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                             Misc. Death and/or Burial Notices
                                    Cook County, Illinois


Information contributed for use in Cook County ILGenWeb by
            possible multiple contributers

Contributor: 	Sharon I. Dickson

Chicago Daily News
Tuesday, March 27, 1888

DAVIS--At the residence of her parents, 212 Center-av., Monday,
March 26, 1888, MAGGIE, only daughter of David and Julia Davis,
aged 19 years 7 monts and 24 days. Notice of funeral hereafter.
     God in His mercy to me has been kind,
     Is all that I will say,
     When my reason did not forsake me
     As I watched her fade away.       MA.

DONOHUE--MARY, wife of Martin Donohue, to be buried from vault,
Calvary Cemetery, Wednesday, March 28.

DOWLING--At El Paso, Tex,. March 20, 1888, after long suffering,
JOHN W., beloved husband of Evaline V. Dowling (nee Willden),
aged 27 years and 1 month.  Funeral from his mother's residence,
3609 Indiana-av., Tuesday, at 10 o'clock, to Oakwoods.

FORREST--March 27, 1888, at his residence, 693 Larrabee-st.,
JOHN FORREST, aged 77 years, Funeral Wednesday, at
2 p.m., to Graceland.

HAINES--At 625 43d-st., March 26, 1888 infant son of John F. Haines,
aged 1 month and 17 days.  Funeral, Tuesday, at 9 o'clock, by
carriages to Calvary.

HANSON--At his residence, 22 Austin-av., CLAUS HANSON, aged
79 years.  Funeral by carriages to Mount Olivet March 29, at 12 o'clock.

JOWETT--At the residence of Charles Lund, 707 W. Ohio-st., March 25,
11 p.m., JOSEPH JOWETT of Bradford Forks, England.
Bradford papers please copy.

KAHN--At his residnence, 474 Clybourn-av., March 27, 1888, NATHAN,
beloved husband of Mary Kahn, aged 49 years.  Funeral Thursday
at 12 m. (sic) to Waldheim.

KEATING--March 26, 1888, ELSIE M., beloved daughter of Charles E.
and Sarah Keating, aged 4 months and 28 days.  Funeral Wednesday,
March 28, from parents' residence, 227 E. Van Buren-st., at
10:30 o'clock, by carriages to Calvary.

KEVAN--At his residence, 492 W. Superior-st., JAMES KEVAN aged
64 years.  Members of Duane Lodge, 11, I.O.O.F., will please
report at lodge hall at 11:30 sharp on Wednesday, March 28,
to attend funeral.

LALLY-March 27, 1888, THOMAS F. LALLY, aged 33 years.  Funeral
Thursday, March 29, 10 a.m., from 3 Iowa-st., near Wood, to St. Columbkill's
Church, thence by cars (C. & N.W. R.R.) to Calary.
Milford and Waltham (Mass.) papers please copy.

LEYDEN--March 26, 1888, RICHARD, son  of Thomas and Mary Leyden,
Tullig, County Clare, Ireland; brother of D. P. Leyden and husband of
Margaret Leyden, nee Murray.  Funeral Wednesday, March 28, from
2114 Purple-st. at 9 a.m. to St. John's Church, thence by carriages to
Calvary Cemetery.
Following papers please copy:
Kilrush, County Calre, Cork (Ireland), Pittsburg, and New York.

NUGENT--At 2934 Poplar-av., March 26, MARGARET HANNAH, twin
daughter of James and Ellen Nugent, aged 3 months and 6 days.

SULLIVAN--At her residence, 683 W. 19th-st., aged 55 years.  Funeral
Wednesday, march 28, at 9:30, by carriages to Northwestern Depot, thence
by cars to Calvary.
     Thy hands are clasped upon thy breast,
     We have kissed thy lovely brow,
     And in our aching hearts we know
     We have no darling now.
                       FROM HER CHILDREN.

WHEADON--SAMUEL C. WHEADON, aged 54 years 4 months and 27 days.
Funeral from late residnece Wednesday, at 12:30 p.m.

WATERMAN--March 25, ABBIE L., widow of the late James S. Waterman,
aged 60 years.  funeral fromSt. Peter's Church Wednesday, at
12:30 p.m., the Rt. Rev. Bishop McLaren officiating.

WELCH--March 26, 1888, JOHN, only son of John and Mary Welch,
nee Kennedy, aged 8 months and 14 days.  Funeral March 28 at
10 o'clock, from parents' residence, 1167 W. Van Buren-st., by
carriages to Calvary.


Contributor: 	Sharon I. Dickson

Chicago Daily News
Thursday, Sept 6, 1888

BLUM--Sept 4, GUSTAVE BLUM, served in Co. D. 57th Ill. inf., member
of Gen. Geo. A. Custer Post, No. 40, G. A. R. Funeral from late residence,
379 W. 22d-st., (near Center-av.) at 10 o'clock a.m., Thursday, Sept. 6, to
Wunder's near Graceland, Comrades of the G.A. R. invited.

BERGER--G.H. BERGER, aged 32 years.  Funeral from late residence,
19 Rees-st., Friday, Sept. 7, 1888, at 1 o'clock sharp.

BUNYAN--JOHANNA, Sept 6, 1888, beloved wife of Michael Bunyan,
3428 Dashiel-st., aged 34 years.  Funeral Sunday, Sept. 9, from late
residence at 9 a.m., to Nativity Church, thence to Calvary Cemetery
by Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul R.R.

FLANNERY--Sept 5, 1888, at his residence, 232 Sherman-st., JOHN,
son of the late William and Alice Flannery, aged 22 years.  Funeral
Friday, Sept. 7, at 10 o'clock, by carriages to St. Mary's Church, and
by cars from Northwestern Depot to Calvary Cemetery.

GELDER--At 1050 W. Adams-st., ETHEL, daughter of Daniel and
May Gelder, aged 5 months, Funeral Friday.

GLEESON--BRIDGET, beloved wife of John Gleeson, Sept. 5, 1888,
aged 64 years; native of Tipperary, Ireland.  Funeral from her late
residence, 274 26th-st., Sept. 7, to All-Saints' Church, thence by
cars to Mount Olivet.  Denver (Col.) papers please copy.

HEINLEIN--At her home 2917 5th-st., Sept. 4, at 2:40 pm.,
MRS. MARY ELIZABETH HEINLEIN, sister of George Weller, Lieutenant
of Engine Company No. 16 Chicago fire Department, aged 54 years.
Funeral at 1 o'clock from her late residence, 2917 5th st., by
carriages to Graceland.

HENNIGAN--At parents' residnece, 65 E. Huron-st., Sept. 5, 1888,
GEORGE, youngest son of Patrick and Mary Hennigan, aged 7 years.
Funeral Friday, Sept. 7, by cars to Calvary via C. & N. W. R.R.
New York and Marengo (Ill.) papers please copy.
     Gone to meet his sister, Mamie.

LEVY--On Sept. 6, 1888, CAROLINE, relict of the late Morris Levy,
aged 58 years.  Funeral from her late residnece, 361 S. Clark-st.,
on Sunday, Sept. 9, at 11 o'clock a.m., to Waldheim.  All Friends
Detroit, Milwaukee, Newark (N.J.) and New York papers please copy.

MERIAM--Sept. 5, J. C., eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Meriam,
and husband of Nettie Meriam, aged 33 years.  Funeral Friday,
Sept. 7, at 1 p.m., at the residence of his parents, 355 Claremont-av.,
Friends invited.

O'BRIEN--At his parents' residence, 3741 Wallace-st., WILLIAM O'BRIEN,
aged 2 years and 8 months. Funeral from the above residence
Sept 6, at 10 o'clock, by carriages to Mount Olivet Cemetery.

O'CONNOR--At his residence, 2307 Wentworth-av., EDWARD O'CONNOR,
born in the County Limerick, Ireland, aged 60 years.

O'Neill--Sept. 5, JOHN O"NEILL, aged 50 years, native of County Kerry,
Ireland.  Funeral notice hereafter.

SCOWN--At his residnece, 967 N. California-av., EDWARD P. SCOWN,
aged 22 years,  Member of Cosmopolitan Lodge No. 6  K.of P.
Notice of funeral hereafter.

SMIDDY--At her residence, 134 30th-st., Sept. 6, 1888, CATHERINE,
beloved wife of Pierce Smiddy, aged 54 years.  Notice of funeral hereafter.

THOMPSON--Sept. 6, at 1 a.m., EMILY, daughter of Ole and Lottie
Thompson, aged 8 years 7 months and 24 days.  Funeral from 92 E.
Superior-st. to-morrow at 1 o'clock p.m.

WELDON--At 600 Racine-av., Sept. 5, 1888, ALBERT, son of John
Weldon, aged 2 years and 7 months, Funeral Sept. 7 at 1 p.m., from
late residence, by carriages to Calvary.

Contributor: 	Colleen Maresca 
Obits from the Chicago Tribune 
11 November 1888:
November 8, 1888
November 8, at 7 o'clock p.m., at her residence, No.101 Sibley-st., Mrs.
A.R. Burley, aged 46 years 3 months and 5 days. Funeral from residence
Sunday at 2 o'clock p.m. Rochester (NY) papers please copy.
CLARKE, Mrs. Susan C.
abt November 10, 1888
Mrs. Susan C. Clarke, wife of Clinton C. Clarke. Funeral from 1242
Wabash-av., Sunday, Nov. 11, at 2 o'clock. Interment private.
DIEZ, Louie
abt November 10, 1888
Louie, beloved son of Adolf and Mary Diez, aged 24 years and 9
months.Funeral from his late residence, 136 East Fourteenth-st., Monday,
November 12, 1 p.m., by carriages to Graceland. Friends are requested to
DUNCAN, Robert
November 5, 1888
Nov.5, at his residence, 74 West Van Buren-st., Robert Duncan, aged 48
years, beloved husband of Kate Duncan, nee Healy.
Glasgow and Edinburg papers please copy.
November 10, 1888
Nov. 10, 1888, Augustus Fredericks, aged 44 years 2 months. Funeral from
Rogerson & Son's undertaking establishment, Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock to
Forest Home.
FORREST, Elizabeth Dickinson
November 9, 1888
Friday, Nov. 9, Elizabeth Dickinson Forrest, infant daughter of John and
Mary Dickinson Forrest, aged 3 months 28 days.
abt November 10, 1888

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