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Chicago Tribune
Cook County, Illinois


Contributor:   Michelle Buck	[email protected]	April 14, 2003


"Clifford Hanely, 37, of 1100 South Taylor Avenue, Oak Park, was killed

and three other youths were seriously injured early today when their

automobile crashed into the rear of an unlighted truck trailer at

58th Street and Harlem Avenue.  The injured youths, who were taken to

Holy Cross hospital, are Albert Wandland, 11721 Yale Avenue, the driver;

William McLarren, 11113 Eggleston Avenue, and Orville Parker, whose

address was not learned by the police.  The truck driver, Walter Howe

of White Pigeon, Mich., said he had pulled his truck and trailer to the

side of the road to repair a blown light fuse when the crash occured."


"The crash of a picnic truck and a passenger automobile last night brought

death to a 10-year-old boy and injury to ten other persons.  The truck

overturned in a ditch on Roosevelt road, just west of Wolf road.  George

Walter Adams, 3009 Warren Avenue, was the boy killed Riding in the truck

with him were his father, Irving, the driver; his mother, Ruby; a sister,

Ruby, 7 years old, and a brother, James, 5 years old.  All were hurt. 

The occupants of the automobile included James Marasco, 6906 West 19th

Street Berwyn, the driver; Thomas Comenda, 3349 West 21st Street; his wife,

Catherine; Mrs. Theresa Janick, 2842 South 48th Court, Cicero, and her

children Harry, 11 years old and Delores, 4.  All were taken to the Joslyn

clinic in Maywood."


"Frank D. McGreevy, 65 years old, 2606 Prairie Avenue, was killed last night

when he was struck by an automobile of Mortimer B. Flynn, south side coal

dealer of 6726 South Shore Drive, who was a candidate for Republican

nomination for mayor in the last primary.  Charles Lashley, colored

chauffeur for Mr. Flynn was driving the car"

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