1942 Misc. Death and/or Burial Notices Cook County, Illinois
Information contributed for use in Cook County ILGenWeb by possible multiple contributors
Contributor: Kenneth Gruschow [email protected] May 2005
1942-04-07 Chicago Tribune (IL) Dr. Louis W. Matthei. Edition: Chicago Tribune Funeral services will be held at 2:30 p.m. tomorrow at 6959 North Clark street for Dr. Louis W. Matthei,
who died Sunday after a short illness. Dr. Matthei was 69 years old and lived at 2002 Canalport avenue.
He was a physician who had practiced in Chicago 45 years after his graduation from Rush Medical college
at the age of 19. He had been on the staffs of the Presbyterian, People's, and St. Anthony's hospitals.
He leaves his widow and one daughter. -------- 1942-04-07 Chicago Tribune (IL) MATTHEI Edition: Chicago Tribune Dr. Louis W. Matthei, husband of Ida Marie, father of Maxine Hruby, brother of Cora Springer and
August Matthei. Services strictly private at funeral home, 6959 N. Clark street, Wednesday, 2:30 p.m.
Please omit flowers.
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