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                           Chicago Tribune Newspaper Articles
                                    Cook County, Illinois


Information contributed for use in Cook County ILGenWeb by
        Colleen [], May 2001.

Chicago Tribune 
May 31, 1915

Oak Park High Expels Seven Sorority Girls

School Board Notifies Parents of Four More of Suspension

Follow 14 Boys
Eleven special delivery letters arriving yesterday at the homes of the
parents of High School co-eds in Oak Park and River Forest told the
story of the 11 hour session of the Oak Park School Board on Friday.
Seven of the letters contained notices of expulsion and the others,
notices of suspension. All the girls punished are either members of
the Phi Gamma Upsilon Sorority or pledged to join it upon graduation.

When the board opened its fight against Fraternities and Sororities a
week ago by expelling 14 boy members of the Omicron Kappa Pi
Fraternity, they intimated the returns were not all in.

These Are Expelled:

Miss Helen SHEPHERD          of 321 Wesley-ave., Oak Park
Miss Alice BURRAS            of 111 Wisconsin-ave., Oak Park
Miss Frances WRIGHT          of 300 Chicago-ave., Oak Park
Miss Irene HAFNER            of 409 Chicago-ave., Oak Park
Miss Ruth SIMPSON            of 412 North Scoville-ave., Oak Park
Miss Margarite WALBANK       of 264 Thatcher-ave., River Forest
Miss Marie TUTWILER          of 374 Edgewood-pl., River Forest

Those Suspended Are:

Miss Charlotte BRUCE         of 529 N. Cuyler-ave., Oak Park
Miss Maritine OLIVER         of 410 North East-ave., Oak Park
Miss Lucile YATES            of 325 South Grove-ave., Oak Park
Miss Dorothy KRUEGER         of 444 Keystone-ave., River Forest

Athletic Teams Crippled

Miss Hafner and Miss Burras were to have graduated in June. Miss
Tutwiler is a sister of Robert Tutwiler, who was one of those expelled
a week ago. The various athletic teams of the schools were severely
crippled by the expulsion of the boys, many of whom were stars on the
track, diamond and gridiron. Nearly all have enrolled at Lewis
Institute to continue their studies.

None of their parents has intimated the courts would be resorted to in
an effort to have them reinstated.Raymond HARDY of 299 Williams-st.,
River Forest, was ordered expelled by the School Board at a meeting at
night. He was a member of the Omicron Kappa Fraternity.

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