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                             Misc. Death and/or Burial Notices
                                    Cook County, Illinois


Information contributed for use in Cook County ILGenWeb by
            multiple contributors
Contributor:    [email protected]


Tribune January 6, 1903 Tues

ZIMMERMANN --- Dr. G. A., Monday morning, father of Walter, Amanda, Herbert,

Lilly, 619 Cleveland av. Funeral notice later.


Funeral Notice

Tribune January 7, 1903 Weds page 11

ZIMMERMANN, -- Rev. Dr. G. A. Zimmermann entered into rest Jan. 5 at his

residence, 619 Cleveland-av. The funeral will take place from St. John's

church, cor. Garfield-av. and Mohawk-st., Wednesday, July 7, where the

remains will lie in state from 11 to 1 o'clock. Interment Graceland



Obituary translated from a German Newspaper

Pastor Dr. G.A. Zimmermann (Gustav Adolph ZIMMERMANN, Rev.



"As for man, his days are as grass

As a flower of the field,so he flourisheth

For the wind passeth over it and it is gone " (Psalm103, v15,16)

"Thunder and lightning can strike, even from a cloudless sky."

Today, Chicago is still numbed by that thunderclap on the 5th of

January, and still the loving heart is unable to comprehend that Dr.

Zimmermann has died. As recently as New Year's morning he stood, the

intelligent preacher and beloved spiritual caretaker at the local evangelical

[Protestant] Johannes parish (church), the pride of Chicago's German

community, full of enthusiasm and vitality, and preached from his place of

honour about God's love and the eternal divine truths which our soul, born of

eternity, yearns for - on Thursday he was still wearing his priests'

vestments, and by Monday he was wrapped in a shroud - who can comprehend it?

Here, finite spirit, know an (the) infinite God! Here, son of the earth,

tremble before the omnipotence of your God! O human child, be prudent and ---

pious: soon you too will be at peace ---.

Dr. Gustav Adolph Zimmermann was born in Basel on the 20th of February,

1850. In Switzerland he achieved an outstanding high-school and academic

education: his major subjects were Theology and Philosophy. In 1869 he came

to America and entered the Melanchthon Seminary of the old Northwestern

Synod, at which institution he shortly afterwards became an assistant

teacher. After that he moved to Chicago and, working as an assistant preacher

at the St Paul's church he found in Joseph Hartmann, the former parish

pastor, his spiritual father and mentor. After a short time studying at

German Universities, and receiving his Doctorate at Berlin, he returned to

America to serve at the Markus Parish church in Buffalo, then worked as a

professor at the Elmhurst proseminary, and finally returned to Chicago in

1877. Here he founded the "Deutsche Warte" (German view-point), functioning

as its editor, and held various positions in the public school service,

ultimately that of Superintendent for Modern Language teaching.

The deceased was also especially well-versed in the field of world

history. Various examples of his works, especially those concerning the

French revolution, Napoleon and Bismarck, were widely disseminated. In

short Dr. Zimmermann, who was taken too soon, enjoyed a far-reaching

reputation as an educationalist, a philosopher, a preacher and a writer, and

his sudden departure will arouse grief and lamentation in the widest circles.

The deceased, whose well-educated faithful companion died four years

earlier, leaves behind four children, two sons and two daughters.

The ceremonial funeral took place on Wednesday, the 7th of January.

After a short funeral service in the house, led by Pastor em(eritus?) Philipp

Klein, the exquisitely adorned coffin was driven to the church. Thousands

awaited the wanderer "on his final path". When the coffin was opened for

the last time, not a single eye was without tears - between 11 a.m. and 1

p.m. the friends of the

deceased and members of the parish, numbering thousands, were once more able

to gaze upon the beloved features of their departed friend and spiritual

care-taker. At 1 p.m. the uplifting funeral service began in the Johannes

parish church. The altar service was taken by colleagues Pastor Philipp

Klein, Professor J. L"uder and [Pr"ases] K. Krafft. Pastor Gotthilf Lambrecht

from the local St. Peters church gave a deeply moving, heartrending sermon

based on Psalm 90,v1: "Lord God, thou art our refuge for ever". When the

last word of the

God-gifted preacher and friend of the deceased had died away, the children's

choir of the Johannes parish church, under the direction of Mr Theodor

Scheerer the well-proven parish organist, started to sing, and in the softest

pianissimo it sounded like angel song from above: "How peacefully they rest,

all the blessed ones".- The earthly remains of the deceased were laid to

rest by the side of his beloved wife in the "Graceland" cemetery. Pastor

Philipp Klein prayed at the graveside and gave the Lord's blessing.

But we, the colleagues and friends of the early departed, stand today at

his graveside and pray to God from the depths of our hearts: Heavenly Father,

send fortification and peace to the weeping children, the orphans! May our

ancient hearts' wish and prayer come to pass: to you, who have been a

faithful servant of the Lord, to you, genuine disciple of the true art and

sublime knowledge, may the merciful God grant eternal salvation by (his)

grace, through Christ our Lord!

C.F Weisse P(astor?)

Contributor: 	Jane Hunter Hodgson

17 April 1903


Bennett, Flora A.

April 14.
Flora A. Bennett,
wife of Wellington Bennett.
Funeral from 2205 W. Harrison st.
Friday, 1 p.m.
Interment at Rosehill.


The following burial permits were issued yesterday by the health department:

Bennett, Flora A. 50; 2205 W. Harrison, April 14.


Contributor: 	Diane G, Jan 2001

from Holy Cross Evangelical Lutheran Church
3116 South Racine Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60608

Helene Keller --
 Parents: William and Auguste Keller
 Born: July 9, 1898
 Died: June 2, 1903
 Buried: June 3, 1903
 Cemetery: Concordia
 Cause of death: Croupe and Diphtheria


Contributor:	Diane Gregorchuk [[email protected]] May 3, 2001

Chicago Tribune
October 3, 1903

FOGARTY--William, husband of Susan Fogarty, aged 47 years. 
 Funeral from 425 W. Ohio-st., Oct. 4, at 9:30 a.m., 
 to St. Columbkill's church, thence by carriages to Calvary. 

FLYNN--B., wife of Edward Flynn, aged 2? (26 or 28) years. 
 Funeral from 637 W. Erie-st., notice later. 

FAVA--Natle, husband of the late Anna Fava, 2500 LaSalle-st., Oct 1. 
 Funeral Oct. 4, at 8:30 a.m., to Church of Maria Incoronata, 20th-st., 
 thence to Mount Carmel cemetery, 12 m (the rest unreadable) 

GAUGHAN--Oct. 1, aged 13 years, Sarah, daughter of Henry and Bridget Gaughan. 
 Funeral from 116 Locust-st., Sunday, at 11 a.m., by cars to Mount Carmel. 

GRUMMITT--John, husband of Margaret, Oct. 1, aged 63 years. 
 Funeral Oct. 3 at 1 o'clock from 18 W. 20th-st., by carriages to St. Boniface. 

GOTTERDAM--Mathilda Wavhe (or possibly Weyhe), wife of A. J. Gotterdam, 
 at Passavant hospital Oct. 2. Funeral notice later. 

GILBERT--Oct. 1, 1903, Joe L., aged 24 years, 
 Funeral Sunday, Oct. 4, at 1 p.m., from late residence, 1110 Grenshaw-st., 
 by carriages to Rosehill. 

GUESS--Ellen, daughter of Dennis and Sarah Guess. 
 Funeral Oct. 4 ,at 10 a.m., from 4957 Wallace-st., by train to Mount Olivet. 

GOURLEY--John, suddenly, Sept. 30, 1903, aged ?8 (could be 48 or 18) years. 
 Funeral from residence, 5517 Iowa-st., Austin, 
 Saturday, Oct. 3, at 1 o'clock, to Forest Home. 

HEMSTREET--William J., at his residence, 902 Jackson-blvd., Oct. 1, 
 late lieutenant company G, 179th New York infantry, 
 and member of Geo. H. Thomas Post No. 5, department of Illinois, 
 Grand Army of the Republic. 
 Funeral from his late residence Sunday, Oct. 4, at 1 o'clock p.m. 
 Services conducted by Geo. H. Thomas post. Interment at Rosehill. 

HOOKER, Oct. 1, Oscar L. Hooker, aged 36 years. 
Funeral from 8782 S. Wood-st., Saturday, 2:30 p.m., to Oakwoods. 

HOYT--Mrs. Alice M., wife of B. ?. (possibly P or I.) Hoyt, 
 2928 Cottage Grove-av., at St. Ann's sanitarium, Oct. 1. 
 Funeral at Quinn chapel, Oct. 3, at 11 o'clock, the Rev. A. J. Cary officiating, 

KINDORP--Charles E., will be carried from St. Boniface vault 
 and placed in family lot Oct. 4, 3 p.m. 

KISSANE--Thomas, aged 4 years. Funeral Oct. 1 at 11 a.m., 
 from 2169 Grenshaw-av., by carriages to Mount Carmel. 

LUNDBERG--Annie Matilda, wife of Gustav Lundberg, at 942 W. 20th-st., 
 Oct. 1, aged 46 years. Funeral Oct. 3, at 10 a.m., 
 from Swedish Free Massionary church, 832 W. 22d-pl. 

MUENCHHAUSEN--August, aged 82 years. 
 Funeral Sunday, at 1 p.m., from 515 W. Chicago-av, to Graceland. 

McCANN--Rebecca, wife of Daniel McCann, at ?40 (possibly 840 or 340) E. ?d-st. 
 Funeral Saturday, from Holy Cross church, by carriages to Mount Olivet. 

McTIGUE--Oct. 1, at 1518 W. 67th-st., Patrick, husband of Kate, aged 37 years. 
 Funeral Oct. 4, at 9 a.m., to Church of St. Bernice, by carriages to Mount Olivet. 

MITCHELL--Ernie, daughter of Charles and Nettie Mitchell, Oct. 2, aged 20 years. 
 Funeral from 411 N. Robey-st., Oct. 4, at 1:30 p.m. 

MORAN--John, Oct. 1, husband of Sarah Moran. 
 Funeral Sunday, 9 a.m., from 2043 Armitage-av., to St. Genevieve's church, 
 thence by carriages to Calvary. 

McCOMBER--The funeral of the late Walter J. McComber, 
 deferred from Friday, will take place Saturday at 10 o'clock, 
 from 63 Cass-st., to Holy Name cathedral, thence by carriages to Calvary. 

M'INTYRE--Miss Kathryn, nurse at Hahnemann hospital, Sept. 30, 1903, aged 29. 
 Funeral from Boydston, undertakers. Saturday, Oct. 3, at 10 a.m. 
 Beatrice, Kas., papers copy. Friends and relatives invited. 

O'BRIEN--Michael, husband of Lizzie O'Brien. 
 Funeral Oct. 3 at 9:30 a.m. from 97 Hastings-st. 
 to Holy Family church, thence by carriage to Calvary. 

O'HEARNE--Officer John O'Hearne, late of 1018 W. 53d-st. 
 Will be buried from vault at Mount Olivet, Oct. 3, at 1 p.m. 

PEIL--Leonard, aged 73, husband of the late Maria Peil. 
 Funeral from 661 N. Humboldt-st., Sunday, 1:30 p.m., to Rosehill. 

ROSS-Frank, 18 years, Sept. 30, 6 p.m., 2973 State-st. Burial notice later. 

RHODES--Rebecca Clark, wife of John Rhodes, deceased, 
 mother of E. Henry of Albany, Ore., John Edwin, M. D., 
 and Mrs. Florence Eila Roach of Chicago, and Mrs. M. A. Myers of Hinsdale, Ill.
 Oct. 2, 1903, aged 88 years 4 month 14 days. 
 Funeral from late residence, 449 Dayton-st, Chi-

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