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                             Misc. Death and/or Burial Notices
                                    Cook County, Illinois


Information contributed for use in Cook County ILGenWeb by
            possible multiple contributers

Contributor: 	Sharon I. Dickson

Chicago Daily News
Monday, February 6, 1882

BARNET--Feb. 6, at Aurora, Ill., THOMAS BARNET, late superintendent for
twenty-three years of C., B & Q., R. R. Co. Brass foundry.

CARBINE--Feb. 5, at 83 E. Ontario-st., Mrs. CATHERINE CARBINE,
aged 56 years.  Funeral Tuesday, Feb. 7, at 10:30 o'clock to
church of the Holy Name, thence by cars to Calvary Cemetery.

COWPER--Feb. 5, at 8 a.m., at the residence of his mother,119 Throop-st.,
WILLIAM COWPER, aged 44 years, eldest son of Mrs. Elizabeth Cowper.

HANSON--Feb. 5, RASMUS HANSON, aged 61 years.  Funeral from
residence 99 Oak-st., Tuesday, at 2 p.m. to Graceland Cemetery.

KEATING--Feb. 5 of consumption, WILLIAM KEATING, son of
Margaret and Patrick Keating.  Funeral from residnece, 83 N.
Taylor-st., Tuesday, 7th inst., by cars to Calvary.
Newark N.J. papers please copy.

McMELLEN, Feb. 6, at 12 o'clock noon at the residnece of his sister,
GEORGE W. McMELLEN, aged  26 years.  Funeral service
Feb. 8, at 10 a.m. to St. James Church, Wabash-av., where solemn
high mass will be held, thence by carriages to Calvary Cemetery.
Milwaukee papers please copy.

MESSERS, Feb. 6, at 292 W. Washington-st. HENRY MESSER, aged
54 years and 5 months.  Funeral at 11 O'clock 8th.  Friends are
respectfully invited to attend.

O'BRIEN--At the residence of his parents, 407 S. Clinton-st.
Feb. 5, MICHAEL JOSEPH O'BRIEN,  aged four months and
25 days.  Funeral from residence, 10:30 a.m. Tuesday,
Feb 7, by carriages to Calvary.  Friends of the family invited.

SPENCE--Feb. 5, at 11 o'clock, THOMAS SPENCE, son
of Thomas Spence, deceased, and Elizabeth Spence,
aged 15 years and 5 months.  Funeral Tuesday, the 7th,
at 10 o'clock, from his parents' residence, 276 Blue Island-av., to the
Church of the Holy Name, where a solemn high mass will be
celebrated thence by carriages to Calvary Cemetery.

SULLIVAN--Feb. 5, HATTIE, beloved wife of Jeremiah Sullivan,
aged 21 years.  Funeral leaves her late residence, 124 Front-st.,
at 10:30 a.m. to St. Stephen's church, were high mass will be
celebrated, thence by cars to Calvary Cemetery. May she rest in peace.

SMITH--Feb. 5, JOHNNIE SMITH, the beloved son of Robert and
Bridget Smith.  Funeral from residence, 16 Lisle-st., Tuesday,
Feb. 7, at 10 a.m., by carriages to Calvary.
Gone to meet his grandma.

SHIELDS--The funearl of Mrs. JOHN SHIELDS will take place Tuesday,
Feb. 7, at 10 a.m. from 288 N. Franklin-st. to the Church of the Holy
Name, thence by carriages to Calvary Cemetery.

TRACY--Sunday, Feb. 5, DANNIE, beloved child of John and Annie
Tracy, aged 5 monts and 25 days. Funeral from the residence of
parents, 2937 Aarnold-st.  Tuesday, Feb. 7, by carriages to
Calvary Cemetery.


Contributor: 	S. Anger

Chicago Daily News
Saturday (5 p.m. edition) December 30, 1882
p. 1, col. 1

FINNEGAN - Dec. 29, 1882, at his residence, Jefferson, Ill.,
MICHAEL FINNEGAN.  Funeral from the house, Sunday at 1
o'clock, to Niles Center for interment.  Friends are invited
to attend.

GEIS - Dec. 30, at the residence of her husband Conrad Geis,
475 W. 12th st, TERESA GEIS, aged 75 years and 8 months,
mother of Mrs. M. B. Bear and Mrs. J. C. Graham.  Funeral
Tuesday at 9 o'clock to St. Francis Church, thence by
carriages to St. Boniface Cemetery.

KEFER - CHRISTIAN KEFER, aged 43 years.  Funeral from
residence, 294 North av., Sunday Dec. 31, at 2 p.m.

LYNCH - The funeral of  ELLEN LYNCH will take place at 10
o'clock a.m., Sunday, from 20 Nebraska st.  Carriages to Rock
Island depot where special arrangements have been made with
the Rock Island railroad to convey the friends of deceased to
Joliet and return same day.

MURRAY - Dec. 30, at 10 o'clock, a.m., DANIEL MURRAY,
beloved husband of Ellen Murray, aged 73 years.  Funeral
from his late residence, 142 Lytle st., Monday, Jan. 1, 1883
by carriages to Jesuit church, thence by cars to Calvary

MALDOON - Dec. 27, MALDOON.  Funeral from his late residence,
768 Van Buren st., Sunday morning at 9:30 sharp, by carriages
to Calvary Cemetery.

NORTEN - at her residence, 103 W. 19th st., MARY NORTEN,
formerly of Canalport av.,; born in County Clare, Ireland.
Funeral Sunday, 31st inst., at 11 a.m., to Sacred Heart
church, thence by cars to Calvary.

TRAINOR - On the 29th inst.,  ANNIE TRAINOR, beloved daughter
of Peter and Mary Trainor, aged 12 years.  Funeral from her
late residence, 294 N. Franklin st., Sunday, 31st inst., at
11 a.m. to Church of the Holy Name; thence by carriages to
Calvary Cemetery.

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