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I will only be listing certain sections of the book that I feel will help others in their search.  I have a poor copy of the book and where I am in doubt to the name or word, you will find a "?".  Where there is an address, I DO NOT know if that particular place is still in existence.

Source: Chicago Daily News, 1914
submitted by Dori Leekley
  • ?. N. Arnold............1837 
  • George Davis............1837-1838 

    William H. Brackett............1839 

    Thomas Hoyne............1840-1841 

    James M. Lowe............1843 

    ?. A. Rucker............1844-1845 

    William S. Brown............1845 

    Henry B. Clarke............1846-1847 

    ?dney Abell............1848-1850 

    ?. W. Zimmerman............1851-56 * 1863-64 

    H. Kreisman............1857-1859 

    Abraham Kohn............1860 

    A.J. Marble............1861-1862 

    Albert H. Bodman............1865-1869 

    Charles T. Hotchkiss............1869-1873 

    Joseph K. C. Forrest............1873-1875 

    Caspar Butz............1876-1878 

    P. J. Howard............1879-1883 

    J. G. Neumeister............1883-1885 

    C. Herman Plautz............1885-1887 

    D. W. Nickerson............1887-1889 

    Franz Amberg............1889-1891 

    James R. B. Van Cleave............1891-1893 * 1895-1897 

    Charles D. Gastfield............1893-1895 

    William Loeffler............1897-1903 

    Fred C. Bender............1903-1905 

    A. C. Anson............1905-1907 

    John R. McCabe............1907-1909 

    F. D. Connery............1909-1915 

  • Alex. Lloyd..........1837-1838 
  • ?. Calhoun..........1839 

    ?. Nicholl..........1840 

    ?. Sherman..........1841-1843 

    ?.F. Gale..........1844-1846 

    C.E. Peck..........1847-1848 

    A. Gilbert..........1849 

    C. P. Bradley..........1850-1851 

    U. P. Harris..........1852-1853 

    J. M. Donnelly..........1854 

    S. McBride..........1855-1857 

    D. J. Swenie..........1858-1901 

    U.P. Harris..........1859-1867 

    R. A. Williams..........1867-1873 

    Matt. Benner..........1873-1879 

    D. J. Swenie..........1879-1901 

    Wm. H. Musham..........1901-1904 

    John Campion..........1904-1906 

    James Horan..........1906-1910 

    C. F. Seyferlich..........1910 

American National Red Cross Society  (Illinois Branch) 

     Secretary, James Whittaker, Springfield, IL:  treasurer, Orson Smith, 112 West Adams Street.

Associated Jewish Charities of Chicago ---916  , 30 North Lasalle street 

     President, Julius Rosenwald;  secretary, Joseph Welssenbach.

Austro-Hungarian Benevolent Association 

     Secretary, Gustave F. Fischer,  1418,  110 South LaSalle street.

Chicago Daily News Fresh-Air Fund 

     Manager,  II.  L. Rogers, Sanitarium, Lincoln park, foot of Fullerton avenue.

Children's Benefit League 

     President, Mrs. Edward Tilden;  corresponding secretary, Mrs. Charles Salmon.

Children's Day Association 

     President Mrs. L.L. Funk;  corresponding secretary,  Miss Pauline Kelly.

Christian Industrial League 

     President, Arthur Mecker;  superintendent,  George A. Kilby.

Elizabeth McCormick Memorial Fund  --  City Club Building, 315 Plymouth court , sixth floor: 

     Director, Sherman C. Kingsley.

Frances Juvenile Aid Association 

     President, Dr. Clara P. Seifert; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Fred G. Harris.

German Society of Chicago --  153 North LaSalle street 

     President, Michael F. Girten; secretary, Rudolf Seifert; manager, F. von W. Wysow.

Hungarian Charity Society of Chicago 

     President, Samuel Kohn; secretary, Leo Nowman,   2003 Evergreen avenue. 

Illinois Charitable Relief Corps 

     President, John McShane; secretary, Miss Bessie Crowley,   3440 North Marshfield avenue.

Illinois Children's Home and Aid Society 

     President, R. J. Bennett;  secretary and superintendent,  Wilford S. Reynolds,  1816,  209 south State street.

Infant Welfare society 

     President, Lucius Teter;  secretary, Dr. Frank S. Churchill.

Italian Ladies Charitable Association 

    President, Mrs. M. Mustroglovanut; secretary, Miss I. Libonatl.

Jewish Aid society  -- 1336 south Morgan street 

    President, Solomon L. Sulzberger; secretary, Morton D. Cahn.

Legal Aid Society of Chicago -- 230,  31 West Lake street 

     President, Rudolph Matz; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Albert F. Holden.

Mothers Relief  Association 

    President, Mrs. D. Harry Hammer; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Edward S. Smith.

Ruth Club -- 6001 Indian avenue 

     President, Mrs. Joseph Myers; recording secretary, Mrs. Morris Rosenbaum.

Societe Francaise de Bienfaisance de Illinois 

     President. Z. P. Brosseau; secretary, J. S. Townsend, 1554 Wabash avenue.

Societe Francaise de Secours Mutuels 

    President, A. Campion; secretary, Gaston Bloch,  32 South Clark street.

United Charities of Chicago 

     President, Dr. Charles R. Henderson; secretary, Walter S. Brewster;   office, sixth floor,  168 North Michigan   avenue;   superintendent, Eugene T. Lies.

Visiting Nurse Association of Chicago  --  829,  104  South Michigan avenue 

    President, Mrs. Arthur Aldis secretary, Mrs. Robert McGann,  120  East Pearson street.

Young Men's Jewish Charities Association 

    President, Isaac Rothschild;  secretary, Monte H. Sadler

Young Men's Federated Jewish charities  3322 doughlas boulevard; 

    President, A. H. Rosenberg; secretary, Lewis F. Jacobson.

Nov. 15, 1913
In the following list of men and women who have lived in the city or its suburbs for sixty-three years or more there are doubtless many omissions, though an effort has been made to make it as complete as possible.  Additions to, changes of residence and other corrections of this list, which will be continued in future editions of this publication, will be gladly received.  Names marked with and * are those of persons born in Chicago or Cook County.  
1832 Allison, John ~ Northfield
. Heartt, Adaline N. 82 3219 Prairie avenue
. Keenon, Mrs. Eleanor H. * 81 2145 W. Adams street
. Outhet, Miss Elizabeth 82 522 Pleasant street, Oak Park
1833 Brooks, F. T.  87 87 5224 Ainslie street
. Foote, George O. * 80 1123 W. Van Buren street
. Vanatta, Charles 81 2336 Grand Avenue
1834 Ludwig, Catherine ~ 1465 West Superior street
1835 Dewey, Mrs. Mary R. 81 5700 Jackson avenue
. Gordon, Nelly Kluzie * 78 Savannah, Ga.
. Harman, William 79 3840 West End avenue
. Healy, Daniel E. 79 2700 Lime street
. Hubbard, Elijah K.  * 78 Middletown, Conn.
. Sinclair, George 79 4327 Berkeley avenue
. Thies, Mrs. A. C. ~ 1157 West Van Buren street
. Whitehead, William II 78 1808 Chicago avenue, Evanston, IL
. Young, Mrs. George II 80 327 Warren avenue
1836 Brooks, Mrs. E. O. 81 1072 Sheridan road
. Gooden, Angel 79 1900 Estes avenue
. Hampton, Mrs. S. A. 88 661 Warren avenue
. Lewls, Mrs. Jane 91 5004 Blackstone avenue
. Morrison, E. W. 77 4145 Kenmore avenue
. McNulty, Mary 78 1751 West Erie street
1837 Ashman, Thomas 95 106 N. Washtenaw avenue
. Bohlander, John * 76 Hinsdale
. Calhoun, William A. * 76 1043 Wilcox avenue
. Colby, Mary A. 76 2839 Indiana avenue
. Collins, Miss Elizabeth 94 2700 South Park avenue
. Doty, Harvey O. 80 1104 Grand avenue
. Fraser, Mrs. D. R. 78 1245 Washington blvd.
. Goodrich, H. A. * 76 522 Deming place
. Howland, Mrs. Jane E. 79 5405 Woodlawn avenue
. Kimbark, Mrs. Seneen D. * ~ Chicago Beach hotel
. Pratt, Charles O. * 76 2119 Wilcox avenue
. Satterlee, Emily T. 93 2704 Michigan avenue
  Startup, Jane D. 77 1414 Garfield court

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