Category Archives: Misc

Folks I Have Known Personally and Otherwise – William McCanney

by James M. Woodman

There are not many historical stories that are of greater interest than the one telling of the movement of population, in all directions from the settlement known as Chicago, in the years 1831-1835.

During those most epochal years in the developing of northern Illinois, men, women and children from New England and lands across the Atlantic, were frequently arriving by boat or crude overland conveyances, expecting to find a modern Utopia. The mud and swamps proved unattractive to many of these fortune-seeking adventurers. They soon tired of the settlement’s monotonous life and struck off into the virgin country.

The well defined Indian trails that led to the north and north-west proved alluring to many, and soon there were erected along the north shore of Lake Michigan and the banks of the Des Plaines and Chicago rivers, the log cabins of the whites who had come to take over the lands were on had tread none others than the tribes of red men.

One of the attractive locations reached by the old trail that traversed the lake shore country was Grosse Point, a settlement back some distance from the water’s edge, later to become a part of the beautiful village of Wilmette. It was to this place, during those early pioneer days that Michael and Mary McCanney, natives of the Emerald Isle, came to make their home. It was here, as farmers, they reared a family of eight children, one of whom was the man whose life and residence in Waukegan, prompted me to present him to the readers of this newspaper–William Martin McCanney.

He was born March 4, 1867, on the McCanney farm at Grosse Point, in Cook county. His boyhood was spent working on the land and attending the common schools. His playtime was spent in the manner of youngsters of that period. Occasionally, visits to the lake shore and close-up investigation of the old Grosse Point lighthouse, sails of ships far out upon the water and exploration of grounds upon which the Potawatami chieftains had held their pow-wows, implanted upon his mind the glories of a time that would pass away, to live only in his memory so long as it might endure.

He engaged in the grocery and meat business in Wilmette and succeeded. He took an active interest in the affairs of the village. Politically he was a Democrat, but in a strong Republican district, the voters elected him to the office of commissioner of public works, where he officiated in a manner satisfactory to those who had chosen him for a most important position.

In 1897 he came to Waukegan and engaged in the tavern business. He purchased the Henry Herman property, 34 N. Sheridan rd. for a home, later erecting on a portion of it, the three-story building at the southwest corner of Sheridan rd. and Madison st. He also built the three-story building at 7 S. Genesee st., and occupied the ground floor as a place of business. He acquired other properties in the city, among them the old Dr. J.M.G. Carter place at Clayton and County sts.

In 1899 he was elected and served one term as alderman from the First ward. His interest in and for Waukegan was manifested in many ways. In 1924 he retired from the tavern business and became superintendent of public works at the Speedway hospital, Maywood, Ill. He remained in the place for ten years after which he engaged in the real estate business at Maywood.

He was married to Miss Christina Sasch who was reared on a farm owned by her parents and now occupied by Ravina Park. They had three children: Florence (Mrs. R.B.Johnston), William J., both of Waukegan, and Ruth (Mrs. M. Burkert), Beech Grove, Ind.

William M. McCanney passed away Oct. 2, 1941.
Mrs. McCanney preceded him in death Oct. 28, 1937.


Contributed May 2000 by Brenda Gaetz [This newspaper article was clipped from a newspaper by the nephew of Christina Sasch McCanney. The date and name of the newspaper is not known.]

Misc. Voter Records

1864 Alien Voters

“We present the names of a sweet-scented crowd in this issue–sneaks and copperheads — who on the day of the last charter election voted for Sherman.

Just as soon as there was a remote prospect of a draft, this fragrant crowd started straight for the British Counsul’s office, and secured their “exemption papers.”

These are the chaps who have loudly prated in years gone by, of their regard for the Constitution and laws. The Irish element of course largely predominates.

Today we give the list in the Third, Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Wards:

Third Ward

Allen, Joseph
Brickley, Thomas
Brickley, F.
Brown, John
Brown, James
Burn, John
Burns, Patrick
Carroll, Patrick
Clark, James
Clark, Geo. Simpson Watson  
Conway, Lawrence John
Connolly, Patrick
Connor, John
Davis, John
Donoghue, Michael
Dowling, Timothy
Doyle, Michael
Duffy, John
Hennaughan, Patrick
Hickey, John
Hogan, Jerry
Hogan, John
Howe, William
Jones, John Henry
Kelly, James
Kelly, Michael
Kelly, William
Lawlor, John
McCarthy, John
McGrath, James
McGuiness, John
McMahon, Thomas  
Murphy, James
Murphy, James
Murphy, Michael
Murphy, Michael
Murphy, John
O’Brien, Daniel
O’Neil, John
Quinlan, Edward
Quinlan, Edward
Ryan, John
Ryan, John
Smith, Thomas
Smith, John
Sullivan, John

Fifth Ward

William Baker
James Brown
John Brown
James Clary
John Collins
Michael Conmell
John Connolly
John Conway
Michael Donoghue    
Patrick Donoghue
John Donohue
Patrick Donohue
John Doyle
William Eagan
John Hickey
Michael HIckey
John Hogan
John Johnson
James Kelly
Patrick Kelly
Thos. King
John Lynch
John Lynch
Patrick Lyons
Wm. Mackey
Timothy Mahoney
James McGrath
John McGregor
Thomas McMahon
James McNamara
J. Miller
John Miller
John Mitchell
Thos. Morris
Pat Murpey
Dennis Murphy
James Murphy
John Murphy
Michael Murphy
Pat Murray
Pat Murray
M. Newman
M. O’Connell
James Rooney
James Ryan
John Ryan
John Ryan
John Smith
John Sullivan
John Sullivan
James Tracey
William Tracey
John Welsch

Sixth Ward

John Anderson
John Burn
Thomas Butler
Daniel Connell
James Doyle
Thomas Haley
John Hickey
John Kelly
John Kelly
Michael Kelly
John Lynch
John Madden
Daniel McCarthy
J. McDonald
Michael McDonald    
John McDonnell
James Miller
James Murphy
John Murphy
John Murphy
Patrick Murphy
John Murray
William O’Brien
Wm. O’Brian
Ed. O’Connor
John O’Neil
Ed. Quinlan
John Ryan
Patrick Ryan
Pat Smith
John Stephens
John Sullivan
Tim Sullivan
William Taylor
William Tracey
John Wall
James Walsh
Thomas Welsh
John Wilson

Seventh Ward

Richard Barry
J. Callaghan
Patrick Carroll
M. Casey
James Clark
Con. Collins
James Collins
John Conner
Patrick Cosgrove
John Cunningham
Michael Curtin
Patrick Dennis
Michael Donnoghue
Timothy Donovan
Michael Dwyer
James Field
J. Fitgerald
Jos. Fitgerald
James Fitzgerald
John Flannagan
John Ford
John Gilbert
John Gordon
Pat Grady
Robert Hall
Thomas Hanley
William Hayes
John Hogan
John Johnson
Michael Kelley
Charles Kelly
Charles Kelly
James Kelly
Patrick Kelly
William Lewis
John Madden
Pat Mahoney
James Martin
Daniel McCarthy
John McCarthy
John McCarty
M. McMahon
James McNamara
Michael McNamara
John Murphy
Michael Murphy
Michael Murphy
John Murray
M. Nolan
Michael Nolan
Wm. O’Brien
James O’Conner
John O’Conner
Pat O’Connor
John O’Neil
John Payne
Henry Roach
James Ryan
Patrick Ryan
Patrick Smith
R. C. Smith
John Sullivan
James Tracey

Contributed by Sharon I. Dickson
Source: Chicago Daily Tribune, Sunday 17 Apr 1864

1937 Lurie Index of People (Voters) in Chicago, Excerpt

Sheahan, A M, 5712 S. Sacremento
Sheahan, Alice E, 406 N. 72 St
Sheahan, Amanda, 8231 S. Kenwood
Sheahan, Anna, 835 W. 50 Place
Sheahan, B C, 6200 S. Kenwood
Sheahan, Beatrice, 5312 W Chicago Ave
Sheahan, Carrie M, 6200 S. Kenwood
Sheahan, Catherine, 5543 S. May
Sheahan, Catherine, 716 36 St/26 St
Sheahan, Charles, 5045 W. Lake St
Sheahan, Delia, 5325 W Washington Blvd
Sheahan, E C, 5519 S. Blackstone Ave
Sheahan, E M, 5426 W. Kenmore
Sheahan, Edward A, 4411 W. West End Ave
Sheahan, Edward J, 6726 E Glenwood Ave
Sheahan, Eleora, 5045 W. Lake St
Sheahan, Elin E, 6220 University St
Sheahan, Ella, 8825 S. Harper Ave
Sheahan, Francis, 1110 W. 82
Sheahan, Frank, 11629 S. Hale
Sheahan, Frank J, 406 N. 73 St
Sheahan, George, 4850 S. Hermitage Ave
Sheahan, Harold, 8231 S. Kenwood
Sheahan, Helen Mrs, 5438 W. Walton St
Sheahan, Henry L, 6402 S. Yale Ave
Sheahan, J, 5712 S. Sacremento
Sheahan, J T, 906 E Wilson Ave
Sheahan, James W, 3206 S. Sheffield Ave
Sheahan, Jennie L Mrs, 715 E 61 St
Sheahan, Jerry, 3642 S. ?
Sheahan, Johanna, 4850 S. Hermitage Ave
Sheahan, John, 8825 S. Harper Ave
Sheahan, John, 9218 S. Drexel
Sheahan, John, 5404 W. Cortez St
Sheahan, John, 5312 W. Chicago Ave
Sheahan, John, 8231 S. Kenwood
Sheahan, John J, 7023 S. Winch____
Sheahan, John J, 716 36 St/26 St
Sheahan, Joseph J, 8017 S. Ingleside
Sheahan, Jules Wiss, 6402 S. Yale Ave
Sheahan, Julia ,5543 S. May

Sheahan, Kathleen, 5543 S. May
Sheahan, Kathleen, 3642 S ?
Sheahan, Laurence, 6220 University St
Sheahan, Leo, 6402 S. Yale Ave
Sheahan, Loretta L, 8017 S. Ingleside
Sheahan, Margaret, 3642 S. ?
Sheahan, Margaret L Miss, 5725 N. Magnolia
Sheahan, Margerite Miss, 8053 S. Clyde Av
Sheahan, Mary, 5549 S. Maryland
Sheahan, Mary, 5543 S. May
Sheahan, Mary A, 4411 W. West End Ave
Sheahan, Mary A Miss, 835 W. 51 Place
Sheahan, Mary C Miss, 1001 W. Garfield
Sheahan, Mary E, 5404 W. Cortez St
Sheahan, Mary E, 4411 W. West End Ave
Sheahan, Matthew L, 715 E 61 St
Sheahan, May A, 6404 S. May
Sheahan, Michael, 5549 S. Maryland
Sheahan, Nellie G, 5543 S. May
Sheahan, Norm, 5543 S. May
Sheahan, Patrick, 6404 S. May
Sheahan, Patrick, 6317 S. Blackstone Ave
Sheahan, Patrick, 7411 _ Lawrence Ave
Sheahan, Stephen, 5543 S. May
Sheahan, Stephen, 5438 W. Walton St
Sheahan, T S, 5712 S. Sacremento
Sheahan, Theresa, 6402 S. Yale Ave
Sheahan, William D, 190 E Pearson St

Sheehan, ___ ___, 7017 S. Thrope
Sheehan, Alice, 324 S. Sacremento
Sheehan, Alice, W 5507 E. Everett Ave
Sheehan, Amelia Mrs, 5411 E. Campbell Ave
Sheehan, Ann, 5646 S. Throop
Sheehan, Anna, 1407 N 65 Place
Sheehan, Anna, 5245 S. Pauline St
Sheehan, Anna, 5739 S. Sagamon
Sheehan, Anna Mrs, 7723 S. ___oler(s)/Coles
Sheehan, Anna Mrs, 7058 S. Bell Ave
Sheehan, Annabelle, 1350 E. 62 St
Sheehan, Arthur, 1520 E 65 St
Sheehan, Bernard F., 44 N. Mason Ave
Sheehan, Bernard M., 7207 S. Indiana Ave
Sheehan, Bessie, 605 N. Laramie Ave
Sheehan, Bessie, 5523 W Kammerling Ave
Sheehan, Bessie Mrs., 1514 E. 74 Place
Sheehan Beth, 7936 Drezel
Sheehan, Bridget, 6116 S. Champlain Ave
Sheehan, Caroline, _307 Marshfield
Sheehan, Catherine, 6211 S. Artesian Ave
Sheehan, Catherine, 5523 W Kammerling Ave
Sheehan, Catherine, 2050 W. Kenmore Ave
Sheehan, Catherine, 5527 S Baro?
Sheehan, Catherine, 5646 S. Throop
Sheehan, Catherine, 5211 S. Lorel
Sheehan, Catherine, 5739 S. Sagamon
Sheehan, Catherine Miss., 7945 S. Manitee Ave
Sheehan, Catherine N., 420 W. Englewood Ave
Sheehan, Charles, ___ ___
Sheehan, Charles F., 4934 Lake Park Ave
Sheehan, Charles W., 1514 E. 74 Place
Sheehan,Christine, 3009 N. Halsted St
Sheehan, Cornelius, 5646 S. Throop
Sheehan, Cornelius W., 1437 E 53 St
Sheehan, D. E., 5245 S. Pauline St
Sheehan, Dan, 6605 S. Peoria St
Sheehan, Daniel W., 7945 S. Manitee Ave
Sheehan, Dave W., 1350 E. 62 St
Sheehan, David, 5527 S Baro?
Sheehan, David, 7936 Drezel
Sheehan, Dennis, 5613 S. Green
Sheehan, Dorothy, 2050 W. Kenmore Ave
Sheehan, Edmond, 1802 E 72 Place
Sheehan, Edna N., 1350 E. 62 St

Sheehan Edward 4851 W. Adams
Sheehan Edward J 5507 E. Everett Ave
Sheehan Ella _ Mrs 1737 N. 84 Place
Sheehan Ella F 4537 W. Congress
Sheehan Ellen 4851 W. Adams
Sheehan Emmett J 237 W. Strobe St
Sheehan Etta 6718 S. Langley Ave
Sheehan Eva 324 S. Sacremento
Sheehan Eva 6407 Artesian Ave
Sheehan Evelyn 4330 N. Knox Ave
Sheehan Florence 5646 S. Throop
Sheehan Francis 732 S. Rhodes Ave
Sheehan Francis Miss 7246 S. Bennett Ave
Sheehan Frank 7936 Drezel
Sheehan Frank 732 S. Rhodes Ave
Sheehan Frank J ___ ___
Sheehan Frank L ___ ___
Sheehan Fred J 2008 W. Osgood St
Sheehan George W 201 E. Delaware Place
Sheehan Gertrude 1144 W Mayfield Ave
Sheehan Gertrude F 757 W 48 Place
Sheehan Grace 2100 N. Lincoln Park W
Sheehan Grace Mrs 605 N. Laramie Ave
Sheehan Harold C 653 W. Montrose
Sheehan Harold T 4330 N. Knox Ave
Sheehan Helen M 8207 E. Ellis Ave
Sheehan Helen Miss 5608 S. Peoria St
Sheehan Hellen W 7207 S. Indiana Ave
Sheehan Henry 4430 Berkeley Ave
Sheehan I J 9211 S. Bishop
Sheehan Ida E Mrs 5633 N. Kenmore
Sheehan Irene Miss 7839 S. Saginaw
Sheehan J 6019 S. May
Sheehan James 2008 W. Osgood St
Sheehan James 4430 Berkeley Ave
Sheehan James 6116 S. Champlain Ave
Sheehan James 609 N. 44 St
Sheehan James 1205 N. La Salle St
Sheehan James F 4851 W. Adams
Sheehan James F 4445 Wilcox
Sheehan James J 7140 ___
Sheehan James J 7058 S. Bell Ave
Sheehan Jeremiah 2151 S. Wood St
Sheehan Jeremiah F 7246 S. Bennett Ave
Sheehan Jessie G Miss 7945 S. Manitee Ave

Sheehan Joanne 1326 E. 72 Place
Sheehan Joe 3861 Richmond
Sheehan John 1326 E. 72 Place
Sheehan John 7723 S. ___oler(s)/Coles
Sheehan John 324 S. Sacremento
Sheehan John 7623 S. Carpenter St
Sheehan John 6211 S. Artesian Ave
Sheehan John 1144 W Mayfield Ave
Sheehan John 5523 S. Carpenter
Sheehan John 7637 S. Sangamon St
Sheehan John 5412 N Congress
Sheehan John _ 1737 N. 84 Place
Sheehan John E 5129 S. Harper Ave
Sheehan John J 7246 S. Bennett Ave
Sheehan John J 6721 S. Marshfield Ave
Sheehan John J Jr 6721 S. Marshfield Ave
Sheehan John Jr 7017 S. Thrope
Sheehan John T 7730 S. Marquet Ave
Sheehan Joseph 4851 W. Adams
Sheehan Joseph A 4615 N. Pauline St
Sheehan Julia 6407 Artesian Ave
Sheehan Julia Miss 5608 S. Peoria St
Sheehan Julie 5507 E. Everett Ave
Sheehan June C 7456 S Shore Dr
Sheehan Katherine _307 Marshfield
Sheehan Katherine 5912 W. Ohio St
Sheehan Kathleen 7140 ___
Sheehan Kathlyn 1326 E. 72 Place
Sheehan Kathlyn 6116 S. Champlain Ave
Sheehan Kathryn 324 S. Sacremento
Sheehan Kathryn 1341 N. Parkside Ave
Sheehan L W Miss 8513 S. Maryland Ave
Sheehan Laura D 4934 Lake Park Ave
Sheehan Lee N 6116 S. Champlain Ave
Sheehan Lillian W Mrs 7246 S. Bennett Ave
Sheehan Lucille W 4330 N. Knox Ave
Sheehan Lucille W 409 S. Spaulding
Sheehan M A Mrs 5052 W. Superior St
Sheehan M F Mrs 6017 W. Ellis Ave
Sheehan Marg ___ ___
Sheehan Marg 6647 Stewart
Sheehan Marg F 6200 N. Kenmore Ave
Sheehan Marg J 9211 S. Bishop
Sheehan Margaret 324 S. Sacremento
Sheehan Margaret 4430 Berkeley Ave

Sheehan Margaret 5646 S. Throop
Sheehan Margaret Mrs 1334 S. Jeffery Ave
Sheehan Margaret W 9211 S. Bishop
Sheehan Marie 9211 S. Bishop
Sheehan Marie 1437 E 53 St
Sheehan Marie 5613 S. Green
Sheehan Marie Mrs 6549 E. Bishop
Sheehan Marion _ Miss 7945 S. Manitee Ave
Sheehan Marjory 2151 S. Wood St
Sheehan Martin R 111 W. Huron St
Sheehan Mary 4445 Wilcox
Sheehan Mary 1326 E. 72 Place
Sheehan Mary 2912 W. 36 St
Sheehan Mary A 4845 _ West End Ave
Sheehan Mary A Mrs 2443 S. 72 St
Sheehan Mary C 5646 S. Throop
Sheehan Mary Mrs 44 N. Mason Ave
Sheehan Mary N Mrs 6721 S. Marshfield Ave
Sheehan Mary T 1350 E. 62 St
Sheehan Mattdey Jr 2050 W. Kenmore Ave
Sheehan Michael 5052 W. Superior St
Sheehan Michael 4445 Wilcox
Sheehan Michael F 2443 S. 72 St
Sheehan Michael J 6017 W. Ellis Ave
Sheehan Michael T 931 E 48 St
Sheehan Mortimer 1702 W. 91 Place
Sheehan Myrtle 7725 S Coles Ave
Sheehan Myrtle Miss 7723 S. ___oler(s)/Coles
Sheehan Myrtle Mrs 931 E 48 St
Sheehan N W Mrs ___ ___
Sheehan Nellie A Mrs 5523 S. Carpenter
Sheehan Nora P 2330 W Kass
Sheehan Norabell 2440 W. Sawyer Ave
Sheehan P 115 S. Central
Sheehan Pat 3509 S. Green
Sheehan Patricia 7509 S. Chappel Ave
Sheehan Patrick 1326 E. 72 Place
Sheehan Patrick J 31_7 W __th
Sheehan Paul F 4851 W. Adams
Sheehan Phil 7901 S. Loomis Blvd
Sheehan Phillip E 7456 S Shore Dr
Sheehan Reta 609 N. 44 St
Sheehan Rose 3861 Richmond
Sheehan Rose E Mrs 2008 W. Osgood St
Sheehan Rose W 7017 S. Thrope

Sheehan Sabina 7623 S. Carpenter St
Sheehan Sara G 234 E. Pearson St
Sheehan Sophie Mrs 4330 N. Knox Ave
Sheehan Steve F 5211 S. Lorel
Sheehan Thelma A 237 W. Strobe St
Sheehan Timothy 7623 S. Carpenter St
Sheehan Timothy 5411 E. Campbell Ave
Sheehan Timothy 7723 S. ___oler(s)/Coles
Sheehan Violet 31_7 W __th
Sheehan Virginia 7730 S. Marquet Ave
Sheehan Voleta 7901 S. Loomis Blvd
Sheehan Walter 6407 Artesian Ave
Sheehan William 4430 Berkeley Ave
Sheehan William 2008 W. Osgood St
Sheehan William 7936 Drezel
Sheehan William A 4330 N. Knox Ave
Sheehan William B 5651 S. Sangmon
Sheehan William f 8513 S. Maryland Ave
Sheehan William F Jr 8513 S. Maryland Ave
Sheehan William J 6211 S. Artesian Ave
Sheehan William J 7936 Drezel
Sheehan William J 7509 S. Chappel Ave
Sheehan William M 4845 _ West End Ave
Sheehan William T 4330 N. Knox Ave
Sheehan Winnifred Mrs 8513 S. Maryland Ave

Contributed Sep 1999 by Ron and Gerry Hook
Source: Microfilm 0933531, “Lurie index of people in Chicago in 1937 as well as all of the voters’ reistration for Chicago,” 38-reel series

Social Security Applications

Mildred ANDERSON, nee Johnson, born 04 Mar1889 and birthplace of Paxton, Ford, Illinois. Her parents are listed as Charles E. Johnson and Anna Carlson.

Contributed Jan 2001 by Ellen Plourde

George L. CONRAD
335-07-1793 Social Security Application
1. (name) George Loughland Conrad
2. (street & #) 2129 N. Kenneth Ave.
3. (post office) Chicago IL
4. (employer) Comonwealth Edison Co.
5. (employer’s address) 72 W. Adams St.
6. (age) 32
7. (dob) August 8, 1904
8. (pob) Chicago IL Cook Co.
9. (father) George Henry Conrad
10. (mother) Lena Wege
11. (sex) Male
12. (race) White
13. (US employment registration card #) blank
14. (previously applied?) blank
15. (date signed) December 1, 1936
16. (signature) George L. Conrad

Contributed Aug 2002 by Wayne Straight

Richard John COTHRELL, resided at 3720 So. Emerald Avenue, Chicago IL, employed by Herlihy Mid Continent Co, 20 North Wacker Drive. Richard J Cothrell was born 25 Oct 1894, son of Dennis Richard Cothrell and Catherine May Bowles, filed for SS #325-03-7083 on 02 Dec 1936.

Contributed Jan 2001 by JTJ