Tag Archives: FLOYD–John R.

City Brevities (August 23, 1875)

1875 Aug 23 – City Brevities

The library directors failed to meet on Saturday afternoon. There was no quorum.

A successor to Judge Lambert Tree will be elected on Nov. 2. Governor Beveridge has so ordained it.

Thomas Murphy, aged 14, fell off the pier at the foot of Fourteenth street on Saturday afternoon and was drowned.

The “hoodlums” who infest the leading thoroughfares have invented a new outrage—throwing paint on ladies’ dresses.

Three grangers from the county were caught in the toils on Saturday, and assessed in the aggregate sum of $230. No arrests.

David Humphrey, a watchman employed at the Palmer House, died in Joliet on Saturday from an overdose of laudanum.

On Saturday the Board of Public Works awarded a contract for 1,000,000 sewer bricks to H. Jones & Co., at $6.95 per thousand.

On Saturday the City Collector received $21,000 on account of city taxes. One- half the amount came from J.V. Farwell & Co.

Any one expecting to purchase a good gold or silver watch should call upon or address Hamilton, Rowe & Co., corner State and Washington streets.

The residents along Wentworth avenue south of of Thirty-ninth street object to the building on that throughfare of the Englewood horse and dummy railway.

The reunion meeting called for yesterday afternoon at Judge Rogers’ room did not take place, owing to the want of interest taken in the reunion organization.

On Wednesday Colonel Dickey, Corporation Counsel will attend a reunion of the Fourth Illinois Cavalry at Bloomington. He was the first Colonel of the regiment.

Coroner Dietzsch held an inquest at Hyde Park on Saturday on the remains of George Adams, which were found in a cistern. The jury decided it was a case of accidental drowning.

William Wilson and John Dobbins indulged in a fight on Saturday evening at the corner of Lake and Canal streets. The former had his right hip joint fractured. The latter was arrested.

The Coroner held an inquest on Saturday on the body of Robert Woodstein, who had lived on North Wells street. The jury found he died from the effects of poison, administered by his own hand.

An unfortunate creature, whose name could not be learned, made the Armory very uncomfortable for the lodgers in that hotel last night. She will be taken before the County Court this morning.

If Isaac Taylor, from Ohio, or Richard Cusach, from Canada, will make known their whereabouts at the rooms of the Young Men’s Christian Association they will relieve the great anxiety of their parents.

Last Friday morning, on the anniversary of the copartnership of W. H. Banks and W. J. Hanna, under the firm name of W. H. Banks & Co., each of the gentlemen was presented with a very rich bouquet by their employes.

There is a great demand for the Aromatic Bitter Wine of Iron, prepared by Mr. James Boland, the druggist, at 53 Clark street. We advise those suffering from nervousness, loss of appetite, weakness, headache, indigestion, and dyspepsia, to try it.

The Sovereigns of Industry met at the Palmer House on Saturday evening, where brief addresses were made by the Hon. W. H. Earle, president of the National Council; Dr. J. S. Avery, President of the Illinois State Council, and other members of the order.

A slight fire in the two-story brick building in rear of No. 504 South Morgan street, owned by John Holland, and occupied by James O’Brien as a barn, caused the alarm from box 362 at 11:30 yesterday morning. Loss, $25. No insurance. Cause unknown.

Two young fellows named Edward Cunningham and Albert Litzinger were collared and lodged in the Armory last evening for stealing iron from the Bridgeport station of the Chicago and Alton Railroad. Justice Summerfield will pass upon their cases this morning.

A meeting of the survivors of the United States Zouave Cadets was held in the Sherman House clubroom on Saturday evening. Major E. B. Knox in the chair. John R. Floyd, from the Committee on Organization, presented a constitution, which was adopted. A committee of three was appointed to make arrangements for a banquet on the 15th prox.

Mr. Simon Loger, of No. 297 Sedgwick street, reported at the Union Street Station last night that as he was proceeding through the lumber yard at the Northwestern Railway bridge, near Kinzie street, on the previous night, he was assaulted by two men who rifled his pockets and carried off all his wealth—$20 and a watch. He is unable to identify them as it was quite dark when the deed was done.

On Saturday afternoon, while Oscar Gamble and Jacob Evans were riding along in a buggy, the horse became frightened and ran away. The occupants were thrown out and severely injured. They were taken to the Massasoit House and cared for. The horse plunged into the river at Rush street bridge, and after keeping afloat until he reached Goodman’s dock, was fished out.

Contributed 25 Jan 2013 by Deb Haines
Source: The Inter Ocean [Chicago IL] August 23, 1875