Nicholas Senn High School


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Graduating Exercises
Nicholas Senn High School

Medinah Temple, Cass and Ohio Sterets
Friday Evening, June twenty-seventh

Organ Selection – Noble Cain, Music Department
Welcom – Wilbur Bohnsack, Class President
Song – “The Builder” . . . . Cadman, Arranged by Mr. Cain, Senior Class
Address – Amos Alonzo Stagg, University of Chicago
Presentation of Diplomas –
     Benjamin F. Buck, Assistant Superintendent of Schools
     David M. Davidson, Principal
Class Song – Farewell to Senn, Written by Mr. Cain, Senior Class

Charles Westgate Abernethy
Francis John Ackerman
Ruth Gallion Ackerman
Margaret A. Adamson
Evelyn Kristjana Albert
Milton Albert
Ruth M. Almond
Louis French Alyea
Sally O. Amory
Corinne Helen Anderson
Grace Eleanor Anderson
Florence Lillian Arkin
Annette Lee Ash
Bernard S. Ash
Mildred Jean Ash
Helene E. Bacoash
Harry Bairstow, Jr.
Catherine M. Banzhof
Jean Augusta Bareuther
Elizabeth E. Barney
Lenore Lillian Baron
Edith Mildred Barrett
Edna Bauer
Robert Francis Bauer
Lionel Begun
Arthur Wm. Behm
Ruth Deborah Beinhorn
Ardys E. Belisch
Courtney S. Benedict
Irwin Jerome Benjamin
Ardale E. Benson
Joseph F. Bergdahl
Eleanor Anna M. Bergh
Mildred Alfreda Berkenfield
Bernice Mildred Bernheim
Ruth Bernstein
Stanley D. Bernstein
Shirley Margy Billiekin
Adah Madeleine Bishop
Robert E. Black
Marguerite E. Blaine
W. Frank Blevins
Ruth Ursula Block
William E. Block
Florence Blum
Albert Morton Blumenfeld
David I. Blumenstock
Harold Irving Blumentahal
Wilbur Franklin Bohnsack
Charles Franklin Bolden
Herbert D. Bolton
Joseph William Boyd
Norman Cameron Bray
Irving Lawrence Breakstone
Joe E. Bren
William Carson Brennan
Ben B. Brenner
Nadine Katherine Brink
Dorothy Ann Brockman
Gussie Brodsky
Eldora B. Brommer
Kingdon U. Brown
Margaret Helen Brown
Deulah Dorothy Browning
Edna Mae Brunner
Carl L. Burkart
Richard Robert Burke
Russell George Burns
James Bernard Camden
Eleanor Marie Campion
Bert Halvard Carlson
Kenneth John Carlson
Miriam Elizabeth Carlson
Helen Dorothy Chase
Ruth Irene Christensen
Harry M. Clarke
Clarence Wood Clarkson, Jr.
Helen Rose Cline
Gilbert A. Cohen
William Cohan
Norman Cohn
Ruth L. Cohn
Frances Nettleton Cole
Mildred Ruth Colitz
William Lewis Conrad
Harry DuMont
James Cornell
Myrtle Correll
Norman Cowen
M. Jace Crook
Calvin Davis
Martha Dean
Paul Decker
Herbert Degginger
Mary Demeyer
Allen Denton
Anne DeWoskin
Hyman DeWoskin
Elizabeth DiGilio
Maria DiGilio
Lauretta diLio
Isabelle Donahue
Adeline Donian
Mary Drangas
Carol Duffield
Dorothy Dvinsky
Harriet Edelstein
Edward Edquist
Orville Edwards
Lucille Eischen
Ben Eisenberg
Walter Eisenstein
David Eisler
Margaret Elg
Rose Ellenhorn
Edna Elo
Martha Elston
William Engels
Gerald Epstein
Rose Epstein
Bernice Erickson
Donald Faulkner
Elaine Fauls
Gertrude Felcher
Robert Felsentahal
Verda Finder
Helen Finley
Sylvia Fishman
Robert Fitzgerald
Amy Forsberg
Elizabeth Forsberg
Constance Forshee
Charles Fox
Rose Frank
Morton Franklin
Adio Freedman
Edward Freis
Peggy Freund
Ida Friebele
Marion Friedlen
Vivian Friedlen
Violet Friedman
Laurence Frykman
Helen Gaff
John Gaff
Herbert Galton
Adele Gecht
Gertrude Gerson
Gerard Glowen
Robert Goldberg
Gladys Goldstein
Isdaore Goldstein
Herman Goldstine
Eileen Goodman
Orville Gordon
Raphael Gordon
James Gorin
Aubrey Graff
J. Henry Graff
Meyer Graff
Robert Graser
Leon Gray
Albert Greenberg
Dorothy Greenberg
Florence Greenblatt
Frank Gustafson
Norman Gustafson
Frida Gutstein
Ada Haase
Pearl Hagen
Bernard Hahn
William Hahn
Florence Hamilton
Dorothy Hanson
Sally Hansson
Vivian Harrison
Charles Hart
Margery Hartung
Marian Hartung
Barbara Hawkins
Gideon Haynes
Loraine Hechtman
Willard Heddles
Lois Hedlin
William Hedrich
Alma Heere
Robert Heile, Jr.
Raymond Henry
Florence Herman
Thomas Herrick
Charlotte Herwit
Norma Herwitz
Gudrun Hessler
Elisabeth Heuchling
Chester Hillman
Hugh Hipple
Walter Hirsch
Beatrice Hoffman
John Hogdahl
Jayne Holbo
Beret Hollander
Alfred Hollender
Isabelle Horn
Harry Howell
Glenn Hunolt
Alice Hunter
Al Huriel
McIvin Hurwich
Charles Hutchins
Floarence Iacullo
Anna Ibbotson
Norman Inlander
Miriam James
William James
Joseph Janson
Eva Jansson
Dorothy Jaresky
Emmitt Johnson
Ethel Johnson
Ruth Johnson
C. T. Johnson, Jr
Wesley Johnson
Ormand Julian
Irma Jurisich
Verna Jurisich
Frederick Justice
Warren Kahn
Janet Kalven
Mandall Kaplan
Dorothy Kastner
Eugene King
Dwight Kay
Ruth Kirshner
Gordon Klopfleisch
Fred Kluth
Florence Koch
Dorothy Koehler
Ruth Kopriwa
Albert Korngute
Belle Korshak
Irene Kramer
Harry Krisman
Jane Krueger
John Kruissink
Dorothy Kugler
Lucille Kuhn
Florence Kurz
Lorraine Kushner
William Lacy
Bertil Laestadius
Audrey Lagerquist
Doris Land
Herbert Lapine
James Larson, Jr.
Erwin Larson
Ethel Larson
Gilbert Lassar
J. D. Laux
Carolyn Lavine
Charles Lawrence
Vivian LeFebvre
Jean Leland
Redvick Lenc
Selig Levine
Jack Levis
Roland Levisohn
Earl Levy
Irvin Levy
Lorraine Levy
Elizabeth Lewis
M. V. Lewis
Milton Lewis
Bella Lichtgarn
Olga Limperis
Virgil Lind
Helen Linde
Robert Lindgren
Erna Lindner
Sydney Linsker
Seymour Lippert
Abbott Lipsky
Helen Llewellyn
Eloise Lloyd
Frances Llyod
Raymond Loker
Ruth Loring
John Loris
Richard Lovell
Mary Lublow
Dorothy Lurya
Jerer Lustig
Genevieve Lyons
Melvin Machanic
Oliver Mahan, Jr.
Ramona Malloy
Margaret Mannott
Frances Marcus
Arthur Margolis
Julius Marks
Alfred Martin, Jr.
Lillian Martyn
Helen Matthews
Esther Mattox
Ruth Maughn
Oscar Mayer, Jr.
Margaret Mayo
Martha McDonald
Virginia McIntyre
Milton Meisler
Jeanette Melnick
Sidney meltzer
Margaret Menger
Annette Messcher
Mollie Metz
Donald Meyer
Edward Meyercord
Clarence Mielke
Patricia Mikkelson
Claire Miller
Donald Miller
Estella Miller
Ruth Minkin
Florence Moeller
Marjorie Molloy
Donald Mongeau
Leone Moody
Catherine Morcher
Bertram Morrison
Evelyn Morrison
Carlisle Moyer
Homer Murphy
Virginia McCarthy
Mary McKay
Donald McKee
James McMahon
George McMillan
David McNeill, Jr.
Loraine Nauman
Nadia Naumann
Laura Neel
Elmer Nelson
Lorraine Nelson
Ruth Nelson
Violet Nelson
Richard Netzorg
Irwin Newman
Thomas Nicholson
M. F. Nielsen
Ruth Norlin
Max Novil
Virginia Oakley
Helen O’Brien
Peggy O’Connor
Lester Olin
Stanley Olson
Seymour Orner
Dexter Ostergren
Ruth Owen
Mary Pairitz
Jack Parks
Sedell Passman
Arlene Paterson
Gail Peavler
Lillian Perbohner
Rose Perlman
Russell Petersen
Kathryn Peterson
Lorraine Peterson
Melvin Peterson
Roy Peterson
Vivian Petree
Richard JPierce
Edwin Pizer
Frances Plain
Robert Polachek
Charles Posner
Frances Posner
Hannah Posner
Weston Potter
Victor Pritchett
Lois Proctor
Edwin Purkonen
Duane Ragan
Helen Raine
Edwin Read, Jr.
Lois Reed
Margaret Reeder
Helena Renn
Geraldine Richman
Bradley Roe, Jr.
Howard Roeser
Bernard Roesing
Gordon Roeth
Mary Rogers
Edwin Rogoff
Virginia Roos
Helen Rosen
Howard Rosen
Reva Rosenberg
Gayla Rosengren
Edna Rosenthal
Natalie Roth
Ben Rothman
Clara Rubenstein
Jane Ruker
Austin Rust
Andrew Ryan
James Sachs
Marguerite Sachse
Florence Sackheim
Jack Salmon
Lillian Sandberg
Edna Schaefer
Aldyth Schilling
Muriel Schleif
Marie Schoen
Grace Schuler
Myron Schulhof
Chester Schultz
Dorothy Schultz
Heinz Schultz
Elaine Schulz
Anna Schumacher
Raymond Schwab
E. M. Schwarz
William Schwarz
Frederic Schweitzer
Helen Seeberg
Frederic Seiberling
Ernest Semerau
Milton Senn
Betty Shannon
David Sharff
Virginia Shaw
Jean Shear
Richard Sheldon
Alexander Sheridan
John Shields
Daniel Shrago
David Silver
Sidney Simon
Mortimer Simons
Dorothy Skourup
Dorothy Smith
Kenneth Smith
Margaret Smith
Marion Smith
Nathan Smith
Roslyn Sobel
Walter Sobel
Judith Soboroff
Lewis Soffer
Adelaide Sofrance
Wm. Soldmann, Jr
Helen Solomon
Dorothy Speake
Virginia Speirs
Lloyd Spinner
Phyllis Stabiner
Ralph Stahl
Albert Stalle
Carrie Steele
Jos. H. Steffy
A. Kemp Stein
Leo Harold Stein
Jerome Steinbach
Willis Stephens
William Sterrett
Charline Stewart
Vivian Still
Kathryn Stoelting
E. Lillian Stone
Evelyn Storm
Madeline K. Stout
Oliver John Strandberg
Florence Louise Stritter
Dorothy Amelia Stroud
Charlotte Lois Strumpf
Helen Marjorie Swanson
Irma E. Szalay
Elliott Hammond Taylor
Beverly O. Thompson
Robert Randall Thompson
W. J. Thompson
Gottfried A. Toorwald
Anna Mabel Tyner
Kalvin Udwin
John George Valentine
Donovan G. Vandenberg
Franklin J. Vernon
Alice Elizabeth Vikander
Loretta Lucille Voss
Theodore Joseph Wagner
Erwin Russel Wallquist
Dale V. Warner
Arthur Alfred Weber
Earl E. Wechter
Loraine Rose Weil
Lillian Leona Wein
Rosalie Jule Weinberger
Violet e. Weinstein
ray Carl Weiskopf
Anne Wernecke                                    Graduates
Mary Jane Bergstrom
Mildred E. Biehl
Budden Brian
Eleanor I. Boldt
Vivian A. Dahlin
Helen May Emerson
Lillian Faith Fries
Mildred Dorothy Hahn
Dorothy Louise Janssens
Laurine A. Johnson
Ellen C. Lewis
Ethel Pauline Lundin
Sylvia Belle Werner
Alice Louise Westberg
Frederick Oscar Westfall
Mildred Louise Whittiger
Carl William Wiegandt
James Wilder
Eliot Churchill Williams
Dwight Alexander Williamson
Eleanor Gertrude Willwerth
Charles Edward Wilson
Edna Helen Wilson
J. Taylor Winslow
Howard L. Winter
Walter William Wolf
Harry A. Wolff, Jr.
Adeline Eleanor Wood
Gladys Catherine Wood
Harlow Duane Woodruff, Jr.
E. Jane Wrenn
Burton Hugh Young
Wanda H. Young
Shirley Lucille Zak
Milton Zazove
Frederick Merrill Zeiler
Inez Ruth Zelens
Cecil Aleda Ziegelbauer
Louis F. Zini
Evelyn Zis
Minnie L. ZlatkinJanette Metz
Ruth M. Nilsson
Anne Marie Ortner
Astrid Peterson
Ruth E. Pocius
Madeline Jeanette Rees
Rose Anne Stackler
Shirley Stein
Marion C. Stewart
Margaret Mary Vercruysse
Elaine Anne Watson
1930schnicholassenn7Chicago Herald
Title: Senn Students Don Costumes for Class
Caption: Roslyn Sobel (left) and Ellen Lewis, Senn studentsCould you discuss the tariff or Emerson’s Theory of Compensation dressed in a masquerade costume?One thousand Senn High School seniors did yesterday. It was [text unavailable]Roslyn Sobel and Ellen Lewis selected a Dutch motif and turned themselves out as little beams of sunshine from Holland.

Jane Crook, daughter of Richard Crook, supervisor of physical [text unavaliable]

Contributed Aug 2004 by Gail Hutchcraft