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                             Misc. Death and/or Burial Notices
                                    Cook County, Illinois


Information contributed for use in Cook County ILGenWeb by
            possible multiple contributers

Contributor: 	Sharon I. Dickson

Chicago Tribune
Sunday, November 10, 1912

LYONS--John Lyons, beloved husban of Emma, nee Dulen, son of Mr.
and Mrs. P. Lyons, brother of Thomas, Mrs. T. Fennell  , Mrs. R. Duffy,
and Mrs. J. Fallon.  Funeral Monday, Nov. 11, at 9 a.m. from parents'
residence 2800 S. Western-av., to St. Charles' church, 12th and
Cypress, where high mass will be celebrated, thence by carriages to
Calvary.  Member of local No. 35 Teamsters' union.

McGARRY--William H. McGarry, age 62, beloved brother of Ellen A.,
Margaret, and P.J. McGarry at his home in Downers Grove, Ill.,
Saturday, Nov. 9, 1912.  Funeral Monday, Nov. 11 at 10 a.m., to
St. Joseph's Catholic church.

MORGAN--William Jasper Morgan, Nov. 9, 1912, infant son of Edward J.
and Anna Behl Morgan.  Funeral private.

NOLAN--Michael Nolan, beloved husband of Mary Nolan, nee Sullivan,
father of William and Gerald, son of William and Mary Nolan, nee
O'Connor, brother of Patrick, Charles, Mis. B. Lewis, Mollie, John and
the late William Nolan.  Funeral Monday at 9 a.m., from his late
residence, 3047 Cortland-st., to St. Sylvester's church, where high
mass will be celebrated.  Carriages to Mount Carmel.

O'NEIL--Mrs. Richard J. O'Neil, Nov. 8, 1912, beloved wife of the late
Richard J. O'Neil and mother of Mrs.M. A. Dean, Mrs. H. E. Moore,
Mrs. A. G. Moore and Mrs. O. W. Smith, Arthur E. and Edward O'Neil.
Funeral Sunday Nov. 10, 12 m., from residence of her daughter,
Mrs. A. G. Moore, 3315 W. madison-st., to Our Lady of Sorrows church.
Interment Mt. Carmel.  Oakville and Kearney, Ont., papers please copy.

QUIMDY--Martha A. Quimddy(?), Friday, Nov. 8, 1912.  Funeral at
6916 Eggleston-av., Sunday, Nov. 10, at 1:30 p.m., thence to Mount
Hope cemetery.

RAITHEL--Albert B. Raithel, Nov. 7, brother of George W., Louis B.,
Theo F., Dr. J. A. and Alma Raithel, and Mrs. Henrietta Chatroop.
Funeral Sunday, Nov. 10, 2 p.m. from late residence, 500 Melrose-st.,
to Wunders cemetery.

SCHMIDT--Mary Schmidt, Nov. 8 at 6227 Sangamon-st., aged 73 years.
Funeral Wednesday, 10 a.m. from above number.  By automobiles to Rosehill.

SINNOTT-Ellen Sinnott, Nov. 8, nee Lane, beloved wife of Richard and
mother of Mary, John and Mrs. Catherine Kelly.  Funeral Monday,
Nov. 11, fro late residence, 1821 W. 23d-st., at 9 a.m., to St. Pius'
church, where solemn requiem high mass will be celebrated, thence
by carriages to Mount Carmel.

STEIN--Charles A. Stein, at Galesburg, Ill., Nov. 7, aged 55 years, husband
of Anna Stein, nee Uecker, son of Carl Stein, and father of Charles H.
and Gussie Stein.  Funeral Sunday, Nov. 10, at 1:30 p.m. from
2723 Racine-av., to Waldheim.

STETZMAN--H. C. Stetzman, Nov. 7, at Denver, Colo., will be buried at
New Munster, Wis., at 9 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 12.

STEVENS--Gus Stevens, suddenly, Nov. 7, 1912, beloved husband of
Sallie nelso Stevens.  Funeral 1 p.m., Sunday.  Cincinnati papers please copy.

STUCKMAIER--Sophia Stuckmaier, Nov. 8, 1912, 750 S. Canal-st.,
beloved wife of George Stuckmaier, mother of Seamon, George, Tillie
Dwyer, Frank, Phillip, Otto, and Sophia.; high mass Monday at 8 a.m.,
St. Patrick's church thence by Panhandle railway to Crown Point, Ind.,
for burial.

SWANSON--Mary Swanson, Nov. 8, beloved wife of John and mother of
Edward, Victor, Mrs. Elma Mellinger, and Mrs. Ada Barron, aged 74
years.  Funeral at family residence, 2637 N. Maplewood-av., Tuesday,
Nov. 12, at 2 p.m., by carriages to Graceland.

TRACY--Mary Parsons Tracy, Nov. 8, beloved wife of Walter B. Tracy,
daughter of Mrs. C. H. Parsons, sister of Weare, Jay, Hugh, and
Susie Parsons, Mrs. C.C. Fowler, Mrs. A. H. Vincent, Mrs. A. D. Adams,
and Mrs. H. S. Keeler.  Funeral from late home, 4101 Washington-blvd.,
Sunday, Nov. 10, at 2 p.m.  Burial at Forest Home.


Contributor: 	Sharon I. Dickson

Chicago Tribune
Tuesday, November 12, 1912

JOURDAIN--Maria Jourdain, born Jan. 20, 1837, died Nov. 10, 1912,
services at late residence, 4448 N. Maplewood-av., 10:30 a.m.,
Tuesday.  Nashville (Tenn.) papers please copy.

KAVAN--Elizabeth Kavan, widow of the late James Kavan, suddenly,
Nov. 11, at the home of her daughter , Mrs. M. A. Lawson, 542 N.
Sawyer-av., Funeral Wednesday at 1:30 p.m., carriages to Rosehill.

MALONEY--Mary A. maloney, beloved wife of the late John Maloney,
mother of Mrs. Julia McCarthy, Mrs. Mary Lavin, and William Maloney.
Member of St. Patrick's branch No. 75, C. K. & L. of America.  Funeral
from late residence, 519 S. Marshfield-av., Wednesday, Nov. 13, at
9:30 a.m. to St. Jariath's church, where solemn high mass will be
celebrated; thence by carriages to Calvary cemetery.

M'KENZIE--George M. McKenzie, at San Diego, Cal., Nov. 10, beloved
husband of Elaine and brother of Bernard, Edward, and Kenneth McKenzie.
Funeral from residence at San Diego.

METTERN--Rosa Mettern, Nov. 7, 1912, Funeral Tuesday at 2 p.m.,
from Berz's chapel, 1449 W. Madison-st., to Oakwoods cemetery.

MILLER--On Nov. 11, 1912, Hubert Miller, beloved husband of M-liss Miller,
aged 55 years.  Funeral Wednesday at 8:30 a.m. from late residence
4234 Jackson-blvd.  Burial at Logansport, Ind., Thursday.

MURPHY--Daniel Murphy, at the Chicago State hospital on Nov. 8,
1912.  Unless interested friends make burial arrangements within
five days the body will be disposed of.

PERELES--Louis Pereles, age 65 years, beloved husband of Sophia,
father of Isador.  Funeral from late residence, 750 S. 41st-ct., Wednesday
at 11 o'clock to Rosehill cemetery.  Member of George H. Thomas
post No. 5, G. A. R..

REEVES--Jacob D. Reeves, member of Moses lodge No. 18, Independent
Order Free Sons of Isreal.  Funeral today at 1 p.m. from 2410 W.
North-av.  Free Sons please attend.  ELI BRANDT, Grand Sec.

SCHRAM--John C. Schram, 1454 Farragut-av., Nov. 11, 1912. Member
of Covenant lodge No. 526, A. F. and A. M.; Corinthian chapter No. 69,
R.A.M.; Chicago council No. 4, R.S.M.  Funeral notice later.

SCHULTZ--Cecil M. Schultz, Nov. 11, beloved daughter (?) of George
M. and Edith Hughes Schultz.  Funeral Tuesday, Nov. 12, at 1 p.m.,
from Sheldon's funeral chapel, 912 Madison-st., Burial at Elmwood cemetery.

SMITH--Dennis Robinson Smith, at his residence, 4442 Ellis-av.,
Nov. 10, 1912, age 60 years.  Funeral services at Boylston Bros. chapel,
4227 Cottage Grove-av., Tuesday, Nov. 12, at 1 p.m.  Interment at Graceland.

STEIN--Mina Stein, Nov. 11, 1912, sister of Mrs. D. M. Lindauer, Mrs.
B. Reinheimer, Mrs. A. Bergmann, Sigmund Lee, and Ben Stein.
Funeral from residence of D. M. Lindauer, 5929 Indiana-av., Wednesday,
Nov. 13, at 9 a.m., by automobiles to Rosehill.

SULLIVAN--James Sullivan, beloved son of Daniel and Bridget Sullivan,
brother of Daniel, Hannah, Mrs. Mary Harris, and the late John Sullivan.
Funeral Wednesday morning at 9:30 from late residence, 1311 S.
Talman-av., to St. Agatha's church, where requiem high mass will be
celebrated, thence by carriages to Mount Carmel.  Connecticut papers
please copy.

VANDERKLOOT--Adrian Vanderkloot, president of the South Halsted
Street Iron works, suddenly of heart failure at the home of his brother,
M. R. Vanderkloot, at 7:30 p.m. yesterday.  Funeral notice later.

WENDT--Frederick John Theodore Wendt, at residence, 4417 Perry-st.,
beloved husband of Minnie Wendt and father of Mrs. Clarence Gilberg,
Mrs. Alvin T. Philippi, William and Gustave Wendt.  Services in charge
of Ravenswood lodge, A. F. & A. M., 777 at Rosehill chapel,
Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2 p.m.

WILKES--Rose J. Wilkes, Nov. 11, age 54 years, beloved wife of George
Wilkes and mother of James E. Clark.  Funeral Tuesday. Nov. 12, from
late residence, 1349 W. Madison-st., Interment Baldwinville, N.Y.


Contributor:		Diane Gregorchuk [[email protected]] May 3, 2001

Chicago Tribune
Nov. 13, 1912 (partial list)

LAHEY--Mary Lahey, beloved mother of Mrs. William Freeman, Mrs. William Cochran, 
Catherine Doyle, Dora Lahey, R. P. Doyle of Galien, Mich., and Mrs. Frank Conley of 
South Omaha, Neb. Funeral from her late residence, 6381 Drexel-av., Thursday, 
Nov. 14, at 9 a.m., to Holy Cross church, where requiem high mass will be celebrated; 
carriages to Mount Olivet.

LANGAN--Capt. Maurice Langan, beloved husband of Sarah, nee Rodgers, and brother 
of Johanna Langan, brother-in-law of Mrs. E. McAvoy, Mrs. M. Crowley, and M. Rogers 
of Detroit, at his residence, 1655 S. Tumbull-av. Funeral notice later.

MILLS--William A. Mills, Nov. 12, age 23 years, son of William A. and Jane Mills 
brother  of Fred, Leonard, Blaine, Walter, and Harold. Funeral notice later. 
St. Johns, New Brunswick, papers please copy.

ORR--Willard T. Orr, Monday, Nov. 11, 1912. Funeral services at his late residence, 
911 Ainslie-st., Thursday morning, Nov. 14, at 10 o'clock, by automobile to Illinois 
Central. Burial at Kankakee, Ill.

RUNDBLAD--Albert Rundblad, Nov. 4, at Los Angeles, Cal., beloved husband of 
Ella Rundblad, brother of Mrs. Amelia Carlson, Funeral Wednesday 2 p.m., 
frpm Hultin's chapel, 8176 N. Clark-st. Burial at Graceland. Member of 
King Oscar lodge No. 855, A.F. and A.M.

RYAN--Mrs. Mary Ryan, Nov. 11, 1912, aged 82 years. Funeral from 4724 Vincennes-av.,
Wednesday, 2 p.m., to Oakwoods.

SCHRAM--John C. Schram, 1454 Farragut-av., aged 57 years, husband of Mary Schram, 
father of Mrs. W. E. Bond, Mrs. T. B. Roy Jr., John W., Frank E., Perry J. 
Member of Covenant lodge No. 526, A. F. & A. M.; Chicago council No. 4, R. S. & M.; 
Corinthian chapter No. 69, R. A. M., Funeral services by Covenant lodge at 
Rosehill chapel at 1:30, Thursday, Nov. 14, 1912.

SHERIDAN--John E. Sheridan, at Thomasville, Ga., Nov. 10, 1912, beloved son of 
Thomas and Catherine, deceased brother of James G., Thomas F., Dennis A., 
Michael J., William, and the late Owen Sheridan, and Mary Delaney. 
Funeral from his brother's residence, 1521 E. 54th-st., Nov. 14, to 
St. Thomas' church at 10 a.m. Interment at Mount Olivet, by automobiles.

SILVERBERG--Joe Silverberg, Oct 28, 1912, canal zone, Isthmus of Panama, beloved 
brother of Max Silverberg, Lena Morgenthau, Bertha Myers, Annie Fischer, 
Rose Horodesky, Dora Miller. Funeral services at Hamburg's undertaking chapel, 
47th-st. and Prairie-av., Wednesday 12 o'clock sharp, to Waldheim.

STEIN--Mina Stein, Nov. 11, 1912, sister of Mrs. D. M. Lindauer, 
Mrs. B. Reinheimer, Mrs. A. Bergmann, Sigmund Lee, and Ben Stein. 
Funeral from residence of D. M. Lindauer, 5929 Indiana-av., Wednesday, 
Nov. 13, at 9 a.m., by automobiles to Rosehill.

VANDERKLOOT--Adrian Vanderkloot, president of the South Halsted 
Street Iron works, suddenly of heart failure at the home of his brother, 
M. R. Vanderkloot, at 7:30 p.m. yesterday. Funeral will be held Thursday, Nov. 14, 
at Lake Bluff, to Lake Forest cemetery. Train leaves Chicago for Lake Bluff 
by Chicago and N. W. railroad at 1:30 p.m.

WADE, Herbert C. Wade, Nov. 11, 1912, aged 37 years, son of William and the 
late Margaret Wade, brother of the late Gertrude and George R. Wade, brother 
of Helen, Rilla, Willard, and Raymond Wade. Funeral services at Sheldon's funeral 
chapel, 912 Madison-st., Thursday, at 9:30 a.m. Burial at Elmwood cemetery.

WOODS--Josephine H. Woods, beloved daughter of Josephin F., Nov. 11. 
Funeral services Wednesday, 2 p.m., from 4132 Prairie-av., to Oakwoods.


Contributor:		Diane Gregorchuk [[email protected]] May 3, 2001

Chicago Tribune
November 14, 1912 (partial list)

BALDWIN--R. Barlow Baldwin, suddenly, Nov. 9, at Springville, Cal., beloved husband of 
Elizabeth H. and father of Mrs. O. C. Hansen, Robert B. and Frank L. Baldwin. Funeral 
Saturday, Nov. 16, 2 p.m., from residence of his son, 6922 Parnell-av.; 
Interment at Mount Hope. Milwaukee papers please copy.

BENGTSON--Anna Theresia Bengtson, Nov. 12, beloved daughter of Theodore and Anna 
Cirika, sister of Alfred, Ludvig, and Alma in Chicago, Emily Towne in Lake Geneva, Wis., 
and Beata Norman, Malmo, Sweden. Funeral Friday, Nov. 15, at 2 p.m., from her late 
residence, 1505 Grace-st. Interment at Graceland cemetery.

BRAHM--Valentine C. Brahm, Nov. 12, 1912, beloved husband of Emma, nee Schmitt, father 
of Valentine, Frank, Verna, and Clarence. Funeral services will be held at his late 
residence, 646 North Homan-av., Nov. 15, 12:30 p.m., and at Central Park hall, 
Francisco and Lake-st., 1 p.m., thence by carriages to Montrose cemetery.

BYRNE--Matthew F. Byrne, Nov. 13, beloved husband of Cecelia, brother of John P., Luke, 
Jane, Mary and William D. Byrne, at his residence, 3655 N. 42-ct. Funeral notice later.

CONLEY--Patrick Conley, beloved husband of Elizabeth, nee Farrell, father of Ella. 
Funeral Friday at 9 a.m., from late residence, 5439 Aberdeen-st., to Visitation church, 
where high mass will be celebrated, thence by carriages to 
Greenwood cemetery, Hammond, Ind.


Contributor: 	Sharon I. Dickson

Chicago Daily News
Monday, November 25, 1912

KIRCH--Henrietta, beloved mother of Mrs. Sebach, Mr. J. Kirch,
Mr. M. Kirch, aged 78 years.  Funeral Tuesday, 9:30 a.m. Nov. 26,
from late residence 5242 Wentworth-av., to St. Martin's church, thence
by carriages to St. Mary's cemetery.

LUEBS--William, husband of Wilhelmine Luebs, father of William, Herman F., Alwina
and Mrs. Bertha Schoch.  Services from late residence 1214 Fry-st., Tuesday, Nov. 26,
at 2 p.m.  Burial at Graceland cemetery.

LINTON--Georgina, Nov. 24, 2704 Park-av.  Funeral notice later.

McARTHUR--Edward Thomas, beloved husband of May (nee Bagshaw),
son of Samuel J. and Elizabeth, brother of William C., Samuel J.,
Albert C., Francis,  John, Harold and Mrs.  A. Anderson.  Funeral
services fro his late residence 2139 Montrose-bd., Tuesday, Nov. 26,
at 3 p.m. under the auspices of Standard lodge No. 813, A. F. & A. M.,
to Rose Hill chapel.  Member of Progress 940, Royal Arcanum.

McGINNIS--Patrick, at Fort Madison, Iowa, beloved husband of Catherine
McGinnis of 2957 W. 39th-st.  Funeral notice later.

MOYNIHAN--Matthew F., Nov. 24, beloved son of J. M. and Ellen
(nee Warren), fond husband of Flora, brother of Emmet, Frank, and
Leo Moynihan.  Funeral Tuesday, Nov. 26, at 9 a.m., from his late
residence, 322 S. Winchester-av., to St. Jarlath's church, for solemn
high mass, thence by carriages to Calvary cemetery.

MURRAY--Charles, Nov. 24, age 44; born Co___e, Scotland; brother
of Duncan and Archie Murray.  Funeral from 90 E. Randolph-st.,
Tuesday, 3:00 p.m., to Oakwoods.

MILLER--Julia, Nov. 22, aged 37 years. Funeral Sheldon chapel,
912 Madison-st., Tuesday, 9:30 a.m.

O'NEILL--Nov. 25, Frank, at 519 Root-st., beloved son of the late Michael
and Mary O'Neill (ne McNamara), brother of Patrick O'Neill and Mrs.
Mary McGuire and the late Nick and Eddie O'Neill and Mrs. Kate
Thompson. Funeral Wednesday at 9 a.m., to St. Gabriel's church
where high mass will be celebrated, thence to 47th-st. depot by trains to
Mount Olivet.  Member of local 705, Truck Drivers' union, I.B. of T.

OLIS--Mrs. Mary Olis (nee Windhauser), at residence, 4023 W. 18th-st.,
beloved wife of William H. Olis, daughter of Mary and the late James
Windhauser; sister of Thomas, John, James, Della and the late Anna
and Mrs. Kate Prochnow.  Funeral notice later.  Detroit papers please copy.

O'MALLEY--John, Nov. 24, 1913, at his residence, 2212 Racine-av.,
beloved son of Mary O'Malley, brother of Nora and Annie O'Malley and
Mrs. Mary Tipton.  Funeral notice later.  Native of Kellsallagh, Westport,
County Mayo, Ireland.

OSTRANDER--Margaret, beloved daughter of R. E. and Ellen Ostrander,
sister of Vinita and Gladys.  Funeral Tuesday at 1 p.m., from parents'
residence, 2510 N. Francisco-av., carriages to Mount Olive.

RUSSELL--Hanora, beloved wife of the late Michael, mother of Mrs. P. J.
Redmond and the late John, Frank and Michael.  Funeral Tuesday,
Nov. 26, from residence, 1945 S. Troy-st., to St. Agatha's church;
high mass at 9:30 a.m. Carriages to Calvary.

QUINLAN--Catherine, beloved daughter of John and the late Bridget
Quinlan (nee White), sister of Mary, Edward and John Quinlan, age 16?
years.  Funeral Tuesday, Nov. 26, at 9 a.m. from her late residence,
305 Poplar-av., to St. Bridget's church, where high mass will be
celebrated, by carriages to Mount Olivet, Gone to meet her mother.


Contributor:		Diane Gregorchuk [[email protected]] May 3, 2001

Chicago Tribune
Monday, December 2, 1912. page 19 (partial list)


STEINBERG--Louis Steinberg. In ??cred memory of Louis Steinberg, 
who departed to his eternal rest seven years ago today, Dec. 2, 1905. 
Dear father, we have not forgotten you.


BILHARZ--Henry Bilharz, Nov. 30, 1912, aged 72 years, beloved husband of Amanda and 
father of Mrs. John Moran, Mrs. Frank Crothers, Ira ?ilharz, and Mrs. Walter M????v?. 
Funeral services this evening at 8 p.m., at his late residence, 7201 Harvard-av., 
Interment Tuesday, Dec 3, at Seneca, Ill.

DAWSON--Josephine Dawson, Nov. 29, 1912, aged 52 years: funeral Monday, Dec 2, 
at 11:30 a.m., from Sheldon's funeral chapel, 912 Madison-st.; private.

FELSENTHAL-Joseph and Fannie, beloved father and mother of Mrs. G. Felsenthal, 
Chicago: Mrs. H. C. Oppenheimer, Memphis, Tenn., and Jonas B. Felsenthal. 
Funeral at Brownsville, Tenn., Dec 2. Louisville and Philadelphia papers please copy.

FRYE--J. W. Frye, beloved husband of Jennie Frye, father of Etta, Jason, William, 
Jennie, Viola. Funeral Monday, Dec. 2, 2 p.m.

GEARE--Mrs. William Northcote Geare, at her daughter's residence, 
4035 N. Hermitage-av., Saturday evening, Nov. 30. Interment at Graceland, 
Monday at ? p.m. Funeral private. Toronto papers please copy.

GILBERT--James Gilbert, Dec. 1, 1912, at his residence, 2157 Lewis-st.; beloved 
husband of the late Catherine , nee Maher, and father of James, Edward, Irene, 
and Margaret, brother of John, Matt, Michael, and Richard Gilbert, Mrs. Sarah Cullen,
and Mrs. James Doyle. Funeral notice later. Native of Sa?hel City, Tipperary, Irland.

GOODRICH--Mercy A. Goodrich, aged 90 years, widow of Henry ? (P. B. or R.) Goodrich, 
Nov. 30, 1912. Funeral Tuesday, Dec. 3, at 1 p.m., from residence of her daughter, 
Mrs. George M. Vial, (or possibly Vlal) 124 7th-av., LaGrange, Ill.

KELLEY--Susan T. Kelly, Nov. 29, aged ?? (possibly 89) years, at her residence, 
5005 Drexel-blvd. Burial on Sunday at Greenville, O.

LEWIS--William Taylor Lewis, aged 15 weeks, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Lewis, 
Sunday, Dec. 1. Funeral private. Joliet papers please copy.

LOEFFLER--Max Loeffler, entered into eternal rest, Saturday, Nov. 30, 1912. 
Beloved husband of Caroline Loeffler, nee Fantl: father of Mrs. A. E. Ehrman, 
Bertha, Frank, Florence, and Miles Loeffler; brother of the late William Loeffler, 
Mrs. Julia Pereles, Mrs. Mary Frend, Mrs. R. Sachael, Mrs. Frances Lederer. 
Mrs. Josephine Rothenberg, Mrs. Ida Freulich, Julius Pollack, Richard Pollack, 
Sidney S. Pollack, and Gustave Pollack. Member of Chicago lodge No. 437, A.F. & A.M.
Funeral Tuesday, Dec 3, 1912, at 1 o'clock, B'nai Abraham temple, 
111? (possibly 4) S. Marshfield-av., thence by automobiles to Waldheim cemetery.

LOVELL--Mrs. Ann Lovell, aged ?2 years and ? months, entered into rest Sunday, 
Dec. 1, 12:45 a.m., widow of Thomas Frederick Lovell; mother of C. P. Lovell, 
Mrs. E. J. Drew, and Mrs. Oliver E. Mills. Funeral Tuesday, Dec. 3, 2:30 p.m., 
from her late residence, 7324 Princeton-av. Interment at Oakwoods cemetery.

McCORMICK--Catherine McCormick, nee Clark, beloved wife of Richard McCormick 
and mother of Margaret, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Clark, sister of James, 
John, Owen, Simon, Frank, Nell, and Florence Clark, and Mrs. John Gubbins. 
Funeral Monday from parents' residence, 5005 Ontario-st., 
at 9 a.m., to Our Lady Help of Christians church; carriages to Mount Carmel.

McNAMARA--Robert McNamara, Dec 1, 1912, age 84 years, beloved husband of 
Mary McNamara, father of Frank, David, and the late Robert E., 
Mrs. J. H. Allen, Mrs. A. O. Anderson, and Mrs. L R. Christopher. 
Funeral Tuesday, 9:30 a.m., from his late residence, ?0? N. 51st-ct., 
to Our Lady Help of Christians church, 51st-ct. and Iowa-st., 
by automobiles to Mount Carmel.

MENDELSON--Nettie Mendelson, beloved wife of Harry E. Mendenson 
(thats what paper says). Nov. 30 , at 9 a.m.; daughter of the late 
Isaac and Jeanette Samuels, sister of Mrs. Bertha Samuels, Mrs. Herman Adams 
and the late Emma Cornell. Funeral from Furth's chapel, 35th-st. 
and Grand-blvd., 9:30 Monday, to Waldheim. 
Oakland and San Francisco, Cal., papers please copy.

NIEMANN--John A. Niemann, Nov. 30, aged 54 years, beloved husband of 
Louise Niemann, nee Kracht: son of Myra, and brother of Ernest and 
Henry Niemann. Funeral Tuesday, Dec. 3, at ? p.m., 
from his late residence, 1?42 ( 3 or 8) Bissellst., to Graceland cemetery.

SMITH--James G. Smith, Nov. 30, beloved husband of Mrs. Jennie O?phant Smith, 
300 Park-av., River Forest, Ill., father of Chester and Roy. 
Funeral from Forest Home chapel, 2 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 3, 1912. 
Member Oak Park lodge, A. F. & A. M. 
Marquette and I?hpemin?? papers please copy.

STARK--Matilde A. Stark, 614? Hermitage-av., Dec. 1, fond wife of Edward, 
beloved mother of Edward, Fred, Carl, Hannah, and Mathilde Stark, and 
Mrs. George W. Arnold. Funeral Tuesday, Dec. 3, at 1 o'clock, from 
the late home.

THOMAS--Mary A. Thomas, nee Carnall, beloved wife of the late James and 
fond mother of Maud, Festus, Edmond, and Mrs. Florence McGrath. 
Funeral from her late residence, ?21? Parnell-av., Tuesday, Dec 3, 
at 2 p.m., by carriages to Oakwoods. 
Colborne, Belleville, and N?panee, Ont., Canada, papers please copy.

TOSSETTI--Agnes Marie Tossetti, Nov., 30 daughter of Mr. and 
Mrs. Edwin Tossetti, aged 9 months ? weeks and 2 days. 
Funeral notice later.

WOODS--David, Nov. 30, 1912, at Michael Reese hospital, aged 50 years. 
Services will be held in Arntsen's funeral chapel, ?10 (3 or 8) N. Clark-st, ---


Contributor:		Diane Gregorchuk [[email protected]] May 3, 2001

Chicago Tribune
December 4, 1912

BAINBRIDGE--Franci? H. Bainbridge, at residence, 1520 Sunnyside-av. Services 
from Carroll's chapel, 4542 N. Ravenswood-pk, Thursday, Dec. 5, 2 p.m. 
Interment Troy, N. Y. 

BRITT--Elizabeth Britt, nee Carey, at residence, 2811 Flournoy-st., beloved wife of 
Bryan J. Britt, fond mother of Mrs. M. Hennessey, Lillian, Bert, Stasia, 
Elzabeth Britt, grandma of Marie Hennessey. Funeral Thursday, Dec. 5, 
at 9:30 to Our Lady of Sorrows' church; high mass; carriages to Calvary. 

CAVANAUGH--Joseph B. Cavanaugh, Dec. 2, 1912, beloved husband of Mary Shea Cavanaugh, 
brother of Mary J. and son of Bernard Cavanough. Funeral Wednesday, Dec. 4, 
at 9:30 a.m. from late residence, 523 Stratford-pl., to St. Mary's of the Lake church, 
Sheridan-rd, near Edgecomb-pl., where solemn requiem high mass will be celebrated. 
By automobiles to Calvary. Please omit flowers. 

DAVIS--George T. Davis, on Dec. 2, 1912, beloved husband of Carrie Davis, aged 48 years 
at residence, 1735 W. Harrison-st. Funeral Wednesday at 10 a.m. 
from St. Jarlath's church. Burial at Mount Carmel, by automobiles. 

DWYER--Edward Dwyer, Dec 2, age 62 years. Funeral from the chapel of the 
Western Casket and Undertaking company, Michigan-blvd. and Randolph-st. 
Burial in Mt. Carmel cemetery. 

EPSTEIN--Joseph Epstein, 59 years 6 months, beloved husband of Carrie, nee Rosenfeld, 
father of Max J., Maurice and Helen Epstein, Mrs. Isidor Mendle, Mrs. Henry Hasterlik, 
Mrs. Clarence Adler, and Mrs. Julius Daniels, Dec. 1, 1912, at 11 p.m. Funeral from 
late residence, 4646 Prairie-av., Wednesday, Dec. 4, at 1 p.m.; by automobile to 
Waldheim [Western Star cemetery]. Member of Fort Dearborn council, Royal League; 
Douglas Park council, Royal Arcanum, and Independent Western Star Order. 
St. Louis and New York papers please copy. 

FILLMORE--Frank Fillmore, 45 years, from the chapel of the Western Casket and 
Undertaking Co., Michigan-blvd. and Randolph-st. Burial in Elmwood. 

GRIFFIN--Rose Griffin [nee Piggott], wife of David Griffin, beloved daughter of 
Patrick and the late Margaret, fond sister of Robert, James, John, Edward, Joseph, 
Mrs. Dr. D. E. Meany, Mrs. E. Neuhaus, and the late Bernice. Funeral Thursday, 
at 9 a.m. from late residence, 5233 S. Union-av., to Visitation church, where high 
mass will be celebrated, thence by carriages to Mount Olivet. 
New York City, Kansas City, Mo., St. Louis, Mo. and Omaha, Neb., papers please copy. 

HAUSCHILD--John D. Housechild, an old settler from Chicago, Monday, Dec. 2, in 
Milwaukee hospital, age 80 years. 

HURST--Thomas Wright Hurst, Dec. 2, 1912, age 68 years 6 months, beloved husband of 
Mary Hurst, father of Edith, Mary, William, and Mrs. Samuel Richardson. Funeral 
Thursday, Dec. 5, at 1 p.m., from his late residence, 20 S. Albany-av. 
Interment at Rosehill cemetery, Nothingham, England, papers please copy. 

KELLY--Patrick J. Kelly, beloved husband of Katherine C. Kelly, nee McNally, 
father of Dorothy, John, and Thomas Kelly. Funeral Thursday at 9 a.m. from his 
late residence, 1844 N. Kedzie-av., to St. Sylvester's church, where high mass 
will be celebrated; carriages to California-av. station Logan Square branch 
Metropolital L cars to Mt. Carmel. Montreal papers please copy. 

LADTKOW--Margaret Ladtkow [nee Van Laaten], age ?8 (possibly 38 or 88) years, 
beloved wife of Emil O. Ladtkow, daughter of John and Emily Van Laaten, sister 
of Jacob, Carl, William, Emily, Johanna, Charlotte, and Lydia. Funeral serivces, 
Thursday at 2 p.m. at parents' residence, 6220 Langley-av. 
Interment Oakwoods cemetery. 

LOWENBACH--Joseph Lowenbach, aged 82, beloved husband of Theresa Lowenbach and 
father of William Lowenbach and Mrs. Selig Greenbaum. 
Funeral strictly private Thursday morning 9 o'clock, 
from 4820 Michigan-av. to Rosehill. 

MAHER--William Maher, beloved husband of Margaret Maher, nee Toohey, 
father oaf Mrs. W. Martin, William, Kittie, John, Mabel, Gerald, Marie, 
Loretta, Edmond, and the late James and Jennie Maher. Funeral from late residence, 
3834 Monroe-st., Thursday, 9:30 a.m., to Our Lady of Sorrows church, 
carriages to Mount Carmel. 

MASON--Mary L. Mason, Dec. 3, 1912, at 5406 Jefferson-av., in her 72d year. 
Beloved sister of Mrs. Hattie M. Cottle and Mrs. Emma Johnson. Funeral Wednesday, 
Dec. 4, from Mulvihill's undertaking parlors, 43d-st, and Grand-blvd., 8 a.m. 
Interment at Polo, Ill. 

McGRATH--J. Patrick McGrath, Dec 3, 1912, beloved husband of Bridget M., nee Conroy, 
fond father of John P., Andrew E., Robert T., Francis T., Bernard, Mabel, and 
Conrad McGrath and Mrs. F. J. Oglesby. Funeral Friday, Dec. 6, 1912, at 9:15 a.m., 
from late residence, 1307 S. 43dav., to St. Finbar's church, where high mass 
will be celebrated; by carriages to Mt. Carmel; member of St. Finbar's court No. 1190, 
C. O. F. Pittsburgh and New York papers please copy. 

MURPHY--Joseph P. Murphy, beloved son of the late Thomas and Mary Murphy, 
nee Maxwell, fond brother of Robert, John, Marguerite, and Molly Murphy. 
Funeral from the late residence, 3443 Bradshaw-st., Wednesday evening, 
Dec. 4, 1912. Member of Painters' union local 147, and 
Press council No. 71, National Union. 

NEAL--James Neal, beloved husband of Katharine Butler Neal, 4060 Michigan-terrace, 
suddenly, Dec. 3. Funeral at Boyd?ton Bros.' chapel 4227 Cottage Grove-av., 
2 p.m. Thursday. Interment private. Kindly omit flowers.


Contributor:		Diane Gregorchuk [[email protected]] May 3, 2001

Chicago Tribune
December 4, 1912 (continued) p.22 (partial list)

PATATING--Louis Patating, at the Chicago State hospital on Dec. 3, 1912. 
Unless interested friends make burial arrangements within five days the 
body will be disposed of. 

SCHLOTTER--Jacob Schlotter, at the Chicago State hospital, on Dec. 2, 1912. 
Unless interested friends make burial arrangements within five days the 
body will lbe disposed of. 

SULLIVAN--Grace Mary Suliban, Dec. 3, 1912, of pneumonia, dearly beloved and 
fond daughter of Joseph J., and Mary F. Sullivan [nee Crowe]. Funeral T
hursday, Dec 5, 1912, at 10:?0 a.m. from parents' residence, 6229 Vincennes-av. 
Interment at Mount Olivet cemetery, by automobiles. 

TANKERSLEY--Francis Jackson Tankersley, beloved husband of Ida, fond father 
of Marcus L. R., Dec. 2, 1912. Funeral from late residence 221 E. 48th-st., 
Wednesday, Dec. 4, 1:30 p.m., by automobiles to Mount Greenwood. 

TERRY--Lilliam Windsor Terry, beloved daughter of Dr. George ? (I. or L.), 

THEARLE--Angelica Gear Thearle, Monday afternoon at the residence of her son, 
Fred G. Thearle, 6031 Kimbark-av., in her eighty-fifth year, widow of the 
Rev. F. G. Thearle and mother of Virginia C., Harry B., Fred G. Thearle and 
Mrs. A. P. Hawley of Chicago and Ernest A. Thearle of San Diego, Cal. 
Funeral services at the home today at 11 a.m. 

TRACY--Thomas Tracy, beloved husband of Catherine, nee Curley, fond father of 
Nellie and Mrs. N. M. Coleman, brother of Mrs. Michael Courtney, Mrs. Mary Dolan, 
and the late John Tracy. Member of Visitation court No. 79 C. O. F. Funeral 
from his late residence, 5651 Paulina-st., Thursday, Dec. 5, at 9 a.m., 
to St. Basil's church, where solemn requiem high mass will be celebrated, 
thence by carriages to Mount Olivet. 

VAN VLACK--Jay E. Van Vlack, beloved husband of Mary S. and father of 
Mrs. W. G. Felleck (or possibly Felleok), Mary and J. E. Van Vlack. Funeral 
from late residence, 1809 W. Ohio-st., Friday at 9:30 a.m. 
by carriages to Mt. Carmel. 

WARREN--George P. Warren, Dec. 3, 1912, at Siasconsett, Mass., father of 
Mrs. E. A. Fur?t (possibly Furst), Chicago; Benj. S. Warren and 
Louise S. Warren, Detroit, Mich. Interment at Rosehill cemetery.


Contributor:		Diane Gregorchuk [[email protected]] May 3, 2001

Chicago Tribune
December 5, 1912, p.20 (partial list)

HASSIS--Henry F. Hassis, suddenly, Dec. 2, dearly beloved son of John 
and Nelly Hassis, and brother of George, aged 38 years, 9 months, and 26 days. 
Funeral Friday, Dec. 6, at 9 a.m., from his late residence, 1237 Addison-av., to
St. Andrew's church, where high mass wil be celebrated. Interment at Calvary. 
Member of Groff Park council No. 1058, Royal Arcanum.

HAYES--Margaret Hayes, nee Ryan, at her residence, 3816 Flournoy-st., 
beloved wife of John H. Hayes, mother of Mary, Lucille, and Florence Hayes. 
Funeral Friday, Dec. 6, at 9 a.m., to Presentation church for solemn high mass, 
by carriages to Mount Carmel. Member of St. Pius' branch L. C. B. A. and W. C. O. F.,
Lady of the Sacred Heart.

HEINRICH--Otto Heinrigh, beloved husband of Augusta Heinrich, father of Otto, 
Anna, Marie, Margareth, Agnes, and Gertrude, and father-in-law of Grace. 
Funeral Saturday, Dec. 7, at 10 a.m., to St. Aloysius church, where requiem high mass
 will be held, thence by carriages to St. Boniface cemetery.

KENNY--John Francis Kenny, beloved son of Officer John F. and Hannah Kenny, 
nee Ford, and brother of James and Mary. Funeral Friday, Dec. 6, at 9:30 a.m., 
from residence, 4054 Colorado-av. Carriages to Mount Carmel.

LIVINGSTON--Jane L. Livingston, widow of the late Lucian Livingston, Dec. 4, 1912.
Funeral from her late residence, 3024 Prairie-av., Friday, at 2 p.m. Burial at Oakwoods.

LOWENBACH--Joseph Lowenbach, aged 82, beloved husband of Theresa Lowenbach 
and father of William Lowenbach and Mrs. Selig Greenbaum. Funeral stictly private 
Thursday morning, 9 o'clock, form 4320 Michigan-av. to Rosehill.

MESSINGER--Dr. Celestia D. Messinger, suddenly of lung trouble, Dec. 2, Broklyn, N. Y.; 
aged 70 years. Sister of Dr. Mary A. Dearlove, 325 N. Grove-av., Oak Park. 
Funeral notice later, New York papers copy.

O'BRIEN-- Thomas O'Brien, Dec. 3, 1912, at his residence, 511 W. Division-st. 
Beloved brother of Mrs. Mary Flynn of Morristown, N. J.; John O'Brien of Tipperary, Ireland,
 and the late Ella Clifford and Johanna Lonergan and Bridget Scanlon. Funeral from his late 
residence Friday, Dec. 6, at 9:30 a.m., to St. Dominick's church, where high mass will be 
celebrated, thence by Illinos Central train to Mount Carmel.

O'KEEFE--Joseph James O'Keefe, aged 5 mos., beloved son of James P. and the late Loretta, 
nee Townsend; Dec. 4. Burial from his grandparents residence, 524 W. 33d-st. 
By carriages to Calvary, Dec. 6.

PETERS--Henry Peters, Dec. 2, 1912, aged 64 years, beloved husband of Lizzie, 
fond father of Charles, Walter, Louis, William, Henry, and Arthur Peters,and beloved
 brother of Louis Peters. Funeral Thursday, Dec. 5, at 1:30 p.m. from his late residence, 
2725 hampden-ct. Interment at Rosehill cemetery.

RICHARDSON--Annie Richardson, nee Ryan, Dec. 3, 1912, aged 60 years, widow of the late
Edwin Richardson and mother of Arthur J., Rachel J., Faye, Ruth, and Hayden. 
Funeral Friday, 2 p.m., from her late residence, 627 Poplar-av., Austin. 
Interment Forest Home.

RUST--Catharina Rust, aged 89, Dec. 3, at Chicago State hospital. Funeral 
Thursday, 2 p.m., from Hartwick's chapel. Interment Wunder's cemetery. 
Scranton, Pa., papers please copy.

WACHSMAN--Emanuel Wachsman, in New york, Dec. 3, beloved father of I??iore and 
David V. Interment Friday, Dec. 6, New York.

WHITLEY--Mrs. John Whitley, at Glendale, Cal., Dec. 4, 1912.


Contributor:		Diane Gregorchuk [[email protected]] May 3, 2001

Chicago Tribune
Dec. 6, 1912 , p.23 (partial list)

ADAM--Frieda G. Adams, nee Druwe, beloved wife of Fred A. Adams, daughter of 
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Druwe, sister of Julius Druwe and Anna Hartwig; suddenly. 
Funeral at 1 o'clock Sunday, Dec. 8, from 2312 N. Western-av., to 
St. Natere? (y or v) church, Taiman and Greenwood-terrace, to Waldheim.

BERLIZHEIMER--Harold Berlizheimer, beloved son of David and Bertha Berlizheimer,
brother of Maurice. Funeral from Furth's chapel, 35th and Grand-blvd., Friday, 
Dec. 6, at 1 p.m.; automobiles to Rosehill.

BIDWILL--Elizabeth M. Bilwill, Dec. 5, 1912, beloved wife of the late William Bidwill, 
fond mother of Edin E., James M., and Joseph F. Bidwill. Funeral Saturday, Dec. 7, 1912, 
at 9 a.m., form the residence of her son, 4500 W. Monroe-st., to St. Mel's church, 
where solemn high mass will be celebrated, by carriages to Mt. Carmel. 
Member of Branch ?04, L. C. B. A. Kenosha, Wis., papers please copy.

COMPTON--James H. Compton, born Sept. 27, 1868, died Dec. 3, 1912, at Denison, Tex., 
brother of Mrs. Jessie C. Moore and Walter H. Compton. Services private at Boylston's 
chapel, 4227 Cottage Grove-av., Saturday, at 2 p.m. Interment Rosehill cemetery.

CORRIGAN--Ann Corrigan, nee Langan, beloved mother or Phillip and James Corrigan, 
at residence, 1839 Otto-st., formerly of 1922 Maud-av., native of Westport, 
County Mayo, Ireland. Funeral Saturday at 9:30 a.m.,  from residence to 
St. Andrew's church, where high mass will be celebrated. 
Interment Calvary.

DOWNS--Katherine Downs, nee Connors. Dec 5, 1912, at her residence 2858 Wallace-st.,
beloved wife of the late John Downs, mother of William, Mary, John, James, Frank, 
Walter, and Mrs. J. W. Pattison, and the late Thomas Downs. Funeral notice later.

FOSTER--Mary C. Foster, aged 68, wife of Orrington Crews Foster. Funeral at 2 p.m., 
Saturday, 1401 Dearborn-av.

FREUDENTHAL--Bertha Freudenthal, nee New, beloved wife of Sam Freudenthal, Thursday, 
Dec. 5, 11 a.m. Funeral from Furth chapel, 35th-st. and Grand-blvd., Sunday, 
Dec. 8, 1 p.m. Automobiles to Rosehill.

GAHERTY--Sarah Gaherty, Dec. 4, 1912, at residence, 507 S. Leavitt-st., daughter 
of the late Timothy and Mary, nee Purcell, fond sister of Thomas, Timothy, Robert, 
and the late James. Funeral Saturday, 9:15, to Precius Blood church for high mass. 
Carriages to Mount Carmel.

GANNON--Bernard V. Gannon, beloved son of Daniel and Elizabeth, nee Bywater, 
brother of John, Florence, and Daniell, at his residence, 3814 W. 12th-st. 
Funeral notice later.

GURINIAN--Anna Zabella Gurinian, suddenly, Dec. 4, beloved daughter of V. G. and 
Anna B. Gurinian. Funeral services at late home, 1535 W. Congress-st., 
Saturday at 1 p.m.; carriages to Rosehill.

GREEN--Edith Irene Green, nee O'Connell, beloved wife of Clarence E., fond mother 
of Edith, Lillian, and Clarence. Funeral at the late residence, 
4925 N. Christiana-av., at 9 a.m., Saturday, Dec. 7. Requiem mass will be 
celebrated at Our Lady of Mercy's church at 9:30 a.m.. 
Carriages to Ravenswood station on the C. & N. W. Trains at 11:38. 
Buriel at Lake Forest.

GWYNN--Hildegard Gwynn, nee Daub, beloved wife of J. Edward Gwynn, fond daughter of 
Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Daub, formerly of Milwaukee, and dear sisster and siste-in-law of 
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Otto and Mr. and Mrs. Edmund W. Wander. Funeral Friday, Dec. 6, from 
late residence, 1847 ?et?nice-av., at 2 p.m., by carriages to Graceland. 
Adrian [Mich.], Milwaukee, Pittsburgh, and New York papers please copy.

HARRIES--David Charles Harries, Dec. 4, at Mercy hospital, dearly beloved husband of 
Jane Evans Harries, fond father of Chester, Delicia, Gwladys, and Elsie Lane. 
Funeral from late residence, 1347 E. 50th-st., Saturday, Dec. 7, at 2 p.m. 
Services will be held at Rosehill cemetery chapel at 3 p.m.

HOFFMANN--Isabella Hofmann, Dec. 5, 1912, wife of the late Otto Hofmann, sister of 
Mrs. Steven Jones, Edward and Joseph Brenan, also Mrs. John King. Funeral from 
her late residence, 6315 S. Green-st. Saturday, Dec. 7, 1912, at 9 a.m., 
to St. Bernard's church, where high mass will be celebrated, 
thence by automobile to Mount Carmel cemetery.

KIRLEY--William Kirley, Dec. 4, aged 28 years, brother of Loftus Kirley. 
Funeral from Sheldon's chapel, 912 W. Madison-st., Friday, Dec. 6, at 10 a.m., 
to St. Patrick's church for high mass.  Carriages to Mount Carmel.

LINDSTROM--Frank Lindstrom, aged 65 years 8 months, beloved husband of Carolina, 
father of Robert, William, Mrs. Lillie Axen, and Mrs. Anna Graham, passed away 
Dec. 5, at his residence. Funeral from late residence, 6511 Ellis-av., 
at 2:30 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 7, thence to Oakwoods cemetery. 
Former residence, 3234 (or possibly 8234) Princeton-av.

LOCKERBIE--Margaret MacGillivray Lockerblie, Dec. 4, beloved wife of Robert Lockerbie 
and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert MacGillivray, sister of the late Tina MacGillivray. 
Services at her late home, 114 Laflin-st., Saturday, at 1:30 p.m.; carriages to 
Forest Home. Member Ladies' Auxiliary of Clan Campbell No. 1, Order of Scottish 
Clans; member of Ladies of Maccabees of the World, Milligan Hive, 54. 
Inverness, Scotland, papers please copy.

LYNCH--Capt. Peter D. Lynch, Dec. 4, 1912, aged 68 years, dearly beloved husband of 
Etta Lynch, nee Potter, uncle of Vina Crawford, father of George B. Lynch. 
Member of the Association of Chicago Retired Firemen, member of Mutual Aid, 
and honored member of Custer Post G. A. R., also member of Lawton 
Circle L. of G. A. R. Funeral services Sunday, 1 p.m., at his late residence, 
4700 Monroe-st. Interment Oak Ridge.

MILLS--Mrs. Mary Mills, Dec. 5, aged 49, dearly beloved wife of Jacob Mills, fond 
mother of Joe Finkelstein, Mrs. P. Mills, Harry and Esther. Funeral Sunday, 
Dec. 8, 10 a.m. sharp from late residence, 1240 S. St. Louis-av., 
to Western Star cemetery, Waldheim. Member of West Side Ladies' Charity society, 
Jewish Consumptives' Relief society, Woman's Loan association, Austro-Galician Verein, 
Mark? Nathan Orphans' home. Philadelphia papers please copy.

NELSON--John Nelson, age 81 years, beloved father of Charles, William, John, 
Frank F., and Mrs. Truman A. Lockwood. Funeral from late residence, 
4050 West Park-av., Saturday, Dec. 7, at 1 p.m., by automobiles to Graceland.


Contributor: 	Sharon I. Dickson

Chicago Tribune
Thursday, December 19, 1912

HAGAN--Sarah F. Hagan, beloved wife of Richard P. Hagan, daughter
of the late Hugh McLellan of Lake Forest, Ill.  Services at late residence,
4303 N. Paulina-st., Friday, Dec. 20, at 2 p.m.  Interment at Rosehill.

HAYDE--Sister Mary Ruth Hayde, beloved daughter of Edmund C. Hayde
and the late Catherine Moran.  Tuesday, Dec. 17.  Funeral Thursday
at 10 a.m., from the Mercy chapel, 2535 Prairie-av. Interment by autos to Calvary.

HAZLETT--Mary E. Hazlett, Dec. 17, 1912 at the residence of her sister,
Mrs. Oscar Schlecter, 5412 Lexington-av.  Burial at Lyons, Ia.

HEPER--Charles Heper, Dec. 16, aged 56 years, beloved husband of Henrietta Heper
and father of Otto Heper, Mrs. John Milloy, Mrs. Paul V. Troup, and Dr. Carl Heper.
Funeral services from his late residence 3215 Warren-av.,
Thursday Dec. 19, at 1 o'clock.  Interment private at Graceland.

HOFFMAN--Mary Hoffman, aged 63 years, beloved wife of the late John Hoffman,
fond mother of John, William, Louis, Lawrence, Walter, Matilda, Eleanor, Margaret,
and Clara Hoffman, Mrs. J. F. Rackey, and Mrs. J. W. Forst.
Funeral Friday, Dec. 20, from her late residence, 7047 Carpenter-st., at 10 a.m.,
to Sacred Heart church, where requiem high mass will be celebrated,
thence by automobiles to St Mary's cemetery.

INNES--Mina Innes, beloved wife of Alexander G. Innes of Wheaton, Ill.,
at Presbyterian hospital, Dec. 16.  Funeral Thursday at 1:30 p.m.
from 1910 Jackson-blvd., to Rosehill cemetery.

KLING--Mabel Kling, nee Lindstrum, 29 years old, wife of A. L. Kling,
mother of Mignon, Mary, beloved daughter of Mary and the late Henry Lindstrum,
sister of Mrs. Amelia Braulin, Henry O. and  Charles E. Lindstrum.
Funeral from late residence, 5424 Wentworth-av.,  Saturday.  Dec. 21 at 10 o'clock,
to  Oak HIll cemetery. Please omit flowers.

LYONS--Patrick Lyons, beloved husband of Bridget Lyons, nee Kinney, fond father of John,
Timothy, Patrick, Margaret, Elizabeth, Mary Lyons, Mrs. J. O'connor, and Mrs. J. Barry
of Lamont, Ill., at residence,  1218 S. 41st-ct.  Native County Leitrim, Ireland.
Parish of Ohizas. Providence, R.I. papers please copy.  Funeral notice later.

MEEHAN--Mary Isabel Meehan, beloved wife of James H. Meehan and sister of James F.
Bowers and Mrs. William A. Stapleton.  Funeral from late residence,
6409 Jackson-av., at 9:30 o'clock Thursday morning, Dec. 19 to Holy Cross church,
Jackson-av. and 65th-st.,  thence by carriages to Calvary cemetery.

NEWBERRY--Mrs. Helen Handy Newberry, peacefully at her home, 483 Jefferson-av.,
Detroit, Mich., Dec. 17, 1912, widow of the late John S. Newberry and mother of
Truman H., John S., and Helen Newberry Joy.  Funeral Thursday afternoon.

RUMERY--Josiah Libby Rumery, Dec. 17 aged 82, at the residence of his daughter,
Mrs. B. D. Anguish, 1427 Chicago-av., Evanston. Services at Clinton, Ia.,
Thursday afternoon.

TRACY--Thomas Tracy, beloved husband of Johanna, nee Healy. Funeral from late residence,
441 Bowen-av., Friday 9:30 a.m., to Holy Angel church, by automobiles to Mount Olivet.
Contributor:	Virginia Travis		[email protected]	Jan 20, 2003

Chicago Daily News
June 20, 1912
Page 19, Column 5


Kane-James, age 80 years, at his residence [June 19], 480 Bowen Av., beloved husband of

Julia Kane (nee McCormick), and father of Mrs. Fred (Lucy) Humphries, Mrs. William (Margaret)

Hannan, Mrs. Charles (Mary)Odell, Nellie, Charles D., Herbert M., Edward J., and John Kane. 

Funeral Friday [June 21] at 10 o'clock, from residence to Holy Angels Church, thence by

carriages to Mount Olivet.  Dixon and Tonica (Ill.) papers please copy. 

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