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                             Misc. Death and/or Burial Notices
                                    Cook County, Illinois


Information contributed for use in Cook County ILGenWeb by
            multiple contributors

Contributor: 	Sandy P  (Eugene, OR), Jan 1999

For William Clifton Graham

died May 11, 1950.
Sex Male,
Color white,
Date of birth Apr.21, 1893, age 57.
Occupation: Salesman of furniture.
Birthplace Kansas.
Citizen of USA.
Fathers name: Willis Graham,
Mother Catheline Hopkins.
William was in WW1, SS# 318-01-4644.
Wife: Genevieve Graham.
Address 1728 Chicago Rd. Chicago Heights, ILL.
Died of Acute Coronary Thrombosis,
Interval between onset and death 10 minutes.
Antecedent causes Hypertension 2 years and Severe Angina, 8 weeks.
No autopsy.
Doctor Gilbert A. Towle - M.D.
Buried at Holy Sepulchre in Worth, ILL.
Funeral Home: West End at 1340 Otto Blvd. Chicago Heights, ILL
Funeral Director: C. H. Hirsch #6436
Buried on: May 13, 1950


Contributor: 	Joan M Ross , Feb 1998

 I have documents on hand for all of the following.
 All took place in Cook County Il. Most in Chicago.

 I am particularly looking for information on
 Parents and ancestors of my Grandparents:
        Joseph Bigley Ross c. 1854 Chicago
    and Mary Jane Clegg c. 1859 Mineral Point WI,
    and Annie Marie Bruce Wood c.1867, Cambridge Ma
    and William George Wood C 1864  Boston MA,

 For any questions or more information please email me.

DEATH CARD for Isabelle V. BOORMAN, 1950:

Isabelle V. Boorman,  Wife of James Boorman, also deceased
 b. October 8,1978 Cambridge, Mass. Passed away: Jan 14 1950
 Buried Town of Maine Cemetery, Cook County Illinois.
 Buried from Sax-Tiedeman Funeral Home 9565 Belmont Ave, Franklin Park, Illinois.

DEATH CERTIFICATE Info for Joseph Clegg ROSS M.D., 1950:

Document  18972

Joseph Clegg Ross M.D.
 b.July 16,1891, Chicago
 Died March 26, 1950, 2:30Am
 Buried March 19,1950 St Joseph's Cemetery, River Grove Illinois.
 Occupation: Physician.
 Father: Joseph Bigley Ross.  Birthplace: Chicago.
 Mother: Mary Jane Clegg. Birthplace: Mineral Point Wisconsin.
Contributor:	Jackie	[email protected]	3 May 2004
Transcribed from certificate copy
State of Illinois
Department of Public Health-Division of Vital Statistics and Records
Cook County, Illinois; City of Chicago
Medical Certificate of Death
State File # 24207
Dist. No. 3104
Full Name of Hospital or Institution: Augustana, 411 W. Dickens
Place of Death: Cook County, Chicago, Illinois
Length of Stay (in this place): 77 years
Usual Residence: Illinois, Cook County, Chicago
Street Address: 623 Fullerton Avenue
Name of Deceased: ALBERT MILLER
Date of Death: 4-2-1950
Sex: Male; Color or Race: White; Married, Never Married, etc: Widowed
Date of Birth: 6-27-1865
Age in years at last birthday: 84 years, 9 months, 5 days
Usual Occupation: Retired Druggist; Kind of business or industry: Druggist
Birthplace: Unknown-Germany
Citizen of what country?: U.S.
Father’s name: Albert Miller
Mother’s name: Henrietta Wessel
Was deceased ever in U.S. Armed Forces? No
Social Security No.: None
Informant (Hospitals follow special instructions on this item): Mattie Holland Clark-Hospital Records
Address: 411 W. Dickens St.
Relationship to deceased: None
Cause of Death: bronchopneumonia; Interval between onset and death: 3 days
Morbid conditions-Antecedent causes: Arteriosclerotic Heart Disease: 4 years
Date of Operation: none; Major finding of operation: none; autopsy: none
Accident, suicide, homicide: none; Place of injury: none; City, town, township: none

“I hereby certify that I attended the deceased from December 25, 1947 to April 2, 1950, 
that I last saw the deceased alive on April 2, 1950 and that death occurred at 2:15 pm from 
the causes and on the date above. Leslie O. Lindeen, M.D. 2155 Cleveland”

Burial: April 5, 1950; Cemetery: Rosehill; Location: Chicago, Cook, IL
Received for filing on: ?? April, 4pm, 1950
Funeral Director: A.L. Bentley & Son, Inc. 2701 N. Clark Street

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