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 Misc. Death and/or Burial Notices
 Cook County, Illinois

Information contributed for use in Cook County ILGenWeb by multiple contributors

Contributor: 	Linda Atkinson,  [email protected]  Sept 1999


State of Illinois Death Certificate - Coroner's Form-Registration #24052
County of Cook - City of Chicago, IL

2803 So. Kostner
Sex: M Color or Race: W Single
Date of Birth: Dec 19, 1897
Age: 17 years 7 months 5 days
Occupation: Searer at Western Felt Co.
Birthplace: Illinois
Name of Father: Michael Wielgos (Russia)
Name of Mother: Philomena Kalka (Illinois)
Date of Death: Jul 24, 1915
Place of Burial: St. Adalbert's Cemetery, IL


Contributor: 	Charlene Reinhart  [email protected]   Jun 2001

THE DAILY NEWS, Monday, July 26, 1915

SHERIDAN - Catherine Sheridan, fond sister of Phillip, John, Gilbert, Mrs. 
Whelan, Mrs. Kenny, Mrs. McGovern, Mrs. Quinn, Mrs. Cullen and Susan 
Sheridan, native of Legnotroghpa, County Cavan, Ireland. Funeral Tuesday, 
July 27 at 9:30 a.m. from late residence, 3347 Congress St. to Our Lady of 
Sorrows' church, where solemn high mass will be celebrated; autos to Mount 

Catherine Sheridan died in the Eastland Disaster on 7/24/1915.  
This is from the Chicago, Illinois Newspaper.  
Catherine was my great grandfather Edward Sheridan's niece.  
I am researching Sheridans in Chicago, Illinois 1880 to present.


Contributor: 	Sharon I. Dickson

Chicago Daily News
Monday, October 4, 1915

RUSSELL--Helen C., Chattanooga, Tenn., Oct. 1, daughter of
Lucy G., sister of Mrs. Virginia Hall,  A. Marie Hartman and Walter
H. Russell; member of Cor. James A. Sexton circle, Ladies of the
G.A.R.  Funeral Tuesday 11 a.m., 4717 Broadway; burial Rosehill.

SCHAEFER--John. Oct. 3, 1915, beloved husband of the late
Catherine Schaefer, fond father of Mrs. Mary Hoffmann, Mrs.
Augusta Stahl, Mrs. Elizabeth Buehring, Mrs. Hannah Sagehorn
and the late Henry Schaefer, brother of Mrs. Catherine Mahn, Henry,
Louis and the late William Schaefer.  Funeral from the residence
of his daughter, Mrs. Hannah Sagehorn, 1239 N. Crawford-av.,
Wednesday, Oct. 6, at 2.p.m., by autos to Forest Home.

SHANNON--Nora, beloved wife of Michael, fond mother of Helen, sister
of John, James, Alec, Thomas, Margareite, Patrick, Richard, Barry;
native of Killarney, County Kerry, Ireland.  Funeral from chapel 2346 W.
Madison-st. Tuesday, Oct. 5, a.m. by autos to Mount Carmel.
San Bernardino (Cal.) papers please copy.

SHOLIE--Peter Albert, age 50, beloved husband of Hanna Sholie,
father of Mrs. Stella Harold.  Funeral from late residence, 2442 N.
Lawndale, Wednesday, Oct. 6, 2 p.m., burial Mount Olive.

SMITH--Marea Louis Smith (nee Jenkins), wife of Elrod M. Smith,
daughter of Ulysses S. and Olive H. Jenkins, sister of Charles H.
Burial from late residence Tuesday, Oct. 3, 2 p.m. by automobiles
to Montrose.

SMITH--Georgiana, Oct. 3, 1915, aged 69 years; widow of Alfred
Henry Smith and Olin Seabrook, mother of Alfred M. and Theodore R.
Seabrook.  Funeral from 1514 Millard-av., Tuesday, 2 p.m. by autos
to Graceland.

STEADMAN--Mary (nee Ryan), beloved wife of Daniel Steadman, fond
mother of Daniel and James Steadman.  Funeral Wednesday, Oct. 6,
at 9 a.m., from her late residence, 7713 Emerald-av. to St. Leo's church,
where high mass will be celebrated, autos to Mount Olivet.  For seats
call yards 3884.

STEVENS--Rose D., sister of Anna and Sarah Stevens, at her residence,
5024 Roscoe-st.  Funeral services at Graceland chapel, Tuesday, Oct. 5,
at 3 p.m.

TEED--Robert, beloved son of Rosa and the late Robert S. Teed, beloved
brother of Mrs. Emma Koestner, John T. Teed, Mrs. Christina Brinkman,
William Teed and the late Mrs. Rosa Miller.  Funeral Wednesday,
Oct 6, at 9 a.m. from late residence, 315 W. 24th-pl., to St. Anthony's
church, where requiem high mass will be celebrated. thence by
carriages to St. Boniface cemetery.  Clear Lake (Iowa) papers please

THRANE--Agnes Julie Oct. 3, 1915, beloved child of Christian and Agnes
Thrane.  Funeral Tuesday, Oct. 5, at 2:30 p.m. from parents' residence,
3546 Armitage-av., autos to Mount Olive.

TRACEY--Thomas, Oct. 3, beloved husband of Bridget (nee Kane), father
of John, Patrick, William and the late Thomas and Michael Tracey
and brother of Mrs. Mary Baker, Mrs. Bridget O'Connell and the late
Patrick Tracey.  Funeral Wednesday at 9 a.m. from late residence,
4714 Princeton-av. to St. Cecilia's church, thence by autos to Mount
Olivet. For seats or autos call yards 703.

VAN--John, 10735 Glenroy-av., Saturday night,  Oct. 2, 3:15, father
of Mrs. FaFinny(?) Krase and Mrs. Mary Reichard.  Funeral from
his late residnece, 10735 Glenroy-av., Wednesday morning, 8:30.
Services at St. Margaret's church, 9 a.m., 99th and S. Throop,
thence to Bohemian Polish Catholic cemetery.

VOSS--Luis, 78 years, Oct. 2, 1915, beloved uncle of Mrs. Meta
Hueboer, Mrs. Emma Smith, Mrs. Bertha Bercaw, Miss Alma Wolf,
Ernst Mueling, Charles Hannemann.  Funeral Oct. 5, at 12:30 from
chapel, 2315 S. California, by autos to Concordia cemetery.

WADE--Mrs. Jennie W., widow of the late George W., and mother of
William H. Wade, Sunday, Oct. 3, age 74 years.  Funeral from
residence of her son, 61_0 St. Lawrence-av., Tuesday, 2 p.m. autos
to Mount Hope.


Contributor: 	Joan M. Ross

Chicago Daily Tribune
Monday, October 18, 1915
pg 13

HOWE-Bertha M. Howe at her residence 4610 Drexel Blvd., Oct
17 1915.  Funeral Services at Lincoln Center, Oakwood Blvd
and langley av.  Tuesday Oct 19 at 2 p.m.Interment private.

HUARD-John D. Huard, Oct 16,1915.  Beloved son of mr. and
Mrs A. G. Huard, Fond brother of mrs Bernard J. Moore, Mrs
E. Shampay, Eugene, Edward, and James Huard.  Funerl Tuesday
Oct 19 from Mrs. Moore's residence, 5801 Magnolia Av at 9:30
a.m. to St Ita's church, shere high mass will be celebrated.
By Autos top Mount Carmel.

JONES-Catherine Elizabeth Jones Oct 12 at Los angeles CAl.,
beloved Mother of Frank H, Wm L. and Richard B. Jr. Interment
at Woodlawn Monday Private.

KERR-Helen Kerr, Beloved daughter of Daniel and Eleanor Kerr,
Nee horgn, fond sister of John, Cassie, Clement,May, Thomas,and
James Kerr.  at her parent's residence 7249 S. Halsted St.
Funeral Tuesday Oct 19, at 10 a.m. to St Leo's church, where
High Mass will be celebrated, Thence by Autos to Mount Olivet.
For seats call Wentworth 3178.

KIPPEN-Annis Kippen, Loving daughter of Pet3r H. and Mary C.
Kippen Nee McInery. Sister of James, Bessie, Robert and the
Late Marcus, Josephine, Herbert, Ray and E. L. Kippen. Funeral
from late residence.  11036 Indiana av., Tuesday 9 a.m. to
Holy Rosary church; by auto to Mount Olivet for seats call
West Pullman 872.

MRS THERESE C. SPANGENBERG- ?5 Years old , died yesterday at
her home 511 Roscoe street.  She had lived in Chicago for
the last two years, coming here from Bunker Hill Ill., Where
She had lived for forty years.  She is survived by a son W.
E. Spangenbert and a daughter Lulu Spangenberg.  She was the
widow of Theodore Spangengerg.

GEORGE W TINNEY court Reporter, of 619 North Dearvorn street,
died on Saturday at the Durand hospital at the age of 42.  He
reported scores of famous criminal cases in Chicago courts.

ROTH-Maria Roth, Oct. 17,1015 Aged 80 years and 7 months.
beloved wife of jacob, mother of Gustav,Charles and William.
Funeral Tuesday at 2 p.m.  from late residence , 2120 S.
Trumbull av by autos to Forest Home,  Cincinniti papers please

SHEEHEN-Officer John J. Sheehen,beloved husband of Katherine,
nee keane and father of Daniel G. John J. and Mrs Mae Hannamen.
Funeral Wednesday oct 20 at 9 a.m. from his late residence
1651 S. Lawndalve av to the Blessed Sacrament church, where
high mass will be celebrated; thence by automobiles to Mount Carmel
cemetery.  Member of Policemen's Benevolent Association.

SHEAHEN- Dennis T. sheahen beloved husband of the late Mary
Sheahen, brother of Mrs J. Jamieson, John M. Mrs Robert Miller
of Texas, Mrs Anne Germer.  Funeral from late residence 2018
Chicago av Monday Oct 18 at 9:30a.m. to St Columbkill's church,
thence by automobiles to Calvary.  Friends wishing seats call
Austin 1137.

SPANGENBERG-Therese c. Spangenberg entered omtp rest 1:30
Sunday Morning oct 17 1915 at residence 511 Roscoe St Widow
of the late Theodore l. and mother of Lulu M and William E.
Funeral Services Tuesday Oct 19 at 2:30p.m. Rosehill chapel.

WINSLOW- Agnes J. Winslow, late member of Queen Esther
Chapter no 41 Eastern Star.  Services at grave in Rosehill,
Tuesday at 12 o'clock Members kindly attend

WOOD-Thomas Wood, Oct 16, aged 76 years, husband of Caroline
W. Wood, father of the late Mrs. F. B. Riley, William G. Wood,
Mrs G. H. McAllister, Mrs C. M. Bernard, Mrs F. W. Lucke,
James F. Wood, Miss Angeline. W. Wood. Services at chapel,
Rosehill cemetery Monday Oct 18, at 3 P.M.

WRIGHT-Elizabeth C. Wright, wife of James L., Mother of Dr.
R. F,, Dr G. E. and Mildred W. Miller, at her residence 5437
Leland av Oct 17, 1915, Funeral Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock
at late residence burial Wednesday at Blaine Ill.


Contributor: 	Diane Gregorchuk [[email protected]] May 3, 2001

Chicago Tribune
November 16, 1915


EDWARD D. FRIEDLANDER, chief figure in the Friedlander-Brady company 501
South Green street, manufacturers of knit goods, died last night at 4814
Forrest-ville avenue. He was born in Hungary fifty-eight years ago.
Thirty-five years ago he came to Chicago and founded the Friedlander-Brady
comopany, of which he was president until this year, when he partly retired
and became treasurer. he is survived by his widow, Mrs. Gertrude Wegener

SARAH ZEARING FOSTER, mother of Gen. D. Jack Foster, died yesterday at the
residence of her daugher, Mrs. Charles Philp, 5618 Kenwood avenue. Mrs.
Foster was born in Harrisburg, Pa., in 1831, and came to Princeton, Ill., a
few years later. She was one of the pioneer settlers of that part of the

W. A. TAPRELL died Sunday at his home in Oak Park. He was a partner in the
firm of Taprell, Loomis & Co., manufacturers of photographic cards and
letter novelties. He was born forty-eight years ago in Bath, Somersetshire,
England, and lived in Chicago for the last twenty-eight years.

WILLIAM H. MADDEN died yesterday at 635 Briar place. He was 58 years old and
a resident of the Chicago north side all his life. For fifteen years he had
been engaged in the realty and brokerage business. He leaves a widow.
(my copy ended here)

DR. JOHN C. WEBSTER, who came to Chicago in 1867 and began the practice of
medicine on the west side, which he continued for more than forty-one years,
died yesterday at 5615 Winthrop avenue. He was born in Hopkinston, Mass.,
April 9, 1843. He is survived by his widow, Elizabeth Doland; two sons,
Gerald H. and Harold D., and two daughters, Mrs. William G. Hay and Mrs.
Edward C. Thomas.

DR. E. E. EDWARDS died on Nov. 10 at La Belle, Fla. He was well known many
years ago in Illinois, having lived in this state from the year 1871 to the
year 1885, during which time he was professor at the McKendree college at
Lebanon, Ill., and supertendent of the public schools at Olney, Ill. Four
sons and one daughter survive him.

AZARIAH BUCK, 87 years old, president of the First National bank of Kankakee
and delegate to the convention that nominated Rutherford B. Hayes and also a
member of the Thirty-first Illinois general assembly, died yesterday at
Her?cher, Ill., of paralysis.

LOUISE E. KIMBALL, for many years
(my copy ended here)


APPLETON--June Frances Appleton, Nov. 14, 1915, beloved daughter of W. C.
and Hattie G. Appleton. Funeral services from late residence, 7151
Luell?-av. Wednesday, Nov. 17, at ? p.m. Interment Oakwoods cemetery.

CANTLON--Margaret Davis Cantlon, aged 29 years, daughter of Mary Davis,
niece of William and Lydia Cantlon, fond sister of Mrs. Mattie Kerwer, Mrs.
Ella Templeman, Harry, Fred, and Pearl Davis. Funeral Wednesday, 1 p.m.,
from late residence, 5// N. Troy-st., by autos to Rosehill.

CHOITZ--Julia Martha Choitz, Nov. 13, 1915, nee Johnson, age 39 years,
beloved wife of Herman L. Choitz, mother of Mildred and the late Hazel,
daughter of John N. Johnson, sister of Hattie Choitz. Funeral services at
the late residence, 14?8 N. Ridgeway-av., at 1 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 16,
automobiles to Concordia cemetery.

CLOSMAN--John C. Closman, Nov 13, aged 66 years, beloved husband of Mrs.
Edith Closman, and fond father of Louis J. Harry P. Closman, Mrs. Mary M.
Shimmin, and Mrs. Helen E. Watte. Funeral from late residence, 4512
Magnolia-av., Wednesday, Nov. 17. Services at Rosehill chapel, 2 p.m.

DILLON--William S. Dillon, Nov. 14, 1915, beloved husband of the late Mary
E., nee Quigley, father of Thomas J., Joseph, and Margaret Dillon, Mrs.
Millie A. Prendergast, Mrs. Anna Fash, and Mrs. Rose Pugh. Funeral
Wednesday, Nov. 17, at 9 a.m., from his late home, 4013 Grenshaw-st., to
Presentation church, where high mass will be celebrated. Automobiles to
Calvary. Member of Father Setter's council No. 1278, K. of C. New York
papers please copy.

DUPRE--Frederick ?. (C or O) Dupre, beloved husband of Kittie, nee Hoffman,
father of Louis, Val., Harry, and Leroy. Funeral Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2 p.m.,
from late home 8054 (or 3954) Jackson-blvd., autos to Forest Home. Utica and
Rome [N. Y.] papers copy. Friends wishing seats call 1061 West.

FRIEDLANDER--Edward D. Friedlander of Friedlander-Brady company, aged 58,
suddenly, Nov. 15. Funeral notice later.

HOFELD--Solomon A. Hofeld, beloved father of Mrs. Nauda H. Blum, Mrs. Dan
Weyl, Mrs. Henry Popper, Mrs. L. M. Dachrach, and Felix S. Hofeld. Funeral
Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock from chapel, Thirty-fifth and Grand-blvd.
Burial Rosehill.

KIMBALL-Louise E. Kimball, Nov. 15, 1915, at her residence, 400 Belmont-av.,
daughter of the late Edwin and Desdemona Walker. Funeral notice later.

JONES--Charles S. Jones, age 6? years, Sundat at Pistakee lake. Remains at
chapel, 4542 Ravenswood-av. Funeral notice later.

LACKMAN--Rose Lackman, beloved daughter of Albert and Lena, age 12 years,
Nov, 1?, 11 a.m., sister of Jesse, Ethel, and Bernic?. Funeral Tuesday 2
p.m., private to O. B. A. Waldheim cemetery. Cincinnati [O. I.], Brooklyn
[N. Y.], and Tucson [Ariz.] papers please cpy.

LANDAUER--Mrs. Pauline Landauer, beloved mother of Mrs. R. Neuman, Sol, and
Helen Landauer, Nov. 15, 1915. Funeral will be held Wednesday, Nov. 17, at 1
p.m., from her late home, 117 N. Ada-st.

LETZ--Charles Letz, suddenly, Nov. 13, son of the late Jacob and Mary Lenz.
Funeral services Tuesday, Nov. 16, at 2 p.m., at Gracelalnd cemetery chapel.

LUNDQUIST--Augusta Lundquist, Nov. 14, beloved mother of Albert Lundquist,
Mrs. Medie Morrison, and grandmother of Dale and Norman Morrison. Funeral
from her late residence, 151 Whiting-st, Wednesday at 2 p.m. Interment,
Forest Home.

McCARTHY--Andrew L. McCarthy, beloved husband of Fannie Murray McCarthy,
fond brother of John, Daniel, Mr. A. C. McGreagor, Mrs. Kate Campbell, and
the late Patrick McCarthy. Native of Parish of File More, of Cahirelveen,
(or Cahlrelveen) County Kerry, Ireland. Funeral, Thursday, Nov. 18, at 8:30
a.m., from his late residence, 8935 Escanaba-av., to St. Patrick's church,
where requiem high mass will be celebrated, thence by auto to Mount Olivet.
Friends wishing seats call Kenwood 1259.

MADDEN--William H. Madden, beloved husband of Mary Madden and brother of
Mrs. Maurice O'Connor. Funeral Wednesday at 9:30 a.m., from late residence,
6?5 (685 oor 635) Briar-pl. to Mount Carmel church, where solemn requiem
mass will be celebrated. Interment, Calvary cemetery, automobiles.

MELVILLE--Helen Melville, wife of John Melville Sr., at her home, Nov. 14,
at 2909 E 81st-st., at the age of 81 years; mother of Mrs. William Erb, Mrs.
John Bordolo of Gary, Mrs. George Buxton of Gary, and James, Melville, Los
Angeles, and William, John, Alexander, and Robert Melville, Chicago. Funeral
Wendesday at 2 p.m., from her late home to Mount Greenwood cemetery, by
autos. Detroit papers please copy.

NIEVERGELDER--Ernestine Nievergelder, dearly beloved mother of Mrs. George
C. Blish of Chicago and Mrs. Joseph Pinteaux of St. Louis. Funeral Tuesday
a.m. at 9. Burial at Calvary cemetery, St. Louis.

PURKEY--Jay F. Purkey, beloved husband of Lillian F. Purkey, Funeral from
his late residence, 4212 Greenwood-sv., at 2 p.m. Tuesday. Burial at

REEVES--Isabella Reeves, beloved wife of Walter H. Reeves, suddenly Sunday,
Nov. 14. Funeral from chapel, Rosehill cemetery. Tuesday, at 12 o'clock
noon. London, England, papers please copy.

ROSENTHAL--Herman Rosenthal, beloved husband of Esther, nee Metz, father of
Henry, Fanny, Agnes, and Elizabeth. Funeral Tuesday, Nov. 16, at 10 a.m.,
from chapel 4649 Prairie-av. By automobiles to Waldheim.

SEARS--Susan Davis Sears, on Nov. 11, at Daytona Beach, Fla., wife of Amos
G. Sears and mother of Nathaniel C. Sears. Funeral services at Lake Geneva,
Wis., 11 a.m., Thursday, Nov. 18, 1915. Elgin [Ill.] papers please copy.

SMITH--Lillie Corvelyn Smith, Nov. 1?, (13 or 18) wife of William Smith and
mother of John Edward Corvelyn. Funeral Tuesday at 9:30 a.m., from chapel,
912 Madison-st., to St. Patrick's church for high mass. Autos to Mount

TAPRELL--W. A. Taprell, Nov. 14. Funeral Masonic hall, Oak Park-av. and
Lake-st., Wednesday, Nov. 16, at 2:15 p.m. Burial at Forest Home cemetery.

TEMPLE--Mrs. Lucy L. Temple, Nov. 14, 1915, beloved wife of Thomas S.
Temple, mother of William B., and Hervert V. Temple. Services Wednesday, 2
p.m., from late residence, 8705 Ellis-av.; burial private, Rosehill.

WEBSTER--Dr. John C. (or O) Webster, aged 7? years, at his residence, 5615
Winthrop-av., Nov. 15, beloved husband of Elizabeth I., and father of Gerald
H. of Framinghan ---
(my copy ended here, but it looks like Mrs. Edward B. Thomas, Mn is
mentioned on next line)


Contributor: 	Diane Gregorchuk [[email protected]] May 3, 2001

Chicago Tribune, 
Sept. 16, 1915 (partial list)


Joliet, Ill., Sept. 15--In compliance with the last wish of Sir William Van
Horne, multimillionaire Canadian Railroad builder, who died last Saturday in
his Montreal home, his body was this morning buried beside the grave of his
father and mother in Oakwood cemetery here in the town where as a telegraph
messenger boy he began his spectacular career as the builder of the Canadian
Pacific railroad.

Two thousand citizens, representative of the old pioneer families of Joliet
and Will county, with bared heads greated the arrival of the special train.
In a private coach, which was once reserved for the Canadian visit of Queen
Victoria, who knighted Van Horne, reposed thebody of the railroad builder
and a great mass of floral offerings from scores of railroad officials in
the United States and Canada.

Richard B. Van Horne, the son of Sir William; his wife, and B. W. Lynch,
former private secretary of the railroad man accompanied the body in two
private cars. Lady Van Horne and Adeline, Sir William's only daughter, were
unable to come.


MRS. EMILY PLOTKE, aged 72, who died on Tuesday at the Columbus hospital,
was the widow of Joseph Plotke. She was a sister-in-law to the late Ald.
Nathan Plotke, father of an ordinance passed some years ago to have women
remove their hats in theaters. She was born in Germany and came to this
country sisty years ago. She leaves a familly of six children, twelve grand
children, and one great-grandchild.

ARTHUR WILLIAMS, the comedian, died yesterday in London. He was born in
London Dec. 9, 1844, and made his first appearance on the stage in 1851. On
the completion of his fifty years upon the stage, in 1911, he had played
more than 1,000 parts.


ABBOTT-Arthur H. Abbott of A. H. Abbott & Co., Sept 13, at Atlantic City, N.
J.. Burial at Andever, Mass., Thursday, Sept. 16.

BENN--Philomen Benn, widow of Alex Benn and mother of Henry L. Marshall,
Tuesday, Sept. 14, 1915. Funeral from late residence, 6586 Kimbark-av.,
Thursday, 10:30 a.m.; interment private.

BIRCH--Charles W. Birch, at his home, 4?22 (4322 or 4822) S. State-st., in
his 63d year, beloved husband of Mary Birch, member of Dearborn lodge, A. F.
& A. M. and Oriental Con?i?tory and Apollo commandery. Services at his late
home on Thursday, Sept. 16, at 10:30 a.m. Interment by train to Oak Hill

DIBB--Margaret J. Dibb, beloved wife of the late William H., mother of Harry
A. and the late Mabel M. Aughinbaugh. Funeral Friday, Sept. 17, form late
residence, ?41 (341 or 841) W. Garfield-blve.; high mass at St. Ann's church
at 10 a.m.; by autos to Mount Olivet.

FABBRI--Fabbri, in Venice, Cal. Sept. 10, 1915, widow of the late Charles
Fabbri of Chicago. Funeral Friday, Sept. 17, at 2 p.m., at Rosehill

FINKELSTEIN--Mrs. Sarah Finkelstein, mother of Louis, David, Mandel, Mrs. H.
Mendelson and Mrs. N. M. Kiawans (or Klawans). Funeral Thursday, 2 p.m.,
from late residence, 630 S. Marshfield-av. Please omit flowers.

FINNEGAN--Johanna Finnegan, nee Culbane (not sure could be Culnane,
Culhane)beloved wife of Michael, fond mother of Mrs. Frank Kasbohm, Mrs.
Thomas E. Moran, Dave and Harold Finnegan. Funeral Saturday, Sept. 18, at
9:30 a.m., from late residence, 3210 Flournoy-st., to Our Lady of Sorrows
church; autos to Mt. Carmel, member of Birmingham court No. 166, W. C. O.
F., and Married Ladies' Sodality of Lady of Sorrows parish.

FLEMING--Thomas F. Fleming, Sept. 13, 1915, at his residence, 6549
Emerald-av., beloved husband of Mary and father of Thomas F., Mrs. Frank
Kreger, Bessie, James, Mrs. E. Norman, Joseph, John, and Annie. Member of
Palace council No. 39, Royal League. Funeral Thursday, Sept. 16, 2 p.m.
Interment at Mount Greenwood.

LOUKS--Alonzo L. Loucks, beloved husband of Evelyn R., nee Hesser, and
father of James H. and Robert L. and Mrs. Oscar L. Hyatt, departed in his
78th year. Funeral services from late residence, 71 W. Hickory st., Chicago
Heights, Ill. Burial at Bristol Station, Ill., Sept. 17. St. Louis, Mo., and
Louisiana, Mo., papers please copy.

McKEY--Fannie McKey, beloved wife of Ambrose A. McKey. Funeral from late
residence, 5956 Princeton-av., Friday, Sept. 17, at 10:?0 a.m. Interment
Mount Greenwood.

MORRIS--Joseph Morris, aged 76 years, husband of Tina Morris, at the Home
for Aged Jews, 6140 Drexel-blvd., Tuesday, Sept. 14. Funeral from the home
Thursday, Sept. 16, at 1 p.m., to Waldheim cemetery.

MEYER--Christian W. Meyer, beloved husband of Clara Meyer, nee Wagner, of
?3? Desplaines-av., Forest Park, Ill., passed away Sept. 14, at Oakland,
Cal. Funeral notice later.

MOREY--Margaret Katryn Morey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Morey, 2668 E.
74th-st. Chicago, Sept. 10, 1915, age 6 years 3 months. Burial at Racine,
Wis. Racine, Wis., papers please copy.

MURRAY--Archie Murray Jr., son of Archie and Agnes Murray, 5812 Ada-st.
Funeral Thursday, 2 p.m., to Oakwoods.

NIHILL--Simon Nihill, beloved son of the late Simon and Ellen, brother of
John and Thomas and the late Michael, Bridget, William, and Timothy. Funeral
Friday at 9 a.m. from his brother's residence, 4182 W. Harrison-st., to St.
Mel's, where high mass will be celebrated, by autos to Mt.

PLOTKE-- Mrs. Emily Plotke, Sept. 14, 1915, at Columbus hospital, aged 72
years, mother of Charles and Isaac Plotke, Mrs. Hannah Marx, Mrs. Minnie
Rector, Mrs. Libbie Greenberg, and Sadie Plotke. She will be buried from
chapel, 356 E. ?5th-st., Friday at 9 o'clock a.m., to Graceland cemetery.
St. Louis papers please copy.

POND--Oriental Consistory, S. P. R. S. The funeral of the late Henry
Harrison Pond, 83d degree, past commander in chief, will be held from the
residence, 4243 Langley-av., Friday, Sept. 17, at 1 o'clock p.m.
GEORGE W. M FATRICH, 83d degree, Com. in Chief. C. S. GURNEY, 83d degree,

SCHULTZ--Charles Schultz, 68 years old; Sept. 14, 1915; beloved husband of
Martha Schulta, and father of Charles Schultz Jr, and Mrs. Olga Huber;
step-father of Carl Disher. Funeral from his late residence, 500
Oakwood-blvd., Friday, Sept. 17, at 2 p.m.; by autos to Graceland cemetery.

SHEEHY--John Sheehy, beloved husband of Margaret, father of Ella, John,
Josephine, and Mrs. Clancy. Funeral Thursday at ? a.m. from late residence,
5?85 May-st., to Visitation church. Automobiles to Mount Olivet.

SHISSLER--Louis Shissler, on Sept. 13 at Mercy hospital in his eighty-third
year, beloved father of Mrs. Oliver Phelps and miss Valeria Penro?e Shissler
of Detroit. Interment at Detroit.
Contributor:	Kenneth Gruschow	[email protected]	May 2005
Chicago Tribune (IL) - November 05, 1915 (same as in Nov 6 paper)

Deceased Name: Albert C. Gruschow 
Albert C. Gruschow, Nov. 4, 1915, aged 54 years and 6 months, 
beloved father of Mrs. Edna Youngberg, brother of Christ Gruschow, M
rs. Alma Varrell, Mrs. Minnie Olander. Funeral from late residence, 
4735 N. Keeler-av., Sunday, Nov. 7, at 2 p.m., by autos to Graceland cemetery. 

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by the Cook County ILGenWeb County Coordinator.   All rights reserved.
This PAGE was last updated: 11 Sep 2005 by the Cook County ILGenWeb County Coordinator.