1945 Misc. Death and/or Burial Notices Cook County, Illinois
Information contributed for use in Cook County ILGenWeb by multiple contributors
Contributor: Kenneth Gruschow [email protected] Apr 2001
SUBJECT: Olander, Minnie Gruschow, 1945 Illinois Death Cert. #26491, Elgin, Kane County, May 26, 1945. Minnie G. Olander, married, husband-Charles W. Olander. DOB of deceased-June 24, 1877 (Chicago, IL), age 67 yrs., 11 mos., 2 days. Parents (Chris Gruschow & Louise Rose) born Germany. Residence-Wonder Lake, Ringwood, McHenry Co., IL. Burial: Acacia Park, Norwood Park, Chicago, IL.
Contributor: Bruce Bender [[email protected]] Aug 2002
Obituary appearing in the 6 Feb 1945 edition of Dziennek Chicagoski
Original published in Polish
Relatives and acquaintances we report the sad news that our most beloved
husband, father, brother and grandfather Jozef Kowalski member of the
Society of Name of Jesus after a long illness, provided with the Blessed
sacraments, departed from this world on 5 Feb., 1945, at 1:20 p.m., at an
advanced age. The home is 3452 Belmont Ave.
The funeral will take place 8 Feb. at 9:30 a.m., from the house of bereavement
at 3656 W. Belmont Ave., to the church of St. Wenceslaus and from there to
St. Wojciech Cemetery at the family plot.
To this sad ceremony we invite all relatives and friends, we, burdened with
deep grief: Stanislawa (nee Koziolek), wife; Edmund, Franciszek, Stanislaw,
Czeslaw, sons; Kazimiera, Gertruda and Irene, daughters; Wladyslaw Wielgus,
Stanislaw Faltynski and Bernard Filkowski, sons-in-law; Helena, Marianna,
Stefania and Jozefina, daughters-in-law; Stanislaw and Kazimierz, brothers;
Wiktoria, sister; Marianna, Jadwiga, sisters-in-law; Aleksander Wiwatowski,
brother-in-law; grandchildren and great-grandchildren along with the whole family.
For information about the service call Keystone 0502.
Contributor: Bruce Bender [[email protected]] Aug 2002
Obituary appearing in the 6 June1945 edition of Dziennek Chicagoski
Original published in Polish
Relatives and acquaintances we report the sad news that our most beloved
mother, sister and grandmother Stanislawa Kowalska after a long and severe
illness, provided with the Blessed Sacraments, departed from this world on
5 June, 1945, at 7:00 p.m. The home is 3452 Belmont Ave.
More details about the funeral will be printed tomorrow.
We, burdened with deep grief: the children
For information about the service call Keystone 0502.
Contributor: [email protected] Oct 2002
Bertha Holtzee
born 6 Oct 1882 Mandel, Norway
died 9 Sept 1945 Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Passover Memorial Hospital
303 E Superior
Registered #
State of Illinois Death Certificate
Contributor: Cheryl (Ford) Davis [email protected] Mar 2004
Name: Edward J. Ford
Residence: 804 S. Western Ave. Chicago
Length of time at residence: 10 years
Date of Birth: 9-/25/1891
Date of death: 6/3/1945 @ 10:07 a.m.
Spouse: Alice Ford nee Pinno
Father: Edward Ford birthplace: Canada
Mother: Della Ford nee Kilran birthplace: Dublin Ireland
Attending Physician: Milo D. Ferguson, M.D. 2246 Campbell Park Chicago, IL
Funeral Home: Haggard Funeral Home 214 S. Western Chicago, IL
Place of Burial: St. Joseph Cemetery, River Grove IL.
Date of Burial: 6/8/1945
Cause of Death: Coronary Insufficiency, Duration: 3 hours
Contributor: Berna [[email protected]] May 2004
Henry Dalton death certificate - 6 January 1945
Contributor: Kenneth Gruschow ([email protected]) May 2005
Chicago Tribune (IL)
Edition: Chicago Tribune
Lena Seyberlich [nee Muter], beloved wife of the late Gustav, loving mother
of Olive Sherry, Mabel Hitzel, and the late Le Roy C. Sherry and Roy
Seyberlich, fond grandmother of Virginia Liston and the late Lt. Clifford O.
Sherry, great-grandmother of Clifford O'Sherry Jr. Resting at funeral home,
7918 South Park avenue. Services Saturday, March 24, at 2 p.m. Interment
Mount Greenwood cemetery. Inf., Triangle 3055.
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