Category Archives: Marriage

End of Strange Romance (1902)

The marriage of John M. CURRIER of Valparaiso, Ind., and Mrs. Laura M. MORSE of Chicago was the final act in an unusual romance.

The groom is an old and prominent resident of that city. He was divorced from his bride more than forty years ago.  He is 79 years old and she is 72.  Both have grown children from marriages subsequent to their separation. She stayed at their family home, while he stayed on those vacation rentals houses until he find something more permanent.

Source: The Polk County News (Columbus, NC), 27 February 1902. Available on

Misc. Marriage Records

Below are misc. marriage records submitted to this site. If you have contributions, please let us know. 

 22 Feb 1848, William S. Andrews and Sarah A. Cook were united in marriage by J Wilcox, Chaplain of the Bethel Church in Chicago on February 22, 1848.

Contributed Jun 2001 by JoAn Hoffman


01 Sep 1859, Thursday, pg 1 of Chicago Tribune: “MARRIED In this city August 30th, by Rev. A. L. Brooks, Mr. HENRY M. [Martyn] HOOKER and Miss ELIZA J. [Jane] BAILEY, daughter of R. Bailey, Esq., all of Chicago.”

Contributed 01 Jun 2003 by Dick Couch
Note: The brides above are sisters and the daughters of Van Rensselaer BAILEY and Jane Ann DURAND, of Chicago. Rensselaer and Jane are direct ancestors of the late Elizabeth Florence CHENEY of Chicago. Rensselear, who supposedly made money in the CA Gold Rush, allegedly d. 06 Aug 1862, thus second m. at home of “bride’s mother.” Do not know where Ren. d. The Gold Rush line except, the information in this note comes from an


19 Feb 1860, Michael O’Neill m. Bridget Fitzgerald, Witnesses: Thomas Fitzgerald & Catharine, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL.*

31 Mar 1861, John Healy m. Annie Madden, Witnesses: John O’Neill & Catharine McConkey, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL.*

19 May 1862, David Fessler from the Grandduchy of Baden, to Miss Elise Kolb from the Kingdom of Bavaria. Signed by Pastor Joseph Hartman, United Evangelical German Lutheran Church of St. Paul, Chicago, Illinois.

Contributed Aug 2006 by Donald Sullivan


04 Jan 1864, Chicago Daily Tribune, Married:

In this city, on the 31st (Dec 1863) ult., at St. Patrick’s Church, by the Very Rev. Dr. Dunn, V. G., Mr. KYRAN McDONALD, of this city, and Miss LIZZIE M., eldest daughter of E. C. Bailey, Esq., of Grand DeTour, Ogle County, Illinois. No cards issued.

In this city, on the 29th (Dec 1863) ult., by W. W. Everts, Mr. CHARLES A. DUPEE and Miss JENNIE WELLS.

On the 20th (Dec 1863) ult., by the same, Rev. G. WREN and Miss E.F. EVERTS.

On the 31st (Dec 1863) ult., by the same, Mr FRANCIS T. PIERCE and Miss CATHARINE C. MACK.

On the same date, by the same, Mr. GEO. E. FIELDING and Miss MARY C. LEDWARD.

In this city, Dec. 27th, 1863, by Rev. J. H. Tuttle, Mr. BENJAMIN F. EASTMAN and Miss ABBIE A. QUINBY.

At the Button House, on the morning of Dec. 29th, 1863, by the same, Mr. ROBERT E. EVEREST and Mrs. EMILINE K. SAXK, both of Milwaukee.

Dec. 30th, 1863, by the same, Mr. ROBERT CRACKEL and Miss HARRIET PATCHIET.

At the Church of the Redeemer, Dec. 31st, 1863, by the same, Mr. JOHN T. LESTER, of the firm of Lester & Co., and Miss MARY E. SHEFGOLD, only daughter of Thomas Shergold (sic), Esq., all of Chicago.

In West Chicago, on the 1st (Jan 1864) inst., by Rev. Arsa Brown, Mr. WILLIAM DOCXRELL and Miss MARTHA DELANO.*

05 Jan 1864, Chicago Daily Tribune, Married:

On Christmas eve (1863), at the residence of E. Adcock, the bride’s father-in-law,
by the Rev. A. L. Brooks, MARY LOUISA BERRY to WM. P. HENNESSY, of the brave 89th Illinois volunteers.

At Clinton, Wis., July 28th (1863), by the Rev. W. Carver, Mr. P. F. DANIELS, of Belvidere, Ill. and Miss CLARA C. STEARNS, of Chicago, Ill. No cards.

In Marengo, Dec. 31st (1863), at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. David Teed, Mr. THOMAS H. BRIGHT and Miss MYRENE HANCE, all of Marengo, Ill.

At Trinity Church, on the 4th (Jan 1864) inst., by Rev. H. N. Bishop, D. D, JAMES W. JONES, Esq. to Miss MARIA S. MACARTHNEY, all of this city.*

08 Feb 1864, Chicago Daily Tribune, Married:

In this city, Feb. 4th, by Rev. H. Whipple, FRED FRITZ and ALICE M. PERRY, all of this city.

In this city, on the 2nd inst. (Feb 1864), by the Rev. J. B. Foote, Pastor of the M.E. Church, JACOB HARRIS, of Chicago, Ill., and Miss R. ANNA HAIGHT, of Oswego, New York.

In this city, Jan. 31st 1864, by the Rev. Clinton Lock, Mr. JOHN DAWSON and Miss JENNIE BUSBY, all of this city.*

22 Feb 1864, Chicago Daily Tribune, Married:

In this city, the 20th inst. (Feb 1864), by the Rev. W.W. Farshe, Mr. GEORGE F. DUNNIVANT and Miss ISABELLA PEATTIE.

In this city, on the evening of the 17th inst. (Feb 1864), by Rev. T. M. Eddy,
at the same time and by the same ceremony, Mr. URI GILLETT and Miss MARY PATCHEN and Mr. W. J. BLILER and Miss CATHARINE M. PATCHEN. The brides were sisters.*

05 Nov 1865, Michael O’Neill m. Bridget Keating, Witnesses: John Fitgerald & B. O’Conner, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

13 Sep 1866, Denis O’Connell m. Catherine McDermott, Witnesses: John O’Mally & Nellie Ines, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

17 Nov 1867, John Foley m. Catharine O’Brien, Witnesses: Thomas Sullivan & Annie O’Brien, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

17 Mar 1868, William Pease m. Catharine Dougherty, Witnesses: John Pease & Joanna O’Neill, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

28 May 1868, William Donehey m. Marie Gleeson, Witnesses: John O’Brien & Margaret Tracy, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

15 May 1869, John Downey m. Ellen Lundergan, Witnesses: James Burns & Mary O’Neill, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

27 Jun 1869, Patrick Donahue m. Mary, Witnesses: Paatrick O’Neill & Margaret Quinn, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

02 Sep 1869, Thomas O’Neill m. Bridget Moran, Witnesses: W. C. McCulla & Ellen McCulla, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

28 Sep 1869, William Murphy m. Catharine Murphy, Witnesses: David Murry & Mary Anne Murry, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

14 Oct 1869, Thursday, pg 4 of Chicago Tribune: Alfred Button HEWITT to Frances Harriet BAILEY married at the residence of the bride’s mother, October 12, by Rev. O. D. Helmer, Mr. Alfred B. Hewitt, of Milwaukee, and Miss Frances H. Bailey, of Chicago.

Contributed 03 Jun 2003 by Dick Couch
Note: The brides above are sisters and the daughters of Van Rensselaer BAILEY and Jane Ann DURAND, of Chicago. Rensselaer and Jane are direct ancestors of the late Elizabeth Florence CHENEY of Chicago. Rensselear, who supposedly made money in the CA Gold Rush, allegedly d. 06 Aug 1862, thus second m. at home of “bride’s mother.” Do not know where Ren. d. The Gold Rush line excepted,the information in this note comes from an


01 Mar 1870, Patrick O’Neil m. Anne Bumberry, witnesses: Eugene Handreham & Mary Anne Hardrehan, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

14 Apr 1872, George _______ m. Annie O’Neill, Witnesses: John O’Neill & Catherine _______, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

05 May 1872, John Sullivan m. Ann Rafferty, Witnesses: John Duffy & Mary Riordan, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

02 Jun 1872, James Quinn m. Annie McDermott, Witnesses: Patrick Lynch & Mary McDermott, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

09 Jul 1872, John Jordan m. Maria McDermott, Witnesses: Mr. & Mrs. McDermott, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

29 Aug 1872, John B. Sullivan m. Ida Judson, Witnesses: Daniel Sullivan & Maggie Sullivan, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

26 Sep 1872, Clark-Douglass married, on Thursday, at the Church of the Epinhany, by the Rev. C.P. Dorset, Mr. Howard Clark and Eliz C., second daughter of Thomas Whitehead Douglas, Esq., all of this city.**

28 Sep 1872, Curtin-McClellan married, in Evanston, by the Rev. Dr. Chapel, Mr. T. M. Curtin and Miss O. G. McClellan, both of Chicago.**

10 Sep 1872, Stevenson-Dill married, in Dromare Presbyterian Church, County Tyrone, Ireland, by the Rev. Dr. Dill, assisted by Rev. P. Hay, Mr. Robert Stevenson of Chicago and Miss Minnie Dill, daughter of the officiating clergyman.**

01 Oct 1872, Johnston-Robinson married, at the residence of O. J. Manra_ Esq., by the Rev. Charles Peckins, Mr. J. H. Johnston to Mrs. G. H. Robinson, both of Chicago.**

01 Oct 1872, married in this city, at the residence of L. M. Sherwood, By the Rev. Daniel Lord, Mr. Charles F. Whitney of Des Moines, Iowa, to Miss Sharah Curtis of Bridgeport, Conn.**

01 Oct 1872, Dougall-Walker married, at the M.E. Church, of Lemont, by the Rev. Samuel Paise, Dr. Wm.. Dougall and Cassie Walker, daughter of Edwin Walker, all of this place.**

02 Oct 1872, Harrington-Durant married, at the residence of the bride’s father, by the Rev. Wm. Harrington, of Sycamore, Ill., J. Frank Harrington, of Aurora, Kan., and Rita Durant, of St. Charles.

02 Oct 1872, Hennberry-Young married, at St. Patrick’s Church, on last evening, by the Rev. Dr. McMullen, Mr. James Hennberry and Miss Rose A. Young, all of Chicago.**

03 Oct 1872, Burt-Fitzgerell married, at St. Patrick’s Church, by the Rev. P. J. Conway, Mr. Martin C. Burt of New York and Miss Nellie A. Fitzgerell of Milwaukee.**

05 Oct 1872, Smith-Fitch married, in this city, 2nd inst, at Plymouth Congregational Church, by the Rev. Wm. Alvin Bartlett, Mr. Charles M. Smith of Providence, R.I., to Miss Mary C. Fitch of Chicago.**

30 Oct 1872, Francis _____ m. Ellen Sullivan, Witnesses: James McGrath & Kate McGrath, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

02 Nov 1872, Michael O’Sullivan m. Jane Cosgrove, Witnesses: Michael Dillon & Anne _____, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

14 Nov 1872, Thomas Nagle m. Bridget O’Neil, Witnesses: John Walsh & Mary Moore, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

18 Nov 1872, Christopher O’Brien m. Anna McClair, Witnesses: James O’Neil & Sarah McCabe, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

19 Nov 1872, Patrick Kellegher m. Mary McCafferty, Witnesses: James Gillooley & Mary McCafferty, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

22 Nov 1872, Patrick Murry m. Delia Tracy, Witnesses: Patrick Lyons & Margaret Shay, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

25 Jan 1873, John Brennan m. Catherine Foughner, Witnesses: Thomas Sullivan & Julia Chapman, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

18 Aug 1873, Jeremiah O’Sullivan m. Annie Duffy, Witnesses: W. H. _____ & Mrs. N. _____., St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

04 Oct 1873, Joseph Drappel (?) m. Miss Catharine Tracy, Witnesses: John McGinnis & Caroline McGinnis, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

01 Jan 1874, Thomas Patrick O’Mally m. Lizzie A. Sullivan, Witnesses: Michael O’Mally & Bridget Sullivan, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

14 Feb 1874, Thomas English married Ellen Connors in Cook County, IL, Vol 086, license #00114972

Contributed 28 Feb 2001 by Kathleen Garness

19 Apr 1874, Andrew Bowen m. Elizabeth Sullivan, Witnesses: John Cullen & Bridget Sullivan, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

04 Jun 1874, John Healy m. Dohanna Fox, Witnesses: E.A. Seger & Margaret O’Neil, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

06 Sep 1874, John O’Neil m. Mary McQuaid, Witnesses: Martin & Hanna McQuaid, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

14 Sep 1874, Alexander White m. Catharine McNeil, Witnesses: Richard Fleming & Margaret Maher, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

17 Sep 1874, John _ McGeary m. Margaret O’Neil, Witnesses: Rich & _____ Reidy, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

21 May 1876, Dennis O’Brien m. Maggie Lyons, Witnesses: Daniel Sullivan & Annie Egan, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

16 Jul 1876, Patrick O’Neil m. Bridget Birmingham, Witnesses: James Murphy & Mary Madden, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

03 Jul 1877, William Mackie m. Rose A. McDermott, Witnesses: James Howe & Maria Jordan, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

15 Jun 1878, Dennis Sullivan m. Mary Monahan, Witnesses: Daniel Sullivan & Eleanor Creeden, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

17 Nov 1878, Daniel Curtin m. Mary Green, Witnesses: James Sullivan & Bridget Green, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

05 Dec 1878, John Connelly m. Ellen McDermott, Witnesses: John McDermott & Mary Bradley, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

12 Apr 1879, Wedding LicenseIssued, Married April 14, 1879, Chicago Illinois Cook County, Catholic Church of St James, Chicago, Joseph Ross, 24 yrs, Mary J. Clegg, 19 yrs, by Rev. John Carroll

Contributed Feb 1998 by Joan M Ross


10 Feb 1880, Jeremiah H. Sullivan m. Anne Keating, Witnesses: William Sullivan & Eliza Murphy, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

26 May 1880, John K. Sullivan m. Mary L. Corbett, Witnesses: Thomas Carney & Catherine Joyce, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*
16 Aug 1880, John Kalka, age 25 years, and Mary Adams, age 19 years, married at St. Stanislaus’s Church, Chicago, Il, marriage license #47802.

Contributed May 2001 by Linda Atkinson


18 Aug 1880, marriage license issued, James F. Conway, age 32 years, and Anna Tynan, age 20 years, Father Ferrigan, Catholic parish, license #47921

Contributed May 2000 by T Dempsey

01 Oct 1880, William J. Walsh & Mary N. Tracey, Witnesses: John Hollen & Margaret Cahill, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

07 Oct 1880, James Cleary m. Ellen Mooney, Witnesses: Andrew Sullivan & Sarah Hickey, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

17 Nov 1880, William I. Murphy m. Agnes B. Hague, Witnesses: James P. O’Neil & Catharine Murphy, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

18 Nov 1880, James O’Neil m. Jennie Weller, Witnesses: James H. O’Neil & Emma White, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

16 Jan 1881, William Sullivan m. Elizabeth Conner, Witnesses: John Ryan & Ellen Feeny, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

19 Feb 1881, Owen O’Neil m. Margaret Cronin, Witnesses: William & Ellen Stack, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

26 Apr 1881, Charles Reimann and Mary Kelly married in Cook County, IL

Contributed Apr 2002 by Janice Koch

22 Jul 1881, Charles Peter Caldwell m. Elizabeth O’Neil, Witnesses: Walsh & Margaret O’Neil, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

04 Sep 1881, George J. Harris, age 22 , married Miss Mary Burns, age 21, at Holy Family Church, Chicago, Illinois, County of Cook, Witness: E.F. C. Klokke, Clerk of the County, Marriage License #55471

Contributed Jun 2001 by Walter Harris


01 May 1882, James H. Birmingham m. Mary C. Sullivan, Witnesses: John Sullivan & Mary Birmingham, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

09 Aug 1882, John Cudahy m. Margaret F. O’Neill, Witnesses: Michael Cudahy & __________, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

15 Aug 1882, Peter Fiereck, age 26 years, and Johannah Famula, age 21 years, married at St. Adalbert’s Church, Chicago, IL, marriage license #64079

Contributed May 2001 by Linda Atkinson


18 Sep 1882, John Martin, age 24, and Maggie Roweder, age 21, married at German Evangelical Lutheran Emanuel Church, Chicago

Contributed Feb 1999 by Kathie Groll


17 Oct 1882, Thomas E. Sullivan m. Annie Ellen Miller, Witnesses: John Sullivan & B. J. Jackson, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

28 Nov 1882, Ralph T. _____ m. Margaret Walsh, Witnesses: James O’Neil m. Margaret Shehan, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

10 Dec 1882, James Jordan m. Bridget Trainor, Witnesses: (Julius)? F. O’Neil & Margaret Jordan, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

17 Dec 1882, Manahan-Hallam marriage, at Valparasio, Ind., by the Rev. E. S. Riley, Frank T. Manahan of Chicago and Mabel E. Hallam of Hoopeston, Ill.

Contributed by S. Anger, source: Chicago Tribute, 31 Dec 1882

21 Dec 1882, Kneip-O’Connor married, on last Thursday afternoon at 4:30 o’clock, at St. Patrick’s Church, corner Adams and Desplaines sts, by the Rev. Dean Terry, Miss Mary O’Connor and Mr. John J. Kneip, both of Chicago.

Contributed by S. Anger, source: Chicago Tribute, 31 Dec 1882

25 Dec 1882, Ferris-Allen marriage, by the Rev. W. L. Ferris, at the residence of the bride’s parents, 126 Milwaukee av., Miss Jennie C. Allen and George W. Ferris of Chicago.

Contributed by S. Anger, source: Chicago Tribute, 31 Dec 1882

26 Dec 1882, Stone-Van Valkenburgh marriage, by the Rev. G. Lorimer, Ralph P. Stone and Victoria Annie Van Nalkenburgh, both of Chicago.

Contributed by S. Anger, Note: both spellings used in paper, Source: Chicago Daily News, 5 pm Edition, 30 Dec 1882

26 Dec 1882, Waterbury-MacBride marriage, by the Rev. A. E. Kittredge, William H. Waterbury and Ida M. MacBride, both of Brooklyn, N.Y.

Contributed by S. Anger, source: Chicago Tribute, 31 Dec 1882

26 Dec 1882, Boyd-Curtis marriage, Mr. H. C. Boyd, of the Mailinekrott Chemical Works, St. Louis, Mo., and Miss Susie Curtis, daughter of W. D. Curtis, of Chicago, were married Tuesday evening, Dec. 26, at Indianapolis, Ind.

Contributed by S. Anger, source: Chicago Tribute, 31 Dec 1882

28 Dec 1882, Hellman-Brainard marriage, at Milwaukee, Miss Eva M. Brainard and Mr. William F. Hellmann.

Contributed by S. Anger, source: Chicago Tribute, 31 Dec 1882

28 Dec 1882, Bordenj-Whiting marriage, on Thursday, at the Jefferson Avenue Presbyterian Church, Detroit, by the Rev. Mr. Kellogg, William Borden, of Chicago, and Mary DeGarmo Whiting, daughter of J. Talman Whiting of Detroit.

Contributed by S. Anger, source: Chicago Tribute, 31 Dec 1882


15 Jan 1883, Frank P. O’Neill m. Ellen M. Galligan, Witnesses: Richard Doyle & Anne Reilly, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

18 Jan 1883, Dennis Sullivan m. Kate O’Hara, Witnesses: Humphrey Sullivan & Bridget Stapleton, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

04 Feb 1883, Michael O’Neill m. Bridget Kennedy, Witnesses: Michael Dunnigan & Mary Ryan, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

29 Aug 1883, William _ Sullivan m. Catherine A. (Vidler)?, Witnesses: Francis Kelly & Mary Callanan, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

13 Sep 1883, John (Callus)? m. Agnes O’Neill, Witnesses: William & Johanna Kane, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

25 Oct 1883, Benjamin F Cool and Ann Elizabeth Lawrence Forrest, License 76292

Contributed by Joan Cool


17 Apr 1884, Jeremiah Sullivan m. Ellen Carrol(l), Witnesses: Edward & Lizzie Cudahy, St. James Catholic Church, 29th and Wabash, Chicago, IL*

18 Sep 1885, Hugh Tynan, age 22 years, and Annie Meehan, age 18 years, married at Nativity Church, Father Cartan

Contributed May 2000 by T. Dempsey


1887, Patrick Murphy & Nellie O’Donnell married by Fr. D. F. McGuire, Visitation Parish, Garfield Blvd. and Peoria St., Chicago, IL*

09 Jan 1887, Jeremiah Driscoll, age 24 years, and Margaret Tinen(sic) Tynan, age 21 years, married at Nativity Church, Father Cartan, Witnesses- John Driscoll and Anna Tynan

Contributed May 2000 by T. Dempsey

18 Aug 1887, Maurice J. O’Farrell & Annie Sullivan married by Fr. D. F. McGuire, Visitation Parish, Garfield Blvd. and Peoria St., Chicago, IL*

23 Nov 1887, Edward J Weber, age 29, and Annie O Roweder, age 28, married at Ev. Zions Church

Contributed Feb 1999 by Kathie Groll


18 Jun 1888, Charles G. Crooks, age 32, & Ida M. Near, age 26. GS film number 1030173, digital folder 4271098, image 1435.

Contributed 03 Mar 2014 by Judy Ison. “I found this marriage license hanging on a wall at an antique store here in Phoenix, AZ.”


02 Sep 1888, James Murphy & Esther McMahon, witnesses: Thomas Ryan & Dora Brary (?), by Fr. D. F. McGuire, Visitation Parish, Garfield Blvd. and Peoria St., Chicago, IL*


31 Jul 1889, Peter Fitzpatrick, age 23 years, and Elizabeth Tynan, age 19 years, married at St. James Church, Father McDonnell

Contributed May 2000 by T Dempsey


26 Jan 1890, Thomas Sullivan & Maggie Lynch married by Fr. D. F. McGuire at Visitation Parish, Garfield Blvd. and Peoria St., Chicago, IL, witnesses: William Murray & Mary Sullivan *

23 Apr 1890, James Tynan, age 35 years, and Minnie O’Connor, age 31 years, married by Father Riordan (no catholic parish listed).

Contributed May 2000 by T Dempsey

24 May 1890, Mr. Henry Badka of Chicago, age 27, and Miss Lizzie J. Williams of Chicago, age 22, witnessed May 21, 1890, by Henry Wulff. “I, John K. Prindiville, a Justice of the Peace, hereby certify that Mr. Henry J. BADKA and Miss Lizzie J. WILLIAMS were united in Marriage by me at South Chicago in the County of Cook and State of Illinois, on the 24th day of May, 1890.” marriage license #152908

Contributed 15 Jan 2001 by Jack


03 Feb 1891, George Clement & Katy McGuire, witnesses: John Clement & Katy Murphy, by Fr. D. F. McGuireat, at Visitation Parish, Garfield Blvd. and Peoria St., Chicago, IL *

10 Feb 1891, John Murphy & Elizabeth Ramsey, witnesses: Michael Elwood & Catherine Elwood, by Fr. D. F. McGuire, at Visitation Parish, Garfield Blvd. and Peoria St., Chicago, IL *

09 Apr 1891, Arthur Wellington Kelly, age 25 years, and Annie Tynan, age 22 years, married at Nativity Church, Father Cartan, Witnesses- James Tynan and Kate Tynan

Contributed May 2000 by T Dempsey

20 Jul 1891, John Murphy and Catherine Redmond, witnesses: Patrick Murphy & Katy Shea, by Fr. D. F. McGuire, at Visitation Parish, Garfield Blvd. and Peoria St., Chicago, IL *

08 Dec 1891, Ed C. Schaciter (?) & Mary Evers, witnesses: T. J. Sullivan & Katy Evers, at Visitation Parish, Garfield Blvd. and Peoria St., Chicago, IL *

17 Dec 1891, Joseph Shannehan & Annie Daley, witnesses: James Sullivan & Maggie Farnell, at Visitation Parish, Garfield Blvd. and Peoria St., Chicago, IL *

* Contributed by Sharon Dickson

** Contributed Mar 1999 by Patricia Attwood-Smith, from Chicago Tribune Oct 1872 1st year anniversary of the Fire. They ran follow ups and “what are they doing now” articles for most of the month.