1933 Misc. Death and/or Burial Notices Cook County, Illinois ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Information contributed for use in Cook County ILGenWeb by multiple contributers SUBJECT: GALOT, Stefanie - 1933 POSTER: Mark E Housler EMAIL: [email protected] FILE DATE: Jan 18, 2001 NOTE: Alternate Spellings: Galat or Gawat 1. County of Cook, City of Chicago, Cook County Hospital. Length of residence in city or town where death occurred? 27 years, 10 months, 26 days. 2. Full name: Stefanie Galot 2a. Residence: 4420 South Richmond 3. Sex: Female 4. Color or race: White 5. Single, married? Married. 5a. If married, wife of: John 6. Date of birth: 7-17-1905 7. Age: 27 years, 10 months, 26 days 8. Trade or profession: housewife 9. Industry: at home 10. Date deceased last worked? May 1933 11. Total time spent in this occupation: 12 years 12. Birthplace: Chicago, IL 13. Father's Name: Gush. Lutz 14. Father's Birthplace: Not Known, Poland 15. Mother's Name: Not Known 16. Mother's birthplace: Not Known, Poland 17. Informant: Hospital Records 18. Place of burial: St. Adalbert's, Niles, Cook County, IL 19. Date of burial: 5 June 1933 20. Undertaker: Frank C. Patka, 4358 South Richmond Street 21. Date of death: 6-3-1933 22. I hereby certify that I attended deceased from 5/20/1933 to 6/3/1933; death is said to have occurred on the date stated above at 1:00am. The principal cause of death and related causes of importance were as follows: Chronic ulcerative cholecystitus with cholelthiania (NOTE: gall bladder inflamation with gall stones) Other contributory causes of importance: Myocardial failure. 23. Was an operation performed? Yes. Date of 6/1/33. For what disease or injury? Chronic Cholecystitus. Was there an autopsy? No. What test confirmed diagnosis? Operation. 24. If communicable? No. Signed: ***** Hofinchter (sp?) M.D. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contributor: Joan CoolEDWIN MCGINNIS - d. June 30, 1933 in Chicago, IL IL Dept of Public Health ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBJECT: RUDOLPH, Sarah Erika - 1933 POSTER: Brenda Gaetz EMAIL: [email protected] FILE DATE: Jan 13, 2001 Certificate # 28055 Cook County City of Chicago Sarah Erika Rudolph Residence 2113 Eastwood Avenue Female White Date of birth May 16 1853 Age 80 years 5 months 11 days Trade or profession At home Date deceased that worked at this occupation October 1933 Total time spent in this occupation 50 years Birth place Unknown Sweden Widowed Spouse John Name of father Johan Johnson Birthplace unknown Sweden Name of mother Anna Swanson Birthplace unknown Sweden Informant Hazel L. Middleton P. O. address 2113 Eastwood Avenue Date of death October 27, 1933 I hereby certify, That I attended deceased from June 12 1933 to October 27 1933. I last saw her alive on October 26 1933. Death is said to have occurred on the date stated above at 9 a.m. Cause of death: Urinia, severe interstopal nephritis Was an operation performed NO Was there an autopsy NO Was disease in any way related to occupation of deceased NO Signed A. D. Sheldon (unsure of the writing) Address 5817 N Anston (again, unsure of writing) Place of burial Montrose Cemetery October 30 1933. Location Chicago, Cook County Illinois Undertaker Oscar R Smith Smith & Maginot 1732 Wilson Avenue. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contributor: Joan M Ross Chicago Daily Tribune November 6, 1933 Page 24 Col 7 APSEY--Virginia R.Apsey, at late residence 5535 Ellis AV: Services 10 a.m. Monday at chapel, 6110 Cottage Grove AV. Interment Mount Hope. Call Fairfax 2861. BEARDLSEY--Harriet E. Beardsley, mother of Lawrence S. and Mrs. George W. Manierre of Pasadena, Cal., and the late Walter. Grandmother of Harriett Manierre Collins. Services Monday: at 2 p.m., at late residence 5760 Harper Ave. Interment at Oakwoods. BENCIC---Anton Bencic, Beloved husband of Julia. fond father of John, Matt, Steve, Martin, and Theresa. Funeral Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. at St.James' Catholic Church. Arlington Heights. BERNASEK---Rose Bernasek (nee Reno), Nov 5: Beloved wife of Charles Bernasek. Fond mother of June Rose; Loving daughter of Mrs. Barbara Reno. Funeral Wednesday Nov 8 at 10 a.m. at 2351 W. 65th St. Interment Bohemian National Cemetery. For information call Yards 1052. BIGLEY--William L. Bigley. Nov 3 Beloved Brother of Elizabeth and Anna Bigley and mrs Edward Seidensticker. Funeral Tuesday 9:15 a.m. from his late residence: 6756 Cornell Av. to St Laurence Church. Interment at Calvary. BLATZER--Henry Blatzer at 54 W Marqiette blvd. beloved husband of Mary. Fond father of Mrs. Kathryn Worden and Mrs Anna Malone, Florence and Edward Blatzer. Funeral Tuesday from Funeral Home 71st and South ParkAv. to St Bernard's Church. Mass at 10 a.m. Interment at Mount Olivet. CAPLAN--Louis T. Caplan Beloved Husband of Rose, fond father of Lorine. Funeral Tuesday at 10 a.m. at chapel 4911 Broadway. Interment Free Sons Cemetery. CONROYD--James Conroyd Beloved husband of Anne, nee Johnson: fond father of David L. William A., Walter E., Charles S., Ralph, Lenore Spaulding, Marguerite Radcliffe, and the late James H.; brother of Thomas, Leon, and the late David, Frank, John, and Terese. Funeral from 4844 N Ridgeway Av. Wednesday at 2 p.m. to Rosehill. Member of D. C., Cregier Lodge no 643, A. F. & A. M., Chicago Council, No. 1, U. C. C. of E. and I U. Of O. E. Local no 143. DUFFY--Margaret Duffy, nee Duffy. beloved wife of John, fond mother of Sr. M. Bernadetta. O.S.D. , Mary, John J., Timothy, Catherine, Joseph, Sr. Margaret Joan. O.P. and the late Margaret and Martin. Funeral Tuesday at 9 a.m. from late residence 7249 Prairie av. to St. Columbanus Church Interment at Holy Sepulchre. Yards 0002. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPYRIGHT NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the submitter or their legal representative, and must contact the listed Cook County ILGenWeb Coordinator(s) with proof of this consent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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