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                             Misc. Death and/or Burial Notices
                                    Cook County, Illinois


Information contributed for use in Cook County ILGenWeb by
            possible multiple contributers

Contributor: 	Sharon I. Dickson

Chicago Daily News
Monday, April 21, 1879

DEEGAN--April 20, 1879, at No. Waller-st., of heart disease,
PATRICK DEEGAN, native of Rathangan, County Kildare, Ireland, aged
62 years.  Funeral to-morrow by cars to Calvary.  Lockport (N.Y.)
papers please copy.

FROST--After an illness of only two days with pnemonia, LOTT FROST,
Esq.  Friends are invited to attend his funeral from his late residence,
No. 123 Calumet-av., Tuesday, April 22, at 1:30 o'clock.

GAYNOR--April 20, at his residence, 598 W. 14th-st., RITCH GAYNOR,
aged 22 years 4 monts and 8 days.  Funeral to Calvary Cemetery by

HOLDEN--CHESTER M. HOLDEN, elder son of Marshall J. Holden,
at 3 o'clock Sunday morning, aged 4 years 4 months and
26 days.  Funeral from residence, No. 149 S. Desplaines-st., at
1 o'clock to-day.

HENAGAN--On Sunday morning, April 20, at 3:45 a.m., at his
residence, No. 60 Huron-st., THOMAS HENAGAN.  Funeral
Thursday, April 22, at 1 o'clock, by cars to Calvary. (Dublin)
Ireland and Castlebar papers please copy.

KANE--In Chicago, April 20, 1879, MARY ANN KANE, aged 47
years.  Funeral from residence, No. 481 S. Morgan-st., Monday,
at 1 o'clock p.m., by carriages to Calvary Cemetery.

LEE--April 19, at No. 43 Ashland-av., GEORGIE S. LEE, aged
30 years and 2 months.

O'NEIL--In this city, April 19, MARGARET O'NEIL.  Funeral from
her late residence, 1056 Wentworth-av., by cars to Calvary.
 A light is from our household gone,
 A voice we loved is stilled;
 A place is vacant in our home
 Which never can be filled.

RYAN--April 19, 1879, MRS. ANNIE RYAN, at her mother's
residence, No. 227 E. 21st-st.  Funeral Monday, April 21,
High Mass at St. John's Church at 10:30 a.m.; thence by cars
to Calvary Cemetery.

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