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                             Misc. Death and/or Burial Notices
                                    Cook County, Illinois


Information contributed for use in Cook County ILGenWeb by
            possible multiple contributers

Contributor: 	Joan Cool 

 d. Jul 1, 1891 in Blue Island, IL.
 IL City Board of Health Certificate # 3106


Contributor: 	Sharon I. Dickson

Chicago Daily News
Tuesday, April 7, 1891

ABRAMS--April 7, 1891, at 12:30 a.m., ELIZABETH, beloved daughter of
William and mary Abrams (nee Griffin).  Funeral from parents' residence,
99 Sebor-st., Thursday, April 9 to Calvary. New York papers please copy.

BOYLE--April 6, 1891, at his residence, 427 W. 14th-st., FRANK, beloved
brother of Annie, Maggie, and Michael Boyle, aged 26 years and 6 months.
Funeral Thursday, April 9 at 9 a.m. to Jesuit church where high mass
will be celebrated, thence by carriages to Calvary cemetery.

BONFIELD--On April 6, 1891, at 7 o'clock, at parents' residence
907 N. Hoyne-av., MATTIE CATHERINE, beloved daughter of Christian and
Catherine Bonfield, aged 9 years and 2 months.  Funeral Wednesday,
at 2 o'clock, by carriages to Rose Hill cemetery.

COMOLLY-JOHN, son of Thomas and Mary Comolly, aged 15 months.
Funeral from parents' residence, 3224 Fox-st., Wednesday, April 18, (sic)
at 9:30 a.m. to Calvary by carriages.  Dublin (Ireland) papers please copy.

DONOGHUE-On Monday, April 6, 1891, MARY C. J. DONOGHUE, aged
19, at the residence of her uncle, M. F. Donogue, 398 W. Adams-st.
Funeral Thursday at 10 o'clock to St. Patrick's church, thence by cars to

DUNN--ROSE ANN, beloved daughter of William and Mary Dunn, aged 8
years and 9 months.  Funeral from parents' residence, 1201 Sacramento-
av., Thursday.  April 9, by carriages to Union depot, thence by
C., M. & St. P. to Calvary.

MEEHAN--The funeral of Timothy Meehan will take place from his parents'
home, 3667 Archer-av., to-morrow, Wednesday, April 8, at 9 a.m., to
St. Agnes church, thence by carriages to Calvary.

SULLIVAN--NORA, beloved wife of Dennis Sullivan, native of the parish of
Drumcliffe, County Sligo, Ireland.  Funeral from her late residence, 139
Milton-av., Thursday morning at 10 o'clock, to the Church of the Holy Name,
thence by cars over the Northwestern road to Calvary.


Contributor: 	Sharon I. Dickson

Chicago Daily News
Friday, April 24, 1891

MACK--April 22, FANNIE, wife of William Mack aged 25 years. Funeral
from late residence, 166 W. Madison-st., at 10 a.m. Friday to Rose Hill.

MEYERS--At 725 Washington-bd., April 23, PHILIP MEYERS, Funeral
notice hereafter.  Wilkes-Barre and Williamsport (Pa.) and Oakaloosa
(Iowa) papers will please copy.

MOORE--At her residence 2629 Calumet-av., J. V. (nee Cullen), beloved
wife of John D. Moore.  Funeral Saturday, April 25, at 9:30 o'clock, by
carriage to St. James' church, thence via C., M. U St. P. railroad to

O'BRIEN--The remains of the late TIMOTHY O'BRIEN will be interred
from the vault at Calvary cemetery, Saturday, April 25,  Train leaves
C. & N.W. depot at 11 a.m.

PAUL--At 343 N. Clark-st., April 23, LILLY ALICE, daughter of Dr. and
Mrs. P.D. Paul, aged 4 years and 2 months.  Funeral services at the
house, Saturday April 25, at 2 o'clock by carriages to Graceland.

PORTER--At the residence of his son-in-law, A. J. Geizler, 595
Sedgwick-st., THOMAS PORTER, aged 68 years.  Funeral Saturday
April 25, at 1 p.m. by carriages to Rose Hill.

PRENTICE--On April 22, 1891, the infant son of A. M. and Mary Prentice,
aged 2 weeks and 3 days.  Funeral to-day, April 24.

RYAN--The remains of DANIEL J. RYAN will be taken from the vault at
Calvary and interred Saturday, April 25, 1891.  Train leaves from
C. & N. W. R.R. at 10 o'clock a.m.

RICE--JOHN HEINERICH, infant son of John C. and Annie Rice, aged
8 months.  Funeral private.  New York, Philadelphia and Albany papers
please copy.

SHORT--The remains o JOSEPH SHORT will be buried fro the vault at
Calvary cemetery Sasturday, April 25.  Trains leave union depot, Canal
and Adams-sts., at 9 o'clock a.m.

SICKELS--April 23, 1891, at South Evanston, Ill., HARRIETTE ELIZABETHA
SICKELS, aged 35 years.  Funeral from the residence of her brother,
William A. Sickels, 226 Forest-av., 3 p.m. Sunday, April 26,  Interment at
Albion, N. Y.  Newark (N.Y.)  papers please copy.

SULLIVAN--April 23, 1891, NELLIE beloved wife of Patrick Sullivan,
daughter of Mrs. Mary McKenna, and sister of Minnie and Patrick McKenna,
aged 28 years.  Funeral Saturday, at 9 o'clock, from late residence,
1102 Clybourn-av., to St. Vincent's church, thence by carriages to
Calvary cemetery.

SUNNIG--At 193 Austin-av., April 22, ERNEST, beloved husband of
Lizzie Sunnig (nee King).  Funeral noticd hereafter.  Marshall (Mich.)
papers please copy.

TRASK--April 23, 1891, MAUD A., youngest daughter of Samuel E. and
Nettie M. Trask (nee Raber) aged 19 Monts and 25 dayhs.  Funeral from
parents' residence, 491 N. Clark-st. Saturday, April 25, by cars to Rose
Hill cemetery.

WIRSCHING, Our beloved son, GEORGE W. WIRSCHING, April 21, 1891.
Funeral Sunday, April 26, at 11 a.m. from parents' residence, 683 Hoyne-av.,
corner 14th-st.  Milwaukee papers please copy.  Herman and Mollie


Contributor: 	Sharon I. Dickson

Chicago Daily Tribune
Wednesday, September 16, 1891

ABRAHAMSON--Abram Abrahamson, beloved husband of Helen Abrahamson,
aged 57 years.  Funeral from residence, 292 Sedgwick-st., Wednesday,
Sept. 16, at 2 p.m., to Graceland.

EDWARDS--At the residence of her daughter, Mrs. A. D. Jones,
591 Harrison-st., Sept. 14, Susan Louisa Edwards, aged 63 years.
Funeral 1 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 16.

FLINT--Gen. F. F. Flint. U.S. Army, died suddenly at his home in
Highland Park, Sept. 15, in his 71st year.  Funeral notice hereafter.
San Francisco, Louisville, Cincinnati, and Fall River (Mass.) papers
please copy.

GOSLING--Clara, beloved wife of Henry Gosling. aged 68.  Notice of
funeral (strictly private) hereafter, from 3146 Forest-av.

JENSEN--At 278 West Ohio-st., Charles S. Jensen, aged 23 years and
6 months.  Burial at Mount Olive, Thursday, Sept. 17.

KRANENBERGER--Eliese Kranenberger, beloved wife of Charles
Kranenberger.  Funeral from late residence, 4435 Union-av., Thursday
at 10 a.m. to Graceland.

LAVELLE--James H. Lavelle, native of Parish of Adrigoole, County Mayo,
Ireland.  Funeral Thursday, Sept. 17, from his late residence, corner
Green Bay-av. and 90th-st., South Chicago, by cars to Calvary via
Chicago, Milwaukee and St.Paul R.R.

O'NEIL--Sept. 15, John O'Neil, 433 Morgan-st., beloved husband of
Hannah O'Neil, aged 57 years.  Funeral notice hereafter.
Contributor: Janice Brown Buchanan ([email protected]) Aug 4, 2002

Chicago Tribune Sat. Aug 22, 1891 page 3




CHASE-- At Riverside, Aug. 21, 1891, Elizabeth Mary Chase (nee Cleaver), wife

of Harry Gr. Chase, aged 32 years. Funeral at Riverside, Sunday. Aug. 23, at

11 a.m. Funeral train at 1 p.m. via N. W. Ry. to Rosehill.

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