Weser, Felix | ??? | 8/17/1871 | 21 years |
Vanaacken, Richard | ??? | 10/13/1974 | 27 years |
Vance, Florence | ??? | 7/24/1964 | |
Vand Drische, Margaretha | ??? | 7/22/1903 | |
Vand Mairen, Rosina E. | ??? | 9/6/1911 | |
Vandaele, Henry | ??? | 11/28/1890 | |
Vande Putte, Alphonse | ??? | 3/2/1910 | 43 years |
Vande Sompel, Baby | ??? | 4/13/1908 | |
Vande Walle, Bertrand | ??? | 3/8/1896 | |
Vandeale, Walter | ??? | 12/14/1891 | |
Vandebool, Elizabeth | ??? | 1/17/1892 | |
Vanden Bosch, Johan | ??? | 2/14/1974 | 70 years |
Vanden Daele, Fred | ??? | 5/23/1895 | |
Vanden Daele, Wilhelm | ??? | 12/11/1895 | |
Vanden Plas, William | ??? | 12/27/1893 | |
Vandenek, Anna Maria | ??? | 11/24/1892 | |
Vandenples, June | ??? | 11/21/1896 | |
Vander Briggen (no first Name) | ??? | 7/12/1900 | |
Vander Bruggen, Rosa | ??? | 8/24/1891 | |
Vander Busch, Clemens P. | ??? | 7/28/1873 | 7 years |
Vander Busch, Helena | ??? | 11/23/1906 | |
Vander Elst, Julie | ??? | 1/15/1980 | 80 years |
Vander Feden, Baby | ??? | 10/31/1929 | |
Vander Flute, Edward P. | ??? | 11/15/1978 | |
Vander Haar, Barbra | ??? | 11/15/1931 | |
Vander Haar, Henry | ??? | 7/23/1931 | |
Vander Haar, Joseph | ??? | 12/8/1956 | |
Vander Haar, Joseph | ??? | 4/19/1921 | |
Vander Haar, Lucia | ??? | 3/15/1899 | 62 years |
Vander Haar, Nic | ??? | 12/6/1927 | |
Vander Haar, Paul | ??? | 4/13/1909 | |
Vander Hayden, Caralphina | ??? | 1/12/1913 | |
Vander Hayden, Emil | ??? | 2/1/1922 | |
Vander Hayden, Henry A. | ??? | 7/2/1958 | |
Vander Hayden, Julius | ??? | 10/27/1900 | 43 years |
Vander Hayden, Maria L. | ??? | 4/26/1894 | |
Vander Hayden, Mary | ??? | 4/6/1929 | |
Vander Heiden, Eugenia | ??? | 2/24/1899 | 70 years |
Vander Heyden, Chas | ??? | 2/15/1912 | 90 years |
Vander Heyden, Emil A. | ??? | 6/8/1952 | |
Vander Heyden, John | ??? | 4/15/1907 | 23 years |
Vander Heyden, Margaret M. | ??? | 4/2/1944 | |
Vander Heyden, Rose | ??? | 10/19/1918 | 33 years |
Vander Hohr, Paulina | ??? | 8/30/1887 | 29 years |
Vander Klost, Helen Louise | ??? | 1/30/1918 | |
Vander Klost, James | ??? | 12/3/1916 | |
Vander Koi, Edward J. | ??? | 9/14/1939 | |
Vander Kooi, Frederick | ??? | 8/29/1922 | |
Vander Kooi, Katharine | ??? | 2/17/1945 | |
Vander Korr, John Fr. | ??? | 2/24/1894 | |
Vander Maehr, August | ??? | 5/1/1899 | |
Vander Plas, William | ??? | 10/14/1911 | |
Vander Rovi, Marie E. | No dates listed | ||
Vander Slst, Jean B. | ??? | 4/12/1960 | |
Vander Spank, Theodore | ??? | 5/23/1946 | |
Vander Stock, Albert | ??? | 12/12/1896 | |
Vander Vest, Arthur Carroll | ??? | 8/30/1903 | |
Vander Vest, Charlotte | ??? | 7/21/1891 | |
Vander Vest, Edward | ??? | 11/7/1890 | |
Vander Werth, Baby | ??? | 2/4/1944 | |
Vander West, W.J. | ??? | 10/4/1897 | |
Vanderbergh, Frank | ??? | 6/9/1909 | |
Vanderbloemen, Joseph | ??? | 4/13/1920 | |
Vanderbosch, Edmund | ??? | 5/27/1901 | 5 years |
Vanderbosch, Edwin Clemens | ??? | 2/24/1908 | |
Vanderbosch, John | ??? | 9/19/1896 | 57 years |
Vanderbosch, William A. | ??? | 8/28/1891 | |
Vanderbusch, Hermann | ??? | 5/3/1874 | 42 years |
Vanderflute, Ruth | ??? | 12/7/1983 | |
Vanderworth, Fred | ??? | 1/7/1986 | |
Vaneck, Rosina | ??? | 4/19/1902 | 77 years |
Vanek, Thomas | ??? | 3/18/1914 | 90 years |
Vangier, Rose M. | ??? | 4/7/1919 | |
Vangilder, Mina | ??? | 12/9/1881 | 36 years |
Vanita, Maria | ??? | 10/3/1891 | |
Vanlant, Frank | ??? | 1/22/1894 | |
Varela, Barbra | ??? | 11/10/1986 | |
Varenbergh, Charles | ??? | 9/23/1910 | |
Varfay, Elizabeth | ??? | 5/25/1983 | |
Varga, Alexander | ??? | 3/12/1931 | |
Varga, Barbara | ??? | 7/6/1950 | |
Vargas, Jacinto | ??? | 8/8/19978 | 74 years |
Vargas, Lorenzo | 2/18/1981 | 2/18/1981 | 0: still born |
Vargas, Marcial J | ??? | 9/17/1982 | |
Vargas, Maria C. | ??? | 2/26/1986 | |
Vargas, Mary | ??? | 10/1/1982 | 18 days |
Vargas, Miguel | ??? | 7/6/1983 | |
Vargas, Roberto | ??? | 3/17/1979 | 3 hours |
Varlie, Joseph J. | ??? | 11/14/1916 | 48 years |
Varney, George | ??? | 9/19/1950 | |
Varnimont, Nicolaus | ??? | 9/6/1899 | |
Varona, Estela | ??? | 5/3/1983 | |
Vasold, Joseph | ??? | 10/6/1886 | 58 years |
Vasold,Maria | ??? | 8/2/1906 | 67 years |
Vasquez, Michele | ??? | 2/13/1977 | 9 months |
Vasquez, Theresa | ??? | 12/14/1978 | 61 years |
Vass, Carl Peter | ??? | 12/22/1896 | |
Vass, Theodore | ??? | 7/21/1896 | |
Vassar, Baby | ??? | 9/25/1928 | |
Vasseur, Esperanza | ??? | 10/30/1972 | 84 years |
Vath, Alois | ??? | 7/6/1978 | 84 years |
Vath, Anthony J. | ??? | 3/20/1951 | |
Vaughan, Frank | ??? | 3/22/1948 | |
Vaylslecke, Henry | ??? | 7/6/1916 | 74 years |
Vaylstecke, Carolina | ??? | 1/17/1913 | 66 years |
Vazquez, Adreanna | ??? | 11/16/1976 | 28 days |
Vazquez, Bibine | ??? | 2/13/1980 | |
Vazquez, Elizabeth | ??? | 8/6/1982 | |
Vazquez, Frank | ??? | 9/10/1977 | |
Vazquez, Rafael | ??? | 1/23/1982 | 73 years |
Vazzano, Anna | ??? | 3/24/1973 | 73 years |
Veble, Maria | ??? | 3/4/1911 | |
Vedder, Jacob | ??? | 8/8/1887 | 6 years |
Vedder, Robert H. | ??? | 4/11/1913 | |
Vega, Javier | ??? | 6/24/1979 | 1 month |
Vega, Liberato | ??? | 12/13/1976 | 58 years |
Vega, Rafael Jr. | ??? | 4/22/1987 | 1 month |
Veigel, John | ??? | 8/27/1912 | |
Veigele, Joseph | ??? | 5/22/1917 | 60 years |
Veigl, Frank | ??? | 7/30/1905 | |
Veigle, Mary | ??? | 7/26/1912 | 53 years |
Veil, Antonia | ??? | 7/18/1898 | |
Veil, Ottie J. | ??? | 6/10/1919 | 20 years |
Velarde, Lucille | ??? | 11/5/1975 | 55 years |
Velarde, Valentin | ??? | 6/19/1979 | 28 years |
Velasquenz, Dolores Maria | ??? | 2/14/1978 | 47 years |
Velasquez, Doris | ??? | 4/14/1977 | 50 years |
Velaszquez, Brodie | ??? | 7/22/1981 | 1 day |
Veldenz, Elizabeth | ??? | 1/9/1910 | |
Velec, Isreal | ??? | 9/22/1987 | |
Velez, Eduardo | ??? | 7/11/1986 | |
Velez, Jose | ??? | 10/3/1969 | 54 years |
Velez, Juan A. | ??? | 8/10/1981 | 35 years |
Velez, Juan L. | ??? | 7/13/1977 | 58 years |
Velez, Robert | ??? | 12/15/1974 | 19 years |
Velez, William | ??? | 10/25/1979 | 24 years |
Velez, Yamaira | ??? | 12/9/1981 | |
Venderbrandt, Paulina | ??? | 5/13/1894 | |
Vendl, Frank | ??? | 2/1/1904 | |
Veneier, Maria | ??? | 12/23/1902 | |
Veneta, Catharina | ??? | 2/5/1903 | |
Venier, Henry | ??? | 9/29/1903 | |
Venier, Zitto | ??? | 11/14/1904 | |
Venn, Anna Laura | ??? | 11/14/1961 | |
Venn, Anna Marie | ??? | 7/12/1932 | |
Venn, August E. | ??? | 1/7/1935 | |
Venn, Augustus F. | ??? | 7/29/1973 | 73 years |
Venn, Charles J. | ??? | 9/24/1950 | |
Venn, Chas Dr. | ??? | 7/22/1926 | |
Venn, Clarisse | ??? | 11/14/1973 | 80 years |
Venn, Clemen Rev. | ??? | 11/13/1911 | 76 years |
Venn, Clement | ??? | 3/23/1908 | 40 years |
Venn, Ferdinand | ??? | 12/20/1902 | 32 years |
Venn, Ferdinand | ??? | 3/28/1896 | |
Venn, Franzisca | ??? | 5/1/1879 | 75 years |
Venn, Henry L | ??? | 2/11/1960 | |
Venn, Mary | ??? | 7/9/1927 | |
Venn, Mary Louise | ??? | 9/10/1945 | |
Venn, Theodore | ??? | 12/11/1946 | |
Venn, Theodore Rev. | ??? | 8/21/1905 | 68 years |
Venn, baby of (Anna & Augustus) | ??? | 10/17/1910 | |
Vennekamp, John | ??? | 4/20/1894 | 41 years |
Vennekamp, Jos Fr. | ??? | 7/22/1894 | |
Vennekamp, Mary | ??? | 5/4/1947 | |
Vennekamp, Rose Clara | ??? | 2/3/1977 | 91 years |
Venns, Edward A. | ??? | 10/15/1898 | |
Ventine, No first name | ??? | 7/14/1891 | |
Ventura, Antoinette | ??? | 2/27/1963 | |
Venzon, Frederico | ??? | 4/10/1960 | |
Ver Futh, William | ??? | 11/18/1902 | |
Ver Haag, Clara | ??? | 12/12/1909 | 71 years |
Ver Haag, Jacob | ??? | 9/19/1896 | 72 years |
Ver Haag, Michael | ??? | 10/23/1933 | |
Ver Haelen, Baby | ??? | 9/4/1896 | |
Ver Halen, Joseph H | ??? | 1/25/1913 | 45 years |
Ver Halen, Albert | ??? | 11/5/1940 | |
Ver Halen, Baby | ??? | 8/8/1904 | |
Ver Halen, Catherine | ??? | 11/8/1930 | |
Ver Halen, Clarence | ??? | 10/26/1958 | |
Ver Halen, Denise | ??? | 5/9/1967 | 74 years |
Ver Halen, George | ??? | 6/16/1959 | |
Ver Halen, George H | ??? | 1/9/1920 | |
Ver Halen, Grace | ??? | 5/1/1951 | |
Ver Halen, Mary | ??? | 10/14/1951 | |
Ver Halen, Mathew J | ??? | 2/12/1913 | 30 years |
Ver Halen, Oliver | ??? | 12/4/1969 | 76 years |
Ver Halen, William | ??? | 10/7/1933 | |
Ver Halen, William | ??? | 3/6/1912 | 71 years |
Ver Halle, Chas Jos | ??? | 8/28/1902 | |
Ver Heeck, Baby | ??? | 4/25/1920 | |
Ver Heeck, Baby | ??? | 8/1/1923 | |
Ver Heeck, Theresia M | ??? | 8/1/1923 | |
Ver Helle, Alphonsus | ??? | 8/6/1909 | |
Ver Helle, Charles G | ??? | 9/3/1907 | |
Ver Helle, Emma | ??? | 11/1/1908 | |
Ver Helli, Adolph C | ??? | 10/13/1899 | |
Ver bella, Maria | ??? | 9/1/1893 | |
Verbanck, Marie | ??? | 3/1/1914 | |
Verbauer, Palmer | ??? | 2/14/1914 | |
Verbes, Ottilia | ??? | 12/14 1892 | |
Verbowsky, Ignatz | ??? | 9/8/1927 | |
Verbowsky, Katherina | ??? | 3/25/1910 | 47 years |
Verboyd, Victor | ??? | 2/18/1889 | 52 years |
Verconter, Anna | ??? | 1/4/1914 | 53 years |
Verconter, Charles J | ??? | 2/23/1931 | |
Verden, William L | ??? | 10/12/1913 | 29 years |
Verdickt, Christian | ??? | 2/27/1905 | |
Verdong, Jacob | ??? | 9/9/1895 | 30 years |
Verdung, Frank | ??? | 10/10/1933 | |
Verdung, Madeline | ??? | 1/26/1920 | |
Verdung, Odelia | ??? | 7/27/1902 | 64 years |
Verest, Alice | ??? | 9/18/1921 | |
Verest, Alphonsus E. | ??? | 6/6/1909 | 6 months |
Verest, John R. | ??? | 3/29/1942 | |
Verest, Lena | ??? | 6/18/1931 | |
Vergan, Charles W. | ??? | 2/5/1966 | |
Vergan, Lucy | ??? | 6/19/1949 | |
Verganwerk, Albert | ??? | 7/26/1911 | |
Verhesen, Francisco | ??? | 12/16/1903 | |
Verheyden, Mary Lil | ??? | 5/10/1902 | |
Vering, Anna M | ??? | 4/20/1897 | |
Vermeersch, Emil | ??? | 9/29/1908 | |
Vermeersch, Emma | ??? | 7/13/1891 | |
Vermersch, Frank | ??? | 8/25/1892 | |
Vernett, Frannie J | ??? | 7/21/1922 | |
Vernett, John | ??? | 6/25/1925 | |
Vernich, Ann C | ??? | 5/13/1884 | |
Vernich, John | No dates listed | ||
Veroloesen, Louis | ??? | 12/30/1901 | |
Verschoore, Amelia | ??? | 8/25/1930 | |
Verschoore, Anthony J | ??? | 12/26/1941 | |
Verschoore, Bertha | ??? | 12/24/1957 | |
Verschoore, Chantil J | ??? | 4/4/1929 | |
Verschoore, Earl | ??? | 3/28/1967 | 87 years |
Verschoore, John | ??? | 4/23/1923 | |
Verschoore, Jos | ??? | 4/6/1906 | 19 years |
Verschoore, Jos R | ??? | 3/1/1913 | |
Verschoore, Lucille G | ??? | 10/2/1908 | |
Verschoore, Maria | ??? | 7/15/1899 | |
Verschoore, Marion | ??? | 7/27/1935 | |
Verschoore, Mathilda | ??? | 4/2/1908 | |
Verschoore, Michaek | ??? | 8/10/1944 | |
Verschove, Ruchus | ??? | 4/23/1923 | |
Verseman, Carolina M | ??? | 4/6/1906 | 27 years |
Vertgewall, Bertha | ??? | 9/22/1925 | |
Vertgewall, Cath | ??? | 1/27/1925 | |
Vertgewall, Elizabeth | ??? | 5/11/1903 | 18 years |
Vertin, Katherine T | ??? | 12/14/1956 | |
Vertung, Peter | ??? | 8/16/1865 | 33 years |
Ververs, Herman | ??? | 2/15/1899 | 78 years |
Ververs, Laura A | ??? | 5/31/1976 | 82 years |
Ververs, Leonard | ??? | 8/3/1916 | 55 years |
Ververs, Ottilia | ??? | 10/24/1939 | |
Ververs, Ralph George | ??? | 4/19/1971 | 67 years |
Ververs, Theresia | ??? | 9/11/1897 | |
Vervoet, Mathilda | ??? | 12/4/1898 | 20 years |
Veskanf, Antonia | ??? | 10/22/1924 | |
Vesley, Ottillia | ??? | 11/10/1920 | |
Vesselle, Elizabeth | ??? | 4/11/1915 | |
Vetter, Elis | ??? | 2/2/1873 | 27 years |
Vetter, Elis M | ??? | 8/27/1869 | 35 years |
Viafar, Isidio B | ??? | 7/15/1957 | |
Vickers, Beda | ??? | 10/13/1910 | |
Vickers, Elias P | ??? | 2/28/1942 | |
Vickers, Elizabeth | ??? | 4/27/1918 | 90 years |
Vickers, Emilie | ??? | 11/4/1909 | 30 years |
Vickers, R.P. | ??? | 6/3/1874 | 58 years |
Vickers, Winfred | ??? | 3/15/1947 | |
Victor, Jacob | ??? | 6/27/1896 | |
Victor, Joseph | ??? | 5/16/1959 | |
Victor, Julia W | ??? | 9/19/1952 | |
Victor, Pier | ??? | 4/21/1891 | |
Victorin, Mary Ann | ??? | 2/6/1980 | |
Victoris, Aug | ??? | 8/21/1894 | |
Victoris, Cath | ??? | 12/27/1925 | |
Victoris, Catharina | ??? | 2/2/1892 | |
Victoris, Donald | ??? | 7/11/1929 | |
Victoris, George | ??? | 7/23/1899 | 10 years |
Victoris, Peter | ??? | 7/27/1896 | |
Victoris, Peter | ??? | 8/2/1929 | |
Vicyotis, Anna M C | ??? | 1/24/1890 | |
Videra, Victor | ??? | 5/16/1965 | |
Vidor, Margaret E | ??? | 2/23/1921 | |
Vidt, Nicolaus | ??? | 5/7/1915 | 52 years |
Viean, Ralph | ??? | 2/13/1921 | |
Viegele, Jos | ??? | 2/16/1928 | |
Viella, James Jr. | ??? | 3/12/1981 | 40 years |
Viemeister, Henry A | ??? | 10/15/1915 | 28 years |
Viemeister, Margaret | ??? | 9/12/1916 | 6 years |
Viera, Antonio | ??? | 10/3/1972 | 63 years |
Vieracker, Agnes | ??? | 8/20/1915 | 76 years |
Vieracker, Anna | ??? | 4/14/1866 | 27 years |
Vieracker, Anna T. | ??? | 4/30/1910 | 44 years |
Vieracker, Barb | ??? | 9/2/1929 | |
Vieracker, Edward C | ??? | 3/14/1949 | |
Vieracker, Elis | ??? | 5/25/1885 | 18 years |
Vieracker, Joseph | ??? | 12/16/1946 | |
Vieracker, Joseph | ??? | 4/18/1913 | 74 years |
Vieracker, Mathias | ??? | 4/16/1980 | |
Vieracker, margaret C | ??? | 3/11/1943 | |
Viereck, Helena | ??? | 1/1/1927 | |
Vierk, Catharina | ??? | 9/1/1891 | |
Viersengel, Barbara | ??? | 5/1/1907 | 73 years |
Viert, Anna | ??? | 12/3/1891 | |
Vieth, Louise | ??? | 11/2/1920 | |
Vietoris, Barbara | ??? | 6/22/1892 | |
Vietoris, Cath | ??? | 5/26/1895 | |
Vietoris, Gertrude | ??? | 7/26/1901 | 40 years |
Vietoris, Henry | ??? | 12/29/1896 | |
Vietoris, Henry J | ??? | 3/29/1905 | |
Vietoris, John | ??? | 3/28/1902 | |
Vietoris, John | ??? | 6/20/1892 | |
Vietoris, John | ??? | 7/18/1897 | |
Vietoris, John | ??? | 9/8/1941 | |
Vietoris, John H | ??? | 2/6/1899 | |
Vietoris, Peter | ??? | 12/28/1938 | |
Vietoris, Sadie | ??? | 2/27/1934 | |
Vietz, Fritz | ??? | 12/13/1907 | |
View, Jospeh | ??? | 5/26/1907 | |
Vignerot, Rene Louis | ??? | 3/19/1903 | |
Vigueros, Julio Alexander | ??? | 2/18/1987 | |
Vikara, James A | ??? | 10/24/1986 | |
Vila, Maria | ??? | 3/7/1914 | 26 years |
Vila, William J | ??? | 4/2/1910 | |
Vilanova, Maria | ??? | 8/8/1894 | |
Vilaria, Angel C | ??? | 10/22/1975 | 73 years |
Vilas, Pilar | ??? | 4/17/1973 | 75 years |
Vilbrun, Jessica | ??? | 1/3/1983 | 3 months |
Vilella, Jaime | ??? | 4/8/1978 | 60 years |
Vilim, Mary M | ??? | 10/23/1950 | |
Villa, Baby girl | ??? | 1/1/1978 | 1 hour |
Villa, Catherine | ??? | 12/5/1971 | 67 years |
Villa, Joseph | ??? | 10/21/1978 | |
Villa, Modesto | ??? | 11/3/1975 | 75 years |
Villabol, Phillip Sgt. | ??? | 7/6/1977 | 23 years |
Villaconrta, Renee | ??? | 12/9/1983 | |
Villalobos, Indira | ??? | 3/7/1987 | |
Villanueva, Defrosa | ??? | 9/9/1981 | |
Villanueva, Enrique | ??? | 8/16/1982 | |
Villar, Sabino | ??? | 1/8/1980 | |
Villarrlibia, Carmen | ??? | 7/14/1974 | 44 years |
Villinger, Sophia | ??? | 12/15/1901 | |
Viloria, Susan | ??? | 8/15/1987 | 79 years |
Vincent, August | ??? | 5/16/1894 | |
Vincent, Carl | ??? | 1/27/1904 | |
Vincent, Carl | ??? | 9/20/1899 | |
Vincent, Frank | ??? | 11/18/1932 | |
Vincent, Helen M | ??? | 6/19/1893 | |
Vincent, John | ??? | 8/16/1906 | 48 years |
Vincent, Mabel | ??? | 5/28/1915 | |
Vincent, Roe W Commander | ??? | 5/26/1944 | |
Vincent, Theodore | ??? | 6/24/1873 | |
Vincent, Walter C | ??? | 4/15/1894 | |
Vincent, William | ??? | 6/15/1897 | 80 years |
Vincent, William | ??? | 8/14/1916 | 53 years |
Vincentine, Sister Mary | ??? | 7/31/1963 | |
Vinsko, Martin | ??? | 1/24/1916 | |
Violet, Maynard | ??? | 1/27/1976 | |
Violet, child of Bessie | ??? | 3/10/1909 | |
Violett, James | ??? | 3/12/1908 | |
Viraets, Louise | ??? | 5/10/1917 | |
Virmisch, Mary | ??? | 9/7/1910 | 33 years |
Virnisch, Adam | ??? | 3/20/1912 | 73 years |
Viscour, Anna | ??? | 6/16/1897 | |
Vitay, Josefa | ??? | 11/22/1910 | |
Vitha Frank Joseph | ??? | 6/11/1933 | |
Vitha, Cath | ??? | 6/9/1925 | |
Vitha, Vernon | ??? | 4/24/1906 | |
Vitlander, Elizabeth | ??? | 9/4/1898 | |
Vitu, Catherine | ??? | 10/24/1937 | |
Vitu, Constant J | ??? | 1/6/1940 | |
Vitu, Constant J Jr | ??? | 7/4/1892 | |
Vodecka, Anna | ??? | 5/8/1877 | 57 years |
Vodnik, Valentine | ??? | 9/11/1916 | |
Voegeding, Fredericka W | ??? | 8/3/1919 | |
Voegele, Eva | ??? | 12/22/1897 | 60 years |
Voegele, Sophia | ??? | 2/8/1906 | |
Voegt, Fritz | ??? | 6/5/1908 | 65 years |
Voegth, Jos Frank | ??? | 8/2/1890 | |
Voegtha, Ida | ??? | 4/14/1894 | |
Voegtle, Alice | ??? | 7/5/1938 | |
Voegtle, Anna | ??? | 4/3/1896 | |
Voegtle, Anthony | ??? | 7/16/1920 | 4 years |
Voegtle, Bern | ??? | 7/8/1900 | 16 years |
Voegtle, Caroline W | ??? | 1/29/1891 | |
Voegtle, Engelbert | ??? | 9/17/1953 | |
Voegtle, Helen | ??? | 5/7/1912 | |
Voegtle, Herman | ??? | 3/7/1901 | |
Voegtle, John | ??? | 8/4/1915 | |
Voegtle, Jos | ??? | 9/26/1926 | |
Voegtle, Marie | ??? | 5/14/1912 | |
Voegtle, Martha Rose | ??? | 3/28/1898 | |
Voegtle, Mary S | ??? | 6/25/1949 | |
Voegtle, Mathias | ??? | 6/7/1891 | |
Voegtle, Max | ??? | 2/25/1906 | 18 years |
Voegtle, Max | ??? | 3/12/1895 | 38 years |
Voegtle, Rose | ??? | 7/10/1915 | |
Voegtle, Susan | ??? | 7/20/1911 | 51 years |
Voegtle, Willaim A | ??? | 6/9/1912 | |
Voegtle, William F | ??? | 5/31/1892 | |
Voegtt, Henry | ??? | 4/9/1902 | |
Voelke, John | ??? | 2/20/1893 | |
Voelke, Thomas | ??? | 5/21/1906 | |
Voelke, William | ??? | 3/23/1901 | 37 years |
Voelke,George | ??? | 6/21/1899 | 28 years |
Voelkl, Barbara | ??? | 6/2/1900 | 68 years |
Voelkl, Chesters P | ??? | 2/1/1913 | |
Voelkl, Elisabeth | ??? | 2/19/1898 | 62 years |
Voelkl, Jacob | ??? | 11/30/1899 | |
Voelkl, Joseph | ??? | 4.23.1893 | 34 years |
Voelkl, Joseph T | ??? | 9/27/1947 | |
Voelkl, Thomas | ??? | 2/25/1891 | 22 years |
Vogel, Adolph | ??? | 2/22/1907 | 62 years |
Vogel, Andrew | ??? | 2/11/1914 | |
Vogel, Anton | ??? | 6/16/1907 | |
Vogel, Charles | ??? | 11/22/1945 | |
Vogel, Elizabeth | ??? | 3/15/1930 | |
Vogel, Elizabeth D. | ??? | 3/7/1946 | |
Vogel, Helen | ??? | 3/5/1913 | 33 years |
Vogel, Ignatz | ??? | 2/13/1903 | |
Vogel, Joseph | ??? | 2/12/1936 | |
Vogel, Joseph | ??? | 4/15/1912 | |
Vogel, Josephina | ??? | 12/13/1898 | |
Vogel, Josephine | ??? | 7/18/1895 | |
Vogel, Lorraine | ??? | 1/23/1982 | |
Vogel, Maria | ??? | 2/19/1969 | 75 years |
Vogel, Martin | ??? | 8/26/1900 | |
Vogel, Mary | ??? | 9/18/1974 | 85 years |
Vogeler, Herman | ??? | 6/14/1900 | 69 years |
Vogeler, Hermann J | ??? | 10/29/1906 | 44 years |
Vogeler, John | ??? | 4/5/1916 | |
Vogeler, Jos A | ??? | 9/27/1918 | 22 years |
Vogelgesang, Adam | ??? | 2/21/1904 | 59 years |
Vogelgesang, Charles L | ??? | 7/14/1911 | |
Vogelgesang, Edmund A | ??? | 3/9/1946 | |
Vogelgesang, Frances E | ??? | 10/23/1910 | 13 years |
Vogelgesang, Frank | ??? | 3/6/1924 | |
Vogelgesang, Helena | ??? | 7/11/1897 | |
Vogelgesang, Maria | ??? | 4/25/1897 | 56 years |
Vogelgesang, Martina | ??? | 4/25/1897 | 56 years |
Vogelgesang, Math | ??? | 1/3/1897 | 57 years |
Vogelgesang, Oldo | ??? | 1/20/1897 | 32 years |
Vogelgesang, Rosalia | ??? | 9/14/1911 | 41 years |
Voges, Catharina Elis | ??? | 10/27/1895 | |
Vogl, Antonia H | ??? | 11/1/1948 | |
Vogl, Carl | ??? | 2/5/1891 | |
Vogl, Dolores | ??? | 7/12/1971 | 48 years |
Vogl, Karl | ??? | 1/22/1975 | 81 years |
Vogler, Agnes B | ??? | 7/3/1964 | |
Vogler, Albert J | ??? | 6/22/1911 | 55 years |
Vogler, Bernard R | ??? | 11/16/1910 | |
Vogler, Christ | ??? | 6/16/1899 | |
Vogler, Clara Margaret | ??? | 11/8/1961 | |
Vogler, Ellen | ??? | 11/23/1941 | |
Vogler, Frank A | ??? | 1/14/1950 | |
Vogler, Mary L | ??? | 7/4/1920 | |
Vogler, Ottilia | ??? | 8/29/1903 | 48 years |
Vogler, Regina | ??? | 10/28/1941 | |
Vogler, Walter H. | ??? | 2/6/1937 | |
Vogt, Alfred | ??? | 10/6/1891 | |
Vogt, Anna | ??? | 1/29/1967 | 76 years |
Vogt, Baby | ??? | 4/6/1905 | |
Vogt, Bertha | ??? | 11/6/1959 | |
Vogt, Carl | ??? | 1/4/1901 | |
Vogt, Carl | ??? | 7/16/1891 | |
Vogt, Catherina | ??? | 8/111/1908 | |
Vogt, Charles R | ??? | 5/26/1979 | 90 years |
Vogt, Edward | ??? | 11/2/1905 | |
Vogt, Elizabeth | ??? | 1/30/1914 | |
Vogt, Evelyn F | ??? | 3/6/1914 | |
Vogt, Frank Sr | ??? | 9/26/1938 | |
Vogt, Franziska | ??? | 3/15/1901 | |
Vogt, Fredericka | ??? | 11/25/1945 | |
Vogt, Fritz | ??? | 6/5/1908 | |
Vogt, Geroge | ??? | 6/25/1915 | |
Vogt, Gertrude | ??? | 10/11/1940 | |
Vogt, Grace | ??? | 4/25/1946 | |
Vogt, John | ??? | 5/12/1902 | 62 years |
Vogt, John | ??? | 6/25/1901 | |
Vogt, John | ??? | 9/11/1895 | 60 years |
Vogt, John | ??? | 9/12/1906 | |
Vogt, John P. | ??? | 10/16/1893 | |
Vogt, John S. | ??? | 9/11/1869 | 63 years |
Vogt, Joseph | ??? | 4/16/1921 | |
Vogt, Joseph A | ??? | 3/26/1978 | 93 years |
Vogt, Magdalena | ??? | 3/14/1918 | 53 years |
Vogt, Margareth | ??? | 2/4/1908 | |
Vogt, Maria | ??? | 10/7/1903 | 73 years |
Vogt, Mary | ??? | 5/26/1916 | 70 years |
Vogt, Mary Anna | ??? | 4/1/1917 | 68 years |
Vogt, Mathilde | ??? | 12/28/1976 | |
Vogt, Nicolaus | ??? | 2/1/1915 | |
Vogt, Peter | ??? | 8/22/1895 | |
Vogt, Richard | ??? | 3/11/1899 | |
Vogt, Robert F | ??? | 7/18/1915 | |
Vogt, Seb | ??? | 4/29/1888 | 66 years |
Vogt, Stanley | ??? | 1/14/1916 | |
Vogt, Theresia | ??? | 12/13/1907 | |
Vogt, Theresia | ??? | 5/21/1894 | 17 years |
Vogt, William | ??? | 7/3/1984 | |
Vohl, Nicolaus | ??? | 6/19/1947 | 48 years |
Vohla, Carl | ??? | 11/6/1893 | |
Voight, Anthony | F | ??? | 8/3/1906 |
Voight, Edward F | ??? | 11/23/1956 | |
Voight, Louise | ??? | 6/4/1919 | |
Voight, Mary C | ??? | 11/16/1942 | |
Voight, Sarah | ??? | 7/16/1926 | |
Voight,Casper | ??? | 12/27/1930 | |
Voigt, Anna D | ??? | 3/21/1906 | |
Voiss, Carolina | ??? | 7/18/1905 | 29 years |
Vokac, Catherine | ??? | 4/28/1908 | |
Vokac, Vincent | ??? | 3/15/1931 | |
Volk, Cath | ??? | 9/6/1929 | |
Volk, Elis | ??? | 6/25/1895 | |
Volk, Elizabeth | ??? | 7/3/1915 | |
Volk, Magdalena | ??? | 1/14/1914 | |
Volkamnn, Margaret | ??? | 12/9/1958 | |
Volke, Thomas | ??? | 5/21/1906 | 75 years |
Volkl, Angela | ??? | 4/16/1928 | |
Volkl, Joseph T | ??? | 9/27/1947 | |
Volkman, Robert D. | ??? | 7/28/1957 | |
Volkmann, Paul | ??? | 3/5/1919 | |
Volknmer, Amalia | ??? | 4/6/1906 | 35 years |
Volkweis, Elizabeth | ??? | 8/18/1923 | |
Volkweiss, John | ??? | 5/24/1905 | |
Vollbarth, Marie | ??? | 3/6/1950 | 92 years |
Vollbrath, Alice M. | ??? | 6/6/1947 | 54 years |
Vollbrath, Edmund | ??? | 3/20/1910 | 56 years |
Vollbrath, Edmund A. | ??? | 2/7/1910 | 24 years |
Vollkommen, Frank | ??? | 1/22/1904 | |
Vollman, Bernard Andrew | ??? | 12/14/1958 | |
Vollmann, Albert | ??? | 8/25/1912 | 13 years |
Vollmann, Bern | ??? | 4/9/1885 | 39 years |
Vollmann, Christiana | ??? | 3/17/1909 | |
Vollmann, Con | ??? | 2/28/1908 | |
Vollmann, Joseph | ??? | 10/4/1918 | |
Vollmann, Louise R | ??? | 8/21/1968 | 82 years |
Vollmann, Madgeline | No dates listed | ||
Vollmann, Mary Schnieder | ??? | 1/13/1941 | |
Vollmann, Mathias | ??? | 2/21/1934 | |
Vollmann, Peter | ??? | 7/12/1895 | 20 years |
Vollmar, Adolph | ??? | 5/29/1908 | |
Vollmar, William | ??? | 11/24/1908 | |
Vollmer, Carolina | ??? | 9/15/1895 | |
Vollmer, Chas | ??? | 9/25/1888 | |
Vollmer, Eliz | ??? | 12/18/1928 | |
Vollmer, Henry | ??? | 4/17/1901 | |
Vollmer, Henry J | ??? | 3/21/1941 | |
Vollmer, Joseph Larez | ??? | 9/6/1878 | |
Vollmer, Maria | ??? | 1/27/1901 | 7 years |
Vollmer, Stella | ??? | 2/26/1941 | |
Volltraner, Elizabeth | ??? | 2/4/1915 | |
Von Bachelle Louisa | ??? | 4/21/1899 | |
Von Bebber, Henry | ??? | 10/1/1887 | 73 years |
Von Billinger, Edward | ??? | 10/5/1906 | 28 years |
Von Bogget, Catharina | ??? | 6/12/1903 | |
Von Borgen, Barb | ??? | 3/19/1902 | |
Von Butte, Emil | ??? | 3/19/1911 | |
Von Cleave, John H | ??? | 1/21/1908 | |
Von Der Haar, Anton | ??? | 11/24/1903 | |
Von Freiberg, Joseph | ??? | 4/6/1972 | 65 years |
Von Guddem, Mary E | ??? | 7/22/1899 | |
Von Gutmann, Mary | ??? | 8/21/1903 | |
Von Hermann, Euguene | ??? | 3/14/1939 | |
Von Hermann, Fred | ??? | 8/10/1926 | |
Von Hermann, Fred William | ??? | 1/14/1901 | 18 years |
Von Hermann, Frieda | ??? | ??? | |
Von Hermann, Hugo | ??? | 8/28/1907 | |
Von Hermann, Mary | ??? | 12/30/1927 | |
Von Hertzberg, Max George | ??? | 4/29/1915 | |
Von Holdt, Ann T. | ??? | 2//21/1987 | |
Von Hollen | ??? | 5/27/1896 | 26 years |
Von Hollen, Henry | ??? | 5/1/1912 | 35 years |
Von Hollen, Mary F. | ??? | 10/1/1921 | |
Von Jackush, Thomas | ??? | 1/21/1932 | |
Von Leirberge, Florence | ??? | 8/31/1906 | |
Von Likefeld, Kort | ??? | 5/4/1895 | |
Von Mouse, Jos Ludwig | ??? | 10/19/1902 | |
Von Oepen, Frank | ??? | 12/8/1902 | 74 years |
Von Oepen, Frank | ??? | 8/27/1912 | |
Von Oeyen, Anna | ??? | 8/8/1902 | |
Von Pinnnon, Marg Jos | ??? | 10/13/1894 | 49 years |
Von Pinnon, Philip J | ??? | 12/15/1915 | 37 years |
Von Pinnon, Philip V | ??? | 6/19/1889 | 54 years |
Von Rath, Anna M | ??? | 5/30/1913 | 79 years |
Von Rath, Frederick | ??? | 4/15/1909 | 85 years |
Von Rodowitz, Paul | ??? | 3/24/1913 | 77 years |
Von Scheven, Josephine | ??? | 2/13/1941 | |
Von Schiller, Christian | ??? | 2/18/1900 | |
Von Tesmar | ??? | 1/18/1917 | 57 years |
Von Tesmar, Bernard | ??? | 10/25/1902 | 14 years |
Von Tesmar, Emil | ??? | 12/5/1946 | |
Von Tesmar, Gerald | ??? | 7/1/1964 | |
Von Tesmar, Hilliard | ??? | 5/20/1981 | (Larry) |
Von Tesmar, Mary | ??? | 9/10/1912 | 53 years |
Von Tesmer, Emil | ??? | 12/5/1946 | |
Von Tessmar, Theresia | ??? | 11/25/1901 | |
Von Uhren | ??? | 12/1/1907 | |
Von Virren, Bernard | ??? | 3/25/1872 | 26 years |
Von Wagner, Agnes C | ??? | 2/12/1913 | |
Von Wagner, Child | ??? | 9/23/1912 | (Mary & Peter) |
Von Wagner, Frances | ??? | 11/27/1923 | |
Von Wagner, Mary A | ??? | 9/23/1912 | |
Von Wyson, Baby | ??? | 5/24/1923 | |
Von Zelewski, Anton | ??? | 4/11/1909 | |
Von Zelewski, Eugenia M | ??? | 6/5/1959 | |
Von Zelewski, Frank | ??? | 4/22/1949 | |
Voncke, Elodie | ??? | 12/27/1946 | |
Voncke, Victor | ??? | 11/11/1935 | |
Vonder Bruggen, Andreas | ??? | 10/31/1897 | |
Vonder Heide, Joseph H. | ??? | 7/23/1942 | |
Vonder Heide, Mary | ??? | 2/21/1939 | |
Vonderhaar, Anton | ??? | 2/13/1874 | 50 years |
Vondracek, Fred | ??? | 8/28/1904 | |
Vondrasek, George | ??? | 4/25/1903 | |
Vonesh, Mary G | ??? | 12/18/1907 | 45 years |
Voorhees, Rose | ??? | 12/19/1940 | |
Vormann, Hesel | ??? | 8/28/1896 | |
Vormittag, John | ??? | 6/19/1913 | |
Vorwald, Mary H | ??? | 5/11/1898 | |
Vose, Anna | ??? | 12/26/1969 | 95 years |
Vose, Arthur J | ??? | 10/24/1928 | |
Voss Baby | ??? | 10/31/1919 | |
Voss, Anna M. | ??? | 6/2/1962 | |
Voss, Anton | ??? | 9/23/1895 | |
Voss, Baby | ??? | 7/11/1927 | |
Voss, Bernard F | ??? | 6/4/1894 | |
Voss, Bernedette | ??? | 1/15/1928 | |
Voss, Bernetta | ??? | 12/15/1966 | 70 years |
Voss, Cath M | ??? | 10/21/1926 | |
Voss, Catherine | ??? | 4/19/1896 | 61 years |
Voss, Child | ??? | 1/3/1904 | (Theresa & Peter) |
Voss, Earl | ??? | 1/27/1917 | |
Voss, Elizabeth | ??? | 3/6/1890 | |
Voss, Elizabeth K | ??? | 12/30/1935 | |
Voss, Emma K | ??? | 4/6/1951 | |
Voss, Florence | ??? | 12/24/1928 | |
Voss, Frank | ??? | 10/25/1910 | |
Voss, Frank | ??? | 2/1/1920 | |
Voss, Frank | ??? | 4/22/1917 | 28 years |
Voss, Frank A | ??? | 10/23/1915 | |
Voss, H. Anna | ??? | 1/20/1904 | |
Voss, Henry | ??? | 7/13/1893 | |
Voss, Henry J | ??? | 8/3/1892 | |
Voss, Jacob | ??? | 5/12/1951 | |
Voss, James Peter | ??? | 8/15/1937 | |
Voss, Johanna | ??? | 2/21/1885 | 7 years |
Voss, John | ??? | 2/26/1919 | |
Voss, Jos P | ??? | 7/18/1894 | |
Voss, Joseph | ??? | 7/28/1903 | |
Voss, Joseph E | ??? | 4/26/1912 | 26 years |
Voss, Joseph H Henry Sr. | ??? | 1/9/1957 | |
Voss, Joseph Jr | ??? | 2/4/1954 | |
Voss, Louis T | ??? | 4/15/1904 | 68 years |
Voss, Lucien L | ??? | 5/22/1944 | |
Voss, Margaret | ??? | 11/11/1914 | 46 years |
Voss, Mary | ??? | 2/20/1885 | 9 years |
Voss, Mary | ??? | 4/15/1934 | |
Voss, Mary Ann | ??? | 11/4/1954 | |
Voss, Peter E. | ??? | 4/6/1955 | |
Voss, Sophia | ??? | 6/2/1903 | 52 years |
Voss, Theresia | ??? | 2/29/1892 | |
Voss, William | ??? | 5/28/1899 | |
Voss, William J | ??? | 10/14/1932 | |
Vossel, Bernard | ??? | 4/15/1896 | |
Vossel, Cecilia | ??? | 2/13/1929 | |
Vossel, Charles | ??? | 12/30/1905 | |
Vossel, Charlotte | ??? | 12/30/1905 | |
Vossel, Child | ??? | 7/6/1900 | (Cath & William) |
Vossel, Edward | ??? | 7/10/1897 | |
Vossel, Gertrude | ??? | 1/17/1899 | 87 years |
Vossel, Helena | ??? | 2/21/1901 | 33 years |
Vossel, Joseph | ??? | 10/22/1889 | 69 years |
Vossel, Joseph | ??? | 12/2/1891 | 42 years |
Vossel, Michael J | ??? | 9/18/1921 | |
Vosshuhler, Ida M | ??? | 6/8/1930 | |
Vosskuhler, Brunhilda | ??? | 2/28/1911 | |
Vosskuhler, John | ??? | 12/18/1931 | |
Vosskuhler, Reinhold J | ??? | 8/14/1962 | |
Voth, Henry | ??? | 10/23/1892 | |
Voth, Henry | ??? | 9/12/1892 | |
Voyacek, Anna | ??? | 10/17/1908 | 19 years |
Voyda, Mary | ??? | 8/29/1951 | |
Voyer, Mabel | ??? | 10/2/1965 | |
Voyer, Pierre E. | ??? | 3/10/1968 | 90 years |
Vrach, Annie | ??? | 6/11/1910 | 24 years |
Vuchovich, Annie | ??? | 12/11/1968 | 58 years |
Vugrencsics, Clara | ??? | 7/17/1907 | 68 years (Vugrenzsizs) |
Vwe Boomer, Henrietta | ??? | 4/11/1892 | |
Vydra, Rosita | ??? | 5/2/1979 | 66 years |
Wassermann, | John | 2/1895 | 3/10/1952 |
Wassermann, Augusta | 4/12/1889 | 7/15/1890 | |
Wassermann, Elis | 8/26/1901 | 9/3/1901 | 8 days |
Wassermann, Julia | 1893 | 8/10/1956 | |
Wassermann, Lorraine | ??? | 8/27/1921 | |
Wassermann, Louis | 3/9/1856 | 6/22/1902 | 46 years |
Wassermann, Louis | ??? | 3/20/1919 | 3 years |
Wassermann, Louis Jr. | 5/3/1886 | 5/6/1908 | |
Wassermann, Raymond | ??? | 12/5/1922 | |
Wassermann, Rosa | 9/1883 | 12/16/1889 | 6 years |
Wassermann, Rosalie | 11/29/1858 | 7/21/1925 | |
Wasta, Carl | ??? | 11/16/1897 | 29 years |
Wastl, Mary | ??? | 8/2/1908 | |
Wastrich, Charles | ??? | 12/30/1891 | |
Waszbinska, Helena | ??? | 12/11/1881 | 13 years |
Watava, Eward | ??? | 4/16/1890 | |
Waterloo, Baby | ??? | 3/15/1902 | |
Waterloo, Barb | ??? | 10/18/1901 | 54 years |
Waterloo, Charles D | ??? | 1/31/1905 | |
Waterloo, Gene P | ??? | 11/19/1966 | |
Waterloo, John L | ??? | 3/24/1904 | 35 years |
Waterloo, Jospeh | ??? | 8/6/1906 | |
Waterloo, Lorraine W | ??? | 1/7/1921 | |
Waterloo, Mary | ??? | 6/29/1947 | |
Waterloo, Mary Barb | ??? | 9/3/1910 | |
Waterloo, Neil J | ??? | 2/21/1936 | |
Waterloo, Nicholas | ??? | 1/26/1920 | |
Waterloo, Peter J | ??? | 9/5/1911 | 41 years |
Waterloo, child | ??? | 4/10/1907 | (Amanda & Daley) |
Contributed by Judy Retzer. “partial information on some of the alphabet and complete listing for letters U and V.
BRAND, Eva M. | ??? | Aug 07, 1895 |
HOPP, Marie | Dec 13, 1857 | Nov 16, 1935 |
HOPP, Marie C | Oct 18, 1917 | Oct 19, 1969 |
HOPP, Minnie C | Oct 28, 1896 | Aug 31, 1962 |
HOPP, Oscar R | Jun 08, 1895 | Jul 01, 1952 |
HOPP, Wilburt | Oct 07, 1909 | Oct 08, 1909 |
HOPP, Wilhelm | Aug 04, 1844 | Jul 07, 1895 |
MAY, Anton | May 02, 1833 | Jan 06, 1918 |
MAY, Magdalena | 1832 | Jun 23, 1891 |
MILLER, Matthew | Mar 01, 1887 | Mar 24, 1949 |
MILLER, Tillie | Nov 02, 1893 | Feb 17, 1962 |
OTTO, Carrie | Feb 22, 1862 | Apr 22, 1928 |
OTTO, Ferdinand | Oct 18, 1859 | Oct 31, 1924 |
Contributed by Jeannette Hopp Harper
HUNTZIGER, Charles M. | ??? | Nov 04, 1939 |
HUNTZIGER, Marie (Masolowski) | ??? | Jan 05, 1936 |
MASOLOWSKI, David | ??? | Feb 02, 1918 |
MASOLOWSKI, Francisca | ??? | Feb 04, 1899 |
MASOLOWSKI, John B. | ??? | Mar 04, 1925 |
MASOLOWSKI, Joseph | ??? | Jul 15, 1998 |
MASOLOWSKI, Louise (Schownewald) | ??? | Dec 14, 1916 |
SIMMET, Frances | ??? | Nov 20, 1982 |
SIMMET, Joseph | ??? | Apr 12, 1961 |
STEHLE, Lothar | Aug 11, 1869 | Dec 12, 1910 |
STEHLE, Ottilia | 1865 | Sep 26, 1943 |
Contributed by Marie F. Doty
Gottfried, Margaretha, born 10 Oct 1893, died 12 Oct 1893, 8m
Gottfried, Peter Jos., born 30 May 1899, died 31 May 1899, 7y
Gottfried, Peter, born 29 Jun 1912, died 2 Jul 1912, 53y
Contributed 17 Jul 1999 “I collected this data on my family from microfilm #1,509,305 “St. Boniface 1864-1987 Interment Records” at the Salt Lake City Family History Center.”
Frank P. Rostowski–Died 7/29/1944 Grandfather
Elizabeth Rostowski–Died 11/10/1944 Grandmother
Albertine Rostowski–Died 12/27/1915 Aunt
Theresa Rostowsky–Died 4/29/1955 Aunt
Joseph P. Rostowsky–Died 4/30/1978 Father
Anna M. Rostowsky (Wruck)–Died 2/11/1986 Aunt
Ida P. Rostowsky–Died 2/17/1986 Aunt
Paul Wruck
Anna M. Wruck (Rostowsky)–Died 2/11/1986
Frances Wruck
Contributed Sep 1999 by Paul R. Rostowsky
St. Adalbert Cemetery and Mausoleum
6800 N. Milwaukee Avenue
Niles, 60714
GAIDA, Andrew, died Jan 16, 1961
GAIDA, Angeline, died May 01, 1967
GAIDA, Catherine, died Mar 07, 1962
GAIDA, Dolores , died Mar 27, 1944
GAIDA, Frank, died Jul 21, 1964
GAIDA, James (Ignatz), died Dec 26, 1945
GAIDA, John, died Jan 06, 1964
GAIDA, Michael, died May 07, 1975
GAIDA, Paul, died Dec 21, 1923
GAIDA, Peter J., died Feb 23, 1939
GAIDA, Baby, died May 18, 1927
Contributed 1998 by Anne Taylor-Czaplewski
Lot #7, Block J, Section St.John, 16×16 sq ft, Special Income Care
Int# 5 L. Grabec, buried 1-27-1916
Int# 6 Zeman, buried 11-29-1917
Int# 7 Frank Zeman, 7y, buried 12-22-1920
Int# 8 John Zdenek, buried 10-22-1912
Int# 9 Jerry Drabek, 28y, buried 9-11-1921
Int# 10 Lillian Zdenek, 2d, buried 12-27-1922
Int# 11 Jos Mahr, 59y, buried 11-17-1924
Int# 12 Frank Zdenek, 46y, buried 6-4-1935
Int# 13 Frantiska Maurecek, 83y, buried 1-21-1941
Contributed Oct 2002
Wodarczyk, Andrew November 30, 1898 September 17, 1951
Wodarczyk, Stanislaw May 18, 1872 December 09, 1922
Wodarczyk, Mary/Marya February 14, 1874 October 28, 1918
Wodarczyk, Patricia Anne August 01, 1949 December 09, 1953
Contributed Jan 2004 by William Wodarczyk
Salem Cemetery
Palatine Township, Cook County, Illinois
Intersection of Kirchoff and Euclid Roads. This cemetery is in an unusual place in the corner of a parking lot for a mall. It is very small and has only a few stones, which are listed below.
KORNATZ, Herman J. – Sept. 3, 1878 – Sept. 13, 1918
THIES, Henry 1865-1953 ossw
THIES, Mary -his wife- 1867 – 1916
THIES, ????
– cannot read this stone
– looks to be a family plot with a large stone and a small stone on each side
with Mutter and Vater carved on them.
THIES, Friederich – 1806 – looks like 1893
– stone is very worn and the inscription can’t be read.
THIES, Friederich – 11 Aug. 188(?) – 7 Aug. 1895
UNKNOWN last name, Martha 1818 – 19 Apr. looks like 1897
– tall oblisk-style stone with another name on the
other side – cannot read anything else on this stone – very worn.
WISEMAN, Henry – Co. C 19 IL. INF.
– military badge-shaped stone. There is a stone that says Mother next to it.
– there are no dates on this stone
– I think that the next listing could be the same person.
WHISEMANN(possible spelling), Heinrich – 24 Dec. 1842 – 11 Jan 1907
NORDMIER, has a small stone with VATER next to it
– cannot read anything on the stone as it is also too worn to read.
NORDMIER, cannot read first name – 1819 – 1901
NORDMIER, William 1854 – 1920 ossw
Sophia his wife 1861 – 1932
PAPAJESKI, cannot read first name – 25 Apr. 1839 – 13 Dec? 1914 (OR 1917)
Contributed by Cindy Johnson
Rosehill Cemetery
Lot No. 77 Section L, Owners: M. Hirsch & E.S. Salomon
Name Age (yr/mo/days) Died Int. No.
Salomon, Ernest 3/3/0 2/27/1868 3538
Kaufman, Moritz 33/./. 7/30/1868 3862
Adler, Joseph, I. 47/11/0 11/21/1890 26486
Salomon, Malwine 73/8/26 5/27/1896 42052
Salomon, Jacob 46/./. 2/11/1901 51549
Adler, Manuel 42/./. 4/14/1918 79319
Salomon, Martin 70/3/29 5/23/1923 88325
Schmidt, Zereni 67/6/24 3/22/1928 96301
Salomon, Bertha 80/./. 8/24/1937 111595
Adler, Emma 101/8/20 10/22/1946 125484
Adler, Felix 79/./. 3/25/1963 147700
Contributed Apr 2002 by Barbara Lacy
Name: MORRIS, Miller Millard
Born: May 2, 1877
Died: October 2, 1922
Age At Death: 45 years, 5 months, 1 day
Interment Number: 87128
Lot 3, Path E, Section O
Contributed May 2002 by Kelly Kahlau
Lot #38 Section 19, Owner: J.P. Curran (heirs of)
Plat Record No. 3281
Church, Raymond Allen – age: 1 yr, 7 mos. d. May 10, 1907 – Int. No. 61834
Church, J.P. Curran – age: 83 yrs. 1 mo. d. Jan. 23, 1917 – Int. No. 77316
Church, Gordon T. – age: 0 d. Mar. 5, 1923 – Int. No. 87859
Church, Elizabeth E. – age: 70 yrs., 11 mos. – d. Feb. 22, 1934 – Int. No.105748
Church, Marion Barker – age: 79 yrs. d. Feb. 18, 1955 – Int. No. 137081
Church, Raymond A. – age: 77 yrs. d. July 14, 1957 – Int. No. 140172
Church, Louise H., – age: 85 yrs. d. Jan. 9, 1960 – Int. No. 143419
Church, Adeline May (Best) – age: 68 yrs. d. Nov. 24, 1976 – Int. No. 162826
Contributed Oct 2002 by Ruth L. Speed
Rest Haven Cemetery
Located on O’Hare Airport property.
Founded 1840
Division St., Chicago
This cemetery is tucked away from the main road down a barren dirt road past a trailer and small parking lot for the sanitation trucks. A nice little cemetery that is very near the runway at O’Hare Airport.
MILLER, Thelma (daughter) 1913 – 1928
MILLER, Geneva (mother) 1887 – 1972
MILLER, Harry (father) 1887 – 1958
MILLER, Ivan J. (son) 1917 – (unfinished)
SAMPSON, Ruth 1922 – 1923
SAMPSON, Gerald 1914 – 1930
SAMPSON, Estella M. (mother) 1883 – 1931
SAMPSON, Kenneth R. 1921 – 1934
Unmarked Stone or worn
LUEHRING, Emma M. May 11 – 17, 1903
– short round stone – like a tree stump – about 8 inches tall.
Unreadable stone – looks like a book with inscriptions for 2 persons.
Unreadable stone – has a dove on the top and is rounded at the top.
Small shaped plot about the size of a child.
BIERMAN, Louis (father) 1854 – 1937
BIERMAN, Lizetta (his wife) 1856 – 1926
UNKNOWN last name, Wilhelmina 1845 – 1900
– last name starts with a Gurn—- or a Gimu—-
– cannot tell as the stone is very worn.
UNKNOWN, Ludwig (on the same as above) 1811 – 1865
COGSWELL, William F (father) 1815 – 1869
COGSWELL, Anna A (mother) 1826 – 1911
COGSWELL, Louis R. 1854 – 1878 (all the Cogswell and Williams names
WILLIAMS, Caroline C. 1849 – 1876 are on the same stone with smaller
WILLIAMS, Walter M. 1872 – 1875 stones as footmarkers.)
COGSWELL, William F. 1844 – 1864
COGSWELL, Ellen S. 1860 – 1868
KUHL, Elisabeth (nee SCHOPPEN) 15 Oct 1833 in Schale, Pruessen – 31 Juli 1914
KUHL, Gerard 19 Juli 1834 in Schale, Pruessen – 31 Sept. 1894 (on stone with Elisabeth)
ESCH, G. L. 2/14/1814 – 12/18/1894
UNKNOWN, Mary 1801 – 1879 – on same stone with ESCH.
– these two are hard to read
– a rubbing would bring the words to focus very easily.
TWACHTMAN, Fred 1858 – 1893
TWACHTMAN, Emma (his wife) 1859 – 1887
TWACHTMAN, Louise (his wife) 1860 – 1923
LANGE, Louis D. 12/2/1878 – 2/9/1967
LANGE, Edward 1864 – 1929
LANGE, Alvina 1867 – 1924
LANGE, Heinrich 16 Sept 1835 – 6 March 1912
GALLIN, Caroline Jeine born in Tonne, 14 Jan 1840 – 7 May 1883
RINDER, 1874 – 1883
– not sure if this is the last or first name
– there was nothing else on this stone to tell.
BRITTEN, (family plot as follows)
Emma April 3, 1867
Minnie 3/12/171 – 12/19/1944
William 11/16/1858 – 6/18/1940
mother – Anna 7/17/1826 – 2/13/1907
father – Micheal 7/31/1820 – 9/17/1883
PFLUGER – (family plot as follows)
Aug. John 3/20/1867 – 10/11/1868
Henry Aug. 7/15/1864 – 10/4/1865
Christian H. 3/19/1828 – 11/8/1909
Sophia 2/15/1841 – 7/10/1919
SCHUETTE – (family plot as follows)
Henry 1834 – 1921
Maria his wife 1836 – 1874
Emma his wife 1856 – 1879
Louis 1863 – 1865
Herman 1866 – 1876
Ella 1879 – 1879
UNKNOWN, Theresia 11/3/1873 – 11/6/1873
– not sure who she belongs to – closest to the HEINRICH graves.
HEINRICH, Anna (nee STUEVE) 11/1/1841 – 5/20/1874
HEINRICH, Maria (nee EGGESTEIN) 10/5/1850 – 11/20/1945
HEINRICH, Micheal 9/24/1832 – 2/10/1905
HEINRICH – LISTHARTKE, Alvina – 1888 – 1923
PFLUGER, Herman 1885 – 1969
BAKER, Carol 8/26/1935 – 8/30/1936 – small 10 x 15″ flat stone
GATHMAN, Wayne 1953
GATHMAN, Diane 1951
PFLUGER, Grace wife 1919 – 1938
PFLUGER, Catherine mother 1879 – 1962
PFLUGER, Edward A. father 1870 – 1949
HEINRICH, Frances J. 1900 – 1979
HEINRICH, William J. 1893 – 1957
HEINRICH, John W. husband and father 1923 – 1986
STUEVE, Walter 1895 – 1975
STUEVE, William 1874 – 1960
STUEVE, Fred 1888 – 1939
STUVE, Henry 1846 – 1922
STUVE, Sophie his wife 1851 – 1942
STUVE, Anna 1810 – 1895
STUVE, Lambert 1809 – 1888
STUVE, ‘children from Henry and Sophie’
– no indication to what their names were or how many children were buried there.
STUVE, Mary ‘Gest. 9 Aug. 1887 Alter 17 Yahre 7M. 11T.’
(do not know what this means entirely)
2 BROKEN STONES – no headstone left
OLLMANN, Caroline mother 1862 – 1933
OLLMANN, Albert father 1855 – 1917
OLLMANN, Arthur son 1886 – 1938
ERTLE, Ann Marie 29, Juli 1854 – 11 Mai 1913
FREY, Catherine 1853 – 1939
FREY, George 1856 – 1925
ROHLFING, Minnie 1865 – 1933
ROHLFING, Louisa 1 Apr 1842 – 8 Sept 1909
GATHMANN, Ida L. daughter 1881 – 1944
GATHMANN, Mathilda 1850 – 1936
GATHMANN, Henry C. 1845 – 1923
GATHMANN, Heinrich 1819 – 1891
UNKNOWN last name, Gust is the only thing readable on this stone due to it being very worn
BROKEN stone
UNKNOWN name – all that is readable on this stone is GRANDMOTHER
– NEXT to it is a stone that says MOTHER with the next name on this list
SPIEGLER, A M – the rest of the stone is unreadable
WILLIAMS, John 1867 – 1936
MOSS, Mary H 1902 – 1974
MOSS, Roy L. 1889 – 1943
STONE with no writing visible – all is worn off
GATHMANN, Louis G. 1856 – 1930
GATHMANN, Emma 1861 – 1953
BIESTERFELD, Herman 1869 – 1937
BIESTERFELD, Martha 1872 – 1967
BIESTERFELD, Martin 1904 – 1920
BIESTERFELD, Gottlieb father1837 – 1933
BIESTERFELD, Wilhelmina mother 1847 – 1926
BIESTERFELD, Lillie daughter 1884 – 1918
(also has a sep. stone next to this one for her reading “Lillie 1 mos. 48. V. 21”
(do not know what this means.)
HEINRICH, (family plot as follows)
Esther 1902 – 1903
John father 1863 – 1918
Helen mother 1869 – 1945
Alvin 1906 – 1930
Eileen ADAMS 1941 – 1941
HEINRICH, Elanore 1926 – unfinished
HEINRICH, Norman J. 1925 – 1990
ROHLFING, Elmer E. 1912 – 1926
ROHLFING, Ernest father 1871 – 1943
ROHLFING, Johanne mother 1869 – 1959
ENICHLMAIR, Frank (MAYER) Nov 5, 1897 – Oct. 5, 1989
ENICHLMAIR, Gertrude (KALIPPKE) Dec 17, 1900 – Jan 24, 1985
OLLMAN, Fred E. father 1893 – 1972
OLLMAN,Carrie L. mother 1898 – 1995
– below her name reads “Ollman Baby Boy Sep. 3, 1933”
FRANZEN, 1705 – 72 years old
ANDERSON, Louis 1859 – 1942
SCHMIDT, Hedwig 1869 – 1954
GRAUE, cannot read the first name 1/21/1822 – 3/4/1889
KLEINSCHMIDT, Henry L. Aug 2, 1837 – July 13, 1896
KLEINSCHMIDT, Kathrine Nov 25, 1843 – Nov 17, 1924
ELFRING, stone reads – ” Walter and Ludwig,
twin sons of William and Adelheid Elfring 1891 – 1891″
ELFRING, George uncle 1852 – 1932
ELFRING, Laura 18 Aug 1885 – 10 Apr 1898
– large statue of a little girl but she has been vandalized and decapitated.
– next to hers is a small stone with the name on it as follows:
ELFRING, Walter Mar 4, 1894 – Feb 14, 1900
ELFRING, Fred father 1858 – 1930
ELFRING, Mary mother 1861 – 1952
BIESTERFIELD, Amanda mother Apr 8, 1882 – July 1, 1934
WALL, Fred 1893 – 1910 – all by himself in one section of the cemetery – small flat stone.
SAUER, Alex L. 1892 – 1956
LUEHRING, Marie mother 1851 – 1904
SCHEINDL (??) or possibly SCHIUIDL, first name could be Wilfred
– not sure – dates are 15 Oct 1817 – 21 (???) 1891
– this stone was broken and lying on the ground.
– There was quite a bit of writing on this one, but it is too worn to read.
Contributed by Cindy Johnson
Oak Woods Cemetery
1035 East Sixty-Seventh Street, Chicago, Illinois 60637
Cone, David, Grave K-1-96
Cone, Theresa, Grave K-1-96
Alexander, Lillie W., Grave K-1-96
Alexander, Alfred, Grave K-1-96
Boldenweck, Frederick, b. April 14, 1842, d. September 30, 1929, Grave K-1-96, husband of Salina Alexander Boldenweck
Boldenweck, Salina (nee Alexander), b. September 21, 1858, d. May 27, 1946,Grave K-1-96, wife of Frederick Boldenweck
Contributed by Christa L. Brown
McKinley, James d. 12-26-1893 lot # F-5-82 (husband of Sarah)
McKinley, Sarah d. 2-1-1897 lot #F-5-82 (wife of James above)
McKinley, Martha d. 1-4-1894 lot F-5-82 (daughter of Sarah & James)
McKinley, Mary E. d. 11-9-1875 lot F-5-82 (daughter of Sarah & James)
McKinley, Florence d. 3-14-1921 lot F-5-82 (daughter of Sarah & James)
McKinley, James D. d. 3-6-1926 lot F-5-82 (son of Sarah & James)
McKinley, John M. d. 6-18-1938 lot F-5-82 (son of Sarah & James – husband of Ida)
Contributed May 2001 by Patsy Cooley
Domagalski, Mary, born 08 Aug 1885, died 15 Sep 1935, 50y
Contributed Jan 2004 by William Wodarczyk