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Misc. Death and/or Burial Notices
Cook County, Illinois

Information contributed for use in Cook County ILGenWeb by multiple contributors

Contributor: 	Sharon I. Dickson

The Chicago Daily News
Saturday, Feb. 16, 1889

BURNS--Feb. 14, 1889, ELIZABETH, wife of the late William Burns and
mother of Mrs. William Landsbait, Mrs. Dr. G. A. Nelson, and John Burns.
At her residence, 30 Otis-st.  Funeral Sunday, at 1 o'clock, to the Church
of the Immaculate Conception, thence by carriages to Calvery Cemetery.

CARLISLE--At his residence, 136 Lincoln-av., Feb 15, WILLIAM H.,
beloved husband of May Carlisle, aged 41 years, 7 months and 12 days.
Boston and Springfield (Mass.) papers please copy.

COLE--SIBYL E. COLE, aged 57 years.  Funeral from late residence
244 Bowery, at 1 p.m., Sunday, Feb. 17, to Oakwoods cemetery.

FITZGERALD--Feb. 16, 1889, EDWARD, youngest son of James and Kate
Fitzgerald, aged 20 months and 20 days.

FROST--At 46 Marion place, Feb. 12, JOHN D. FROST, aged 56 years.
Funeral Sunday, at 1 p.m., by carriages to Graceland.

HARRIS--Feb. 13, at residence 3411 State-st., ADDIE, beloved wife of
W. A. Harris, aged 23 years.  Funeral Sunday, Feb. 17, at 1:30 p.m.,
to Oakwoods.

HEISSLER--Feb. 16, 1889, MARY C. HEISSLER, aged 63 years, mother of
Jacob HEISSLER, Lizzie Malzacher, Mary Marker, and Josie Klein.
Funeral services Monday morning, at 9:30 o'clock, from the residence of her
son, 2356 Statre-st., to St. Peter's church, thence to St. Boniface cemetery.

HUTT--At Los Angelos, Cal., ADAM, beloved son of Louis and Katy Hutt,
aged 18 years and 5 months.  Funeral notice hereafter.

JOHNSON--Friday, Feb. 15, 1889, at her uncle's residence, 818 Warren-av.,
MARY, daughter of the late James and Marian Johnson, aged 16 years,
2 months and 8 days.  funeral from Calvary church, corner Monroe-st.,
and Western-av., on sonday, at 12:30 p.m.

LAVERY--At 631 45th-st., ELLEN LAVERY, aged 20.  Funeral Sunday,
at 10:30, to St. Gabriel's church, thence by Grand Trunk R.R. to
Mount Olivet.

M'LOON--At his residence, 48 Boston-av., Feb. 15, Capt. ROBERT
L. M'LOON, aged 80 years.  Funeral Sunday, Feb. 17, by carriages to
Rose Hill.

O'CONNOR--Feb. 16, at his residence, 8846 Houston-av., South Chicago,
PATRICK O'CONNOR, beloved husband of Mary O'Connell, aged 38 years.
Funeral Sunday, Feb. 17, to St. Patrick's church, thence via
C. M. & St. P. Ry to Calvary.

O'MAHONY--TIMOTHY PATRICK, infant son of Thomas and Hannah O'Mahony,
nee Collins, aged 7 months and 21 days.  Funeral on Sunday, the 17th inst.,
at 2 p.m., from parents' residence, Gibbs-st., Evanston, by carriages
to Calvary.

O'NEILL--At his residence, 595 25th-st., Feb. 15, JOHN O'NEILL. Funeral
Sunday, Feb. 17, to All-Saints' church, by carriages to C. M. & St. P. depot,
thence by cars to Calvary.  Cleveland (O.) papers please copy.

PETERS--At 1140 Seminary-av., Lake View, Feb. 14, WILLIAM, beloved
husband of Alberlina Peters, aged 38 years.  Funearl Sunday, Feb. 17,
at 12   m.; burial at Waldheim.

RAMSAY--At her home, 172 E. Indiana-st., Feb. 15, 1889, Mrs. LUCY E.
RAMSAY, aged 50 years 10 months and 15 days.  Funeral to
Elburn, Kane County, Ill., via C. & N. W. Ry., Feb. 18, 8:30 a.m.

REILLY--Feb. 15, 1889, JOHN, aged 68 years, beloved father of George
Reilly.  funeral from the residence of his son, 520 N. Wood-st., Sunday
at 11:30, to St. Columbkill's church, by carriages to Calvary cemetery.

ROUSWELL--Feb. 15, 1889, CHARLES T. ROUSWELL, beloved husband of Kittle
Rouswell, nee Butler.  Funeral Sunday, Feb. 17, from his late residnece,
215 W. 40th-st., at 9 a.m., to the Northwestern depot, by cars to Calvary.

STRAFFORD--At his residence, 168 N. Morgan-st., Feb. 15, 1889,
Col. J. A. STAFFORD.  Funeral from his late residence Sunday afternoon
at 2 o'clock.  Members of Godfrey Weitzel Post No. 425 and the
relief corps are requested to attend.

TENWICK--Feb. 16, 1889, at 927 North-av., ADOLPH, son of Christine
Tenwick, aged 4 years,  Funeral Sunday at 1 o'clock by carriages to
Mt. Olivet cemetery.
Contributor:	Ken Gruschow   [email protected]      May 2005
Christian Gruschow
Chicago Daily News, Dec. 31, 1889, Death Notice:

GRUSCHOW, Christian, beloved husband of Louisa Gruschow, aged 62 years and 6 months.
Funeral from 109 Hobbie St., Jan. 1, at 1:30 o'clock. New York papers please copy.

(This was due to a sister, Caroline Gruschow Buttner and a brother Charles Gruschow, who were living in Brooklyn, NY at the time.)

Contributor:	Kenneth Gruschow 	[[email protected]]	September 2004
Chicago Tribune - Obit - Aug 16, 1889 

Funeral of "Tommy" Hooley.

The Cathedral of the Holy Name was nearly filled by the congregation which gathered at 
10 o'clock yesterday morning to witness the last rites over the body of Thomas P. Hooley, 
the late treasurer of Hooley's theater. The simple burial services of the Catholic church 
were performed by Father M. J. Fitzsimmons. The pall bearers were Harry J. Powers, Horace McVicker, 
Thomas W. Prior, George A. Fair, W. T. Hall, and George W. Unitt. Many theatrical people were 
in the congregation. The funeral party took carriages for Calvary cemetery, where the interment took place.
The parlor of Mr. O. W. Ludwig, where the remains were previously laid, was filled with flowers, 
thirty-five different floral pieces having been sent by organizations and individuals.
The Chicago lodge, B. P. O. Elks, of which the deceased was a member, met last evening and adopted appropriate resolutions.

Thomas Prendergast Hooley's real name was Thomas Prendergast, Jr.. His father was a singer with the 
Hooley & Campbell Minstrels in New York City & B'klyn, NY, and died in Utica, NY on Mar 07, 1869, 
his mother had previously died. Tom, Jr. was then brought up by Richard M. & Rosina C. Hooley in Chicago, IL.

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