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Cook County ILGenWeb Genealogy User Submitted Data

                             Misc. Death and/or Burial Notices
                                    Cook County, Illinois

Information contributed for use in Cook County ILGenWeb by multiple contributors

Contributor: 	Sharon I. Dickson

Saturday, March 31, 1900

MURPHY: March 31, ELLEN MURPHY (nee Murphy), wife of Patrick
Murphy and sister to the wife of officer michael Sullivan, and John,
Patrick, Jerry and Mary Murphy at residence, 371 Halsted-st.
Funeral notice hereafter.

M'CREATH: CARRIE CAMPBELL, beloved wife of James McCreath,
at Wilmette, March 28, at 8 a.m. Funeral Thursday, at 2 o'clock, by
trail to Rosehill.

M'DERMOTT: JOHN, beloved son of Peter and Bridget McDermott
(nee Quinn).  Funeral Sunday, 10 a.m., from parents' residence,
102 Edgemont-av., by carriages to Calvary.

M'INTYRE: At her residence, 15 Spruce-st., MARY, wife of James
McIntyre and mother of Mrs. Frank Stewart.  Funeral Sunday,
April 1, at 10 a.m., to St. Jarlath's church, thence by carriages
to Calvary.

MILLER: PAULINA, wife of George H. Miller, mother of Raymond
and Leroy Miller, March 30.  Funeral Sunday, 2 p.m., from late
residence, 1741 Duming-pl., to Graceland.

son of Wm. and Elizabeth Mondschein, aged 29 years and 9 months.
Funeral Sunday, 3 p.m., from late residence, 319 41st-st.

MOORE: MINNIE, belove wife of George S. Moore, March 30.
Funeral Sunday, April 1, at 1 p.m., from late residence,
391 N. California-av., to Forest Home cemetery.

MUNDERBACH: SARAH J., at the residence of her late sister,
Mrs. Wallace Joadwine, 629 Fulton-st., mother of Harry and
Edna, aged 41 years 3 months and 15 days.  Funeral services
at Barrington, Ill., Sunday morning.  Train leaves Northwestern
depot 9 a.m.

NELSON: LAURENCE, March 28, 1900, beloved husband of Nellie
Nelson (nee Gee), aged 37 years.  Funeral Sunday at 1 p.m. from
residence, 293 Lincoln-av., carriages to Rosehill cemetery.

O'CONNELL: THOMAS, son of John C. and Mamie A. O'Connell
(nee Dolan).  Funeral from parents' residence, 1660 Jackson-bd.,
Sunday, 10 a.m., by carriages to Calvary.  Burial private.

ORNE: GUSTAVE I. ORNE, aged 64.  Funeral to-morrow, at
2 p.m., from late residence, 1849 95th-st., burial at Oakwoods.

O'DONOHUE: MORTIMER, aged 50 years, at Mercy hospital,
March 29, husband of Margaret and father of Mary, John O'Donohue;
member of St. Ignatius' court, No. 18, C.O.F.  Funeral from his
late residence, 185 W. 21st-st., Sunday, 10 a.m. to Sacred Heart
church, thence by carriages to Calvary.

O'NEAL: ELIZA (nee McKeon), beloved wife of John O'Neal, mother
of John, Arthur, and Mrs. Mary Shields, sister of Mrs. Christy, Mrs.
Looby, Mrs. Keaveny, Mrs. Kelly, Mrs. McFadden and the late
Mrs. Devine.  Funeral Monday, April 2, from her late residence,
5217 Emerald-av., to Visitation church, where requiem high mass
will be celebrated, thence by carriages to Calvary; member of
Visitation court, No. 55, W.C.O.F.

O'ROURKE: MAMIE O'ROURKE, aged 9 years 8 months, beloved
daughter of Charles and Mary E. O'Rourke (nee cook).  Funeral
Monday, April 2, at 9 a.m., from residence of parents, 4225
Princeton-av., by train from 49th and Halsted-st. to Mount Olivet.

PETERSON: SWAN A., aged 34 years, born in Blekinge, Sweden.
Funeral from late residence, 1342 N. Artesian-av., Sunday, April 1,
at 1:30 p.m. by carriages to Mount Olive. lodge NO. 4, I.O. S.


Contributor: 	Sue Anger

Chicago Daily News
Tues., 31 July 1900

HOELLERICH - Adam, infant son of John and Mary Hoellerich (nee
Schwartz), aged 6 weeks and 4 days.  Funeral from parents'
residence, 186 Washburne av., Wednesday, Aug. 1, 1900, at 1 o'clock,
to Waldheim cemetery.

LARSON - Anna (nee Farrell), aged 51 years, beloved mother of Mrs.
Ella Rylander, Mrs. Anna Olson and Walter Larson.  Funeral Thursday,
Aug. 2, at 2 p.m., from her daughter's residence, 2917 5th av., to
Lutheran Salem church, Princeton av., near 28th st.

LEWIS - Martha Louise (nee Adams), beloved wife of John C. Lewis,
at her home, 2681 Selwyn av., Irving Park, July 30, aged 65 years
and 8 months.  Born in Dresden, O.  Burial Wednesday, 10:30 a.m.,
at Union Ridge cemetery.

MARSHALL - July 29, Alice Telford, beloved wife of J. Albert Marshall
at Manistee, Mich.  Funeral to be in Chicago.  Notice of time in
Wednesday's Record.

MOEBIUS -  July 30, 1900, Minnie, beloved wife of Fred A. Moebius,
at the German hospital.  Funeral Wednesday, Aug. 1, at 2 p.m., from
German hospital, according to her last wish, by carriages to Rosehill.

MILLER - Fredrick Miller, aged 64 years, Monday, July 30, 1900, at his
residence, 241 Blackhawk st., beloved father of Charles and Ferman Miller.

NORTON - Edwin C. Norton, aged 9 months and 12 days, infant son of
Dennis and Rose Norton (nee PRAIS).  Funeral Wednesday, Aug. 1, at
10:39 o'clock, from 1077 N. Lincoln st., to Calvary.

NIXON - July 31, Grace Nixon, only daughter of Pauline and Charels E.
Nixon, aged 7 months 29 days.  618 Adams st.

OSTRAND -  Alberth Ostrand, July 29, 1900, aged 19 years 10 months.
Funeral Aug. 1, from residence 2835 Southport av., North Edgewater,
at 2 p.m. by carriages to Rosehill.

RHEINWALD -  Katharina, Sunday July 29, 1900, at her residence, 375
Larrabee st., beloved mother of Annie, Louise, Rosa, Ida and John,
widow of the late John Rheinwald.  Funeral Wednesday, Aug 1, at 1
o'clock, to Waldheim cemetery.

SANDER - D., beloved husband of Johanna Sander (nee Boehmer), on
July 30. Funeral Wednesday, Aug 1, from home, 424 Cleveland av., to
Forest Home, at 1 p.m.

SCULLY - Patrick Michael, July 29, at 955 49th pl., beloved husband
of Anna Scully (nee Barry), father of Annie, May and Maggie Scully
and brother of Mrs. Ellen Connolly and Mrs. Maggie Moran.  Funeral
Wednesday, Aug 1, at 9 a.m. from his late residence to Visitation
church, where high mass will be celebrated, thence by carriages to
49th st. depot, by cars to Mount Olivet; member of Electric tent
No. 50, K. O. T. M.
    "Papa dear you are now dead and laid away
     Beneath Mount Olivet's cold clay;
     To your grave we will often stray,
     And on our knees for you we will pray."

WRIGHTSON - William T. Wrightson, aged 60.  Funeral Wednesday,
Aug 1, at 2 p.m., from residence of his daughter, Mrs. W. A. Arentz,
409 S. Pine av., Austin, Chicago.

WALSH - 4737 Justine st., Thomas, beloved husband of the late
Hattie Walsh; brother of George, Michael, Joseph, and Martin Walsh;
native of County Sligo, age 38 years.  Funeral Wednesday at 9 a.m.,
to Church of St. Rose of Lima, where high mass will be celebrated,
thence by carriages to Calvary.


Contributor: 	Sharon I. Dickson

Thursday, August 9, 1900

CHAPMAN: Daniel, beloved husband of Kate Chapman.  Funeral
from his late residence, 1722 Dewey-ct., Aug. 9, at 2 p.m.

CUDDY: Aug. 7, Mrs. Mary Cuddy, wife of the late John Cuddy.
Funeral Thursday, Aug. 9, at 10 o'clock, from her late residence,
302 N. Franklin-st., to Cathedral of Holy Name, thence by carriages
to Calvary.  Please omit flowers.

EGAM: Cornelia Ford Egan, Aug. 8, 1900.  Funeral at Church Home,
4325 Ellis-av., Thursday, 10 a.m. Interment Lake Geneva, Wis.

HANRAHAN: Mrs. Sarah M. Hanrahan, Aug. 7, 1900, at her
residence, 5640 Michigan-av., aged __(unreadable) years.
Funeral Friday, 10 a.m., St. Anne's Church, thence by carriages
to Calvary.

MORSE: On Aug 7, at 595 Dearborn-av., Mary Day, wife of Ranson
Jones Morse and mother of William Day Morse and Mrs. Frank M.
Luce.  Funeral Thursday at 1 o'clock.

MIX: Aug. 8, 1900, at 509 W. Huron-st., Anthony, beloved husband
of Hattie Mix (nee Ensworth).  Funeral notice hereafter.

POZNER: Abraham, aged 72, beloved husband of Rica Pozner, and
father of Julius, Isaac, Alex, Mrs. Russell Bell, and Mrs.
Benjamin Nussbaum, at the residence of his daughter, 781 W.
Taylor-st.  Funeral Friday, 1 o'clock, to Graceland.  New York and
Cleveland papers please copy.


The following burial permits were issued yesterday by the Health department:

AHLES, Mathias J., 34; 944 Lincoln-av., Aug 7.

ANDERSON, Marie, 78; 759 N. Campbell-av., Aug. 7.

ANDERSON, Sophia, 69; 171 Gault-pl., Aug. 6.

BILDERBECK, Frank, 67; Fullerton and Sheffield-avs., Aug. 7.

BRICKNOR, Eva, 72; 236 Hudson-av., Aug. 7.

BURGAN, Henry, 50; 501 E. 47th -st., Aug. 7.

CANTY, James, 60; 55 Canalport-av., Aug. 6.

CHRISTOPHER, Johanna, 80; 3979 Bonaparte-st., Aug 7.

CONNOLLY, John, 40; 2950 Loomis-st., Aug. 5.

CUDDY, Mary, 75; 302 N. Franklin-st., Aug 7.

DANS, Fred, 15; 10815 Av. H., Aug. 6

DAY, Sullivan M., 79; 29 Wisconsin-st., Aug. 7.

DIANO, Lucia, 18; 134 W. Taylor-st., Aug. 8.

DUNAVEN, George F., 52; 6026 S. Halsted-st., Aug. 6.

EGAN, Cornelia F., 76; 4323 Ellis-av., Aug. 7.

EMMERICH, Adam, 30; 102 Menominee-st., Aug. 7.

GFALL, Josphine, 58; 839 N. Halsted-st., Aug. 7.

HILLICKE, Charles, 75; 574 W. Superior-st., Aug. 7.

HOAG, Ivah E., 33; 92 41st-av., Aug. 7.

HOGAN, Mary T., 19; 2212 Dearborn-st., Aug. 7.

HOLDT, Neils E., 69; 53 29th-pl., Aug. 7.

HORSKY, Frank, 33; 1570 W. 32d-st., Aug. 7

KEATING, Bridget, 69; 19 Elston-av., Aug. 6.

KINDT, Henriette, 76; 935 N. Marshfield-av., Aug. 7.

KNUDSON, Rudolph, 6; 327 W. Ohio-st., Aug. 8

KOWOSKI, Jacob, 55; St. Luke's Hospital, Aug. 4.

LANE, John J., 33; 2938 Wallace-st., Aug. 6.

LUNDSTROM, Charlotte, 29; 16 Hadden-av., Aug. 6.

McMANN, Eliza, 27; 302 Washington-blvd., Aug. 7.

McNULTY, William, 67; 568 Clybourn-av., Aug. 6.

MORAN, James, 64; 5238 5th-av., Aug. 5.

MORIRITY, James, 31; 410 W. 43d-st., Aug. 7,

MORSE, Mary D., 57; 595 Dearborn-av., Aug. 7.

MOY, Young, 27; 811 S. Clark-st., Aug. 7.

NENDOME, Louisa, 68; 2988 State-st., Aug. 7.

O'KEEFE, Catherine, 65; 742 37th-st., Aug. 7.

SLIDINGER, Frances L., 25; 5824 Aberdeen-st., Aug. 7.

SULLIVAN, Patrick, 39; 913 N. Ashland-av., Aug. 7.

VRANK, Annie, 10; 823 Wood-st., Aug. 8.

WOOD, Isaac L., 66; 5338 Bishop-st., Aug. 8.


Contributor: 	Karen Simons Dodd [[email protected]], May 2001

Report of Death State of Illinois            Vital Statistics Dept. 
                          Cook County           County Clerk's Office 

Registration Number #1.35-21   

Name of deceased:  Maryare'ti Simours  (sic)  
          (Correct spelling is Margaretta Simons) 
Place of Death:  Burling Ave.   Date of Death: July 23,1900 5 pm 
Address of Deceased:    21 Ward 
Name of Hospital:  not listed 
Sex: Female                     Race: White 
Date of Birth:  not listed   Age 38 yrs 6 mo.  Birthplace: Germany 
Occupation:   not listed 
Father's Name:  not listed 
Mother's Maiden Name:  not listed 
Cause of Death:  Hemorrhage in Seventh Mo. Gestation.  Amaemia Permiuousa 
(sic).  Septic Fever. 
Interval between Onset and Death:  1 mo. 7 days 
Date signed:  July 23, 1900                   Jas. R. Waldmeye M.D. 
Disposition:     not listed                  Date:  July 28, 1900 
     Cemetery:   St. Boniface 
     Location:  not listed 
(Funeral Director)  Firm: Name    C. Birren 
                           Address:  not listed 
Filed   July 28, 1900 
Contributor:	Kenneth Gruschow [email protected]   March 20, 2003
John Gruschow
Death Notice; Chicago Tribune, Feb. 5, 1900.  John Gruschow, 1168 Perry St.  
Died Sunday morning, funeral Tues. afternoon.  NY Papers please copy.  
Also listed in the Chicago Daily News, 2/5/1900.  States; NY & Brooklyn papers please copy. 
Contributor:	Dick Couch	[email protected]		19 Jun 2003
Death of Eliza Jane BAILEY, w/o Henry Martyn HOOKER, Chicago Tribune,
Saturday, 20 Jan 1900, pg 5:
"HOOKER - Eliza J., wife of Henry M. Hooker, at her home, 569 Washington
Blvd., 5:15 p. m., Jan 19. Funeral Sunday at 1 p. m. Friends will kindly
omit flowers."

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