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Misc. Death and/or Burial Notices
Cook County, Illinois
Information contributed for use in Cook County ILGenWeb by multiple contributors

Contributor: 	Julia Ryden , June 1999

Carl Ernest RYDEN (LARSON), 1966

State of Illinois
State File Number: 64679
Decedent's Birth No. -----
Medical Certificate of Death
Registration District No 16.10
Registered Number ----

Place of Death
a. State: ILLINOIS
b. County: COOK
c. Inside: CHICAGO

Usual Residence
a. State: ILLINOIS
b. County: COOK
c. Inside: CHICAGO
Length of Residence at above: 25 years

Name of Hospital or Institution: Presbyterian-St. Luke's Hosp.
Length of stay: 2 days

Residence address: 1649 North Springfield Avenue
Did decedent reside on a farm? No

Name of Deceased : Carl RYDEN (aka Carl Ernest LARSON)*
Sex: M
Race: W
Date of Death: 8 September 1966
Marital State: Married
Date of Birth: March 5, 1911
Birth Place Chicago, Illinois
Citizen of what country?  USA
Age in years last birthday: 55
Usual Occupation: Carpenter
Kind of Business or Industry: Medical Center Comm.

Father's Full Name: Ernest Larson
Mother's Full Maiden Name: Anna Soderstrom
Was deceased ever in U S Armed Forces?  No
Social Security Number: 345-1?-0743
Informant's Signature: (Mary J. C?e?ge) Clerk of Hospital
Address: 1753 W. Congress Parkway
Medical Cause of Death: Intra cerebral hemorrhage secondary to Metastic tumor
Underlying Cause: Malignent Melanomia
Interval between onset and death: Unknown
Autopsy: Yes

Physican Statememt:
  I hereby certify that I attended the deceased from 9/6/1966 to
  September 8, 1966, that I last saw the deceased alive on 9/8/66
  and death occured 7:30 am from the causes and on the date stated above.
Signature (Frank O. Becker) M.D.
Date signed: 9/8/66
Illinois License No. 35667
Address:  1753 W. Congress Parkway  Chicago, Illinois
Phone Se-8-4411

Disposition: Cremation
Date: 9/12/66
Cemetery Acacia Park
Location: Norwood Township, Illinois

Funeral Director: Signature: (E. Miller)
Address: 4133 West North Avenue, Chicago Illinois 60639
Illinois License No. 210
Received for filing Sep 9, 1966 Samuel L. Andelman, M.D. Local Registrar

Sidebar Note:
State of Illinois )
County of Cook   )  ss              SEP. 9, 1966
City of Chicago  )

I, Samuel L. Andelman, M.D., Local Registrar of Vital Statistics of the
City of Chicago, do hereby certify that I am the keeper of the records
of births, stillbirths and deaths of the City of Chicago by virtue of
the laws of the State of Illinois and the ordinances of the City of
Chicago; that the accompanying certificate on this sheet is a true copy
of a record kept by me in pursuance of said laws and ordinances.

*Note: Carl's father died when he was about a year old.  When Carl's
 mother remarried, the step-father, Axel Ryden, said, "That boy does not
 enter my house unless he uses my name." Carl thus became a RYDEN.
Contributor:    Kenneth Gruschow    [email protected]    May 2005
Chicago Tribune (IL) 

Walter M. Seyferlich 

Edition: Chicago Tribune

Services for Walter M. Seyferlich, 67, an electrical engineer for the Chicago sanitary district 
for 42 years before his retirement last year, will be held at 1 p.m. tomorrow in the chapel at 
929 Belmont av. Mr. Seyferlich died Wednesday in St. Joseph's hospital. He was the son of 
Charles F. Seyferlich, a Chicago fire chief who died in 1914, and the nephew of 
Fire Commissioner Arthur Seyferlich, who died in 1932. Survivors include his widow, Marion, 
and a sister, Mrs. Helen Teichert.

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