1902 Misc. Death and/or Burial Notices Cook County, Illinois ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contributor: Sharon I. Dickson CHICAGO DAILY NEWS Friday, Jan 24, 1902 NORTON: BRIDGET NORTON, at her late residence, 566 Elston-av., beloved wife of the late Peter Norton and mother of Mrs. M. Flahie and Patrick Norton; native of County Clare, Ireland, Funeral notice hereafter. NOONAN: WILLIAM NOONAN, Jan. 23, 1902, aged 23 years, beloved brother of Mrs. Charles Kellar, Edward, George, and Margarette Noonan. Funeral Saturday, Jan. 25, 1902, at 1 a.m., to All Saints' church, where high mass will be celebrated, by carriages to mount Olivet cemetery. PURCELL: MICHAEL, beloved brother of Thorpe, Pat and James; native of County Clare, Ireland. Funeral fro his brothers' residence, __(unreadable) Miller-st. Notice of funeral hereafter. REGAN: JAMES, beloved husband of Ida Regan and father of Harold, brother of Matt, John, Bennett, Tony and Annie Regan, Jan. 22. Funeral services Jan. 25, 10 a.m., from house, 40 Thomas-st., Harlem, to Concordia cemetery. A precious one from us has gone, voice we loved is stilled; A place is vacant in our home, Which never can be filled. ROOT: ZACHARY T. ROOT, husband of Elizabeth A. Root and father of dan e. root, at Peoria, Ill., Jan. 23, 1902. Burial at Peoria Sunday, Jan. 26, 1902. SHAW: Jan. 23, at 626 W. 45th-st; JOHN H. SHAW, formerly of 136 Lytle-st., husband of the late Margaret Shaw and father of Mrs. J. P. Rowan; member of St. Joseph's court, No. 8, C.O.F. Funeral notice hereafter. STENBERG: JONAS, beloved husband of Ida H. (nee Kjelland) and father of Arthur M., Thursday, 3:30 a.m. aged 47 years. Funeral Sunday, Jan. 26, 1 p.m., 778 N. Campbell-av., to Our Savior's church, Mary and Erie-sts., carriages to Mount Olive. SMITH: GEORGE SMITH, aged 26 years and 4 months, son of Philip and the late Amelia Smith, Jan. 22. Funeral from residence of Thomas Smith, 255 W. Congress-st., Sunday, Jan. 26, at 12:30 sharp, by carriages to Rosehill. Bristol (England) papers please copy. STOLL: ELLEN MADELINE, beloved wife of Charles F. Stoll and mother of Charles E., Presly G., Sophia, Tina, Annie and Mrs. William Krache, in her 67th year. Funeral Sunday, residence, 1727 Diverseyi-bd., 2 p.m., to Rosehill; private. SULLIVAN: The remains of late JULIA SULLIVAN, 3733 Wallace-st., will be taken from vault in Mount Olivet Saturday, Jan. 25, 1902, and interred in family lot. Trains leave 49th and Halsted-st., depot at 12:20 p.m.; friends are invited. TYRRELL: GEORGE GERSON TYRRELL, beloved son of George and Mary Terrell, 22 years 9 months. Funeral fro his home, 1525 Carroll-av., Sunday, Jan. 26, at 2 p.m., by carriages to Graceland. San Francisco (Cal.) and London (England) papers please copy. WICKERT: EDNA, beloved wife of Ernst G. Wickert, aged 31 years; sister of Bertha and Lula Kromfeld. Funeral from her late residence, 496 N. Clark-st., Monday, Jan. 27, at 1 o'clock to Rosehill cemetery. WILCOX: At Hering hospital, Jan. 23, of appendicitis, OLIVER H. WILCOX, aged 28 years. Funeral services Sunday at Three Oaks, Mich. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contributor: Sharon I. Dickson Chicago Daily News Monday, January 27, 1902 HURT--Jan. 26, 1902, ROBERT, beloved father of Katherine Hoffman, Annie Neely and Kalber (?) Klenger, aged 74 years. Funeral Wednesday, at 1 p.m., fro late residence, 406 N. Winchester-av., thence by carriages to Rosehill. JUNGHAMS--FRANCES, Jan. 25, 1902, aged 11 years 8 months, beloved daughter of Emil and Clara Junghams. Funeral Tuesday, Jan. 28, 1 p.m. from parents' residence, 470 Hedgwick-st., to Concordia cemetery. KEAN--JOHN F. KEAN, at his residence, 2357 Wentworth-av. Funeral Wednesday, Jan. 29, 2 p.m., to Oakwoods cemetery. KRAMER--JOHANNA AMALIA (nee Andersen), beloved wife of George M. Kramer, Jan. 26, 1902. Funeral 1:30 p.m., Wednesday, Jan. 29, 1902 from her late residence, 1626 N. California-av., by carriages to Mount Olivet. LA PLANT--THOMAS J., Jan. 26, 1902, aged 27 years, at parents' residence, 279 W. Polk-st., beloved son of Alfred and Annie (nee Hayden) and brother of Harry E., Lillian, Fred J., Annie and Martha; member of Garden City lodge, No. 40, A. O. U. W. Funeral Tuesday, Jan. 28, 1902, from above residence to Notre Dame church at 9 o'clock, where solemn high mass will be celebrated, thence by cariages to Calvary. LANCEY--Mrs. ANNIE E. LANCEY, Jan. 27. Funeral from residence of her daughter. Mrs. J. E. Hetherington, 1035 Warren-av., Thursday, Jan. 30, at 11 a.m., by carriages to Graceland. LEE--Jan. 26, 1902, MARGUERITE A., beloved daughter of Peter and Mary Lee (nee Madden), aged 3 years 9 months. funeral from parents' residence, 6633 Jackson-av., Tuesday, 10 a.m., to 49th-st. depot, by cars to Mount Olivet. LINDBERG--EMMA, beloved wife of Fred Lindberg, aged 37 years. Funeral from her late residence, 742 Austin-av., Tuesday, Jan. 28, at 10 o'clock, by carriages to Rosehill. MORGAN--EDWARD FRANCIS, son of Arthur and Mary, aged 3 months. Funeral Tuesday, Jan. 28, at 2 p.m., from residence 1265 N. Sacramento-av. McCARTHY--ANNIE (nee Cronin), beloved wife of James McCarthy and mother of Thomas J. and Josie V.; member of St. Mary's branch No. 35, C.K.L. of A.; at her residence, 440 E. 29th-st., formerly of 78 29th-pl. Funeral notice hereafter. McCORMIC--PATRICK, Jan. 25, 1902, beloved husband of Barbara McCormic (nee Noogan), aged 38 years. Funeral Tuesday, Jan. 28, 1903, 9:30 a.m. from late residence, 51 Vedder-st., thence by carriages to Calvary. NOTHHELFER--Jan. 25, MARY, beloved wife of FRANK NOTHHELFER, aged 30 years. Funeral fro her late residence, 3210 Prairie-av., Tuesday, Jan. 28, at 10 a.m., to Forest Home cemetery. O'NEILL, Jan. 26, 1902, at 737 43-st., WILLIAM J., beloved son of John and Johanna O"Neill (nee Phelan), aged 16 years. Funeral Tuesday, 9 a.m., to St. Gabriel's church, where high mass will be celebrated, thence by carriages to Calvary. PALM--REUBEN F., beloved husband of Mrs. Rebecca H. Palm, father of Irving F. Palm, Mrs. W. R. Marshall, Mrs. A. G. Olson, aged 66 years. Funeral from 381 W. Harrison-st. Interment at Naperville. He died as he lived--a Christian. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contributor: Sharon I. Dickson CHICAGO DAILY NEWS Tuesday, July 15, 1902 NEBEL: In memory of our beloved mother, ANNA NEBEL, who entered rest one year to-day, July 15, 1901. Gone but not forgotten. NELSON: GUSTAVA, widow of the late John Nelson, beloved mother of Charles J. and Capt. Theodore Nelson, Mrs. Gus Johnson, Mrs. Edward Nelson, Mrs. E. W. Lindeen and Mrs. Emil Holmberg, Sunday, July 13, aged 75 years. Funeral Wednesday, at 1:30 p.m., from her daughter's residnece, 216 Sedgwick-st., to the Swedish Emanuel Lutheran church, thence to Graceland. NYLER: BERNADETTA, beloved daughter of Joseph and Ann Nyler (nee Henry). Funeral from late residence, 523 W. Lake-st., at 10 a.m. Thursday, July 17, by cars to Mount Olivet cemetery. O'BRIEN: July 14, EMILY, beloved wife of John O'Brien, aged 33 years. Funeral Wednesday, July 16, 10 a.m., from her late residence, 341 W. Congress-st., to Forest Home. PELLIGRINI: July 12, JOSEPH PELLIGRINI, aged 58 years; member tent 246, K. O. T. M. Funeral from Dunstan's 796 W. Madison-st., to Oak Ridge. RODGERS: JAMES, son of the late Anthony Rodgers, beloved brother of Maggie Riordan (nee Rodgers). Funeral fro 169 E. 18th-st., Wednesday, july 16, 1902, at 10 a.m., to Holy Family church, where high mass will be celebrated, thence by carriages to Mount Carmel. SANDERSON: Miss HELEN SANDERSON, daughter of A. E. and Bertha Sanderson, aged 13 years. Funeral from residence, 1125 Dunning-st., Wednesday, July 16, at 2 o'clock. SCHWARZ: SARAH, aged 79 years, widow of Joseph Schwarz, mother of Mrs. Albert and Edward Schwarz and Isadore Schwarz of Philadelphia, Monday, July 14, at 7:30 a.m. Funeral from late residence, 4337 Calumet-av., at 8 o'clock a.m. sharp, Wedesday, July 16, by carriages to union depot; burial at Philadelphia. Please omit flowers. SLEVENSKY: HENRY SLEVENSKY, aged 21 years, Saturday, July 12, at Denver, Col., was on his way home from the Philippines Islands. SULLIVAN: HANNAH, mother of the late Daniel and Annie Sullivan. Funeral from her late residence, 5629 Dearborn-st., Wednesday, 7:45 a.m., to St. Anne's church. Burial at Racine, Wis. Train leaves Northwestern depot at 11 a.m. TIERNEY: Mrs. MARY, July 14, 1902, beloved mother of Sergt. Dennis F. Tierney, Mrs. P. W. Guilfoyle, Mrs. Carter, P. B. and Roger Tierney. Funeral Wednesday at 10 o'clock sharp from her late residence, 382 S. Western-av., to St. Jarlath's church, thence by carriages to Calvary. WEIDNER: FRANK WEIDNER, July 14, aged 52 years, beloved husband of Meta Weidner (nee Qulzou) (?), father of Mrs. E. F. Elliott, Mrs. F. J. Weinand, Ernest and Marius Weidner. Funeral fro late residence, 84 Racine-ave., Wednesday, July 16, at 9 o'clock a.m., to St. Vincent's church, thence to St. Boniface cemetery. Portage City (Wis.) papers please copy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Contributor: Janice Brown Buchanan ([email protected]) Aug 4, 2002
2 Sept 1902 Chicago Tribune
BARWICK, John, aged 64 yrs, beloved husband of LOUISA CLEAVER BARWICK,
Sep 1, 1902, Funeral notices later. No Flowers.
3 Sept 1902 Chicago Tribune
BARWICK, John, Funeral Thursday Sep 4 at 2:30 pm from Church of the
Mediator, Morgan Park, No flowers, Interment-Mount Hope
Contributor: auntgibby [[email protected]] August 2004
26 August 1902 Chicago Tribune
Wish to announce to our friends that my beloved husband and our father has
quietly passed away on Saturday, Aug. 23. Funeral
Wednesday, Aug. 27 at 404 Center-st., 10 a.m. Mrs. Louis Albert and children.
BUTLER - Richard P. Funeral Wednesday at 9 a.m. from 113 Forquer-st. to
Jesuits' church, thence to Calvary Cemetery.
BOSCAMP - Ella, daughter of Charles and Lena Boscamp, aged 4 months and 20
days. Funeral Wednesday at 1 p.m. from 703 Jefferson-st to Waldheim.
BENDIXON - Stephen, aged 14 months, son of Samuel and Cecelia Bendixon. Funeral
at 12:30 p.m. from 3554 Union-av. to St. George's church, hence to St. Boniface
CARR - Mrs. Laura V. Funeral Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. from 356 Marshfield-av.
COLLINS - Michael. Funeral Tuesday at 9 a.m. from 2032 W. Lake-st. to St. Mel's
church, thence to Mount Carmel.
ELLICKSON - Charles. Funeral Tuesday at 2 p.m. from 1877 Grand-av., to Mount
Olive cemetery.
EBERSOLD - Louis F., aged 29 years and 3 months, son of Peter and Margaret
Ebersold. Funeral Wednesday at 1 p.m. from 39 Hastings-st. to Rosehill.
FOURNIER - Della, daughter of August and Marie Fournier. Funeral Tuesday at 9
a.m. from 651 S. Spaulding-av. to St. Agatha's church, thence to Mount Carmel
FUCHS - Clara, beloved daughter of Joseph and Emily Fuchs, aged 7 years old and
10 months. Interment at Waldheim Wednesday, Aug. 27, at 1 o'clock from
residence, 1609 Lincoln-av.
GARRETT - J.C. the beloved brother of William J., Samuel, Charlotte, May and
Victoria Garrett, aged 29. Buried from home, 235 66th pl., Tuesday, Aug. 26,
1902 at 2 p.m.
GRIFFIN - Maurice. Funeral Wednesday at 9 a.m. from 84 Wade-st., to St.
Columbkill's church, thence to Calvary cemetery
HAREN - Irene M., aged 13 years and 10 months, daughter of Edwin H. and
Margaret J. Haren. Funeral Tuesday at 9 a.m. at 1036 Wilcox-av. Burial at
Sandwich, IL.
HEISE- Tilly. Funeral Tuesday at 1 p.m. from 1814 Oakley-av. to Waldheim
HOSS - Catherine, aged 32 years and 2 months, wife of William W. Hoss. Funeral
Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. from 1075 Oakley-av. to St. Paul's church, thence to St.
Boniface cemetery.
HOGAN - William, sergeant of police, Aug. 25, at 7:15 a.m. Funeral from late
residence, 6805 Champlain-av., Wednesday morning at 10 a.m. Carriages to Holy
Cross church, thence to Mt. Olivet.
HERNEWELL - Loreta, Aug. 24 at Arntzen's funeral chapel, 247 N. Clark-st.,
Tuesday, at 2:30 o'clock. Interment private.
HERRMANN - Julius. Funeral Wednesday at 1 p.m. from 48 Newton-st., to Eden
JONES - Philetus Jones of Boston, Mass., at the home of his nephew on Astor-st.,
Chicago of heart failure at 10 a.m., Aug 23, aged 73 years and 4 months.
JOHNSON - Frederick Irwin, aged 14 years, son of Francis L. and Charlotte C.
Johnson. Funeral private at 1 p.m. Tuesday, from 471 Sheffield-av.
KELLEHER - Thomas, aged 11 weeks, son of Thomas and Mamie Sweeney Kelleher.
Funeral Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. from 3058 Throop-st. to Calvary.
MAGNUSON - August W., aged 41 years. Funeral Thursday at 2 p.m. from 729
Balmoral-av. to Graceland.
MATHEWS - James R. Funeral Tuesday at 1 p.m. from 368 Dickens-av. to Mount
MOTSCHMAN - Rosalia Dorothea. Funeral Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. from 1515 George-st.
to Graceland cemetery.
OLSON - Alex., aged 45 years. Funeral Tuesday at 11 a.m. from 1544 52nd-st to
Mount Greenwood cemetery.
PIEPHO - George, aged 65 years. Funeral Tuesday at 2 p.m. from 855 Racine-av.
to Graceland cemetery.
REIDY - Patrick, Funeral Tuesday from 3018 Quinn-st. to St. Bridget's church,
thence to Calvary.
RIORDAN - Marion Agnes, daughter of Timothy and Margaret Riorday, aged 3 years
and 9 months. Funeral Wednesday at 10 a.m. from 170 Emerson-av. to Calvary
ROWE - Charles E. Jr., aged 10 months. Funeral Tuesday at 1 p.m. from 706 W.
19th-st. to Concordia cemetery.
RUUD - Harold Gille, aged 56 years. Funeral Wednesday at 1 p.m. from 33 Grand-av,
to Mount Olivet.
REGAN - James. Funeral Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. from 680 Talman-av. to St. Agatha's
church, thence to Mount Carmel cemetery.
RICHARDS - Robert D. Funeral Wednesday at 11 a.m. from 1243 32nd-st. to
Graceland cemetery.
SULLIVAN - John, aged 36 years. Funeral Tuesday at 9 a.m. from 530 Root-st. to
St. Gabriel's church, thence to Mount Olivet.
STAFFORD - John. Funeral Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. from 3337 Emerald-av. to
Nativity church, thence to Mount Olivet.
TINTELMANN - Mrs. Margareth, at Bradley, IL. Funeral Weddnesday from 428 Alma-st.,
Austin, to Waldheim cemetery.
WALLEY - Gilbert L. Funeral Tuesday at 10 a.m. from 354 W. 15th-st. to Elmwood
WHALEN - James Whalen at St. Elizabeth's hospital, Aug. 25. At Arntzen's
funeral chapel, 247 N. Clark-st., at 10 o'clock Tuesday morning. Interment at
Kansasville, Wis.
WARD - Michael J. Funeral Tuesday at 9 a.m. from 5818 Justine-st. to Visitation
church, thence to Mount Olivet cemetery.
ZABLE - Prudence. Funeral Wednesday at 11 a.m. from Jeffreys and 13th-sts.,
Cicero, to Oakridge cemetery.
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