Index to the First Hundred Years 1835-1935 Historical Review of Blue Island, Illinois, written by John H. Volp. This index is drawn from historical documents, letters, personal recollections, newspaper articles, photos, and countless other resources used for these two books.
The other surname indexes are listed on the Records & Resources page.
Page | Name | Date | Description |
214 | Tabor, Rev. T. H. | 1866 | Dedicated new Universalist Church |
339 | Tackett, W. O. | 1932 | 4/25/1932 Ran for Alderman 6th Ward |
381 | Tagge, Julius | 1932 | Died 2/25/1932/Age 59 |
381 | Tait, Alexander | 1923 | 2/18/1923/At Chicago |
34 | Talcott, Edward B. | 1845 | Surveyor/Chief Asst. Engineer of Cook County |
381 | Talcott, Florence | 1920 | 2/2/1920/Age 32/nee Trumbull |
101 | Tann, Sarah | 1839 | Married Rodney M. Day. 5/7/1839 |
101 | Tann, Sarah | 1820 | B. London, England 12/24/1820 |
241 | Tarbill, F. S. | 1894 | Knights of Pythias Lodge # 463/Charter Memb. |
287 | Tarkington, Mr. | NR | Mgr. Of Operations of Chicago Interurban Co. |
359 | Tascher, M. E. | 1935 | BI Centennial Asso./Farmer's Day Committee |
234 | Tate, Alex W. | 1916 | Charter Member Ldg 1331/B. P. O. O. Elks |
366 | Tate, Dolores | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
367 | Tate, Dolores | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
239 | Tate, Mrs. | 1909 | Ladies Auxiliary BLE # 40/Charter member |
381 | Tate, Mrs. Anna | 1935 | 3/1/1935/Age 78/nee Engelhart |
381 | Tate, Warren J. | 1931 | Died 5/22/1931Age 76/Retired RR engineer |
367 | Taydus, Dorothy | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
354 | Taylor, Jerry | 1918 | Robbins incorporates/Elected Trustee |
367 | Teason, Marion | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
366 | Tebo, Wilfred | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
101 | Tedlicka, Antonia | NR | Married Edwin W. Cool |
234 | Termunde, Gus | 1935-1936 | Ldg. 1331, B.P.O.O. Elks/Trustee |
248 | Termunde, Gus | NR | Cook Cnty Truck Farmer's Asso./Pres |
315 | Terrill, Mr. | 1929 | Threatened to buy Robertson property |
238 | Tesmar, Frank | 1900 | Charter Mem. Fidelity Life Asso., # 369 |
381 | Tesmar, Franz, | 1917 | Died 12/30/1917/Age 61 |
381 | Tetrault, Mrs. Mary | 1928 | Died 4/25/1928/Age 44 |
192 | Teutsch, Frank | 1880's | Cigar manufacturer |
364 | Teutsch, Margaret | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
49 | Tewes, Henry | 1860's | Purchased Henry Wibben's Brick Yard |
115 | Thedens, Hans | NR | Married Mary Schultz |
113 | Thedens, Lizzie | NR | Married Fred Sauerbier |
206 | Theodosius, Rev. | 1862-1863 | Pastor/ St. Benedict Parish |
381 | Thoeming, Edwin J. | 1934 | Died 8/3/1934/Age 33 |
139 | Thoeming, Jacob | NR | Photo of Pioneer Corner/Blacksmith shop |
143 | Thoeming, Jacob | 1875-1876 | Trustee |
143 | Thoeming, Jacob | 1876-1877 | Trustee |
143 | Thoeming, Jacob | 1877-1878 | Trustee |
215 | Thoeming, Jacob | 1885 | Board of Dir., Whittier School/Secretary |
246 | Thoeming, Jacob | 1926 | BI Trust & Savings/Vice Pres. |
247 | Thoeming, Jacob | 1930 | State Bank of BI/Director |
248 | Thoeming, Jacob | 1935 | State Bank of BI/Board of Directors |
248 | Thoeming, Jacob | 1935 | Wholesale Grocer |
265 | Thoeming, Jacob | 1880 | Assist. Fire Marshall of Blue Island Fire Dept. |
265 | Thoeming, Jacob | NR | Second Fire Marshall |
381 | Thoeming, Mrs. Augusta | 1928 | Died 4/23/1928/Age 37 |
381 | Thoeming, Peter | 1924 | Died 9/28/1924 |
127 | Thoeming, Trustee | 1877 | Committee to inspect waterworks plant |
210 | Thomas' of Wabash IN | 1934-1935 | Of IN/Conducted Evangelist Campaigns |
236 | Thomas, A. E. | 1912 | Woodmen of the World # 245/Assist. Clerk |
381 | Thomas, Edwin | 1934 | Died 7/22/1934/Age 79 |
323 | Thomas, Frank A. | 1918 | Blue Island Honor Roll WW I/Marines |
90 | Thomas, General | NR | Civil War |
323 | Thomas, Howard | 1918 | Blue Island Honor Roll WW I/Hospital Corps |
323 | Thomas, John | 1918 | Blue Island Honor Roll WW I/Hospital Corps |
354 | Thomas, Leroy | 1918 | Robbins incorporates/Elected Trustee |
203 | Thompson, Miss Cora | NR | Gave historical account of Congregationalist Ch |
203 | Thompson, Miss Cora | 1935 | Church Clerk |
381 | Thompson, Mrs. Sarah Margaret | 1931 | Died 7/10/1931/Age 83 |
381 | Thompson, Samuel M. | 1922 | Died 2/24/1922/Age 73 |
381 | Thoms, Mrs. Hannah | 1934 | Died 5/2/1934/Age 71 |
119 | Thomy, Margaret | NR | Married George Haase |
381 | Thomy, Mrs. Wilhelmina | 1929 | Died 4/24/1929/Age 62 |
76 | Thorton, W. P. | NR | Pres. Board of Comm. IL & Michigan Canal |
76 | Thorton, W. P. | NR | Namesake Town of Thorton |
223 | Thurlow, Paul | 1935 | Member BI Lions Club 12/15/1935 |
304 | Thurlow, Paul E. | 1935-1936 | Zoning Board of Appeals Chairman |
305 | Thurlow, Paul E. | 1935 | Member of BI Zoning Board of Appeals |
343 | Thurlow, Paul E. | 1934 | Appointed to library board |
345 | Thurlow, Paul E. | 1935 | 5/27/1935 Appointed Member Board of Appeals |
205 | Thurlow, Rev. Paul E. | 1932-1934 | Pastor/Congregational Ch. 11/13/1932-7/1934 |
345 | Tichan, John | 1935 | 4/16/1935 Elected Alderman 1st Ward |
350 | Tichan, John | 1935 | 1935/lderman 1st Ward |
304 | Tichan, John M. | 1935-1936 | Alderman 1st Ward |
365 | Tichan, Mr. & Mrs. John | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
233 | Tieman, H. | 1935 | Harmonize Lodge member/Vice Grand |
43 | Tinkham, E. J. | NR | Chicago resident/Owner of grain scows |
327 | Tinsman, H. R. | 1917 | Correspondent of the "Windy City Echo" |
51 | Tippenwreiter, D. F. | 1850's | Engaged in rectifying of spiritous liquors |
128 | Toerpel, John | 1878 | Won contract bid for erecting tower |
381 | Tollner, William | 1922 | Died 12/12/1922/Age 65 |
281 | Tomasino, Joseph | 1925 | Arrested/suspect in Amer. Exp.Bank Robbery |
13 | Tonty | 1600's | Explorer |
201 | Townsend, A. N. | 1895 | Building Committee M. E. Church |
381 | Townsend, Alonzo | 1926 | Died 5/30/1926/Age 80/Civil War Vet/JOP |
90 | Townsend, Alonzo N. | 1865 | Civil War/Co. C, 6th VT Infan. |
90 | Townsend, Alonzo N. | 1865 | Civil War/Discharged from VA Hospital |
369 | Townsend, Alonzo Norman (Lon) | 1846 | Born 12/7/1846/Barnnard, Windsor county, VT |
369 | Townsend, Alonzo Norman (Lon) | NR | One of family of nine children |
369 | Townsend, Alonzo Norman (Lon) | NR | Child of Norman Townsend & Mary Huntun |
369 | Townsend, Alonzo Norman (Lon) | NR | Civil War Vet |
369 | Townsend, Alonzo Norman (Lon) | 1868 | 9/22/1868 Married Elvira E. Bassett |
369 | Townsend, Alonzo Norman (Lon) | NR | Arrived Cook County, Worth Twnsp. In 1876 |
369 | Townsend, Alonzo Norman (Lon) | NR | Contractor/Farmer/real estate/Insurance |
369 | Townsend, Alonzo Norman (Lon) | NR | Justice of Peace |
369 | Townsend, Alonzo Norman (Lon) | 1926 | Died 5/30/1926 |
304 | Townsend, Blanche | 1935-1936 | Public Health Nurse |
236 | Townsend, Elvira | 1889 | Charter Member Women' Relief Corp |
369 | Townsend, Mary E. (Huntun) | 1887 | Died 4/14/1887 |
369 | Townsend, Norman | 1879 | Arrived in BI 1879 |
369 | Townsend, Norman | 1890 | Died 11/23/1890 |
194 | Tracey, Wm | 1935 | Untd. Brick-Clay Wrkrs./Int'l Treasurer |
365 | Tracy, Dr. & Mrs. F. W. | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
223 | Tracy, Dr. F. W. | NR | Member BI Lions Club |
224 | Tracy, Dr. F. W. | 1935 | Member BI Lions Club 12/15/1935 |
359 | Tracy, Dr. F. W. | 1935 | BI Centennial Asso./Exec. Comm. & Director |
359 | Tracy, Dr. F. W. | 1935 | BI Centennial Asso./Sunday Union Srv. Comm. |
359 | Tracy, Dr. F. W. | 1935 | BI Centennial Asso./Mardi Gras Committee |
262 | Tracy, Dr. Frank | 1924 | Member first playground & Rec. Board |
304 | Tracy, Dr. Frank | 1935-1936 | Playground Board Chairman |
223 | Tracy, Dr. Frank W. | 1922 | BI Lions Club/Pres/1922 |
248 | Tracy, Dr. Frank W. | 1935 | State Bank of BI/Board of Directors |
248 | Tracy, Dr. Frank W. | 1935 | Dentist |
232 | Tracy, F. W. | 1924 | Member Board of Playground & Parks Comm. |
232 | Tracy, F. W. | 1935 | Member Board of Playground & Parks Comm. |
355 | Tracy, F. W. | 1935 | Chairman of the day at Union Church Services |
381 | Tracy, Mrs. Clark B. | 1924 | Died 9/15/1924/Age 47 |
235 | Tragnitz, Joseph | 1935 | Knights of Columbus/Trustee |
323 | Tragnitz, Joseph | 1918 | Blue Island Honor Roll WW I/Coast Defense |
202 | Tranter, Watson | 1879 | Pastor/M. E. Church/1879 |
126 | Trapp, Charles | 1873 | 4/21/1873/Elected Vill. Clerk. Resigned 3 mos. |
143 | Trapp, Charles | 1874-1875 | Clerk (Partial term, resigned |
107 | Trapp, Elizabeth | NR | Married Frederick Klein |
108 | Trapp, Margaret | NR | Sister of Elizabeth |
108 | Trapp, Margaret | NR | Married John (Uncle) Klein |
43 | Trapp, Mr. | NR | Land Owner |
381 | Traul, Levi | 1935 | Died 11/7/1935/Age 97/Civil War Vet |
381 | Trautwein, John | 1891 | Died 3/23/1891/Age 77 |
381 | Trautwein, Mrs. Wanda | 1929 | Died 5/11/1929/At Oakland CA |
239 | Travis, Anna | 1935 | Ladies Aux/BLFE/Lodge # 294/Flag Bearer |
239 | Travis, C. A. | 1935 | W. S. Tinsman Div. 815 BLA/Trustee |
364 | Travis, Charles | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
239 | Travis, Henrietta | 1935 | Ladies Aux/BLFE/Lodge # 294/Chaplain |
239 | Travis, Henrietta | 1935 | Ladies Aux/BLFE/Lodge # 294/Trustee |
239 | Travis, S. P. | 1911 | W. S. Tinsman Div. 815 BLA/Loc. Committee |
101 | Trein, Mary | NR | Married Frank Consoer |
146 | Tremaine, C. W. | 1883 | Vice Pres. & Supt. Of Blue Island Milling Co. |
63 | Triebold, William | 1920's | Member of the Liederkranz |
28 | Troeger, Prof. J. W. | Circa 1880s | Principal of New School Building |
364 | Troemel, Lillian | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
364 | Trost, Miss Bernice | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
55 | Truesdale, Dr. | 1840's | First Doctor to become established |
46 | Truesdale, Dr. | NR | Occupant of "Folk House" |
201 | Trumble, N. E. | 1895 | Building Committee M. E. Church |
118 | Trumbull, Nelson E. | NR | Married Alice Wingate/Had Four Children |
381 | Truschka, Michael | 1925 | Died 8/17/1925/Age 25/Marine, World War Vet |
381 | Truschka, Mrs. Marie | 1931 | Died 10/5/1931/Age 62 |
334 | Truschke, Mrs. Paul | 1918 | Accused August Zacher of being pro-German |
334 | Truschke, Mrs. Paul | 1919 | Accused Dreischerf as being Pro-German |
106 | Tryon, Glendory | NR | 1st Wife of Glendory Tyron |
257 | Tucher, J. L. | 1928 | Editor/The Golden Gate |
366 | Tucker, Rose | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
367 | Tucker, Rose | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
241 | Tucker, T. | 1894 | Knights of Pythias Lodge # 463/Charter Memb. |
381 | Tuffanelli | NR | Died at age 70/Salesman |
323 | Tuffanelli, Adolph | 1918 | Blue Island Honor Roll WW I/Engineer. Corps |
326 | Tuffanelli, Adolph | 1917 | Co. B, 13th Railway Engineer, Rock Island Rail |
367 | Tuinenga, Ann | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
323 | Tuomey, John S. | 1918 | Blue Island Honor Roll WW I/Signal Corp |
239 | Tuomey, Mrs. | 1909 | Ladies Auxiliary BLE # 40/Charter member |
235 | Turely, Mrs. M. | 1909 | Charter Member/Catholic Daughters. Of Amer. |
240 | Turner, Mary J. | 1893 | BI West Review #2,WBA/Charter Member |
238 | Twombly, T. B. | 1893 | Brotherhood Locomotive Engin./Officer/C. E. |
226 | Tyler, Albert | NR | Public School Men's Club/Pres. |
367 | Tyler, Carol | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
157 | Tyler, Sir Henry | NR | Canada/Pres.- Grand Trunk Railway Sys. |
231 | Uehrke, J. C. | 1935 | Library Board/BI Public Library/Board Member |
345 | Uehrke, J. C. | 1935 | 5/27/1935 Appointed Member of Library Board |
250 | Uehrke, John C. | 1918 | Blue Island Boy Scout Committee Troop # 780 |
304 | Uehrke, John C. | 1935-1936 | Library Board Member |
369 | Uhlich, August | NR | Brother of Ernst Uhlich Sr. |
86 | Uhlich, Clara | 1875 | Married Rudolph Brand 5/15/1875 |
96 | Uhlich, Clara | NR | Child of Ernst Uhlich & Sophia Krueger |
96 | Uhlich, Clara | NR | Married Rudolph Brand |
369 | Uhlich, Clara | NR | Child of Ernst Uhlich & Sophia Krueger |
369 | Uhlich, Clara | NR | Married Rudolph Brand |
369 | Uhlich, Eleanor | NR | Child of Ernst Uhlich & Sophia Krueger |
369 | Uhlich, Eleanor | NR | Child of Ernst Uhlich & Sophia Krueger |
96,369 | Uhlich, Eleanor | NR | Married Arthur Stockmar |
96 | Uhlich, Eleanor | NR | Child of Ernst Uhlich & Sophia Krueger |
96 | Uhlich, Emily | NR | Child of Ernst Uhlich & Sophia Krueger |
96 | Uhlich, Emily | NR | Married to Edward Doepp |
369 | Uhlich, Emily | NR | Child of Ernst Uhlich & Sophia Krueger |
369 | Uhlich, Emily | NR | Married Dr. Edward Doepp |
31 | Uhlich, Ernst | 1849 | First German Settlers |
32 | Uhlich, Ernst | 1849 | Saxony, Germany/Carpenter/Real Estate Bus. |
96 | Uhlich, Ernst | NR | Married to Sophia Krueger |
96 | Uhlich, Ernst | NR | Child of Ernst Uhlich & Sophia Krueger |
109 | Uhlich, Ernst | NR | Married Sophia Krueger |
199 | Uhlich, Ernst | NR | Elected on Board of Dir. For new Luth. Church |
362 | Uhlich, Ernst | 1848-1860 | One of first German Settlers |
381 | Uhlich, Ernst | 1901 | Died 10/24/1901/Age 71/Pioneer citizen |
234 | Uhlich, Ernst (Jr.) | 1916 | Charter Member Ldg 1331/B. P. O. O. Elks |
369 | Uhlich, Ernst (Jr.) | NR | Child of Ernst Uhlich & Sophia Krueger |
369 | Uhlich, Ernst (Sr.) | NR | Native Saxony, Germany |
369 | Uhlich, Ernst (Sr.) | NR | Child of Carl and Sophia Uhlich |
369 | Uhlich, Ernst (Sr.) | 1849 | Arrived BI 1849 |
369 | Uhlich, Ernst (Sr.) | NR | Carpenter/Real Estate |
369 | Uhlich, Ernst (Sr.) | 1856 Married Sophia Krueger | |
369 | Uhlich, Ernst (Sr.) | 1830 | Born 10/16/1830 |
369 | Uhlich, Ernst (Sr.) | 1902 | Died 10/24/1902 |
369 | Uhlich, Ernst (Sr.) | NR | Brother of August Uhlich |
96,369 | Uhlich, Helen | NR | Child of Ernst Uhlich & Sophia Krueger |
96 | Uhlich, Helen | NR | Married to John Harker |
322 | Uhlich, Helen | NR | Wife of John Harker |
369 | Uhlich, Helen | NR | Married John Harker |
86 | Uhlich, Laura | 1875 | Bridesmaid to Clara Uhlich 1875 |
86 | Uhlich, Natalia | 1875 | Bridesmaid to Clara Uhlich 1875 |
96,69 | Uhlich, Natalie | NR | Child of Ernst Uhlich & Sophia Krueger |
369 | Uhlich, Natalie | NR | Married Paul Kropf |
96 | Uhlich, Nathalia | NR | Married to Paul Kropf |
96,369 | Uhlich, Rudolph | NR | Child of Ernst Uhlich & Sophia Krueger |
369 | Uhlich, Rudolph | NR | Married Mary Smith |
96,369 | Uhlich, Sophia | NR | Child of Ernst Uhlich & Sophia Krueger |
96 | Uhlich, Sophia | NR | Married to Louis G. Koch |
369 | Uhlich, Sophia | NR | Married Louis G. Koch |
381 | Uhlich, Sophia | 1902 | Died 6/24/1902/Age 69/Wife of Ernst |
366 | Uhlich, Wm. | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
208 | Uhrland, Rev. Walter E. | 1821-1924 | Pastor of St. Paul Evang. Ch./1921-1924 |
208 | Uhrland, Rev. Walter E. | NR | Of Indianapolis, IN |
264 | Ularks, August | 1879 | 9/4/1879 Organized Fire Co. |
381 | Ulrich, Carl Rudolph | 1931 | Died 2/24/1931/Age 60 |
345 | Ulrich, Charles | 1935 | 4/16/1935 Elected Alderman 3rd Ward |
350 | Ulrich, Charles A. | 1933 | 1933Alderman 3rd Ward |
350 | Ulrich, Charles A. | 1934 | 1934/Alderman 3rd Ward |
350 | Ulrich, Charles A. | 1935 | 1935/Alderman 3rd Ward |
304 | Ulrich, Chas. | 1935-1936 | Alderman 3rd Ward |
341 | Ulrich, Chas. A. | 1933 | 4/24/1933 Elected Alderman 3rd Ward |
266 | Ulrich, Frank | NR | Volunteer Fireman/Lieutenant |
367 | Ultsch, Mariane | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
365 | Umgelder, Vernon | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
367 | Unruh, Mrs. Walter | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
309 | Unruh, Walter | 1935-1936 | Photo/Patrolman |
104 | Utis, Johanna | NR | Married John Gierman Sr. |
110 | Utley, Emeline | NR | 2nd Wife of Hart Massey |
206 | Utto, Rev. | 1865-1904 | Pastor of St. Benedict's Chuch |
365 | Vail, Ed. | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
381 | Vail, Edward | 1919 | Died 3/30/1919/Age 74 |
365 | Vail, Gus | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
381 | Vail, John | 1933 | Died 7/26/1933/At Waukegan |
236 | Vail, Mary | 1935 | Catholic Daught. Of Amer./Prophetess |
47 | Valentine Busch | 1856 | Second Brewery |
364 | Valfre, Don | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
364 | Valfre, Mrs. D. E. | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
248 | Van Antwerp, C. D. | 1905-1915 | BI Headquarters of NE IL Fancier's Asso. Member |
58 | Van der Syde, Gorris | 1862 | Held election Organiz. of Calumet Township |
72 | Van Gorder, Frank | 1922 | Trustee of the Memorial Park Ass. |
250 | Van Horn, Richard L. | 1935 | District Exec./Boy Scouts South Shore Dist. |
358 | Van Laningham, Mr. Cyrus | 1935 | BI Resident 49 yrs. |
356 | Van Laningham, Mr. & Mrs. Cyrus | 1935 | Prize/Oldest couple/Centennial Celebration |
358 | Van Laningham, Mrs. | 1935 | BI Resident 75 yrs. |
201 | Van Laningham, Mrs. | NR | Of Harvey, IL/Added name to charter members |
106 | Van Lanningham, Cyrus | NR | Married Mary Hinman |
236 | Van Lanningham, Mary | 1889 | Charter Member Women' Relief Corp |
217 | Van Overstraeten, Frank | 1934 | Elected Pres. Of Grade School Board of Ed. |
248 | Van Overstraeten, Frank J. | 1935 | State Bank of BI/Board of Directors |
367 | Van Overstraeten, June | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
364 | Van Overstraeten, Marlis | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
79 | Van Pelt, Emma Bingle | NR | Married to William Morgan |
381 | Van Pelt, Mrs. Anna | 1929 | Died 3/15/1929/Age 64 |
327 | Van Ryssingham, P. R. | 1917 | Pvt. Co. B, Killed 12/27/1917 railroad accident |
341 | Van Wie, Chas. | 1933 | 4/24/1933 Ran for Alderman 5th Ward |
239 | Van Winkle, Ruth | 1935 | Theta Rho Club/Aux. Rebekah/Corres. Sec. |
203 | Vance, W. H. | 1917 | Pastor/M. E. Church/5/1917-10/1917 |
203 | Vance, W. H. | NR | Presiding Elder & Pastor in the Dakotas |
367 | Vandenberg, Carol | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
367 | Vandenberg, Caryl | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
381 | Vandenberg, Christian | 1934 | Died 2/4/1934/Age 82 |
381 | Vandenberg, Harry | 1935 | Died 3/10/1935/Age 59/At Toledo |
367 | Vandenberg, Margaret | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
381 | Vandenberg, Mrs. William | 1925 | Died 9/20/1925/At Pasadena, CA |
201 | Vandenburg, & Co. | 1895 | Tinning for M. E. Church |
116 | Vandenburg, Christian | NR | Child of William Vandenburg Sr. |
116 | Vandenburg, Christian | NR | Married Katie Kommert |
366 | Vandenburg, Dorothy | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
116 | Vandenburg, Johanna | NR | Child of William Vandenburg Sr. |
116 | Vandenburg, Johanna | NR | Married 1st to William Pronger |
116 | Vandenburg, Johanna | NR | Married 2nd to William Schmitz |
116 | Vandenburg, Mina | NR | Child of William Vandenburg Sr. |
116 | Vandenburg, Mina | NR | Married Joe Voelkle |
116 | Vandenburg, Mrs. William Sr. | NR | 2nd Marriage to Frederick Boeber |
366 | Vandenburg, Vivian | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
116 | Vandenburg, William Jr. | NR | Child of William Vandenburg Sr. |
116 | Vandenburg, William Jr. | NR | Married Annie Nickel |
116 | Vandenburg, William Sr. | 1849 | Native of Preuss-Hilfart, Ger./ Arriv. Amer. 1849 |
116 | Vandenburg, William Sr. | 1852 | Died 1852 |
345 | Vanderpoel, Ira G. | 1935 | Appointed special officer |
241 | Vanderpoel, M. | 1894 | Knights of Pythias Lodge # 463/Charter Memb. |
209 | Vanderwall, Edward | 1923 | Charter Mem./Evangelical Comm. Ch./12/1923 |
323 | Vandoran, T. | 1918 | Blue Island Honor Roll WW I/Engineer. Corps |
364 | VanLeire, Edwin | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
365 | Vell, Mrs. A. B. | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
314 | Venecek, Frank | 1929 | General Supt. Oak Forest Institutions |
364 | Venske, Mrs. Elizabeth | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
116 | Verhoeven, August | NR | Child of John Anton Verhoeven |
116 | Verhoeven, Catherine | NR | Child of John Anton Verhoeven |
116 | Verhoeven, Franz | NR | Child of John Anton Verhoeven |
116 | Verhoeven, Helene | NR | Child of John Anton Verhoeven |
116 | Verhoeven, Herman | NR | Child of John Anton Verhoeven |
116 | Verhoeven, John | NR | Child of John Anton Verhoeven |
116 | Verhoeven, John Anton | 1851 | Arriv. Amer. 1851/Native of Cleves Prussia |
116 | Verhoeven, Petronella | NR | Child of John Anton Verhoeven |
116 | Verhoeven, Wilhelmina | NR | Child of John Anton Verhoeven |
116 | Verhoeven, William | NR | Child of John Anton Verhoeven |
225 | Verhulst, Bernice | 1929 | BI Jr. Women's Club/Second Vice President |
381 | Vermette, Onesine | 1930 | Died 5/7/1930/Age 69 |
246 | Versteeg, Wm. | 1932 | BI Winsett Finance Co./Board of Directors |
381 | Verwer, Charles Henry | 1934 | Died 8/12/1934/Age 77 |
358 | Vickers, Mrs. Wm. | 1935 | BI Resident 74 yrs. |
220 | Victor, Sister | 1929 | Appointed Superior |
245 | Vincent, Frank A. | 1935 | 1st National Bank of BI/Asst. Cashier |
119 | Vincent, Sarah S. | 1849 | Married in Chagrin Falls, OH 1849 |
119 | Vincent, Sarah S. | 1849 | Married Joseph W. Harmon |
119 | Vincent, Sarah S. | 1867-8 | Arriv Chicago 1867/Arriv. BI 1868 |
381 | Voegele, Sam | 1928 | Died 9/11/1928/Age 43 |
208 | Voeks, Rev. John C. | 1916-1921 | Pastor of St. Paul Evang. Ch./1916-8/1921 |
208 | Voeks, Rev. John C. | 1921 | Accepted call to Church in Palatine |
116 | Voelkle, Joe | NR | Married Mina Vandenburg |
118 | Vogel, Margaret | NR | Married Charles Wuetig |
322 | Vogle, Fred | 1918 | Military prisoner |
381 | Vogt, August | 1913 | Died 11/30/1913/Age 47 |
118 | Vogt, Caroline | NR | Married J. A. Wuest |
31 | Vogtman, Gottfried | Late 1850's | First German Settlers |
61 | Vogtman, Mr. | 1853 | Photo/Member of the Liederkranz |
256 | Voight, Arthur | 1930 | Secured option to buy Suburban Star |
256 | Voight, Arthur | 1930 | Incorporator/Associated Suburban Publishers |
257 | Voight, Arthur | 1930 | Advertising Manager/The Suburban Star |
112 | Voigt, Fred | NR | Married Rosina Reichert |
235 | Voigt, Fred | NR | Member Fraternal Order of Eagles |
275 | Voigt, Fred | 1914 | Tailor shop received scorching in 1914 fire |
271-272 | Voigtman, Fred | 1896 | Confectionery destroyed by fire |
97 | Volk, Charles | NR | 2nd Husband of Louise Bartling |
88 | Volk, Charles F. | 1860 | Grew Chicory |
116 | Volk, Charles F. | 1850's | Civil Engineer & Surveyor/Arriv. 1850's |
116 | Volk, Charles F. | NR | Married Widow of William Seyfarth |
52 | Volkman, Fred | 1856 | Blacksmith |
264 | Volkman, Gustaf | 1879 | 9/4/1879 Organized Fire Co. |
264 | Volkman, Gustaf | 1879 | Committee to define specs for ladder wagon |
264 | Volkman, Gustaf | 1879 | Received contract to build fire ladder wagon |
143 | Volkman, Gustav | 1886-1887 | Clerk |
143 | Volkman, Gustav | 1887-1888 | Clerk |
144 | Volkman, Gustav | 1888-1889 | Clerk |
238 | Volkman, Gustave | 1900 | Charter Mem. Fidelity Life Asso., # 369 |
358 | Volkman, Gustuv | 1935 | BI Resident 78 yrs. |
381 | Volkman, Mrs. Anna | 1933 | Died 12/20/1933/nee Langheld/ Wife of Gustav |
77 | Volkmann Family | 1860's | Photo/Residence and wagon shop |
99 | Volkmann, August (Gus) | NR | Child of Fritz Volkmann/Village Clerk |
99 | Volkmann, Fritz | 1856 | Arriv. BI 1856 |
365 | Volp, Alice | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
117 | Volp, Anna | NR | Child of Anna Margaretha Hensel & Henry Volp |
117 | Volp, Anna | NR | Married William Haas |
252 | Volp, Anna | 1880's | Sister of John H. Volp/Printer's Assistant |
112 | Volp, Augusta | NR | Married John Reichert |
117 | Volp, Augusta | NR | Child of Anna Margaretha Hensel & Henry Volp |
117 | Volp, Augusta | NR | Married John Reichert |
117 | Volp, Caroline | NR | Child of Anna Margaretha Hensel & Henry Volp |
117 | Volp, Caroline | NR | Married Fred Sadawater |
117 | Volp, Charles | NR | Child of Anna Margaretha Hensel & Henry Volp |
117 | Volp, Charles | NR | Married Henrietta Bock |
238 | Volp, Charles | 1915 | Justice Lodge # 1243 F. L. A./Charter Member |
248 | Volp, Charles | 1905-1915 | BI Headquarters of NE IL Fancier's Asso. |
381 | Volp, Charles | 1935 | Died 11/2/1935/Age 60 |
117 | Volp, Elizabeth | NR | Child of Anna Margaretha Hensel & Henry Volp |
117 | Volp, Elizabeth | NR | Married Charles Langheld |
257 | Volp, Harold | 1935 | Vice Pres./Associated Suburban Publishers |
260 | Volp, Harold | 1923 | 4/17/1923 Elected Alderman First Ward |
297 | Volp, Harold | 1928 | Of Blue Island Publ. Co./ Town (Bank) Guard |
236 | Volp, Harold C. | 1935 | Woodmen of the World # 36/Clerk |
223 | Volp, Harold C. | 1930 | BI Lions Club/Pres/1930 |
238 | Volp, Harold C. | 1915 | Justice Lodge # 1243 F. L. A./Charter Member |
263 | Volp, Harold C. | 1925 | 4/27/1925 Elected Alderman First Ward |
295 | Volp, Harold C. | 1927 | 4/19/1927 Elected Alderman 1st Ward |
300 | Volp, Harold C. | 1929 | 4/22/1929 Elected Alderman 1st Ward |
302 | Volp, Harold C. | NR | Vice President Blue Island Publishing Corp |
313 | Volp, Harold C. | 1929 | 5/6/1929 Alderman 1st Ward |
338 | Volp, Harold C. | 1931 | 4/27/1931 Elected Alderman 1st Ward |
341 | Volp, Harold C. | 1933 | 4/24/1933 Ran for Alderman 1st Ward |
348 | Volp, Harold C. | 1923 | 1923/Alderman 1st Ward |
348 | Volp, Harold C. | 1924 | 1924/lderman 1st Ward |
348 | Volp, Harold C. | 1925 | 1925/lderman 1st Ward |
349 | Volp, Harold C. | NR | Photo/Alderman |
350 | Volp, Harold C. | 1926 | 1926/Alderman 1st Ward |
350 | Volp, Harold C. | 1927 | 1927/Alderman 1st Ward |
350 | Volp, Harold C. | 1928 | 1928/Alderman 1st Ward |
350 | Volp, Harold C. | 1929 | 1929/Alderman 1st Ward |
350 | Volp, Harold C. | 1930 | 1930/lderman 1st Ward |
350 | Volp, Harold C. | 1931 | 1931/Alderman 1st Ward |
350 | Volp, Harold C. | 1932 | 1932/lderman 1st Ward |
359 | Volp, Harold C. | 1935 | BI Centennial Asso./Properties Committee |
238 | Volp, Henrietta | 1915 | Justice Lodge # 1243 F. L. A./Charter Member |
116 | Volp, Henry | NR | Native Weickartsheim, Hesse-Darmstadt, Ger. |
116 | Volp, Henry | 1846 | Arriv. Baltimore, MD., Amer. 1846 at 23 yrs. |
116 | Volp, Henry | 1849 | Married Anna Margaretha Hensel, 4/8/1849 |
117 | Volp, Henry | 3/15/1905 | Died 9/17/1901 |
381 | Volp, Henry | 1901 | Died 9/17/1901/Age 78/Early resident so. Side |
32 | Volp, Henry and Family | 1850's | Native of Baltimore, MD |
117 | Volp, John H. | NR | Child of Anna Margaretha Hensel & Henry Volp |
117 | Volp, John H. | NR | Married Viola Haas |
191 | Volp, John H. | 1923 | Founder of Ideal Radio Cabinet Co. |
246 | Volp, John H. | 1927 | Incorporator Blue Island Winsett Finance Co. |
246 | Volp, John H. | 1927 | Board of Directors/BI Winsett Finance Co. |
246 | Volp, John H. | 1932 | BI Winsett Finance Co./President & Chairman |
246 | Volp, John H. | 1932 | BI Winsett Finance Co./Board of Directors |
246 | Volp, John H. | 1932 | BI Winsett Finance Co./President |
248 | Volp, John H. | 1905-1915 | BI Headquarters of NE IL Fancier's Asso. |
302 | Volp, John H. | NR | President Blue Island Publishing Corp |
224 | Volp, John H. | 1935 | Member BI Lions Club 12/15/1935 |
234 | Volp, John H. | 1916 | Charter Member Ldg 1331/B. P. O. O. Elks |
234 | Volp, John H. | 1920 | American Legion Ladies Auxiliary/Vice Comm. |
238 | Volp, John H. | 1915 | Justice Lodge # 1243 F. L. A./Banker |
238 | Volp, John H. | 1936 | Justice Lodge # 1243 F. L. A./Banker |
255 | Volp, John H. | 1894 | Sold his interest in the Standard to W. Errett |
255 | Volp, John H. | 1920 | Incorporator/Blue Island Publishing Corp. |
255 | Volp, John H. | 1920's | Publisher/The Sun Standard |
257 | Volp, John H. | 1935 | Pres. & Bus. Mgr./Associated Sub. Publishers |
290 | Volp, John H. | 1901 | Post Office regular free mail carrier |
325 | Volp, John H. | 1917 | Publisher BI Sun/ |
331 | Volp, John H. | NR | Committeeman/4th Liberty Loan Drive |
331 | Volp, John H. | NR | Committeeman/5th Liberty Loan Drive |
355 | Volp, John H. | 1935 | Chairman of Centennial Celebration |
359 | Volp, John H. | 1935 | BI Centennial Asso./President |
359 | Volp, John H. | 1935 | BI Centennial Asso./Exec. Comm. & Director |
359 | Volp, John H. | 1935 | BI Centennial Asso./Publicity Chrmn, |
6 | Volp, John Henry | 1868-1938 | Author |
366 | Volp, LaVergne | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
367 | Volp, LaVergne | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
364 | Volp, Marion | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
107 | Volp, Mary | NR | Married John Kern |
107 | Volp, Mary | NR | Eldest daugh. Of Henry & Margaret Volp |
117 | Volp, Mary | NR | Child of Anna Margaretha Hensel & Henry Volp |
117 | Volp, Mary | NR | Married John Kern |
117 | Volp, Maryliz | NR | Child of Anna Margaretha Hensel & Henry Volp |
117 | Volp, Maryliz | NR | Married Fred Langheld |
314 | Volp, Mr. | 1929 | Motions on rezoning Robertson property |
359 | Volp, Mrs. Harold C. | 1935 | BI Centennial Asso./Baby Parade Committee |
358 | Volp, Mrs. J. H. | 1935 | BI Resident 67 yrs. |
381 | Volp, Mrs. Margaret | 1921 | Died 10/23/1921/Age 89/nee Hensel |
381 | Volp, Mrs. Margaret | NR | Wife of Henry |
381 | Volp, Mrs. Sophia Fautek | 1925 | Died 7/16/1925/Wife of Wm. |
238 | Volp, Stanley | 1915 | Justice Lodge # 1243 F. L. A./Charter Member |
323 | Volp, Stanley H. | 1918 | Blue Island Honor Roll WW I/Aviation Corps |
238 | Volp, Viola | 1936 | Justice Lodge # 1243 F. L. A /Supervisor |
256 | Volp, Wesley | 1934 | Editor/The Suburban Star |
257 | Volp, Wesley | 1935 | Editor & Manager/The Suburban Star |
359 | Volp, Wesley | 1935 | BI Centennial Asso./Publicity Committee |
117 | Volp, William | NR | Child of Anna Margaretha Hensel & Henry Volp |
117 | Volp, William | NR | Married Sophia Fautek |
381 | Volp, William | 1929 | Died 1/27/1929/Age 76 |
238 | Volp, Wm. H. | 1915 | Justice Lodge # 1243 F. L. A /Prefect |
107 | Von Burg, John | NR | Married Henrietta Klein |
381 | Vonburg, Fred | 1922 | Died 5/11/1922/Age 52 |
234 | Vonburg, Ivan W. | 1935 | Lodge # 716 A. F. & A. M./Jr. Sewart |
381 | Vonburg, John | 1914 | Died 11/14/1914/Farmer |
381 | Vonburg, Mrs. Henrietta | 1921 | Died 12/28/1921/Age 83/Pioneer resident |
216 | Voorhees, L. P. | 1894 | Board of Education/Member |
381 | Voorhees, Lucien W. | 1929 | Died 6/25/1929/Age 41/at Twin Falls, ID |
234 | Vorhees, L. P. | 1916 | Charter Member Ldg 1331/B. P. O. O. Elks |
117 | Voss Henry | NR | Child of Elizabeth Krebelich & Heinrich Voss |
117 | Voss, Carl | NR | Child of Elizabeth Krebelich & Heinrich Voss |
117 | Voss, Carl | NR | Married Nora Christianson |
381 | Voss, Carl | 1929 | Died 12/19/1929/Chief of Fire Dept. |
92 | Voss, Christian | NR | Civil War |
117 | Voss, Christina | NR | Child of John Voss |
117 | Voss, Emma | NR | Child of Elizabeth Krebelich & Heinrich Voss |
117 | Voss, Emma | NR | Married Henry Kleni |
117 | Voss, Fredericka | NR | Child of John Voss |
331 | Voss, Harry | 1919 | Charter member Allied Veterans of Blue Island |
117 | Voss, Heinrich | 1857 | Native of Schwerin, Ger./Arriv. 1857 |
117 | Voss, Heinrich | NR | Married Elizabeth Krebelich |
117 | Voss, Heinrich | 1911 | Died 1911 |
101 | Voss, Henry | NR | Married Mary Consoer |
117 | Voss, Henry | NR | Married Mary Consoer |
106 | Voss, John | NR | Married Emelie Hopf |
117 | Voss, John | NR | Child of Elizabeth Krebelich & Heinrich Voss |
117 | Voss, John | NR | Married Amelie Hopf |
117 | Voss, John Jr. | NR | Child of John Voss |
117 | Voss, John Sr. | 1856 | Native of Mecklenburg,-Schwerin, Ger./Arriv. BI 1856 |
109 | Voss, Kriegsman | NR | Married Caroline Kriegsman |
117 | Voss, Lina | NR | Child of John Voss |
117 | Voss, Louise | NR | Child of Elizabeth Krebelich & Heinrich Voss |
117 | Voss, Louise | NR | Married Mathias Hansen |
117 | Voss, Mary | NR | Child of Elizabeth Krebelich & Heinrich Voss |
117 | Voss, Mary | NR | Married John Roloff |
117 | Voss, Mary | NR | Child of John Voss |
117 | Voss, Minnie | NR | Child of Elizabeth Krebelich & Heinrich Voss |
117 | Voss, Minnie | NR | Married August Engelhardt |
117 | Voss, Minnie | NR | Child of John Voss |
119 | Voss, Minnie | NR | Married Charles Hageman |
381 | Voss, Mrs. Carl | 1928 | Died 1/29/1928/Age 69 |
381 | Voss, Mrs. Minnie | 1934 | Died 8/3/1934/Age 59/Wife of August |
381 | Voss, Nicholas | 1931 | Died 10/13/1931/Age 101 |
381 | Voss, Nicholas | NR | One of the oldest residents of Cook County |
117 | Voss, Sophia | NR | Child of John Voss |
117 | Voss, Sophia | NR | Child of John Voss |
117 | Voss, Sophie | NR | Child of Elizabeth Krebelich & Heinrich Voss |
117 | Voss, Sophie | NR | Married Carl Brand |
228 | Vought, Mrs. William | 1928 | BI Council of Parents & Teachers/Pres. |
211 | Vrsek, Andrew Sr. | 1935 | Slovak Luth. Church Council/Trustee |
22 | Wadhams, Carlton | C. 1844 | Settler |
26 | Wadhams, Carlton | NR | Hunters |
41 | Wadhams, Carlton | NR | Proprietor of The American House |
58 | Wadhams, Carlton | 1850 | First meeting of Worth Township in his home |
71 | Wadhams, Carlton | 1849 | His child buried in Robinson's Grove |
79 | Wadhams, Carlton | NR | Father of Mary and Phoebe, and son |
117 | Wadhams, Carlton | 1839 | Arriv. BI 1839 |
117 | Wadhams, Carlton | NR | Married 1st Sophia Spellman |
117 | Wadhams, Carlton | NR | Married 2nd to Hulda Stedman |
117 | Wadhams, Carlton | 1886 | Died 1886 |
117 | Wadhams, David | NR | Brother of Carlton Wadhams |
71 | Wadhams, David | NR | Bro. of Carl.Wadhams/1839 Pioneer of year |
71 | Wadhams, David and Family | NR | Buried in Old Blue Island Cemetery |
71 | Wadhams, Guy | NR | Brother of Carlton & David Wadhams |
117 | Wadhams, Guy | NR | Brother of Carlton Wadhams |
79 | Wadhams, Mary | NR | Married to Jonathon Periam |
79 | Wadhams, Mary | NR | Daughter of Carlton Wadhams |
117 | Wadhams, Mary | NR | Child of Carlton Wadhams |
117 | Wadhams, Mary | NR | Married Jonathan Periam |
205 | Wadhams, Mrs. Carlton | 1849 | Taught Sunday School for all faiths |
79 | Wadhams, Phoebe | NR | Daughter of Carlton Wadhams |
117 | Wadhams, Phoebe | NR | Child of Carlton Wadhams |
117 | Wadhams, Phoebe | NR | Married Harry Morgan |
117 | Wadhams, Son | NR | Child of Carlton Wadhams/Died in infancy |
240 | Wadsworth, Mary J. | 1893 | BI West Review #2,WBA/Charter Member |
52 | Wagner, Chr. | 1856 | Carpenter |
282 | Wagner, Edward | 1933 | Accused in Hackett kidnapping |
47 | Wagner, Herman | 1850's | Manager United Breweries |
382 | Wagner, John | 1914 | Died 6/28/1914 |
112 | Wagner, Maria | NR | Married George Reichert |
235 | Wagner, Mary | 1920 | BI Rebekah Ldg. 300/Financial Sec. |
235 | Wagner, Robert | 1935 | Knights of Columbus/Inside Guard |
111 | Wagner, Rose | NR | Married Jacob Merkelbach Sr. |
232 | Wainwright, James | 1936 | BI Parks & Playground/Board member |
304 | Wainwright, James | 1935-1936 | Blue Island Park Board member |
128 | Walcott, Mr. | 1873 | County Surveyor |
97 | Wald, Harriet | NR | Married Clarence Seyfarth |
95 | Walde, Luna | NR | Married to Henry B. Robinson |
234 | Waldo, J. Howard | 1935 | Lodge # 716 A. F. & A. M./Charter Member |
240 | Walker, Elsie | 1936 | Phythian Sisters/BI Temple 25/Exalted Senior |
235 | Walker, Fred | 1935 | Fraternal Order of Eagles/Chaplain |
32 | Walker, George E. | 1839 | Subdivided Portland/Owner/Proprietors |
367 | Walker, Jane | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
238 | Walker, Kathleen D. | 1936 | Order of Eastern Star # 789/Asso. Matron |
101 | Walker, Margaret | 1929 | Married Benjamin Cool |
326 | Wall, Thomas | 1917 | Co. B, 13th Railway Engineer, Rock Island Rail |
325 | Wall, Tom | 1917 | Mentioned in letter from Walter Crossland |
362 | Wallace, Judge | 1872 | Gave notice of election for Village Incorporation |
123 | Wallace, Judge M. R. M. | 1872 | Presented w/Petition for Permanent Vill. Organ |
239 | Wallace, Mrs. | 1909 | Ladies Auxiliary BLE # 40/Charter member |
382 | Walsh, John | 1924 | Died 10/16/1924 |
323 | Walsh, R. A. | 1918 | Blue Island Honor Roll WW I/Navy |
235 | Walsh, Richard | 1935 | Knights of Columbus/Trustee |
329 | Walshon, Leo | 1918 | Died of dysentery/Camp Travis, TX. 2/16/1918 |
329 | Walshon, Leo | 1918 | Buried St. Benedict Cemetery |
382 | Walshon, Mrs. Julia | 1928 | Died 12/28/1928/Age 62 |
382 | Walters, Gust. | 1924 | Died 4/1/1924/Age 35 |
382 | Walters, Mrs. Emily | 1931 | Died 10/29/1931/Age 64 |
281 | Wanderwald, Peter | 1925 | Amer. Expr. Truck Driver/Bank robbery victim |
40 | Waniata, Wenzel | NR | Tannery Owner |
51 | Waniata, Wenzel | 1850's | Thriving Tannery business owner |
194 | Ward Charles | NR | Prominent role in Brickmakers Loc. # 3 |
177-178 | Ward, Alderman | 1916-17 | Disputed bid by Seagrave and LaFrance |
177 | Ward, Ilo G. | 1916 | 4/24/1916 Elected Alderman 1st Ward |
177 | Ward, Ilo G. | 1916 | Motioned to reject ordinance for franchise |
179 | Ward, Ilo G. | 1918 | 4/22/1918 Elected Alderman 1st Ward |
348 | Ward, Ilo G. | 1914 | 1914/Alderman 1st Ward |
348 | Ward, Ilo G. | 1915 | 1915/lderman 1st Ward |
348 | Ward, Ilo G. | 1916 | 1916/Alderman 1st Ward |
348 | Ward, Ilo G. | 1917 | 1917/lderman 1st Ward |
348 | Ward, Ilo G. | 1918 | 1918/Alderman 1st Ward |
348 | Ward, Ilo G. | 1919 | 1919/lderman 1st Ward |
241 | Warner, Mary | 1936 | Sunshine Camp # 3761, RNA/Courage |
382 | Warner, Mrs. Anna L. | 1929 | Died 4/12/1929/Age 71 |
240 | Warren Ezra | 1902 | BI Lettercarriers Sergeant at Arms |
240 | Warren, Bertha | 1936 | Phythian Sisters/BI Temple/Most Exal. Chief |
238 | Warren, Emily | 1915 | Justice Lodge # 1243 F. L. A./Charter Member |
289 | Warren, Ezra | 1935 | Post Office mail carrier |
291 | Warren, Ezra | NR | Second longest service at BI Post Office |
164 | Warren, George | 1901 | 1st Election/Ran for Alderman 5th Ward |
164 | Warren, George | 1901 | Public Library Board, 5th Ward |
241 | Warren, George | 1936 | Knights of Pythias 463/Chaplain |
250 | Warren, George | 1918 | Blue Island Boy Scout Committee Troop # 780 |
347 | Warren, George | 1902 | 1902/Alderman 5th Ward |
347 | Warren, George | 1903 | 1903/Alderman 5th Ward |
347 | Warren, George | 1904 | 1904/Alderman 5th Ward |
347 | Warren, George | 1905 | 1905/Alderman 5th Ward |
230-231 | Warren, George | 1903 | Noted Architect of Chgo./Designed new Library |
165 | Warren, George A. | 1902 | April 15, 1902, Elected Alderman 5th Ward |
203 | Warren, H .G. | 1903-1905 | Pastor/M. E. Church/1903-1905 |
364 | Warren, Mrs. Emily | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
240 | Warren, Nellie | 1893 | BI West Review #2,WBA/Charter Member |
240 | Wass, Ellen Scott | 1893 | BI West Review #2,WBA/Charter Member |
31 | Waterman Family | Late 1850's | First German Settlers |
235 | Watrobka, Edward | 1935 | Knights of Columbus/ Warden |
365 | Watrobka, Edward T. | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
365 | Watrobka, Tony J. Jr. | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
239 | Watson, Mrs. | 1909 | Ladies Auxiliary BLE # 40/Charter member |
213 | Watson, Mrs. Edmund | NR | First Choir member, St. Aidan's Epis. Mission |
241 | Watson, P. | 1894 | Knights of Pythias Lodge # 463/Charter Memb. |
234 | Watson, William W. | 1874 | Charter Member Lodge # 716 A. F. & A. M. |
345 | Watt, Burtie S. | 1935 | 4/16/1935 Ran for Alderman 1st Ward |
240 | Watt, Kittie | 1908 | Phythian Sisters/BI Temple 25/Trustee |
382 | Watt, William | 1920 | Died 5/4/1920/Age 44 |
257 | Wattles, Brothers | 1909 | Tried to keep The Blue Island News alive |
117 | Wattles, Cornelia E. | NR | Child of Otis M. Wattles & Elizabeth Crandall |
117 | Wattles, Cornelia E. | NR | Married William A. Corlew |
144 | Wattles, E. H. | 1891-1892 | Captain of Police |
131 | Wattles, Ethan | 1882 | 3/6/1882, appointed Captain of Police |
137 | Wattles, Ethan | 1892 | Resigned as chief of police |
143 | Wattles, Ethan | 1881-1882 | Captain Of Police |
143 | Wattles, Ethan | 1882-1883 | Captain of Police (Resigned in June) |
144 | Wattles, Ethan | 1889-1890 | Constable |
144 | Wattles, Ethan | 1890-1891 | Police Captain |
382 | Wattles, Ethan | 1914 | Died 9/11/1914/Age 62 |
117 | Wattles, Ethan H. | NR | Child of Otis M. Wattles & Elizabeth Crandall |
117 | Wattles, Ethan H. | NR | Livery Business/Capt. Of Police Force |
382 | Wattles, Henry | 1919 | Died 4/19/1919/Age 34 |
93 | Wattles, Julia | 1828 | Married Norman Rexford 1/10/1828 |
93 | Wattles, Julia | 1897 | Died at age 87 |
382 | Wattles, Mrs. Anna L. | 1928 | Died 10/20/1928/Age 72/Pioneer resident |
89 | Wattles, Otis M. | 1848 | First Co. 63rd/ 106th Regiment/Second Lieut. |
117 | Wattles, Otis M. | 1822 | Born Ripley, Chautauqua Co., NY in 1822 |
117 | Wattles, Otis M. | 1845 | Married Elizabeth Crandall 3/4/1845 |
382 | Wattles, Perry A. | 1919 | Died 4/15/1919/in Calif./Civil War Vet |
382 | Wattles, Roy E. | 1919 | Died 11/3/1919/Auto accid. in Mishawauka, IN |
93 | Wattles, Susan | NR | Daughter of Chandler Wattles |
93 | Wattles, Susan | NR | First Wife of Stephen H. Rexford |
117 | Wattles, Sylvia D. | NR | Child of Otis M. Wattles & Elizabeth Crandall |
117 | Wattles, Sylvia D. | NR | Married Alfred M. Duller |
382 | Waugh, William H. | 1931 | Died 6/2/1931/Age 66 |
93 | Waughop, John W. | NR | Husband of Susan Eliza |
211 | Wawrzon, L. | NR | Teacher or organist/St. Isadore Catholic Parish |
211 | Wawrzyniak, J. | NR | Teacher or organist/St. Isadore Catholic Parish |
213 | Weaver, A. M. | 1918- | Active in second part of St. Aidan's History |
213 | Weaver, A. M. | 1935 | Executive committee of St. Aidan's Epis. Ch. |
334 | Weaver, A. M. | 1919 | Ward Captain Red Cross Local Drive/4th ward |
366 | Weaver, A. M. | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
358 | Weaver, Albert M. | 1935 | BI Resident 28 yrs. |
364 | Weaver, Billy | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
234 | Weaver, Merrill | NR | Royal Arch Mason/Master of the 3rd Veil |
382 | Weaver, Mrs. Merrill | 1925 | Died 2/24/1925 |
364 | Weaver, Mrs. Sylvia | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
236 | Weaver, Sylvia | 1935 | Daughters of Veterans/Treasurer |
358 | Weaver, Sylvia | 1935 | BI Resident 35 yrs. |
201 | Webb, Marian | 1873 | Charter Mem./BI Methodist Episcopal Church |
318 | Weber, L. B. | 1935 | Navajo Fields Country Club/ |
234 | Weber, L. L. | 1916 | Charter Member Ldg 1331/B. P. O. O. Elks |
382 | Weber, Mrs. Electa | 1919 | Died 4/19/1919/Age 58/Wife of James |
382 | Weber, Mrs. Kate | 1918 | Died 10/10/1918 |
382 | Weber, Mrs. Minnie Amanda | 1914 | Died 7/29/1914/Wife of Wm. H. |
216 | Weber, W. H. | 1887 | Elected Board of Ed. |
216 | Weber, W. H. | 1887 | Officer, Board of Ed./Sec. |
216 | Weber, W. H. | 1894 | Board of Education/Sec. |
217 | Weber, W. H. | 1895-1906 | President, Board of Eduation/1895-1906 |
234 | Weber, William | 1916 | Charter Member Ldg 1331/B. P. O. O. Elks |
135 | Weber, William H. | 1890 | 6/2/1890, member Board of Health |
245 | Weber, William H. | 1935 | 1st National Bank of BI/Director |
245 | Weber, William H. | 1935 | First National Bank of BI/President |
234 | Weber, Wm. H. | 1916 | Ldg. 1331, B.P.O.O. Elks/Trustee |
240 | Webster, Sarah E. | 1893 | BI West Review #2,WBA/Charter Member |
117 | Weigand, Caroline | NR | Child of Michael Weigand & Margaret Kiessling |
117 | Weigand, Caroline | 1889 | Died Typhoid Epidemic in Sept. 1889 |
323 | Weigand, Henry | 1918 | Blue Island Honor Roll WW I/Engineer. Corps |
325 | Weigand, John | 1917 | Father of Henry Weigand |
117 | Weigand, John G. | NR | Child of Michael Weigand & Margaret Kiessling |
117 | Weigand, John G. | NR | Married Emma Holst |
117 | Weigand, Margaret | NR | Child of Michael Weigand & Margaret Kiessling |
117 | Weigand, Margaret | NR | Married Charles Henricks |
117 | Weigand, Margaret | 1933 | Killed NW RR tracks in Arcadia, Iowa in 1933 |
117 | Weigand, Mary | NR | Child of Michael Weigand & Margaret Kiessling |
117 | Weigand, Mary | 1889 | Died Typhoid Epidemic in Sept. 1889 |
117 | Weigand, Michael | 1853 | From Bavaria, Ger./Arriv. BI 1853 |
117 | Weigand, Michael | NR | Married Margaret Kiessling |
117 | Weigand, Michael | 1893 | Died 1893 at 87 yrs. |
117 | Weigand, Rachael | NR | Child of Michael Weigand & Margaret Kiessling |
117 | Weigand, Rachael | 1889 | Died Typhoid Epidemic in Sept. 1889 |
325 | Weigand, Walter | 1917 | 16th Reg. Engineers, A. E. F. France Co. C. |
325 | Weigand, Walter | 1918 | Letter to John H. Volp 1/1/1918 |
182 | Weiland, Anton | 1919 | Policeman killed in the line of duty |
308 | Weiland, Anton | 1919 | Police officer killed in line of duty |
308 | Weiland, Anton | 1919 | Died July 1919 |
367 | Weiland, Edna | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
367 | Weiland, Ilen | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
266 | Weiland, Leon | NR | Volunteer Fireman |
182 | Weiland, Mrs. Anton | 1919 | Brought suit against city for death of Husband |
107 | Weimar, Albert | NR | Child of Caroline Weimar |
107 | Weimar, Caroline | NR | Married Casper Kern |
328 | Weimar, Charles | NR | Memorial Inscription WWI |
329 | Weimar, Charles | 1918 | Corporal, Battery D, 339th Field Artillery |
329 | Weimar, Charles | 1918 | Died in Hospital, Rouen, France 11/5/1918 |
329 | Weimar, Charles | 1921 | Buried 5/29/1921 Mt. Hope Cemetery |
331 | Weimar, E. | 1919 | Charter member Allied Veterans of Blue Island |
382 | Weimar, Mrs. Martha Fischer | 1933 | Died 9/26/1933/Age 78 |
382 | Weinbrod, Mrs. Edna Pearl | 1934 | Died 3/7/1934/Age 40 |
216 | Weinhardt, A. M. | 1894 | Board of Education/Member |
198 | Weinreich, C. | 1873-1876 | Pastor/Central Methodist Church/1873-1876 |
198 | Weinreich, C. | 1881-1884 | Pastor/Central Methodist Church/1881-1884 |
382 | Weir, Alexander | 1929 | Died 3/15/1929/Age 65 |
367 | Weir, Betty | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
364 | Weir, Mrs. Wm. | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
364 | Weisenberger, Eleanor | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
236 | Weisenberger, Mrs. | 1935 | Catholic Daught. Of Amer./Sentinel |
345 | Weiss, William | 1935 | Appointed special officer |
118 | Weissenborn, Anna | NR | Married Fred Schneider |
118 | Weissenborn, Anna | 1934 | Died 11/28/1934 |
118 | Weissenborn, Christian | NR | Child of Christopher Weissenborn |
118 | Weissenborn, Christopher | 1830 | Born 1/22/1830 |
118 | Weissenborn, Christopher | NR | Born Niederdorla, Muehlhausen, Thuringen |
118 | Weissenborn, Christopher | 1871 | Arriv. Amer. 1870/Arriv. BI 1871 |
118 | Weissenborn, Christopher | NR | Cooking Utensil Store/Medicine Store |
118 | Weissenborn, Christopher | 1911 | Died 9/7/ 1911 |
382 | Weissenborn, Christopher | 1911 | Died 9/7/1911/Age 81 |
118 | Weissenborn, Henry | NR | Child of Christopher Weissenborn |
118 | Weissenborn, Louise | NR | Child of Christopher Weissenborn |
118 | Weissenborn, Mrs. Christopher | 1905 | Died 8/23/1905 at 74 yrs. |
382 | Weissenborn, Mrs. Christopher | 1905 | Died 8/23/1905/Age 74/Wife of Christopher |
118 | Weissenborn, Susanna | NR | Child of Christopher Weissenborn |
118 | Weissenborn, Susanna | NR | Married Mr. Rodenhausen |
367 | Weissman, J. J. | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
349 | Weissner, J. P. | NR | Photo/City Treasurer |
366 | Weissner, Louie | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
97 | Welch, Kate | NR | Married to Benjamin Seyfarth |
86 | Welch, Mr. | 1856 | Of Geneva |
28 | Welch, Prof. Rodney | 1840's | First Teacher in new School Building |
55 | Welch, Prof. Rodney | 1854 | Principal of new brick school |
233 | Wells, G. W. | 1891 | Charter Member/Blue Island Lodge # 326 |
382 | Welter, Leonard | 1935 | Died 3/12/1935/Age 58 |
26 | Wentworth, Professor | 1860's | Normal School Professor |
67 | Wentworth, Uriah | 1830's | Married Widow Boardman |
67 | Wentworth, Uriah | 1830's | First Marriage in settlement |
116 | Wenzlaff, Charles | NR | Married Lizzie Stark |
364 | Wenzlaff, Elizabeth | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
358 | Wenzlaff, Mrs. Augusta | 1935 | BI Resident 54 yrs. |
364 | Wenzlaff, W. | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
241 | Wernecke, Charles | 1935 | United Span. War Vet./Sr. Vice Commander |
366 | Werner, Art | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
238 | Werner, August | 1900 | Charter Mem. Fidelity Life Asso., # 369 |
238 | Werner, August | 1900 | Fidelity Life Asso. # 369/Banker |
382 | Werner, August F. | 1932 | Died 4/28/1932/Age 75 |
97 | Werner, Ernst | NR | Child of Fredericka Seyfarth & Henry Werner |
118 | Werner, Ernst | NR | Child of Henry Werner & Friedericka Seyfarth |
118 | Werner, Ernst | NR | Married Carrie Noth |
382 | Werner, Ferdinand H. | 1933 | Died 12/27/1933/Age 43 |
238 | Werner, Fred | 1900 | Charter Mem. Fidelity Life Asso., # 369 |
31 | Werner, Henry | Late 1850's | First German Settlers |
97 | Werner, Henry | NR | Married Fredericka Seyfarth |
118 | Werner, Henry | 1854 | Born Saxony, Ger/Arriv Amer. 1854 |
118 | Werner, Henry | NR | Butcher Shop owner |
118 | Werner, Henry | NR | Married Friedericka Seyfarth |
118 | Werner, Henry | 1903 | Died 11/1/1803 |
97 | Werner, Hermina | NR | Child of Fredericka Seyfarth & Henry Werner |
118 | Werner, Hermine | NR | Child of Henry Werner & Friedericka Seyfarth |
118 | Werner, Hermine | NR | Married August Kantzler |
382 | Werner, Mrs. Anna L. | 1929 | Died 4/12/1929/Age 71 |
382 | Werner, Mrs. Augusta Schroeder | 1922 | Died 8/12/1922/Age 52 |
358 | Werner, Mrs. Mary D. | 1935 | BI Resident 49 yrs. |
247 | Werner, Walter R. | 1930 | State Bank of BI/Director |
97 | Werner, William | NR | Child of Fredericka Seyfarth & Henry Werner |
100 | Werner, William | NR | Founder of Commercial Bank of BI |
244 | Werner, William | 1896 | Founder of Zacharias, Bourke & Co. Priv. Bank |
382 | Werner, William | 1931 | Died 1/11/1931/at Los Angeles, CA/Banker |
118 | Werner, William H. | NR | Child of Henry Werner & Friedericka Seyfarth |
118 | Werner, William H. | NR | BI Banker/Married Wilhelmina Hagen |
245 | Werner, William H. | 1928 | Moved to California |
245 | Werner, William H. | 1905 | Cashier Commercial Bank of BI |
234 | Werner, Wm. H. | 1916 | Charter Member Ldg 1331/B. P. O. O. Elks |
244 | Werner, Wm. H. | 1890 | Incorporator/Calumet State Bank/Cashier |
365 | Wernicke, Chas. | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
236 | Weseloh, George | 1935 | Plattdeutsche Gilde Germ. #37/Financial Sec. |
320 | Wessel, Charlotte M. | 1921 | 4/21/1921 candidate for Alderman 1st Ward |
382 | Wessel, Ida | 1905 | Died 5/1/1905 |
167 | Wessel, J. A. | 1909 | Appointed to audit Previous Admin. Books |
340 | Wessel, Julius | 1933 | Died 1933/Former Mayor of BI |
347 | Wessel, Julius | 1911 | 1911/Mayor |
347 | Wessel, Julius | 1912 | 1912/Mayor |
168 | Wessel, Julius | 1911 | 4/18/1911 Elected Mayor |
172 | Wessel, Julius | 1913 | 4/15/1913 Ran for Mayor |
174 | Wessel, Julius | 1914 | 4/15/1915, Defeated in race for Mayor |
382 | Wessel, Julius A. | NR | Died at Chicago |
382 | Wessel, Julius A. | 1932 | Died 12/15/1932/Age 74/Grocery business |
243 | Wessel, Mayor | 1913 | Appointed movie censor, Miss Kate Corlett |
171 | Wessel, Mayor | 1912 | Refused to countersign payroll voucher |
172 | Wessel, Mayor | 1913 | Served with temporary injunction |
239 | West, Miss Bina M. | 1892 | Founder/Organizer of Women's Benefit Asso. |
302 | Weston, Fred | NR | Brother of John W. Weston |
302 | Weston, Fred | 1891 | Published local paper "The Blue Island News" |
302 | Weston, John W. | NR | Secretary/Western Society of Civil Engineers |
302 | Weston, John W. | NR | Brother of Fred Weston |
58 | Wheeler, A. B. | 1862 | Elected Justice of Calumet Township |
123 | Wheeler, Geo. W. | 1872 | Clerk Protem |
151 | Wheeler, N. W. | 1852 | Conductor of Rock Island "Rocket" |
361 | Wheeler, N. W. | 1852 | First conductor Rock Island RR in BI |
212 | Wheeler, Rev. Mr. | NR | Rector of the Ch. of the Mediator, Morg. Pk. |
196 | White, A. H. | 1903 | Mgr. Local Telephone exchanage/7/1903 |
367 | White, Anna | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
52 | White, David | 1855 | Carpenter |
263 | Whitfield, Willis P. | 1925 | 4/27/1925 Elected City Treasurer |
348 | Whitfield, Willis W. | 1925 | 1925/Treasurer |
350 | Whitfield, Willis W. | 1926 | 1926/Treasurer |
86 | Whitmar, Charles | 1860 | Shot himself in knee and died |
144 | Whitson, L. L. | 1897-1898 | Constable |
347 | Whitson, L. L. | 1902 | 1902/Alderman 2nd Ward |
347 | Whitson, L. L. | 1903 | 1903/Alderman 2nd Ward |
347 | Whitson, L. L. | 1905 | 1905/Alderman 2nd Ward |
366 | Wibbelsman, Genevieve | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
367 | Wibbelsman, Genevieve | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
367 | Wibbelsman, Marie | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
49 | Wibben, Henry | 1850's | Established Brick Yard |
220 | Wichert, F. | 1906-1908 | Teacher Lutheran Parochial School |
289 | Wicherts, Ferdinand | 1935 | Post Office Rural Route Carrier |
289 | Wicherts, Gilbert | 1935 | Post Office substitute mail carrier |
240 | Wicherts, Mrs. Fred | 1935 | Ladies Aux. NALC # 453/Secretary |
382 | Wick, Adam | 1913 | Died 11/26/1913/Age 83 |
240 | Wick, Charles | NR | Active in the Macabees in the early days |
244 | Wick, Charles | 1887 | Incorporator of BI Savings & Loan/Director |
382 | Wick, Charles | 1930 | Died 9/24/1930 |
240 | Wick, Ida M. | 1893 | BI West Review #2,WBA/Charter Member |
112 | Wickert, Henrietta | NR | Married Christian Neibert |
238 | Wickett, Minnie | 1936 | Order of Eastern Star # 789/Worthy Matron |
382 | Wickett, Mrs. Lydia | 1930 | Died 11/4/1930/Wife of Robert |
117 | Wiebking, Dietrich | 1858 | Native of Hanover, Ger./Arriv BI 1858/Tailor |
117 | Wiebking, Dora | NR | Child of Louise Buschman & Dietrich Wiebking |
117 | Wiebking, Dora | NR | Married Thomas Robertson |
117 | Wiebking, Hattie | NR | Child of Louise Buschman & Dietrich Wiebking |
117 | Wiebking, Hattie | NR | Married Vertus B. Roberts |
117 | Wiebking, Mary | NR | Child of Louise Buschman & Dietrich Wiebking |
117 | Wiebking, Mary | NR | Married Henry Blatt |
382 | Wiedenhoft, Martin | 1935 | Died 8/3/1935/Age 38 |
382 | Wiegold, Otto A. | 1928 | Died 4/21/1928/Age 25 |
223 | Wielgorecki, Otto | NR | Member BI Lions Club |
334 | Wielgorecki, Otto | 1919 | Ward Captain Red Cross Local Drive/3rd ward |
224 | Wielgorecki, W. Otto | 1935 | Member BI Lions Club 12/15/1935 |
345 | Wielgorecki, W. Otto | 1935 | 5/13/1935 Appointed City Attorney |
364 | Wienberger, Edna | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
382 | Wierman, Mrs. Sophia | 1931 | Died 4/10/1931/Age 87 |
382 | Wiese, Mrs. Frieda | 1928 | Died 5/12/1928/Age 86 |
382 | Wiese, Paul C. | 1935 | Died 12/18/1935/Age 67 |
382 | Wiese, William | 1920 | Died 7/26/1920/Age 82 |
366 | Wiessner, F. | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
182 | Wiessner, J. P. | 1919 | 4/15/1919 Elected Alderman 5th Ward |
233 | Wiessner, J. P. | 1935 | Harmonize Lodge member/Treasurer |
337 | Wiessner, J. P. | NR | Photo/Alderman and City Treasurer |
348 | Wiessner, J. P. | 1919 | 1919/Alderman 5th Ward |
348 | Wiessner, J. P. | 1920 | 1920/Alderman 5th Ward |
348 | Wiessner, J. P. | 1921 | 1921/Alderman 5th Ward |
348 | Wiessner, J. P. | 1922 | 1922/Alderman 5th Ward |
348 | Wiessner, J. P. | 1923 | 1923/Alderman 5th Ward |
348 | Wiessner, J. P. | 1924 | 1924/Alderman 5th Ward |
348 | Wiessner, J. P. | 1925 | 1925/Alderman 5th Ward |
350 | Wiessner, J. P. | 1927 | 1927/Treasurer |
350 | Wiessner, J. P. | 1928 | 1928/Treasurer |
295 | Wiessner, J. P. | 1927 | 4/19/1927 Elected City Treasurer |
258 | Wiessner, J. P. | 1921 | 4/19/1921/Elected Alderman 5th Ward |
258 | Wiessner, J. P. | 1921 | Committee/Chairman/Decide soldier memorial |
260 | Wiessner, J. P. | 1923 | 4/17/1923 Elected Alderman Fifth Ward |
263 | Wiessner, J. P. | 1925 | 4/27/1925 Elected Alderman Fifth Ward |
313 | Wiessner, J. P. | 1929 | City Treasurer reports on funds |
350 | Wiessner, John P. | 1926 | 1926/Alderman 5th Ward |
323 | Wiessner, Louis | 1918 | Blue Island Honor Roll WW I/Musician |
382 | Wiessner, Mrs. Arthur | 1924 | Died 10/31/1924 |
382 | Wiessner, Mrs. Louis T. | 1928 | Died 1/8/1928/Age 30 |
63 | Wiessner, Peter | 1920's | Passive member of the Liederkranz |
241 | Wiessner, W. P. | 1904 | Sunshine Camp # 3761, RNA/Charter Member |
63 | Wiessner, Walter | 1920's | Member of the Liederkranz |
323 | Wiessner, Walter | 1918 | Blue Island Honor Roll WW I/Musician |
236 | Wilcke, Adolph | 1895 | Charter Member/Plattdeutsche Gilde Germ. #37 |
236 | Wilcke, Alvina | 1935 | Woman's Relief Corps/Jr. Vice Pres. |
234 | Wilcke, Elvina | 1935 | Sons & Daughters of Liberty/Asso.Record. Sec. |
235 | Wilcke, Gus | NR | Member Fraternal Order of Eagles |
382 | Wilcke, Mrs. Caroline | 1920 | Died 3/23/1920/Age 85 |
382 | Wilcke, Mrs. Pauline | 1922 | Died 1/10/1922/Age 56/Old resident |
382 | Wilcke, Mrs. Wilhelmina | 1931 | Died 2/10/1931/Age 68 |
164 | Wilcke, Otto | 1901 | July 10, 1901, Appointed Patrolman |
173 | Wilcke, Otto | 1914 | 9/8/1914Replace Ben Knirsch as Police Chief |
176 | Wilcke, Otto | 1915 | Appointed Chief of Police |
235 | Wilcke, Otto | NR | Member Fraternal Order of Eagles |
236 | Wilcke, Otto | 1895 | Charter Member/Plattdeutsche Gilde Germ. #37 |
263 | Wilcke, Otto | 1925 | Resigned as Lieutenant of Police |
308 | Wilcke, Otto | 1900 | Photo/Blue Island Village Police Force |
308 | Wilcke, Otto | 1901 | Appointed Patrolman of Village Police |
341 | Wilcke, Otto | 1933 | 4/24/1933 Ran for Police Magistrate |
279 | Wilcke, Otto | 1918 | Officer/investigated Sietz murder case |
106 | Wilde, Paul | NR | Married Louise Hopf |
241 | Wilder, Fred | 1936 | Knights of Pythias 463/Inner Guard |
98 | Wilke, Otto (Wilcke?) | NR | BI Police Officer/Married Carrie Becker |
382 | Wilkins, James B. | 1928 | Died 2/16/1928/Age 78 |
382 | Wilkins, Mrs. Cora | 1935 | Died 2/4/1935/Age 58 |
382 | Willen, Mrs. Christine | 1930 | Died 11/2/1930/Age 79 |
233 | Willer, G. | 1935 | Harmonize Lodge member/Trustee |
236 | Willer, Henry | 1895 | Charter Member/Plattdeutsche Gilde Germ. #37 |
235 | Willer, Louise | 1935 | BI Rebekah Ldg. 300/Recording Sec. |
365 | Willer, Mr. & Mrs. George | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
228 | Willer, Mrs. George | 1928 | BI Council of Parents & Teachers/Vice Pres. |
206 | William, Fr. | 1895 | Built present day St. Benedict Church |
367 | William, Lois | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
323 | William, Ray | 1918 | Blue Island Honor Roll WW I/Navy |
206 | William, Rev. | 1865-1904 | Pastor/ St. Benedict Parish |
366 | Williams, Billie | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
367 | Williams, Billie | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
292 | Williams, C. O. | 1926 | 4/20/1926/Elected Alderman 7th Ward (1 yr.) |
295 | Williams, C. O. | 1927 | 4/19/1927 Elected Alderman 7th Ward |
300 | Williams, C. O. | 1929 | 4/22/1929 Elected Alderman 7th Ward |
304 | Williams, C. O. | 1935-1936 | Alderman 7th Ward |
313 | Williams, C. O. | 1929 | 5/6/1929 Alderman 7th Ward |
325 | Williams, C. O. | 1917 | Letter to Harry Slater 12/24/1917 |
325 | Williams, C. O. | 1917 | Co. B, 13th Engineer Ry., U. S. Army A. E. F. |
338 | Williams, C. O. | NR | Photo/Alderman Seventh Ward |
341 | Williams, C. O. | 1933 | 4/24/1933 Elected Alderman 7th Ward |
349 | Williams, C. O. | NR | Photo/Alderman |
350 | Williams, C. O. | 1926 | 1926/Alderman 7th Ward |
350 | Williams, C. O. | 1927 | 1927/Alderman 7th Ward |
350 | Williams, C. O. | 1928 | 1928/Alderman 7th Ward |
350 | Williams, C. O. | 1929 | 1929/Alderman 7th Ward |
350 | Williams, C. O. | 1930 | 1930/Alderman 7th Ward |
359 | Williams, C. O. | 1935 | BI Centennial Asso./Baby Parade Committee |
323 | Williams, Clarence O. | 1918 | Blue Island Honor Roll WW I/Engineer. Corps |
326 | Williams, Clarence O. | 1917 | Co. B, 13th Railway Engineer, Rock Island Rail |
338 | Williams, Clarence O. | 1931 | 4/27/1931 Elected Alderman 7th Ward |
345 | Williams, Clarence O. | 1935 | 4/16/1935 Elected Alderman 7th Ward |
350 | Williams, Clarence O. | 1931 | 1931/Alderman 7th Ward |
350 | Williams, Clarence O. | 1932 | 1932/Alderman 7th Ward |
350 | Williams, Clarence O. | 1933 | 1933/Alderman 7th Ward |
350 | Williams, Clarence O. | 1934 | 1934/Alderman 7th Ward |
350 | Williams, Clarence O. | 1935 | 1935/Alderman 7th Ward |
239 | Williams, Fern | 1935 | Ladies Aux. BRT, Royal Neigh. Ldg 97/Pres. |
203 | Williams, John | 1915-1916 | Pastor/M. E. Church/1915-1916/Traveler |
239 | Williams, L. V. | 1935 | W. S. Tinsman Div. 815 BLA/Trustee |
366 | Williams, Lois | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
240 | Williams, Mary E. | 1893 | BI West Review #2,WBA/Charter Member |
209 | Williams, R. W. | 1923 | Charter Mem./Evangelical Comm. Ch./12/1923 |
213 | Williams, Rev. M. B. | 1923 | 11/25/1923/In charge of St. Aidan's Episc. Ch. |
213 | Williams, Rev. M. B. | 1924 | Ordained 6/15/1924 |
213 | Williams, Rev. M. B. | 1924 | Also in charge of the Ch. of the Incarnation |
213 | Williams, Rev. M. B. | 1927 | Resigned 5/1927 |
366 | Williams, Vera | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
367 | Williams, Vera | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
52 | Williams, Walter | 1851 | Shoemaker |
382 | Willig, John | 1931 | Died 11/30/1931/Age 92/by drowning |
201 | Willing, Rev. Mrs. J. F. | 1874 | Conducted Dedication of M. E. Church |
201 | Willing, Rev. W. C. | 1874 | Conducted Dedication of M. E. Church |
366 | Willis, Lucille | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
356 | Wilson, J. M. | 1935 | Scoutmaster Troop # 728 |
367 | Wilson, James | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
323 | Wilson, Lee O. | 1918 | Blue Island Honor Roll WW I/Engineer. Corps |
364 | Wilson, Leona | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
367 | Wilson, Margaret | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
367 | Wilson, Margaret | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
282 | Wilson, Phil | 1933 | aka Mr. Nolan/accused in Hackett kidnapping |
193 | Wilson, S. M. | NR | Proprietor of Blue Island Lumber Co. |
223 | Wilson, S. M. | 1931-1932 | BI Lions Club/Pres/1931-1932 |
224 | Wilson, S. M. | 1935 | Member BI Lions Club 12/15/1935 |
246 | Wilson, S. M. | 1927 | Board of Directors/BI Winsett Finance Co. |
246 | Wilson, S. M. | 1932 | BI Winsett Finance Co./Board of Directors |
246 | Wilson, S. M. | 1932 | BI Winsett Finance Co./1st Vice Pres. |
113 | Wilson, Sarah | 1847 | Married Walter P. Roche 1847/Native of IN |
113 | Wilson, Sarah | NR | Step-daugh. Of Absolom Funk-Funk's Grove, IL |
57 | Wilson, Sheriff | 1857 | Sheriff at time of first murder in BI |
367 | Wilson, Thomas | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
213 | Wilson, W. G. | 1935 | Executive committee of St. Aidan's Epis. Ch. |
288 | Wilson, William (Billy) | 1910 | Congressman/Promised appropriation for PO |
288 | Wilson, William (Billy) | 1912 | Defeated for reelection by George Gorman |
38 | Wilson, Z. | 1838 | First Death Reported in Village of Blue Island |
22 | Wilson, Zachary | 1838 | Settler |
70 | Wilson, Zachary | 1839 | Died 1839/Buried on top of Hill |
354 | Winburne, George | 1918 | Robbins incorporates/Elected Trustee |
58 | Winchell, M. | 1850 | Commission to divide Cook County townships |
118 | Wingate, Albert | 1836 | Native of Maine/ Arriv 1836 |
118 | Wingate, Albert | 1836 | Married Phoebe Mitchell |
118 | Wingate, Alice | NR | Child of Phoebe Mitchell & Albert Wingate |
118 | Wingate, Alice | NR | Married Nelson E. Trumbull/Had Four Children |
118 | Wingate, Elizabeth | NR | Child of Phoebe Mitchell & Albert Wingate |
118 | Wingate, Elizabeth | NR | Died in her teens |
118 | Wingate, Levi | NR | Child of Phoebe Mitchell & Albert Wingate |
118 | Wingate, Levi | NR | Married Lydia Rinkenburger/Had four children |
240 | Wingate, Lydia W. | 1893 | BI West Review #2,WBA/Charter Member |
105 | Wingate, Mary | 1867 | Wed John M. Green, 10/23/1867/Parent of 13 |
105 | Wingate, Mary | NR | Child of Albert Wingate of Lane's Island |
105 | Wingate, Mary | 1932 | Died July 1932 |
118 | Wingate, Mary | NR | Child of Phoebe Mitchell & Albert Wingate |
118 | Wingate, Mary | NR | Married John M. Green /Had Thirteen Children |
201 | Wingate, Mr. | 1873 | Charter Mem./BI Methodist Episcopal Church |
271-274 | Winkler, F. | 1896 | Harness shop destroyed by fire |
382 | Winnie, Mrs. Walter | 1929 | Died 1/16/1929/Age 75 |
367 | Winterfeldt, Irene | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
365 | Winterfeldt, Mr. & Mrs. F. J. | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
365 | Winterfeldt, Mrs. F. | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
382 | Winterfeldt, Mrs. Matilda | 1930 | Died 4/17/1930/Age 73 |
235 | Winters, Myra | 1935 | Amer. Legion Ladies Auxill./Jr. Past Pres. |
203 | Wirshing, S. H. | 1899-1901 | Pastor/M. E. Church/10/1899-1901 |
203 | Wirshing, S. H. | NR | Militant member of Anti-Saloon League-Chgo. |
293 | Wirts, F. S. | 1926 | Appointed Member of Library Board |
216 | Wirtz, Louis | 1897 | Secretary of the Township H. S. Board of Ed. |
323 | Withers, Harry | 1918 | Blue Island Honor Roll WW I/Navy |
232 | Witherspoon, Clifford | 1935 | Member Board of Playground & Parks Comm. |
345 | Witherspoon, Clifford | 1935 | 5/27/1935 Apptd. to Plygrd. & Rec. Board |
241 | Witherspoon, Mabel | 1936 | Sunshine Camp # 3761, RNA/Endurance |
239 | Witherspoon, Mable | 1935 | Ladies Auxiliary BLE # 40/Flag Bearer |
292 | Witherspoon, Martha | 1926 | Sued City for $25,000 personal damage suit |
345 | Witherspoon, Robert L. | 1935 | 4/16/1935 Ran for Alderman 7th Ward |
329 | Witt, Albert | NR | Died after war from injury/exposure in service |
365 | Witt, Bill | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
194 | Witt, Christ | NR | Prominent role in Brickmakers Loc. # 3 |
367 | Witt, Elmer | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
238 | Witt, Gertrude | 1915 | Justice Lodge # 1243 F. L. A./Charter Member |
382 | Witt, Henry C. | 1925 | Died 3/17/1925/Age 59 |
382 | Witt, Julius | 1914 | Died 8/7/1914/Age 54 |
223 | Witt, Matt C. | NR | Member BI Lions Club |
382 | Witt, Mrs. Emma | 1920 | Died 1/27/1920/Age 42 |
382 | Witt, Mrs. Frederick | 1928 | Died 6/12/1928/Age 63 |
382 | Witt, Mrs. Rose Elizabeth | 1929 | Died 4/7/1929/Wife of Matt |
238 | Witt, William | 1915 | Justice Lodge # 1243 F. L. A./Charter Member |
331 | Witt, William | NR | Ward Captain 1st Liberty Loan Drive/3rd Ward |
382 | Witt, William | 1928 | Died 1/25/1928/Age 82 |
238 | Witt, Wm. H. | 1915 | Justice Lodge # 1243 F. L. A./Supreme Master |
358 | Witte, Mrs. Tessie | 1935 | BI Resident 55 yrs. |
333 | Witte, Walter | 1935-1936 | American Legion Post # 50/Sergeant-atarms |
366 | Witte, Walter | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
367 | Witte, Walter | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
382 | Witzke, Mrs. Johanna | 1923 | Died 2/15/1923 |
176 | Wizbanski, Frank | 1915 | Appointed Patrolman |
382 | Wizbanski, Frank | 1934 | Died 9/9/1934/Age 49/Former Police officer |
382 | Wodrich, Carl | 1934 | Died 5/1/1934/Age 89 |
382 | Wodrich, Mrs. August | 1928 | Died 3/6/1928/Age 49 |
382 | Wodrich, Mrs. Wilhelmina | 1928 | Died 4/22/1928/Age 67 |
109 | Wodrig, Mary | NR | Married Valentine Kriegsman |
382 | Wolf Paul | 1928 | Died 2/18/1928/Age 43 |
108 | Wolf, Joachim | NR | Married Mary Knirsch |
264 | Wolf, John | 1879 | 9/4/1879 Organized Fire Co. |
264 | Wolf, John | 1879 | Committee to petition Village for fire hose |
382 | Wolf, Martin | 1931 | Died 10/9/1931/Age 58 |
382 | Wolf, Mrs. Charles H. | 1927 | Died 8/7/1927/Age 34/nee Bihr |
106 | Wolf, The Widow | NR | Married John Hofeld |
177-178 | Wolff, Alderman | 1916-17 | Disputed bid by Seagrave and LaFrance |
180 | Wolff, Alderman John | 1918 | Died 1918 |
60 | Wolff, H. | 1857 | Member of the Liederkranz |
238 | Wolff, Henry | 1915 | Justice Lodge # 1243 F. L. A./Charter Member |
338 | Wolff, John | 1931 | Appointed to Civil Service Board |
347 | Wolff, John | 1909 | 1909/Alderman 3rd Ward |
347 | Wolff, John | 1910 | 1910/Alderman 3rd Ward |
347 | Wolff, John | 1911 | 1911/Alderman 3rd Ward |
347 | Wolff, John | 1912 | 1912/Alderman 3rd Ward |
347 | Wolff, John | 1913 | 1913/Alderman 3rd Ward |
365 | Wolff, John | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
304 | Wolff, John A. | 1935-1936 | Playground Board member |
91 | Wolff, John W. | NR | Civil War |
118 | Wolff, John W. | 1870 | Native Stansburg, Alsace/Arriv. BI 1870 |
118 | Wolff, John W. | 1842-1919 | Born 1842/Died 1/9/1919 |
118 | Wolff, John W. | 1870 | Married in 1870/Cigar making business |
118 | Wolff, John W. | NR | City Council & Alderman for Third Ward |
168 | Wolff, John W. | 1911 | 4/18/1911, Elected Alderman 3rd Ward |
172 | Wolff, John W. | 1913 | 4/15/1913 Elected Alderman 4th Ward |
174 | Wolff, John W. | 1914 | 4/15/1915 Elected Alderman 3rd Ward |
179 | Wolff, John W. | 1918 | 4/22/1918 Elected Alderman 2nd Ward |
192 | Wolff, John W. | 1870-80 | Engaged in the cigar making business |
192 | Wolff, John W. | 1919 | Died 1/19/1919/Aldermn. 3rd Ward 1906-16 |
192 | Wolff, John W. | NR | Stepfather of William Schultz |
192 | Wolff, John W. | 1881 | Photo in front of the Cigar Factory |
234 | Wolff, John W. | 1874 | Charter Member Lodge # 716 A. F. & A. M. |
348 | Wolff, John W. | 1914 | 1914/Alderman 3rd Ward |
348 | Wolff, John W. | 1915 | 1915/Alderman 3rd Ward |
348 | Wolff, John W. | 1916 | 1916/Alderman 3rd Ward |
348 | Wolff, John W. | 1918 | 1918/Alderman 3rd Ward |
382 | Wolff, John W. | 1919 | Died 1/9/1919/Age 77/ |
382 | Wolff, John W. | NR | Civil War Vet/Alderman 3rd Ward |
225 | Wolff, Mrs. Ada B. | 1922 | Pres./BI Women's Club/1922 |
52 | Wolfinger, John | 1854 | Blacksmith |
54 | Wolfinger, John | NR | Marketed mineral water |
382 | Wolfram, Adam Sr. | 1935 | Died 4/30/1935/Age 56 |
382 | Wollenzien, Fred | 1932 | Died 3/6/1932/Age 80 |
364 | Wolshon, Julia | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
328 | Wolshon, Leo | NR | Memorial Inscription WWI |
329 | Wolshon, Leo | NR | Died after war from injury/exposure in service |
192 | Wolters, Herman | 1933 | Bought Cigar business from F. Koenecke |
382 | Wolters, Mrs. Herman | 1933 | Died 1/5/1933/Age 54 |
67 | Wolz, John | 1886 | Vice Pres. Concordia Ternverein |
382 | Wolz, Margaret | 1918 | Died 9/12/1918/Age 83/Wife of John |
115 | Wolz, Minnie | NR | Married Herman Schuemann |
236 | Women's Relief Corp. # 315 | 1889 | Organized 8/1889 |
382 | Wood, :Mrs. Mary A. | 1922 | Died 5/24/1922/Age 73 |
239 | Wood, Mrs. | 1909 | Ladies Auxiliary BLE # 40/Charter member |
164 | Woodruff, J. B. | 1901 | Requested 50 yr. Franchise for Gas Works |
328 | Woods, Homer | NR | Memorial Inscription WWI |
329 | Woods, Homer | 1918 | Died US Naval Hospital 10/10/1918 |
329 | Woods, Homer | 1918 | Died of Bronchial Pneumonia |
329 | Woods, Homer | 1918 | Buried Mr. Hope Cemetery 10/15/1918 |
323 | Woods, Homer J. | 1918 | Blue Island Honor Roll WW I/Navy |
382 | Woods, Mrs. J. M. | 1931 | Died 3/4/1931/Age 66 |
331 | Woodward, O. A. | NR | Committeeman/5th Liberty Loan Drive |
214 | Wooton, Rev. Wm S. | 1890's | Formerly Pastor in Des Moines, IA |
214 | Wooton, Rev. Wm S. | 1890's | Preacher in charge, Society of Friends |
382 | Wordelman, Rudolph | 1928 | Died 12/24/1928/Age 48 |
366 | Wordelman, W. | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
257 | Worden, Paul | 1909 | Editor, Blue Island News |
364 | Wordleman, Maybelle | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
76 | Worth, William J. | NR | Namesake Town -Worth/Soldier War of 1812 |
382 | Wrede, Mrs. Bertha | 1935 | Died 9/11/1935/Age 69 |
241 | Wright, Anna | 1936 | Sunshine Camp # 3761, RNA/Manager |
34 | Wright, Benjamin | NR | Engineer on Calumet Feeder Canal |
367 | Wright, Donald | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
292 | Wright, Dr. Herbert L. | 1926 | State B. of Health/vol. deputy Health Officer |
238 | Wright, Hattie | 1936 | Order of Eastern Star # 789/Secretary |
194 | Wright, J. H. | NR | First Officers of Local No. #3/Treasurer |
194 | Wright, J. H. | 1898 | Int'l Brick, Tile T. Cotta Wrkrs/Treasurer |
382 | Wright, James A. | 1933 | Died 11/26/1933/Age 51 |
359 | Wright, Mrs. Howard | 1935 | BI Centennial Asso./Baby Parade Committee |
364 | Wright, Pat | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
112 | Wright, Wallace | NR | Married Anna Neibert |
118 | Wuest, Bertha | NR | Child of Samuel Wuest |
118 | Wuest, Bertha | NR | Married Emil Kretch |
118 | Wuest, Frank | NR | Child of Samuel Wuest |
118 | Wuest, Frank | NR | Married Berthena Bushnell |
130 | Wuest, Frank | 1881 | Publish Annual Report in The Standard News |
302 | Wuest, Frank | NR | Proprietor of the "Standard" in 1880 |
118 | Wuest, J. A. | NR | Child of Samuel Wuest |
118 | Wuest, J. A. | NR | Married Caroline Vogt |
135 | Wuest, J. A. | 1890 | 6/2/1890, appointed Asst. to the Vill. Clerk |
31 | Wuest, J. Albert | 1856 | First German Settlers |
118 | Wuest, Lydia | NR | Child of Samuel Wuest |
118 | Wuest, Lydia | NR | Married Emil Guenther |
118 | Wuest, Martha | NR | Child of Samuel Wuest |
118 | Wuest, Martha | NR | Married John Kretch |
113 | Wuest, Minnie | NR | Child of Samuel Wuest |
113 | Wuest, Minnie | NR | Married Jacob Frederick Rehm, 3/2/1882 |
251-252 | Wuest, S. F. | 1880 | Bought Standard Herald from Gardner |
118 | Wuest, S. Frank | NR | Publisher of The (BI) Standard newspaper |
27 | Wuest, Samuel | 1857 | Opened private German School/Grove Street |
118 | Wuest, Samuel | 1855 | Native of Switzerland/Arriv BI 1855 |
118 | Wuest, Samuel | NR | Opened Private School/Life Insurance Business |
118 | Wuest, Samuel F. | NR | Child of Samuel Wuest |
118 | Wuest, Winnie | NR | Child of Samuel Wuest |
118 | Wuest, Winnie | NR | Married Jacob Rehm |
91 | Wuetig, Charles | NR | Civil War/Co. G, 2nd Reg. IL Vol Light Artil. |
91 | Wuetig, Charles | NR | Served under Gen. A. J. Smith |
91 | Wuetig, Charles | NR | Civil War/Several Campaigns |
118 | Wuetig, Charles | NR | Child of Henry Wuetig |
118 | Wuetig, Charles | NR | Married Margaret Vogel |
382 | Wuetig, Charles, W. | 1933 | Died 1/7/1933/Age 85/Civil War Vet |
118 | Wuetig, Christian | NR | Child of Henry Wuetig |
52 | Wuetig, Fred | 1852 | Carpenter |
118 | Wuetig, Fred | NR | Child of Henry Wuetig |
118 | Wuetig, Fred | NR | Married Babett Zorn |
382 | Wuetig, Fred | 1935 | Died 8/10/1935/Age 46 |
118 | Wuetig, Henry | 1851 | Native of Waldeck, Germany |
118 | Wuetig, Henry | 1851 | Arriv. BI 1851/Carpenter |
358 | Wuetig, Margaret | 1935 | BI Resident 50 yrs. |
326 | Wyant, Albert | 1917 | Co. B, 13th Railway Engineer, Rock Island Rail |
329 | Wyant, Albert | NR | Died after war from injury/exposure in service |
382 | Wyant, Albert G. | 1921 | Died 6/16/1921/Age 38/Civil War Vet/RI Cond. |
323 | Wyant, Bert | 1918 | Blue Island Honor Roll WW I/Engineer. Corps |
328 | Wykoff, Walter | NR | Memorial Inscription WWI |
329 | Wykoff, Walter | NR | Buried Arlington National Cemetery |
206 | Xaxier, Rev. | 1865-1904 | Pastor/ St. Benedict Parish |
317 | Yarrow, Philip | 1930 | Supt. Of Illinois Vigilance Asso. |
203 | Youker, J. C. | 1906-1909 | Pastor/M. E. Church/1906-1909 |
203 | Youker, J. C. | NR | Founder & Builder of Garfield Park M. E. St. |
203 | Youker, J. C. | NR | Founder John's M. E., Granville Ave. |
203 | Youker, J. C. | NR | Founder Chicago & Euclid Av. M. E. |
203 | Youker, J. C. | NR | Founder Euclid Ave. M. E. & Cuyler Av. M. E. |
203 | Youker, J. C. | NR | Expert court reporter & editor of numerous publications |
29 | Young Family | 1850's | Early Settlement Arrivals |
43 | Young, Brothers | NR | Owner of Boat "Calumet Traders" |
229 | Young, C. S. | 1891 | Blue Island Library Asso./Director |
244 | Young, C.D. | 1890 | Incorporator/Calumet State Bank |
119 | Young, Charles | NR | Child of Joshua P. Young and his First Wife |
119 | Young, Charles | NR | Married Jennie Alexander |
229 | Young, Charles | 1891 | Blue Island Library Asso./Pres. |
119 | Young, Chauncy | NR | Died in his youth |
119 | Young, Chauncy | NR | Child of Joshua Young & Minerva P. Brayton |
42 | Young, Elisha | 1836-50 | Built Trading Store at Thorton/CA Gold Rush |
119 | Young, Frank O. | NR | Child of Joshua P. Young and his First Wife |
119 | Young, Frank O. | NR | Married Alice Eames |
244 | Young, Frank O. | 1890 | Incorporator/Calumet State Bank |
382 | Young, Frank O. | 1924 | Died 3/10/1924/Age 70 |
22 | Young, J. P. | NR | Second Owner of American House |
125 | Young, J. P. | 1872 | Petitioner for Plank Sidewalk |
126 | Young, J. P. | 1879 | Pres. Of Vill. Board |
157 | Young, J. P. | NR | Officer-Sec./ Grand Trunk Railway System |
213 | Young, J. P. | 1865 | Sold lot to H H. Massey for Universalist Ch. |
165 | Young, J. P. | 1902 | 8/11/1902, Sold property to City for Pub. Library. |
30 | Young, Joshua P. | 1856 | /Trustee 1872 |
30 | Young, Joshua P. | 1856 | Settler/Sweden/Platted Harvey |
67 | Young, Joshua P. | NR | Photo/Village President in the early years |
100 | Young, Joshua P. | NR | Married Minerva P. Brayton |
118 | Young, Joshua P. | 1854 | Native of NY/Arriv. BI 1854 |
118 | Young, Joshua P. | NR | Married Louise Spencer |
118 | Young, Joshua P. | NR | Brother-in-law of Hardin B. Brayton |
118 | Young, Joshua P. | NR | Deacon in Congreg./Village Trustee |
118 | Young, Joshua P. | NR | Pres. Village Board |
118 | Young, Joshua P. | NR | Married Twice |
118 | Young, Joshua P. | NR | Married 2nd to Minerva P. Brayton |
119 | Young, Joshua P. | 1889 | Died 5/26/1889 |
143 | Young, Joshua P. | 1878-1879 | Trustee-President |
143 | Young, Joshua P. | 1879-1880 | Trustee-President |
365 | Young, Maybelle | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
196 | Young, Miss Edith | NR | First Chief Telephone Operator |
203 | Young, Mr. & Mrs. J. P | 1860 | Signed Articles of Faith/Congregational Faith |
224 | Young, Mrs. Alice E. | 1906-1907 | Pres./BI Women's Club/1906-1907 |
224 | Young, Mrs. Charles | 1890's | Charter Member BI Women's Club/ |
224 | Young, Mrs. Frank | 1890's | Charter Member BI Women's Club/ |
382 | Young, Mrs. Paulina Gross | 1930 | Died 5/6/1930/Age 82 |
42 | Young, William | 1836-50 | Built Trading Store at Thorton/CA Gold Rush |
207 | Youngdahl, Rev. George | 1889 | Present at Organization meeting Swed. Luther. |
207 | Youngdahl, Rev. George | 1889 | Pastor of Bethlehem Church, Englewood |
119 | Zacharias, Alvina | NR | Child of Fred. Zacharias & Christina Schippel |
119 | Zacharias, Alvina | NR | Married Adam Andres |
119 | Zacharias, Emelie | NR | Child of Fred. Zacharias & Christina Schippel |
119 | Zacharias, Emelie | NR | Married Peter Hansen |
245 | Zacharias, Fred L. | 1935 | 1st National Bank of BI/Cashier |
245 | Zacharias, Fred L. | 1935 | 1st National Bank of BI/Director |
223 | Zacharias, Fred L. | NR | Member BI Lions Club |
59 | Zacharias, Frederick | 1870's | Bought Seward Hall |
119 | Zacharias, Frederick | 1851 | Native of Saxe-Weimar, Ger. |
119 | Zacharias, Frederick | 1851 | Arriv. Amer. 1851 |
119 | Zacharias, Frederick | 1871 | Arriv. BI 1871 |
119 | Zacharias, Frederick | NR | Flour & Feed Busin./Town Supervisor of Worth |
119 | Zacharias, Frederick | 1894 | Died 1/1/1894 at nearly 70 yrs. |
119 | Zacharias, Frederick | NR | Married Christina Schippel |
119 | Zacharias, Fredericka | NR | Child of Fred. Zacharias & Christina Schippel |
119 | Zacharias, Fredericka | NR | Married Ferdinand Schroeder |
119 | Zacharias, Ida | NR | Child of Fred. Zacharias & Christina Schippel |
119 | Zacharias, Ida | NR | Married Oscar Hedrich |
216 | Zacharias, J. L. | 1897 | President of the Township H. S. Board of Ed. |
271-274 | Zacharias, J. L. | 1896 | Flour & Feed store destroyed by fire |
110 | Zacharias, John L | NR | Married Louise Luchtemeyer |
100 | Zacharias, John L. | NR | Founder of Commercial Bank of BI |
119 | Zacharias, John L. | NR | Child of Frederick Zacharias |
119 | Zacharias, John L. | NR | Child of Fred. Zacharias & Christina Schippel |
119 | Zacharias, John L. | NR | Married Louise Luchtemeyer |
144 | Zacharias, John L. | 1894-1895 | President of the Board |
144 | Zacharias, John L. | 1895-1896 | President of the Board |
144 | Zacharias, John L. | 1896-1897 | President of the Board |
163 | Zacharias, John L. | 1901 | 1st Election/Elected Mayor/735 Votes |
164 | Zacharias, John L. | 1901 | Mayor |
165 | Zacharias, John L. | 1903 | 4/21/1903 Elected Mayor |
242 | Zacharias, John L. | 1855 | Erected BI Opera House |
243 | Zacharias, John L. | 1923 | Owner of Grand Theater at time of fire |
244 | Zacharias, John L. | 1887 | Incorporator of BI Savings & Loan/Director |
244 | Zacharias, John L. | 1896 | Founder of Zacharias, Bourke & Co. Priv. Bank |
245 | Zacharias, John L. | 1905-1928 | President Commercial Bank of Blue Island |
245 | Zacharias, John L. | 1928 | Chairman of Board, 1st National Bank of BI |
245 | Zacharias, John L. | 1934 | Died 12/3/1934 |
305 | Zacharias, John L. | 1894-1895 | Photo/1st Mayor of BI/Pres. Board of Trustees |
305 | Zacharias, John L. | 1934 | Died 12/3/1934 |
229 | Zacharias, John L. | 1901 | Mayor/Appointed Library Board |
331 | Zacharias, John L. | NR | Committeeman/4th Liberty Loan Drive |
344 | Zacharias, John L. | 1934 | Died 1934 |
347 | Zacharias, John L. | 1901 | 1901/Mayor |
347 | Zacharias, John L. | 1902 | 1902/Mayor |
347 | Zacharias, John L. | 1903 | 1903/Mayor |
347 | Zacharias, John L. | 1904 | 1904/Mayor |
321-322 | Zacharias, John L. | 1917 | Draft Board # 7 Chairman |
321-322 | Zacharias, John L. | 1918 | Resigned from Draft Board because of illness |
382 | Zacharias, John L. | 1934 | Died 12/3/1934/Age 72/ |
382 | Zacharias, John L. | NR | Founder-Pres. 1st Nat'l Bank of BI |
382 | Zacharias, John L. | NR | 3 term Pres of Village Board/1st Mayor of BI |
245 | Zacharias, John L. (Jr. ) | 1935 | 1st National Bank of BI/Asst. Cashier |
245 | Zacharias, John L. (Jr. ) | 1935 | 1st National Bank of BI/Director |
234 | Zacharias, John L. (Sr.) | 1916 | Charter Member Ldg 1331/B. P. O. O. Elks |
119 | Zacharias, Mathilda | NR | Child of Fred. Zacharias & Christina Schippel |
119 | Zacharias, Mathilda | NR | Married Henry Bruggemeyer |
119 | Zacharias, Paulina | NR | Child of Fred. Zacharias & Christina Schippel |
119 | Zacharias, Paulina | NR | Married August Fehsel |
119 | Zacher, August | 1853 | From Erfurt, Saxony, Ger. |
119 | Zacher, August | 1853 | Arriv. BI 1853/Linen Weaver |
119 | Zacher, August | 1855 | Arriv. BI 1855/Married Ernestine Habermaltz |
119 | Zacher, August | 1883 | Died 4/23/1883/Buried BI Cemetery |
257 | Zacher, August | NR | Brother of Christian Zacher |
334 | Zacher, August | 1918 | Accused of being Pro-German |
382 | Zacher, August R. | 1930 | Died 9/22/1930/Age 64/Constable/JOP/ |
143 | Zacher, Christian | 1879-1880 | Street Supt. |
126 | Zacher, Christian | 1879 | Appointed Supt. Of Streets |
240 | Zacher, Christian | 1882 | Independent Order of Foresters/Charter Memb. |
257 | Zacher, Christian | NR | Bro. of August Zacher/Published The Crucible |
119 | Zacher, Christian G. | NR | Child of Aug. Zacher & Ernestine Habermaltz |
119 | Zacher, Christian G. | 1864 | Married Elizabeth Stoll, 6/11/1864 |
382 | Zacher, Christian P. | 1935 | Died 7/21/1935/Age 65/Son of pioneer settlers |
367 | Zacher, Harold | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
382 | Zacher, Irving C. | 1931 | Died 9/16/1931/Age 35 |
246 | Zacher, R. V. | 1927 | Board of Directors/BI Winsett Finance Co. |
246 | Zacher, R. V. | 1932 | BI Winsett Finance Co./Board of Directors |
235 | Zacher, Wilma | 1935 | American Legion Ladies Auxiliary/Record. Sec. |
365 | Zahniser, Mr. & Mrs. | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
240 | Zahniser, Mrs. Roscoe | 1935 | Ladies Aux. NALC # 453/President |
233 | Zahniser, R. | 1935 | Harmonize Lodge member/Trustee |
289 | Zahniser, R. C. | 1932 | Took Government Post Office Exam |
104 | Zander, Augusta | NR | Married Henry Frentz |
382 | Zapel, Charles | 1935 | Died 10/9/1935/Age 80 |
364 | Zarhora, Joe | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
345 | Zavadil, A. G. | 1935 | 4/16/1935 Ran for Alderman 6th Ward |
341 | Zavadil, August | 1933 | 4/24/1933 Elected Alderman 6th Ward |
350 | Zavadil, August G. | 1933 | 1933/Alderman 6th Ward |
350 | Zavadil, August G. | 1934 | 1934/Alderman 6th Ward |
382 | Zeimet, Mrs. Susanna | 1922 | Died 11/27/1922/Age 62/Wife of Matt |
358 | Zeiter, John | 1935 | BI Resident 46 yrs. |
382 | Ziebell, Mrs. Marie | 1935 | Died 7/7/1935/Age 64 |
309 | Zielinski, John | 1935-1936 | Photo/Patrolman |
382 | Zielinski, Joseph | 1931 | Died 12 14/1931/Age 80 |
382 | Zielinski, Maryanna | 1930 | Died 3/16/1930/Age 59 |
382 | Zielinski, Stanley | 1928 | Died 4/3/1928/Age 24 |
282 | Zilinski, Mr. | 1925 | Sentenced 10 yrs-life in Joliet/Express Robbery |
119 | Zimmer, Conrad | NR | Child of Eberhard Zimmer & Elizabeth Dietz |
119 | Zimmer, Conrad | NR | Married Catherine Naegel |
119 | Zimmer, Eberhard | NR | Native of Villengen, Hesse Darmstadt, Ger. |
119 | Zimmer, Eberhard | 1850's | Arriv. BI 1850's |
119 | Zimmer, Eberhard | NR | Married Elizabeth Dietz |
119 | Zimmer, Eberhard | 1861 | Died 1861 |
119 | Zimmer, Elizabeth | NR | Child of Eberhard Zimmer & Elizabeth Dietz |
119 | Zimmer, Elizabeth | NR | Married Emil Scheibe |
107 | Zimmer, Henry | NR | Married Julia Klein |
119 | Zimmer, Henry | NR | Child of Eberhard Zimmer & Elizabeth Dietz |
119 | Zimmer, Henry | NR | Married Julia Ann Klein |
119 | Zimmer, Marie | NR | Child of Eberhard Zimmer & Elizabeth Dietz |
119 | Zimmer, Marie | NR | Married Fritz Hildebrand |
382 | Zimmer, Mrs. Ann | 1934 | Died 1/23/1934/Age 75 |
367 | Zimny, Bernard | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
63 | Zipfel, Karl | 1920's | Member of the Liederkranz |
366 | Zipfel, Karl | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
366 | Zipfel, Mrs. C. | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
239 | Zohfeld, Myrtle | 1935 | Ladies Aux. BRT, Royal Neigh. Ldg 97/Treas. |
118 | Zorn, Babett | NR | Sister of Philip Zorn/Married Fred Wuetig |
31 | Zorn, Philip | Late 1850's | First German Settlers |
47 | Zorn, Philip | 1855 | Mgr. Busch & Brandt Brewery |
60 | Zorn, Philip | 1857 | Member of the Liederkranz |
119 | Zorn, Philip | 1855 | Native of Wuerzburg, Bavaria, Ger. |
119 | Zorn, Philip | 1855 | Arriv. BI 1855 |
119 | Zorn, Philip | NR | Mgr. Busch-Brand Brewery |
119 | Zorn, Philip | NR | Moved to Michigan City, IN |
119 | Zorn, Philip | NR | Member BI Liederkranz |
Compiled then contributed May 2000 by Carolyn O’Brien