1907 Misc. Death and/or Burial Notices Cook County, Illinois Information contributed for use in Cook County ILGenWeb by possible multiple contributors
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contributor: Arthur Maxwell Chicago Daily News April 20 1907 page 14, column 6 LINDEN Hattie, at her residence 2646 S. 42d-av., beloved wife of William J. Linden, mother of Marie, Chrinstins, Alois, John and Hattie, sister of Mrs. Annie Porte, Mrs. Mary Ringwald and the late Mrs.. Barbara Schaacks, Mrs. Dora Schaacks. Funeral Monday, 9 a. m., from Church of Epiphany, to St. Boniface. LARTZ Ernestine, aged 84 years, beloved mother of William Lartz, Anne Lartz, Mrs. Louisa Herder. Funeral Tuesday, April 23, 1907, at 2 p. m., from late residence. 336 Roscoe-rd., by carriages to Wunders. LETTO Carl, beloved brother of John Letto, brother-in-law of Anna Letto (nee Schreiber). Funeral from brother’s residence. 243 Townsend-st., Sunday, April 21, at 2 p. m. Interment at Rosehill. MAXWELL April 18, 1907, Martin, beloved husband of Ellen Maxwell (nee Killean), father of Thomas, Martin, John, Edward, Susie, Mollie, Lillie, Anna and the late Nellie Maxwell. Funeral from late residence, 3417 Auburn-av., Sunday, April 21, at 9 a. m., to St. David’s church, thence by carriages to 47th-st depot, by cars to Mount Olive. MEIER Albert. April 10, 1907, aged 34 years, husband of Bertie Meier (nee Charles). Funeral Sunday, at 12.30, from residence, 576 S. Western-av.; burial at Concordia cemetery; member of B. of R. T. No. 479. May his soul rest in peace. MARESH Frank, April 17, aged 48 years, beloved husband of Mary and father of Emma Plsa and Annie Mikn, Mary, Katie, Flossie, Libble, Joseph and Edward. Funeral from his late residence, 489 S. Lincoln-st., Sunday. 11 a. m., by carriage to Bohemian National cemetery. MUDRA Mary, beloved mother of Henry and Annie Mudra and Mrs. Emma Lastofka, April 18, at 2 a. m. funeral Sunday, April 21, at 10;30 a. m., from late residence, 965 S. avers-av. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contributor: Arthur Maxwell Chicago Daily News April 20, 1907 page 14, column 7 WARNECKE Carolina Warnecke (nee Schomberg), wife of the deceased Conrad Warnecke, April 10, 1907, aged 77 years, mother of the late Henry Warnecke and Mrs. Lina Fick and Conrad William, Albert, Frank and Mrs. Lizzie Nilson, stepmother of Fred Warnecke and Mrs. Minnie Paepke. Funeral Monday, April 22, at 2 p. m., from late residence, 202 Townsend-st., to St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran church, Franklin and Superior-sts., to Wunder’s cemetery. WERNER Emil, April 19, 1907, aged 44 years, beloved husband of Cecelia, father of Nils E., brother of Gust, Eric, Axel, Lawrence and Fritz and two brothers and two sisters in Sweden. Funeral from late residence, 89 Evanston-av., Sunday, April 21, 1907, at 2 p. m. Burial at Graceland. WILLIAMS Roseanna G. (nee Gant), at her residence, 2106 state-st., beloved wife of William C. Williams and daughter of Sarah J. Gant and the late Jesse Gant. Funeral Monday, April 22, 1907, at 9;30 a. m., to St. John’s church, thence by cars to Polk-st depot to Mt. Olivet. WAIT On April 18, 1907, John A. Wait, at Illinois Masonic Home, aged 69 years. Funeral Sunday, at 1:30 p. m., from Commandery Bah, Masonic Temple, under the auspices of Kilwinning lodge No. 311, A. F. A. M. Burial at Rosehill. WALSH 715 43d-pl, Dennis, son of Thomas and Mary (nee O’Keefe), brother of Josie, Maurice, Thomas and Nora Walsh, aged 5 years. Funeral Sunday, 11 a. m., 47th-st. depot, by cars to Mount Olivet. WALLACE Josephine, aged 2 years 3 months, beloved daughter of Patrick N. and Mary Wallace (nee Enright). Funeral Sunday, at 10 a. m., parents residence, 11 S. Sheldon-st., by carriages to Mount Carmel. WHITE Martin, beloved husband of Margaret (nee Madden), aged 8 1/2 years, at his residence, 1222 Dunning-st. Funeral notice later.
Contributor: Ron Mlejnek [[email protected]] Jan 2004
Attached is a document showing the existence of a death record for my great uncle, Cyril Saganek, in Chicago, IL
on September 25, 1907. The record number is: 0000016305 The events and circumstances surrounding this death are more important than the record of the death itself.
I am also seeking autopsy information, police investigations, and/or newspaper accounts that might relate to this death.
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