1925 Misc. Death and/or Burial Notices Cook County, Illinois ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Information contributed for use in Cook County ILGenWeb by multiple contributers Contributor: Joan CoolELIZABETH J. COOL - b. Nov 3, 1865, IL d. April 13, 1925 in Oak Park, IL. IL Dept of Public Health Death Certificate # 219 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBJECT: MANUAL, Walter - 1925 POSTER: Jack EMAIL: [email protected] FILE DATE: Jan 14, 2001 State of Illinois, Standard Death Certificate Number 32467 Place of Death: County of Cook, City of Chicago, 5616 S. Halsted Street, Ward 16. Full Name: Walter MANUAL Residence: 5616 S. Halsted Street, Ward 16 Length of residence in city where death occurred: 18 years Sex: Male Race: White Married Spouse: Minne MANUAL Date of Birth: September 28, 1865 Age: 60 years, 2 months, 15 days Occupation of Deceased: Laborer, Park Commission Employer: So. Park Commissioner Birthplace: Chicago, Illinois Name of Father: Michael Nevill Birthplace of Father, Unknown, Ireland Maiden Name of Mother: Ellen Golden Birthplace of Mother: Unknown, Ireland Informant: Mrs. Ada Gabriel, 452 Englewood Avenue Filed: 1925 Dec 16 PM 2:31 M.O. Neckard Date of Death: December 13, 1925 I hereby certify that I took charge of the remains of the deceased herein described, held an Inquiry and from the evidence obtained find that said deceased came to his death on the day stated above and that the cause of death was as follows: Lobar Pneumonia Signed: Oscar Wolff, by Joseph Springer, Deputy Coroner Address: 7251 Crandon Av Date: Dec. 14, 1925 Blace of Burial: Holy Sepulcher Date of Burial: Dec. 17, 1925 Undertaker: F.H. Ketchhain (unsure of writing) 5522 S. Halsted ------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPYRIGHT NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the submitter or their legal representative, and must contact the listed Cook County ILGenWeb Coordinator(s) with proof of this consent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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