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                                   Misc. Marriage Records
                                    Cook County, Illinois


Information contributed for use in Cook County ILGenWeb by
            multiple contributers

Contributor: 	Jan Hall [[email protected]], 1999

Trinity Episcopal Church
Marriage Records
26th and Michigan, Chicago, Illinois

Listed are date and
Place where ceremony was held,
Number in book,
Names and ages and residences of the couple,
Parents' names and residence,
Signature of clergyman,
Witnesses and remarks.

Wednesday March 1 1893
2624 Wabash Avenue
Alfred Miles HASWELL age 37, Chicago
And Maude Louise BUELL 25, Chicago
Wm. And Matilda Haswell (dead)
William S. and Anna Buell, Chicago.
The Rev  John Holister Lynch
Witnesses: E. C. Gibson, Thomas F. Barn, Henry H. O 'Neil

Monday April 10 1893
Trinity Church, Chicago
William Edward Locke SKINNER age 30, Omaha
Lizzie Langford NESBETT , 24, New York
Robert & Lavinia Nesbett, New York
John Rouse, Rector

Wednesday, April 12, 1893
Trinity Church, Chicago
William Henry DIXON, 29, Chicago
Augusta Sophia ANDERSON, 25, Chicago
William and Mary Dixon, Manchester, England
Eustof? And Caroline Anderson, Holtsford, London
John Rouse
Roderick Robertson & Annie Anderson, witnesses

Tuesday, April 18, 1893
Trinity Chapel, Chicago
James Edward MORTON, 21, Chicago
Carrie May PIKE, 19, Chicago
John & Susan Morton, Chicago
Abraham and Caroline Pike, Grand Rapids
John Rouse   Joseph Johnson & Elizabeth Morton, witnesses

Saturday, April 29, 1893
Trinity Church, Chicago
George Eckart HALL, 23, Chicago
Alberta Grace NEISWANGER, 22, Chicago
Edward and Ellen B. Hall, Chicago
Joseph E. and Marion Neiswanger, Chicago
John Rouse
Witnesses: J. E. Neiswanger, Miss E. G. Hall, A. S. Hall, W. T. Hall

Wednesday, May 10, 1893
2212 Prairie Avenue, Chicago
Arthur James BRADBURY, 21, Chicago
Sarah Rowina McFADDEN, 20, Chicago
No parents names given, just "Middleton, Wis."
John Rouse
Mrs. H. Louise Rowans

Thursday, May 11, 1893,
3843 Armour Avenue, Chicago
Edwin James WALSH, 30, Chicago
Lena STONE, 24, Chicago
Martin & Sarah Walsh (dead)
Ole and Annie Stone (Dead)
J. Hollister Lynch clergyman
Mrs. J. H. Lynch, Mrs. A. C. Lynch, witnesses

Saturday, May 13, 1893
Trinity Church, Chicago
Albert  ? SILVERTHORNE, 30, Chicago
Margaret DUCKER OR DOCKER, 22, Chicago
Albert David & Fanny Silverthorne, Chicago
Henry A. and Mary P. Ducker, St. Louis (or DOCKER?)
\John Rouse.
Witnesses H. G. Docker, R. A. Regile, A. D. Silverthorne

Wednesday, May 24, 1893
Trinity Church, Chicago
Charles Weston FOLDS, 22, Minneapolis
Florence SYMONDS, 20, Chicago

Saturday, May 24, 1893, Trinity Church, Chicago
Edward Fearn HINCKLEY, 22, Chicago
Caroline May Bass? Bapp?, BAGG?, 21, Chicago
Joseph Henry and Harriet Kuhns
Jacob F and Harriet C. Studebaker, South Bend, Indiana
John Rouse
Witness --  Prince Nicolas Suzbeteff?
Mrs. Harriet Studebaker


Contributor: 	Diane G [[email protected]], Jan 2001

From the records of "Holy Cross Ev. Lutheran Church," Chicago IL.

April 16, 1893
License # 199290

Carl Hess (age 27)
Amalia KELLER (age 17)

Attendants: Wm Hess and August Schmidt


Contributor: 	Laura [[email protected]], Aug 1999

SOURCE: Chicago Daily News, 15 July 1893

        GROOMS			age	BRIDES			age
	--------------------	---	--------------------	---
	Charles ALEXANDER	21	Hattie JOHNSON		23
	Charles ANDERSON	28	Emma WILLIAMS		29
	Joseph BERNARD		26	Franciska VANA		23
	Jan CIESIA		26	Helena LODA		18
	Thomas M. CRONIN	28	Belle COFFMAN		21
	Gerando	DARRICO 	28	Carmela RAINIOSLO  	15
	Steven GARRISON		24	Ella YATES		20
	George T. GIBSON	23	Honoune THERRIAULT	19
	Harry GOODMAN		26	Ella SPENCER		28
	Charles D. F. HANDER	28	Anna F. ROLLERT		29
	Irwin P. HODGE		32	Nellie C. BALLARD	28
	Emil KRUEGER		26	Elsie ARNT		34
	Fred LAHMANN		29	Rosa WANFHLER		26
	Joseph LIKORA		24	Magdalina KRAJOWSKA	20
	John MACK		25	Katie MAY		21
	Albert MALSIK		25	Annie BIAHA		23
	Bedrich MANCAL		32	Teresie KOSKOVA		24
	John J. MEANY		25	Kate COLLINS		23
	John MONTGOMERY		22	Rachel J. HENAY		19
	William A. MORRIS	23	Gertrude BURNS		19
	Robert McBRIDE		25	Maggie HEATHERMAN	28
	Robert McDADE		31	Nicola McINTYRE		30
	Vogtech PFAUSER		28	Maria STIKA		19
	Josef PRUSS		22	Anna HATATA		21
	Frank PUK		22	Maria MIESTICK		21
	George E. RENFU	        44	Cynthia J. BALDWIN	33
	William SOWER		25	Carrie H. YOUNG		24
	Wilhelm SPITZFADES	32	Adelheld SIMON		31
	Wilhelm THIERING	24	Maria RASSMER		26
	Harry N. THOMAS	        24	Carrie J. SMITH		22
	Albert VILSCH		38	Maria LORCH		23
	Charles	WATT		21	Hattie DUNLAP		19
	Joseph WILK		24	Julia HERMAN		21
	Anton ZEABEL		42	Naomi RUCH		42

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