Category Archives: NewsClipping

Pebbles Couple Celebrate 60th Anniversary (1921)

Mr & Mrs Frank M Pebbles Celebrate 60th Anniversary

Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Pebbles, residents of Oak Park since 1865, celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary Sunday, June 26, 1921 in the home of their daughter Mrs. Fred G. Baker in Alameda, California. Three grandchildren and two great-grandchildren were among those present. Mr. Pebbles came to Illinois from Wisconsin to become “ornamenter and designer” in the “old round house” of the Chicago and Northwestern railroad. In those days locomotives were named after various celebrities and it would be the duty of Mr. Pebbles to paint the countenance of the engine’s namesake on the headlight.

Contributed 25 Jan 2013 by Deb Haines
Source: Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, Published Quarterly by the Illinois State Historical Society, Springfield, Illinois. Vol. 14 April-July, 1921 No. 1-2.

Garrigus Couple Celebrates 62nd Wedding Anniversary (1921)

Mr & Mrs Stephen B Garrigus Celebrate 62nd Anniversary

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Garrigus, 1020 Lathrop Avenue, Forest Park, Chicago, celebrated their sixty-second wedding anniversary, May 5, Mr. Garrigus is 87 years old and his wife 81. They were married in Lacon, Illinois, and came to Chicago forty-four years ago. The couple belong to two of the oldest families in Illinois.

The Garrigus family in the days preceding the Civil War, had the only hotel in Lacon and among their guests was Abraham Lincoln. Mr. Garrigus served with the Union troops throughout the Civil War. There are two grandchildren, Helen and Edna Davies, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Davies. The aged couple have also a son, Percy and another daughter Nettie C. Carrigan.

Contributed 25 Jan 2013 by Deb Haines
Source: Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, Published Quarterly by the Illinois State Historical Society, Springfield, Illinois. Vol. 14 April-July, 1921 No. 1-2.

Harriet L. Mitchell 96 Years Old (1921)

Mrs. Harriet L. Mitchell, 96 years old, lays claim to being the oldest voter and Chicago Tribune reader in Oak Park. Mrs. Mitchell lives at 515 North Cuyler Avenue, with her daughter, Mrs. W. T. Robinson. She was born in Canada and has been a resident of Illinois since the Civil War. She has two daughters, nine grandchildren and twelve great-grandchildren living. Mrs. Mitchell voted at the last two presidential elections, and keeps well informed on all current events.

 Contributed 25 Jan 2013 by Deb Haines

Source: Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, Published Quarterly by the Illinois State Historical Society, Springfield, Illinois. Vol. 14 April-July, 1921 No. 1-2.