Tag Archives: MANNING–Billy

City Brevities (November 4, 1875)

1875 Nov 4 – City Brevities

Sheriff Agnew starts for Joliet to-morrow with twenty-three convicts.

Billy Manning will go on the “bone end” with the California Minstrels next week.

Ellsha Marks is a prisoner at the Union Street Station, charged with tapping the till of William Vender, at No. 60 South Sangamon street, yesterday afternoon.

The Rev. A. E. Kittredge is preparing a sermon to preach especially to young men next Sunday evening in Farwell Hall at the request of the Young Men’s Christian Association.

The Free Employment Bureau, 145 Fifth avenue, can furnish employers with good, experienced business young men, laborers, mechanics, and errand boys. Call and see the help.

The Coroner yesterday afternoon held an inquest on the body of a newly-born female infant, found under the sidewalk in front of No. 12 Green street. A verdict of “found dead” was returned.

A hard and well-known character named Andrew Hickey was arrested yesterday and confined in the Armory on suspicion of being one of the trio who robbed General Anson Stager’s house some time ago. He will have a hearing on the 10th inst.

For stealing an overcoat from a West Madison street store while the owner was at the polls defending the ballot-box on Tuesday afternoon, a woman named Mary Kearney was sent before the Criminal Court under bonds of $300 by Justice Scully yesterday.

A sneak named Richard F. Green was collared by an officer and yesterday held to the Criminal Court to answer to the charge of stealing property from the Rock Island Depot. His bail was fixed at $500, in default of which he was committed to the County Jail.

Yesterday afternoon about 1:30 o’clock, while some boys were playing on Halsted street between Erie and Fourth, Michael Mahoid accidentally stabbed Peter Malloy in the right eye with a knife he had in his hand. Malloy will in all probability lose the use of the optic.

On last Monday afternoon Mr. George Hercher, a farmer residing near Washington Heights, while climbing a fence, accidentally discharged a gun which he was carrying. The load entered his body in the region of the heart, and caused almost instant death. The deceased was 26 years of age and unmarried.

A gentleman named Rudolph Ruch, residing at 201 West Twelfth street, died yesterday afternoon from injuries received by being kicked by a horse last Monday. The deceased’s face and breast was lacerated and bruised in a frightful manner, and the wonder is that death did not immediately ensue. The Coroner has been notified.

Contributed 25 Jan 2013 by Deb Haines
Source: The Inter Ocean [Chicago IL] November 4, 1875